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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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that someone out there supports the resignation of the truant, of course, this is not a sociological survey, and we do not pretend, it is you, but now you will talk about sociology, political science and other sciences, but, but look, the media, the mirror of the week in particular writes that, that such conversations are taking place in the highest offices of the government and that the zaluzhno was allegedly offered to resign officially, no one has confirmed this, but do you believe that the president is really serious about replacing the head of state and is now looking for a replacement for him. do you see the signs this? as they say , i can neither confirm nor deny, yes, because indeed the information, the information is closed, i agree with what you said mykhailo samos, that the president has the right to this, yes, there must be grounds for this, there must be serious reasons, again, we don't know about, we don't have the whole. information, but i want to emphasize
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that in the case of making such a decision, one must be aware that the government must be aware that it assumes a huge responsibility, that is, i have i mean the president first of all, you understand what we have seen, say, in recent months, these are public manifestations of disagreement, or even attempts... to shift responsibility, and i think that this is unacceptable, you understand, when the president says, and i they didn't present, they didn't present, the military didn't present a plan, they didn't develop a mobilization plan, they have to do this, that , that, that, let them do it, yes, and i don't have it, but we remember from this press -conferences, when...... you and i, by
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the way, then talked about it, what about the question about well done, the president has to respond publicly to this photo you're showing now of them hugging, and he has to say that we have a wonderful relationship, it's never been better, no one will be able to break our unity, no matter what happens behind the scenes, and there can be different views, there can be disagreements, again, they can be objectively, ah,... objectively conditioned, yes, because politicians, military are slightly different options, yes, through , slightly different glasses, prisms through which to look at the situation, yes, but it is from the side of the president, so, it is obvious to me that from the side of the opposition we can, i am convinced, you know what , i am convinced that there are people in our country,
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surrounded by politicians, who seek to sow discord, surely such people are definitely in zelenskyi's team, i think , that they are among the opposition, maybe someone is also around, say, zelensky, excuse me, zaluzhnyi, well, not always our military also takes some actions, well, as a political scientist, i cannot evaluate military things, but, for example, someone defends a thesis, advances to graduate school during the war, well listen, well, by the way, valery zaluzhbe is also defending, it seems to me that he has already defended his thesis, well, i didn’t mention the surname, well , it’s well-known, it’s not a secret, it’s a well-known fact, it’s known, well, it’s known, yes, yes, i am talking about this and the fact that budany is entering graduate school, yes , by the way, also, yes, yes, yes, well, listen, it is time for our leaders to deal with this, that is, i do not rule out that zaluzhny is also around in the team there people who... measure ratings
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and so on, and because of this, this distrust can arise, this distrust can arise, but who will benefit the most from this, well, we know who, russia putin, russia putin, because to sow mistrust in our society, once again there may be different solutions, but they must be justified, we cannot sow discord between us, we cannot sow no trust, and again, surveys at the moment... well, we , for example, you know, at the beginning of the war, sociologists agreed that we do not publish publicly, there are some presidential ratings or party ratings, and you don't have to think about it, this is a huge mistake, the mistake of our politicians, who start thinking about the ratings during the elections, so i think that here i want to cry, people, the country before... before
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the threat, don't measure yourself by those ratings, indirectly we can assume what the ratings are, so indirectly, again , because there is trust in society'. institutions, and our survey last december showed, well, it confirmed, actually, it was a survey of deminitiatives together with the razumkov center, using the face-to-face method, that the army is ahead with 90% of trust, yes, but there is also high trust in the institution of the president, 68% in the president's institution, we did not mention surnames when we asked about... specific surnames, president zelensky has a high trustworthiness of 70, but there was no one involved in the list, and we did not specifically include him in the list, but based on our measurements, based on from the polls conducted by kmis, we can assume that the majority of ukrainians
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trust both zelenskyi and zaluzhny, and this is the fact that both the will and the will must see them as a joint team, and not a single team, a joint team, again yes, and we understand that there can be critical remarks about the hard worker, many very critical remarks about our president, and we remain a democratic country, we directly discuss it in society, and someone may not like it, we know there are people, and there are always people surrounded by leaders, who will wind up, who will play on it, look, yours has appeared. competitor, only i can protect you, well listen, it happens very often that this feud between team leaders, it is often created, created in the teams themselves, but look, you said on at the beginning, that yesterday evening was
