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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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i have no illusions about the state structure , which is 100% energy construction in kharkiv , it is a completely state structure, i have no illusions, they will squeeze, beat out fines, money, that's all clear, well, that 's clear, that is, everything , it won't help here , you know, mr. bohdan, thank you for participating in our program, bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, with such and such a picture of the times, then, in general, the picture of the world and the picture of ukraine is already ready to be presented to us by khrystyna parubiy, together with the news team, they have prepared a selection of the latest information. christina, it's your turn now. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will talk about the evacuation from avdiyivka, whether there is still an opportunity to get people out of there, as well as about the situation at the front in a few moments, don't miss it.
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news in eter spresso, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with drones and missiles at night, launched 20 attack drones and four iskander m ballistic missiles. our defenders of the sky destroyed 14 enemy uavs, forces. worked in mykolayivska, zaporizhia, dnipropetrovsk, kirovohrad and kharkiv regions. a security guard of one of the enterprises was seriously injured due to a night drone attack in the mykolayiv region. the man is in intensive care. as a result of the hit , warehouses of an agricultural enterprise and a shop building were damaged in the bashtan district. and three people were injured in kharkiv as a result of an evening drone attack. an 85-year-old...
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man suffered shrapnel wounds, two more townspeople suffered a contusion and an acute stress reaction. this was reported to the regional police. late in the evening, the russian invaders attacked the region at least six drones. in the saltivskyi district, a rocket hit a private residential building, and in slobitskyi, a fire broke out in a store as a result of the impact. also, in the city of ponivychyna, several high-rise buildings, a shopping center, and two cars were taken. in addition, the russians. launched an iskander-m missile at the malodanyliv community of the kharkiv region. explodes and burns in russia, propagandist publications write about the attack of drones on the pskov region. the occupiers report that they have successfully shot down the drone. also russians reported a large-scale fire at shoe warehouses in the vladimir region. 25 m2 of premises were occupied. ukrainian spies
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attacked the russian defense ministry's special communications server. cyber ​​specialists have completely blocked his work and now units of the russian defense department cannot exchange information, the main intelligence agency reported. it added that the software the hackers hit had been vetted by russia's fsb as meeting government data protection standards. this software in... at various strategic objects of the state sector of the aggressor country, in particular the military. the bill on mobilization is again in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the cabinet of ministers finalized it and submitted it to the deputies for consideration. the documents set a clear term of service in the army - 36 months from the moment of mobilization. conscript service is also abolished. men of conscription age will have to register. the throne room
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of a conscript. the authors of the draft law provided for military registration for women with medical and pharmaceutical education. they also mentioned on restrictions for those who ignore subpoenas. it is about the ban on driving vehicles and seizure of property. and men who are abroad will be able to get any consular services only if they have a military ticket. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces. forces of ukraine. 88 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the enemy continues to attack avdiivka. there, the defense forces repelled 26 enemy attacks and 11 near pervomaiskyi and nevalskyi. our soldiers are on the defensive near maryanka. it was successful there repel 16 assaults of the russians. the invaders also tried to attack the positions of the armed forces on the left bank of the kherson region. unsuccessfully. during the day , ukrainian aviation struck... 11
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enemy concentration points and two russian anti-aircraft missile complexes. artillery rockets struck one area of ​​concentration of weapons and military equipment at two ammunition depots. nine artillery vehicles and one enemy radar station. they do not leave even in spite of fierce fighting. about a thousand people still remain in avdiivka and not want to leave the city. - said the head of the city military administration vitaliy barabash. according to him, despite resistance, people are persuaded and taken away every day, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to bring humanitarian aid into the city. and a few days ago from the last doctor left. at present, several nurses remain there. back in the ussr, in occupied mariupol , the invaders are reviving the komsomol movement, which existed during the soviet union, among the youth. this was announced by the
