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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] at the beginning of the month, atmospheric fronts will pass through the territory of ukraine, which will bring precipitation in the form of rain and even sleet, and the wind is also expected to increase, this is how february will begin, well, for now, tomorrow we thank january with warm weather, she told us in detail about the weather, so what? and actually there is no time even for a summary. knocking up, i'll just say thank you, see you tomorrow , take care, find out about the zsu , stay together, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone
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good health! for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. he remains in the ranks, rumors about zaluzhny's resignation have not been confirmed, so is there a conflict between the civilian and military leadership of ukraine? restoring the atmosphere of trust. orbán agreed to unblock funding for ukraine, against the backdrop of scandalous statements by the hungarian far-right. in the case of the lviv arsenal, the ministry of defense sentenced 15 billion under the contract for mines. who is to blame for the projectile famine? about this and other things for the next hour we will talk with two of our guests, general serhiy kryvonos and politician oleg rybachuk. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev,
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viktoriya syumar and yaroslav. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the occupiers' column was broken by the fighters of the 63rd separate mechanized brigade, let's watch. friends, for those who are currently watching us on
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youtube and facebook, please put. like our video, subscribe to ours pages on these platforms, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you whether you trust the head of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you can write your thoughts and comments about the situation that develops around the person of valery zaluzhnyi, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv. pick up your smartphone and vote if you trust the helper: 0800 211 381, no 080021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest, serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, former first deputy commander of the sso, ex-deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general,
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i congratulate you, thank you for being... with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. general, yesterday and today there is quite an active discussion about what happened yesterday with general zaluzhny, president zelenskyi, as the dzerkalo tizhnya newspaper writes, yesterday he met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and offered him to write a report on his dismissal, but did not offer another significant position. who, how and why, mr. general, wants the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well , there are enough people who want to remove the merits of the position, and i will say this, no matter how interesting it looks, but in the meantime, part of these people are in the office of the president, the other part in the kremlin, which unites these people, is primarily
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desire. industrious, and at the moment with the threat of those conversations that negotiations are possible with russians, our politicians, i cannot call them politicians, understand very well that it is zaluzhne who will be against these negotiations, so it is necessary to appoint a silent, loyal and not independent absolutely, and there is a desire to remove zaluzhne, this is the first, the second is still after all, this wonderful popularity, which is well-deserved thanks to the support of the ukrainian people, really annoys certain people who, in principle, never did anything to protect ukraine and all their previous lives played the piano with different parts of their bodies. mr. general, what about what we observed yesterday, when
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the information first appeared, i am absolutely sure that my colleagues, journalists could not just spread some rumor there or without having serious grounds for spreading this information. to publish this information regarding this decree that was supposed to appear from zelenskyi, according to your information , there was such a decree and whether there was a decree on the appointment of budanov, they simply could not have been made public, and as a result , journalists and bloggers were made guilty who started writing there with mi. well, hardly true now will we know for sure, because... the decree could have been written but not signed, signed and not registered, registered and not issued, there are more than enough options, why guess and why drive ourselves into a corner, the
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situation was tough enough , and in reality general zaluzhna met with the president, they talked, and what you said is true, but directly, how it was, whether there was a decree and who was in the decree on it... this is a different question, and i think that the situation has not yet become so calm, the desire of the authorities it remains to remove the poor. the british edition of the financial times writes that zelensky will still dismiss zaluzhny, according to the publication, zelensky made it clear to zaluzhny that regardless of whether he accepts a new role or not, he will be fired, but for now the president of ukraine is in favor. .. repents with resignation, due to the fact that the information got into zmi. what can the change of the commander-in- chief of the armed forces of ukraine at the lower level lead to, what risks does such a rotation carry,
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mr. generals. there are more than enough risks, first of all, it can be perceived quite badly by our armed forces, which protect our ukraine. secondly, inside the country in the rear. this can lead to some destabilization, with the fact that the authorities have now actively started a witch hunt, and one of the examples is that yesterday one of the best combatants of the armed forces was arrested and taken into custody without bail in the kharkiv court ukraine ee 18 combatant of the 518th battalion of dyke pole, by the way of the kryvorizka battalion, andriy malakhov, who in the last only 20 during the years of the war, he went from being a senior lieutenant. to a major, was wounded several times, including vazha, has three state and seven departmental awards, this is only in two years, so this is just an example of the fact that the hunt has begun, he is trying to close the mouth
