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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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it seems that a ballistic missile is moving towards kropyvnytskyi, but it has ceased to exist , so it was most likely the use of the rebs, and there is another very important piece of information for this story. today, the times and the economist came out with the fact that this was the decree of pozaluzhn, simply budanov and syrsky refused and therefore the decree was not made public, interesting information, this is from yesterday's story, 9:00, that is the time when we remember and honor the memory of all those who died because of the russian invaders, all military and civilians. let's take a moment silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning's stream we are talking about the following topics. the cabinet of ministers has submitted a new draft law on mobilization to the parliament, which it proposes. a clear term
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of service: the ability to update the data of conscripts online and administrative responsibility and financial restrictions for non-appearance at the tcc. the right to postponement for officials and security forces is also excluded. all the details of the new change proposal from the government, we will discuss it on this broadcast. two draft laws were registered in the parliament, which should finally regulate the storage and use of reproductive cells of deceased servicemen and servicemen for the birth of children. and now. the issue of so-called delayed parenthood is under threat, because due to the current law, since march, the biomaterial of those who died and those who are missing have to be disposed of by the clinics. why does the current law prevent ukrainian widows from giving birth to children from their fallen soldiers? together with you and the guests of this broadcast, we will discuss important news, the military and political situation in the country. you write in the comments from where you watch us and what topics you consider important this morning. the media continue
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to write about the possible resignation of commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny. this time, the financial times published an article that president zelenskyi apparently intends to remove the general from office. at the same time, the british newspaper refers to four anonymous people who are familiar with such information. the material states that volodymyr zelensky offered valery zaluzhny the post of defense adviser, but he refused. regardless of this, zelenskyi has the intention to fire the chief one way or another. commander, this is stated in the article. however, now this release may be delayed due to information leaking into the public space, vansheal times writes. well, i will remind you that the president's office denied the information about the dismissal of the servant. zelensky's press secretary, serhiy nekirov, said that the president did not fire valery zaluzhny despite reports of this. well, the day before, during the presentation of yarmak rasmussen's international working group, which will work on promoting the process of ukraine's accession to nato, the correspondent.
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rfe/rl asked andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, about this situation with zaluzhny, in particular, about the meeting between zelenskyi and the general, to which yermak replied that he did not know anything about it, as he was in uzhgorod for a meeting between the heads of the foreign ministries of hungary and ukraine. rumors about the probable resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi recently actively spread the media with reference to their own sources and anonymous telegram channels that link to the president's office. wrote about it, but against the background of the spread of these messages and the active reaction to them in social networks, radio liberty asked the residents of the capital, what is their opinion about the possible resignation of zaluzhny? and how do you feel about such an idea that a hard worker can resign? very bad, why? because i believe our commander-in-chief and i hope that this will not happen. the information feed is quite negative for our society and in general, for the situation and... those who make
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hype about it, those who are finished, i generally consider it someone's throwaway, well, i don't believe it, it's crazy, but well, well, it's not for now... the best option would be , you think, it is not time , no, it is not time for him to go, well, now is not the time to make any changes in the high military command, there is enough without that, i do not consider such a possibility at all, because on he has very important issues on his shoulders, so there is no need to even consider this issue, if it will be, it seems to me that we we will be able to lose more and there will be more losses, because he knows what he is doing and he... this shows nadiri, i think that neither the hard worker nor mr. president, our dignity are independent figures in the political arena, so it is rather everything is some kind of game , it is needed for something, on the one hand, or so that , perhaps, then there is no such, say,
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bright, effective commander-in-chief, and it is necessary to enter into some negotiations, or either the position of, say, the hard-working one diverges from the position. office of the president, be sure to write in the comments, and what is your opinion regarding the possible possible resignation of valery zaluzhny, and we will definitely talk about it today on the air, in the meantime, one more important news: the cabinet of ministers approved and submitted to the verkhovna rada an updated bill on mobilization, this happened the day before in the evening, my colleague oleg galiv will tell the details of the bill. olezhe, tell me what government officials propose to change in this law. of the draft laws of the project. hello, katya. greetings to the audience. freedom of the mornings. officially, the reaction of neither the shoemaker nor representatives of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence. there is no draft law yet, so i propose to dwell on the main theses presented in the document. therefore, the government plans to reduce the draft age from 27 to 25 years.
