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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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greetings, friends, on the live air of the tv channel, the verdyk program, this is the second part of our today's issue, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the program. ukraine is facing a parliamentary crisis. the government rejects the idea of ​​a government of national unity. is a broad coalition possible in the verkhovna rada? personnel rotations in the military leadership are still postponed. who needs the resignation of zaluzhnyi, the head of the zsu? freedom of the press is under threat. the ambassadors of the g7 spoke with the ukrainian media community. who will be responsible for the pressure on journalists? about this and other things
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speaking for the next 45 minutes , we are working on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching live there now, please take part in our vote, we are asking you today , do you trust the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny , yes no, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up the phone and vote, if you trust, then 0800 211 300. 71 no 0800-21382. all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on humanitarian and information policy. mr. nikita, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. good evening. victoria syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction. member of the verkhovna
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rada committee on anti-corruption policy, ms. victoria, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, and yaroslav zheliznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the golos faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, let's start the survey with bliss, please, i will ask whether you trust zaluzhny, because there is a lot of talk about zaluzhny. over the past few days, and we have been asking our viewers how they feel about whether they have confidence in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, we will start with ms. victoria. mrs. victoria, you know, i absolutely trust the armed forces of ukraine, all the military, first of all, actually the million ukrainian men and women who are in the army today, and without a doubt, the army is a very vertical structure.
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which is based on the principle of a single command, trust in the armed forces of ukraine certainly means trust in valery fedorovych zaluzhny, and surely this trust is absolutely logical, taking into account the successful actions of the armed forces of ukraine to protect ukraine, to protect kyiv, kharkiv region, kherson region, ukrainian, and even if us i don't like some things now, in particular approaches to tactics, strategy. valery zaluzhny, someone may not like them, well, so to speak, i mean the transition to a positional war to a certain extent, still, i think that he is well aware of the situation, is a personnel, professional, military , and simon schuster's book only confirmed me, in fact, in trusting the diligent. well, not only simon shuster's book, but in general the actions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine during the last two years of the great war. mr. yaroslav, please. i will briefly answer
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yes, it seems to me that among the people's deputies, except for probably one, all of them without exception, you will not hear any other answer, as well as trust in the country's armed forces. once again, except for one deputy, you mean, look, yes, we have a misunderstanding there, i don’t know, there it is already a servant of the people, not a servant, of whom, well, very much there... somehow it didn’t work out expressing his opinions on social networks, which is a disgrace to our entire parliament, i believe, i hope that colleagues now they will not object to finally bring up the question of the dismissal of a person from the position of deputy chairman of the defense committee, or at least they will not give those mushrooms or what they were fed before this, because frankly speaking, it is really a shame, but in any case , i am speaking with this unfortunate exception, it seems to me that the people of... ukraine, regardless
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of their faction, party affiliation, will give you an unequivocal answer, it will be yes, which completely coincides with my opinion. and now we will ask nikita poturaev, you, sir nikita, how? do you trust the boss? i would like to start by saying that trust in an army absolutely cannot and always has automatic trust in the commander of that army. i will remind my colleagues and the audience that during, for example, the war between the north and the south and the south in the united states, at a certain time , people stopped trusting the commander of the army of the north... general mcclellan, but this in absolutely no way affected the trust in the army of the federation as for me personally, i trust valery fedorovych zaluzhny, in particular, that there are no arguments, facts or grounds to somehow change this opinion.
