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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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of the state, as an authorized officer, i protect the citizens of ukraine and will continue to do so. thank you, taras kremin, the commissioner for the protection of the state language, was on the air of espresso, they talked about the demands of the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs regarding the restoration of the rights of national minorities, hungary in transcarpathia, which existed until 2015, and they actually talked about language courses for military personnel, well, more news already ready to inform us iryna koval, who together with the news editor prepared a fresh issue. so iro, we give you the floor, and actually, tell us what this will be about release thank you, colleagues, well, literally in a moment about utility tariffs for the population, support for the european union and the situation at the front and much more. wait.
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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. the government does not plan to increase utility tariffs for the population until the end of this winter, in particular, the amount of the fee for electricity, the preferential tariff for electricity will be preserved. for the population will remain at the level of 2.64 kopecks per kilowatt hour, assured prime minister denys shmehal. there are also no power outages planned, despite the fact that the russian attacks affected 50% of the power system. we carried out large-scale repairs and added 2.2 gigawatts of power to the power industry, and increased our import capacity to 1.7 gigawatts. despite the constant
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attacks, which continue this winter, with rockets and mortars on ukrainian energy facilities, especially in the east of ukraine, there is light in our homes. the leaders of the european union will promise to continue military support for ukraine at the summit on february 1, reuters reports. however, it remains to be seen whether they plan to contribute more. for help ukraine to the european peace fund, which is used to finance the supply of arms to kyiv. at the same time, according to the publication, the main topic of the summit in brussels will be an attempt to unblock a package of financial assistance to ukraine worth 50 billion euros, which hungary vetoed at the previous summit in december. and the situation at the front in the south is affected by ukrainian troops. damage to
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the locations of the enemy, his positions and rear, as reported by the press service of the southern defense forces, over the past day destroyed more than 70 invaders, two enemy boats and two russian reconnaissance uav superk. we also received confirmation that the enemy on the left bank had two less guns and three units of armored vehicles. the road survey is ongoing. the abbot of one of the churches of the vinnytsia diocese of the uocmp, who praised terrorists zakharchenko and givit motorola on social networks and called the russian aggression against ukraine a civil war, received a court verdict. according to the investigation, kliryk justified the seizure of ukrainian territories and heroized the russian occupiers. about the kremlin propaganda was distributed by the time of sermons in communication with believers. the court found him guilty. considering. work with
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the investigation, he will serve only two years in captivity. a gang that traded weapons was detained in dnipro. a group of local residents organized the sale of weapons and ammunition. potential buyers were searched through messengers. the cost of the so-called goods ranged from 5 to 120 thousand hryvnias. so far, the organizer and two of his accomplices have been informed of the suspicion. they were given precautionary measures. measures in the form of round-the-clock house arrest, the national police said. one of the members of the group was exposed during the sale of a rifle and receiving 75 uah for it, and in general, the facts of the sale of weapons and ammunition for 400 00 uah were documented. the sanction of the article is punishable by up to seven years of imprisonment. named the deputy.
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andrii konechak, the secretary of the kolomyia city council, was fired after making sexist statements. last year, in november, during a session of the city council, an official compared deputy halyna bela. with a witch, she turned to the human rights commissioner, who confirmed the deputy's words: this is discrimination on the basis of gender, i.e. they humiliate a woman, violate her right to respect. the behavior of the secretary was reviewed at a meeting of the permanent commission, and then the kolomyia city council decided to prematurely terminate the authority of its secretary. wives of fallen soldiers are forbidden to use. active cells of their husbands, which they froze in the cryobank at the expense of the state. similar headlines rocked the web. our journalists decided to look into this issue, talked with people's deputies and doctors. all the details are further in our material.
