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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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in the evening and he said some such absurd things, i.e. that the slovak fsb or sbr was following him, that he had a bug on his phone, that is , she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, some , he said such absurd things that she never did anything like that, well , there was no such thing for him, that is, we think, maybe there are some narcotics already there , he contacted some company. after talking with ms. anastasia, we in turn contacted our colleagues from the international federation missing children europe, who have to do request to the police of slovakia and help in the search. and if you have any information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or, if possible, you live in slovakia and suddenly see danya or learn something about him, immediately call 11630. please remember, it is better to write this down number, because 1163. zeros is the only european
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missing children line that works in 28 european countries, so if you are in europe and want to report information about a child who is wanted, or god forbid, you have missing child yourself, do not delay and call the single european hotline for missing children 116 30, you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation. so. also, please go to the website of the children's search service, there are photos of all the missing boys and girls that we are trying to find. please look carefully at their faces, and if you recognize any of them and know any information, let us know on the hotline 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free.
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there are 20% discounts on bronchipred in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. a separate platoon in unmanned aircraft complexes. peregrine falcons of the state special service of transport appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. see this week in the collaborators program. fast. sellers in
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the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions. russian federation as never helps but why do the russians put ukrainian collaborators in a cage? meets all standards of the russian federation. on tuesday, january 30 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new , two-hour format, even more analytics, even more. important topics, more
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more top guests: foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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congratulations, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimea so far, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i congratulate ayder muzhdabayev, hello aleikum, alaikum greetings, khrystyna khanam. well, let's start, as always, with the security situation around the crimea, we will immediately remind you that it is directly related to the events that are developing on the left bank of the kherson region, and the russian propagandists are already returning
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the meaning of "war" to their lexicon, which means that the dnieper- in the crimean direction, and we understand that our defense forces are expanding the bridgehead as far as... they can do it on the left bank, in connection with which the occupiers are changing the transit regime between crimea and the temporarily occupied the territory of kherson region. probably, this is connected with, in particular, the attempt to transfer additional forces, both equipment and personnel, from crimea. well, the military campaign of our country may very well be based in 2024, once again on security in the black sea and the surrounding area temporarily occupied. crimea, at least that is what the assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia james o'brien believes, he says that it will be possible to implement it if the united states is able to allocate financial assistance for of our country, and directly without
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the liberation of crimea or restrictions on the use of crimea by the russians, imagine, in general, the development of the situation in our favor in this war is enough. difficult, we'll see how it goes, it doesn't take away from what we have to do ourselves, and first of all, help the military, yeah, and that's one of the main things we do, thanks to this ether, i encourage you to help if you already watch this program of ours together with espress atp, then know that there is such a thing... 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibedzhikhana, the commander of which is the general director of the otr tv channel, yes, such a time, lonis slyamov, and this battalion created by the order of the command began to be created in august, and now it is the southern direction, it is
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an assault battalion, you understand what this is and what kind of help our soldiers and officers, currently an urgent need. these are fpv night drones, that is, drones with thermal imaging cameras that allow you to attack the enemy at night in the dark in absolute, so join the gathering, you see on your screens the qr code of this gathering, at least 50 such night drones are needed, it is uah 1.5 million, it costs uah 30,000. one such drone, it's not cheap , but we won't have anything cheap in this war , and nothing will be free, and just watching and discussing the war is, well, it's ineffective, it might be interesting, but it doesn't help, so at the same time
