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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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he went back to the government, so let's see, it's hard to predict now, we'll wait until the draft law is submitted from the government to the verkhovna rada. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was colonel of the sbu, people's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who watch us live on youtube and facebook, don't be shy, please like it. video and also vote in our poll. today we ask you about the following: do you allow the freezing of the war in ukraine? yes, no, please vote on youtube with two buttons, either yes or no, write your comment about what you think, and of course, if you watch us on tv, you can call the number if you think , which may be frozen in the war with russia (0800-211-381), no, 0800 211. 38020
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calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well, it appears the information, well, it is constantly clarified during our broadcast about these rumors about the alleged dismissal of the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, the press secretary of president zelenskyi, answered the question of ukrainian pravda about whether the president signed the decree on the dismissal of the chief of staff, the president... did not fire the head commissar, said serhiy nekiferov, and earlier one of the sources of ukrainian truth in the national security and defense council reported that they had called and offered another position, perhaps ambassador somewhere, he refused, there is no decree, well that is so far this information has not been confirmed, it is denied by the office of the president of ukraine, although it is a little late, in my opinion, because for about an hour and a half this topic... the possible
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resignation of the zaluzhny has been discussed in telegram channels, in social networks, and of course, everyone is interested to know, the position of the office of the president of ukraine and the commander-in-chief, supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. oleksandr khara, a diplomat and expert on foreign and security policy issues of the center for defense strategies, will be on the air. mr. oleksandr, i am you congratulations and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, nice to see you. each other mr. oleksandr, how are these rumors about the resignation of the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, how do they affect our relations with our western partners, is this permissible in communications, in public communications regarding the person who leads the army during the war, such pauses, communication failures , don't answer quickly, pretend we don't know what we'll think, or we're testing.
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society, how society will react to such information? well, of course, this is not a completely normal situation, maybe it's just gossip, maybe it's really probing for information, but in any case, well, we know what else napoleon said about the fact that there are no people who cannot be replaced, or said about the cemetery, yes, which is full of irreplaceable people, but in any case, if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to understand on the basis of what and who instead, that is, what plans, the main thing is with us? not a personality as such, although of course a bright personality is very much well, what about the tasks before her, and the plans or strategies that this person can develop and then implement, so of course it would be good if there were no rumors, it would be good if such an important decision, if it will be accepted, it would be in consultations, at least informing our key partners, so that it is not from , let's say, information sources,
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discussed directly with our partners in a confidential form, then it will be normal, but now, well, let's hope that these are rumors, if not, then it is necessary will explain to our authorities, well, justify this decision, well, and accordingly, who can replace such a person who is the personification of the resistance of ukrainians, that is, there is not only his professional abilities, but also such an eagle that he deserved. and partly, perhaps, you know, we all believe and love the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, of course, that mr. zaluzhny would present them himself. mr. oleksandr, we are all waiting for the decision of the congress of the united states of america regarding the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine in the form of aid, military aid, and this issue has been pending in the united states for the time being. we see
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the election campaign picking up there, we see the situation unfold in texas, and how 25 governors, republicans, are calling on the central government to... spin into this story, at the same time we see the story unfolding with a strike on the base in syria, the american army, and john kirby said that the united states of america does not want a wider war with iran, but must answer for the death of three american servicemen, that is, in america itself now has enough internal problems that have moved from... the election campaign, or americans in general now to us and to this help, considering trump's statements, considering the situation, which is quite difficult in the middle east, and considering what is happening on the border with mexico? well, indeed, we are currently observing
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turbulence in the united states and even with elements of such chaos, and we have become hostages, well, in fact, this political struggle is also being instrumentalized. ukraine, because of course there is, especially in the chamber representatives of the cup of trumpians who want to deprive ukraine of aid altogether, but in general there is a bicameral and bipartisan consensus on aid to ukraine, at least this is what the senators and leaders say, the head of the republican minority in the senate, and representatives of the relevant committees, the same mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, he also says that... it is necessary to help ukraine, he compared putin and in general this aggression against us to the second world war, here, but his position is absolutely clear, first the solution problems of the united states, and then ukraine. well, of course, the most important thing
