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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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it is necessary to preserve and rename the brand for its return, because tavria tavria is part of the greek project of catherine ii, who introduced it to change all the names of the occupied territories of southern ukraine and crimea, and tavria, tavride, tavria direction, tavria university, that then you know it, it's roughly like little russia, it 's of such and such an order, so the names, many people in power, in education , etc., don't think about it either, but you have to think about it. and others, for example, elementary language reform has not yet been carried out, elementary, i emphasize , this is no more than a week of work by specialists, with us all transliteration from the crimean language into the ukrainian language goes through the russian language, the most vivid, the most shameful example is the bagchi-saray, no bagchi-sarai exists, there is a bagcha, there is even a sound of ge, such as a common sound, ukrainian crimean, bagcha-saray, bagcha is... a garden, a barn is
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a palace, and for some reason it is still translated through the russian language into ukrainian, bashi barn, another such and such a household example, cheburek, cheburek is not from the word cheburashka , this translation the transliteration is completely out of the russian language, or berrek, or berk , berk is a pie, and chi is the sound when something is being fried, well, these two are just, i think, that we are leading to the point that, well, actually... all the discussions, all this work must be very systematic, and we really hope that this work will be carried out against the background of the kyiv-mohyla academy in a special center, but should we instead destroy the tavrya national university, of course , in terms of the quality of education, i am sure now entering many ukrainian universities, but maybe you could work on this, mrs. natalya, but, well, look, here, of course, you are looking at different indicators. specifically in this
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case, as we were talking about tavrizky, then i analyzed the situation that it should actually benefit the crimean studios, i would call them, or the crimean tatar studios, because all these things that you say, they are actually , well, if they were to take place, and about transliteration, i completely agree with you, and about the fact that in fact we do not know the basic things about the crimean tatars, but they should know that they are one of the indigenous, the main , in fact, after the ukrainians, the indigenous people of ukraine. accordingly, i agree with this, and in fact, if i were to say that it was not the kyiv-moholyan academy with a good scientific school and academics, then it would cause much more discussions, but there is support for majelis, and we must understand that now it is at the top of the world as a state, we spend 48 billion hryvnias of state procurement, 47 billion hryvnias on all universities combined, which is more than 200 universities and one billion clearly on shevchenko university, which he once achieved. a separate column in
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the budget of ukraine, and accordingly, we as a state must distribute these 48 billion more efficiently, because money is actually very limited, and the efficiency of higher education, well , makes us wish for better, so my first and foremost goal is that people who want to study e and crimean studios, crimean-tatar and this region of the south had a good base, and i think that over time, if this base is called a center today. but eventually it will grow to the university level, then it is also possible to continue this scientific school, it just seems to me that how if it were just to change completely now, and most universities have it , it would still be less effective than joining the kyiv-mohyla academy, of course i am ready to communicate and i think that all those who are specialists, in particular on this issue, will be able to continue teaching at that center and i am sure , that students will be able to complete their studies,
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that is, get a diploma for sure, and it will be guaranteed, so i looked at these criteria and then i would analyze the quality of education, ms. natalie, i see that you are very proactive, caring person, that's why i am i appeal to you and to all those involved to raise these issues, the crimean university in principle, it should exist and may even be there in advance, we are already renaming some populations. points that are de facto under occupation, we can create some kind of perspective for the crimean university of crimea, yes, that is, not simply, so that it does not look like the issue is closed, a final solution, so that it does not look like that, it is not for anyone, not for crimeans, not for ukrainians, generally not for everyone, and one more thing, one more thing i completely agree with you, one more thing, i am not a very great professor and teacher, but i can just give lectures for hours about crimea, about... elementary things, there
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is nothing complicated, there is nothing too complicated, even we need to discuss and finish this issue in order to stop to call us tatars, i have been talking about it for several years. already president zelensky, by the way, and poroshenko also called us crimeans, kremlins, it is correct, because tatars are, this is a synonym of the word barbarians, in fact, it is the origin of such a colonial, thank you, you see, i have not yet i learned exactly this statement , i will know now, you see, there were no crimean studies at the university either, unfortunately, well, you see, i even emphasize the crimean language, the crimean people, crimeans, ukrainians, i do not use these narratives that we, russia, the empire brought she called, for example , azerbaijanis tatars, there caucasian tatars, baku tatars, they got rid of this brand, well, colonial, and i want to agree with you, thank you for the constructive remark, and that is how i will do it now, thank you, and i want to remind you that the second rector of tavriyskyi
