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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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sijarto, then upon returning to hungary, how did he comment on the meeting, for example, with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kulebu and the head of the presidential office yermak, and in general your feeling of this visit, how unbearable can hungarian demands be? the fact is that on the part of mr. szijjártó, it was total hype, pr, no... more, why him, why am i saying this, because after he came back from these talks, the hungarian press tasted that what a hero sijarto is, er, supposedly he received, or rather, the hungarian embassy, ​​er, threat to his life if he comes to ukraine , but he still came, er, although alone, er , when s... the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, a democrat, hey
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zajesensky, stated that all this provocation is beneficial to only one single country, it is clear to whom, of course, russia. well , nevertheless, this meeting took place, i believe that from the side of ukraine, all this took place at the highest level, even szijártó mentioned it, and... and returning to the demands, yes from the hungarian side, i would like to start with today's press - the conference, which ended about an hour and a half ago, which again gave peter szijártó is in budapest, and there he met with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of bahrain, so he was specifically asked whether in the near future, after yesterday's meeting
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between mrs. orban and mr. zelensky, ukraine and hungary, to which szijártó answered unequivocally that until this meeting very, very far, because very , very much needs to be done for this, er, i spoke about the fact that in order for this meeting to take place at the highest level, er... it is necessary for ukrainian-hungarian relations to acquire a new dimension. what is this new dimension? for his i imagine a new dimension, that ukraine fulfills all 11 demands, what are these demands, if possible, let's now detail for our tv viewers: 11 friends of orban, so to speak, so er... and that here in
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this this is this is the first the package of demands, i.e. these 11 demands, it concerns exclusively, as they call it, the rights of the hungarian national minority in transcarpathia, i believe that it is not worth the hole from baglyk, many of them have already been fulfilled, but in sijarto said that no, we need return to ukraine. until 2015 and unceasingly fulfill all those that were then, i.e the so-called notorious kolesnychenko-kivalov law demands that the hungarian language be spoken in transcarpathia not in individual regions, but in all of transcarpathia, i.e. spoken in all administrative institutions, in all administrative buildings, forgive me... even it is
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not about the protection of the hungarian national minority , why? because there are no more than 50,000 hungarians left in transcarpathia today , precisely because of orbán's dissolute policy, many hungarians left transcarpathia because they do not own in the ukrainian language and they simply become a cheap raffle for orban. in addition to this , they also want the... er external examination to be in hungarian, well, in principle, er, everything can already be done, but i am emphasizing what orban wants to get, well, so to speak the board of the entire transcarpathia and the entire population, because 50,000, the population of transcarpathia is somewhere over one and a half million people, and look, they forgot to talk about it.
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as soon as siyarto crossed the border, the first thing he did was turn to mr. viktor mykyta, who heads the transcarpathian state administration. which region and began to lead a split, that what you are doing is all very right, you, you defend our policy, and you can fully continue and rely on me, that is, orban and his clique consider transcarpathia as their protectorate, as their colony , but apart from these 11 points... what else does sijarto say about the new dimension of ukrainian-hungarian relations. the second block is that ukraine must implement all infrastructure projects in transcarpathia, which
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will give an opportunity to better, supposedly, develop hungary, hungary itself. this is about ukraine for some reason it is also not said, i.e. it seems to say that for... it is necessary to build roads in transcarpathia, forgive me, i remember there was a project of a bypass road, so that at one time hungary was trying to make money and wanted to give ukraine a loan of 50 million in such a way that , in fact, most of the works and materials in general would be completely delivered in hungary, that is, we pay, they give us a loan, and for... this money we simply take everything from hungary , in fact, we return the money not twice, but three times, eh, that's why i believe that today the breakthrough, as i expected, did not happen, and
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it is unlikely to happen, and the only thing left for us is to hope for ourselves, to really work with our european partners, so that they, and the way they really have an influence on orbán, and the relevant factors that can be used to put orbanijarto in his place. mr. tibor, we would also like your assessment of the actual statement of the leader of the party our native movement, lászló torochka, he stated that hungary should claim the zakarpattia region of ukraine in the event of the defeat of our country in the war, and then after him there was a right-wing romanian politician who said about the need for reintegration. regions of ukraine neighboring romania, well, in a word, we see a certain kind of revenge of right-wing movements brewing in europe and in particular in hungary, but i am just a person who understands this whole political and social mood of hungarians, what do you generally think, does such a message have a chance