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not good for you, you probably mean that this information appeared yesterday on anonymous telegram channels, and from individual journalists, that allegedly the hard-working man was fired, but... from your point of view, firstly, from the expressions, emotions and comments you have read about it, are there any conclusions that can be drawn as to how the public will perceive the actual resignation, and secondly, do you not think that it may have been a probing, well taking into account that, for example, this information was spread by telegram channels, which are called, i i will say yes, close to the president's office, because no one publicly admits this , look, first of all, it seems to me that we... under no circumstances should we distribute anonymous information, yes, well, it should simply be the right of our informational hygiene , yes? information channels that are anonymous, yes, we can't spread them, that's all, period, yes, because we don't know who is doing it, who
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is spreading it, maybe the russians are doing it, and they are happy, well, the russians are definitely happy about what went away, so the information, that the ukrainian society began to discuss all this violently, another thing, yes, when information appears, where there is an authoritative source, yes, well, such as the mirror of the week, those who report about it, then here we can listen and and discuss, but anonymous channels, no, not at all, because we, ourselves become, become hostages, well, i say , maybe, we can't rule out that maybe it was probing, or you rule it out, of course, what it was not launched by russia, relatively speaking, someone from the ukrainian side, someone from authorities, for example, to see the reaction of the people, and
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why not russia, and russia, perhaps, i do not rule it out, but could it be probing? risky, you know, maybe, maybe , and many of my colleagues say about it that it could be a scam, yes, but it seems to me that all this is risky, you know, well, i'm not an adviser to the president, i'm not an adviser zaluzh or someone else from the generals, but i said that you can't play with these things, you just can't, you see, and again, i can say the same thing of the opposition, you understand, when our opposition is now starting to remind zelensky , what happened before february 24, how he denied that there would be a war, we all know this well, and we, in my opinion, at the beginning of this invasion
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agreed that we we'll talk about it when the time comes, when we actually have election time, when the war is over, over, but to screw it up, well, i think it's... absolutely, absolutely a lose-lose situation for us, there has to be clarity and there has to be clarity responsibility, that's what you can say about, well, for example, press conferences i mentioned zelenskyi, yes, because it happened and again on your air, i remember it very well, i said then that the press conference was not a warm bath for zelenskyi, that there were critical remarks, that this was a sign of democracy , that this is good, but in some issues the president failed, including the question about zaluzhnyi, at the same time we saw information... as if ukrainian
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prisoners, here for some reason our side did not react properly and did not understand who had to give information how, when, ie that there was a clear information information failure, yes, that is, these information failures, they can be from different sides, and it is necessary to study, and everyone must take their own part of the responsibility, today, by the way, we asked... andriy yermak about what he thinks about the probable resignation of zaluzhnyi, the event was completely different, but rfe/rl managed to ask this question, let's listen. i was in uzhhorod yesterday, i can only comment on my meeting with the minister of foreign affairs, with mr. siyarto. i think that according to yesterday's situation, all comments were made given to the ministers of defense and to all those who do not want to...even with this answer we
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can see that the president's office does not want to comment on this topic in any way, please tell me, but if i am you now, i can't hear you, yes, but if now, if now volodymyr zelenskyi makes a decision, perhaps even a very fair one, because we see that there are problems in the army as well, dissatisfaction with the medical services in the army, and the fact that men... into buses on the streets, that is, there are many complaints if volodymyr zelenskyi makes a decision now to release zaluzhnyi, you as a sociologist and political scientist, do you assume that this could lead to some very mass discontent and lead to almost such a serious political crisis in the country, or is it not so serious, well, first of all , i wanted to ask yermak that he did in uzhgorod , yes i know, there is a minister of foreign affairs of hungary, there is a minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, and the two
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were not qualified enough to talk, well, in diplomacy , again, there are different things, maybe in this way, if they could testify that how much attention is paid to this to the question from the side of ukraine, because we know that yermak stands next to zelenskyi first, and kuleba stands next to him... there is another question that we can ask, to our government, although it has always been from the minister who should stand next to him first, if we talk about the forecast of the situation , well i 'll tell you that it definitely is, again we can speculate here, but i think a lot of people, i'd even say most people, would take this with a huge s'. with great vigilance and distrust of the president. i think so, maybe
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the president will be able to explain something, then prove why is it like this and not otherwise, by the way, these problems that you mentioned, and what are they, are they all the responsibility of the hard worker? well, we remember the decision on military commissions, as it was, on regional military commissions, as it was made, yes, that is. on emotions and it was accepted by the president, so whose responsibility is it? again, i don't want to get into these here, in the area of ​​responsibility, but again , the authorities should do this together, i think it will hit zelensky's positions very hard, and it will definitely be used by our enemy, that's for sure, that exactly, and the mood, our mood, i think you will have a good one? when you hear about the resignation for well, looking at who will be appointed in his place, i don't know,
