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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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your opinion on the bad day with the help phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. well, the information day of the tv channel in rozpala informs about all the most important things, and now we will talk about our internal policy. first of all, people's deputy of ukraine mykhailo tsimbalyuk, the first deputy chairman of the committee, is in the spresso studio. who is engaged in social assistance, in particular to veterans, the lieutenant general of the militia in the reserve, glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, i wish you all good health. well, additional information appears regarding the important draft law on mobilization, so at one time david arahamya said that somewhere around february 6 it would be introduced in the plenary hall, and here it appeared, i no longer remember the surname, serhiy nagornyak, people's deputy, noted what is already being introduced, and then,
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that it may not be adopted before march, what do you think is happening with the pace of consideration, has the draft law already appeared before people's deputies, profile, or at least profile committees? well, in fact, there is such information that the government is at a meeting today the draft law submitted by the ministry of defense and i think other security forces was considered. and it is about to be registered under a new number, and we all , as people's deputies, expect it, but it has been finalized, and it is important to us that what was recommended by the social policy committee and many other people's deputies and committees on matters of national security and defense and intelligence, regarding those red lines that should not be in the future draft law, and i think that as early as next week this...
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bill has a chance to be introduced into the session hall and voted in the first reading, it is very important that the state finally demobilizes all conscripts, we talked about this a lot, as if there is such a rule in this version, well, it is important, regarding persons with disabilities of the third group, we talked about this, when the previous version was discussed, the same applies to the right. the leadership of the tsc regarding the restriction of people's property rights, the right to drive a car, etc., that is, it is important that those things that have become very controversial and ambiguously perceived in society, they did not get into the new version, i think that today, or for example , tomorrow at the most, we will already have a registered version and will discuss it thoroughly... and
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the consultations with the ministry of defense, was there any strong feedback from the umerov team, umerova, i apologize, this is how we understand, well... that deputies generate a lot of different amendments and initiatives, so far not all of them can be taken into account, but the key story is that there was a proper plan of communication and appropriate reflection, well, i don't know, that's why that the working group on the drafting of military draft laws is not meeting, this is the competence of the national security and defense committee only, but as far as i know, this delay in time was precisely due to the fact that the ministry... taking into account the proposals of the people's deputies, was developing a new version , what will it be, let's wait and see, mr. mykhailo, we would still like you to react to the statement of people's deputy serhiy nagornyak, whom antin mentioned, and he said that they are currently trying to choose the best that can be accepted from bad decisions
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society, and it was repeated that, unfortunately, there are no good solutions left, that is , we understand that even if a draft law is revised, it will be one that will not suit ukrainian society. most likely, at least some part will not suit, because it is necessary to adopt some unpopular steps, taking into account the difficult situation in our state, but yesterday we also had people's deputy natalukha, who spoke about the fact that a concept, a new concept of reservations is currently being developed, and this too has already given rise to a certain discussion, because some people believe that it is unfair, and other people say that we have no other way out, because we still need money in the state budget, because we are the army... and here, well , a difficult decision is actually facing our people's deputies , do you think there is any chance at all of this changed reservation, yes, the changed approach to reservation being voted on, i don't think that such an idea, which is being discussed by the way, has the right to live, because
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in fact we are talking about a new draft law, as about fair mobilization, and that what is proposed e.e. by paying additional taxes or simply one-time monetary expenditures in the budget for a specific person, so that he is not mobilized, this is the wrong approach, because it will turn out that those who have money will not go to serve, you need to look for other ways, but i agree with colleagues, that in addition to a successful combat front, there must be a successful economic front, here we need to find ways so that the enterprises that today... provide security and defense, food security and generally pay taxes to the budget, they work and employees of specific important professions had the right to reservation, but here the state needs to look for other options, so that
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the economy does not work in the shadows, and that these legislative initiatives do not drive even more into the shadows enterprises that will look for options, and how to do yes? so that the employee is not officially registered and does not go to the territorial recruitment center, we voted and are waiting for the president to sign the draft law on the register of military personnel, a single register, there is just the option that all those who are subject to mobilization or accounting, they will definitely not be able to avoid it, regardless of whether they work legally or not. illegally, this is the right approach, the state is at war, and it is necessary that there should be justice regarding mobilization here as well, we agree with you, mr. mykhailo, but if we are talking, for example, about some such innovation, yes, in the approach to mobilization, well, logically, if the enterprise
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really fulfills such an important mission, and is economically viable, in addition to all that, it should pay a certain additional fee. rum somewhere i understand about uah 20,000, so we understand that certain enterprises received bookings for free anyway, they would also support the economy, but what do, for example, parliamentary economists say, and in general, what is happening to our state budget from this review, we we understand that it is not for nothing that when they talk about money, it means that something additional should be done with the money, there is also a kind of injustice in the case of the adoption of such a legislative initiative, because it turns out as you said, sir. that some have armor, because they work for the security, defense sector, etc including food security, and others pay taxes, here they are still burdened with an additional 20,000 uah per employee, it is difficult in general with profits in