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mayor of ukrainian mariupol, vadym boychenko. young people who joined the organization streets are cleaned and monuments are painted. they also raised in the city. soviet red flag. according to botchenko, the occupiers are trying to impose soviet ideas on ukrainian children in order to turn them against ukraine. first they restored the monuments to lenin, then they created the youth army, and now the komsomol. in the capital , the youth for peace volunteer center, which was mutilated by a fragment of a russian rocket in march 2022, was repaired. an italian volunteered to restore premises for... an organization that involves young ukrainians in charity community of saint egidius. yana from kostyantynivka, in the donetsk region, due to the full-scale invasion of russia, her family had to leave their home. later, when they moved to kyiv, the girl was looking for friends in
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the new city and ended up in the "youth for peace" center. there, in the company of my peers, i did not become a volunteer, i started going to geriatric homes and helping. he says that charity is very inspiring and helps you feel better yourself. when i came from kostyantynivka, i had no friends, no communication, i needed attention, well for me it was important, but for me, well, no one supported me then, that's when i arrived, that is, i was sitting at home alone, i was not doing anything, but then i contacted khlip, that's her. came to the community, and it helped me a lot. now in the community of st. egidius there is a large group of teenage volunteers, about 80. they work with younger children, provide humanitarian aid to displaced people, distribute food to the needy, and visit homes for the elderly. personally, i am a volunteer at
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a care home. immigrants come to us there, receive grocery kits or other additional kits. we meet them, we offer them. there is a lot of tea, cookies, something like that, and very important, it is that we talk to them. the community of saint egidius has been functioning in ukraine since the first year of independence. its branches are in lviv, ivano-frankivsk and kyiv. during the full-scale invasion, volunteers stepped up efforts to help anyone in need. as in other cities, the centers in kyiv have become shelters for immigrants. however, in march 2022, one of the premises was damaged by a missile fragment and was empty for a long time. together. we managed to attract grants and repair the building, so now the participants of the youth movement can expand their activities. the actual opening of this space, its goal is to attract even more, even more kyivans and immigrants, even more
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young people to us in order to grow, develop and bring good, to be able to do more good. if you have a desire to join the benefactors of the center, look for the community. for the first time, funds of sanctioned persons were confiscated came to the state budget, said the head of the state treasury fund vitaliy koval. more than uah 32 million are already working for the state, we are talking about the own money and assets of such collaborators as ex-deputy minister of justice dmytro vorona and former deputy of the kherson region volodymyr saldo. and finances from the enterprise of russian oligarch oleg derepaska. the property of the traitors was nationalized by the higher anti-corruption court in 2023. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. we need vital equipment. please
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help to replace the engine in the evacuation room machine, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations to helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is 480 00 hryvnias, the account already has more than 190 00 hryvnias. so get involved, your help. very important. you can see all the details on the screen. ince tottelberg convinced representatives of the us congress to continue aid to ukraine. the secretary general of nato met with the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson and congressmen, the press service reported alliance. stoltenberg thanked the united states of america for the assistance already provided to kyiv and added that it is important for nato that the congress passes the resolution. which ensures the continuation of this support. according to the general secretary, aid
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from the states remains crucial not only for ukraine, but for the stability of the whole of europe. the us department of defense has confirmed its intention to transfer small-diameter ground-launched bombs to ukraine, which were supposed to arrive last year. this was stated by the spokesman of the pentagon, general patrick ryder. at the same time, for security reasons, he refused to name that. ryder noted that the us leaves ukraine with the right to report any deliveries. the pentagon also noted that funds previously allocated by congress were used to manufacture ammunition. the day before , information appeared in zma that small -diameter bombs could arrive in ukraine today. israel demands the resignation of un secretary general antonio guterres. such a requirement. was voiced by the minister of foreign affairs of the country of israel-kaz in response to the statements that the employees
