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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 3:30pm-3:59pm EET

3:30 pm
only it is urgently needed, because it allows it when it is big, and when it is compact, when it is so small that you don't need to drag anything with you, and that's how i hooked it up and that's it. there are enough people for production, but there is a lack of materials and equipment, the most needed is a new table and sewing equipment, donations are collected through the pages of the public organization in social networks. from sums for the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. an unusual look at the news. about the health of ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola september, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say , let us have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso. events actions that are happening right now and
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affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand, antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them by modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the espresso tv channel continues to broadcast an air alert throughout the country, the enemy has raised several migs. so, dear viewers, if you are able to, please move to a safe place. the enemy can be rampant due to the fact that their leaky anti-aircraft defenses let through, who knows, shahed and the rest of the drones. well, shaheda is already such a popular name for everything that flies and arrives. well, we continue to inform you about all the most important news. espresso, well, the so-called
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bunker, bunker studio, marta uliyadnyk, and antin borkovskyi, and we are adding yuriy sobulevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, to our list. mr. yuri, we traditionally welcome you to our air and are glad to see you. welcome back friends. so, we would like to ask you to describe some such more or less operational situation in the kherson region and in kherson itself. we know that the russians attacked the ship district of the city in the morning. what are the consequences of this attack? and actually, what is happening now in the city and in the region? unfortunately, now, right now, the city is also under fire, and there are explosions, there are airstrikes , the information is being clarified, the previous ones are calls to the ambulance, but about the injured, a little later there will be information, as of now we already have four wounded, this is both the kherson district and the berislav district, where the enemy again used drones, skids.
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by civilians, this is another war crime of theirs, they perfectly saw what they were doing, and that these are not armed people, there are no weapons, there is no military uniform, but they simply worked as civilians. accordingly, if we are talking about shelling of kherson and kherson oblast, yes, how much has it increased, or is it plus or minus at a stable level? you know, it can be said that even there yesterday , the number of shelling decreased a little. there are less than 60, as far as i remember, when we had an average of 100-120 there, but this is relative, because first of all, you need to count the amount of ammunition used there, because there sometimes one projectile flew, this is one shelling , and sometimes it flies half a crescent across the city, and it is also one shelling, and this is once, and secondly, well, unfortunately, we have practically every day wounded and dead civilians. at the beginning of the deoccupation, we actually
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had so much once that there were no wounded for two days in a row, this is the only time , there were several other times that we had no wounded or dead for just one day. and so, unfortunately, you see, every day the enemy destroys our civilian population in the kherson region. mr. yuri, we understand that the situation is not easy , but still, what are the moods of people now, how are people experiencing this winter in general now, because last winter was more difficult, at least in the context of the fact that for us here, at least in physical cities, and not in kherson, which is constantly under fire, was more difficult due to the fact that there were constant outages due to rashi shelling of the national infrastructure, has this winter changed for the people of kherson, or has it become more difficult than the previous one, and actually, what are the main problems people are facing now? well you know as for the mood, well, the kherson region is not broken , in fact, the majority there, despite the fatigue, from the constant shelling, from
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the losses, well, the mood is very cool, the people are all very much looking forward to the left-bank part of the country, many have either relatives left there or... . friends, that’s why all our thoughts are now with people who have a much harder time than us in reality, despite these shellings, because it is worse and scarier than the armed occupation, well, in fact , there is nothing, and the people who went through the occupation, including the kherson people , well, they understand it perfectly, they felt it on themselves, regarding the winter, well , actually, the previous winter, it was very difficult, because it was necessary to launch there after the deoccupation. everything that the orcs stopped there, looted, destroyed, it really was an insane load on everyone who was involved in it, there on the military administration, the utility service and the energy company in the first place, to restore the potential, to restore the repair crews, which had a lot of