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, which we still don't know, are only certain comments, whether trump has decided, despite the fact that republicans and democrats in the senate have agreed to a compromise reform of the immigration reform. so the policy, which was last implemented in 1986, did he decide to torpedo it in order to keep the topic hot during the election campaign? i will literally name a few numbers, they simply show that on the one hand there is an understanding of the americans that this is serious problem, 35% of americans believe that the problem of migrants and illegal immigrants is the most acute in this election. in second place is inflation at 32% and only there somewhere at the end of 25% are jobs or the economy here, but at the same time only 17% of americans feel that the situation is worsened by
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illegal immigrants, and this gap between 35 and 17, he shows that this is politicking, that there is an escalation of criticism and actions, especially what we're seeing in... texas to fuel this support for trump, because he says that as soon as he is elected president, he will do much better, which is better than no deal at all, than a bad deal, that is, if trump decides to act in this way, then of course we have problems, and let's hope that there is a plan b in the congressmen and actually within the framework of the congress, and there is a plan of seven. roughly speaking, if congress will not be able to do anything at all. xi's plan, for example, can be seen as a vote in the foreign affairs committees of the senate for a bill on the transfer of frozen russian assets in ukraine. and then, of course, we will feel
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ourselves much better and we will have the opportunity to buy the same weapons from the americans, even if trump decides when he becomes president, or if he becomes president, to stop such aid. so i hope there is a process in washington. is thinking, and for the biden administration, ukraine is extremely important, of course, he would like to show some success during the election campaign, he now emphasizes that this issue should be non-partisan, because it is a question of the world order, it is a question of the struggle of democracy, authoritarian regimes , that's it, but here we are we understand that trump uses populist, very often demagogic slogans, and to change something, well, it is impossible with trump , there was information from... from zelensky, mr. oleksandr, that the evening address, or rather, the president of ukraine, he did not say a single word about the release of the deserving , well, as expected, but instead , zelensky talked about trump and that he would like to hear the plan of the candidate for the presidency
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of the united states of america, donald trump , to end the war in ukraine in 24 hours , and that he would be happy if this plan was able-bodied let's listen to what zelensky said in an interview with ard. well, i will talk to him, and you know me, that i am a completely frank person, and i will definitely be able to say this after the meeting. i will tell you honestly, if his format or his formula leads to peace, 24 hours is enough for him, i will be a very happy president, very happy, because i know how many people we lose in one day, and so i know how much it costs , so i will be happy if someone shows how to end wars in 24 hours, who knows, mr. alexander, trump himself repeatedly said that i know putin very well, i know zelenskyi very well, and
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i need 24 hours to end the war, at what cost can trump end the war in ukraine, if, if he can, at any cost, because of course, it is not a matter of principle for him, he likes big players, he likes an authoritarian leader, he thinks that he can solve something with his charisma, unpredictability, we saw that it did not work with... kimchen-in, despite all these meetings are romantic in different countries, despite the statements that were made there, he actually, well, he did not manage to persuade the kimchinian to stop his nuclear and missile program, we see that now this person already possesses the means of delivering nuclear warheads to the american continent, so of course the abilities we cannot exaggerate the negotiations. or there, let's say, we understand who trump is, well, we also understand that he is an unpredictable person,
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if he feels that he can have something from ukraine, i mean in a positive sense, some kind of victory, then of course he may lean on the ukrainian side, but i doubt it, because first and foremost, his base needs the united states to focus on itself, he says we don't need these endless soldiers, he says about... there is a third world war, that it should not be allowed and that biden can push it, and of course, i apologize, and of course that in his circle they say that europe should deal with ukraine and russia, and we should focus all our resources on containment of china in the indochina region, this is most likely there will be such thinking, but he is not a predictable person and can do whatever he wants, i don’t think that the ukrainian president can use any arguments against him... nat, and precisely for this, in order to make impossible such a development of events that we will be offered to give
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part of the territories, to agree to some non-neutral status or something that we have, how to work in ukrainian society, and here, thank god, we have great support for the euro-atlantic course of ukraine, and the fact that ukrainians are not ready to change the illusory peace on the territory of the russian federation, but we must build a strategic communication to the united states and our partners that we are neither interested in freezing the conflict nor in accepting losses, because that would mean not peace, but a small truce i am before the next war, and the most important thing is that it sets precedents for other authoritarian leaders, including sidneypenny, that you can go to war, you can suffer sanctions, isolation, but then there , say, some president of the united states, the next one will say, well, let's go... out of the blue let's start everything from scratch, that is, we need to work with the political community, first of all
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the american one, most importantly with the american voters, because there are unconscious trumpians who are against ukraine ideologically, and we will not change this with arguments, but we can reach the hearts and bridges of ordinary americans, who vote for republicans and who can influence the decision-making of their representatives. today, mr. oleksandr, more detailed information appeared regarding the visit of vladimir putin to rijep and erdogan to turkey and one of the issues of his visit, which should take place in february, the topic of negotiations with the country's president regarding ukraine. speaking about the possibility of resuming peace talks regarding ukraine within the framework of the istanbul format, the assistant to the president of the russian federation yuriy. ushakov stated that i can say that the ukrainian topic will, as a matter of course, be one
