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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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people coming into our country and we have no idea who they are. katya, it seems that opposition to the border agreement, which was almost reached in the senate, is growing in the house of representatives. over the weekend , speaker johnson said biden insisted no bill was needed at all to stop the border crisis. what exactly is the speaker's criticism? in general , it seems that... as with many other issues recently, we have seen a crisis within the republican party and a division within the republican party. party between far-right republicans, who believe it's all or nothing and who very often support donald trump's position on the issue, and between more moderate republicans, who say a better deal can't be found right now. and so, in particular, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, this weekend, in particular , noted how you correctly said what you said.
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you don't even need additional powers and an additional bill to stop the crisis at the border, and what they say is the agreement that is now reached the senate, does not include at all the measures he expects, which would immediately close the border. in turn, the president of the united states of america looks like he is ready to take more critical steps to close the border, and he, in particular this weekend, noted that if this bill were already ready, he would close the border right now about... listen: if this bill were a law today, i would close our border right now and fix the situation quickly. a bipartisan bill will be good for america and help fix our broken immigration system while allowing expedited processing for those who deserve to be here. and congress must complete this work. katya in the pentagon emphasizes. that
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they have no other sources of funding, except for the package that is stuck in congress. what are the current prospects for continued aid to ukraine? it seems that aid to ukraine is currently blocked within the complicated migration issues of the united states of america and in general politics on the capitoline hill, because what it looks like now is to agree to aid to ukraine, not having agreed on the border issue, there is no possibility. there is no principle and plan of action to separate aid to ukraine, israel, and other partners, although there is a lot of talk about it now on the capitalist hill to separate aid to ukraine. but one way or another, there is a single fact that cannot be disputed, that a lot of time has already been lost, and it is not known how long this agreement will last, the border issue will continue and whether the legislators will be able to provide aid to ukraine separately, if in the end... the
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border issue will be blocked. thank you katya for yours work, our congress correspondent kateryna lisunova was in direct contact with us from the capitol. american inspectors arrived in kyiv to oversee the use of us aid to ukraine. last year , a number of lawmakers in the republican party stated that they consider the oversight of american aid to ukraine to be insufficient. in particular, committees from abroad. affairs of the house of representatives of the us congress adopted a draft resolution that requires the administration of us president joe biden to submit reports on the funds allocated by congress to ukraine from 20 january 2021 to february 24, 2023. the pentagon reports that the agency has completed 20 audit and reporting projects and is currently conducting or planning 29 more such verification projects.
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responsibility appears for atila in the procurement system. the goal of the reform is to purchase, remove collective irresponsibility for purchases. arsen zhumadilov, the general director of the state operator tylu, told about this in the voice of america briefing program. according to him, today, compared to 2023, you can buy a quarter for every hryvnia more goods for rear needs. changes to the work model are now being implemented. with food suppliers in order to attract companies that work on the consumer goods market, and not firms specially created under contracts of the ministry of defense, - noted zhomadilov. procurement rules were not clearly established in the ministry, they did not understand who was responsible from hell for certain decisions, this responsibility was spread between several or even several structural units within the ministry of defense, which created. an illusion
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a kind of collective irresponsibility for the result. the reform that took place starting from the autumn of last year and the one that was embodied in life. in december of last year with the launch of our agency, it is precisely about the fact that responsibility appears in the system, that this lack of response, that this responsibility for purchases, namely from whom and how we purchase, is borne by the agency headed by me, the biggest challenge was the fact that we had very little time to launch and show the first results, because really, as you rightly said, we are in started working on december 1, already from january 1 we are responsible for re... purchases, in particular of fuel and lubricant materials for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and the purchase of material security of tangible property. there were some doubts about our ability, whether we would be able to conclude the contracts, whether we would be able to fulfill them in a timely manner so that there would be no interruption in the supply for the needs of the armed forces, on the one hand, and on
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the other hand, to do it in such a way that so that neither society nor state regulatory bodies have any questions about how we they did this, in the area of, for example , anti-corruption, legislation, and i want to say that as of today, less than two months have passed since we launched in full in our work, that we have completed these tasks, we have concluded about 50 contracts worth more than 8.1 billion hryvnias, while we saved 2.8 billion hryvnias, this is a saving from the targeted cost, which was brought to us by the ministry of defense. all these savings are used to purchase additional things that are needed for the armed forces of ukraine, that is, we can state today that every hryvnia, which allocated for the rear needs of the armed forces, today, compared to last year, brings a quarter more value than was planned.
