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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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lexu still has positive results, the question is that there should be most of these missiles, so that they not only hit the enemy there, but as in this isolated case, but also cause damage on the territory of the russian federation, as what i think it is this story will continue with the actual destruction of enemy targets, as it was, thank you, serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us, and now a minute of silence is approaching, 9:00, the time when... we honor the memory to all those who died because of russian invaders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to all viewers, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about the following topics: if the money that countries provide to ukrainian refugees was redistributed through kyiv, it would help the ukrainian economy. - said zelensky in
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an interview with the german tv channel ard. meanwhile , ukrainian refugees can count on at least until march 25 stay in eu countries. what awaits ukrainians who fled the war, what to do with those who have nowhere to return? the ukrainian military in the south is expanding the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper, the armed forces said. there they say that the offensive actions of the occupiers were unsuccessful and they had to return to their positions with losses in personnel. what is the situation? on the left bank. the court did not choose a preventive measure for oleksandr liev, who appears in the case of dissolution in the ministry of defense. the ex-head of the department of the agency and four other people are suspected of embezzlement of almost 15 billion hryvnias for the purchase of shells for the armed forces. we will talk about the details of the case and the fight against corruption in the defense sector later. in the meantime, write in the comments under this video on the radio liberty channel. where do you see us from, how are you, what is the situation in your locality and what...
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do you consider important for discussion this morning. the armed forces of ukraine will expand the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this was reported by the head of the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces at a briefing. natalia humenyuk of ukraine. voiskova says that the front line is currently very flexible, and the russian occupation army is pressing. according to her, the army of the russian federation there has much better fortifications and more personnel. instead, the defense forces. ukraine is not in an entirely advantageous position, because the dnipro is behind them, - says humenyuk. the russian ministry of defense did not comment on this information in the summaries. on the other hand, earlier, the veteran also stated that the ukrainian military expanded the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region outside the village of krynky of the russian-ukrainian war, ex-commander of the aydar battalion company, yevhen dykiy. natalya humanyuk, head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. did not join our
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broadcast. mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, you stated that the ukrainian military in the south is expanding the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper. what does this work look like and why is it happening now? as a matter of fact, i quoted the summary of the general staff, it is an official statement of the highest military leadership. this one the work looks very hard and stressful as it really is. and it happens, because under difficult weather conditions, under constant fire pressure, under constant enemy assaults, even when he dares to carry out assault actions only once a day, it is still extremely stressful, our soldiers continue to strengthen the positions they have taken and are working on expanding the bridgehead, but here one must realize that the front line is extremely flexible in these conditions. and if
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there was any addition of territories today, tomorrow these territories may be abandoned, we are ready for this work and work constantly from. we are conducting combat operations in the same difficult conditions as the russian forces behave, but you said that their assault actions were unsuccessful, how many forces and means of the russian army are concentrated there, the force of means they have there is more than enough, because they really they have been there for a long time, they have the opportunity to raise certain resources, they have connections with the crimean... so-called military hub, where they have accumulated additional means and firepower, fire and human resources, in addition, they constantly carry out maneuvers between the directions, the zaporozhian, eastern direction, kherson, dnieper so-called, they can