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of the national university, there was a ukrainian scientist naturalist volodymyr vernatskyi, who refused to emigrate, and in the 20s, when the soviet government finally... is in crimea , it actually reorganizes the institution into the crimean university named after frunza, liquidates some faculties, reduces funding, recalls some processes , yes? so vernatskyi said to all this: i consider the university of tavria to be the only free university in the entire territory, well, then in russia, then such were the realities, because it fully embodies the principle of freedom and autonomy, which is always universities sought. the policy pursued by the soviet government towards universities is deprivation of their autonomy and destruction. for them, this is a quote from volodymyr vernatskyi , which i think will be very appropriate, ms. natalie, we thank you very much for your participation in the work, for the opinions that were voiced, and we will carefully monitor how changes occur in the educational system of our
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country, we understand that it cannot be as it was before, but the main thing, you know, here is to separate the wheat from the chaff and not to create too much sorry, thank you. pipa, people's deputy of ukraine and secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. this is the end of the good program, by the way, it is so enlightening, enlightening in part, we really hope that it will be useful for those people who watch us in the temporarily occupied crimea. hold on, stay safe, that's the most important thing. and we believe in ukraine, see you again. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about
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the war and about our victory. today in the program. million army. zelensky expects a fair mobilization law. inspections of tsc are ongoing in the regions. a powerful step towards a meeting. kuleba met with tzijarto against the background of encroachments of the hungarian far-right on ukrainian lands. help is delayed. washington is changing the strategy of military support for kyiv. how does the border issue in texas increase problems for ukraine? about this and other things. over the course of the next hour, we will speak with the people's deputy of ukraine, colonel security service of ukraine by roman. kostenko, diplomat oleksandr khara and director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda. the second part of our program will feature political scientists vitaliy kulyk, oleksiy holobutsky and volodymyr fisenko. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch
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a video of the spectacular destruction of an enemy t-80 tank by an fpv drone, organized by the operators of a separate unmanned aerial vehicle, drone operators of the 71st separate hunter brigade of the airborne assault troops, let's watch. friends, for those who are watching us live now on youtube and facebook, either. please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and participate in our vote. today we ask you the following: do you allow the freezing of the war in ukraine? well, it means wars with russia. yes, no, please vote on the youtube channel
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with the corresponding yes, no buttons, or write your comments for this vote below this video. if you watch us on tv, you can vote. that you allow the freezing of the war with russia (0800-211-381) no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. call us, it is important to know your opinion and it is important to know what you think about this, because in the last few days there has been a lot of talk, in particular in the western audience, and western experts have talked a lot about the fact that they say ukraine can join the north the atlantic alliance, if it gives up part of the territories occupied by the russian federation. we are in touch with a people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security and defense
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and intelligence, sbu colonel roman kostenko. mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good day. nawzai well, first of all, you just got to the point where everyone is discussing the resignation, probable resignation of valery zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine . several sources of information, which began to spread about an hour ago in telegram channels and social networks, ukrainian pravda writes with reference to its sources in the national security council that the president's office is considering the resignation of zaluzhnyi, but there is no order that he as if they offered to go somewhere as an ambassador , but he refused, at the moment there is no order , and the ministry of defense wrote, no, this is not true, you are me... i think, as a person who knows everything, you can either confirm or deny this
