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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EET

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you do it yourself, i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon, live now where you are. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, let's start.
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the situation in kherson oblast. the russians injured, injured a local resident of tokarivka. the enemy shelled the village with artillery, the woman suffered an explosive injury, a partial amputation of a finger on her hand, and a shrapnel wound to the head, abdomen , and leg. she was in the hospital and reported to the regional military administration. also the enemy attacked two settlements in the beryslav district, hit residential buildings and the building of the invincibility point. one person from... died, three more were injured due to russian shelling of donetsk region. in the morning, the enemy attacked avdiivka with artillery, they hit a private house. a 47-year-old woman was there. she died. several private houses and a high-rise building were damaged. the russians also hit the city of chasiv yar with an fpv drone. a man and a woman received shrapnel injuries, the regional prosecutor's office said. in addition, the occupiers shelled the village of new york. local the resident was in his own
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yard, his leg was injured. in the temporarily occupied crimea, the defense forces of ukraine hit the enemy radar station of the air defense system. the target was located near the village of rozdolne. this was reported by the strategic communications department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the military said that the strike was successful this morning. the government does not plan to increase utility tariffs for the population until the end of winter, in particular , the amount of the fee for electricity, preferential the tariff for electricity for the population will remain at the level of 2 hryvnias 64 kopecks per kilowatt/hour, assured prime minister denys shmagal. power outages are also not planned, despite the fact that the russian attacks affected 50% of the power system. we carried out
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large-scale repairs and added 2.2 gigawatts of power to the power industry, and also increased our power import capabilities to 1.7 gigawatts thanks to full synchronization with the ntsoi network. despite the constant attacks, which continue this winter, with rockets and mortars on ukrainian energy facilities, especially in the east of ukraine, there is light in our homes. french farmers continue to block roads with tractors and demand action from the government, reuters reports. in particular, farmers complain about insufficient wages, excessive regulation of environmental protection, as well as cheap imports. the protests have been going on for more than a week. the french government has already abandoned plans to gradually reduce subsidies for agricultural diesel fuel and promised to relax environmental regulations.
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57-year-old farmer sebastian jackame says: the message i want to send to all french people is that we are all children of rural workers and we must all act to help our farmers live, not survive. i think we should understand today that french agriculture is in a catastrophic situation. farmer from northern france vincent guot says: we hope to see strong words and actions. some announcements that are specific to our requirements. we really hope to see something concrete about all the issues we raise and what have been accumulating for years. the money spent on supporting ukraine was not spent in vain. this was stated by the minister of finance of germany , christian lindner, during his speech before the parliament. according to him, it also affects migration control. let me remind you that november german chancellor
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olaf scholz's government coalition agreed to double military aid to ukraine in 2024 to 8 billion euros. germany has an international responsibility, we support ukraine, and our support is the second largest in the world makes us an international leader. i hear calls to reduce our international commitments from conservatives in the cdu, csu and the opposition as a whole. i do not advise to do this, not only because of humanitarian responsibility, but also because international cooperation and crisis prevention are of great interest to germany, for example, to... critical standard of living: ukrainian displaced people do not have enough funds for basic needs, even for food and goods first necessity this is evidenced by the survey results of the analytical center sotsioconsulting. ukrainians also complain about
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high rental costs and are afraid of losing their home due to eviction or lack of funds. job search is also one of the urgent needs of idps. it is up to the communities to take care of the dignified life of the immigrants, because the majority of ukrainians plan to stay at their current place of residence. today, about 5 million people in ukraine have the status of internally displaced persons. even people who work still have big financial problems, you see, 40% of those who have a job, paid employment, said that they do not can satisfy basic needs, that is, they do not have enough money for food and clothes, among those who do not work, who rely only on social support, 70% of them, this is already the limit of some kind of physical survival.
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they got rid of all symbols of the soviet union. lviv oblast became the first region of ukraine to complete the process of decommunization. in total , there were 312 soviets on the territory. monuments since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, concerned citizens began to get rid of the so-called alyosha more actively. almost every week they wore out several monuments. according to experts , the most was found with the image of soldiers of the soviet army. demolished sculptures replenish the fund of the museum of totalitarian regimes. there they will perpetuate the terror of those times. farmers provided, er, or entrepreneurs. on the territory of those communities, they provided their equipment, somewhere volunteers, ordinary people joined, for example, in zhovpva, residents simply helped us, and thus 95% of dismantling was done for free, not a single hryvnia was spent. the bakhmut ballad,
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a photo of the war with that name in the museum of history of ukraine in the second world war presented a photo album and an exhibition of the heroic defense of the city. the work on the photo book lasted more than six months, and more than 300 photos were included in the collection. photographs from the epicenter of hostilities were sent by press officers and the communications service of the eastern group of troops. in the photo album , you can see different periods of the defense of bakhmut, from the city full of life to empty streets, with traces of death and destruction. these photos were primarily for me and for. who performed these tasks, because unfortunately, i i understand that very often during such active hostilities, some people are no longer alive, this is a memory that we must preserve, this is a feat of people, because one person, he may seem like a small cog to himself, but he does a tremendous job and each cog, it makes up a huge mechanism,
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it is clear that not all the photos will go to the exhibition, 46 pieces went here, and we selected them for the photo album together with the press officers, a little more, no. 300, because several thousand - we will think about what to do next, there are a lot of photos, and everyone is special, and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues, our soldiers need vital equipment, we ask for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle and to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy more effectively from the direction. our goal is uah 470,000, almost 190,000 in the account . get involved, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. and i want to thank all our
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viewers who join us every day meetings and support the armed forces of ukraine, because together we are a force, and we are moving towards. victory, that was all the news for now, the updated release, wait for the 18th, our team is working on it, well, if you want to know more news, you can do it on our website. also subscribe to us on social networks, there you will find a brief description of the news, and you can also watch us on youtube, and watch the next issue already at 18. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal
