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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

7:30 am
every day it flies right into the territory of boryslav district, kherson region, why is the enemy doing this, well, it’s very difficult for me to say, as well as those situations that happened yesterday, they drop explosives from a drone, in relation to people who are moving or on on a bicycle, or on a moped, or on some other means of transport, they can clearly see that they are civilians. these people are almost always lazy, because they cannot move quickly there in these conditions, well, so to speak, to look for logic in the actions of sick people, well, very it is difficult, mr. oleksandr, how destroyed the right bank is now, we are even talking about beryslav now, an aerial bomb was dropped on a residential building, there is no longer a living place in that settlement, does the whole coast look like this and along... in what width,
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about width is meant from the bank of the dnieper and deep into the right bank? well, if we say, then really all the villages and all the settlements that are located on the banks of the dnipro river, on the banks of the ingulets river, well, let's say this, in the immediate vicinity of the contact line, they are almost all destroyed, and well, we must to understand that each kab, well, if we are talking about... guided aerial bombs, it has a charge of 500 to 1,500 kg, in tertile equivalent, then its arrival, even if it does not hit the target, let's say conditionally, and i i already said before that i don't understand what is the goal of these enemies of ours, let's say this, he with his disruptive wave, he demolishes all the buildings that are nearby, so the situation with broken windows, the situation...with demolished
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roofs and everything, she, well, she has to date, she has to date that, well, it's really happening, all this, well, more than enough and well, not very good, i will tell you, even if we drive around the regional center today, we see that there is a very large number, mainly just for critical infrastructure institutions, this. institutions, these are former, well, not former , they are schools, but which, unfortunately, are not operating today, they are all covered with, well, let’s say, usb sheets, because the glass, well, today they don’t cover the ones that are stamped on, and , unfortunately, this situation is common to the entire territory of the right bank kherson oblast, and kherson is not exception, it is still very many, very large... and the number
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of buildings is destroyed, well, at least a large number of windows have been broken, or the residents are rebuilding somewhere, patching those houses right away, or leaving after those shellings and staying at least for a while a little further away ? well, i'll tell you that considering the fact that on the territory of our settlements there, which really suffer from shelling, we have, well, i will. say yes, priority evacuation, let's not say forced, because there is a list objects that are subject to, well, objects, and , let's say, settlements that are subject to the forced evacuation of children, er, well, we advise everyone, all residents of the kherson region who are with small children today, for that they leave and do not injure the children, at least there by these sounds that are there during. they are shot,
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the buildings are being restored, i will tell you that kherson oblast, well, probably gained such a sad experience, but there is an experience that really there very quickly all the consequences of the arrivals and all that, they are localized, they are cleaned up, are taken out, and we are trying, if it cannot be restored, at least to prevent people from getting into these so-called... buildings, but unfortunately, this situation, it is very terrible, let's say, and every day it is getting worse in terms of the condition of buildings in the regional center and in the territory occupied by the kherson region, in general. mr. oleksandr, we see that the general staff also reported specifically about the kherson region, about the shelling by mostly reactive systems of salvo fire, they pounded both on the right and on the left bank for the last day, that is, this republican and... markets on the left bank and
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ivanivka, on the temporarily occupied left bank, here is such interesting information, maybe you know a little more about what is happening in the adjacent... and former ukrainian regions of the ukrainian people's republic, where moscow-fascist occupiers now live , that is, in the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions, and this is all the former territory of the ukrainian people's republic of ukraine, as lenin said, so construction teams seem to be gathering there, and what's more, it's interesting here that these are construction teams that are supposed to go to the occupied kherson lands, something to you about this it is known, well, it really comes. information about what you know, our collaborators, let's say, unfortunately, which still exist, they report somewhere about theirs, you know, they are trying their best, you remembered lenin, they are still trying to live in the past, remembering lenin ,
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recalling some far-fetched leaders who, i don't know, led a whole large country to a dead end somewhere, well, let's be honest. and today they are trying to transfer all this to a living organism there in ukraine, well, but i will say, i like the information more when the holleitersaldo exposes the fact that the propagandist of the russian world there, it turns out, is a woman who originally came from the kherson region, that she was beaten during the event by their, well, let's say this, guards of this event, well... for her russian position, so you know, i, for me, have the comfort of the fact that even the people who are cooperating with the enemy there today, they get something decent from their, let’s say, collaborators there, so you know, all the formations, they come, and then, well, in
