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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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everything that moves is on fuel, which we destroy on the territory of russia, where they have pulled away, or hoped, where they are, stationary, big, you can't move them anywhere, they are protected, they have placed some air defenses there, but they are not effective , that is why the model today is the expansion of the number of drones, and along with that, i also emphasize missiles, ballistic type, kb luch, and even better kb pivdene. this can create conditions for the destruction of all objects on the territory of russia, if kb pivdenna, up to vladivostok. therefore, there are prospects, but we need to work. sir mykola, it is interesting about missiles, because, in general, as in the conditions when we have a war, you can make your own missiles, because we understand that in fact for this there must be a sufficient amount of air defense, for this there must be a sufficient amount of money, so that rockets are an expensive pleasure, and if we want to be able to strike thousands of kilometers away. to the rear of the enemy,
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then we understand that you definitely need to have your own missiles for this, but is it even realistic now? very real, because our plants are protected, they usually prepared, that's all even under soviet power, in the event of a nuclear war, this is an underground silo, it is protected from nuclear strikes, not from simple strikes that fly today, even ballistic missiles of russia, but nuclear strikes and thermonuclear, powerful strikes, so there are... complete here in the nearest border countries, for example, poland, other countries where we agree to work together, germany, for example, i am so further , but what advantage we have is development, we have all the conditions for production, and the most important thing, what in there is no russia, partially only contraband, it is equipped with high-tech capabilities of western countries, the usa, great britain, germany, france, japan, south korea. powerful
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systems, all models, this is not the supply of military equipment, which russia denies there, and our partners are afraid, it is the components that we collect, saturate powerful warheads, protect against the russian rep system, cover with models of our own production, so that they are imperceptible for russian raps and for air defense and. and, accordingly, we powerfully form blows, that is, i will say all of them directly, the conditions are there, and this it is necessary to do today, we have been deploying for a long time, only now we are betting on drones, that is right, but also betting on missiles, and in parallel we are increasing the resources of armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, bmp tanks, respectively, sau, this is what will ensure progressive actions on the ground, directly in the trenches, and against the enemy, in the rear, flanking strikes, where the armored vehicles really are. together with the infantry and
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special forces, he can perform any tasks for a short period of time, when the enemy does not expect it there, but at the same time strikes with the same depth missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles in the deep rear, in the occupied territories by foreign means up to 100 km to 80 km, and now the americans are giving us just powerful e-e systems of bombs guided up to 150 km, this is the deep middle rear, kaimers 80 km, this. .. the middle rear and from zero to 40 km, this is the destruction of all possibilities on the battlefield. this is what gives the prerequisites: the destruction of reserves, far away where the launchers, oil depots are located, and then, accordingly, the reserves that approach the front and on the front and, accordingly, prepare powerful, alternative, non-standard offensive operations, but for this we need a complex of solutions, first of all a new strategy, to unite the efforts of our allies regarding the supply of such means, procurement.
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what i said on foreign markets three and on the own production of all the means we talked about, including our own ammunition, there are already factories, and this4, these are all conditions - it is not only defense, security, destruction of reserves, but these are prerequisites, spring- summer to prepare for liberation on the territory of our state, and not wait 2-3 years, when russia will raise its full potential, as say many analysts of the us, britain, germany, and will start new stages of the offensive. operations should not be allowed here, and we have all the prospects for this, but the work is extremely difficult and demanding. thank you, mr. general of the army, for this extremely important and honest analysis on the live air of the tv channel, we would like to remind our tv viewers that mykola molomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-10 worked for them. well, the army general has now very clearly characterized the situation, in particular, to what extent i understand... struck a certain mood among
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senior ukrainian officers regarding the situation with a possible hypothetical or some other resignation of commander-in-chief valery. the military does not take this matter seriously, and in fact also about our capabilities, in fact the minister of defense of latvia stated that the eu countries should reassess the capabilities of their own arsenals and continue efforts to increase the capabilities of the defense industry and that ukraine should receive in march or in the following months, a million shells, which the europeans promised us, or will they be able to keep their word, that's an open question, but we're going on a short break now, after which we'll be back to our... in the studio we'll be discussing important topics, so stay with espresso. there are discounts on bronchi pred of 20% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on optimal of 15% in psyllanyk,
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glory to heroes. well, we would first of all ask you to share the operational situation in avdiivka, what is in the north and what is in the south. well, again , i will probably not tell you about the fact that in the south, because it is our brigade that is fighting on the northern flank of avdiivka, where... near the villages of tpv, berdychi is resisting the invaders, holding back their onslaught. i will note that the enemy does not stop rocket attacks and launches by the kabs, their artillery works quite densely, and to say that the intensity of fire decreases, well, it will probably not be entirely true, they also attack, perhaps less than, for example, there at the end of autumn or in certain period. in december, heavy armored vehicles are now coming, but all the same, armored vehicles