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in the united states , the confrontation between the administration continues. president joe biden and the authorities of the state of texas, led by governor greg abbott, regarding the control of the section of the us-mexico border near the city of eagle pass. the governor of texas has restricted the federal border patrol's access to this section of the border and installed a barbed wire fence. earlier, the us supreme court confirmed the right of the federal government to remove a bar imposed by the state. abbott's position was supported by the authorities of 25 states where the governor. belongs to the republican party. oleksiy kovalenko will help us understand what is happening on the section of the american-mexico border near the city of eagle pass. greetings oleksiy. congratulations natalie. oleksiy, explain what is the essence of the situation that is currently happening on the border,
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and what is the conflict between the federal authorities and the leadership of the state of texas. natalia, here it is important to speak first generally about the border issue. last december, as we remember. approximately 300,000 migrants crossed the border between mexico and the united states of america, this is a record number, this is more than in previous months, this is more than in december of the previous year, and this is the issue , the issue of migration, the issue of illegal migration and the issue of crossing, illegal border crossing, it thus became one of the key issues in the political discourse in the usa, and one of the most important issues for americans themselves, according to sociological polls that were made public. week, 35% of americans believe that this is the most important issue in the united states, the issue of migration itself, and 31% believe that it is an issue of inflation, and actually the governor of the state of texas, abbott, using this argument, using the argument of protecting
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his state from illegal migration, decided to establish barbed wire on a certain section of the border near this city itself'. referred to in texas on the border with mexico eagle pass, originally it was about two 2.5 miles, that's about 4 km border, and actually the supreme court last monday allowed federal agents to remove this barbed wire and restore access to this section of the border, but it is a reversal of a lower court ruling prohibiting them from doing so, meaning it is not going away. about the ban on installing new barbed wire, and here it is worth noting that the issue of the border is a federal issue, as well as the issue of border patrol, the issue of border policy in general, is a federal issue, that is, we see such a certain intervention of abbott in issues that are mostly
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under federal control, and last week we also saw 25 republican governors endorse epodo's statements and endorse him. and it was abbott who said he would continue to install barbed wire, and now it's about 50 km of the border. oleksiy, the reaction in the information field to this situation is very stormy. some experts even use the term "civil war". texas governor abbott himself even calls the infiltration of immigrants an invasion. so please explain whether it is correct to compare the situation around the border with the civil one war or some kind of invasion and where does such a reaction come from in the information space? yes, in fact, we heard completely different statements , there were quite radical statements, like these comparisons that you talked about, but it is worth noting that it is not about... an invasion, and this is emphasized by a lot of experts, and we see
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that actually in the news field, this situation, it's been hyped up actually more than there is this problem, and we've seen that even in relation to, in relation to the supreme court decision, in fact, even abbott's statement now that he's going to continue to build barbed wire along the border do not violate the decision of the supreme court. and we've also seen calls from some democrats to federalize the national guard in texas, which is actually now putting up this barbed wire on the border under abbott's orders, but we haven't heard any statements from the white house on that, we haven't heard any statements about any drastic measures that will be to be accepted, there were certain, certain statements, certain comparisons, especially from the radical republicans there were certain comparisons with the civil war, the statements themselves. it was about intervention, about invasion in the united states
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, we also saw recently that literally 26 states' attorneys general announced their support in a letter to biden and to secretary of homeland security majorkas, they announced their support for abbott's statement that it was indeed an invasion, but we didn't hear some development of these events, again. we know the issue of the security of the southern border is directly related to the issue of additional funding for ukraine, which is stuck in the congress. how will this situation affect further assistance to ukraine? yes actually this issue, and this dispute, it can directly affect the issue of support for ukraine, because as we remember, the issue of additional funding for ukraine, for israel, for other partners of the usa in the innotocharikan region, it was tied to the issue for a long time. border, and last week we heard from the white house that some sort of deal was reached in the senate, and
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now it will be up to the house of representatives, but again, all of this rhetoric, as well as house speaker mike johnson's support for the governor in texas, may once again delay this process and negatively affect the voting period. thank you oleksiy for your explanations and the surrounding situation. oleksiy kovalenko helped us understand the section of the us-mexico border near the town of eagle pass and the essence of the dispute between the texas authorities and the federal leadership. us president joe biden said on sunday that the us would respond after three us service members were killed and dozens were injured in the us. drone night strike dock in northeast jordan near the syrian border. on
