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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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we need absolutely everything, and if we can get at least a hundred units of fuchsia per year, in the next two or three years, then we need to go for such cooperation and manufacture either on the territory of ukraine or collect outside ukraine, but to receive these machines, at the same time, there is a need to engage in further production. that wheeled vehicle, well, it is primarily the fourth armored personnel carrier, which is very necessary in the army, why? because if we talk again about the btr-4 tank confrontation, then literally two or three months ago, we also saw footage when the crew of an armored personnel carrier destroyed a t-72 tank, successfully intercepting it, when the enemy placed... the side under
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an automatic cannon, the same apc-4, it also has a missile channel, i.e. the possibility of using the power of the btr4 weaponry, it is an infantry fighting vehicle on wheels, although all experts understand perfectly well that in order to increase the security of infantry fighting vehicles, it is necessary to use geese. why because there is a certain limit on the weight load on one wheel, and if the armored personnel carrier has eight wheels, in principle , the combat weight limit is 30 tons, this is the maximum that can be used in such cases, and the track allows you to bring the weight of infantry fighting vehicles up to 40 tons. even up to 45. mr. mykola,
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we have, mr. mykola, we have one minute, i would like you to comment on one video that confused me a little, it's called the one where our military is frying his t-72 tank, now i will ask our directors to show this video, please tell me what it is, is it possible to do this, or will the tank to work, would western equipment withstand such approaches, it is said, they forgot to remove the duck from the gearboxes, hydraulic control system and lubricate the oil, before shutting down the t-72 tank, but the tank stood at night and in the morning the tank did not was able to start in order to bring the temperature of the lubricant to that condition, well, at least to +10° in the gearboxes, so that it was possible to pump out this lubricant, but it is necessary to breed it like this.
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gearboxes under the right and under the left hearth and heat the armor of the tank, there is 20 mm from the bottom armor, so nothing will burn, the heat will spread evenly, the gearboxes will warm up, it will be possible to pump out the oil and start it there. mr. mykola, thank you very much for these explanations for your time for our broadcast, and let me remind you that it was mykola salamakha, lieutenant colonel. these, the project manager at the 2000 company, these were the main military results of this day, then more international and economic news in the edition of vasyl winter news and on our big broadcast. well, thank you very much, serhii zgorts, thank you guests, these were the military results of the day.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, and now the big story continues, there is a lot of interesting stuff ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, cultural news from lina chechenina. a scandal today, it will, as they say, surprise and shock us, and the weather from natalka didenko, but all this is a little later, now from the news: the russians wounded a local resident of a lathe in kherson region, the enemy shelled the village with artillery, the woman suffered an explosive injury, partial amputation, fingers on her hand, shrapnel
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wounds to the head, abdomen and leg. she is now in the hospital, the regional military administration reported, the enemy also attacked two settlements in the berislav district, hit residential buildings and... the building of the invincibility point, one person died, three more were injured due to russian shelling of donetsk region, in the morning the enemy attacked avdiivka, artillery hit a private house, a 47-year-old woman was there, unfortunately, she died. several private residences and a high-rise building were damaged, and the russians also hit the city of yar with an fpv drone. a man and a woman received shrapnel injuries, the regional prosecutor's office said. in addition, the occupiers shelled the village of new york, a local resident was in his own yard, his leg was wounded. needless to say, it is worth reminding that yakavdiyivka is one of the places where hostilities actually take place and other settlements, from where you can leave, where the enemy often flies
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, of course, it is better to evacuate, but unfortunately, hundreds and thousands of our citizens are every day in those areas where you can come under enemy fire from various types of fire damage. in the temporarily occupied crimea, the defense forces of ukraine hit the enemy radar station of the air defense system. the target was located near the village of rozdolne. this was reported by the strategic communications department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the military said that the strike was successful this morning. and in the tavria direction, the occupiers used ammunition with poisonous substances five times in the last day. that is, actually. committed a war crime, oleksandr shtupun, the spokesman for the press center of the defense forces of the tavria region, announced this on the air of the telethon, according to him , these are probably k-51 grenades with chlorpicrin from himatak, ukrainian soldiers are saving themselves with gas masks. each such case is investigated separately, and then it is submitted to
