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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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who are known more, these are all combatants, that is, obviously someone wrote about the war from afar, so these works appeared somewhere, somewhere, but we know about the war the first works of combatants, of course, this does not mean that they cannot appear such works eh, and we understand , well, for example, we understand that eh, so the waveman did not shoot his mother, but he wrote: imagining it like this, that is, experience in literature happens like this, experience can be imagined, and it will be a strong text, yes we ourselves know that kotsyubynskyi came to the curve for a week, looked and wrote the best the text about the carpathians so far, well, many of the carpathian authors may not agree, but okay, it turned out like this, that is, he did not have much experience in the carpathians, he got there twice.
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i wrote the best text about the carpathians there or three or several times, that is, it is quite possible, but direct experience still matters, and therefore i think that the strongest books will be written by those who have direct experience, but i say there are very different experiences, there is experience, for example, of emigration, and those who are currently in emigration, they will write about it, there is experience. there are children in bomb shelters and those who experienced it, they will write it, yes, that is, it is again, let’s take klimko grigory the tobacconist, the boy is 11 years old there, through the occupied territory, he walks there more than 100 km, they are there for a week, he sees it all, and this is a war through the eyes of a war , a child, that is, yes, well, but of course, of course, it will not be... works, that is, probably many
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will want to write out their experience, but the texts remain stronger, that is, among those who had this experience, with will be stronger, but they will remain, in any case, i think here we certainly cannot make any generalizations, because in terms of literature, our situation is now very unique, if we think again about the texts about war that we know in the world. either these texts are written from the position of, well, those who were disappointed in the war, so a german soldier, poisoned by propaganda, goes to the front to fight against, here is a yarmarka transfer, and goes to the front to fight against the french, and paris in three days, well that is, they go to the front with it, and here they see that it is dirt, that it is death, that it is mutilation, and he they fail... this is this literature,
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the war literature of insight, it means that a person got to the front blind, he does not know why he got there, and then he understands that war is terrible, and before he thought that this is a walk, and this is not our situation at all, the other is a war through the eyes of a victim after a loss, and this was once our situation, yes malanyuk, combatant, daragan, losers... military competitions, all of them are actually very many in the 20s, because they first fought for the ukrainian people's republic, and then many of them joined the soviet red army there the army, that's how the wave also fought, he was generally a rebel against everyone at first, that is , dovzhenko, and yanovsky, and mykola kulish, and even ostap vyshnya was in charge of the medical service of the ukrainian people's republic, that is, they all fought.
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but then, so that they don’t write about the war, they don’t want this heroism, they will just feel, they have suffered a certain defeat, especially like malaniuk, well , there is also a third type, such ideological works, like, say, honchar’s standard-bearers, where it victorious works, but we now understand that it is all steeped in falsehood, we have everyone who fights very well understands why he does it. we do not have a war of conquest, but on the other hand , we will not be defeated this time, i think we are all united in this awareness, and therefore it will be some other literature, a new literature, i think, that is why it is very different, and here to generalize how it will appear, well , it is quite risky and difficult, thank you, i can't help but ask about the reading, as such. so
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we wrote out for ourselves and now we will show you a graphic from the ukrainian institute of books, which did such and such a sociological study, how is changing the reading of ukrainians, how much they read more or less during the war, and look how interesting it is that the number of ukrainians who read increased from 2020 to 23 , from 8% in 20 to 19% in the 23rd year, that is, this year that we lived, it seems that it is good, and it seems even more good that the majority... the book in ukrainian is printed, yes, the book is in ukrainian, but for comparison in germany, almost 46% of the population, what this tells us in general is that we don't have enough of what we read like that we still read little, but we
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read much more than it was there, let's say 10-15 years ago, this tells us that we still have educators and people of books in front of us. still such a long road to enlightenment really so serious, because reading always makes people smarter, it's important, at the moment people read actively because they want to know, they want to know history, which, as it turns out, has been presented in many ways distorted, well in particular under the influence of russian propaganda, they want to know literature, about literature, because they were told again that there is no such thing as great literature in russia, that is, in fact, everything is there, and we must have victories that must be celebrated in our history, there are strong texts, so people rushed to read, and this is really , i believe these statistics , we all see that reading is very common, i do