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thank you, mr. nikita, why, why are we actually asking about this, because we witnessed the rapid development of events yesterday... with the help of telegram channels, bloggers, journalists, that is, everyone started writing about the fact that the decree is, a decree is due to appear on the resignation of zaluzhny, today the mirror of the week , citing its sources, wrote that zelensky yesterday met with the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny and offered him to write a report on dismissal, but did not offer another significant position. can you, ladies and gentlemen, explain why all these stories are spreading with such lightning speed, why there are no clear explanations of what is happening, and why, if zelenskyi has no complaints against zaluzhny, why we do not talk
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about the unity of the military and civilian leadership state, because in principle it affects people who are in... the state affects those who are on the front, who are fighting, and of course it gives russia a reason to speak there, but zelenskyi wants to remove the tyrant, now it is not clear what will happen at the front, and in general, now the internal struggle is starting in ukraine, why do we not have an answer to these questions, why is it constantly being pondered, added by bloggers, and distributed by anonymous tv channels. channels, ms. victoria, well, it's such a whole complex, and you actually also asked this question in such a comprehensive way, i think it already has a lot of answers, so people are afraid, ukrainian society is afraid, it's afraid that the army will lose control, what it is not
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will contribute to the strengthening of the country's defense capabilities, there is no doubt that valery zaluzhnyi is a very charismatic military leader and possibly a politician and... somewhere society, somewhere there are bloggers, somewhere observers, they understand what is being said, maybe not about military expediency, but maybe it is about political jealousy, and it scares the most, because it can really, well, negatively affect unity, and unity is such a thing that during a war, well, it is critically important, you understand, in fact, all this happens literally two months before the time when in ukraine the next... presidential elections were to take place, the constitution is very vague on this matter, as to whether they can be postponed there, that they cannot be held there during martial law, there is no such prohibition, and now, when it begins in in the ruling team, because
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zelenskyi appointed a really diligent person, and when contradictions start in this team, when some suspicions about political jealousy start, it scares people, first of all, because they understand that... it can end very badly for countries, you know, i am a historian for education, i think that we should learn now the historical lessons of a hundred years ago of everything that happened in ukraine, when precisely the disputes between political elites, between politicians, the inability to unite , it actually contributed to the fact that the russian army simply conquered ukraine, the red terror, the holodomor, and the destruction of ukrainian statehood began here , with the desire to eradicate everything and everyone there, we now want to draw conclusions, supposedly from this history, not to repeat it, but in fact things continue, which, well, let's say this , many people really perceive as an attack on unity, as serious conflicts within the ruling team itself, while we
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do not get there even to the creation of a government of national unity, we say that we don't need it, that's all we're doing so well, we're just doing some banal casting here, no, it's not banal casting. this is a serious problem for defense capability, it is a serious concern of ukrainian society today, and it can have extremely serious consequences for the future of the country in general, and that's why people worry. mr. mykyta , you know for sure whether there is a conflict between the political and military leadership of the state or not, and why, why is there no articulated such a clear position that if zelensky has any complaints against the stalwart, they can also be articulated , and not to launch an informational torpedo on marianna bezuglu, so that she would spend half a year just digging around for this expression on... in zaluzhnyi's social networks, and did everything to question
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his competence. that is, well, they are all adults people, everyone understands everything, that is, if there are claims, then they must be articulated, there are no claims, we must say, we are united, it is the russian police force that is destroying the authority of the commander-in-chief and the supreme commander-in-chief, to be honest, i don’t really understand, well... with why should someone constantly go out into the public space and say that no, we are united, no, we do not have conflicts, because then you are just hostage to people who really hype, clickbait in social networks, you asked, mr. serhiy, at the beginning, well who does it, well, that's how we do it, we all do it, when we read, well, stupid, which is refuted by the ministry of defense, and stupid is still spreading on social networks. when politicians do not take their tweets or posts back, on the contrary, then they start
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telling, this office checked the reaction of society, from which politicians it all went down yesterday, from us, what we checked there, and i would not like to just now to use harsh, you know, such words, i think that the responsibility of politicians in the first place lies eh... precisely to ensure that society does not was frustrated, nervous and neurotic, and i unfortunately see that a lot of ukrainian politicians, in particular, unfortunately, there are representatives of my own faction, make their generous, so to speak, contribution to this piggy bank, and do not do better, and it is clear, that authoritative media, such as yours, for example, and well, you have a weighted position, you check. facts, well, in this sense, well, they also have to perform this function, it is very, very important, not
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to appease, not to talk about problems, but to keep, well, the framework of common sense, i would said, it's important not to shake up the situation day by day, as for the situation in general , look, there can be conflicts between everyone, we are people, we are not, angels and we are not robots, we can not understand each other, we can be dissatisfied with each other , so please don't make an idol out of anyone, i want to remind you that i believe that there is the most authoritative journalist in the country, an expert on military issues, this is yuriy butusov, so he regularly writes about what is happening at the front, about what is happening in the army, but he has the position of the answer. however , i believe that sometimes he goes a little overboard with