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of the main subjects of the negotiations. what can putin talk about with erdogan regarding ukraine without ukraine? about anything, well, in principle, they have friendly relations, they have pragmatic relations, we understand that turkey helps us , it closed the basford channel so that russia does not strengthen its black sea fleet, and it... helps and does not recognize the same crimea, helps with weapons, but at the same time it trades with the russian federation, helps to circumvent sanctions, and has become a haven not only for russian expats, but for... big russian money, so they will most likely talk primarily about the economic dimension, the security dimension for themselves, maybe there are some joint projects, for sure the two of them can't do anything about ukraine decide though you you know, i would like us to have the istanbul negotiations, i would like us to have the black sea oil initiative,
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that is, to begin with, ukraine should create the conditions for the blockade of russia's black sea ports. codification, as we are currently striking at the oil refining infrastructure on russian territory, then we have to actually create a blockade in order to create such as we had two negotiating groups on the grain corridor, the un, russia, turkey, ukraine, ukraine-turkey , the un, and where we would check those ships that go to black sea ports of the russian federation, so that there are no weapons or any goods. destination, then they looked at those ships that export russian oil, so that they export them insured by western companies, this is the first and second, that the contracts are not higher than the price ceiling that the countries of the group of seven, as well as other countries, have introduced, it seems to me , but istanbul will be a very good place for such negotiations. mr. oleksandr, two more
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events in the last few days, when our neighbors... from hungary and romania announced that they claim our territory in hungary, the leader of the hungarian far-right hungarian party mihazank, lászló torotskai, said that his party, as the only hungarian party, would claim ukrainian transcarpathia in the event of the loss of ukrainian statehood as a result of the war, and one of the leaders of the far-right alliance for the union of romania, claudia... zziu announced territorial claims to the ukrainian lands of northern bukovina, transcarpathia, bessarabia, as well as all of moldova, as the leader of the far-right alliance for the union of romania said. we will not be truly sovereign until reintegrate the romanian state, within its natural borders. bessarabia must return home. northern bukovyna cannot be forgotten.
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southern bessarabia, hertza, transcarpathia, everything that belonged and belongs to the romanian nation, the border must return. state, this is an ideal that we should not forget, stefan's moldova should be at home, in romania, but he is actually claiming transcarpathia, i see that the representative of the leaders of the ultra-progressive party for the union of romanians, eh, can we say that these statements , which sounded as synchronously as they could coordinate from one center, for example, from the kremlin, and in this way they are now playing the card that there are... the political forces of romania, hungary, which encroach on the territorial integrity of ukraine, and this plan, which was pushed in russia at the very beginning, and it was repeated very often that poland will take galicia, the hungarians will take transcarpathia, the romanians will take bukovyna, and what, that they just keep bothering with this topic
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in order to show that everyone wants to tear ukraine to pieces, well... primarily there are such politicians in certain countries who do not , let's say, do not learn lessons or conclusions from history, that their country chose the wrong side for a long time and then suffered as a result of this bad choice, such as territorial division or some other things, and i it seems that these politicians should think about it, the second point, of course, that we have to take into account. despite the fact that these are marginal politicians, but uh, well, at least if we are talking about romania, romania is extremely important to us, and it she treats us extremely positively, she does not announce many things she does, and since of course the leadership and the romanian people clearly understand the threats posed by the russian federation, including to them, not only to us, but the fact that this synchronized
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, the fact that there is a certain scenario in this, well, i hope, like... this member of the european parliament, information just appeared that she worked for the russian special services for 20 years, then after a certain time we will see emails, and maybe monetary settlements, as received by these representatives or their parties in order to iron out this mess, because we understand that it is very difficult despite us, but if a conflict occurs, then the armed forces of ukraine can definitely solve the issue. with the representatives of these countries, there is definitely no question here, we have no aggressive intentions towards our neighbors, but we will definitely be able to solve any. if there is an encroachment on our territory from their side, therefore one should be calm about such statements, but it is necessary to react, the diplomats
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should react, of course in the media, that this it is unacceptable, and for the relevant officials of these states to also react and confirm that they are committed to european values, norms, principles of international law, european law, and that they support ukraine in the fight against the illegal and unjust aggression of the russian federation against ukraine . thank you, mr. oleksandr. thank you for the conversation. it was the diplomat oleksandr khara. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us there live please like this video, don't be stingy. there is a lot of interesting information during today's broadcast and this information appears, so bet. a fable in order for this video to be trending on youtube, and vote in our poll, because we are asking you about this, do you allow the freezing of the war with russia,