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the best case they go to their territories, at worst, they will join somewhere either a russian ship or a dock. which today are being destroyed daily by our defense forces, including on the territory of kherson. in general, mr. oleksandr, what do you hear from the other side of the occupied territories. are people trying to possibly leave? i am talking about some kind of trip for a short period, and about leaving that territory completely before the time of complete liberation and leaving for the territory controlled by kyiv in ukraine. are there any? there are attempts, as far as it is at all possible now on kherson oblast, well , you and i understand very well what is happening now, you know , their hysteria about putin's elections, which are being held there in the spring of 24, and
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the territories, well, you know, as they say, the new territories of the russian federation, they are located under such, well, a big crosshair, they are. that is coming, they were there collecting signatures to support the presidential candidate, now they are going through, well, you know, another wave of forced passporting, they are trying to put their red pieces of paper or there are red books, like them, trying push every citizen of ukraine who is there, so you know, leaving, it is very strong, well, let's say it is not limited, it is... very strong, well, it has such difficulties, because they are trying to fence, well, make a picture, in this picture there should be, well , the presence of people in these territories , that’s why you know how much they tried to drive carousels, they still need local residents,
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that’s why they today, well, i can’t say that it’s impossible to leave the occupied territories at all, there is movement, but it extremely difficult and extremely so... well, with difficulties, therefore, well again, it must be an existing document on the citizenship of the russian federation, because movement on the territory of the russian federation for citizens with ukrainian passports is extremely difficult, well , extremely complicated, and there is a lot of information about the fact that people are kept at each post, at each , well, let's say, the border region, keeps for a very long time, and people are afraid... ugh. mr. oleksandr, thank you for the information. oleksandr samoilenko, chairman of the kherson regional council. so, we can see that the russians are also transferring additional forces of the russian guards, this is because they have to provide a picture there of kherson region
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electing putin in putin's elections, which putin appointed for the spring. but at the same time , it is very interesting, where are they stuffing everything? the entire russian guard, that is, they are quartered in these various sanatoriums, but no, let them go to the local people somewhere, they have them. or resettles and disperses, well, it’s fun to live zyanski, so far the air force of ukraine has not officially reported for the night, there is only information from the press service of the general staff, there were 35 enemy shaheds, 15 was destroyed without details, this information is still in the early morning, but we are waiting for an official analysis from the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, yes. now we are going for a short break, then we will come back and we hope that we will already know a little more about what happened that night in
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7:44 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society , and feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict and with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
7:45 am
good morning, thank you for espresso, it was a tough night, 70 combat clashes, it’s simple to understand, in addition to the air alert, what was happening in mirnograd and lysivka in the donetsk region, as well as kherson’s music school was hit by s-300, s300 missiles , that is, this is where... there were 10 missile strikes, and in addition, the aviation was working efficiently, this 114 airstrikes, 99 attacks from rocket salvo systems, that's it... was it on all fronts? how was the night in the south, we will ask in a moment serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces. greetings colleagues. we know about several groups of shahads who traditionally flew from the south, somewhere further in the central region of ukraine. we want to ask how many of those
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shaheed groups there were, right? in what groups do they fly, when and if they are there that night did they fly somewhere further north to the center of ukraine, or did they also have their own goals in the south? they always almost always have targets in the south, i am speaking for all areas of our state, odesa, mykolaiv and, of course, kherson, because the enemy has not yet changed this tactic, which he chose last fall, he started to beat last fall and continues to beat, including attacking the front-line zones of the kherson region. he is trying to attack combat positions with shaheds, well, what can we say, it actually did not exist six months ago, today it is more massive blow, a larger number of shaheds were involved in this attack, an air alarm signal sounded in mykolaiv region, kherson region, odesa region, these mopeds, they chose such a route, as if it were traditional, but more still went to other
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regions of our country, although in mykolaiv region, for example, one shaft was destroyed, debris fell. there to the appropriate location, there is some destruction, but as far as we know, there are no victims, this is also very good, as for our area of ​​responsibility, for example, our unit, they also performed combat missions in odesa, but not they used weapons, because a moped also went along the route, as for the groups, they are several groups, as always, they attack, in fact , the general staff reported that 35 shaheds attacked ukraine, the number of them killed increased in... the last few days, because it was well an order of magnitude less, and actually today we see that the enemy is trying to attack, as i already said, further north, passing through a certain such transit across the border of the odesa and mykolaiv regions, and this route, it is always a little stressful, in what plan, what is happening , this is before