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of the un agency to help palestinian refugees were involved in the attack by hamas and the gaza strip. at the same time, the agency denies that its employees knowingly helped the militants, but promised to thoroughly check the information and punish the guilty. another inspection was initiated directly by un secretary general antonio guterres. the next baking is already at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, then my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the conversation. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you colleagues. already at 9 o'clock. news from the espresso team, we continue to collect
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opinions and information from various corners, we promised you that we would go to luhansk region, we are going, and we already have artem lysogor, the head of luhansk ov, mr. artem, welcome to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, heroes glory, good morning, please tell us about the last, last night in luhansk region, how it passed, we understand that... usually there is a little less information about the internal things that are happening, we only know that they started from luhansk region, the occupied parts of luhansk region were launched now by kharkiv oblast, and can you tell me how it is happening, from which districts, in a little more detail, mr. artem, well, you know, it is difficult to say what started to be launched, in principle , constant attacks have been going on for more than two months, both on luhansk oblast and on kharkiv region, and now also, let's say this, through our cities and towns, shelling continues through the territory of luhansk region, already in kharkiv region, and
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indeed for more than two months, heavy battles have been going on, our defenders are holding a line of defense, and only for we got over 1,990 that night shelling, 563 shells fell on the populated areas of the luhansk region and along the defense strip, and this is a really big load, it's cabs, and mortars and everything else, but the guys are standing, really holding the borders, yesterday in connection... with such a worsening of the situation our military administration evacuated three elderly citizens from one of the settlements of krasnorichentsk, two men and one woman were provided with all assistance at the resettlement point, and now some of them have gone to their relatives, one still remains at the resettlement station , deciding where to go, ugh, and this is those in recent days, we have seen the activity of strategic, not strategic, but tactical aviation of this front-line aircraft again. uh, how along uh, the front line in the occupied luhansk region,
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they are working now, i mean russian planes, because we see that ours are also working, there is a su-34, a strategic bomber has gone negative, that is, what does it look like in the sky over luhansk region, our guys are working steadily, because the sky is really over luhansk region, and there are constant attacks, both from planes and from helicopters, by nurses, yesterday... they put down one such plane, which bombs our settlements, but in fact there are helicopters, or airplanes, or uavs of various types constantly in the sky, which inflict damage on our positions. in populated areas , well, i hope, the guys are already working so well, i hope that if they have weapons, they will work even better and destroy the enemy so that he does not cause damage to our populated areas, i will destroy our shelter infrastructure, and what do the defenders say about this strike it was extreme, we just talked with kharkov, they did not fire ballistics at kharkov this time
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from belgorod, namely from the occupied luhansk region, they had some way out from us there. well, you understand, it’s more about exits to the general headquarters, but the enemy is constantly, the enemy is constantly looking for and searching for some loopholes in order to inflict, you see, i would have understood something in the conditions of war, strikes on which military objects, but i'm sorry, to strike a cafe and strike a residential sector with two guided missiles, well, these are the actions of the enemy, he shows his essence in order to intimidate people, in addition, he tried to spread information about a significant... large offensive that the line will now be breached, but we believe in our guys, we believe in our defense forces, that they will defend the borders on which we stand and go forward to de-occupy our territories, well, mr. artem, regarding of these last situations too, when another drought actually occurred in luhansk region, or some such things, and maybe something else, not only the destroyed equipment, airplanes,
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helicopters, which calms them down a little, yes, when they calm down a little... maybe , become less active, are there any such things? well you you know, there are really demonstrative situations here, the enemy is also learning to fight, but all the same , as i understand it, their military leadership at the level of divisional headquarters, regimental headquarters is losing their nerve, and even if somewhere they are trying competently, let's say, to attack in small groups, receiving damage, throw up to the mouth in the offensive, throw heavy equipment, and it is difficult to say columns. to name, but three or four units of equipment are making a breakthrough and only thanks to the fact that thanks to the preparedness of our guys, thanks to the availability of the necessary gave the minimum amount of weapons , because we all know that there are some problems with this , but the guys are impressive, really, when our artillery works, it works much more accurately than the russian one, and it immediately cools the enemy down, of course the enemy