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to sound and be in the mainstream in hungary, are there really hungarians who support similar statements of some... similar statements that torochkai spoke about the possible annexation of the transcarpathian region in the event that ukraine falls? well, i wanted to first of all, to reassure the entire ukrainian community, there will never be any hungarian transcarpathia again. mr. torotskaya, if you can even call him mr. forgive me, i don't consider him mr. no, he doesn't even have a higher education, marginal. a former member of pas zadnik in the yók party, that is, the most right-wing in hungarian, and in the 2022 elections, his party in our homeland, migozank, received 6%,
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that is, his support for the whole society is about 6%. but i want to briefly read about this position statement. the true mr. marton tomposh, who is the deputy of the momentum party and heads the opposition momentum faction in the hungarian parliament, this is what he literally said to me yesterday: our position consists in full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, and torotskaya is a paid puppet whom orban promoted... to the parliament of hungary in order to use it to promote their far-right ideas, which fidesz, that is, orbán's party, does not dare to express. this is a shameful statement and it is important to know that the majority of hungarians do not support these unfortunate people. we thank you,
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thank you, dear sir. thank you, but we have one more question for mr. tybor, we have four more minutes, yes, say the editors. we need four more minutes, actually we would like to talk with you, mr. tibor, about the general attitude of hungarians, we understand that orban, he still has a certain attitude. favor of a certain category of citizens of the state, but there are also those hungarians who absolutely do not support, according to your feelings, whether this trend is changing, and to whom hungarians are more inclined to listen now, especially seeing such a tragic example of ukraine, when we are now under the full-scale aggression of the russian federation, hungary is a country next door to us, which could hypothetically be the next state, if putin does not have the strength and ... the means to go further, or feel are they ordinary ordinary
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hungarians? well, of course, they feel, because the economic situation in hungary is just very, very bad, returning to the support of orbán, it should be noted that he is actually supported by the so-called dead province, marginals, serfs, the fact is that in hungary was the longest process of serfdom and... and this serfdom is still very strong in some regions of hungary, primarily in backward regions, and there is a so-called non -orban hungary, this is budapest, big cities, by the way, orban now why he has become so active and behaves so aggressively because he is afraid of losing big cities, not only budapest, he will lose budapest completely. and he always lost, i.e. he
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has no support at all from the 2 million population of budapest, he has never won a single polling station there does not win, but wins and wins only thanks to these lumpin serfs er in the regions, and er, what is most important, i think that in the near future , as er the number of people increases. including because of the fact that they are moving, they feel that it is necessary to help ukraine, why orban won, because there were 2 million so-called passive people who did not vote for orban, there are 3 million of these lumpens , serfs, the opposition, which is democratically minded, 2 million, and now the whole question is that out of 2 million millions, if at least 1 million would go to the side of the opposition, orban... of course loses, i really want it and i really hope that it will happen in the next
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elections. thank you, tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region, was in touch with us, they analyzed the situation in hungary, in particular, well, they talked about the appetites of viktor orban and his political power. on the other hand, we understand that orbán is trying to preserve his internal hungarian political face, and that is why he... will simply be forced to make certain compromises and concessions when we talk about unlocking the great of the macro-financial aid package for ukraine , we understand that orbán is doing this not because he suddenly began to sympathize with our suffering people, and not because he is so kind, but because european officials and the rest of the european union states put him in such a diplomatic and economic a pose that he has no choice now. on the other hand , we understand that european officials are also inclined to diplomatically solve similar
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problems, that is, if they have the opportunity, so to speak, to put pressure on ukraine, well, they they will say that it is also possible, ukraine should rethink something there, when we talk about the hungarian community in ukraine, well, it is not easy, not easy, but a very important story, and it is not easy and very important, but for today, ankin and i are already saying goodbye to you, passing on the baton to our colleagues, who will pick it up and actually continue this evening with you, and will discuss here in the studio with our best experts, all the most important topics, well, we tell you until tomorrow and in the afternoon at 2 o'clock we will already be here waiting for you, well, you will to see us here, so marta uliyarnyk and ankin burkovskyi worked for us for you for the next three, i'm talking the next three hours, so we say goodbye until tomorrow, all the best to you.
