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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast , two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who for many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, the big broadcast. vasylya, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with... rudenko, every
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weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. separate agreements with unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to join the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our company. thank you to you, glory to ukraine! to the heroes! we are back, oleksiy koshel joins our conversation, the head of the committee of voters of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy. glory to the hero. mr. oleksiy, we start with the most hyped information special operation, or a real event that happened with as they say, at the peak
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of development. according to one of the versions, the decree on the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , general zaluzhnyi, was signed, according to the second version, the general himself refused to write a statement and refused to be sent as some kind of old man or ex-prosecutor general somewhere as an ambassador. this is one version, version number two, that none of this happened, and this is an information special opera. which was dispersed by deputy goncharenko, ex-deputies of the verkhovna rada from the opposition and other bloggers, and they took pride in it. oh yeah. we don't see a third version yet. can you see the third one? your version of what it was and why? well , deputies are traditionally distrusted in ukraine, please note, by the way, that over the past year, the level of trust in the parliament, by the way, as well as in the government, has decreased by...
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about three times, these are extremely bad indicators, because trust in the authorities in as a whole during the period war must be very high, because it is trust in the mobilization of the armed forces, but if we can distrust there, let's say, the telegram channels of people's deputies, there even more anonymous sources, information about a meeting at a bank, at least yesterday they printed edition of ukrainian truth, which has sufficient the second source of information is interfax, well , i treat this agency with extremely high confidence, so it is obvious that this is not a version or an assumption, but i wanted to draw attention to something else: during the last two months alone there are publications in the russian media, both among the military leaders and among their official media, where they, as much as
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possible, break down all the topics of ukraine's internal politics, problems, conflicts, assumptions, etc. that is, to our great regret, even the information that was supposed to be completely secret is now being leaked. and here, by the way, i think that the president's office should be thoroughly cleaned. among those people who can be tangential to the information that goes out. i mean, it's not just leaking information, it's the love of telegram channels, it's the love of communicating with those politicians who like to leak information, it's very bad, it's a very bad story in the time of war. question number two. let me remind you that at one time there was also the national council on television.
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radio broadcasting, at least some members of the national council and the secretary of the national security council assumed that something should be done with the telegram in ukraine, i'm sorry, there is no need to do anything here. it is necessary to ban the network of the drinking state, because , firstly, it is a possible access of the russians to of personal data of ukrainians, experts have already broken it down into molecules and painted directions in which we may have problems if we collect this information. secondly, we must stop the work of enemy information resources in ukraine. i will give two examples. let's remember the fall of the 23rd year. ukraine week. discussed the death of kadyrov, and then for a week they discussed the death of putin. two russian special operations in ukraine, well, no nonsense. i don't know what the goal was, i think it's only certain psychological problems of putin, maybe but the fact remained the fact: they conducted two
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special operations precisely because of sending telegram channels. therefore, our information space needs to be cleaned. no matter how good or bad the relationship is. between the military and the political leadership, this information cannot get out because it undermines the credibility of the authorities, this is one of the bad scenarios during war. mr. oleksiy, you just touched on this topic with telegram and with this social network, but we understand that it is used as a communication channel, well, not simply, for example, roman and i, and not simply various media, and for example, i read the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. they also use telegram, and if we are talking about terminating the activity of telegram in ukraine, then it should certainly not rest from below, after all, from the head, as in raby, where is the problem, well, if there are official channels, i