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political criticism, because not all of the criticisms he makes of the political leadership are justified in the sense that it is not quite the right thing to do sometimes, as regards the analysis of what is happening in army, he is very always measured but clearly defines the problems, but notice, he does not name the surname, although whose surname he could name is perfectly clear. and this surname is also in the command of our armed forces. and by the way, these are people who i personally am i will convince, and yura himself deeply respects them for their professionalism, for their courage, for what they did and are doing. he does not name names on purpose, because this is a responsible journalistic position. yura botusa said that he turned to zelenskyi yesterday and said that he should not make these personnel changes and make budanov the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, because it will happen. mistake, well, that is, he wrote correctly and this is the correct warning, he has such, he has
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such an assessment, well, that is, for some reason he thinks that kyrylo budanov is a possible candidate candidate for the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, i believe that we have many, well, bright, talented people in our army, but again, i currently have, like a politician, well, there is no reason to believe that valery fedorovych is there. .. i dreamed that, well, this is a war, this is a colossal colossal burden, especially on the commander-in-chief, maybe he has some reasons of his own. to think about some rest, we don't know that, and it's good that we don't know it, because the enemy doesn't know it either, and maybe there's no reason, maybe he full of strength in general and ready to further lead the ukrainian army, you know, well, usually in general, these are all the motives of certain
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personnel changes there, so i will remind you that, for example, bernard. was, if i am not mistaken, the fifth commander of the british forces in africa, the fifth in the count, so that means, that is, the change of officers, even the highest ones, is a normal story in the war, about the real reasons, usually society and history after, because if you start slandering the real reasons during the war, then you are playing into the hands of the enemy, thank you, mr. nikita, mr. yaroslav. but who is stirring up this topic with the change of the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how dangerous is it for the army, how dangerous is it for the state, because we all live in a country where there is a war, the enemy is attacking us, and we have the head of the armed forces of ukraine, who it answers and says that i am responsible for it, we are fighting,
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we continue, how do all these conversations affect what is happening inside ukraine? look, if you allow me, i will come a little from the other side to this question, does mr. president have the legislative right to adopt such decision? the answer is whether it would be desirable or not, yes, whether it will be well received in society, well, sociology so far gives the answer that no, it will be poorly received. and now i want to return to our discussion in a completely different way, firstly, what happened yesterday, i am quite an active user of social networks, and i can definitely confirm from my own experience that yesterday this thesis was promoted, well, let's say it this way, people are close to the authorities, i don't understand for what
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reason, but i can definitely say that it didn't happen... there are no first persons, no direct employees, but well connected with him, whether it was just confirmation of rumors, whether it was on purpose, thus heating up the information space, but well, it is a fact, secondly, today several reputable publications were published with a description of the situation, which has not yet been refuted, this is the mirror of the week. and bbc ukrain, maybe more - these are the ones i've seen. both are respectable, both refer, as i understand it, to their sources and talk about the events of yesterday, about the meeting between mr. zaluzhny umierov and mr. president. and now the third, why it is necessary to react and why, unfortunately, these rumors,
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regardless of whether they are true or not, are hitting us now. do a very simple experiment: open the main page of the financial times or the guardian right now, and you will see this news on the first column. more such international publications appeared, including bbc, wall street journal and others. these editions are read by people who depend on them this week, and maybe within a few hours. the question is whether the financing of ukraine will be extended for this year, without which it will be difficult for us, to put it mildly. these the news does not help them to make a decision in support of ukraine now. i will not say that they interfere, yes, i will not comment on their behalf, but they definitely do not help. therefore,
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whether we like it or not, the reaction took a long time yesterday. and to be honest, it is quite vague in the wording that the ministry of defense, that mr. nikiferova, because he is there , you just have to pay attention, as he commented, it is perceived differently, now it did not give an opportunity to stop such publications after a day, and one way or another, but now it is necessary to give some kind of signal, once again, this is the absolute right of the superiors. but the commander-in-chief is a communication strategy that should be done by the ministry of defense or the government or the president's office, but we need to somehow give answers to those foreign publications. they are not in favor of ukraine now, well, in the ones you are talking about, they wrote so directly that the president did not
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refuse to fire the head of the armed forces, a hard worker, and this will inevitably happen. ms. victoria, mr. nikita said that some political forces, or some people affiliated with political forces, tried there... spread this information on social networks , so in general, have you seen it and do you perceive it as, let's say, a gesture towards european solidarity, you know, well, at first this information began to be spread by telegram channels, which i would call close to bank, and we need to analyze where they got this information from, then we will... write about it, i wrote about it directly, i will tell you, i had several sources from the general staff of ukraine, i absolutely do not give up this information, from the ministry of defense, by the way, were also there
