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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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well, there it is, in fact , the russians completely destroyed this settlement, it will have to be built there, well, practically from scratch, there was not a single whole building left there, during the deoccupation, there is also progress there, thank you very much, mr. yuri for your comments, thank you , who joined, take care, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was in touch with us and we discussed the situation in this region, part of which remains under occupation. and part of which is the enemy, is actively being shelled by the enemy, is suffering, citizens of ukraine who are actually in or near the war zone are suffering, but now we will talk about the political situation, and unfortunately, we have to talk about political scandals, although we would very much like to have them. volodymyr tsabelko, a political scientist is in touch with us, mr. volodymyr , i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i want you all... already
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this evening we have not seen a single document where it was written on the resignation of general zuluzhny, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, no refutation unconscious of those people who can put signatures, that's why we remain in such a field of conjecture, yes, although everyone has some insiders there, their channels, everyone understands everything, but we refer only to some official sources. then by the evening nothing had changed and what was it late yesterday evening with the appearance of information about a possible decree on the resignation of general zaluzhny? well, any political technologist will look for reasons to, well, let's say, through such an act, check the mobility of society to see how the meritorious factor affects...
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solidarity, readiness to lend a shoulder. in fact, uh, an attack, any attack on zaluzhnyi is an attack on the armed forces, so society perceives any attacks on the armed forces as a threat and uh, i would say an anti-state act, because in war , the armed forces bear the brunt , the heaviest, greatest responsibility for fate. country, and when the political vertical begins to interfere in the activities of the military, and there are not so many reasons for politicians to meddle in the affairs of the military, in my opinion, then when politicians are starting to deploy their weapons in the direction of the army, this means that they have failed their own political mission internally, and the mission of politicians during the war is to provide for the troops, first of all, we see. which scandals
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with weapons purchases continue, especially the active actions of the sbu at the end of last week, because the former head of the liev department was arrested, investigative actions were conducted against the lviv arsenal company, well , before that there was the grenkevich family, for whom the court of representatives of this family issued an arrest warrant, that is, the chain ... you can say that, an impression such that the politicians decided, well, let's say so , to force the military to take part of the responsibility for the mistakes of the politicians themselves, and paid the price, because, well, just the reaction of the society yesterday was exciting, i would say that if it was not stopped in time, then by morning to bank stalls... several thousand people,
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well, you know, here, to be honest, in such situations, i always try to call people to any already verified information, and, until the information from the official ones appears, then you can act, i i am not saying to act in an unconstitutional manner way, but i think that we all have, as citizens, despite the fact that we have martial law, not a state of war, martial law, that's the law, but vasyl, the easiest way is to go to the president's website and look. is there an edict to start with anyway, i just always urge people, you know, people are living from bad news to worse, very rarely there is any good news, and it's not worth making a fuss either, but in any case, surely those who ought to know should know it, even the leaders of public opinion and politics, who in any case can to accumulate and activate a certain part of the population for certain actions, again not unconstitutional, i will say again
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, war, we understand that, but if someone does something wrong, as valery once said , this oleg lyashkota, then it is necessary reach, but in your opinion, this story has. some pause and then it will continue further, and what is the question here: electoral zeal, some other ideas, because it is worth understanding, actually yesterday, i no longer think that electoral zeal, the fact is that pulling out the hard-working from the cohort of the current government does this power in general is illegitimate in the eyes of society, that is, the trust in zelenskyi and his entourage, it is actually... based on the trust in the meritorious, it is, now in the imagination of people, zelensky is an appendage to the meritorious, and the undeserved is, well, strong zelenskyi's trump card, this, this is important,
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is the public's perception and public perception of this or that political figure or military figure, because after all, general-zuluzh is a military man, he is not a flight. but he is a statesman and he is perceived as a person who is most responsible for the fate of the country, because during the war, it is the military vertical that bears the greatest burden, and when the political vertical begins to interfere in the work of the military, it always worries ukrainians very much. you know, this also plays into the hands of russia, yesterday, well, i didn't monitor, but i have colleagues who monitor all this. i read with pleasure their posts on facebook, in telegram, with the addition of pictures and videos, in russia they were very happy that the scumbag could be dismissed, well, it was already presented as a fact that the scumbag would be dismissed, there are some such, but and right there you understand, when citizens are told yes
