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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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you have to wait 30 seconds for the vote , please tell me why the plenary session of the verkhovna rada is not taking place today, and why the plenary session of the verkhovna rada was not taking place all last week, we are talking about the absolutely useless organization of the verkhovna rada, and this is the personal responsibility of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, mr. stefanchuk . i am convinced that today and tomorrow the specialized committee should consider this bill, and it should be introduced as soon as possible. meeting and hall. thank you, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine in the studio espresso well, we will pass the floor to iryna koval, who with the news editor has already prepared relevant information for you. so iro, we'll give you the floor, and actually tell us what this issue will be about. we learn about who was brought back home from russian captivity, and much more information will be in this issue, so stay tuned.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espressu tv channel in the iryna koval studio, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. rescued defenders of mariupol, kherson, fighters from the island of zmiyny and morpikha and combat medics. 207 soldiers returned from russian. the prisoners of war were reported to the coordination headquarters for prisoners of war, among them 95 representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, 56 national guardsmen, 26 border guards, 29 soldiers of teroborona and one representative of the national police, that at least 36 of them have injuries or serious illnesses. in particular, the senior lieutenant, who has been defending ukraine since 2014, returned to his native land. he passed boldly and was twice awarded
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the order of courage, two of his brothers, soldiers of the armed forces, were also released from captivity anatoly and pavlo of ukraine. the oldest of the released defenders has already turned 61 years old, the youngest will soon be 21. we will lay down our body and soul for our freedom. and we will show that we are brothers, this is already the 50th exchange during the full-scale war, a total of 3.35 people managed to be returned, and we will do everything to return each and every one, we have not forgotten anyone, we are looking for every last name, military and... those who were on the list for exchange
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on january 24 are not among those who returned to ukraine today, - noted andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department. then exchange did not take place, apparently because of the il-76 aircraft crash. russia claims that ukrainian fighters were killed when the plane crashed. however, it is not known whether there was, or whether our military was really on this board. the united states and ukraine signed a memorandum on the control of the used. on the issue of aid, this was announced by the ministry of defense of ukraine after a meeting in kyiv with officials of the pentagon inspector general's office. let me remind you that inspectors general from the ministry of defense and the us state department arrived in kyiv for inspections the day before, and as well as international development agencies. this happened because the pentagon does not have enough information about 2% of the weapons transferred to ukraine since 2014. germany
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updated the list of military aid delivered to ukraine, among other things, these are missiles for arst anti-aircraft missile systems and four bandwagen all-terrain vehicles. the delivery includes another 24 armored personnel carriers, one bieber bridge-layer with spare parts, three wicent 1 mine-clearing tanks. in addition, the package contains more than 100 155 mm shells. a system of anti-sea mines, a video surveillance system a set, four cars for the border service, dry rations and a large list of military equipment. the european commission proposes to cancel customs duties for goods from ukraine for one more year, i.e. until the end of 2024. at the same time , it plans to include safeguards for agricultural products, as required by several eu countries. this was stated by the president of the european commission, ursula fon. for three types
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of products: meat, poultry, eggs and sugar , an emergency braking mechanism is envisaged to stabilize imports at the level of average import volumes of previous years. this means that if these import volumes are exceeded, import tariffs will begin to apply. so we're not just doing it in a vacuum or in a laboratory environment, we're doing it to support ukraine by supporting a key area, a dimension of its productive economy that can affect the military effort as well, and we're doing it in a well-balanced environment that also solve the problems of member states. mainly ukraine's neighbors and other stakeholders in agriculture, so again, i think we can be proud that we present such a balanced package. and i want to remind you that the collection of the espresso tv channel is in progress, our soldiers need
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vital equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the reconnaissance unit of the third regiment of special forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000. more than 200,000 have already been collected . so get involved, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. further my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskiy continue the broadcast. we will see you at 6 p.m. we thank iryna koval , we thank our tireless journalists, and we thank our people's deputies for