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business today, because they are barely working for profitability anyway, if you add another 20,000 for each, then i don't think that today there are many so... such enterprises, which added value from one employee, paying all taxes, salary to him, an additional 20,000 will come out, as far as i know, this discussion... is not completely accepted by economists and first of all in the fact that this again creates such social injustice, some companies get armor for free, and others have to pay extra, in addition to the fact that they pay the tax budget. yes, mr. mykhailo, well, but anyway, the main intrigue of yesterday evening and today, yes, this is another information wave. we are adding volodymyr aryev, people's deputy of ukraine, to our conversation. mr. volodymyr, glory to ukraine, in the espresso studio mykhailo tsymbalyuk, your colleague,
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people's deputy of ukraine as well. glory to heroes. well, let's round up the so-called informative summary of yesterday's extremely restless night for many. yes, there was information, signed, er, that is, it was not anonymous, regarding the adopted decision on the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. general zaluzhnyi, yes , then certain, so to speak, soft refutations arrived over the course of several restless hours , saying that there was nothing to discuss, because it was untrue, and so on and so forth, but mr. volodymyr, a word to you about what happened yesterday , i just didn't hear a refutation, it was let's say so, the message that there is no presidential decree, but that. that there is no presidential decree does not mean that there is no intention to issue it, in this case
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there was absolutely no communication from the authorities, i may have missed something in the last few hours there, because i was not in the information field all the time, but i did not see for someone from the president's office to come out and say: no, no, no dismissal of the meritorious person is foreseen, we... the supreme commander, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine work together, and that would remove all question, but this, precisely this communication, this absolutely clear message from the office of the president has not yet been received from the office of the supreme commander-in-chief of ukraine. in the current situation, when there are a lot of mass media, it is not only telegram channels, but also well-known media, which confirmed that there was a conversation about the resignation of a hard worker in the office of president
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zelensky, it needs a mandatory reaction from on the part of the top leadership of the country, and what today would have then, if there were no reason for it, they once again talked about that ipso, ahineya and so on, if it was really ipso, then by now... there would be an absolutely clear and specific message from the president's office that everyone is working in their places, no one is going to fire anyone, we united, we are together, and we go together to victory. these two stories, mr. volodymyr, look, i would not like to compare these two stories, well, but there is a certain dramaturgy, but at one time you remember how they were sent for six months. to the resignation of the then minister of defense oleksiy reznik, i do not want to compare reznikov with the hard-working, i do not want
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so to speak, to compare the essence of possible problems and misunderstandings in general, these are completely diametrically different stories, but they have been talking for several months in a row that they will be sent there as an ambassador to the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, well, reznikov has not yet become an ambassador and so further, well, yesterday there was also information that we would... they also offered zaluzhny to become an ambassador, that is, there are some, i don't know, certain coincidences in handwriting, i'm not a graphologist, of course, but , coincidences, maybe , there are and sufficiently many, and alarm signals, too, just as , as regards, and here it is possible to dismiss not only the lieutenant, but also other generals from the general staff, but... i would, i would not really compare all these things here, and
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if, in this case, the lack of comments from valery zaluzhnyi, it is eloquent enough, he once said that while he is in office, he will not play any politics, and he keeps his word, and that is why he does not leave . he does not want to lie with any statements, and uh, all other statements can be considered political, so in in this case here... there is one absolutely clear question that has been hanging at the moment, whether supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi will replace the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and zaluzhny's closest entourage during the ongoing hostilities
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. actively, i.e. whether it will be or not, everything is no longer important, whether the diligent ambassador was offered there or another position, the question is different, there is no reason at all to change the higher military leadership, i.e. there were none, yes, yes, yes, no there were no no things that beat simply forced to say that everyone is not doing well and let's change it, let's do it with arguments, there are no such arguments , there is still in our studio, there is still mykhailo tsimbalyuk in our studio, we would like him to have time to react too, in fact to all these the statements related to the alleged resignation of vozzaluzhnogo, mr. mykhailo, look, and if we are talking about the general change of the commander-in-chief of the armed
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forces during martial law, during the war, do you think that such personnel decisions , without being tied to personnel, are absolutely justified, well, i would like to say, i read yesterday, by the way, on social networks, especially there were calls to support, to preserve the commander-in-chief, i believe that the greatest support was, especially those sofa experts, to get up and go serve, and others at least went to work or contribute to the armed forces, this would be the greatest support, in general. discussions during martial law, especially those that concern military leaders, they are not in favor of the state, and i think that the aggressor is only watching this, everything else is important here, the main thing is to do no harm, this is not the competence of the verkhovna rada, it is the competence of the supreme commander, he bears full
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responsibility for what is happening in the armed forces of ukraine and in other military uniforms. i do not know the situation of the armed forces internally enough to be able to comment on such important issues. ok, look, if we are still talking about one such topic, it is, by the way, very good that we have two people's deputies now, and we have the opportunity to ask you questions, for example, we are talking about zelenskyi a statement that he made to a german journalist about the return of ukrainian men to ukraine, yes, those who, he says, should pay taxes to the ukrainian budget and return them. and we are not only talking about the mobilization of people to the front, but we are talking about the mobilization of human resources , including for the support of the armed forces of ukraine, and he also mentioned a certain redistribution of finances that our partner countries provide us to help our refugees, so that it was actually done in a different way, so that the money was given to the ukrainian budget, and the state will already decide how