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yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own personal opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands phone and vote if you allow a freeze of conflict or war with russia 0.800 211 381 no. 700 2011 382 all calls are free for you, call. next , we have yevhen magda, director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy. glory to heroes. let's start with the first one, with the communication failure of the current government, in connection with the so-called resignation of the employee, or i don't know, maybe it was a spoiler. of this resignation may be testing the society that, what was it, first of all, you, i hope, followed this story, and this is the first, and second,
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why the authorities could not comment for so long, i.e. it was enough to call any central publication there, ukrainian pravda or rbc ukraine with those publications with which they cooperate actively and to say that no, it's not true, literally a minute after they posted this... information on the social network, this information would not have gained the momentum we are seeing now. you know, mr. serhiy, this situation is actually not only a sentence for the authorities, to a large extent, well, the statement that we are not all right in the information component, but it is the statement that everything is not right in our society, because... we can love or not love someone, but in the conditions of war, when we picking up such messages without waiting for their official
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release, it shows that we are not doing well with critical thinking and strategic communication, i would say very bad, we have to honestly admit that in the conditions of war it will improve. strategic communication and critical thinking are extremely difficult, therefore that in this way our state propaganda is being undermined, but when we have two, let's say, communication failures in just one week, the first failure was around il-76. because ukraine's position turned out to be, well, i would say, a loser compared to russia's. russia made a bet
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on the fact that it littered the information space of the event with various versions. it worked in the same way as during the situation of the 17th war. and it simply overwhelmed various things. well, really diverse, from absurd to almost realistic versions, while in ukraine there was a regime of practical silence, this is bad, it shows that for more than 700 days of large-scale russian invasion, we, as a state, did not have time to create. response system in such situations is bad, bad, i emphasize for all of us,
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regardless of our political sympathies. regardless of our views, regardless of how we see ukraine, if we see it as independent, then in conditions of war we must take care of it, we must talk about it, we must support its authority in the international arena, if we do not have it happens, then we become a laughing stock. in the eyes of our adversaries, in the eyes of our strategic partners, in the eyes of those who are wavering on how to perceive the russian-ukrainian war. we live, on the one hand, in a very large, but on the other hand, in a very compressed world, where this, i looked out of the corner of my eye at the russian, the russian information agenda, as soon as
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they started to... to react, here, you know, creating uncertainty is, unfortunately, in the current situation, in fact, a pass the enemy, because despair, undermining confidence in our abilities, is the main weapon. kremlin, since 2014 in its policy towards ukraine. for at least 10 years, the kremlin has been betting on this. and it should be realized already. well, but look, here we are talking about what, what, russian propagandists use, but, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we see how many public people.
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journalists, including bloggers, began to disperse this topic, but now i look, there are already refutations of the journalists themselves, or let's put it this way, the explanation of why they did it, tsimbalyuk roman wrote that he removed the previous post, he wrote that the brave man was released, and budanov will be the next head of the armed forces of ukraine, he writes: the decree comes into effect from the moment of publication, if it was not made public, it does not mean that there was no such intention, it is a very political decision. sensual, really affects our fate, so at the last moment we were persuaded not to do it, here, in principle, it is not clear where the testing of society is, if it was testing, whether it was a throw-in, or well it cannot be that five people there took public figures and put it in their heads, or in their mouths or ears, that it is necessary to write about it, well, this information was leaked somewhere.
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and they said that this is already certain, if it was done by those who undermine national security and defense, then they should also be held accountable, because this is one of the elements of a hybrid war against ukraine, which means that in such a situation, well, the russian federation was playing along, well, you didn't you write to yourself about this, mr. serhiy? i didn't write because i can't write about which i do not know, and i did not write because i was waiting, i was waiting for an official decree. for him to be, because i realize, i repeat again, whether we like it or not, but in these conditions , such a communication crisis, it can very quickly turn into a socio-political crisis, with serious consequences, i do not want to describe them, but i i can imagine them well enough, so everyone has to start with themselves,
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but... here the paradox of the situation is that really a number of people, people who are quite authoritative, wrote about it as a fact that happened, a fait accompli, yes, this their choice, you and i didn't do it, so we did it right, so our level of information hygiene is higher than theirs, that's all, let's go back to zelenskyi, but... already from the other side, from the side of the draft law on mobilization, because on the 6th in february, the government must submit a bill on mobilization to the parliament, and president zelensky expects a fair law on mobilization from the military leadership, calling for justice for conscripts.


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