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n't know, i think every publishing house already has this experience, when fighters from the front line turn, send books, we read in breaks, and, that is, between battles, that is, it is important, and it is globally important, because the nation must to be able to defend yourself with the power of arms , but also with the power of words, well, this is a fact again, she must tell the truth about herself, praise the exploits of her heroes, who will live as long as they are remembered, laugh in literature, and so on, we have satirical... this aspect of literature is now strengthened, because satire is also a weapon, that is, in fact, this is an explained development, er, and of course there is such a very good prospect, yes, well, but here it is still really far from european countries eh to
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eh states, i had a lecture yesterday - wed librarians, yes, hmm, which ones. i want to learn more about modern ukrainian literature, and here i remembered the fact that sometime in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century in america there were powerful library support programs for libraries, the state supported libraries, there were some reading contests so that people would go , so that the children would go, they would give some awards, collect some stickers, well, in short , they would make a serious program so that people would read. and now we can not be surprised why in america, there are possible circulations of a million, 3 million. here, if to recalculate proportionally, then we should have possible circulations, well, at least 100-200 00 such, so far, well, i know, there is a kidruka this
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colony, it is 30 00, that is not bad, we are moving in this direction, i i know that the total circulation of everything published by oksana zabushko. it's already a long way from half a million, but there's still room to move, all the same, germany, in particular, and especially scandinavia, well, they read, probably twice, three times more powerfully than we do so far, and this is also a question of the school curriculum , that is, complex, it will need to be solved, now it is it just comes from such a grassroots level, it's just that people want to read, want to learn more, and... interestingly, we also took the most interesting reading figures from the ukrainian institute of the future, shall we show why ukrainians read? so, almost half of ukrainians, 49%, say that reading is a way to save yourself, especially during the war, 42% believe that reading teaches
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you to make better decisions, that is, you become smarter, of course, 24% of the participants consider reading ukrainian literature a form of cultural resistance, this is also understandable. 21% reading and buying books , supporting ukrainian culture, this is why ukrainians read, and as i promised, to return to your book, the adventures of ukrainian literature, the adventures... of ukrainian literature were just like that, first of all, this is the bbc book of the year, last year, 2023, in the essay section, secondly, after the lviv book forum , it was impossible to buy it, i was forced, to be honest, it was recently bought and i read how quickly it spread among readers, what people are looking for in your book with ukrainian history? well, i'm somewhere i was hoping that it would be of interest
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, but i didn't expect it to be, and now the third edition is on its way, uh, and that makes me very happy, because i really hope that people are looking for a certain integrity, i tried to speak there in three such planes, i always have such a small historical section there, which happened in one or another period, that is, from... the end of the 18th to now, then there is about european literature that was written there at that time, which is the most brighter authors, and then immediately ukrainian literature, that is, there was little would emerge, in my imagination, such a certain integrity should emerge, to show that, first of all, we have a strong and long tradition, in fact the tradition is even longer, that is, in kyiv in the old and such ancient centers in kyiv, in chernihiv, in lviv , literature was written. for a very , very, very long time, it is possible that ovid, who was exiled to the bessarabian steppes
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somewhere near odessa, organized a literary circle, well, this is a joke, but we actually have a thousand-year history of literature, and not every nation can boast of such literature , that is, there is a huge tradition, but here, even at this interval of 200 years, it is very clearly visible, there are actually much more authors who are talked about, who we know about there after... there are some texts that can be read again, i never thought so it is terribly gratifying when a person reads the adventures of ukrainian literature and then writes on the networks that my reading list has increased by 40 books, that’s good, of course it’s such a bit of an insidious plan, but on the other hand it makes some sense, here i come across on... well, there is another meaning, it happens for some good book, i read it, i am in awe, well, i would like everyone
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to read it, come on, that is, there is a high probability that many people will be fascinated by it, there is like yanovsky's master of the ship, well, a gorgeous book that has never , which was not talked about in particular, it is not even in the school curriculum, here or there the princess of kobylyanska, that is, these are really very valuable texts, there or there dr. sadomonovich's fic is now out, that is, we actually have, you know, it's like aladdin's cave with treasures, where you can go, and there's a lot of things, but we don't know what's in there for sure, and for a lot of people i think it's like that episode where, so in the grocery store in the bank in front of this little harry potter who thinks he's poor, they open it. storage, he sees that his parents left him a lot of everything, he can buy chocolate frogs, yes,