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certain missile attacks , including, of course, we all understand that the ... is stockpiling weapons, the enemy is carrying out appropriate technical, regulatory work that concerns or may concern, for example, strategic aviation, therefore also intelligence, therefore and attempts to strike , including on civilian objects, first of all, that is, the terror tactic continues, but actually we have odesa, thank god, that has passed, but this does not mean that there will be no further attacks. mr. sergey, we have a common favorite, he calls himself governor. in the crimea , something like that is written there all the time, such a major battle in the sky is taking place over the crimea, if you read it, it’s scary, so what was there, because after all, some cotton from the crimea flew from hominia, well, look, i would pay attention to what is the geography of today there, i quote, of course, the shooting down of drones on the territory of the russian
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federation, because it is bryansk, kaluga, it is belgorod, well, actually crimea is there... as usual, they can correct the mathematics, polish it, we are fine we understand at first everything goes wrong, then the report is different that there were no hits, well, when you dig a little to the truth, it turns out that it turns out to be another navtobase, everything is taken for granted, now the corresponding results are being sent to the intelligence and throughout the territory about... which i said according to the geography where ukrainian drones were allegedly shot down , there were quite a lot of them, i have already named these regions, there are such shots nowhere as in crimea, because there is such a governor entertaining, well, actually i will say it once again, it goes to intelligence, i hope that balovna still left her seeds, i like the trend, probably, if we have already
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mentioned this character, then when they send an air raid signal, they always write crimea and villages separately. they probably know something, you have to look for the positive in everything. mr. serhiy, can i hear your opinion on one story, because this story is so strange, it is such a corrupt bermuda triangle, as it is popularly called, this friendship of freaks, i mean, how did reznikov’s eggs come together in corruption 17 kyiv, lviv from here sit like this. ukraine is very interesting, both in principle and in principle croatia. i am talking about the lviv arsenal, i am talking about the crimean hero liev, this uncle, when he still represented the interests of yanukovych in crimea, here we have presidential candidate yuriy zbitniv, the founder of the sdpo party, then medvedchuk, and all these
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stories, we were tried here until night , were tried, nothing was awarded, although the prosecutor's office all the schemes about the criminal group, which under the signature of ryeznikov, then took pictures of mines in croatia and did not bring them, then shells, and all this with prepayment of 97% per billion. that's what we heard yesterday, it's just interesting, maybe you can tell more about this case, because it also concerns the heroes of ukraine who lived and worked in crimea. well , the prosecutor's office really spread out in baskets, and probably not 17 hryvnias each, but the number of terms of imprisonment that can be for certain actions, what can be said here, a brief summary, corruption is evil, and it must be fought, nothing ... those who have seen now have not said, but on the other hand we can see how certain processes have a certain influence on mine the point of view is a political flavor , it should not be, the political flavor should be one, that these people
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who caused damage to the state, corruption damage, especially during the war, they have no right to be elected to any positions after that, this is the most important thing in my opinion look, and you know, well, when you see it, the feeling of some kind of ugliness overwhelms you, you understand that it shouldn't be like that, and i hope that it won't be like that, i won't say now that the boys will return from front, let's make it so that when the boys return from the front, already there were much fewer such manifestations, and as for the bermot triangle, i think that, unfortunately, there is enough for ukraine today, we just have to burn it out, otherwise no, ugh, mr. serhiy, let's return to our south and, in particular, to the front at the very... does what is happening in krynyk, in the vicinity of krynyk, literally a few tens of kilometers from crimea, somehow affect the situation in crimea, because
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aksyonov recently signed a decree about this, about this special regime of entry and exit between temporarily occupied crimea and temporarily occupied kherson region. are these two facts, the front that is moving in the kherson region and this decree. have something in common, something connects them, or are they unrelated things? eh, of course the answer is more difficult , you have to ask akonov, i think that during the investigation he will give these statements and we will then really find out what guided these inhumans when he signed such orders or his, shall we say , advice, who he gave such advice? what is this special mode, how does it all look in practice? well, you have to be there directly, but they set up roadblocks and are checking everyone, as far as i know, information from there, and from the left bank, certain such