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they want to abolish conscription by introducing basic training for citizens aged 18-24. as for demobilization, it is proposed that it should be possible after 36 months of continuous service, people with disabilities of all groups will be released from military service. persons who are getting a military education, will not be called up for service if they study full-time or dual forms of education and acquire a level of education that is higher than previously obtained, but this will not apply to post-graduate students who acquire an education level at the expense of individuals or legal entities. the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine's committee on education, science and innovation, serhiy babak, explained in his telegram that the first full-scale war had escalated. the desire to become graduate students in men aged 25 plus. as if long, but constructive coordination of positions with the general staff and the ministry of defense led to a qualitative improvement of the project. the norm of 0.75 rates was returned, protecting young scientists, protecting
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interns, clearly prescribing the sequence of education levels. in order to update the data, it will not be necessary to go to the tsc according to the draft law. it will be possible to do it online in personal. office or in the tsnapa, well, the draft law stipulates the necessity to have a military registration document with you during the period of mobilization and to present it on demand a representative of the tsc, a police officer or the state border service of ukraine. if, within 10 days after the summons was served, the citizen does not appear before the ccc or a foreign diplomatic institution, then the court , as stated in the draft law, will be able to temporarily restrict travel outside of ukraine, temporarily restrict the citizen's right to drive a vehicle, or impose an arrest on... funds and other valuables, although valid reasons for not appearing at the tcc are also prescribed separately. after mobilization, all citizens will undergo mandatory military training two or three months, the document states, on those who evade mobilization, restrictions are proposed to be imposed through the court.
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as for the mobilization of women, women with a medical or pharmaceutical specialty must register for the military, and those women who are registered for the military can only mobilize in wartime. free order the heads of city and village councils, as well as territorial communities, will have armor, as will half of civil servants of category "b" and c. i will add that this draft law is already the second version was submitted by the government. the previous document, according to the people's deputies of lubinets obutsmen, contained anti-constitutional norms. after a flurry of criticism, the cabinet postponed it. the draft law must now be considered by people's elected representatives in parliamentary committees, and only then it can be submitted to the council for a vote. katya thank you. with the details of the new draft law on mobilization , the ministry of defense noted that comments and observations on this document were taken into account together with the general staff, the government and people's deputies. i call upon you, our dear ones viewers, under the broadcast
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on the radio liberty channel, write in the comments your opinion regarding the likely possible new changes to the mobilization, we obviously understand that the changes will be what they will be, here we have ... another proposal from government officials after considerable criticism, which was after their first offer, oleksandr mosienko, a military-political expert, joins our broadcast, oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you. who joined, i congratulate you, how do you like this new version of the draft law from the government, can such a document be submitted for consideration already parliament, in your opinion, is previous criticism taken into account there? well, i think that it will still go through the committee, obviously, there will be discussions and debates, as with the previous version of the bill, and this is understandable, and it is right, and it is good, i think, because a really broad discussion is needed, as i said president, regarding this issue , that it is important, regarding this draft law, it is already, well, at least better than
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the previous one, that's for sure, because at least the remarks of the ombudsman, regarding the violation of human rights, are now taken into account , so that really impose some restrictions, they can be done only in court, that is, as provided in other, say, cases when some restrictions can be imposed on a citizen, it can be done only by a court. and for this, the representatives of the tcc should apply to the court, and not independently decide in manual mode against whom, who should be prohibited from driving a vehicle, and who should not. this is the first moment. the second point, in principle, ah, it is solved, although not completely, i will say frankly, because the issue of gradual demobilization of those who are actually already at full scale is not fully resolved. but the invasion takes part in hostilities, the specified term is 36 months, but it is gradual, and the law
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provides, or the draft law, that the supreme commander-in-chief can make certain adjustments, that is, he can postpone this term. i understand that this is a fuse most likely proposed by the military command so that, well, situations can be different, and they want to insure themselves because the war is going on. but at least this issue has been moved and is, well, let's say this , it is in the draft law, and that is already good, that is, it also does not mean that the law will be adopted when it is passed, the committee will pass and it will be in the hall in exactly this version, and the deputies can make corrections to it, and it can still undergo certain clarifications, changes, and so on. well, the next thing is that the mobilization age is being reduced, well , it was foreseen earlier, so it is also necessary... and it is often heard from the military that this should be done, although they noted that it is necessary