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has had very large losses, both in equipment and in personnel, repeatedly. units that carry out attacks on the bilogorivsk forestry, oh, on the srebryansk forestry, on belogorovka, including at the junction with the kharkiv region, have already repeatedly changed units and they are cooling down a bit, because they are really suffering huge losses when they attempt such assaults, precisely belogorivka, stilmahivka, they are pressing there, yes, they are trying to do something somewhere, this is also a point on the map that is worth paying attention to, now what is there , well you know. the military leadership constantly pays attention to it and constantly keeps forces and means to repel these means, to repel those attacks carried out by the enemy, because you understand, the enemy was given the task by their leadership to leave by the new year, first it was until november, then until the new year , now it was there until march, to go to the borders of the luhansk region, go to the river and gain a foothold, but i say, these plans are not
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carried out, and indeed, due to the fact that such an exhaustion of the troops is taking place, we will to hope... that our guys will be able to go forward and restore our territories, i wanted to ask you specifically about the temporarily occupied luhansk region from the point of view of the so-called pseudo-government, that is, what they are creating there now, why was i interested, because there is one of very patriotic and cool city, from where to things, serhiy zhodan of starobilsk, there is a girl in starobilsk who at one time was beautiful... worked on government grants of ukrainian jan silkin, took money from the governments of denmark and sweden, received various grants, and now she will receive 1 million rubles, because she acted alone from those who nominated volodya putin in the elections of volodya putin in the elections of volodya putin as co-president, and
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self-proclaimed mayor, i understand severodonka that way. here are such, well, let's say, collaborators, here are such administrations, how they rule there, how they carry out their functions, if we hear that, one way or another, in various cities of the occupied luhansk region, well, no, even ordinary utility companies are not working, well , look, first of all, all such traitors who are collaborators, who escaped even from state authorities, are waiting only two... fate has long been shown in luhansk oblast, either they will be removed by their own, because they will be redundant and somewhere they will steal something or something, or their own will be removed or imprisoned, or our special services and our law enforcement officers. will catch up with them and will have to answer according to the law, and what concerns what they are doing, well, they have done a lot of work in severodonetsk.
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at the beginning of this week became the only boiler house that worked, which they did a lot of pr about the fact that they installed some russian gas-oil boilers there, but at the beginning of this week it became because it was completely out of functional power, that's how simple it is work, to talk about everything else, well, in general. er , to report only for people to people that there is really a collision lane there up to 50 to 60 km from all populated areas, which they took the uro by fighting, nothing was really being restored there, now they have arrived, again , a new batch of star workers have left, who came to restore from the eastern regions of russia, they came to restore severodonetsk and lisichansk, and now the residents are more worried about the fact that those last apartments , who still survived where... our citizens left, the equipment will simply be taken out again in secret, and it is possible that, like last time, the batteries will also be cut, that in a week we will bring new batteries, welcome, i think
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the same situation will happen, so that this is the second time the third raid, and i am talking to people, they are no longer worried about the soldiers who were looting there, well, it is difficult to call them military, but about the terrorist troops, yes, who were looting there in these settlements, assistants have already arrived, who help so much that the past , when we arrived three months ago, a lot of things happened, we are already like that... we know a lot of results and we know how such assistance will end, and the situation is really critical, both in terms of food and medical provision, we have repeatedly proven and emphasize this is also at the state level and we report to the leader for emphasis at the international level, because really people cannot receive normal medical care, because all the hospitals, all the institutions that are ours have been transferred to the military regime and the civilian population that is ours remains there, we can only hope that somewhere a town will appear to get to the doctor. mr. artem, i understand that you are informed, but it is very difficult, for example, for our journalist brother to receive