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, you don't say it, don't do it, because you scatter boats, you play into moscow's hands, and when certain actions, well, which we cannot confirm, but which we can talk about, as if there is information, of the representatives the authorities just perfectly play into the hands of moscow, but how can this be considered a patriotic position or is vasya, i have a feeling that we are immediately trying to tie it in with ego zelensky or, i had a feeling, yesterday there was also a meeting between representatives of the g7 embassies and the media community, and i got the feeling that at... the bank took this slap so hard that they decided to play back in a big way on this throw-in with a resignation, because really the state of freedom of speech and attacks on journalists, persecution of journalists, it
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's all power games, it's not the opposition that organizes it, and in this sense, it's such a blunder that we, and we can, and the same thing that we are not accepted there... with the media community, that they are preparing something against us , then we will do something in response, but i have a feeling that this is it there was a backlash precisely because of the efforts of the big seven and diplomatic embassies present in ukraine to support freedom of speech, well , the ukrainian government is very afraid of freedom of speech, especially it began to look wild... when corruption stories from the ministry of defense began to emerge, and they began trials, detention, and it seems to me that this is precisely related to freedom of speech. by the way, we were just talking about the work of journalists, these are the people who tried to break into
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the apartment of the journalist, niklov, the one who he wrote 17 eggs at one time, but the police did not detain them, for some reason, yes, but about the person. oleksandr liev, ex-head of the department of military-technical policy of the ministry of defense, is suspected of embezzling uah 1.5 billion, so the higher anti-corruption court did not choose a preventive measure for him, the prosecutor's office asked for detention or bail in the amount of uah 268 million, but the person who they suspect the embezzlement of uah 1.5 billion during the war, they say no, so it's important to look for who then and just know here. eh, and who can you tell about in case of what, mr liev? what's interesting? so, here's what's interesting that, as far as i understood, at the court, mr. liev testified that minister
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reznikov personally signed the contracts for the supply of ammunition with the lviv arsenal company. well, well, i do not believe that a person, this , this is the seventh voda na kisel, even the head of the department, he does not make the final decision about... about concluding an agreement on the supply of ammunition, he can only form a management position on this matter and advise senior management to sign or not to sign this agreement, but... it is not he who makes the final decision, well, well, it would be funny, after all, by the way, why do i bind myself with freedom of speech, because we recall that the same nikolov, when he received the information about the facilities there, 17 uah per ton kilometer of eggs, but he carefully trodden the thresholds of both the verkhovna rada committee and the bank for two weeks, and to explain that it must be... kicked, because it will spill into the media space, and it was not he who spilled it, after all after all,
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he didn't spill it, but as we can see, the attack on him does not stop, even, well, this attack to an apartment, and here, well, this is really hooliganism, this is really a police investigation, the police established the identities of these people, i am friends with, well, the owners of the zhytomyr portal, which is from zhytomyr. who then did with these guys, who became involved in the police case in the attack, because they suddenly began to give evidence, they, they themselves realized that they were used dirty, and they to the medical workers, well, there is a publication, i made a video of myself on the channel , and there is a link to the first source where these guys told, well, how they were hired for this spin. that is, the impression is that instead of really looking for formulas for the europeanization of our life, the authorities
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are starting to arrange here, ala belarus, with the terror of anti-media agents, i want to remind you that even though we have martial law, it is a bit of a strange martial law, because not during martial law, military, well, in principle, the military should manage all processes, but... we don’t have the military in charge, they only deal with defense, they want to hang everyone on them, even against some military or community workers, community leaders who, say, blew up bridges on zhytomyr region, who ruled i am defending in the dnieper, near the dnieper, now they are opening cases, bringing cases against them, because they allegedly seized the territory there, or caused ecological damage, because they blocked, blocked the enemy's path with water, thank you very much, we have to put an end to it, thank you joined, thank you for your comments, volodymyr tsibulko, a political scientist was with us on the title. zku and a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the fourth convocation, also a poet, well, this is indeed a fact, the case is against
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the brigade commander near the dnipro, because he was building fortifications, and he was told that this is what you wanted to capture the territory, there were simply houses there, in the zhytomyr region of an official as well, the head of the community is told that yes, you blew up the dam there, you caused ecological damage to the state, compensate, and the fact that this water stopped the enemy, as in demydov near kyiv, too, irpinska dnipro that's why there are a lot of questions, but we will try to find a common answer, at least to inform you about it, serhiy zgurets, director of the defensespress agency and host of the military summaries of the day column, will inform you and us about the situation at the front. sergey, congratulations, please i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk more about weapons, a little less about fronts, about weapons, this is about the war of drones between ukraine and russia, new details about tanks from kuwait. for ukraine and about how we ourselves repair and modernize
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german leopards, about all this in a moment. today there is a lot of interesting news when it comes to weapons, and i'll start with the fact that the ukrainian armed forces shot down an enemy su-34 bomber in the sky over the luhansk region. it was reported. general staff, this plane uses missiles there, with which it tries to carry out attacks on ukraine, and this is actually good and positive news. and also at night, the enemy carried out shahed attacks on ukraine, now we see this fighter that was shot down, and now shaheds, which the enemy used to attack ukraine, as reported by the air force command, in total, the enemy launched 35 kamikaze drones, but they managed to shoot down 15, this is less than usual,