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the council limited military personnel in their rights to parenthood. people's deputies made changes to the legislation, according to which from march 23 of this year, medical institutions will be obliged to dispose of the reproductive cells of soldiers who died at the front. in september 2022, a group of deputies undertook the development of a bill to preserve the rights of war participants to biological post-traumatic parenthood and motherhood, according to which, at the request of military personnel, the state should finance the collection, preservation and storage reproductive cells. but there was no provision for their destruction in the event of the death of a soldier in the project. to the second reading. unfortunately, the general bill on reproductive health, which concerns both civilians and all citizens of ukraine, was not adopted
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by the verkhovna rada. that is why this collision arose. subsequently, in november 2023, the council adopted the corresponding law. a scandal broke out on this topic. in social networks after the post of medical lawyer olena babych, who said that she noticed a discriminatory rule in the law when she consulted a widow ukrainian military. the couple dreamed of children, and therefore cryopreserved sperm before the husband had to go to the front. unfortunately, the soldier died. i'm sorry, but i still can't understand the reasons behind this ban. why should the state, instead of offering... the option forces widows to find workarounds to have the much desired child from a beloved husband who died protecting this very state. reproductive medicine doctor stefan khmil says that he and his colleagues were waiting for this law,
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but how it was changed in the second reading unprecedented and unfair. she can take donor sperm, a paradox, but not her husband. that's it. moreover, according to the doctor, 10% of men wounded in war now have damaged genital organs, so cryopreservation of reproductive cells is often the only possibility of procreation. these loads, which are at the front, nutrition, toxic effects, and stress , etc., etc., negatively affect spermatogenesis, as well as the production of eggs in women. and each sperm carries a huge amount of genetic information, embedded with thousands of genes, it will be damaged. the law on fertility was adopted and signed by the president on march 23, and from that time clinics will be obliged to dispose of
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the sperm and eggs of fallen servicemen. we prescribed an exercise that was supposed to be included in another law and to correct this situation by the month of march. we all knew about... we all understood that everything had to be done, but you see there was already such negativity in social networks that we had to speed up this process, and today all my colleagues are already signing the new bill, which equalizes this situation. the chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the health of the nation, mykhailo radutsky, explained that this law concerned military personnel who, as a result of an injury, lost the opportunity to have children. children, but the document did not take into account the issue of deceased defenders, as this contradicts article 248 of the civil code of ukraine, which provides for the termination of the power of attorney after the death of the principal. as people's deputy iryna gerashchenko wrote,
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a new draft law from european solidarity has already been registered in the council, which should remove disposal for deadlines and create legislative grounds for the preservation of reproductive cells. as well as in regulatory by-laws, they must prescribe coordination with the civil code. and i have to add that the collection of the espresso body is ongoing, our soldiers need vital equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine in the recovery vehicle, as well as to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the reconnaissance unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 470,000. and already almost 190 collected, so join in, your help is very important, all props. you see on the screen now, this was the news
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at that time, we will see you at 16 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, where you will find a summary of the main, as well as watch us on youtube, and my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk continue the broadcast. the espresso information marathon continues to work for you. we are now adding taras zagorodny, a political scientist, to our broadcast. managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. mr. taras, can you hear me? you hear and see, and i see you. i am very glad to see you. so, mr. taras, we have. the situation, the difficult situation with yesterday, allegedly, as the release of zaluzhny. i would like you to evaluate
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this, the entire information quagmire, actually from the point of view of political technologies, because we understand that it is not a fake, because many reputable publications, referring to their various sources, including in the power structures, informed about that this information is true, then everyone zelenskyi's press secretary put the dots over the iro. who said that no one fired the hard worker, well, actually, but, as they say , the wave went away, and this wave was very well picked up by the russian public, russian anonymous telegram channels, and in the end, as they say, why hide a sin and ukrainian anonymous telegram channels also spread this whole story, what do you think, why was this whole story brought to the surface now and what is its purpose? well , this is not the first wave. about three months ago, there were also active rumors that his will be dismissed, it has not ended with anything