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, how do you watch this program, donate to drones, donate, help our fighters, there is also a card number, which means that... qr codes are also available and paypal, who is watching us, maybe it is more convenient there abroad, you can also via paypal liberation of crimeia e means. how is it called correctly in the ukrainian language dog yes dog well dog yes it will probably be a little different well well dog well see our program further we will always support such gatherings for the only separate unit in the crimean armed forces, which, as we proud to support. well, they support the process of deoccupation of crimea, which, well, actually already. started, and we understand that it will be a very multi-layered story, the crimean one is the most supported
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deoccupation, people who remained in crimea for various reasons, you do not know, having the opportunity this week to communicate with the general of the armed forces of ukraine dmytro marchenko, who is partially in charge, one of the best, in charge of the communication of our defense forces with the underground in the south, in general, his opinion, which looks more than authoritative, is that people in crimea continue to provide information, extremely important information for the defense forces, let's hear it. i will say that there are people in crimea who do not want me to be there russian peace, they want it to be ukraine, and they also help us and will continue to do so. and you understand, these are people who
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were forced to stay there, taking care of their homes there, of some elderly parents there, they are also forced to be there, but they don't exactly want a russian peace there, that's why they help us, as they can, they find channels, they find, they find an opportunity and pass that price to us. information about which i have already told. well, actually, the full interview with dmytro marchenko, search on youtube, espresso, in to the espresso comment project, in general, subscribe and be with us , as it were, together with the atr tv channel, the content of which is extremely valuable now for everyone who really cheers for the liberation of crimea, and i would like to remind you that what dmytro says about marchenko, is extremely important. people do signal, help to find enemy resources, military facilities, movement and so on, but it is very
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important to do it in safe ways, and here it is definitely worth noting that messengers like telegram are not reliable, at least i saw a post about it from andriy klymenko, but this post is by volodymyr lyashenko, yesterday we once again received confirmation that... the information transmitted through the telegram chat 100% reaches the russians, but this time such imprudence of a person led to , that she was imprisoned in crimea, and the occupiers accuse her of treason. and we include in our conversation volodymyr lyashenko, representative of the national council in the autonomous republic of crimea and in the city of sevastopol. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. salam aleikum. aleikum salaam. a few words. about the incident when a person apparently used the announced
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telegram bot, transmitted information and is now in the cells of a russian prison, perhaps, as i understand it, we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, how often does this happen and what conclusions should we draw from this? in fact, information about such cases is received, but it was not, let's say, verified, but this case has already been verified. and yesterday i was informed that, unfortunately, it happened that a person provided certain information on the appeal one of the ostensibly pro-ukrainian channels, and after some time the occupiers came to this person and gave her information about what she had written on the telegram channel, conveying this information, and the person is now taking measures against her and trying to accuse her of state treason against . of the occupying power, unfortunately , we hope that this will be an isolated
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case and everything will end up, let's say, more or less normal, but it must be understood that media literacy is a habit that should be among the citizens of ukraine, especially those who live in the temporarily occupied territory, well, with the same habit as, excuse me, brushing your teeth in the morning, that is, you cannot use a telegram to transmit something. information that can pose a threat to such people, you can't brush your teeth with a toilet brush, i would say so, i'm mr. volodymyr, i was really surprised that in principle someone... still uses telegram, well, it's good that although would not be classmates, but now i want to talk to you, focus attention on what is happening on the propaganda front, which does not stop fighting there, military actions by the occupiers, have not stopped for 10 years, this is a long period, and it affects consciousness,
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despite the fact that there are indeed many people in crimea who remain ukrainian. who are absolutely not subject to this government, well, formally they live there like this, but do not serve it, not and vice versa, they do everything they can for ukraine, but, but, in your opinion , what is the influence of this propaganda aimed specifically at residents of our temporarily occupied territories, in particular crimea, well... in fact, the psychology of a person is such that if he does not have alternative sources of information , even if he is very, let's say , very crazy, but he uses this information, he is still exposed to this information, that is, how deep this influence is, then i think that it is, and it is really very important now, moreover,