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maneuver people and capacities, in addition, the general understanding is that their on the left bank temporarily... in the occupied territory of ukraine is more than 70,000, and this means that it is personnel, and this means that they account for several hundred weapons and equipment. mrs. natalia, if we talk about the fortifications of the occupiers on the left bank, are they working? over them, are they strengthening further, or do they now have other tasks? of course, they are preparing for the fact that at the borders of defense, which are arranged. and equipped, including with reinforced concrete structures, the second and third lines, which they had time to equip back in the days when they were dropped from the right bank, they also continue mining, correcting the spontaneous mining that occurred after
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the detonation of kokhovskaya hess, when mine-explosive barricades, which they set up for themselves along the edge of the water, they themselves, by their actions and washed away and scattered. in spontaneous order , they still continue to blow up on them themselves, and nevertheless, correcting the situation, realizing that if the defense forces are already present on the left bank, they will continue to expand their territory secured by themselves, so the enemy continues mining , mining is quite dense and large-scale. this morning, the ministry of defense of the russian federation reported 21 downed drones over russian regions. and over the occupied crimea, almost two years of a great war, during which time the occupiers had already gotten used to it to such attacks, do they better protect the occupied territories, or rather those military facilities of the russian federation that are in the occupied territories? well, judging by the fact that the hits still happen and the fact that
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we can sow seeds or fibers in these territories, we have not really gotten used to it, although we have continued. to improve its protection system and try to reformat it after the holes we made there. i thank you for joining the svoboda ranok broadcast. natalya gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces south of ukraine, the colonel was a guest of our broadcast. president volodymyr zelenskyy believes that it would be better to transfer the funds provided to ukrainian refugees abroad to ukraine, and the state will distribute them itself, he said during the event. interview with the german tv channel ard, it happens that, as you say, this person receives support from you and from us. well, it happens, i am not talking about our ukrainians in germany now, i am summarizing it for you, and that is why i always said that it
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would be much better for us if germany, she would, supported ukrainians by putting money into the budget of ukraine, and then ukraine already... redistributed this money depending on where this person is located. according to him, these funds would support the ukrainian economy. he explained that part of the ukrainian money remained in europe, because after the evacuation abroad, the ukrainians brought money with them, and later europe began to support them. in the end, says zelensky, all these funds once again remained abroad in the economies of the countries where people actually lived. at the same time , he noted that... the decision on support of ukrainians is a decision of each individual state. i will add that according to the calculations of the ukrainian center for economic strategy, as of the end of june last year , up to 6,700 thousand ukrainians were abroad. ukrainians fleeing the war in the eu
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are extending their temporary residence permits, they can stay in europe for another year until march 2025. however, the question and what ’s next, this issue is becoming more and more urgent, the directive legally regulating the stay of ukrainian refugees abroad will expire in a year, but it is not known whether the war will end. so in brussels. are already thinking about what life will be like for ukrainians in the eu after this conditional deadline, march 2025, to come to any eu country and relatively quickly get all the rights along with its citizen, to live, work, and have social benefits. these opportunities for ukrainians are available together with the registration of protection, the directive regulating it was activated for the first time in the history of the eu, since the full-scale war of russia against ukraine began, this... tool made it easier and faster to manage the huge flow of refugees, and its
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it expires in a year, so alternatives are being sought in brussels. good politicians need to be prepared for the future, we cannot postpone this discussion because march 2025 is coming sooner than we think. that is why i included this issue in the agenda: the fate of ukrainians in the eu after march 2025 was discussed by the government officials of the countries last week. responsible for migration, reports from the western media, which gained a lot of publicity, became the basis for discussions. busimto ukraine insists on the return of its people home. diplomats, speaking on the condition of anonymity to politico, even expressed some pressure. officials of the eu countries do not talk about it publicly, although they generally confirm the fact of discussions with the ukrainian side, as well as ukraine's needs for its citizens. "i know about this, i talk a lot with the ukrainian ambassador in athens.