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that is, in fact, the same with ukrainian literature and culture, because it is a complex process, but now everyone absolutely understands, and there is a generous, how powerful it is, what a generous man conquered the world, there are some ensemble of officers of the u.s. navy, performs a schadryka, they understand what else. how do they write this levontovych, that is, they understand that this is a very strong culture, it is so strong that it survived in spite of many things, that is why it makes sense to admire it, i subscribe, that is why they read and that is why they listen, that is why they watch, well of course, there is still a lot to be done, but nevertheless, i thank you for this book, because my list has also increased, i thought that i had so much... then i read and knew from ukrainian literature, it turned out that i was not, and me too i advise you to listen, i am happy and happy
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to listen to your conversations with vira ageyeva, in crazy authors, because both vira ageyeva and rostyslav asmkiv, they are masters of history from literature, and actually, then you really listen to this story, and you want to to read already zerov, and domantovych, and... and everyone who was underread or underread. thank you very much for this conversation, rostyslav semkiv, literary critic, teacher of the kyiv-mallyan academy, was a guest of my program today. thank you for being with us, see you next week, be there.
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he left crimea. in 2014 saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prokhorenko, leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region. he served in sevastopol until march 2014, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine. we met with the command of the russians, well, with the medics, their head of the medical service, i don't know what the group is called, but it was. more than the crimea, i think it was the southern district or something like that, but there was a georgian colonel of some kind, and when we were with them talked, then he said that, in principle , the situation was similar to the one that existed during the collapse of the union, when everyone chose a side for which he would serve in the future and where he
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would remain: ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia, or vice versa, and so on then simply in conversation we... asked him how he would behave if such a situation happened exactly the opposite, we offered him to go over to the side of ukraine, he remained silent and there was no further conversation on this topic, the russians then denied their participation in those events, then there were their tamnets, yes, little green men were, but well... we had security at the checkpoint, we were not able to remove any equipment, equipment and so on, but the russian one, well, i understand that they were russian servicemen, but without identification marks, we did not have i couldn't take laparoscopic racks, computer tomography, or anything else, but i had a chair with me, but i hung it out, after the beginning
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of the russian aggression in crimea, military doctors went to hospitals in different cities of ukraine. severe injuries with soft tissue damage, that is, they needed to revise the tactics, that is, the use. fixations, the material base improved, i.e., new research methods appeared, ultrasound devices, portable ultrasound devices, endoscopic studies, x-rays, digital x-rays that allowed taking pictures, receiving images on the spot, you could have the opportunity to consult them with
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specialists, for example, while being in the mobile hospital, those in the center or in kyiv. there are constant evacuations to us, from us, these are new patients, new injuries that need to be examined, examined, helped, to operate, and these operations are not the same as when you operated on pendicitis, they are prescribed, they are staged surgical treatments that constantly need to be repeated, reassessed. the situation, to reassemble the same vacuum systems, to look for debris, but traumatologists have this dep, this is... work with stumps, this is work with stomachs, breasts and so on, that is, one patient, he, unfortunately, has no way to recover in one operational
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intervention is a set of measures that must be carried out in order to stabilize and enable this injured person to stand on his feet. efforts on the part of the wounded and surgeons, nurses and all the staff, they gave their positive result, now we have a boy who came to us at the beginning of the 22nd year, with an amputated limb, with a severe wound in the stomach, and we are quite we struggled for a long time with complications from the side of the abdomen, then he went through a long path of prosthetics, and this is the upper third of the thigh, it is well... quite high, but now he has a biomechanical protest, he continues his service, he came to us now, we steamed him about the hernia, that's what
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developed after abdominal surgery, and he is very motivated to serve, and he has no plans to stop his military service. it used to be that the surgeons worked 24/7, then in principle it continues now, especially those surgeons who are now directly near the contact line in the east, there is really work, you don't have time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, - firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly , a situation can arise at any moment... your help will be needed, so these guys and girls work literally every second, in my