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every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community eneable mei yucrain. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all of europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful
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information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine and enable me ukraine. see this week in the collaborators program. quick careers of sellers in the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions. the russian federation is helping more than ever. but why a russian? they imprison ukrainian collaborators in a cage, meets all standards of the russian federation. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. during almost two years of the great war, the aggressive invaders repeatedly changed the gauleiters in the occupied territories. some of the traitors did not
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live up to expectations, some were caught stealing, some were sent by our partisans to... kopzon's concert. most often , it was local losers who failed to become the leaders of the occupied settlements get a job in a dream position or make a political career. when the orcs came to ukraine, unheard of prospects opened up for these non-eaters. sometimes the rashists sent their supervisors, representatives of russian transylvania, to the occupied regions. is there any need to lead a village or town in the captured part of zaporizhzhia or kherson oblast for such a waste? the pinnacle of a dream promotion. after the recent fake elections to the so-called dun and pseudo-municipal districts in the occupied territories of ukraine, the rashists were massively replaced middle managers. and the lower link, and i will tell about some of them now. this is the first such playground in our district, it is safe and meets all the standards
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of the russian federation. meet petro mustiyanovych, born in 1964, a native of ivano-frankivsk region. the russian invaders appointed him the head of the so-called kalanchak municipal district in the kherson region. previously, he held the position of the head of the occupation military-civilian administration of kalanchatskyi. how did it happen that a man from prykarpattia began to serve to the occupiers? as it turned out, mustiyanovych moved to the kherson region as a child, where he graduated from school and a technical school with a specialty of being a motorist. from 1982 to 23 , he served in the armed forces of the ussr and the russian federation, received a russian passport, was a diving instructor in the marines of the northern fleet. he rose to the rank of senior ensign, after being released from the reserve he lived in a village. satellite of the murmansk region, worked in the military unit as a commander of the paramilitary guard. from 2010 to 2020, mustiyanovych was the chairman
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of the council of deputies in the village of pechenga, murmansk region later, he lost his job, and with the beginning of the war, he suddenly remembered his homeland and moved from the far north to ukraine. in august 2022, this rascal took part in a propaganda meeting with russia held in the occupied territory. skadovsk in the kherson region, he served himself so well in front of the kremlin authorities that they could not help but pay attention to him there. mustiyanovych was appointed to manage the kalancha district. i served in the marines, and we were told, if not us, then who? therefore, we need to raise these places so that they enter fully part of the russian federation. during the 30 years of ukrainian rule, everything here fell into disrepair. having become as an occupying official , the ukrainian patriots were handed over to the russian military and forced the locals to cooperate with the enemy. he contributed to the holding of a fake referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to
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the russian federation. also, as the publication rayon skadovsk writes, petro mustiyanovych denied the existence of ukraine and spoke in support of the bloody actions of the aggressor country. the security service of ukraine has already reported that it knows about the whereabouts of this rashist and conducts measures to attract. him to responsibility, while the kherson prosecutor's office sent an indictment against mustiyanovych to the court. he is accused of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine. the sanction of the article provides for deprivation of liberty for a term of 10 to 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we hope that we will be able to see how the murmansk diver will become a ukrainian prisoner. the russian invaders also replaced gauleiter as chief. kherson region. instead of gennady nadyalkov to manage occupation administration, they appointed 39-year-old businessman vitaly titarenko as his deputy. he started working as the new
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occupation head of the holopryston community at the end of last year. vitaly titarenko worked as a deputy gauleiter of the bare wharf. in the last fake elections , he ran in the kherson region from putin's united russia party. judging by the data of the ukrainian registers, before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, this traitor was engaged in business activities, in particular, trade, solid, liquid and gaseous fuel he was the owner and director of four enterprises registered in kherson. now runs the occupied bare wharf. i promise to faithfully fulfill the powers of the head of the holoprystan municipal district, to protect and respect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to comply with the constitution of the russian federation, federal legislation and. legislation of the kherson region. last year, the teplodar city court of the odesa region sentenced the previous occupation leader of the bare pier, gennady nedyalkov, in absentia. he was recognized