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obviously, when the situation in ukraine stabilizes, many of them will decide to return, but we are here to offer what they need during the interim period. if i were there ukrainian authorities, i would ask people to return when the war ends, but until then europe and finland must help ukrainians as much as possible... as long as the war lasts, the eu will stand in solidarity with those who need security, the european commission noted. it has been legally confirmed that the status of temporary protection can be extended after 2025, and the ukrainian side supports the preservation of this right. the very possibility of having temporary protection should remain in any conditions, and even in the 25th year and beyond. if cessation of hostilities, this possibility should remain. another issue is
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financial payments, since we are talking about a sufficiently long period of time, we must also determine the kind of financial social guarantees that citizens have in each country, but this is absolutely not a radical communication, not a negative one. the extension of protection in general, that is, the right to stay and work in the eu, is regulated at the level of brussels. social issues are the business of national governments. interlocutors of radio liberty in the diplomatic circles of eu countries, without being named, they explained that the type and scope of social media is the subject of discussions. the ukrainian side is allegedly interested in whether it is possible to make the conditions for ukrainians in the european union less attractive. in turn, this would encourage refugees to consider buying one-way tickets home. where to get funds for financing social benefits? talks about this were confirmed by the head of the ukrainian parliament to radio liberty. in brussels. in particular, he emphasized that the european side does pay attention to
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ukraine's needs in human resources. the european commission , member states, on the one hand, intend continue to support our citizens who were forced to leave ukraine. at the same time , they are also following the debate in ukraine regarding the need to provide mobilization and human resources in the context of future reconstruction. ukraine needs its own people, both for military service and for economic recovery. and this is said more and more often, openly and loudly, by officials at different levels and on different occasions, the government officials of the eu countries responsible for migration, the future of ukrainians in the territory of the bloc agreed to negotiate in the future, as with the ukrainian party, as well as among themselves, and until then the european commission will not put forward any legislative initiatives regarding the stay of refugees from ukraine here. we won't develop anything until we really have a good landing area. together with states, members and ukraine. the current temporary protection was
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a success story in the context of close cooperation with the ukrainian authorities and the unanimous decision of the member states. there is their clear desire to continue to use the eu approach, rather than the different approaches of different capitals. individual approach of each eu member state can provoke a new wave of migration of ukrainians, only within the eu. ukrainians will exchange less favorable conditions for more acceptable ones, and they understand this. officials in the capital of the european union therefore emphasize the agreement to seek understanding at the level of the entire eu. discussions about the future of ukrainian refugees here in search of a unified approach will continue, however... the officials have another year in reserve. from brussels, zoryan stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the faction, joins our broadcast motherland and first deputy chairman of the committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights. greetings, mr. mykhailo, thank you for joining. i wish everyone good health. in your opinion, will the eu countries
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continue the assistance for ukrainian refugees, will this period of stay, legal stay of ukrainian refugees. in the countries of the european union, was it also extended for more than march 25? well, first of all, we are grateful to all the national governments of the states, the european union and others, which provided shelter to the citizens of our state, because they did not become refugees from a good life. each state supports ukrainians in its own way, creates conditions and tasks for them. the state of ukraine should still express gratitude to our partners, and on the other hand understand that every day of delay, the return of ukrainians home, we lose the chance for these people to return in general, especially the able-bodied population
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, people with children, they get a job, they place children in educational institutions, and this makes it impossible or reduces the chance to return home in the future, on the other hand on the other hand, some states are actually reducing assistance to ukrainians, or setting certain conditions for them, that is, either get a job, we are talking about people of working age, or demonstrate to the state that you bring certain... benefits, although for the sake of justice, yes, president zelenskyy said correctly that all social assistance provided to ukrainians remains there, on the territory of those states that help and support the economy there, but it is very important that the ukrainian authorities take
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steps to encourage the citizens of ukraine voluntarily and not under pressure to return home. first of all, these are security parameters , the next thing is that we especially need to understand that people left from the occupied territories or near-front areas, the current ones, we need to give an answer, and where the citizens of ukraine who will return will live, i.e. housing, the next thing is social guarantees and work, nowadays, in fact, this is also a big problem, we are also talking about the social guarantees that the ukrainian state offers to refugees, money remains in europe, which european countries give to help ukrainian refugees, and well, that logically, because people live there, people buy their products there, well, from this point of view , in general, this thesis of president zelenskyi, the idea that the money given to ukrainian refugees in the eu countries should somehow