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work for them , but you know, in this season, what was not so massive then, and now there are problems. well, that's a significant amount damage to network facilities as a result of these attacks, because every day there are flights, every day there is damage or destruction of some object, including the power infrastructure facility that definitely suffers, therefore, unfortunately, even in kherson we have individual addresses are there where there is no heating, and these are all problematic microdistricts, this is our island, there is a very difficult situation there, there are many arrivals, and unfortunately... the settlements are small, in fact, there are mostly settlements that are directly on the dnieper, there very it is difficult to carry out repair work, because the enemy simply fires at representatives of energy companies and the utility service, and there it is simply a feat to go there and try to restore energy supply,
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heat supply, water supply to people, mr. yury, the bridgehead on the left bank or the bridgehead of the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank of the dnieper , yes. we understand how difficult the situation is there, yesterday our fighters repelled about 13 enemy attacks, we understand that the information is secret or semi-secret, but if in general it is possible to possess some additional details? unfortunately, i cannot comment on this at the request of our military eyes, first of all, in order not to interfere with the boys' work and not to give the enemy. in general, any information that can theoretically be used there, as well as this request about tysha, it also spreads about the actions of the russian military there regarding their number or tactics of using weapons, so, unfortunately
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, i would really like to have a lot of things to tell about the heroic deeds of our boys and achievements, but these are exclusively military they will do well simply. i don't want to hurt the boys. mr. yuri, what about the dnipro now? i don't know if the ice is standing or, on the contrary, it has broken off, what is it now? the ice is not standing, but it is clear that in this, in this weather, at this time of the year , logistics on the dnipro is, well, let's say this, much more complicated, it is not summer, when it was, well, it is much easier to do. another factor that also, you know, emphasizes the heroism of our soldiers, who are currently working in our direction and doing logistics for our guys there and evacuating the wounded, because well every access to the water is a feat, mr. yuri,
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we understand, but we also want to understand what is happening now in the occupied territories, you mentioned somewhere in passing how difficult it is for people to live there now, do you know of any... recent facts sometimes, that the occupiers are somehow very, let's put it this way , to put it lightly and mildly, cruel, because we understand that their cruelty simply knows no bounds, but... but still they try to oppress, persecute, intimidate people, even for some, it would seem, not very there, you know, significant losses in their opinion, yes there, relatively speaking, for the same passportization, people who do not want him to take this russian passport, to what extent, and at the same time we understand that the enemy is preparing to reassign putin to the position, and we also understand that they are going to arrange some kind of mass there, so it is possible that there are two directions, describe. and as for mysovka, well, it will be in genichevsky district, skadovsky district,
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the majority is there, well, in novy kokhovka, they have put up boards there, now putin’s support has been put up a little in kokhovka, well, there they promise that volunteers will work there on the way out, but well, in fact, in the kokhov district, i think that there will be much less efficiency, because they really don't like to be there now to finish work there. it is not entirely safe for them, in terms of the pressure on the people, it is constant, in fact, and the crimes by the russian military against our people, unfortunately, this is a normal practice, and the military police who work there, who are supposed to be there to restrain these russian soldiers, bring them to justice, it is also used as an occupation administration such a tool of influence on people regarding the refusal of the commercial. as a result of this passportization , of placing men on the military register,
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they actively involve the units of the military police, which, just as before there were the russian guard and the police, they go around the houses and actually force people there by psychological pressure, sometimes physical influence, there are such cases , and then they force the family to write that it was a domestic injury, and not the actions of the russian military there or theirs. police officers in relation to our people, because a person in gets to the hospital, they still ask her about the injuries she came with, and when the person there honestly says that the military beat me, then they come to the family, they say, go, go over there, tell them that he was the one who fell with shrapnel , unfortunately there are such cases, thank you, yuriy soboletskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was in touch with us, informed us about the operational situation in the kherson region, and... and we, and we, in the meantime, actually , we will inform you about everything that is happening now, and