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of all adequate people, today was her comrade andriy arrested directly in kryvyi rih, andriy karpovich, a representative of the organization baynet of the nation, it is just shown that... is now trying to swindle, play all the adequate, all independent, and they think that they will be able to do it, hardly will they be able to do it, not to transplant everyone , although they have such a dream, taking into account the nkvd skills that are in the president's office, there are half of the agents of the kremlin, and they just think that everything will be shut up and everything will be like in 37- this year, you, mr. general, are not exaggerating now when you say: that the agents of the kremlin, half of the agents of the kremlin, and half of the nkvd, well, look directly at, well, their actions correspond directly to what they are duplicating, why these persecutions,
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why the discrediting of the general deserving, to whom it is to the benefit, it is to the benefit only of our enemy, but on the other hand, mr. general, it is just shooting yourself in the foot if you take and eliminate. from the authorities in the armed forces of ukraine, from the command of the armed forces of ukraine, those who know how to fight, who know how to fight, those who have already proven that they can win. that is, their future also depends on the victory in this war. oh, you see, you, uh, lay everything out as a completely normal, conscientious ukrainian person, as a conscious citizen, but this also applies to you, and are they directly ukrainians in terms of their worldview, those who lead us, the fact that they communicate in ukrainian does not make them patriots, i am not talking about professionalism, therefore... for me, the fact that they
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remove such people is their desire to continue their existence, and as we have seen in recent years, they are absolutely not interested in our victory, they are interested in winning the next election, that is what they are thinking about, because if they were thinking about victory, they would not be engaged in manipulating laws, with by the law on mobilization, mobilization training, a would be engaged in the implementation of the existing law, and everything is clearly written there that mobilization is not... only the transfer of military units to wartime states, this is the last phrase in this sentence, primarily because the transfer of the economy of ukraine to functioning in the conditions of a special period , as well as state authorities, they did it, no, they want to win this war, if they wanted, they would have done everything, inventing a bicycle is quite difficult, because it was invented a long time before we were born, our task is directly taking into account the nuances , only choose a color that we can paint
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this bike, their words and their actions do not match the slogans, directly they tell us, they tell us that we must win, but they do nothing directly so that the state can win in this situation , but formally, mr. general, what claims do they have against the industrious general? well, the president said that he has no complaints against general zuluzhny. and on the other hand, if they push him to resign, or prepare this resignation decree, well, somehow to explain to the military as well, because it’s hard work, why not, they’re trying, look, they’re informational, they think that if they can implement it, they’ll start putting pressure on other sources of information and this will directly increase the attention of society, they often enough used to do when... in order to knock down interest in a certain
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informational message, they would witness another message, and they think that this time it can also work in their favor. as for their confidence, well, they are too much self-confident, think that everything will turn out well for them. well, but among the commanders of the ukrainian army, is there unity , are there people who will say, listen, you can’t do it to the hard-working, the hard-working is the commander-in-chief and he has everything, well, now to exercise his right to command the army, give him the opportunity to do all this, he proved during the two years of the great war that he knows how to command, knows how to win back territories, don’t touch him, are there people in the command staff who work with the president’s office, who can, well, in principle, don’t worry to accept that... valery fedorovych will resign from
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the position of the head of the armed forces. the question is interesting and complicated because of the fact that over the past four years, the authorities have powerfully purged and removed from the army independent and proactive generals who are able to make decisions without waiting for commands from above, and they are sure that the first thing is that they have everything under control, taking into account those people who, well even a... let's say the appointment in november of the month of special operations forces, where they changed the management apparatus and put people who are absolutely loyal, not professional, but very loyal directly to the office of the president, then this just shows that they also have such confidence in other military councils, so it is difficult to say about the armed forces, each person has his point of importance, but... taking into account the fact that in recent years
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after the independence of ukraine , a certain approach to the inability of people to be independent was formed in the army, those people who clearly followed any orders of independence, reasonable or unreasonable, were promoted often enough, well , this is what military discipline relies on, but meanwhile an independent took root, and it all began with the formation of cadets at the level of educational... institutions, for example, the lviv academy, where the cadet spent four years walking around as a slohyan calf, and then overnight he had to immediately become an initiative officer, mr. general, this is possible staff rotation , which has already, in principle, been talked about for a long time, but obviously, it can be sooner or later, it is obvious, and it looks like it is coming, because the information torpedo of mariana bezugl, she continues to torpedo the head of the armed forces of ukraine, of course, you can don't pay attention to it