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the russians are constantly changing it, they are strengthening it through various measures, in particular, for example, now this so-called project to install free ee equipment free of charge of these satellite dishes , which they called, well, it is very strange that they would call it another way, they called it russian peace, here is this project, unfortunately, it is an additional influence of them , an attempt to influence both the territory of crimea and the territory, yes so-called newly occupied territories, i would call pa... volodymyr, these are plates for noodles, well, actually, well, if you say so, but, but, but noodles are very tasteless, in fact, i would say, they are even, sorry, they are poisonous this one, that is, it is dangerous for a person's mental health, ugh, mr. volodymyr, like those conditions, what should we do, how should we act in this
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direction of information, because unfortunately, when... the occupiers constantly increase and maintain the level and mass of propaganda, unfortunately, the opposite has happened in our country in recent years , it started even before the full-scale invasion , when the only crimean tatar tv channel atr was deprived of state support, it simply provoked, caused treatment, well, i don't know how to say it in ukrainian, they are just like that, no, on the contrary, the russians, they were very happy about it. yes, and it was theirs such an absolute victory , well, one cannot help but agree with this, when such an enemy is weakened 100 times there, like the tr tv channel, which was there, well, such a powerful tool of counter-propaganda, now, unfortunately, almost no one in the team, well
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, the minimum number of people, just to ensure the minimum broadcasting, news in the crimean language in ukrainian. language and there are a few real analytical programs left there, we do everything we can, even without money, the main thing for us now is the support of the 48th separate assault the battalion, the commander of which was created by lyno ruslyamov, the general director of our tv channel, but what is what is what is, and the situation, the situation does not change at all, it will soon be the third year of a full-scale invasion, and how in such conditions... when the emphasis is on the crimean direction , well, frankly, no, here is our program, there may be something else somewhere, but for sure it is not much, what are you like, as a member of the national council for television, radio broadcasting specifically in the crimean direction , what are your thoughts, what are your prospects, what to do, in fact, you can't decide weapons, mr. is leaving, well, first of all, i want to say
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that i am not a member of the national council, i am a representative, that 's it, but for... you are a representative of the national council in general, yes, it is a slightly different situation, because he is actually a member of the council makes, makes decisions, but collegially, and the representative of the national council is still somewhat of an administrative position, but i can say that i, for example, see at least three directions, the first direction about what you said is now i am trying to change the principle, to change the legislation in terms of support. state support for media dealing with the crimean topic, which cover issues related to the crimea in the media sector of ukraine, this is the first. well, my attitude to this is that the mechanism provided by the legislation today is a peacetime mechanism, and it cannot be used in our situation, because it is
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ineffective. it is necessary to create another mechanism that will clearly give the opportunity to make powerful materials to those media that understand the crimean topic, so that we do not have such cases as, for example, there i'm sorry, there's a certain slant... the humor there is a diesel show or something else related to the crimeans, it's unacceptable. the second direction that i see, in particular if we are talking about this, let's say, russian measure, is to turn to the international, international telecommunication union, to turn to certain appeals from the ukrainian side, regarding the use of certain algorithms, which ... will be allowed to influence the use of the radio frequency resource by the russians for their propaganda, that is, in the direction that it cannot be
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used, and the third is very powerful the mechanism, as i see it, is sanctions, it is to add these people who produce this equipment, and this project cannot exist without equipment, to add them to the list of sanctions, first in ukraine, then world sanctions, in fact. this is a very influential mechanism, and the russians, well, they feel it, this is the main thing , when money is taken from you, when the market is taken away from you, and you can no longer exist there, it simply ceases the existence and technical support of this project, here are these three directions, at least we need to develop them, mr. volodymyr, and maybe here some additional mechanism will be involved , you know, when we talk about countermeasures... with an unmanned aerial vehicle, we are talking about means of electronic warfare, that is, there is always a countermeasure for any action, can we technologically, i don't know, direct some equipment
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that would be able to interrupt this russian signal , to harm at least, to deform it, well , you know, the idea, unfortunately, is more for technical specialists, but from the information that i saw from the young man, they cannot influence this moment. why they can't, because the russians removed, well, under this russian peace project, they use their own satellite on which, on which they placed a pool of these information channels, which are essentially propaganda channels, and this satellite, it is actually located on the the sky is in a different direction from those satellites on which there are publicly available ukrainian channels, so, unfortunately... er, with technical means, somehow cover it with some kind of cap like er, well, a radio cap, unfortunately, there are no technical possibilities, in particular i i don't see them