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information to us, well you are a person who knows everything , no one knows everything, especially when such - let's say, decisions are made, they are made at the level of, let's say, several people, i think, first of all, the president, and that's why there is no 100% information now, there are many rumors, and the ministry of defense. and this is also a signal if they answered 100% that what was expected from them, that no one there was filming a bad thing, you could believe it, what they write, well, they are already playing with the people, this is a kind of story, you know, not very not not good, this, this message , which they sent, as for yes or no, let's wait for the decree, if there is a decree, then we will already understand that 100%, are they going? such negotiations, is it possible, well, you and i have already heard more than once that the president wants
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to do it, we understand and have heard which candidates were also considered there, including let's say discrediting has recently been organized, including the meritorious one, that 's why i think, we will find out how it will all be there in an hour, and maybe sooner, mr. colonel, i will formulate the question in a different way, a little bit: does the meritorious person deserve that, to remove him from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine? well, i will tell you my subjective point of view, we communicate at the committee and he came to us recently. look, we are where we are now, we haven't lost our country, we are on the defensive against one of the strongest armies in the world, we we won back part of kherson region, kharkiv region and we continue the struggle. because in the beginning we had, let's say, russia had vastly superior enemy forces and everything, so my
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assessment is that he is in his place, well, by the way, among the information that has been published over the last hour, because i've been tracking it quite carefully, was named, the possible name of the successor to the stalwart kyril budanov in the position of head of the commissar, well, i think that in this situation hardly anyone would... journalists, they mentioned that budano will be the new head of the armed forces of ukraine. if this happens, then whether this is budanov 's position in general, and whether budanov is a narrow-profile specialist, you know for sure, because you serve or have served in the sbu, he is in... but in any case, there are some
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possibilities person and has knowledge that he can use, i understand, maybe i am not putting you in a convenient position as a colonel, but in this case, i am interested in the opinion to what extent budano can be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine? yes, i wouldn't comment on it there until there is some purpose to say that he is bad there will be whether it is budanov who will be good and bad in the position of commander-in-chief or whether he is only for intelligence, i will simply say that i have known budanov for a long time, we studied together, he was one year younger than me. it was the first aeromobile company of the combined military aeromobile faculty, now the airborne assault department in odessa, so we have known each other for a long time, as for him as a person, well , he is a special forces officer, he commanded a special forces group at the time, and after that
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he became the head of intelligence in the troops, well specifically combat units in... he did not manage the armed forces, so here , let's say, there will already be a question of directly appointing the president, there the vision of the president, he is, let's say, a good general, he has proven himself, regarding the armed forces, well , let's see, let's see what decision will be made , regarding the specific position there, whether he will be good or bad, what skills he has there, we know one thing that he has never been in the armed forces, never, what decision will be made, we will see and only then will we evaluate why now say if he has not yet been assigned anywhere there, that is, i understand correctly that you, zaluzhny and budanov, well, i am arrested, graduated from the same university, that’s right, thank you, colonel, i was once there , zulzhny was the battalion commander, i was a cadet , he was
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a battalion commander in the combined military, let's return to the situation at the front, because one way or another the situation at the front. depends on the aid of the united states of america, on western aid, as it looks now on the eastern and southern fronts, given that in the united states itself there is no way america will get to the point where we have to vote for $61 billion in aid to ukraine, and is there any slack for the armed forces of ukraine that we can still sustain, because i understand that... biden is meeting with scholz for that very reason , so that scholz has already insured the americans regarding the provision of military aid to ukraine, because both scholz and biden are convinced that ukraine must win this war. well, regarding the situation at the front, we see what is happening, that here in the south, in principle
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, the situation is more controlled. yeah of course, the hottest place, exactly where there are shooting battles and where there are direct zitke. these are usually bridgeheads on the left bank of the dnieper, as a rule , they are provided with the help of artillery and, let's say, drones, which cover our fighters. the biggest problem is, of course , evacuation, deliveries, that is, there you can talk about what is there separately, every day there can be described separately in a book, how it happens from the delivery of reserves there to, say, the evacuation of the wounded and... there are provisions and all that from starting from old grandfather's methods to modern technologies are used in order to ensure that the guys have as much as possible on the deck, this is also supported by artillery, but of course, high-precision weapons still play a key role here, and as for the east, there is a difficult situation,