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to reduce even more to 23 to 22x, but today the chosen wording is 25, well, in principle it is assumed, frankly speaking, i have not yet fully understood for myself how the electronic register will work, whether it will fully replace trips to the tcc, i.e. well, mobile phones. the obligee can create an electronic account, he is obliged to do it if he has the opportunity there, well , many have it now, to enter the relevant data there, save them, and accordingly, he can also receive by e-mail or to this office to receive summonses to the tcc there or any other correspondence that may take place, because it is stated there that everyone must go to the tcc, that is, during a certain period of time, from 18... to 60 years , and i just have a question, if
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it will be possible to do it electronically, as the president said in an interview for the german ard, that we can with the help of digitalization, then it is possible to do it electronically and oblige conscripts to don't load additional ttsk now, well you you see, because now it's on again, and don't forget that the limited ones still have to go. because the e-e wording limited-eligible is taken away, it will be either appropriate or ineligible, and therefore they also have to actually go through the new vlk, according to the new one they have to a-a certify the status and so on. therefore, there are certain technical nuances that still arise, because if we switch to a system of charms as much as possible, for which, for example, i congratulate from the point of view that it simplifies the existing paper one. document flow and perspectives, i hope it will perhaps simplify the procedures of the vlk and
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simplify many decisions adopted by the tsc, reduce the queue load there, etc., then it is necessary to translate it as much as possible, well, of course, i understand, this requires some kind of transition period, some time , that is, it can be so, that is, in your opinion , it is so global that this document is already better than the previous one, but really we are still waiting for the version of the deputies, we today... preparing for the broadcast , invited many deputies to join the air, but until people in each of their circumstances have responded to these invitations, i understand that everyone is actually still studying these proposals, this draft document. in order to talk about it professionally, i want to talk with you about the so-called resignation of the meritorious officer, but the western media assume that the dismissal of the meritorious officer is actually a matter of time, but this has not yet happened, probably after the meeting of the president and the commander-in-chief, because i quote, or in kyiv's western partners intervened in the situation, or there is a problem with appointing a new one
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chiefly, in your opinion, is it really a matter of time to replace the old one? you know, it's hard for me to say, because you don't understand how it's possible and yes, it's possible and yes, i don't rule it out, and maybe not, because it's exclusively the right of the president, and only he can decide it, as the supreme commander, well, the decision , another question on which this decision depends, it may depend on various factors, on what the economist writes, for example, or financial times, or... other publications that say that the commander-in-chief of president zelensky and the commander -in-chief of the armed forces, general zaluzhnyi, may have different views and approaches to the current state and conduct of hostilities , which i allow, because this can happen, well , because we saw it in the public space, let's say, these discussions took place
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even in the military and in fact in the statement is in accordance with the fact that such conclusions can be drawn, it can be, on the other hand... for their part, everyone understands the figure of general zaluzhnyi very well, he enjoys the people's trust, this is also in principle, well, i would and no one wants to violate it here, let's say so , unity in society, that is, everyone understands that this issue is sensitive, because unity is necessary and it is important to preserve it, by the way, i am not very inclined to the version that it concerns the issue of politics, ratings, because it is contradictory, listen, for that. .. in order, on the contrary, to strengthen the ratings of general zaluzhnyi , if he is thinking about politics, then he could just be dismissed, then there are contradictions here, and then why should he be dismissed, in order to raise the ratings even more , i don't think here, i think that there are issues that relate to a more strategic military nature and
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possible certain differences that exist, whether this will happen in the near future frankly. then i'll say, i don't know, i don't, i don't know, because maybe yes, maybe not, in the end only the president decides and only he is guided by certain information and certain, let's say, conclusions that he has regarding this situation, oleksandr , if you are of the opinion that there can be such military, let's say, disagreements, then if you can briefly, then will it be effective to work as a leader and the president in cooperation, when there is not that there , maybe trust or mutual agreement, before the events on the battlefield should develop, that's a very good question, that's a key question to think about, because i understand very well, i'm with i have great respect for general zaluzhnyi and i will always be grateful for what he has done and is doing, but globally, are