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, and it is unlikely to end with anything, well, with regard to the russian public, well, we should pay less attention to what will be said in russia, they have the goal of destroying ukraine, and they will, you know, push themselves to the stake , even if he will stand, especially if he will stand in the center of kyiv and do nothing, so i... i don't think that we should consider how the russians will react to this, we should first of all consider , how society will react, and practice shows that such a wave has started, that the army is trusted, including the people, and the military is trusted as well, as far as i know, and that, of course, such rumors did not add stability to ours. to the state, but there was a statement from the ministry of defense, well , it can be interpreted so ambiguously, because in
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principle, the request for the dismissal of the commander-in-chief, well, i mean the commander-in-chief, should be given by the ministry of defense in general, and then it goes on there, so first the ministry in principle, the defense reacted, albeit in such a typical style, understand what we are talking about, but at least it was, and then nikiferov denied it... what goals can there be? well, there can be different games , there can be different games around the army, because the army is trusted in our society, and many, both internal, different types of players, and russians, so they can actively play pro for disorganization ukrainian leadership , including, could do. support such omissions, we must understand it, the fact that respectable people referred to it, well, we, hear me,
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yes, yes, mr. taras, hear, well, i think that respectable people also, well, in advance should not declare, or more reliable sources , or at least receive comments directly from the ministry of defense to make it clear that this is the case, because many journalists, in the first place... everything started to spread information, they have the authority and the ability to directly contact the ministry of defense in the first place turn, and then to the presidential administration in order to, well to the president's office to... to confirm or deny such rumors. look, mr. taras , we understand that the situation is not easy, that is, taking into account how society reacted, society reacted sharply, so there is, so to speak, a lack of communication, and accordingly, i would like this story to be communicated more clearly, we understand that nikiferov, the presidential spokesman, very clearly said that
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there is no topic of conversation, well, but if there is any element of public anxiety about this ... water, well, i would like to, i don't know there, that during this or that video message or during this or that interview, i don't know there, this topic was publicly reflected by the first persons of our state, maybe it would be appropriate to hear these or other comments on the situation from the side of general zaluzhnyi himself, i don't know , well, maybe the president, maybe, but somehow, you know, dryly laconic and so on, and accordingly society is worried, nothing surprising, society is worried. er, well, probably, a certain psycho-emotional tension, not only on this occasion, in general. well, i agree with you there should be more clear and understandable communication from the state leadership about what is happening, whether a statement is needed from zaluzhnyi, well, i think that he will not make any statements, because in principle, in this
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case, everyone, everyone, everyone in the country and so they know what zaluzhnyi does. he is responsible for the basic needs of every ukrainian, in this case he is responsible for the security of the army management , so he does not need to make additional statements in principle, well, if he wants to, he will probably say it, but i think that it is not his matter, but here in reality it is more a matter of better communication from the authorities in order to either dispel these rumors, or... assert, if you are dissatisfied with something there, but there must be an argument, because whether zaluzhny wanted it or not, he has already become a political figure in our country, moreover, i would say that he is already part of the national heroic myth, and one of the symbols of ukrainian resistance, and therefore in this
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case, of course, the level of... trust in him is quite high , the more we have a confidence level in the army of 97%, yes, well, accordingly, that too, since mr. zaluzhnyi is the personification of the army, this is also transferred to him, therefore , it is necessary to be more careful about such things so that the people are not worried and , of course, we need to communicate better. mr. taras, well, we understand that, as they say, there was no smoke without fire. and these statements , which were heard in such, you know, excerpts in essence from various sources, talked about the fact that it was as if there was a conversation, they offered him some position abroad, well, these rumors, they also do not come out of thin air, they come from somewhere yes, they come from the decision-making center, and those sources who actually began
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to report this information to the same respected media and the same respected politicians. they probably didn’t invent this whole story after all, it’s just that the question is why this whole story ended in the way it did, why there was not even a mention, for example, in zelensky’s evening address about this whole story in general, and well, there’s more to it, i think, now we have more questions than answers, no, well, as i said, we still need an additional explanation from the authorities, here undoubtedly, they are needed, but we... must also understand that in a democratic society, there are contradictions between the military and the political leadership during the war, they do happen, this is the norm, gentle exceptions, you know, i have read many memoirs of mannerheim, cherchel, and everything else, they