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and certain conclusions can be drawn here, if we consider the message of the command itself air force, because the report says that the enemy directed some of these attack drones to the front-line territories, trying to hit the infrastructure of the fuel and energy sector, civilian and military facilities. near the front line and the state border with the russian federation, so this attack on the front-line and border areas already directly indicates that the effectiveness of... mobile groups that destroy these shahed forces forces the enemy to abandon strikes in the depth of the territory and direct the drones right on the front line, and here really another important detail, which is related to the fact that during this time the enemy is trying and has made certain improvements to the design of these shaheds,
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just yesterday we did an analysis on the defense express website, where we based on those... photos of the national police, where it was found almost unharmed several of these new shahedz, got access to her photos, which relate to this new combat unit that began to be used on these drones, let me remind you that there were iranian drones, there was an iranian combat unit, then the russians used some combat units there with obsolete missiles, the missiles ran out and they started making these new combat parts, it has certain... features, not only, not only the date that they were manufactured there at the end of last year, but also that the design has changed a little, it actually such a cumulative incendiary combat unit, where the enemy tries to increase the capabilities of this combat unit to ignite those objects that it attacks, and this can by the way explain the fact that now a certain number of these
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targets, which the enemy tried to attack, were just directed to our facilities energy structure. objects that are in the front line, and on the other hand, ukraine is also now developing long-range means of impression, primarily the drone, and today the times magazine came out with such an interesting article about how ukraine is providing an increase in the number of long-range means of impression, and there such an article was written by simon shuster, who at one time wrote about zelensky an article: which is quite complementary from the point of view of the minister of strategic industry kamyshin, where kamyshin explains that now we have started since winter use drones of our own production with a long range, which means that we do not have time to test these drones on training grounds, and we immediately use these drones to strike at enemy targets
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and these strikes at terminals in the baltic sea. near the baltic sea there, they were really carried out due to the use of these new long-range strike systems, this is actually a positive trend in the development of our defense industry, the question is that it is necessary to scale, increase, and increase efficiency their use, but we need combat equipment, of course, not only in the air, but also on the ground, and here we remember the great importance of tanks, bterras, bmp and... armored vehicles, and we also have remember that today the ukrainian army has such a unique fleet of manufacturers and suppliers from different countries, it is simply amazing how our military manages not only to fight with the enemy, but also to maintain such a colorful arsenal of various armored vehicles in a combat-ready condition, how do we
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do it, what happens to armored vehicles, this is exactly what we will talk about with our next guest, we are joined by: this is mykola salamakha, an expert in the field of armored vehicles, a retired lieutenant colonel, project manager at our company energy 2000. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the channel on the air espresso. good evening, mr. sergey. i have long been waiting for an opportunity to talk about certain informational elements related to the use of various types of armored vehicles. and so it happened that literally right now the entire information field is filled with information about what... kuwait is transmitting first in croatia, and then to ukraine, these m-84 tanks, which are apparently a licensed version of the t-72. i would like to hear from you what kind of tank it is, how effective it is, how long it may take to repair and upgrade, if
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it is needed for these tanks, so that our viewers can also understand what exactly we can get for our armed forces. four components, namely a 125-millimeter gun, an az-175 automatic loader and a tpdk1 sight, aka 1 a40, plus a v80 engine, v46 m6 probably, that is something that absolutely will not change in this car. and what we with the help of templates and elements of dynamic contact protection, we will be able to strengthen the armor protection of these. of this machine and by replacing the sights of tpn 14923 with the sights of the same ukrainian company trymen or the company ua
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arpa to increase the firepower especially at night, this is quite a good decision because kuwait has somewhere around a hundred units, and if we get three battalion sets, then this firstly, it is not a short period, it is literally 2-3 months, and these are three brigades that will have a tank battalion in their its composition mr. mykola, you mentioned that these tanks can be strengthened with dynamic protection, i immediately remembered that these leopard eyes are the first ones that are being handed over to us and are being used there. there was a lot of information about the need to strengthen dynamic protection and that, apparently, our defense enterprises are already using a solution using our dz in order
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to make these tanks more protected, what do you know about this, are there really such dynamics and are the eyes really leopards first become more protected compared to those versions which we received from our partners? the scheme has been worked out, but it is being implemented in principle. over time, absolutely all leopard-1 a5 tanks will receive increased armor protection precisely at the expense of dynamic protection, well, there will also be grilles used against fpv drones of the same lancets and similar ones. you mentioned these semi-drones, and now the question arises, do you remember how we talked with you about the fact that a tank on the battlefield in active combat lives there for a maximum of 10 minutes, then there were various discussions on this topic, but now the use of these fpv drones, it reduces the survivability and lifespan of the tank on the battlefield, does it affect