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maybe talented or loyal, that also matters, who knows him, but i think, but i think that, well, it's obvious that it's not will, will not be a sufficiently optimistic signal, but once again this is a right, this is the right of the president, but now it seems to me that at the moment zaluzhny and zelenskyi are... thank you very much for your comment, this is the right of the president, states oleksiy haran, scientist director of the foundation democratic initiative named after ilko kucharev and a professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy, we talked about potential. valery zaluzhny's resignation, that's all we have for today, subscribe to the radio liberty website until tomorrow. there are discounts on hepar, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. hbo's gilded age. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on me. there are discounts on paracetamol darnitsa. 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl. we have, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is like, and now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talking about money during the war, oleksandr
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morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of loved ones. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome.
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friendly online community enable me. this is the first platform for a trade union in ukraine. persons with disabilities. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow! join us, become part of ours families of enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. we are looking for
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16-year-old danylo pyatnytskyi, who disappeared under , without exaggeration, extremely mysterious and unusual circumstances. circumstances, his mother asks to help find danya, and she told us very important details. since september 2023 , the boy studied in slovakia. everything seemed to be fine. danylo constantly called his mother, was in a good mood and talked about his life and studies abroad. however , on december 22 at 12 noon, after talking with my son, already in the evening, my mother was unable to call him. he didn't say anything at all before his disappeared. we talked with him, he says: mom, i haven't slept for almost a day, he says, i want to sleep, i'll sleep for a couple of hours and call you, i called him in the evening on the same day, his phone was already turned off. the boy mysteriously disappeared, unfortunately, nothing is known about his fate to this day. at the same time, denmark's mother said that
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after her son's disappearance, a mess and scattered things were found in his room. to me. information became known that his foreign passport in his room was torn apart, everything possible was beaten, although it does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't even know what should have happened for him to behave like this. the boy's mother says that he studied in bratislava at the comenius university in the faculty of management, and lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava. well , he was provided with housing from the refugee center, and he lived there, there was also food, well, that is, also for travel. he was given and he said that he liked it, he communicated with the tutors, well, he improved his slovak language, that is, he communicated
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in slovak with the slovak language tutors, well , he improved the level of the slovak language, i don't even know what could have happened that he behaved like this, well, and disappeared , the boy's mother has no idea where her son could be, does not understand at all how this could happen, but i assume... that danya could not have contacted this company, especially after his disappearance it became known that since november he did not attend training, although his mother did not know about it did not speak i don't know, we were already thinking, maybe he, i don't know , he has some friends, maybe they appeared, not very good, not very decent, because i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went... to this university, only she has a different department, a different faculty, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said
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such ridiculous things , that is, that he is being followed by the sovat fsb or sbr, that he has a bug on the phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were some thoughts, he said such incoherent things that she, well, ... never had such a thing behind him, that is, we think that there are some narcotics and he contacted some company. after talking with ms. anastasia, we in turn contacted our colleagues from the international federation missing children europe, who should make a request to the slovak police and help in the search. and if you have at least some information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or well, if possible, you live in slovakia and... if you see danja or know anything about him, immediately call 11630. please remember, you better write this number down, because 11630 is the only european
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missing children line that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in europe and want to report information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the only european missing children hotline from your mobile phone. 116.30 you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation. also , please go to the website of the children's search service, there are photos of all the missing boys and girls that we are trying to find. please look closely at their faces and if you recognize any of them and know any information, let us know on hotline 11630. calls from all. of operators in ukraine are free.