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attention, but we have western partners, they are used to trusting persons, figures who, with whom, with whom they conduct... negotiations, how does this affect the negotiation process with our international partners, how important it is for them to see a general who leads the army , which they trust, and on this depends including financial assistance, or assistance with weapons from the united states of america, great britain or germany? well, those partners who help us would certainly like to understand who will spend those resources and how. which they provide for waging war with the russian federation, but in the meantime to say that the government, the existing government does not work with our partners and does not justify their desire for reassignment, this should also not be directly put in a long drawer, i understand that it also
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tried to form certain points of view on , let's say, the realization of their desire. to remove general zaluzhny, the situation is difficult enough, and i will say that i am surprised at certain moments, the authorities are trying to push zaluzhny out of his post, instead of him being normal fought, they will do everything to get him to go into politics, and for sure he will have much more chances in politics than the same zelensky, but in parallel i understand the timing of the hunt for the navi... which started as soon as , if, god forbid, zaluzhnyi is removed, then a powerful information operation will immediately begin to discredit both general zaluzhnyi and his entourage, they will start inventing criminal cases, instigate, begin packing all the people involved in zaluzhnyi and
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spread this information in order to divert attention to from from the inaction of the political leadership to turn the military into scapegoats, well, but this is a dangerous thing in the conditions of the war, in the conditions of the trust that general zaluzhny has now, that is, the trust rating of valery zaluzhny is quite high, higher than the trust rating of zelensky according to some polls , and here , well, there is also the question of how people will react in this situation, how they will perceive the current president zelensky and these cases, which, as you say, may arise one way or another if... what, if suddenly this , this case will develop, what will be the reaction of people, well especially in the ranks, because we understand that people are trained, they are military, they are very good with weapons, when they see injustice, they can in principle, well
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, react accordingly, you everything pushed me to the point that i would tell what would make the russians start praying, and then roll it out in the information space. we are a democratic state, and that is why we protect our state in order to prevent such certain cases, which some people dream of, including and green power to provoke such things. we are patient to the last, although the patient can break away. and as for the ability of the military to make decisions, a historical example shows that during the war and even after the war. it is the military that can save their countries and raise them to a new level of development. let's remember the same charles de gaulle, who saved the country, france, during the war, and saved it twice after the war. let's remember the excellent example of general eisenhower, who at the end of the war, through
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some time became the president of the united states twice in a row. such examples are more than enough. and in this. an official, but in the meantime, some believe that he saved chile, some have certain claims, the question is not that, the question is that the process has already taken place, we can only state, the worst thing is that the government, while pushing the hard-working man into politics, is somehow sure , that they will be able to shut anyone's mouth for... like at one of the meetings in the president's office, they said, we have enough power to imprison everyone and shut everyone up mouth, an interesting point, well, god forbid that these forecasts. and these threats are no predictions, it is precisely without their average desire and
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their view of the situation, independence is in our blood, and the ability to make decisions about independence and the wishes of the government is in our blood, that is why we survived even in february of the 22nd year, that they didn't look at the government's inactivity, but instead did exactly what we needed, defended our own land, without asking... a single tsaba with the bank, what should we do? mr. general, let's talk about financial and military assistance from the united states america, because the congress of the united states of america cannot make a decision on providing ukraine with 61 billion dollars. the suspension of the supply of american military aid to ukraine is already affecting the course of hostilities. this was emphasized by united states secretary of state anthony blinkin at a press conference with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. let's hear what blinken said at
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stoltenberg's press conference. we've now run out of aid to ukraine, and we're even seeing some evidence of what that means on the battlefield. but yes itself, if the united states does not meet our commitments, it will make it difficult for the europeans and other countries to continue to do what they... are already doing, so i think that is a big deal, even more than a big deal. i believe that it is very important that we fulfill our obligations. mr. general, how can you avoid this disaster that blinken is talking about, because, well, it is clear that the united states of america is providing a lot of weapons to ukraine. can the germans make up for it, or great britain in that the moment when the americans don't... can they give us this money and weapons? first of all, i wouldn't use the word catastrophe if i were you, because
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the catastrophe is still far away, and we still have more than enough of our own resources, and if you count the amount of money that was stolen and or used for its intended purpose only last year, and if in the year before last, it will be billions in dollar equivalent, then... therefore the question is not that only we are to blame, perhaps we should have come clean a long time ago understanding how we can win this war that will unite the nation, how we can raise the economy, prepare societies, to be able to defend our own country and prepare our territories, when amateurs are self-confident running the country, what do you want to hear from them, they will to promise mountains of gold, but... never to see them. you have been going out for a year and looking, you saw, after cutting a billion of those trees that