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they able to find an understanding, if they continue to work, then it is in the interests of all of us, so that everyone goes in step, it is very importantly. if not, then problems may arise. this is unfortunately true. i thank you for participating and thank you for your opinion, which was expressed on the air of svoboda ranok, oleksandr musienko, a military-political expert, was a guest of svoboda ranok and we talked about mobilization, including. by the way, we will continue our conversation with a lawyer on this topic. and now, as i announced earlier, we will continue the topic of mobilization and the likely changes that are being prepared. to ukrainian legislation and the latest proposal from the government. yevhen filipets, a lawyer, joins our broadcast. mr. yevgeny, congratulations, thank you for joining svoboda ranok broadcast. congratulations. good morning. tell me whether you have already had time to familiarize yourself with this document, with this new proposal from the government, or in your opinion, such a draft law
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has really become better than the previous ones and whether it has a chance of being introduced. in ukrainian legislation? you know, last night was very active, because many of my clients who are applying in the field of military justice, they applied last night about what should we do, how should we continue to live with this bill, which in the opinion of many is much more severe than this, which is now the law of action. i would like to note the point that , in fact, according to the key indicators, what... people are dealing with , in 95% of cases the very provisions of the proposed draft law exclude certain circumstances, family circumstances, including for... people who today have postponement of mobilization, so yesterday evening, frankly, the largest number of appeals concerned precisely the cancellation of the grounds
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for postponement in the presence of a spouse from among persons with disabilities of any group, as well as their father or mother, or their spouse's father or mother with disabilities of the first or second group. i will say from my experience, because i went through military service as a justice officer, i saw this situation from the inside, this is one of the most common reasons for... dismissal from military service and it is one of the most common reasons for postponement of mobilization, therefore , canceling this norm in the future a huge number of people simply will not have a reason for postponement, this is the first, and the second issue is graduate school, i don't know what the graduate students are to blame, but still only there remains a budgetary form of education in graduate school, but actually these are two such points that, first of all, need e... and clarifications and explanations, both from the side of the authorities and from the side of our professional environment. as for higher education and postgraduate studies, well, there is this opinion that there are simply a lot of people who
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are of an inappropriate age for such education, let's say, after the beginning of the large-scale invasion, they just started to join this education, and there are suspicions about how much their motives regarding education, they are really, so to speak, honest, that is but such a fact is also interesting, i want it from you, sir. i would also like to ask, you mentioned the reasons for a possible postponement, yes, or demobilization, well, if we talk about maintaining a balance of rights and responsibilities there, because nowadays we talk a lot about and hear about the rights that citizens have and duties, if you take an electronic system there, for example, a charm and obligations for all conscripts, i apologize for the taftology, but to register online, can there be such a thing, can the law really say that ... need to be done and how much is this norm, it can be performed by men who are currently outside ukraine? you know, i personally approve of the introduction
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of such moments that give everyone an understanding of the fair rules of the game. but, for example, i will note that the big excitement that will begin after this law enters into force, i will emphasize this a month after its publication, will concern appeals. e-e territorial centers of recruitment and social support to the judges with the corresponding restrictive requests, and i will say here that there will be a lot of work for lawyers here, because bringing to any responsibility or committing actions that entail some restrictions on the rights of a person requires going through a clearly defined procedure by law, and from what we see today, when the procedure is violated, when to procedure there are many questions, i have a logical question: will we be able to implement this article from the point of view of the law and compliance with the balance of rights and obligations? i will say frankly, these are, well,
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first of all, the situation is positive, because in that matter the court appears as an independent entity that will be able to dot the i's, the burden on the judicial system is certainly insane, because believe me, this situation with the delivery of summons and... the corresponding arrival at the tcc, this is the appropriate scale, then i believe that in general, it is positive, but how it is implemented , i have very big and open questions, and from my practical experience, i somehow suspect that there will be a lot, a lot of work, and there will be a lot of questions, actually from the people who come to the court, whether here are all the proposals from the government, clear answers to these questions, for example, people who have had a criminal record or are on...probation, can they be mobilized and with regard to limited eligibility, is it still canceled there or not under these proposals? i would like to pay more