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also had disputes in israel, constant disputes, even during military operations and so on, so we must... understand that this is the norm, and the problem is that when we, i talked about those people who memoirs, who we we read, at that time there were no social networks , then there were newspapers, then there was radio, and it is clear, but now you can write any information to some anonymous telegram channel, then convince another, and then after a while it becomes like reliable information , what anonymous sources , who said it, why... and this could be a political technology, mr. taras, well , theoretically it could be, i don't rule it out, i 'm saying, we have to understand that... there is, ah , are there some wings there who would like, for example, the same authorities, who would like, in including throwing in and
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checking the society's reaction, i think that it is possible, uh , is it entirely possible that this is possible, is this interesting, such a dispute, for example, of russia in ukraine, of course, which is interesting, because they know ukrainian society very well, they study it carefully, work for them. there , whole institutes are working on these issues so that everything about the army, which causes great emotions of ukrainians, is used in different ways, maybe this way, maybe that way, so it should be understood here that there may be different options, and well the fact is zaluzhne remained at the head of the army and nothing has changed, there is an official position of the president's office. although i agree with your statement that more in-depth communication and explanation of the situation is needed from the political leadership first. mr. taras,
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we would like to ask you about the situation in the verkhovna rada, so we understand that david rahamiya mentioned a specific number, the head of the presidential faction, 17 people's deputies of butsimba are ready to draw up mandates, and this was definitely the focus. focused some attention, in your opinion, with what, why can deputies make up mandates and , in general, what are the prospects, so to speak , even, well, if their number were increased, we understand that 226 will still remain, and even the number of deputies for the so-called constitutional majority will remain, well, now in the verkhovna rada, if i'm not mistaken, has 405 deputies, and in fact, if... 17 will go, there will be 300 there, as many as 380 eight deputies, this is enough of a constitutional
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majority to make decisions and so on, but we also have to understand the nuances, after all politicians, when there are fewer deputies, then the weight of each deputy automatically increases, and there may be nuances regarding the number of votes regarding this or that decision... who should be contacted, yes, which factions will or will not help, because among the servants of the people, if you carefully look at the statistics, well, about 170 people vote steadily, this is far from the number of 226 votes, and because, of course, i think that, as mr. arahami said, they will not let these people go, in order to still have a reserve of votes. because otherwise, well, on on paper, there will be 226, but try to pass some bills, if an additional
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number of people is needed, the political logic will work differently here, and replanning, for example, the majority, yes, well, maybe it could have the effect of corresponding cabinet rotations, in general, it could would cause to the government, i don't know, national unity, on the one hand we understand that the opposition would be... interested, on the other hand, we understand that there would be circles that would be categorically against, so the prospects in your opinion, well theoretically this is possible option, because judging by, again, as we like to say, unnamed unnamed sources in power, in reality they consider such and such an option, the fact that the swindler should be chased away long ago, even in the servants of the people, they understand, because we we see absolutely... the patent work of the cabinet of ministers regarding the organization of the military economy, and the further this goes on, the more tangible it becomes, this and
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the issue of taxing the profits of enterprises that work in the military industry has not yet been resolved, we have been talking about it for six months, despite the president's instructions , as well as security the secrets of enterprises that must work in the military industry, they are publicly available on the website can be seen on the internet, i am not talking about the tax base. which you can simply buy on the internet and simply look at tax invoices to see where and which enterprises work, will they follow the path of the government of national unity? well, let's see, because in principle, the option, as you say, is that if factions join the coalition, then the question here is whether they have enough votes, if they don't have enough votes, it will of course be rejected, because we all work together on... god, and it would be even more interesting at this stage as a servant of the people, because , after all, there are many problems and they could agree
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to such an option. from the point of view of spreading responsibility for what is happening in the country, not only on the people's behalf, but also on other factions. ugh. thank you, taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was in touch with us. now we're going to have a few minutes break and then we'll be back, it's going to be over very quickly, so stay tuned espresso there are discounts on hepargin 10% in the psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice: lacal active. lacquer active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lacquer active - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lacalot activ+ with two-phase technology and plus active ingredients. for even more active protection , lacal aktiv+. there are 15% discounts on acvaamaris. in
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