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you were told about, you go out and see that every grandmother has a babushka background, yes, what they promised there, they are just lying in order to lie, and the next lie is interrupted by the previous one, so for us it is necessary to understand that there is no question of a catastrophe yet, i would refuse such a thing. word at this stage, and secondly, after all, it is not only to expect that someone will give us something, to raise questions and say that in the future we are ready to pay for the equipment, ammunition and other equipment that will be provided to us, in to pay for the future, well , the time has come to admit that the time of the layers has passed, and still due to the inaction of the authorities and the inability to organize production. as inside the country, and outside the borders on a large scale, you still have to pay for these mistakes, no matter how popular it is, because the question
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now is about the survival of the country and about the survival of the nation, therefore, for everything in your life , the time comes to pay, probably just for 30 years and more, which we did not do in complete sheep, which we had to do, having excellent abilities, but the time has come to raise questions and, after all , pay not now. not the day after tomorrow, but still, if we clearly define what kind of products we will receive, for certain directions we will calculate, then the amount of this production will increase significantly, because in the capitalist world no one wants to produce products just like that, and factories that are idle in european society can produce much more in american society, if they understand that they will still make money from it over time. it's just a matter of time, mr. general, you mentioned corruption in the ministry of defense, well, in
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the army itself, there is a case that got into it. to the sbu, and they finally dealt with it, this is the lviv arsenal, where they tried to steal 1.5 billion hryvnias for the purchase of ammunition, in particular, the sbu detained the former head of the department of military-technical policy, development of weapons and military equipment of the ministry of defense oleksandr liev, the higher anti-corruption court has already rejected the prosecutor's request to take liev into custody, liev himself says that he will be handed over... , it is senseless, and the detention is an unfortunate misunderstanding, let's listen to what this man says: the state of ukraine won the economic case, the appeal and the main instance established that the ministry of defense has a legal contract, a legal contract, and that 200 million sanctions were levied from
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this company under this contract, but the reasons. its non -fulfilment, it really needs to be dealt with, probably in criminal proceedings, and i am ready selfishly to help so that this, well, let's say, so that it is carried out as soon as possible, and that, including, the money is returned and, in general, this case is considered as a case that the ministry of defense in the future it will be, well, it will draw all conclusions so that such and such is unique, mr. general, who do you think is responsible for corruption ministry of defense? those people who are in leadership positions in the ministry of defense are people who are appointed by certain officials, but the question must be asked whose people these are and who appointed them, and directly who is responsible for their appointment, this is quick enough, because ordinary people there are none, just as there are quite
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a few professional ones there, but meanwhile all these people are appointed by agreement with. the president and the cabinet, how do you think those who steal from the army during wartime should be dealt with. everything is very simple, to cross someone more than enough free branches. and one more question, mr. general, regarding mobilization 2024, because literally on february 6 , the verkhovna rada should reach the verkhovna rada, whether it has already reached this draft law, but it will be obvious. the law on mobilization will be considered starting from february 6, do you think the commander-in-chief should personally present this bill in the verkhovna rada, because in the last interview with the german ard he said that the military has prepared systems, and we will see what what what there is actually in the law, good question, i would like to
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the counter question is to remember, and does he know his degree of responsibility of existing duties. in the law on mobilization , mobilization training, from my point of view, this law is written more than normally professionally, please note, from the 13th to the beginning of the 23rd year, we had no problems with this law, it worked, and then for some reason it suddenly stopped working, yes the problem may be in the implementation of this law, in this, well, in this situation, and zelenskyi is responsible, including for this one. law, right, i understand, of course, there the duties of the president are clearly prescribed, what exactly he must do, there is a huge number of his duties, and first of all, attempts to change and make changes to the law, i consider this as an attempt to get into power from responsibility and change transfer this responsibility, first of all, to
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the military, although in the existing law, in this version, what we have and carry out, the military is somewhere at the very end of the list of responsibilities, they are consumers, and the most important thing, listening to the president, we always understand, and listening to the authorities, we understand that they perceive mobilization , it is purely the fulfillment of the capacity to fill the military units with citizens of ukraine , first of all, it is the capacity of the economy to work in a special period, especially on the rails, we do not see this at all, the government does not deal with this, so the government, understanding that once. .. sooner or later he will have to bear responsibility for inaction, is trying to change this law and divert the attention of society from the unprofessional actions of the authorities, according to the governing documents. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was reserve major general of the armed forces of ukraine serhii kryvonos. friends, we continue our work on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who


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