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don’t i see, that is, if the mechanism itself exists, today it is quite a popular mechanism for the dissemination of information, it is quite normal that the military uses an official channel in order to convey information to the citizens of ukraine. but the authorities should make sufficiently clear decisions, but i will remind you that yesterday there was a decision by the pentagon to prohibit its employees from using telegram, because they see this as a danger. for some reason, ukraine does not see the danger. i can now use numerous examples to prove how many citizens of ukraine have been covered by this network. well, take only the telegram channels, the so-called sheria. russian blogger, who, by the way, even recently had his own party called the sharya party, which was officially registered in ukraine and took part in elections in total, his channels are about 2 million. 2 million, which individual theses
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are copied from russian resources for a pittance, that is, this can again be proven in language as a fact by comparing, say, russian propaganda news and these channels, that is, the danger is . but there is a complex problem here, look, you, you only gave one example, but when there is an official press conference of the president and the supreme commander-in-chief, and instead of official meetings they call a drain tank in the form of dust, then the problem here is probably not in the telegram, as the very application itself, such as the unsettled anonymity of these bodies. channels and, accordingly, there is no responsibility for the verification or distribution of fakes and lies, it seems to me that everything is turned upside down here, that is, both in the president's office and on the street, and journalists are surveyed, they know that
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some telegram channels 50 -60%, those who read them say we are 50-60% sure that now they will give us some kind of fake... or bullshit, and we know, and we follow the principle, hedgehogs pricked, cried and continued letters to cactus, so the problem is still, when you call trukha instead of zmi, than in telegram as in the application, i completely agree, the problem is complex, we actually talked about telegram, just as an illustration of those examples of how we have unsuccessfully built information politics, well, the problem is really complex, first of all... there is trust in anonymous channels, in social networks, because in almost two years of war, television was actually killed, television was driven into the format of a single marathon, trust in the marathon is decreasing, it is increasing trust in anonymous resources,
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espresso is being attacked, for example, espresso is excluded from broadcasting, trust in anonymous resources is growing, this is the key problem, the lack of a competent, well-thought-out. of information policy , again, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that until today we do not have a clear vision regarding the marathon in the authorities, that is, we have only one vision, that by... something needs to be done, and we will increase the share of the marathon there of the entertainment block, the part there and some other block, i'm sorry, it's not about the part, it's not about the part, the point is that you chose the wrong line of conduct, it is necessary to comprehensively solve this problem, well, that's right, question number two, question number two is obviously self-dealing, because i get the impression that the key spokespeople work in the format of who will get to the fastest... the format, well, for i find it unpleasant when the head of the military administration there comments on issues
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of general national importance instead of answering bombaslovych's questions in schools, for example, that is, everyone should be clearly engaged in their activities, their own line of work and not go beyond these limits, because we see, mr. oleksiy, this is a basic thing, when and about which we have been talking for many years, there is simply, as they say, the constitution of the kvn writes, eh... hype is everything, war is nothing, and we are just now reaping fruits, and here in this case, whether budanov will be the first to finish, or someone else from the bloggers, and something hyped, this is only a competition of kvn, but not a competition of common sense and national security. i would like time to fly with us, and i would like you , as the head of the electoral committee , to help us a little, because the supreme arachamia is in the parliament came out, he says, everything is fine with us, but 17 servants of the people wrote. applications for the drawing up of a mandate, if this continues, they will go to the mice, what will be the single majority, or
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is there some red line, after which, as they say, we will not allow anyone to leave and we will apply the principle of the mafia, which in you can enter the mafia but you can never leave , i don't know where david arahamiya got this figure, well at least when it comes to such information, the list should be made public, er... er, but i think this figure exaggerated many times exaggerated many times, i will give one example, for the entire year of 2023, only 13 people 's deputies were deprived of their mandates in the parliament, one per month, and despite the fact that a third of them are deputies who were deprived of citizenship, it was medvedchuk , it was derkach, it was taras kozak and several others, plus several deputies of the former opzh, refused. from mandates, well, i think the logic worked here, just quietly get lost, as the classic said, quietly go into the league,