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now there is important news that has reached us, it is from germany, the country handed over another package of military aid to us, this package included armored personnel carriers, minesweeping tanks and an airisti air defense missile, a system against sea mines, a video surveillance system, cars, and a lot of everything necessary for our armed forces, thank you germany, and right before... this news, i want to mention the news that has just arrived from brussels, the german secretary of state for defense, zimtier möhler, says that germany will train another 10,000 ukrainian soldiers this year, this is exactly what she stated during, during her stay in brussels, how last year the training should take place within the framework of the european training mission, and germany made it clear that it would continue to stand firmly on the side of ukraine. well , there are also two important pieces of news: deputy secretary of state
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of the united states of america victoria nuland has arrived in kyiv, as the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the united states to ukraine, bridget brink, announced on twitter. i quote: i congratulate the us deputy secretary of state for political affairs on her return to ukraine questions to victoria nuland. today, we will meet with government leaders, veterans and civil society to highlight our common ground. dedication to victory over russian aggression in ukraine , so we understand that victoria nuland could bring extremely important messages, and the key story, thank god, they returned our fighters, so i am now quoting the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the direct speech of the president: our homes, 207 guys, we are returning , despite everything, we remember each and every prisoner, soldiers and civilians. we have return everyone, we are working on it, now another great work of the ukrainian team,
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budanov, yarmak, usov, malyuk, klymenko, well done. well, the key story is that it was possible to return 207 of our soldiers home. well, the key story is that the russians threatened to stop any exchanges, which fortunately we see are happening. we do not know what forces and efforts our military-political command is putting into this, in order to communicate and agree on these exchanges, it is important. to understand that in such a difficult time it is necessary to find with the enemy some specific dialogue, unfortunately, in order to return our people, for this only this is being done, i would like to remind you that now in ukraine... the air alert continues, the missile danger due to the 31 mig missile, that is why we are actually talking now from this bunker studio of ours and we will include all important guests who are ready to discuss important topics with us today. we are adding olena sherban, deputy executive director, head of the legal department of the anti-
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corruption center. mrs. olena, we congratulate you. good day well, let's get started. news about the former, about the former head of the supreme court of ukraine, knyazev, so they paid hryvnias for him, of course, even these 18 million hryvnias , knyazev's lawyer declared in court that he was unable to pay, so we suspect that someone took the bail for him, and now it is important to understand and find out who and actually for what kind of services... oh, i don't know, the relationship with mr. knyazym agreed to make a deposit to him, but a lot of facts that coincided are alarming, in particular, the fact that on the same day today , when someone miraculously paid for it this pledge, the supreme council of justice also had and is now directly considering the question of stopping the consideration of disciplinary proceedings
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against the prince, as a result of which everyone expected his own dismissal in... from the position of judge, because i will remind, then he was dismissed from the position of the head of the supreme court , but according to the legislation he remained a judge of the supreme court, and actually without a decision of the corresponding supreme council of justice it will not be possible to dismiss him, what are the reasons for such a postponement and stopping of this review, that is something that the members of the vrp doubt about, in fact, they want to wait for the results of the investigation, possibly of his criminal case, but this is a very dangerous precedent, because... if judges who have committed serious misconduct, for which there is evidence of actual bribery, do not dismiss them while waiting for the criminal cases against them to be considered on the merits, well this means that the ukrainian people, ukrainian taxpayers, will pay the salaries of such judges there for 5-3 years , in fact, receive them until
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the final verdict is passed, this is in fact unacceptable and the price is not worth it, that is, relatively speaking... judge, i will explain to our tv viewers in simple, so to speak, worker-peasant language, that a judge who was accused of bribery and imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center receives his considerable judicial salary for the time spent in the pre-trial detention center , we understand that the higher the level of the judge, the higher the salary, somehow this chaos can be stopped, of course, this chaos can and must be stopped, and moreover, i will say that the parliament has registered... bills that actually allow it to be stopped there certain judge payments, because many very judges do not while waiting for their sentence, even then they sometimes hurry to resign in order to receive serious financial assistance there before resigning from the state and actually wait for their sentence already with such serious material