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their work, well, at least in the person of oleg synyutka, we thank the deputies and return to the conversation on an extremely important topic, the fair law on mobilization, which... has already reached of the verkhovna rada and, accordingly , mr. olezh, what will be the procedures , how many committees do you think it should go through, will there be certain conclusions, because before of the previous version, even the person authorized to do so, dmytro lubinets, had comments, and accordingly, how will it now look according to the procedure? well, first of all , the specialized committee on national security and defense must consider it, it must give its opinion, then this bill will be included in the agenda of the session, i understand that it will be as early as january 6, after consideration in february, february 6, forgive me, after the review in the session hall there should be time for corrections, because i am convinced that after registration
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there are 14 days to introduce alternative bills, after that for a certain period of time we should reduce inquiries from 14 to 7 days. that is, if we proceed very dynamically and really want to consider this draft law, then it can be considered and adopted in the second half of february. well, accordingly, if we talk about the logic of the review in general , that is, if we say, forgive mr. antin, if we talk about the logic of the review, then everything started wrong again, this bill should have been considered in closed session at the meeting of the national security council. has it been reviewed with the information we have? no. secondly, this bill should be introduced as an urgent matter. and this bill should be introduced by the commander-in-chief, the president of ukraine. and i have already argued why he should do this? and it would then be logical, and
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it would not divide, would not cause discussions again, but would unite society. therefore , the beginning is wrong again, but i say again and again, the most important thing. that it is not a bill for political debate, that it be a bill for bringing society together, you mentioned the debate, and here the washington post also talks to a certain extent about a certain, let's say, different, generally different vision of this bill between commander -in-chief verkhovny zelenskyi and commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, and says that this, as it were, became the stumbling block, and all these rumors that zelensky was supposed to... fire zaluzhny were related to this, well, in fact, we do not know this for sure, we cannot claim that the washington post is not wrong in its conclusions, but nevertheless , well, how are you? in view of what you actually said, that there is no presentation of this bill by zelenskyi, and that most likely
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the military will have to present the bill, not zelenskyi, it certainly leads people to some conclusions, you know, they know for sure about this situation two people, this is the main thing... the commander is general zaluzhnyi and the supreme commander is president zelenskyi, but only one person can talk about this, this is the supreme commander president zelenskyi, because from the point of view. subordination, he has the right and he has appropriate authority. according to the law, according to absolutely all norms, it cannot be presented by the military, because it is a document that the military-political leadership of the state must consider and take responsibility for. and here, probably, the key story is to take responsibility. you don't need to be afraid of responsibility, you don't need to think about ratings. you don't have to think about the elections, you have to think about the country, if you think in such
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categories, don't think about the ratings, but think about the country, then i am convinced that this draft law, i repeat once again, should be as urgent and should be introduced by the supreme commander-in-chief, oleg mykhailovych, you say that let's not think about ratings and let's not think about elections, but they don't think, they don't think, at a certain moment they take and measure or think, well, accordingly. .. there is also such a version, perhaps it is a conspiracy, so that there is a certain, so to speak, political competitiveness, and that is why they say again that it is not necessary for the military to make a political name for itself, that is , this, but it is done precisely by ourselves, we have no reason to say today that anyone of the military today is trying to make a political career, because
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there was not a single statement from general zaluzhnyi, general zabrodsky, general zapatal regarding their participation in the political life of the country at all, and if someone wants to invent such things, it is his fantasies , the fact that general zaluzhnyi has extremely high trust, almost absolute trust not only from the military, but from ukrainian society, this should please us, because it is a unifying factor, i repeat again and again, we do not need to attack. society, not the armed forces ukraine and their leaders, we must attack the enemy, our enemy is moscow, and our enemy is in moscow, in the kremlin, all our attacks must be directed there. and if we talk, for example, about rumors, well, there is no reliable information, forgive me for asking you to comment on rumors, but about the resignation of a number of influential generals-commanders, maybe it is somewhere on the agenda. for the country, you can't change horses at the crossing, this is a very smart and
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ancient wisdom, you know, maybe you won't like this example, but the fifth president poroshenko came with the commander, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general muzhenko and left, and general muzhenko remained at his post, the fifth... poroshenko came with the minister of defense poltorak, he left, and stepan poltorak, the minister of defense, remained at his post position it is impossible to scatter professional, qualified personnel, personnel who have the trust not only of society, but first of all of the army. the army is the key pillar of the unification of the state. well, in any case, also rumors, rumors that were offered commandingly colonel general of the ground forces. kusyrskyi was offered the position of general budanov, the head of the main