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we know near avdiyivka, in the other direction, the enemy chooses it on... there of course, well, probably on the entire front line, it’s just that here we have a river , it doesn’t feel like that, but on the entire line it’s a lack of ammunition, especially mortar mines there, including 120 mm, despite what we say is that we have already fixed them there, but there are still problems and they need to be solved, well, and all other types of shells, we understand that this war is a war of high-precision weapons, and it is necessary to... do everything for not to throw at one target there, not to throw 10-15 projectiles there, so that it hits one, and then there will be a result. information has appeared, colonel, from the office of the president of ukraine, president zelenskyi's press secretary, serhiy nekiforov, in a comment to ukrainian pravda, stated that zelenskyi did not fire the commander-in-chief
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valery zaluzhny of the armed forces of ukraine, when asked whether the president fired zaluzhny, the press secretary answered definitely no. uh , well, we'll see, because the information is being updated, they say that there will be an update of the information, let's keep an eye on these events, well, in the meantime, davyd arakhamia, the leader of the servant of the people parliamentary faction, you know, i have this impression, maybe, maybe with such a throw-in, maybe , they want to divert attention from something, let's see, no, well, they could just protest, how will people react, that's what they protested very well, because i have that phone red, everyone writes to me to know what... you know, and everyone is silent, and when you write, the most important thing is that in such a situation, when you write to high-ranking officials, they are so constantly in touch and answer, here, probably, even the phones were connected, because i even saw that the e-mails were not coming, so apparently... they don't want to answer, well, this proves that you said that several people in the state make decisions, and the decision obviously depends on these two or three people only they know this,
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but this situation of liberation, not liberation, is very similar to the times of kuchma, because when i was a journalist , information constantly appeared, well, then the internet was not so widespread, telegram channels, but this is how oleksandr melchenko was fired there, no, he was not fired, there were 10 already acting... ties , it was announced that there instead of omerchenko, no, no, no, omelchenko is the head of the kyiv city administration, well, that is , there were such hardware things before. i want to ask you about david arachami and his statement about talking to people about war losses. he, however, foolishly said, as for me, that these losses are not so high, to me this does not seem to describe david well. as the leader of the monomajority in the verkhovna rada , because no matter how many, no matter how many these losses , these are human lives, these are families,
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these are fathers, these are sons, these are those who we lost in this war, but he says that , that it is necessary to make public the figure of losses, what can the publication of these losses lead to and is it necessary to do this, do you think? well, look, we have to talk, yes, as a politician and david as a politician, just what do you want to hear from us and from him first of all, from a moral point of view, i'm with you here i agree that yes, every life in the war is of course a loss for ukraine and, as a rule , it is the best, from the point of view, when we speak, we put all emotions in parentheses, let's say so, and talk specifically about losses, as a military component and the component is... that we need mobilization there, we need staffing, here you can evaluate from the point of view of the big conflict that is there and the ratio of irreversible losses there that
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can return, and on the basis of this already evaluate uh, let's say so , the course of the war itself and directly we have to assess what kind of reinforcements we need there, so i think that he had in mind exactly that... the military point of view when he said, of course, well, when you say it on the air, you have to take into account that you politicians will quote you , that's why, of course, and you and i, when you ask me such a question, the issue of loss, i have to evaluate from a military point of view and say why should they be made public, eh eh eh i think that for that our society overestimates e.e. somewhere in its head. real losses, which, well, which we have in reality , that is probably why he is talking about the fact that they should be voiced, why, because, when we
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are talking about mobilization there now, probably many of those who e- listens to this, they think that when, for example, the president says that 5,000 is needed, everyone thinks that it is probably irreversible losses, 500,00, well, it is not so. real, that's why people here think that we have such losses, and david knows what losses really are, maybe he understands that if he says this, then people will start differently to perceive his stay there in the armed forces, i think that is the answer. mr. colonel, during the last few days , zelenskyi's interview with the ard, where he talked about the fact that our army now consists of 800,000 people, has been very strongly promoted. people and in principle , well, almost up to a million, he said, and he said that in principle, we have the most powerful army, and