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guilty of collaborative activity and sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment with confiscation of all property. the same fate, i hope, awaits the traitor titarenko. only all these progenitors have to serve time not in absentia, but for real. i am sure that it will be so. and finally, i will tell you about how the career of another gaulleiter in the kherson region ended and who came to replace him. it was only nizhni syrogoz of genichiv district that russian troops occupied on the third day of the war, february 24, 2022. since then, almost every one has been there gaulleiters change every six months. at first, the column of traitors was led by petro sbarovsky , born in 1974, a former member of the party of regions and the banned opz. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he voluntarily switched to the side of the enemy and headed the occupation administration in the nizhny syrohoz community. locals say that this high-ranking
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collaborator influenced the residents of geniche. district to cooperate with the enemy, helped with the placement of the russian military in the novotroitsky lyceum and required entrepreneurs to register their businesses in russian jurisdiction. later, when sbarovsky was promoted in the occupation ministry of agriculture, he helped the invaders steal ukrainian grain, while calling this theft aid. the russian federation is helping agricultural producers more than ever. and more than 400 million. the kherson regional prosecutor's office informed zbarovsky about the suspicion of collusion, the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property, although, so far, everything is only in absentia. meanwhile, in the position of nizhny syrohosky gauleiter another seller appeared, a local resident yevhen pirokh. he was born in 1983. before the full-scale invasion of russia pirizh. god,
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as the locals call him, served in the crimea. during the occupation and illegal annexation of the peninsula, he sided with the occupiers. ukrainian law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings against him for desertion , but pirog hid from the investigation, he came into view again in the summer of 2022, when he again became the first deputy of gauleiter of nizhny syrogozy and a candidate for putinska united russia party in fake elections to the occupation authorities. last spring. in 2008, pirog voluntarily agreed to head the occupation administration of the nizhny syrohog community. here he is reporting to the traitor the balance of how well he has studied the district entrusted to him. nizhnyosyrogoz municipal district, the number of settlements - 23 settlements, the number of inhabitants - 8100 people. they are still arriving, there are such repeated cases that people arrive from the mainland . it ended. the career of this
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pie with a rotten filling is just as sudden, as it began the center for journalistic investigations reports that the russian occupiers decided to get rid of his services and threw him into the basement, allegedly for fraud with stolen property. for a while, the traitor was allowed to leave the world of god to record a video greeting for his compatriots on the occasion of the reunification day. and then they were arrested again and sent to the dungeons. helped to torture ukrainians now. and he himself knows what putler's torture chamber is like, so should this traitor. at the end of november, the sbu informed the pirogue about the suspicion, but i have an assumption that with this sell-out will never get out of the rashi basement. well, and who was appointed by the occupiers as the new gaulter of nizhny syrogozy. he became such a forty-six-year-old vladyslav nikytenko. it is known that he is the director and co-owner of the company ecobutkon, which previously
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won multimillion-dollar tenders. for the overhaul of educational institutions in the kherson and odesa regions, that's how he earned money from the ukrainian state, and then he betrayed it. according to locals, after the occupation , nikitenko immediately sided with the enemy, put pressure on business representatives and teachers, forcing them to cooperate with the rashistas. despite the fact that we are in a territory that is constantly shelled from the right bank, despite the fact that they are trying to spoil us in every way. new year's holiday, let's celebrate, we will still raise our toasts to victory, and no matter what, we will have a christmas tree, yes, yes, we have already heard it somewhere, what a christmas tree is important for the new year, and we remember what it's all over, they poked their heels, until hell hours, i'm sure it will be the same with these traitors, when our
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servicemen will liberate the occupied territory, you will also have a christmas tree, or rather, a christmas tree , and such an already familiar prison is only ukrainian, so we stand in line, donate to the armed forces and believe in the victory of ukraine, so that no traitor has a place on our holy land. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, we will send them all together. traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.


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