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intelligence department at the ministry of defense, and they seemed to refuse. well, rumors do not arise out of thin air, and there is no smoke without fire, and i say once again, despite the fact that a lot of telegram channels, a lot of ukrainian media commented on this topic, it may have caused certain doubts in society, but ... when in unison, all the leading western media, which definitely sympathize with ukraine, absolutely unequivocally submit this information, i want to say again and again that our higher military and political leadership should think that this is not beneficial to the state, and i am convinced that there should necessarily be a unifying message, unifying a message that would refute. all these rumors, until the top political leadership of the state does not
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declare a clear, public, categorical position, until then there will always be grounds for such rumors to arise there or elsewhere. mr. oleg, since we already know, we are talking about what conspiracy theories are put forward by western journalists, then save this fairly authoritative publication, let's not lie, it says that zaluzhny was offered... the position of the current danilov, secretary of the national security and defense council. that was the information, do you generally think that this information had a place to be... could have been offered to him, and do you really think that zelensky expects that zaluzhnyi himself will want to leave, that is, so that there would not be such opposition from society, he may push him to such a decision on his own, as far as i understand, general zaluzhnyi is a very subordinate person, and of course, if there is a presidential decree on dismissal, i am
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convinced that he, like any military man, will carry out the order, the mechanism for preparing such orders. is also very clearly written, it is the submission of the minister of defense and the decree of the supreme commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine, but i want to say again and again that this will not play on the unity of the state, it will not play on the trust of the ukrainian military and ukrainian society, it will not be about it is very dangerous to unite society game, this story needs to be stopped very, very quickly, before... it grows and acquires absolutely negative tendencies. ugh. we thank you. oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine at the espresso studio. and we, in the meantime, want to present to you, our viewers, a map of military operations prepared by our colleagues for january 24-31, 2024. let's
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see together what happened at the front these days. map of hostilities for the period january 21-31 , 2024, avdiyivka is under threat, the russians are launching counterattacks along the entire front. due to the lack of proper assistance from our partners, the armed forces of ukraine have been saving ammunition for several months, and the russians have gained a fire advantage, which they are trying to implement along the entire front line. defense forces in avdiivka faced a new threat. almost half of the offensives on the entire front. falls on avdiivka. here, as before, the most intense heated battles are taking place. after the russians failed to break through the defenses of the city of forteci for three months, and also failed to surround it and cut off the logistical routes, they chose a new tactic. now the armed forces of the russian federation are storming the city head-on, trying to take district by district, as they once did in bakhmut.
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over the course of a week, the occupiers were able to complete the capture of the industrial zone through the vynohradniki district, as well as the roads. our redoubts to the east of the trial were built, but the retreat to the rear through a twisted tunnel and then through internal communication pipes was unexpected for the defenders of the city. came out unexpectedly from the underground, almost 150 rioters managed to occupy several streets, a private one-story building, as well as an important fortified area near the tsarska restaurant hunting at the same time, the enemy increased external pressure to support his sortie, but failed to break into the city head-on. during for six days, fighting has been going on in the city. the defense forces practically succeeded in recapturing their defense point near the former restaurant, but near the area of ​​the enemy's sortie, the territory has not yet been completely cleared. especially since the russians have increased the pressure on another fortress , the zenit area, which is built in such a way that it can withstand a nuclear strike, but its weak point is
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the cutting of logistics. now the occupiers are trying to outflank the defenders zenit, who have been holding this plot for more than 10 years. front, the main plan of the enemy is to cut off the air defense from the t-0505 road in order to stop the supply of ammunition. the loss of the zenith can be decisive for the defense of avdiyivka, and that is why the armed forces of ukraine have thrown in a lot of effort to prevent this from happening. on the northern outskirts of avdiyivka, the defense forces managed to move the front line from berlychy to the railway road. in the steppe, the situation remains unchanged. from kamianka's side. the occupiers constantly try to storm without success. eastern outskirts of the city. on on the southern edge, the rashists were able to make their way almost 700 m along the sand road to pervomaiskyi, on which the pressure has also increased significantly recently. meanwhile, the commander of the russian drone group revealed the location of their training ground in ilovask, which is near donetsk, and the haimars missiles flew there. as a result, 38 people died and