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then a completely logical question arises, well , for some reason he does not continue this logical series, that these 500 thousand, which want to attract to the armed forces, they must be attracted during the year or the two are there in order to change, those who are already at the front, this is the story with the mobilization law... in general, the question of mobilization was and remains a problem, well, number one, how is it being discussed in society, will there be an answer to the question, what will the mobilization be, when will it be, how many people will be called up, will we receive it, next week, because on february 6 it was announced that another draft law from the government will be considered in the council, er, you know, we always criticize everyone. as soon as someone says the word mobilization on the air, you support her, you don't support her, no one hears, they immediately tell you that there your parents go there, and your children go there, all of them
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and you yourself go there. and therefore immediately understanding what emotions there will be, i answer that according to my information the draft law should be submitted in the near future, but to what extent everything is changing, you know, here is the information today that is there at the committee, including that we talked about it, that but the nearest time should be for it to be voted on, there are all different versions, someone says for the basis, someone says for the basis and in general they want it right away to vote, so i think that in the near future, if nothing changes, you see what changes are going on there, it will be submitted, and then the council will decide to vote, and it will go to the committee, we will see what is there they wrote, because there were some previous versions , but they said that they were not final, the deputies after that submitted their comments or their proposals, so i think that in the near future we will find out everything, and what will be his fate, well, we already after... we are watching in
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the hall, well, it is very difficult to predict something now it's difficult, remember when he was submitted last time, they wanted him there, well , the scheme changed five times a day, what we do with him next, as a result he went back to the government, so let's see, it's hard to predict now , we will wait until the draft law is submitted from the government to the verkhovna rada. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was colonel sbu, people 's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko, friends, we are about... we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who like us looks live on youtube and facebook, don't be shy, please like this video and also vote in our poll. today we ask you about the following: do you allow the freezing of the war in ukraine? yes, no, please vote on youtube with two buttons, either yes or no, write your comment about what you think, and
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of course if you watch us on tv. broadcast, you can call the number if you think that the war with russia may be frozen (0800-211-381), no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well , information appears, well, it is constantly clarified during our broadcast about these rumors about the alleged dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. valeriya zaluzhnogo, the press secretary of president zelenskyi , responded to the ukrainian truth's question about whether the president signed a decree on the dismissal of the head of the committee, the president did not dismiss the head of the committee - said serhii nekifarov, and previously one of the sources of the ukrainian truth in the nsdc reported that they had called and offered another position, maybe an ambassador somewhere, he refused, there is no decree, well that is.
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so far, this information has not been confirmed, it is denied by the office of the president of ukraine, although it is a little late, in my opinion, because for about an hour and a half this topic of the possible resignation of the employee has been discussed in telegram channels, in social networks, and of course everyone is interested in knowing the position of the office of the president of ukraine and commander-in-chief, supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. then we will be on the air. oleksandr khara, diplomat, foreign and security policy expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, nice to see you. each other mr. oleksandr, what about such rumors about the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, how do they affect our relations with our western partners, is this permissible in communications, in public communications
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regarding. a person who leads an army during a war, such as pauses, communication failures, no to give an answer quickly, to pretend that we do not know what we will think, or we are testing society, how society will react to such information, of course, that this is not a completely normal situation, maybe it is just gossip , maybe it is really probing for information, but in anyway, well, we know what else napoleon said about there being no people who are irreplaceable... or he said about a graveyard full of irreplaceable people, but in any case, if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to understand on the basis instead of what and who, i.e. what plans, the main thing for us is not personality as such, although it is certainly bright, personality is very good, but the tasks that stand before it, and the plans or strategies that this person can develop and then implement, therefore of course.


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