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are supporting their attacks and the infantry is trying to break through, break through and smear the weak spots in our defense, so far the enemy has not succeeded in this and let's hope that in the future will be, because the line of battle almost does not move, and accordingly the enemy suffers huge losses, and this trend has been persisting for several months, we can say that in... in this sense, well, the defense of avdiyivka is currently very effective, because the enemy loses many units of equipment and many living forces. and what resources the enemy is currently operating in your direction, do you have data on the number of those troops, what are these troops, are they sufficiently professional troops, are they some newly mobilized soldiers, and in fact, what equipment do they have, what do they actively use now and what do they use most often? the number of occupiers in the direction of action remains stable,
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from 40 to 50,000, they have the opportunity to raise reserves, replenish, there are several motorized rifle brigades opposite us, they also use during attacks storm z, storm b units, which also include people, who recently served sentences in prisons. by and large , it is not worth talking about the fact that they are poorly trained or poorly equipped, so we are at a minimum, we reduce the heroism of our military, because in fact we are fighting a very serious opponent, they have good artillery, a lot of drones, including fp, maybe we have a certain advantage now in terms of hits, in terms of the number of destroyed equipment as well, but this does not mean that the enemy is not on... or poorly equipped, it is very serious, very serious to take the attacks
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that the occupiers are carrying out around avdiyivka, and now we see, now on your screens, actually, this landscape, this battlefield, in fact, speaks for itself itself, in my opinion, is really very dramatic and thanks to the great heroism and courage of our servicemen , avdiivka is holding on and borok cannot be sharpened at the moment. mr. dmytro, i would also like to clarify with you regarding the fact that , says the head of the city administration, the assaults have intensified, are they really so, and do you observe any specific strategic plan of the enemy in the context that he is trying to reach a certain point of the front to a certain time is there any information leaking about the instructions of the superior military command of russia? which federations, those who are currently there in the avdiiv direction, and in fact, what goals they are currently setting
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for themselves in the near future. in the near future, their goals do not change, they are trying to move the logistics, and later to surround the audio store. at the moment , they obviously understood that they would not be able to break through, for example, a chemical plant, yes, because they are near the fence of this plant... and they remain when even sabotage groups try to enter, but, but they, i am i understand that they are planning to encircle the city and koksokhim itself, but it is clear that no one is allowing them to do this, the situation is managed, the situation is controlled, first of all we can talk about the nature of the hostilities, regarding the intensity, it should be noted that as before, the occupiers... you know this ragged rhythm and sometimes they increased this intensity, sometimes
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they decreased it. yesterday, i used to visit the location of the crews of our armored vehicles in brelli and i will say this, the guys are constantly on duty, the combat duty continues and they have enough work, and i think what everyone who is interested in what is happening around avdiivka has probably seen the video and destruction. a tank broke through in our bradley and bmp-3s were also destroyed there in huge numbers by our armored vehicles, that is , our military has enough work, this also applies to mortars and... snipers and fire fighters, and rep means are also actively involved, both by our brigade and adjacent units. mr. dmitry, maybe you talked to the guys who worked on bradley directly, and maybe they were the very heroes who destroyed the russian t-90 breakthrough, so we understand that this is one of the most publicized russian tanks, here
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the american bmp and the ukrainians, so to speak, destroyed it. share, be kind, in general. please have any observations on the use of the bradley on the battlefield in the direction of vliiv, well i think that the american military industry must be on the rise right now, because in practice our crews, our mechanics, gunners, our drivers, simply demonstrate the enormous advantage of this techniques, and bradley's maneuverability in the audivian direction allows... them to be used very effectively, but if you compare even with the counteroffensive in zaporozhye, in which our brigade also took part, now there are more opportunities in bradley, and the guys from the crews themselves talk about it, they say that everything was mined there, very, very narrow were passages, here, after all, there is an opportunity to be mobile,
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dangerous for the enemy and unexpected, actually speaking, this is what we are observing now. this is why i am convinced that the m2 bradley is the kind of machine that not only saves the lives of our servicemen, but also destroys the occupiers extremely effective. mr. dmytro, we would also like to learn from you information about the use of such sewer tunnels by the occupiers, drones were waiting for them, as forbes writes, when they tried to slip through and cut off a key ukrainian stronghold. in avdiivka, our guys were already waiting for them there, or is the enemy trying to advance again through some tunnels, some sewerage routes in order to cut some certain logistical routes , including, well, to continue their offensive in this way? well, i'll tell you right away what it is it happened not in the area of ​​responsibility
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of our brigade, but this case is really known, and i will say this, the occupiers try to dig in at the same time... then during their infantry assaults, with the support of artillery, they send specially trained people who simply dig trenches with shovels, and only then go there to secure their infantry in small groups , detachment of squads, that is , we observed such and such tactics, in general, the enemy tries to hide wherever possible, because it is clear that now the war is still such that, well, you can watch over practically everything from the sky with unmanned aerial vehicles and , accordingly, the movement of the occupiers in the direction of the steppe, still in the krasnohorivka region , it is actually already under observation, and when they cross the railways, accordingly , a reaction is already taking place in our country