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because a person without a mandate is a lot, it is an opportunity to avoid scandals related to by electronic electronic declaration, and just get lost, live in dubai, in monaco, anywhere, quietly go abroad. therefore , it was only related to this, but if we go back again to... the figure, that is, well, first of all, against the background of last year's 13 deputies, i do not believe that this process has intensified now, obviously the figure is somewhat exaggerated, and secondly, today the parliamentary monomajority, i am talking about the servant of the people, uh, actually, it does not provide votes on its own, but it has two allies, so we conducted a study, indeed, a group for future, for the future and trust group. very often, almost in unison , the servant of the people also votes, and we even looked at the figures
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six months ago, but i think there is a tendency that deputies from the servant of the people gave 81% of the votes for bills that became laws, and the trust group 78 , they are almost like brothers, stop, and then explain, mr. oleksiy, and then explain the nuance, trace? by law projects that became laws, that is , the coefficient of useful action, and you say that these are the servants of the people, plus votes for maybach, that is for the future, this is what the people call trust, and in obenyaz sits behind bars, and these are his party projects, i didn’t understand, how is it that our patron sits in a dungeon, and we give votes, or i, how does it work, i i think that... the future is such a temporary union of non-poor people, that's conditional, what can
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it be called, that is, today it is difficult to say that these contours can become the future for a political force, for a political project, so now it is such a temporary union, and there is obviously a desire to be friends with the authorities, to support the authorities, despite the fact that kolomoisky barricaded, despite that, but in the language of numbers. speaking, today it is actually a parliamentary coalition, it is a servant party, a servant of the people faction, and two deputy groups for the future and a group of trust, a plus in moments of crisis. support from two two groups, former opzh. mr. oleksiy, yesterday, when this whole story with the industrious man began, there was also such a thesis that the industrious man should be cleaned up somewhere and preferably sent far away abroad, because there may be elections here and so that he does not suddenly have some high ratings and some there are ambitions, and that he does not pretend to something, that is, this is the issue of potential
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elections in this already 24th year of relegations. what do you say, such thoughts, such words appear again, somewhere someone is trying to probe the soil, would it be possible to do it now, or would people go for it? i think that as a basic scenario for holding elections this year, this scenario remains, that is, it will depend on the ratings, on the situation at the front, on the position of our allies from many, why i speak so confidently that the basic scenario remains, because ... with on the one hand, the holding of elections contradicts the current legislation, during the legal , legal regime of martial law, there is the election code, the law on the legal regime of military emergency, several more draft laws, and on the other hand, the holding of elections contradicts the constitution, but if there are parliamentary elections there clearly directly
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contradicts the constitution, then about the presidential elections, say, it is an indirect dispute, that is, based on logic. but pay everyone's attention to the statements of all representatives of the authorities. they talk about breaking the law, not violation of the constitution. i have not seen a single statement by a representative of the government, except for the former representative of the president in the parliament, mr. venislavski, a single representative of the government who would say that the holding of elections is against the constitution. and what is the law? if you wish, the law can be changed by tonight, it’s 22. 26 votes, as we said, the servant of the people, plus allies, it’s no problem at all, so obviously this basic scenario remains, regarding the representatives of the military in the elections, well, i’ll remind you that trust in armed forces for great happiness, today in ukraine 94%, this is not just a lot, it is incredibly
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many, it is a third more than before the church, and therefore it does not matter what the surname is. a candidate from a conditional military political project, and it will be a party of the military or parties of the military, they will win in any case, so i think that the next parliament is a parliament where more than 50% of the deputies will be people who fought at the front, and obviously , that despite all the desire of the authorities to silence this process, or earlier i even assumed that this desire authorities to hold elections without the military. i think it will be real, and this is a completely normal process, i already see objections, when some experts object that there is a danger of coming to the military authorities, no, there is no need to humiliate the military, i think there are many professional lawyers, professional managers at the front now , who can handle parliamentary work with honor, ugh, they want