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the sources who said that there was a meeting, with the participation of mr. umerov in particular , that there was talk of resignation, that it was suggested to write a statement, that the employee refused, yes, all these things, they have been confirmed, let's not pretend that someone made this up. well, let's go, well, let's not have fun here and really play. this is the case, you know, when you really want bloggers and journalists to be to blame, but here the politicians are to blame, who should have a clear position, made a decision, accept, explain to the society and let's move on, the country is not in such conditions to engage in, i don't know, the measurement of the public temperature or the endurance of the allies as of now, yes, because it seems that this is exactly what is happening today. this bbc wrote, in particular, that the decree was not made public only because there were anti-allies, and you could also read that, yes, that they took it negatively, no, it was not, you know, the case when
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someone there something in the information the flame was thrown by some kind of wood, it was already a lot times, and all that is done by ms. zulzhna, who today is not fired from the post of first deputy, or just deputy chairman of the defense committee, well, she does it not just by herself, it is not her own will, yes, because otherwise if her party had told television a long time ago, and would have voted accordingly , if this does not happen, well, this is an absolutely clear indicator, she is fulfilling a higher political will today, once again throwing in these topics , we are not throwing them in here, you know, who would there now that he did not reproach us, we warn, because my text was reduced to the fact that it is a dangerous story because i really received yesterday. cheesy feedback from their absolutely political friends , girlfriends, who said, what are you doing, well, it’s really us , it bothers us a lot, it really triggers us, where to go, what to do in general, and
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this is really the case here, here this is exactly the case when answers to the society must be given, say yes, we did not agree on the issues of tactics, strategy, there is another executor, and there are some other things, it is all clear, the supreme commander has the right to do it, but... to deal with kachalov , when it happens all the time and such conversations take place, well, there is no smoke without fire here, this story is not made up, we understand it all well, and let's not tell each other such general things here in words, this is probably not the case when you have to play with such topics, you have to make up your mind, thank you, mr. nikita, please, well, actually, to be honest, i'm already in favor... but still, we have links there many years means, well, normal human relations, so not at the personal expense, so, please accept it, so, well
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, i think that completely different people are having fun, and it 's definitely not us, because you know, i've heard a lot over the last six months, over the last year, it's definitely not a reason to get out and tell, what, i heard that... eh shmygal is going to be replaced by markarov, everyone was talking about whether or not it was, yes, everyone was talking all over the hill, stubbornly telling, changing, no, talking about kubrakov, who replaced him premier, then they told that kubrakov would be removed, removed, replaced, no, this is an excuse to stick out and tell, look, i know that... you have sources, and so do i, but there's a responsibility to what we say publicly during war, definitely,
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definitely. i fully agree that history should have taught us, i hope that it has taught us, and that mistakes, when the petliura shoots the most talented military leader of the ukrainian people's republic or bochan, will no longer happen in ukraine, because history should have already taught us, in this example, in particular, but history also teaches us that when we are not there, where it was, where it was not, in the bomb shelter in... in the president's office, in the office where the stake is being gathered, what's the difference, we weren't there, neither me, nor yaroslav, nor you, and therefore to relate to what acquaintances tell us, and i also have them, and to relate to what what do we do with this information, and i just think that we have to do with the maximum responsibility, with the maximum we have to do with
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what we've all heard about. yaroslav, i, all of us, did not happen, and it is not a fact that it will happen, it may happen, and then, and then there will be a conversation, as absolutely right, as absolutely right you and yaroslav are now pointing out differences in issues of strategy, tactics, defense , offensive, a lot of issues, then before that, but now there is no fact, and we are speculating about the lack of fact, that's what we are doing. in fact, what is maryana bezuglova speculating on? well, right here i can say that i consider it absolutely unacceptable, this post, which , as far as i understand, was today, it is just beyond the limit for me, we will have a faction, and i, in particular, will naturally raise this issue , because this is definitely sabotage against the military leadership, whatever it may be,
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whatever it was there, maybe... you know, maybe some resentment is old there, you know, well, well, she really communicated a lot there, well, this, and this is a fact, it's true, she communicated a lot with the general staff, and with golovnokuvanovych, and there at the beginning, as far as i remember, it reminded me of such and such a moon, yes, that means a honeymoon, well, now it reminds me of there, well, i do, i say again, it’s not sexism, it reminds me of the time he time. the behavior of a very offended woman, but, but again, i don't put anything into it other than, let's say yes, of a political content, yes, but this is also absolutely irresponsible behavior, 200% irresponsible, it is much more irresponsible to keep unity, so no, listen, i’m looking, here, just now, three people have gathered in the studio of mr. serhiy, i
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think , what... we all know exactly the price of responsibility, and i think that no one, each of us, can blame each other for the fact that we do stupid things, and when i say that we all need to, i have actually, we all mean independence, who is in which faction. thank you, mr. nikita, we are after a short break let's go back to our studio, ladies and gentlemen, please wait. there are 20% discounts on citrik in the psaryznyk, vam and ochadnyk pharmacies. there are discounts on eurofast, 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from
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