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to spend this money, do you, mr. mykhailo, think it is realistic at all, will our partners agree to such a thing, well, i guess you should ask the partners, i... understand, the desire of the president, who travels around the world, asks weapons, ammunition, funds for the ukrainian budget for the military, but each state decides in its own way. we see the statements of finland, the netherlands, and other countries that have accepted a certain number of refugees, and today they pay the citizens of ukraine certain funds and a one-way ticket so that they return to ukraine. here we must... first of all, be grateful to all our international partners for such support and help, but do everything to ensure that our citizens return here to ukraine, and we must share those refugees who, after all, from today occupied territories or frontline territories, and citizens from the central and western parts of our country, because each
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of them has a different situation, some have nowhere to return. although the verkhovna rada passed laws regarding the restoration of destroyed and damaged property, and this is a positive thing, but another the thing is, when our refugees have a home , they have a place to return to, someone from a rural area can return and run a house, these are two big differences, but we are losing time, because people who are abroad... they are, of course, the longer they stay there, the later they will return here to ukraine. volodymyr ariev, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. volodymyr, what's up with you? the opinion could be related to the statement of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi regarding the return, so to speak, the creation of certain circumstances, which will help people return to ukraine and
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in general, do you think the relevant states will be ready to transfer additional funds to us, our government? and i will say right away that there is no such practice in the world to help refugees of a certain country. through the government of this state, this has never happened, and there is internal legislation on the reception of refugees of certain countries, and it does not provide for the involvement of third parties in this process, so in this case i would like to reassure all refugees, and this populist statement of zelensky is enough, it will not materialize in any way, and on the other hand, this... this means volodymyr zelensky's desire to control absolutely everything related to finances, i do not really
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understand this desire, because in this case it is about, he already said , that we ourselves will redistribute, but how money is redistributed in the government under the current government, we see when, for example, the military... their payments are taken away, billions go to the telethon, millions go to tv series, hundreds of millions go to repairs, went to road repairs and payments to to yarmak's deputy, his family business is supplied with electricity in the occupied territories, and that's why they see it, including in europe, and that's why they won't give any money to ukraine, the ukrainian government, but... regarding legislative initiatives, well , of course you can do that what can be done is to make the conditions for the return of people, but
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such that they are attractive, you cannot write a law for each specific case, and it will work only for everyone who went abroad for fear of war, it cannot be returned by force there will definitely be no people, that contradicts international... law, but in this case the ukrainian authorities and the verkhovna rada could make certain decisions that would, let's say, stimulate the development of jobs and small and medium-sized businesses, which mostly left, but today we we see the situation exactly the opposite, small and medium-sized businesses are under pressure and very... many such small and medium-sized businesses are ceasing to exist today, so in this case we should not call on the governments of western countries
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to encourage ukrainian refugees to return to ukraine, to do everything ourselves so that the ukrainian, the ukrainian government and the monomajority , which today is not a monomajority, is supported by the votes of the majority of the former opzh, so that they adopt such laws and... create such conditions that people themselves want to return, and here of course there is indeed, the question of security is also the same, because many people are really afraid of rocket attacks, which happen regularly, thank you, volodymyr arev, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, we still have mykhailo tsymbolyuk in the studio, we have two a few minutes, actually, mr. mykhailo, if you have any specific reflections on what was said, you can add while we have it. there is still such a possibility, there is another very important thing that the society, the military community, puts before society, it is what to do with regard to those who,
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during the special regime of martial law, illegally left the territory of ukraine, we are talking about persons, mainly men of military age, what to do with them, and the military, who have the moral right to ask such a question, including to the verkhovna rada, are talking about it. and now it is very important that understanding that there is both international law and the law of non-retroactivity, and people who left illegally, they left with the help of border guards or customs or other structures that helped them or forged documents, how to find this axiom to solve this issue, on the one hand, so that those people who illegally crossed the border and where today in europe or in other worlds, though. and could legitimately return, and how they will look in the eyes of those who return from the front victorious, i am sure of it, but lost health, lost time, and they ... have
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the moral right to ask questions of everyone, those who will return, and for one reason or another, and did not serve, illegally evaded and did not pay taxes, because they did not live on the territory of ukraine, this is a question that no one has an answer to yet. thank you, mykhailo tsymbalyuk , people's deputy of ukraine, was in the espresso studio, and in the meantime, we are actually going on a break, so be with espresso for a few minutes and... journalists and the espresso team will continue their work. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and functional state of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on lactial. 10% in
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temporarily, i'll be back home soon, live now where you are. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, let's start.


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