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verified or video reported information, that is, you have contacts with our citizens, who in the future, you will be informed so that, as they say, not by rumors and fakes, that is, so that you are informed. of course, there are channels, we are constantly in touch, we receive information. and, let's put it this way, information is often very important , both for us and for the components of the defense forces, and that's how it was, is and will be a lot of our citizens, despite the fact that many leave, stay, believe in ukraine, believe in the armed forces, and they are constantly waiting for communications, we have information about what the enemy is suppressing there, whether the internet is being suppressed, all means of communication are possible, yes, he is constantly active in counter-subversive measures, but people still do not lose on... this is exactly the footage, we show what you said, when they break into houses, they only rob, or also with whom, after a while, these
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apartments will be recognized as nobody's, and somewhere they will either resell them, or settle their aster workers there, we spoke in the morning with dmytro zabavin from mariupol, and he says that in mariupol this kind of activity is simply flourishing, you know . in donetsk region and in zaporizhzhia in the zaporizhzhia direction indeed this situation has become the norm for a long time, as here the lpr must have made a mistake somewhere, but there is information there about the nationalization of some objects by apartment, of course, without re-registration, while the documents are being resettled, and the military, especially this applies to villages where there are houses from which our people left people are constantly settling the military, they are constantly settling these guest workers, but according to the redistribution of documents, so far... such information has not been received in a significant amount, and i think we will keep it under control, we will understand where and what is happening, but
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this happened to enterprises there almost from the very first days of the occupation, which fled where there were any representatives of entrepreneurial activity, they were quickly suppressed so that they would start working and pay the so-called taxes to the lpr, and those who left, there were a lot of farmers farms, and let's say, industrial... objects have already been seized, and indeed , this is the situation, just last week they started, not only did they not do with the mines, they flooded them, they started the transfer of property into ownership, even without auctions , without nothing, and already one of such powerful mines, they handed over to the management of a russian company, which will now extract coal, really, why restore it, if they took one and slowly now, having illegally transferred it , they will pump it out. in tseplienko, andrii
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told. the story about kadiivka, that there , the lpr policemen stormed some former residents of wagner because they beat the former lieutenant of the so-called lpr police, i don't know, beat him up, tortured him. do you know anything more about this story of the assault on the wagner base in kadiivka? well, you know, in spite of that, on the fact that it's the enemy, if it was really a fight against... the drug trade in the city, yeah, that would be one issue, but really what we got the information, what we were able to terrorist troops are hiding, that the airborne regiment, which included former wagnerites after the disbandment, let's say pmk wagner, they went to the airborne regiment, allegedly according to them they discovered that drugs were appearing in the city and discovered the involvement of even a whole lieutenant in the distribution , well, to the organization of the supply of these drugs, they were captured
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him. raked out all the money that was in the house , raked out all the valuables from the house , went there with weapons, took him hostage, after that got information, the mgb, the lpr, and taking their special forces there, also went to attack some base there of the landing brigade, but i understand that if there was a real landing brigade there and there would not be , let's say, hands not full of blood and drugs, i think the mgb would have been there very quickly. is over, there are direct negotiations between the police of the lpr, the mgb of the lpr and the paratroopers brigade troops, they decided to let him go, something was not confirmed somewhere, well, sorry, this is again the front of the sphere of influence, the fact that drugs really enter the contact line in large quantities and that russian terrorist troops use drugs and drink alcohol, we we constantly receive this information from residents that drug addiction has appeared in large numbers and in a variety of ways,
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and... yes, somehow. mr. artem, we, we want more such stories, and we wish victory to both sides in such stories, thank you for participating in our program. artem lysogor, the head of the luhansk regional military administration, was with us, we are taking a short break, then we will talk about the bakhnud direction, stay with espresso. hello, woman, what to do when there are repairs? alohol should be taken, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. a person who has fallen into a coma will learn the news. to everyone lied spartacus of saturday. who? now
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