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be distributed through kyiv, to the extent that it has the right to life, to what extent can it be implemented, to what extent is it some kind of story... can it really be implemented? it is difficult to judge because it seems to me that those governments that help refugees, they are still aimed at those people who live in that territory, and they practice exactly targeted aid, and not aid through state governments, we must understand that there will be few states that will help. to refugees through the government of ukraine, our partners believe that they are helping us, by way of financial, non-refundable, minimum credit rate that the partners provide us. because of that, it seems to me that the ukrainian authorities should care more about how to create conditions here on our
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territory so that citizens return, return. mykhailo, i still want to clarify about one thesis, well, it was not so much. by zelenskyi, as the question of the nimetskyi ard journalist, she pointed out that in germany there are discussions about whether it is worth helping ukrainian refugees, men of draft age, to which zelenskyi, by the way, said that people's circumstances can be different, why they left there, children, something else, but he mentioned about men of draft age who left illegally, and said that the law should work here so that those people return, including labor, and work there for the ukrainian economy, is it possible oh... what kind of selective aid is there in the countries of the european union, there only women and children, for example, are helped, but not men, if they are already talking about it in germany? well, actually, this is a very difficult question, we have first of all. to understand that the guys who are today and the girls who are on the front line, they also need rotation, and some demobilization. in order for there to be sufficient mobilization
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resources, we must talk about those who illegally, he emphasizes, illegally left the territory of ukraine during the operation of the special martial law regime. here, of course , the president is right, and this sets the conditions for both society and, first of all, the military, but we as a state are faced with the national legislation of each individual state, and so far there is no case that any european state at the legislative level has volunteered to return those people of pre-winter age who, in my opinion, left illegally, but i emphasize once again that with each new period such and such a question will arise, here is what is important: it is important that the ukrainian authorities at the legislative level do not set, as they say, the barrier is legislative, regarding the criminal
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liability of those who left, and in the future almost no one will return to the state, and on the other hand, we have to talk about justice and, first of all, about the mobilization resource that all those who are crying out today. and those who left illegally should be in equal conditions, both today and in the future, and this is already a question of social justice and the question of rebuilding our state, how will those who lost their health relate to those who will return, possibly to ukraine and illegally left it during challenges, because it is clearly written in the constitution that we are all equal, and it is our... duty to protect the state against such a statement, equal rights and equal duties must be observed. and in conclusion, your thesis that conditions should be created in ukraine for people to return, well
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, the government will pay the families of refugees who return from abroad, for six months they will receive financial assistance as low-income, they have to get a job, when these people return there for two months to work, stand on registration at the employment center, and on the government portal i just look at what kind of assistance it is, well, it is for... for able-bodied persons 1,665 uah, for children - it is 3,500, for well , that is, and for the adult population it is 2,300 uah, for such money, people will come back in your opinion, and does the committee in the state even have the resources and plans to make these payments as large as possible, especially with regard to people who have nowhere to return, and if possible, we have one minute, mykhailo, in fact, there are plans on behalf of the president already the ministry. politicians developed such a program, which is currently being discussed in the committee, in the verkhovna rada, and in civil society, but we must
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understand that everything that the ukrainian budget earns through taxes goes to the security and defense sector, of course it is extremely difficult to return such funds and compare the money that helps europeans today and survive here in ukraine, but here we have to be guided... by the fact that we will definitely take measures as a state to increase assistance to those who return, but not only aid, the state must create conditions so that a ukrainian who has returned has the opportunity to earn a decent salary here, to support his family, and of course a place to live, this is a challenge that is not easily solved, but i believe that patriotism should also work here , and the national component, but no one removes the responsibility from... the authorities, the task of the ukrainian authorities is to create conditions so that the ukrainian knows where to return, when to return and is convinced that he is expected here not only morally, but