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to return to one more high-profile thing, we completely agree with you, you just say leans on the law on... swears on the constitution, you can't refer to the rude a book that you have never read in your life, so here is such a situation, let's go back to the fundamental moments, i don't know what was the calculation, when a series of provocations, attacks and intimidation were made, first of all, this is a very sensitive topic, i have in mind, in particular, journalism, investigation , especially anti-corruption, where our partners have put in a lot of effort and for many years... financing the reform, structures and so on, when it started, it spread, yuriy nikolov, bigos-info, and on, on, plus ukrainian truth, and plus all kinds of other projects, then the publications were published, i don’t know whether with a dictionary or without a dictionary, the president’s office read them,
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but the publications were very resonant, the reaction of our colleagues er... allies in ramstein and in nato was also harsh, communication is also closed channels, and so this is, as they say, a highlight for them , the ambassadors of the big sinka met, in particular, with those publications and journalists who were attacked, and attacked with the help of cunning schemes of the government or structures controlled by the government, this is a signal, we understand that this meeting , despite what we don't know... what our colleagues and the ambassadors talked about behind closed doors, that the fact that this meeting took place, as they say, did the supreme fair report to the president or vice versa, right away, as it has been going on since... what kind of signal and how will it be read? you know, unfortunately, we underestimate these signals, that is, it is not just about the reaction there at the level of ramstein or
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at the level of governments or at the level of ambassadors of the great sinka, it is a much worse story, that is, we as a country, as a state receive, you know, such a stamp, labels that we are a country where there is problems with freedom of speech, and these are, by the way , very sufficient, very serious things, but to get rid of this label, this stigma, it will be very difficult, it will be a long process, but pay attention, the last months, these are problems with freedom of speech, i think , which our western partners perceive in this way, it's not just a painted door of yuri nikolov, it's a problem with freedom of speech, and i want hot heads on the bank, you just heard this signal, it's a problem with doing business, it's very bad. .. a signal for investors, and such, you know , we received a lot of points on which we can be evaluated
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, the consequences of this can be serious, it is a question of money, it is a question of weapons, it is a question of international support in general, no one will want to support ukraine, where there are problems with democracy, that is, in order for there to be no problems, we must now become a model, and we must become there at the pace of reforms. in ukraine, there as a model of georgia during the early saakashvili period, when the pace was simply terrible, we must carry out reforms in order to to show that we are open for investment, and after the war it will be a mecca, all investors should go to ukraine, we should show that we have no, no problems, no problems with freedom of speech, it is not just about isolated cases, it's about how ukraine is perceived, whether they want to be with us... without the right to this photo, as it should, how the president's office will react, because the president somehow, at least at least in the evening address, somehow said: "ay-yay-yay,
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can not". but all those who broke in the door to yuri nikolov, who were detained, they were released peacefully, go for a walk, thank you all, everyone is free, how will they react? well, now there should be only one reaction, these are effective investigations by law enforcement... bodies , these are court sentences, this is a concrete result that at least somehow, at least somehow will be able to show that ukraine listened, ukraine corrects these mistakes, first, and second , well, to put it mildly, these dirty games are connected with throwing information, fighting with political opponents, that is, the problem is that we have played electoral games, these dirty electoral games are required. to stop, it must be stopped, i think that there should be both effective court decisions and personnel decisions in different lyvnias, starting with
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maryana the insane and ending with many others, but actually on this word, personnel decisions are what ukraine is for has been waiting for quite a long time and her patience is not rubber, thank you mr. oleksiy for the analysis of the situation, oleksiy koshel, head of the committee of voters of ukraine about... quite resonant things on the globe of ukraine, unfortunately, we also have to say goodbye on this, take care of yourself, we wish you a peaceful, safe day, donate to the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine, listen to the air warning signals, see you tomorrow, tired of... heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news broadcast, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. three children died in the ternopil region, they fell under an icy place. reservoir, the state emergency service reported. the tragedy happened in the village of perevoloka, chortkiv district. on sunday, the children went out and did not return. dozens of people, rescuers, were looking for the child. police officers and volunteers. and today, the bodies of all three were found in a pond, not far from the village. the dead were


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