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there were several mobile hospitals under his command, especially surgical ones, and that was it, that it was both practical work, and again organization, and rotations. evacuations, admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of this or that, personnel policy, again, that is, life in cages. the assistance provided in mobile hospitals is of a high level, the modern equipment we have here is often also available in mobile hospitals, we are talking about x-ray complexes, we are talking about endoscopic racks, laparoscopic equipment, about an artificial kidney, so... about cell savers that allow you to take blood, filter it and give it back to the patient under certain conditions, stapling devices, modern suture material, tools,
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microvascular surgeries, vascular surgery, again, traumatology , the difficulty is that we... firstly, we have a lot of this work, but secondly, you never know what you will encounter, that is why it is difficult to predict the nature of the injury, and when a difficult patient comes to you, then you there is a short time for orientation and not much time to help him , to stabilize him, if we are talking about her mobile hospitals, amazing surgical teams, then he helped, stabilized, evacuated, and this happens all the time, that is, this is the work here,
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patients were accepted, looked at, and again we are not able to bring them to a logical conclusion, to remove the stitches, we have to stabilize them again , make sure that they are more or less all right, and send them to other hospitals. someone is complaining, well, because he believes that he cannot serve, but according to our canons, he is fit for military service, someone comes with thanks, that's the most important thing, that they join the army, that's the greatest comfort for us. thanks to extensive experience in military surgery, hryhoriy prykhorenko's team was able to set up successful work in the hospital during the war, and thus save hundreds of lives
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of our soldiers. khrystyna porubiyna. espresso tv channel. we are looking for 16-year-old danylo pyatnytskyi, who disappeared under, without exaggeration , extremely mysterious and unusual circumstances. his mother asks him to help find danya, and she told us very important details. since september 2023, the boy studied in slovakia. everything seemed to be fine, danylo constantly called his mother, was in a good mood and talked about his life and studies abroad. however, on december 22 at 12 noon, after talking with her son, the mother was unable to call him already in the evening. he didn't say anything at all before his disappearance. at 12 o'clock in the afternoon we talked with him, he says: "mom, i haven't slept for almost a day." he says: "i want to sleep, i will sleep for a couple of hours and
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they will call you." i evening it on the same day dialed, the phone was already turned off. the boy mysteriously disappeared, unfortunately, nothing is known about his fate to this day. at the same time , denmark's mother said that after her son's disappearance , a mess and scattered things were found in his room. i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten, although it does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't know, even. what must happen for him to behave like that. the boy's mother says that he studied in bratislava at the university named after him comensky at the faculty of management, and lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava. he was provided with housing by the refugee center, and he lived there, there was food, well... that is
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, they gave him transportation, and he said what he liked, he communicated with tutors, well, he perfected his slovak language, that is communicated in slovak with teachers of the slovak language, well, improved the level of the slovak language, i don’t even know what could have happened to him like this, oh well disappeared and the boy's mother has no idea where her son could be, she doesn't understand how this could happen... however, i assume that danya could not have contacted this company, especially after his disappearance it became known that he hadn't attended school since november, although he hadn't told his mother about it. i don't know, we were already thinking, maybe he joined some company, i don't know, he has some friends, maybe some not very good, not very decent ones appeared, because i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our in the city,
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graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went to this one university, only she has a different department, a different faculty, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said some such ridiculous things, that is, that the slovak fsb or sbr is following him, that he has a bug on the phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were some thoughts, he said such incoherent ... things that she, well, that never happened, well, that was not the case with him, that is, we think, maybe there are some narcotics already there he contacted some company. after conversations with ms. anastasia, we in turn contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who should make a request to the slovak police and help in the search. and if you have at least some information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or
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if, perhaps, you are alive? in slovakia and suddenly see danja or know something about him, immediately call 11630. please remember, it is better to write this number down, because 11630 is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 countries of europe therefore, if you are in europe and want to report information about a child who is wanted, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the only one from your mobile phone. european hotline for missing children 116/30. you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation. also, please go to the website of the children's search service, there are photos of all the missing boys and girls that we are trying to find. please look carefully.


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