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ugh, you see, once the ukrainian scientist serhii korolev, together with the crimean and the crimean who helped him, took them into space, but now they are not in space. is used, including for propaganda sabotage against ukraine, so it must be corrected somehow and in other ways, tell me what we can do, huh, i think that first of all, well, you know that, it’s as if not my level, but ukraine needs its own satellites, its own relay satellites 100%, that libit, which we have not taken off for many, many years, unfortunately, it did not take off thanks in quotes. to our neighbour, the occupier , who, wherever he is, is a slob, this should become, you know, very difficult, bitter, but a lesson to act not
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after the roasted rooster pecks, but before this rooster does not happen , ugh, mr. volodymyr, one more question that will concern, well, actually those, once, even representatives of local ukrainian media . in the territory of the temporary crimea, which chose the russian world for themselves, so to speak, and now they are washing the cities not only for the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, but also actually carry out their propaganda activities on the territory of the temporarily occupied southern regions of our country. we talked with the representatives of the prosecutor's office, and actually the prosecutor ponachovny noted that each case is separate. will require additional study, that is, whether this or that journalist was aware of what he was doing, this or that anchor or anchor, that with his mouth, through
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the screen. television, she commits a crime there against the state of ukraine, or against her fellow citizens, in general. in your opinion, in particular, as a representative of the national council on issues television and radio broadcasting, well, we shouldn't somehow unify the approach to these people, because war, because war and participation in the propaganda line on the side of the enemy, is as if the army were to take direct part. in the enemy, you understand, mr. panachovy, he spoke from his side, from the side of a person who deals with criminal proceedings, and there criminal proceedings are proceedings connected with the fate of a person, well , it so happened that even there, even if a person created or did something bad there, only the court can recognize her criminals, another there is no, and this is the principle, this is the principle
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of the civilized. in our case, regarding unification, it is most likely impossible to do this, but i will note that there is promedia in the law of media, in particular, there is such a point that if it is established that with respect to a certain person or a certain media, a certain person who is related to the media will be or to start criminal proceedings, or a sentence that has already entered into force, this, let's say, figure, he will not be able to take any further part in the work of the media on the territory of ukraine. i can say yes that the national council is conducting some work in this direction , of course, we, we will not talk about it now, because well, if we tell about it, they will know about it, we don't need the people it concerns to know about it yet, but this is really a long job, the only thing i want to remind those who
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do this... is that they should carefully review the materials of the nyurbin trial and look at the number, let's say so, of those propagandists who were convicted, including to be executed after this bingo trial if they want to repeat their fate, well, that's their choice. mr. volodymyr, in your opinion, should we at least create, compile and publish a list. propagandists who work, citizens of ukraine, including those who work in the temporarily occupied territories , whether it is this, it seems to me, it is not impossible, look, in fact, this list is compiled so that you understand, but i would not make it public at the moment , let me explain, this is procedural, because until a person knows that something is happening to him, then... quite, quite simply
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record her actions if, as soon as a person finds out that something is happening to her, she begins to mask her actions, and this in a certain way complicates the situation with bringing her to justice, therefore, nevertheless, i would not be in a hurry to publish this particular list, his they are made public already when the collected evidence has been identified regarding this person, and there is already a certain, let's say, procedural moment that will allow him to be brought to justice. so that she would not be able to go abroad later and say that there is something political about her there persecution, you know, they already go abroad with ukrainian passports, for example, the former director of the propaganda racist channel millet, i just forgot his name, i just can't remember now, he went to the united states with a ukrainian passport, that's how i know this moment , this is actually one of those moments that are
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very difficult. because you know that, unfortunately, we do not have agreements with the united states on the extradition of criminals, but i can say that for a certain time he will feel safe there, maybe safe, but the situation will change, i hope that this person will still get to us and receive his sentence, ugh, and literally at the end, a few words from your... permission about the progress of the mental, cognitive de-occupation of crimea, when the time comes, we we understand that the preparatory work is already slowly underway , the ministry of education and science of ukraine is a little behind the curtain, how they will work with minor residents, in particular, and crimea in this direction, what are the main points you would highlight here, actually cognitive.


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