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international institutions as a violation the occupiers of the custom of introducing war. and at the beginning of the large-scale war, the russians carried out 626 chemical attacks in ukraine. well, gifts for the armed forces are therefore bad gifts for the enemy. the latest skynex battery has arrived in ukraine. as reported by the general director of italy alessandro ercolan, the first complex was handed over at the end of the 23rd year of the production contract, which was signed in december 22nd, paid for by the government and the federal republic of germany for 160 million dollars. the second battery will arrive in march 24th. drone killer. maybe seriously make it difficult for the occupiers to use the iranian shahed 136 radar. the skynex radar can see 50 km, and its guns are capable of firing 1035mm shells per minute and hitting targets at a distance of four. what is interesting
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is that these munitions released by skynex, when they fly to the target, release a huge number of special such metallic... impressive particles, which are actually supposed to significantly damage and destroy drones like shaheda or other aerial targets that will be launched by the enemy, i.e. this is very good for our army and very bad for the enemy skynex weapon. to improve mental health and reintegrate into civilian society, this is what the reboot consciousness program for female veterans and military families will be dedicated to. for high-quality rehabilitation , a technology was developed, thanks to which the level. stress is measured by heart rate, and treatment takes place only with the use of breathing practices and meditation. the program will help women cope with severe stress and return to their normal lives. the project will be held in kyiv and online for three months, from february 15 to may 15.
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registration of those interested will continue until february 10 on the impact website. please join. conducted more than two years of research with the goal of inventing innovative tools for early diagnosis. level of psychological considerations and invent innovative, non-pharmacological tools for rehabilitation and provide and give, give the opportunity so that people can work independently at home with their stress level, and my experience of going through the program began with the fact that i could not sleep, but i just really floated dream, and even if there were no phantom pains, i could not sleep at night for four days. i learned meditation and started meditating, the results literally started with my first classes.
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a very cool initiative, in fact, it is very necessary, and if it is distributed in large numbers, there will certainly be many such practices, such activities will not exist, society needs this, the military, those people who were in the rear, and the families of the military, of course, this is everyone needs it, so it's worth congratulating. and call to spread this activism again, called the deputy a witch of the secretary of the kolomyia city council andrii kunechak was fired after making sexist statements. on tuesday in november, during a session of the city council , an official compared deputy halyna belya to the witch. she turned to the human rights commissioner, who confirmed the deputy's words, that this is discrimination based on gender, that is , they humiliate a woman and violate her right to respect. the secretary's wife was examined at a meeting of the permanent commission, and then the kolomyia city council decided to prematurely
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terminate the powers of its secretary. bahmud ballad - a photo of the war with that name of the museum of the history of ukraine in druga during world war ii, a photo album and an exhibition of the city's heroic defense were presented. work on the photo book lasted more than six months, and more than 300 photos were included in the collection. photos from the epicenter of hostilities were sent. press officers and liaison service of the eastern group of troops. in the photo album, you can see different periods of bakhmut's defense, from the city's bustling life to empty streets with traces of death and destruction. these photos were primarily for me and for the guys who performed these tasks, because unfortunately, i understand that very often, during such active hostilities, some people are no longer alive. this is a memory that we must preserve. feat of people, because one person may seem like a small cog to himself, but he does
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a colossal job and each cog makes up a huge mechanism. it is clear that not all photos will go to the exhibition , 46 pieces were included, and we selected a little more than 300 for the photo album together with the press officers, because several thousand - we will think about what to do next, there are a lot of photos, and each one is special , you are still collecting and more collections and more collections, so that all this history, at least in photos, and in stories, in written books, in written music, lived and taught future generations and showed the heroism of our soldiers, our citizens. in the capital , the youth for peace volunteer center, which was mutilated by a fragment of a russian rocket on march 22, was repaired. the organization has been working in kyiv since the 19th year and attracts young ukrainians to do charity work. italian community. st. egidia volunteered to restore the premises and recently the center opened its doors again for
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teenagers, benefactors and people in need of help. yana from kostyantynivka, donetsk region. due to the full-scale invasion of russia, her family had to leave their home. later, when they moved to kyiv, the girl was looking for friends in the new city and ended up in the "youth for peace" center. there in the company of my peers, i did not become a volunteer, i started going to... geriatric homes and helping people, she says, charity is very inspiring and helps you feel better yourself. when i came from kostyantynivka, i had no friends, none communication, i needed attention , well, it was important for me, but no one supported me then, when i arrived, that is, i sat at home alone, i did nothing, but here i am with... now in the community st.