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sunday , us central command reported that at least 34 service members were injured, eight of whom were evacuated from jordan for further treatment. their condition is stable. the drone struck a logistics base known as tower 22. the base is located along the syrian border and is heavily used. by troops participating in an advise and assist mission to jordanian forces. how washington reacts, we will talk with our correspondent in the white house, yulia yarmolenko. congratulations yulia! congratulations natalya! yulia, how did official washington react to this attack and what might be the us response? today, the white house said that they do not want a war with iran, they do not want an escalation, but they will definitely respond appropriately. today, john kirby, a representative of the us national security council, confirmed that ... the attack on the us military is behind the militants, there is a group that is supported by iran, but he did not
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say from the podium what specific group is behind it. the day before, us president joe biden said that the united states will respond at a time and in a manner determined by washington. let's listen to his words. we had a rough day in the middle east last night. last night we lost. three brave soldiers during an attack on one of our bases, and i ask for a moment of silence, we will respond, may god bless you all, that this may... be for the response john kirby today at the white house briefing said no will publicly announce what options are being considered, what the response might be, but certainly the discussion of this is actively ongoing, just yesterday president biden gathered his national security team, here at the white house, today there was another meeting again, which ended just a few hours ago,
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the united states secretary of defense lloyd austin, also the head of american intelligence , was also present avril gaines, was an advisor: security jake salevan, among others. undoubtedly, the administration now faces a very difficult task, because the biden administration does not want to rush, but wants the answer to be powerful and the calculations to be accurate. yuli, if we talk about the context of what is happening, what are the current threats in this region, what is the possible development of the situation and how can president biden bypass these threats. natalia, this is definitely a very difficult situation, and president biden really... has to take into account all potential threats and the very first threat of a major regional war with his team. president biden is now facing a lot of, he's facing a lot of political pressure, particularly from republicans on capitol hill, some of whom are talking about things like james risch is an influential republican on capitol hill, he's saying that this attack was actually the result of the weak
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policies of biden, the biden administration, and so the response has to be strong, which it has... that's the response, republicans also disagree, but some of them, as senator lynsey graham said yesterday that we must strike iran and strike hard. today he is a little less, softened his rhetoric, he said that it is possible to strike iran's oil reserves, or iran's troops, or military infrastructure. but senators, democrats, like richard blumenthal, for example, he says that the strike should be powerful, but surgically precise and targeting groups that... iran itself supports, what do the experts say? experts say that the calculations must be very accurate, and a strike inside iran itself will most likely lead to a major conflict and the outbreak of this war. we know that president biden has said many times that he does not want the american military to be involved in any military conflict, so again experts say that if this
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strike comes, it will most likely be on the territory of iran, perhaps on... some places that are very important for iran, but not on the territory of the state itself, which we heard today from the white house, and what john kirby said when he was asked if president biden feels this incredible pressure to do something and do it immediately, he said that the biggest pressure that president biden is feeling right now is to protect the american military, which is throughout the territories of the whole world, and he said that it is very important to protect the military, which actually continues. the cause of those soldiers who died and were injured, and we know that they supported the cause of the fight against idols, so again, the biden administration takes this situation very seriously, they say that the response will be powerful, but they are not in a hurry to go to any quick steps that could lead to a serious, larger conflict. thank you yuli for your work, we
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will keep a close eye on this situation, with yulia yarmolenko was in direct contact with us from the white house. the european union is demanding an audit of the un agency to help palestinian refugees and will review decisions on its future funding. the day before , the un agency released several employees suspected of involvement in the hamas attack on israel on october 7. the un stated that they had terminated the employment agreements with the employees and if the suspicions are confirmed, they will be held accountable in court. suspension of funding to the un agency on friday. announced in the usa, i joined this decision a number of other countries, including canada, great britain and germany. israel welcomed the move. at the same time, the un itself is calling for a review of the decision, warning of the danger of starvation for the palestinians in gaza. details in the story of veronica balderes and glesias. narrated by iryna shinkarenko. calling for