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a large number of wounded. offensive on the uglydar. the encirclement of ugledar will continue to be a ghostly idea of ​​russian generals. at the beginning of december, the rashists launched an offensive on novomykhaivka, which although found itself in a semi-encirclement, but the defense forces manage to hold back constant assaults. yes, during the last week, the invaders went on the attack half a day from the village, but they exhausted their strength. so the remnants of the occupiers had to retreat in the first position, losing the territory they had conquered just a few weeks ago. the armed forces of ukraine regained a number of lost chances for... northeast of the village, continuous battles and counter-offensives are currently taking place, during which trenches and territory are occupied alternately. counter-attacks continue on the southern front. come on battles on on the southern front in the zaporizhia and donetsk regions are less intense than in the east and currently have a rather local character. thus , the armed forces managed to occupy two landings south
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of urozhany and thereby improve their tactical position in the village. instead, the occupiers pushed our troops north of the village of priyutne, for which fierce battles were fought all summer. seizing the opportunity, the ukrainians drove the enemy to the south between the villages of chervone and malinivka. the zso also improved their positions along the front line east of the village of charivne in the direction of pology. offensive russians in luhansk region. after capturing the section of the front near the village of krokhmalne, the roshists continued to storm nearby villages, including ivanivka, kislivka, kutarivka, pishchane , and tabaivka. the last village is located in a lowland between two heights, therefore, having an advantage in artillery, the invaders managed to dislodge our defenders from there. at the same time, they themselves were also unable to enter the village of sili ob'. they were not allowed to do so. therefore, since january 28, tabaivka has been in the gray zone. in addition, the russians managed to get 3,400 m closer to the western
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outskirts of the village of senkivka fortress, which had already holds off the invaders on the road to kupyansk for about a year. the enemy's assaults in the vicinity of kreminnaya, in particular on terne, yampolivka, and bilogorivka, ended in nothing. a russian gas station is on fire. after the strikes on the wust-luts oil refinery. ukrainian drones or other forces unknown to us continued their oil tour of russia this week, burning one of the country's largest processing plants, slavneftianos, in yaroslavl, as well as its counterpart in the krasnodar city of tuabse. the factories have currently stopped both oil processing and output oil products and they will not be able to quickly resume production. a substation exploded in moscow, an outbreak in chelyabinsk left half of the millionaire city without electricity. we win daily, death to enemies. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, we thank our colleagues for this extremely carefully worked out map and we now add
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to the marathon ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of the defense express group. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan. good day, heroes of glory. well, i hope you have been looking at the corresponding map with us now, it is about the combat map actions during the week, well... accordingly , today's dynamics, where do you think the enemy can now prepare to intensify its offensive actions? well , let's say, let's highlight, he can cook either on the avdiyivskyi or on the mariinskyi direction , because as the practice of even the last two or three weeks shows, well, the russians shift the center of gravity and efforts there alternately on avdiyivochka, then on mariinskyi, it is obvious that the russians think for themselves that except in these two directions they can... bend, or there to spring, or until the conditional presidential pseudo-elections, or even with regard to such a deadline, as in general the exhaustion of the offensive capabilities of the russians, let's say
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so, until this short time, that it is possible, as the russian military command may think, that it will have time to get some result there, well which can be at least, let's say this, not shamefully presented in our own propaganda, but why i decided to divide, prepares offensive efforts there, for example , effectiveness, well, because... well, for some reason you can say that perseverance, stubbornness russian attacks in the area of ​​avdiyivka or mariinka, it has already begun to exceed, perhaps, the intensity of russian attacks, which, for example, were during the storming of bakhmut last winter, and this despite the fact that then, let's say, last winter in the russians did not have such a massive number of guided air bombs as a substitute for flying artillery, let’s say so, even from the mobilized human resource they also had, if not... a lot, well, because i so suspect that in terms of numbers, all these storms , curtain with and others such assault groups of the russians, they could even surpass the wagner pmk in the throes of its
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glory a long time ago, nevertheless it turns out that, well , compared to how the russians have strengthened their offensive capabilities and how well the ukrainian armed forces cope with it, well, even with the correction there may be some problems with military-technical assistance from the western allies, then here we need to distribute what is possible... well, the russians will not achieve significant results by the end of this spring campaign, and in principle, we have a certain reason for restrained optimism. mr. ivan, look, there is information from politico that ukraine may receive today the first batch of glcdb bombs from the united states of america, and these bombs are a new development that can hit targets at a distance of up to 145 km. their order from us manufacturers was announced even earlier. if we do get these bombs, how helpful will they be to our boys and girls on the battlefield? well, let's say so, if they