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russian structures drove closer to crimea there, and i apologize for using this very word, they trick, including representatives of the so-called of the occupation authorities of the kherson region, or as they call it there, the currently temporarily occupied territory, i don’t even want to say, that is, all these balances and companies, and as for the blocks... everything is really being checked, because first of all aksionov it’s really worrying, we understand it perfectly , he understands, after all, he graduated from a military university, although he dreamed of being a construction battalion commander, well, i say it as it is, so he understands a little about military affairs and can draw conclusions that in any case we will reach the crimea and liberate it, well , actually, this pampering that we are talking about, it is a confirmation of this, demilitarization. crimea continues gradually, and there is another question, i also thought about it for a long time and i see what , let’s say, the moral mood on the left
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bank in the dnipro grouping, which is simply there is pressure on our defenders, a huge thank you, i will say this every time, every day to our military , our brothers who are on the left bank, extremely difficult conditions, an extremely difficult situation, very difficult battles, under constant... nevous pressure from the enemy, therefore, a low bow, and we must remember everyone who gave their lives there, in fact, we were touched by such a situation yesterday, but let's not rush to conclusions, i hope everything is fine with the boys, so i think that considering the fact that these storms in the fall in kryknia, many of the enemy are trying not to go, there are refusals, there are disappearances from positions with weapons in hand, they are starting to... blockade the kherson steppes, it is not a fact that they will not blame the crimean barrier already. perhaps by action, knowing this
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situation from the depths, he understands that... paroders, murderers, rapists, who, well, there are many of them in the russian army, can simply run through the crimea, flee from kherson oblast, maybe he is trying to do this way and influence the situation, well, the actual situation on the left bank, you see, the general staff says that appropriate actions are taking place there on our side, enemy equipment is destroyed, personnel are destroyed, but i will say it again, it is extraordinary. conditions , you can actually see now what is left of those wells, it is generally such a narrow strip, there above the dnieper, but you see, it will already go down in history, we will remember this word forever wells, for sure, we have now studied geography the largest and smallest settlements, mr. serhiy, and where are these reserves of russian troops in the crimea now concentrated, or are they remain in larger settlements on
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these... old military bases and are there any of them and what is in dzhankoi, what is in dzhankoi, are there any gatherings there, are they afraid? my dream for the near future is to strike at dzhanka, specifically at the launchers that launch ballistics, including the south of our country, i will not reveal a military secret now, we know that it flies very often from there, let's say yes, such a pain point on... on this map of the crimea and not only, of course dzhankoi, i hope that the blow will be accordingly in its time, as far as reserves are concerned, crimea is oversaturated, oversaturated with these reserves , those formations that gather there are groupings of troops, the defense of crimea, in fact, which aksionov takes care of, he formed his private military company there, well, he is afraid, we we understand this very well, but
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it is very oversaturated. that's why there, as they say, i'm sorry, wherever you spit, everywhere is a muscovite, so there are a lot of legal ones for balovna, and look, i actually, according to your instructions, we have a moment, i spat in the direction of a pompous house, it is said, i i am looking at a photo of the russian federation, the supreme court of the republic of crimea, there are many such things, the trial started yesterday, they will start judging. oleksandr tyurenko, well, he just peed in the summer on the letter z and on the letter b, which are there as symbols of the russian occupation, in bagchesarai, and he will be tried, and here i was interested, because the judge will be alla khinevych, and one ukrainian surname in the ear, and the second ukrainian surname, how the ukrainians in the crimea shared it, i will tell you, actually more, there is some kind of pocket organization, where something ukrainian is used in the name, there
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, well... in essence, there is some ukrainian compatriot in the crimea, well, first of all, crimea should become at least a region after the victory, then we will talk about the next plan on the topic of a separate conversation, so this lady , she will be in prison if she doesn't flee to russia, she said yesterday that she is a ukrainian, as if she dreams of returning to a russian city, i'm afraid to say that lviv, odesa and so on and so on these are the ones, you see, they must be detained first and to judge such people, hey, mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso in the morning, serhiy bratchuk, spokesperson of the volunteer army of the south. well, we learned a lot about how restless crimea is, we once again heard information that drones are also waiting for dzhankoy, and maybe not only that. and now it's news time and khrystyna parubiy already has the latest information about the most important events, she's ready for it
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all. to share with us, khrystyna, congratulations, you have the word. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, russia was again attacked by drones, where exactly were they flying, i'll tell you in a moment, but i'll start with the performance of our anti-aircraft defense tonight, so don't miss it. news on the air espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. 35 shaheds were launched at night across ukraine by russian terrorists. our defenders of the sky managed to destroy 15 enemy drones, the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine reported. the russians launched shaheds in five groups heading to different regions. in particular, the sounds of explosions were heard in the kyiv region. the ppu forces worked there. i fired.


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