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also materially. i thank you, mykhailo joined our broadcast, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, was a guest of our broadcast, further on our broadcast news in a minute with oleg galev. greetings, here i will briefly and promptly tell you about what is being said on the network: industrious ... will not go, the information that was actively dispersed on the network yesterday, at first anonymous telegram channels and some media, was not confirmed, at least the official announcements about the dismissal of the commander-in-chief no, neither zelenskyi nor the head himself commented on the rumors. press secretary president nekyforov, in a comment to ukrainian pravda, said that zelenskyi did not fire his head, but that he published a photo on social networks together with the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine serhiy shaptala, but without comment. the family from kyiv was recognized as the righteous people of the world. this was reported by the ministry of culture and information policy. volodymyr and pavlyna stolyarchuk were posthumously awarded the honorary title by the state of israel. the award was received by the great-granddaughter of the righteous. the award was given with the help
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of the jewish. people during the second world war war the film about the war in ukraine won the grand prix at the sandes film festival. it is one of the largest independent film festivals. it is about the film "porcelain war". it was created jointly with the usa and ukraine. the porcelain war tells the story of three ukrainian artists who, despite the war , remained in kharkiv and continued to create under the sound of fighter jets. that's all for today. look for more news in our social networks. the higher anti-corruption court refused to take oleksandr, a former official of the ministry of defense of ukraine, into custody lieva, who is one of the participants in the case of embezzlement of almost 15 billion hryvnias for the purchase of ammunition. the prosecutor's office asked the court to choose a preventive measure for liev in the form of detention with the possibility of bail in the amount of more than uah 260 million, but the investigating judge refused. liv, who denies all accusations, promised to assist the investigation and assured that he would leave the country.
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not going to i would like to note that a few days ago the security service of ukraine announced that it had uncovered a scheme for embezzlement of state funds during procurement of 100,000 mortar rounds for the armed forces. according to the investigation, in august 22 , officials of the ministry of defense signed a contract for the purchase of a wholesale batch of artillery pieces with the arms supplier lviv arsenal. the ministry of defense transferred the entire amount to the company's accounts in accordance with the contract. the investigation claims that the company's management transferred part of the money. transferred to the balance sheet of a foreign company that was supposed to deliver the ordered ammunition to ukraine, but did not send a single shipment, instead received funds brought them into the shadows by transferring them to the accounts of another company in the balkans, the rest of the amount from the ministry of defense remained in the accounts of the ukrainian company. five persons involved in the case were suspected, including former and current officials of the ministry of defense, including the head
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and commercial director of the company. arsenal, as well as their accomplice, a representative of a foreign commercial structure. in a comment to public television, the director of the lviv arsenal company, yuriy zbitniev, confirmed that the foreign company had not received a single projectile. supplied, however, noted that approximately 70,000 units of such weapons are already on the way. the entrepreneur says that he saved a billion hryvnias for the state rather than squandered them. we will continue to talk about the issue of corruption, joins our broadcast. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine and hennadiy kryvosheya, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense. ms. tepanova, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining, and my first question to mr. gennady: tell us about the inspections of warehouses with products in military units that are currently taking place, what is the result and how are such checks carried out? well, the first thing that caused the relevant checks to be carried out was not
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so much the check as the composition. and these are checks to see if the suppliers are able to deliver products and foodstuffs to the warehouses of the relevant military units. uh , why was it called because a number of applications were received regarding, well, first of all , that there are massive non-delivery of food products from certain companies there. in order to verify this, whether in reality or this yes, so... that other signals were received, when some representatives said, let's change this company to another one, and these situations arise in terms of what, in terms of the fact that certain suppliers can even compete with each other and manipulate it or other information, and such facts were known even in the 22nd and before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, that is, there are certain conflicts between them, but there is a certain competition for the enemy.
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of the relevant contracts for the supply of the relevant products, so in the process of checking the relevant parts of the validity was it was simply discovered not in one warehouse, in several warehouses, not just non-delivery, in the absence of the necessary products, the inspection was with the participation of the deputy minister of defense, i was also there, as a representative of the anti-corruption council, they were made, well, of course. the relevant documents were all sent to the ministry, an operational decision was made to reorder individual parts for the supply of products to another supplier, under the condition that the cost of supply should not be higher than this price, which is supplied by this a company that does not cope with this, well, because that is what the law requires and...


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