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aimed at destroying the enemy, that's why... we will continue to observe their movements, their gatherings, their new tactics, because they also had and in other areas used subversive tactics, that is, interestingly, interestingly , they are somehow trying to act outside the norm, because they understand that with their attacks, their assaults, which have been going on since october, they cannot achieve anything and in fact they simply... lose a lot of people and a lot of equipment, without advancing along the line of unification. thank you, dmytro lazutki, the head of the public relations service of the 47th brigade of magura from the avdiyiv direction was in touch with us, we will now have a break for a few minutes, after which we will return to our studio, so stay with us, be with espresso there are discounts on anticataral. 20% in
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of ukraine, enable me ukraine. well, the information day of the tv channel continues, and about an important message, it's symbolic, but extremely important history: lviv oblast became the first region in ukraine. which completely got rid of all memorial vestiges of the soviet or the soviet past. let's now listen to a short synchronicity of the local lviv deputy, and then move on to the analysis of the secret of success. how it actually happened with one of the main decommunizers, we will talk, maybe not only in lviv oblast. with oleg radyk, wait a moment, but we are listening to the synchro now. farmers provided, er,... or entrepreneurs in the territory of those communities, they provided theirs equipment, volunteers, ordinary people got involved somewhere, for example, in zhovka , residents simply helped us, and thus 95%
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of dismantling was done for free, not a single hryvnia was spent. well, let's give some statistics, so during the 23rd year, 312 soviet monuments were demolished in the lviv region. the latter was dismantled in the lopatynsk community. according to experts , the most discovered was the monument depicting the soldiers of the soviet army. in the region, they say, not a single penny from the regional budget was spent on overthrowing these dummies were spent, and caring local residents joined the dismantling, demolished sculptures will replenish the fund of the museum of totalitarian regimes, where they will be immortalized. the occupation past of lviv oblast. on the other hand, if we talk about the reaction of local residents, it was also not always unanimous.
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they appeared in some communities. people who tried in every possible way to hinder the process, so to speak, semi-spontaneous, in fact, well, i am ironizing decommunization, oleg radak is in touch with us, adviser to the head of the lviv regional military administration, thanks to ukraine, oleg, congratulations, glory, antin, hello, hello, marta, hello antin, i'm glad to hear you, well, yes, we would like to congratulate each other, that is , 312 blood 312 soviet monuments on your hands, and accordingly, where. .. it was most difficult to overthrow the soviet gestukans in which communities and were any relevant conclusions drawn, so why, so to speak, did some residents want to shelter and protect them? well, actually, as always, it was more difficult at the end, because according to the galician tradition, we left the hardest things for the end, so at the end the lopatin community, which because of its head,
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because of... certain trends in the community, was very bad, so we left it for the end and it was the most difficult, because we weighed it up for a long time, the weather, as you understand, was already a little bit rough for pam executioners, but this was the most difficult, and according to people's statements, well, this is the chervonohrad district, i don't know if this is a trend, probably, the tendency of the chervonohrad district is to hinder such attempts the most. and what was the motivation, what people said, it's simple, because they're used to it, they're used to it, they're just used to it, secondly, well, as the lopativ community sent us an answer, there are no communist symbols here, there is only a blurb about the great patriotic war and the fact that these are victims of the oupa, but there is no decommunization, well, there is no talk of communism, there is no talk of communism nothing , well, crazy people were playing, you can say that, but people
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about... all limited people, our people, we don't have others, there are different ones, they said simply, and it is bothering you, not on time, but go fight, what are you fighting with the monuments, well, you have been stealing ukraine for 30 years, and here it is there were, well, very lu lumpina screams, although participants often rode with us when we praised her. and we knew a little, with whom we tried to close a little, but we learned little by little, we knew where we were going, and with obd certificates. hmm , there were, there were, there were such screams that screamed, my brother died there, but the most disgusting thing was in two or three villages, in three really, it was when they said, i will tell you verbatim, in the 39th, 44th -ho, my grandfather or my dad is gone. to fight, the gang
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stayed in the forest, you are the descendants of that gang, and you, they came to rob us then, simple people, and you are their descendants, we are their descendants , only not gangs, but bandera residents , melnik residents and so on, well, there were such simple people, simple people, we are not, we, we live in our own bubble, we underestimate how many such people there are , there are not many of them. they are, but they are, and perhaps it is necessary, as they say , to work not only with monuments, but also with people's heads, in general, the regional administration somehow thought about this, but when they encountered the reaction of the people and some such , well, not so logical, let's say, explanations of how to work with these people, is there any way to bring some kind of educational activity to the people, and the possibilities that exist, there is a school, there is a church, and there is television.
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let's make it a bit simpler with the school, there were, for example, such nuances that there were local teachers who on facebook and so on, undermined our initiative and so on, well, the priests took the majority of non-interference, only in one village, velen, the priest supported us, the rest i won’t rub it in, but no, no... they climbed, well, they almost, they almost didn’t climb against, there was a certain secret compass that who would dare to defend russian istukans , he doesn't sit in the parish for a long time, it was pto, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye, because the air time is already coming out, oleg radyk, adviser to the head of the lviv regional military administration, was in touch with us, he talked about the results of not just decommunization on lviv region, but, but, we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval,
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who is already from the editorial office. managed to prepare an actual one for you.


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