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platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes peregrine falcon of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of espresso with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine! heroes! see this week in the collaborators program. quick careers of sellers in the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions. the russian federation is helping more than ever. but why do the russians put ukrainian collaborators in a cage. meets all standards of the russian federation. program on tuesday, january 30 at 5:45 p.m collaborators with olena kononenko on the
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espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. you
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draw your own conclusions. the information day of espresso tv channel continues, well, espresso tv channel is now switching to its evening form of broadcasting, so good evening, dear tv viewers, but this morning there was extremely important news, an official announcement, so the armed forces of ukraine this morning they successfully hit a russian air defense radar station near the village of rozdolne in the temporarily occupied crimea, the strategic committee of the armed forces of ukraine reports. yes, and actually, we will now have a conversation with our guest, with whom we will discuss important political topics that have now shaken georgia, sakartvela, as they like to be called that now, the very name, the very name, yes, yes, and actually we will discuss the political aspects, but in the meantime we will remember an equally important story that happened in latvia yesterday
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we informed you that she is one of the latvian meps. they attacked the russian fsb, and now there is information that in latvia they did not find any elements of a crime in the actions of the mep who reported to the russian federation about her activities. actually , it is about the fact that the state security service of latvia stated today that the actions of the member of the european parliament tetiana zhdynok, that's her name, since at least 2004 she interacted with the employees of the russian fsb, they say that they do not qualify. as a crime and the department clarified that they do not consider it to be the criminal activity of the mep, because it fell on the period from 2004 to the 13th year, actually there was not yet a full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine. well, we have a copy of koban's connection, mp sakartvelo, well, in ukraine, this country is also known as georgia. glory to ukraine, dear mr. nakopie, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes. well,
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there is a big georgian intrigue, in particular, it is about resignations. so we understand that some accompanying processes may be taking place now, who do you think can become the new prime minister and how in general, georgian relations can affect ukraine. greetings, good evening, good evening, i apologize, but will speak.
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the authorities call this the main reason for the resignation. mr. nakopia, i have a question for you. i have a question for you, do
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you think that the deputies will be able to vote for the new composition of the government in the next two weeks, because we understand that the composition of the new government still has to be voted on by the deputy corps, and in fact, how are they currently assessing the possibility of appointing a new government the prime minister, well , the new government itself, its composition. as far as do you think this whole story can drag on and what factors can influence it? it cannot be prolonged, because in today's government, the formation of the government requires a certain number of votes, and accordingly , it seems to me that there will be no problems, but... here it should be noted that already in the close circle of the former prime minister, information is already spreading , who will be
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appointed, for example, minister of defense, minister of health, minister of justice, so it must be said that these are the closest associates of the former prime minister.
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that the government will certainly change one hundred percent, these processes that are currently taking place in the georgian dream, they lead to disorder, and accordingly, today the representatives of the georgian dream look very confused. if they are formulated correctly, the opposition will be formed in the 24th year. dear mr. nakopiya, we understand that the resignation
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of garibashvili is an important moment, but we understand that the key figure who currently leads the ruling party is bidzina ivanishvili, we understand that he is one of the key players in what is called cooperation with the kremlin. this is at... of course a difficult moment, and we understand that the situation is best manifested by the detention of mikheil saakashvili, the former president of georgia, a citizen of ukraine, so we in ukraine are very worried about the state of health of mr. saakashvili, and accordingly we wanted i would like to ask you where bidin ivanishvili 's georgian dream is heading now and whether there are any chances that it is...
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bodi. but i hope that we will definitely win in the october 24 elections. thank you, thank you, thank you. koba na kopi, a member of the parliament of sakartvelo, this is, let me remind you, georgia, he was in touch with us, he was on the air of espresso, and in fact, soon we will also add our next guest to our conversation, this is the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and
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kyiv region, but yet? we regret including it, we will actually inform you about all the most important things that are happening as of today, in fact today there is a lot of news and actually there is a lot to discuss, so actually we have a lot of time today we dedicate szijjártó's last visit to uzhgorod, which took place yesterday, because we understand that there is a lot to discuss, including the demands that the hungarians put before us, who want us to return certain rights of national minorities. which were before 2015, or sierto and orbán, they are concerned exclusively with the hungarian ethnic minority, citizens of ukraine, of hungarian origin, who are compactly settled mainly in the territory of the transcarpathian region of ukraine, and accordingly, the key story here is where the border will lie, so to speak compromise, how willing we will be and how big the
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appetites can be. uh, sijarto and orban, we understand that they can play out this story in an extremely unpleasant way, they can, for example, say that ukraine is not ready to make compromises, such and such, and we understand that we have a certain law-making legislative body, we cannot stand for it either, well, about the situation and in general about the visit of peter szijharto to uzhgorod and a possible meeting between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky and... uhorsky the prime minister will speak with tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region. glory to ukraine, mr. tibor, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, mr. antin, mrs. marta, glad to see and hear you. yes, we are also glad to see and hear from you. well, we would ask you, as a person who knows the hungarian language, and who could fully analyze what peter sijarto said, then upon his return. hungary,
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as he commented on the meeting, for example, with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba, the head of the presidential office, yermak, and in general, your feeling of this visit , as unbearable as it may be, may be the hungarian demands, the fact is that on the part of mr. szijjártó, it was total hype, pr, nothing more, why he... why am i saying this, because after he returned from these negotiations, the hungarian press savored the fact that what a hero szijártó is, he allegedly received, or rather the hungarian embassy, ​​a threat to his life if he comes to ukraine, but he...


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