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the tactics and, relatively speaking, maybe it forms a new tactic of using tanks in conditions when fpv drones begin to simply dominate the field battle, and of course, each new type of weapon that appears on the battlefield brings certain challenges and this entails. battle changes and tactics of use and changes in protection against similar types of weapons, it is already clear that almost all objects of armored vehicles, automobile equipment must be equipped with means of radio-electronic warfare, which will suppress these fpv drones, but it is necessary to protect them. absolutely all objects of armored vehicles with the same gratings against fpv drones, that is, to take measures
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for camouflage and carry out means of radio-electronic reconnaissance and radio-electronic combat against not only fpv drones, but in general with many means of impressing the enemy. mr. mykola, what is the current experience of using these systems. reb, which are put on our armored objects, are there any, let's say reviews from the military with whom you are in contact , what do they say, how reliable is this system, or are there any risks, how does it affect parallel communication, is it possible to exchange data there at the same time, or does the rep have one that actually covers and and suppresses everything from communication to enemy drones and there own drones, thank god that... uh , accordingly, we know the frequency bands that are used to control fpidrones, and they do not match the frequencies that
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are used for radio exchange and radio communication, that is why one does not interfere with the other, but eh, so, almost every month we have to make changes to those means of combat, with vpiv'drones, because the enemy is also not sleeping, the enemy is developing and every new challenge entails further improvement of means of electronic warfare and suppression of control channels of fpv drones , and not only ee, that is, serious enterprises, but also quite a lot of enterprising... entrepreneurs who are engaged in private business are now engaged in such things, but now they are engaged in the means of combating fpv drones. mr. mykola, this is me
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saw in... your comments where you explained to the readers or viewers how the actual ukrainian crew on the bradley destroyed the russian t-90m tank and talked about the fact that this russian tank has certain flaws, but on the other hand, it is important and the training of our personnel who actually fought on the bradley, i would like you to once again ... highlight the main points from this battle, as far as it is, let's say, typical in order to be able to scale this approach to other units , which can be used there by the bradley fighting vehicle or other bmps western production. the crew was ready to fight tanks, although they met a tank for the first time in their lives, but at such a short distance, they were able to take advantage of the automatic gun, which is able to open
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in... almost immediately, as soon as the target was detected and the gunner operator took aim, accordingly, the bmp crew did not give the opportunity to take advantage of the large-caliber, 125-millimeter gun, because the very first thing they did was to disable the aiming devices and, accordingly, the devices observation, and here is a very vivid picture when... the tank is moving, the gunner-operator is trying to search for where it is being shot at, and the turret rotates 360°, makes several revolutions, here is a very short distance, a very fast-paced battle and loss , it means that the control of the tank commander, the confusion of the gunner-operator, and
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including... the inability of the commander to control the mechanic-driver, led to the fact that the tank lost its mobility in general and after that the fp drone operator finished it off, well, in fact we are saying there is usually there with pro four there or four main areas of armored vehicles that should create synergy, but the effectiveness of the crew is actually the fifth and dominant component that actually ensures victory on the battlefield, as we now see. well, the phrase “the personnel decides everything , no one has yet been able to deny and cancel, why, because the personnel, starting with the crew members and ending with the command of the brigade level of the operational tactical direction, there, that is , the operational direction, all this leads to the fact that those results are obtained, what are we we have i would like to ask your opinion
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about... about the prospects of our wheeled armored vehicles, why am i asking, there is a company called rain metal, which offers us some betary fuchs, there are projects related to the polish wolverines, and some insider information about that our officials there have calculated that it is very expensive to manufacture it in ukraine, and they are saying that we can do it. and on their own, with their own projects, and the issue of useful armored vehicles is less relevant than tracked models, what do you think, on the one hand, about foreign wheeled vehicles, armored vehicles, whether they are needed and whether it is worth betting on, first of all, a solution related to the track, which means that with the number of brigades that still do not have armored vehicles,
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we absolutely need them. everything, and if we can get at least a hundred units of fuchs a year, that is, in the next two or three years, then we need to go for such cooperation and manufacture either on the territory of ukraine or assemble outside of ukraine, but get these machines. at the same time, yes, there is a need engage in further production of that wheeled machinery. this is primarily the fourth armored personnel carrier, which is very necessary in the army, that is why, because if we again introduce the confrontation of the btr-4 tank, then literally two or three months ago we also saw footage when the crew of the armored personnel carrier, destroyed a t-72 tank, successfully intercepting it when the enemy planted...


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