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egidius, a large group of teenage volunteers, about 80. they work with younger children, provide humanitarian aid to displaced people, distribute food to the needy, and visit homes for the elderly. personally , i am a volunteer in housekeeping. immigrants come to us there to receive food kits or other additional kits. we are them when we meet, we offer them a lot of tea, cookies, something like that, and the most important thing is that we talk to them. the community of saint egidius has been functioning in ukraine since the first year of independence. its branches are in lviv, ivano-frankivsk and kyiv. during the full-scale invasion, volunteers stepped up efforts to help anyone in need. as in other cities, the centers in kyiv have become shelters for immigrants. however, in march 2022, one of the premises was damaged by a missile fragment and remained empty for a long time. the community managed to attract grants and renovate the building, so now the members
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of the youth movement can expand their activities. the actual opening of this space. its goal is to attract even more to us, even more kyivans and immigrants, even more young people in order to grow, develop and bring good, to be able to do more good. if you have a desire to join the benefactors of the center, look for the youth for peace community on facebook and instagram. yuliya zubchenko, oscar yansun from espresso tv channel. any good ones welcome. initiatives which support people and work for the victory and development of our country, but what is happening in the world , yuliy fizar is ready to tell us now, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today , there is a lot of news, they are interesting, in particular i will tell you about the following: aid to ukraine, where it will come from, what nato has done wrong to our
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country, and japan still does not give up hope of concluding a peace treaty. with russia, about this and other things in a moment in the section world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this: to increase the volume of supplies of ammunition and missiles to ukraine. the leaders of the member states of the european union plan to agree on this during the summit scheduled for this thursday in brussels. it was reported. reuters agency with reference to the draft of the final statement of the summit received by him. the document also contains a promise to continue, quote: timely, predictable and sustainable military assistance to kyiv. then there were already statements that we would be no, no, no, there is no such document yet, not even in nature, but i am convinced for some reason,
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that if the journalists of the reuters agency reported about it, then most likely they, well... with a huge probability, they saw this document. now it remains to wait for thursday and for the leaders of the eu member states to agree on this document. viktor orbán puts forward conditions for brussels, the prime minister of hungary is ready to make a joint decision with the rest of the 26 countries of the european union on financing ukraine at the summit on february 1, but only on the condition that the amount of aid is guaranteed to be approved. every year, all eu member states are united, he said in an interview french publication lepoint. the head of the hungarian government called it a compromise option and added. and then there is a quote from viktor orban. europeans themselves need this money. we are suffering more and more from poor economic performance. this money
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would be very useful for the residents of europe, the french, germans, hungarians, and poles. i would take the french, the germans, the poles here, in the end , i would not add anyone else, i would leave only the hungarians in viktor orbán's performance, well, because it seems to me that he does not think about others, he only thinks about them and about himself, but by the way, the fact of the existence of this compromise document, in which viktor orbán can make certain concessions to brussels, was also confirmed by the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó, during a press conference with his colleague from bahrain, and... abdel - by latif benrashed azzayani in budapest, he said that we are listening to peter szijharto in direct speech. what we need is not arms deliveries, not military psychosis, but an armistice and peace negotiations. that's why we don't think it's a good proposition to direct billions of euros to the continuation war, however, we understand that most of