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the release of the hostages, israeli protesters gathered again at the border crossing on sunday. shalom, temporarily blocking humanitarian aid for gaza. palestinians scrambled to get bags of flour as the un warned that some regions are threatened with famine. this amount is calculated for seven people. see how little it costs 50 shekels. that's about $13. in gaza, home to more than 2 million people, the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east would have to support about 2/3 of the population. however, now the organization is going through its own crisis. 12 of its employees are suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack by hamas on israel on october 7. the israeli intelligence dossier that prompted the series. countries to suspend funding of the agency contains evidence that a number of the organization's employees participated in the abductions and killings during the hamas attack, including teachers who, according to
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israel, were simultaneously working with hamas or islamic jihad. the palestinians, in turn , accuse israel of falsifying data to smear the agency. un secretary general antonio guterres confirmed on sunday that nine of the accused have been released, one has died, and the identities of the other two have been identified. usa, review the decision to stop funding the agency, but permanent representatives of the league of arab states held an emergency meeting in cairo on this issue. countries have a responsibility to continue funding the agency and avoid double standards, they should not show hasty reactions. the us state department, which is the largest donor to the un agency, announced the decision to suspend it. protest, at which he was asked
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to try to calm internal actions more for the return of hostages and called on the israeli leadership to resign. this only strengthens the demands of hamas, it only strengthens their demands and postpones the goal that we all strive for - the return of all hostages. meanwhile, on sunday, at the initiative of qatar , the united states and egypt held talks between israel and hamas on a possible new ceasefire and the release of hostages. israel called them constructive, but noted that significant gaps remain in the negotiations. meanwhile , the hamas-run gaza ministry of health announced that the civilian death toll in gaza had exceeded 26,000. iryna shinkarenko, veronika balderas and glesias. voice of america. download
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the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and also listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. with that, we will say goodbye, you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america, chas tym. also join our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook. you will be able to live there ask your questions to our presenters yulia yarmolenko and ostap yarysh. thank you for trusting the ukrainian voice of america service. i am natalia leonova. have a good night and a peaceful morning.
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there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on bronchi pred in psyllium pharmacies. 15% in pharmacies , plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two o'clock, to learn about the war. right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have a word for you, two hours to keep
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up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much elina chechenna for natalka didenko is ready to tell information about cultural news and presenters that have become familiar to many. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, who told us about the weather on the day of pride and predeshnya, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. a separate group of unmanned aerial systems sapsan. state special transport service. he appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request join the fundraising for drones and technical
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equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! see this week in the collaborators program. quick careers of sellers in the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions? the russian federation is helping as never before. but why the russians put ukrainian collaborators in a cage meets all standards. russian federation. on tuesday , january 30 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson, including. live,
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk about literature. during the war, about what we read, about how the war actualizes ukrainian classics, about who will write about this historical time in which we live, and we will talk a little about translation and literary awards, we will talk about all this with rostislav semkiv, my guest, rostislav semkiv is a literary critic, a teacher at the kyiv-molyan academy and the director of the smallskyp publishing house, congratulations rostislav.
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thank you for coming to us. so, i have to start, not with the good, but with the bad. and, a few days ago, a scandal with the maxim rylsky prize for 2023 literally erupted in ukrainian social networks. we learned that a few days ago the laureates were determined, and let me remind you, this is the oldest ukrainian translation... award and here you see the post the state committee of television and radio, which informs us that the winners of the rylsky award for the 23rd year have been determined, and the winners of this award, in particular, were dmytro drozdovskyi and andryu shepard, for the translation from ukrainian into english of the collection of works irpin my home, the authors which are children everything would be fine,
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but the public debate is that dmytro drozdovsky is a person who has been caught plagiarizing several times, it happened repeatedly, the academic community knows about it, and now dmytro rozdovsky is receiving the rylsky prize. moreover, bohdan stasiuk, another translator, wrote on facebook about who andrew shepard is, who together with drozdovsky receives the rylsky prize. and it turned out that, in addition to everything else, the translator andrew shepard is the editor of the east-west review, a journal of the british-russian, british-russian society. on the cover of the first issue for the past year of this edition, you can see a portrait of nikolai in tarov with children, on a fabergé egg and la'.


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