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attention to limited fitness, because in my legal practice there are a lot of people with limited fitness, and during military service i saw how many people with limited fitness are currently in military service, and this issue needs to be resolved , in my opinion , it is very correct that this question is proposed to decide in the way of... additional examination and determination of suitable or unsuitable, but i am quite curious where the figure of 9 months for carrying out this procedure came from, this is a significant period of time, today i have about 30 numbers of people in need in my work phone demobilization already, because their limited suitability is such that , well, they perform tasks that they should not perform, and according to the order of the 402nd order , they should not ... perform them, so in fact, why such a long period of time dev' six months, well, maybe it's a long one the number of people to be screened, so
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it is a welcome welcome thing, but in... time it needs to be done faster and in principle there is nothing to prevent the deployment of forces that can go through to enable people to go through the cec faster. yevgeny, and briefly, if possible, is the history of demobilization for those soldiers who are already fighting and do not know when they will be able to be demobilized clearly understood there? the demobilization situation is very interesting. 36 months of continuous service gives the right to mobilization and demobilization. ah, but the situation is still very interesting today a large number of people resigned from military service due to family circumstances, including, according to the norm, father-mother, father-in-law with disabilities of the first and second groups. and in the previous version, which was introduced by the government, it was stated that everyone who was released during martial law has a two-year deferment after dismissal. in this edition, it is specified that only upon completion of military service, i.e. within 36 months. in fact, all persons who
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will be released will be in seven. or who have already been released due to family circumstances, they do not will not be extended for a period of two years from mobilization, this is the first question, the second question is about the figure of 36 months, that is how it is stated, that is how it is understood, accordingly, the only question will be the implementation of the implementation of the law, that is, whether the law has a retroactive effect in many cases, or will to extend to those circumstances that concern from march there from february 22nd year, thank you yevgeny. i just noted that this is only a draft law proposed by the government, and now it is in the parliamentary committee, it should be considered, and we will see whether it will reach directly to consideration in the verkhovna rada, and we will talk about it obviously on our broadcasts, evgeny felpets, a lawyer, was a guest on our broadcast, thank you, i would like to remind you that the comments under our broadcast are available to everyone, you can and we ask you to express your thoughts,
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your asked in relation to such initiatives of the ukrainian government, especially if you have already directly encountered the issue of mobilization and demobilization, you can tell in practice, using examples, tell how it is happening and how in your opinion it is should be since the beginning of the full-scale war, poland has provided ukraine with weapons and equipment worth almost 3.5 billion dollars. such a figure was announced by the ukrainian prime minister, and the official warsaw did not publish any figures, by the way, it is about hundreds of tanks and planes. helicopters, air defense systems, anti-aircraft missile systems and armored personnel carriers. the country was one of the first to supply the armed forces with new types of military equipment. my colleague natalka volosatska found out what kind of help ukraine can expect from poland this year. there will be a defense package from poland and to strengthen our positions. we talked about the joint production of weapons, about increasing our capabilities in the use of polish
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equipment and weapons systems. this statement was made by the president of ukraine immediately after the visit of the prime minister of poland to kyiv. it was an important visit, as it was the first bilateral visit after the eu summit in brussels. neither zelensky nor tusk announced the details of the new defense package. but the polish prime minister quite clearly hinted that poland provided everything it could for free. now help will be mainly based on commercial component, joint production and joint search for financing for the production of weapons. we also reached an understanding regarding further financing, well, not help, because until now it was possible to help without money, but it is known that certain opportunities are running out, poland will be ready to produce and help, if it is about equipment and equipment, we will jointly look for financing , we will build joint ventures, we will invest in companies in poland and ukraine that will work for
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increasing our... during his visit to kyiv , donald tusk announced that poland joined the g7 group of seven declaration on security guarantees for ukraine. this format of cooperation should mobilize the democratic states of the free world to support ukraine and its security, the polish prime minister emphasized. in an exclusive interview with radio liberty, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sikorski. meant that the new defense package, in particular, would provide for updated forms of cooperation to increase the procurement of weapons for ukrainian needs. i hope that's what ukrainians will appreciate. we also subscribe to security guarantees within the g7. regular intergovernmental consultations will take place, and poland also offers ukraine to extend military credit for purchases in poland. hope
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all this helps. ukraine needs a lot of...


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