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the member states of the european union are in a state of war psychosis, so it is possible to find. a compromise solution, if the granting of money to ukraine from the eu budget will be approved annually in compliance with the principle of unanimity. i am struck by this approach, to accuse other countries of the european union of being in a state of war psychosis, and at the same time to say, as peter szijjártó said, and prime minister viktor orbán said that they really do not want russia at some point approached the borders with hungary, isn't it some kind of war psychosis. in front of russia, well, they say one thing, do another, and to finish the topic of hungary, i want one thing, that is, so that you understand, hungary says that the war can be ended, not hungary, but... szijártó in this case. the war can be ended, it is not even possible, it must be ended, if money is not transferred to ukraine. someone in the european union and nato says on the contrary,
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give more money and military equipment and ammunition to ukraine, and that is the only way to end the war. and you know, how about the ending war, says the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. now i will give you a quote. if in february 2022 the president of the united states. was donald trump, there would be no war in europe, i don't see anyone but him, neither in europe nor in america, who would be a strong enough leader to stop the war, the world has, the peace, the world has a name , donald trump, well, this is not going to fall on deaf ears, i hope that donald trump knows where hungary is geographically located, because he had problems with determining the territory, where is the slovak language, he confused something. but in any case, well, they will probably study it already, and before that he said that hungary borders with russia, in my opinion, it was trump who said, chito, trump said, well, on his side, he obviously skipped geography geography lessons, well
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, this is so and so, and what will be interesting if trump does not win the election? well, i don't know, trump won't win the election, unless there are criminal charges against him, they won't, criminal cases have already been filed, but the criminal cases will be brought to an end and he will be banned from running for president. well, so far i don't... see other options so that he does not become the next president of the united states. well, let's move on. now about the idea of ​​an armistice and peace negotiations, of course, which some want to be between us and russia. hardly anyone can believe that russia is looking for a compromise in the current situation. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said this in an interview with the french publication lops. according to him , russia. the war in ukraine strengthened the transatlantic unity, the european union provided support to ukraine in the amount of about 30 billion euros and trained almost 40,000 ukrainian
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soldiers on its territory, and therefore, says mr. borel, instead of talking about reconciliation with a terrorist country, it is worth remembering the lessons of the past, in particular from the 22nd year, and all in order to avoid their repetition, then we will hear the chief european diplomat speak directly. we hear again that ukraine cannot win and that support for the event will not last long. temptations of reconciliation arise again. these ideas were false in 2022 and remain false today. we should not let them determine our policy on of ukraine. well, this is the correct position. weapons for ukraine are the way to peace, not only in europe, but also in ukraine itself. he said this during a press conference, a joint press conference with the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, in washington. according to him, the member states
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of the european union have already allocated a considerable portion of their budgets to help ukraine defend itself against the russian invasion. but without american help , he says, it will be more difficult to do this. that is why the head of the north atlantic alliance and came to... the united states to convince local lawmakers, to unblock the allocation of aid to ukraine in congress. next, we will hear how jens stoltenberg convinced them. aid to ukraine is not charity, but an investment in our security. for a small share of the american military budget, the united states transferred weapons to ukraine, which made it possible to destroy russia's significant military capabilities, without deploying any weapons on the battlefield. i will return to viktor orban again, that is why he does not give me peace, he says that this money - this is simply money for wind
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, hungary needs this money more, at the same time, jen stoltenberg, the head of the north atlantic alliance, clearly says that this is not money for wind, it is, on the contrary, money, an investment in security, and that is correct. the authorities of the united states of america have already, unfortunately, sensed us. traces of the termination of military aid that washington provided to ukraine. the head of the state department said this during the meeting i already mentioned with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg united states, antony blinken, according to him, without the approval of funding in the future, everything that ukraine sought at the beginning of the hostilities will be at risk, and therefore this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible. this is how he addressed the american congressmen, and he once again emphasized that ukraine will definitely be accepted into nato, however, he did not