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resources, that is why there are certain bills in the parliament, and in order to actually not have such stories with payouts. judges who, and we also have collaborative judges, i will remind you, who are also considered for disciplinary cases, that is, we cannot afford, well, it is not in the pocket of our people, it is absolutely unfair to continue payments to such people, but again, so far, unfortunately, the parliament does not come to these initiatives, but again, in this sense , it is very important that the supreme council of justice does not stop the actual consideration of this case, i think we will find out today that ... there will be a stop or not, but still a case , a disciplinary case, as a result of which the princes can be fired, must be considered, we all heard and saw a lot of convincing evidence that he really organized corruption schemes, in supreme court, and obviously this all coincides with leaving the sizo and with the supreme council of justice,
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it may actually be connected with the fact that mr. knyazev, as the head of the supreme court, may be aware... of a lot of important facts and schemes that functioned in the supreme court, so i i will allow myself to assume that there are many people who want to save him, so that he does not tell the investigation, and there are many other interesting things, in exchange, ms. elena would like to draw attention to the judge tandyr, who caused a fatal road accident, being, as the investigation established driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages, who does not admit his guilt, but... in the meantime, we understand that tandyr is also the person against whom the supreme council of justice wants to stop the consideration of the disciplinary case, is there any certain mechanism to influence the supreme council of justice? so that she still makes those decisions that civil society expects from her and, as they say, according to the letter of the law, including that.
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you know, to be honest, i am generally surprised by the story that when in conditions of war, when our country chooses reforms with blood, chooses democratic changes, we have a higher council of justice, which offers such solutions, as i find it unacceptable. i really hope that the fact that you and i are talking about this on the air even today will contribute to the fact that the supreme council of justice will come to its senses, and the forces of common sense will still have a majority, and such judges will still receive fair decisions in the end . ms. elena, what are you looking at? there is an interesting situation regarding the case of oleksandr liev, who was actually caught and suspected of embezzlement. outfits for the needs of our armed forces, it is about 1.5 billion hryvnias, but mr unfortunately, a preventive measure was not chosen for liev , it is an interesting situation, how do you see this whole
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story in general, why do you think the court did not choose this preventive measure and what could not rule in this case, and what can we hope for in the case of oleksandr liev , whether our law enforcement officers will still be able to achieve a certain fair selection of a preventive measure. to mr. liev, yes, if we talk about the case of mr. liev, actually, by the way, preventive measures are being considered today and the following days, also regarding his accomplices, but in this the case has one big problem, actually procedural, and it consists in the fact that the case is being investigated by the national police at a time when, by law, in fact, by all indications, it is under investigation by the national anti-corruption bureau and in court. neither the prosecutor's office nor the prosecutor of the general prosecutor's office could explain why the case was not transferred to the national anti-corruption bureau, actually before that the investigators applied for
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all actions and permits to the pechersk court, to choose a preventive measure, realizing that the case was not under their jurisdiction, the higher anti-corruption court, that is, we are talking here precisely about the fact that law enforcement officers commit serious procedural violations, and i am very afraid... i am afraid to say that this is done deliberately, but in my opinion, you can do it deliberately only when you have a desire to save such officials of the ministry of defense, and i will allow myself to assume that the judge still indicated after the meeting that he believes that the suspicion is well-founded, but he did not choose a preventive measure, and obviously, well, i will allow myself to assume that this is a procedural violation, that the wrong body showed suspicion to liev, who had, it can further develop... the case under a serious procedural threat, i think that until the case was transferred, it is not at all clear who will investigate it further, here the judge decided not to make a decision on
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a preventive measure, because it human rights, so it's really needed at the moment, but unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to you already, because the air time is running out. olena shcherban, deputy executive director of the head of the legal department of the anti-corruption geocenter was with us. in touch, now let's go to a small ad followed by a news release, so stick with espresso and stay tuned. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw by unpack tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is from 1499 hryvnias a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber,
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