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can be charged in regular order in hymars. and not only hymers, well that will be a very good thing, which will allow us to do things like when a group of these russian uav operators were covered near donetsk, on the most regular basis, especially since we are still here, let's clarify that we are talking about a hybrid of a bomb and a missile, so what is it here, if we talk about it simply as a bomb, well , our listeners may get the not entirely correct impression that it just has something like that, you know, to fall, no, it is still a thing that, at the first stage, works like a rocket and it says literally say... this is the m-26 from hymars, and already at the second stage, it falls, mr. ivan , you are forever confusing us with your highly professional language, you understand, in simple terms , you started to explain very well, this is a rocket on the one hand, which i don’t know about, an explosive part, something like far it flies , is it there, i don’t know, it can halve this or that russian unit, for example, there is a company or a battalion, well, it’s something, no, there
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are such... i don’t have to speak in categories, but the fact that after the appearance gldsb among the russian occupiers will become significantly less than schools drones, that's a fact , plus it's a small aerial bomb, so you know, you shouldn't immediately expect to mow down half a battalion there, but if you were to mow down, for example, an echelon with tanks in the area of ​​temporarily occupied donetsk, well, this kind of thing can also help, let's say this, this rocket-bomb is a tool for very surgical strikes, so there... if it will fire, it will not be as regular as it can now work against russian artillery, but something will happen , you know, to destroy strategically, maybe there, guys, to things, according to the russian strategic guys , who knows, suddenly this thing will also work, so it flies, and it flies far, well , 145 km is already indicated, you see, we literally now see a video of how it works, but at first it flies like a rocket , then halfway through the flight,
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roughly speaking accelerating. falls off, then it falls like an ordinary aerial bomb, here , by the way, the question is that the small size of this bomb is possible, they look like a plus, because well, the question is whether the russians will even be able to see it on their radios, actually, i wanted this is to ask, they have some kind of anti-aircraft defense that can detect such missiles, bombs, missiles, russians, they have an analog net for any case of life, well, for the case of life, when you need to shoot down small aerial bombs, they seem to have an air defense system, well, of course, they even tried to knock ours in half with these tors. but unsuccessfully, because the missiles were aimed somewhere wrong, but on the other hand, we can see in public access, since our drones often knock out the same russian tor complexes, not to mention, let's say, larger ones buk complexes, yes, well, it's extremely interesting, but mr. ivan, let's go back to our beloved neighbor in the north, yes, well, beloved there in quotation marks or without quotation marks, but belarus and chinese cargo, that is, if it weren't for
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the secret regime. how lukashenka's regime wrapped up this story, it would be somehow calmer, yes , well, they say, well, they flew in, something was brought there, but no, some unseen, you understand, measures of secrecy, which in your opinion, could lead to someone, or lukashenkas, did they just decide to unload there and bring it to russia, or, on the contrary , to leave for the reinforcement of certain russian units located in belarus, i think that it is all the same for the reinforcement of the russian military-industrial complex or ... the army of belarus and without the transfer of the russians, because the russians are transported from china by the ministry of defense of the russian federation, yes the so-called 224th summer detachment of the ministry of defense of the russian federation was recorded, the options for what the chinese could bring lukashenko there, by the way, let's note that on the american boing 747 freighter, or components of the polonaise missile complex, for the sake of justice, how many russians licked their lips, but lukashenko did not transfer some of the machine tools there
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for... the enterprise of the belarusian military industry, well, because the belarusians are not against selling weapons to someone there, i think that here we need to ask questions not only about what the belarusians could have done the chinese, but let's put it this way, for what, there could still be such a geopolitical story here, well, lukashenko, if on the one hand i always demonstrate to putin that he will kill you and everyone for you, and on the other hand he tries to find some kind of counterbalance, well, that is, if and russia a vassal of china and belarus a vassal china, then you can go to your vassal and ask him not to offend another vassal, so... i think that here, after this mysterious arrival of a chinese transporter with an unknown cargo, there might not be some story about the belarusians suddenly starting to attack us to threaten something like that militarily, but rather about the fact that maybe lukashenko will start to behave more defiantly there, well, not to tell there that russia is not his friend, but let's say, to behave more defiantly in domestic politics, even without looking back to the kremlin, i think it's actually here about...


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