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you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program. i am natalya leonova, congratulations. he discussed the continuation of us aid to ukraine today with american lawmakers in washington, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg. the nato leader's meeting with republicans and democrats in the house of representatives took place behind closed doors. the day before, during a joint press conference following the negotiations with secretary of state antony blinken, the nato leader expressed confidence that the united states would continue to support ukraine. noting that this is in the interests of the us and the west. antony blinken, in turn, said that without the approval of congress , funding to help ukraine
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defend itself against russian aggression will be under a threat we discussed the unwavering support of ukraine with the secretary general of nato. last week, nato signed a contract for... 1.2 billion dollars for the production of 220,000 artillery shells. it will help allies replenish their own arsenals, and it complements efforts by the united states, the european union and ukraine to build up defense production. this will make nato and all allies much more resilient to future threats. in the case of ukraine, we saw very clearly how the alliance managed to distribute the load. as i already mentioned earlier, the support that the... states have provided to ukraine has been exceptional, about $75 billion over the last couple of years, and our partners and allies have provided over
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$110 billion over the same period. time, however we need to continue to provide ukraine for its success, it is vital that congress pass a supplemental budget request from the president. without this, everything that ukrainians have achieved and what we have helped them to achieve will be in jeopardy. we will send a strong and wrong signal to all our enemies about the fact that we are not serious about the protection of freedom and democracy. this will simply strengthen vladimir putin's belief that he can outlast ukraine. russia's brutal war against ukraine is approaching its second anniversary. a russian victory would embolden iran, north korea, and china, and it matters for european security and american security, so supporting ukraine serves us interests. for a tiny
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fraction of annual defense spending, the united states helped ukraine destroy the bulk of russia's military capabilities, not sending not a single american soldier to the battlefield. i welcome president biden's clear commitment to support ukraine and work with congress to achieve this. other allies also stepped up. in fact, what european allies nato and canada provide in terms of financial and humanitarian aid exceeds that of the united states. i am confident that all nato allies will continue to comply. its obligations, because this is support for ukraine, it is not charity, it is an investment in our own security. president putin started this war, and he could end it today if he stopped attacking his neighbor. the war may also end if ukraine stops defending itself, but that will not bring peace. this would mean russian occupation, and occupation is not peace. achieving a simple peace will require president putin to realize that he will not
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get what he wants on the field. moscow must accept through negotiations with ukraine that it is a sovereign, independent state. so, if we want a lasting, just peace, we must provide ukraine with more weapons and ammunition. arms to ukraine is the way to peace house speaker mike johnson will join the house intelligence committee briefing on ukraine, israel and the middle east by cia director william burns and director of national intelligence avril gase. meanwhile , disputes continue in the us congress between republicans and democrats regarding the issues of illegal migration and securing the country's southern border, the resolution of which has been tied to the approval of additional funding for ukraine. speaking at a press conference, the head of the democratic caucus house of representatives pid aguilar said that republicans refuse to cooperate on this issue, because in this way they
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want to use the immigration crisis. in order to obtain political dividends for the presidential campaign of donald trump. in turn, speaker johnson called this assumption absurd. house republicans, donald trump's supporters in the house and senate, are rejecting a bipartisan deal to strengthen border security. will support israel and help ukraine stop putin's march through europe. because donald trump. ordered them to do so. in a shameful display of partisanship, they abdicate their responsibility to solve problems on behalf of the american people. even mitch mcconnell surrendered to vladimir putin, and he surrendered to donald trump. this is absurd. we are obliged to fulfill our duty. our duty is to do the right thing for the american people, to protect the people. the first and most important task of the federal government is to protect its citizens. we don't. under
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president biden, we only have a tiny, you know, razor-thin majority, actually right now we have a one vote majority in the house of representatives, our majority is small, we only have one house, but we are trying to use every ounce of leverage we have to ensure that this problem is resolved. i've had a long conversation with former president trump about this issue, and he gets it, he gets it. president trump wants to make the... the security of the country, president trump is someone who has been the first to talk about border security, he's been bogged down by it, as you remember, building the wall, because he's seen that disaster, he's known, what if we don't get this under control, we 're going to be in this situation, and that's why president trump has used his executive authority, he's used his executive powers to take this system under control.


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