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say exactly when, not at. specified, i would very much like this invitation to be heard precisely at the nato summit in washington, which is scheduled for july this year, but still it's interesting that secretary of state antony blinken called this summit a historic summit, because i'll quote him later, he says that it's a great honor for us to host a historic nato summit in washington in july, i think it's going to be the greatest... the last summit since the end of the cold war, it demonstrates nato's adaptation to new challenges and new threats, and it still has to demonstrate to russia that everything that the kremlin was thinking about before invading ukraine did not happen, fortunately, and unfortunately , by the way, no, it didn't happen as it was thought for the russians, fortunately for us it did not happen, the russians wanted to split nato, the russians wanted to split the west, they did not
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come out, now at the summit in... washington they will prove that they remain united, i just want to add, let's say , during this time the reality has changed somewhat, and it is very good that, let's say, in germany they are now building a new factory at a rapid pace for themselves and for ukraine, nato has conducted the largest exercises since the cold war, this is also a big plus, which demonstrates, plus the united states america rebasing nuclear missiles to great britain, well, that is, nato is moving, nato is changing, and it is very important that these changes somehow involve us, well... i really hope, i really hope that it will start in washington in july this year. a little more about nato, nato feels guilty for allowing russia to attack ukraine, boris johnson, the former prime minister of great britain and a good friend of ukraine, said this in an interview with the bbc. according to him, the north atlantic alliance has not fulfilled what it promised to ukraine issues of membership in the block. and at the same time.
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boris johnson added a short quote: our collective, ambiguous position, which has been maintained for so long, the eternal attempts to sit on two chairs, immediately proved fatal, because putin decided: yes, they are, this is not serious. what's more, boris johnson emphasized that now in the world democracy is retreating and autocracy is getting its way, however, he still hopes that the russian war in ukraine has shown that the country is also coming to an end. russia will resolutely repulse the event, and i want to, the war is coming to an end, it’s very , well, in principle, everything is coming to an end , the question is, how much more is left to this end, well, that’s a question, but for this we need help from the west and we don’t need those stupid statements from hungary , most recently from slovakia. japan, in spite of everything , will strive to conclude a peace treaty with russia and
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resolve everything with it. and territorial disputes, and this despite the difficult period in relations between the two states, which arose after the beginning of the russian war in ukraine. this is the prime minister of the country of the sun, what's going on, fumio kissida said today during a speech in parliament. according to the head of the japanese government, hostilities on the territory of ukraine are a serious challenge to the international order, but he added that japan strongly supports the introduction of sanctions against russia and support for ukraine. fume kishida also expressed concern about possible military cooperation between russia and south-north korea. well, this statement of the head of the japanese government has already been commented on in russia, dmitry woke up this morning medvedev decided, it's been a long time since i wrote something , i will write, and here's what i wrote, he said that, okay, we are not against peace negotiations with
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japan, but let's not even... they have a question about the return of the kuril islands, territorial issues, closed forever, - wrote medvedev. a strategist, a successful leader, a winner, a great leader of russia and the world, and he is fighting for what his ancestors once succeeded in. that is exactly what the odious president of venezuela, nicolás maduro, said about putin. in his author's program in he sang the president's praises for a long time on the air of national television. terrorist country, according to president maduro , putin is now fighting nazism just as the russians once did, and even expressed confidence that putin will succeed in everything, well, not everything will succeed, and history already proves this, but vasyl, you know, i remember one good ukrainian saying, a fool sleeps, a fool dreams, well, maybe it was so...


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