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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. hello, you are olena kryvets. i hope that you are safe in spite of the wartime and that you regularly take the navil test. yes, you did not hear, it should be done at least once a year. it's scary, maybe, but it's scarier not to know your status, to give the disease, to cause an infection and to infect loved ones, so the vil test is about love for yourself and others, about the opportunity to save their lives and your life, because with modern medicine, vil is not transmitted and not scary, knowing about complex things is important, and knowing about ox saves lives.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. temporarily. explosions rang out in occupied crimea. local telegram groups write about the work of anti-aircraft defense. explosions rang out north of sevastopol near the belbek airfield, and eyewitnesses reported thick smoke. there is currently no official information. a series of explosions were heard in saki, dzhankoy district, feodosia, gvardiysky and in sevastopol. they also note that explosions were heard in many areas of the peninsula. in the occupation administration. the city of sevastopol
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was informed that the reason for the smoke that residents see in the area of ​​the bay is the alleged means of masking. the un international court of justice recognized that russia violated the un anti-terrorist treaty in eastern ukraine in 2014. the russian federation was also found guilty of discriminating against the ukrainian population by not ensuring the presence of the ukrainian language in educational institutions. in the crimea. kyiv filed a lawsuit back in 2017 and asked to recognize moscow as guilty of violations of human rights in the occupied territories of eastern ukraine and crimea, as well as in the financing and support of the so-called rebels, who, in particular, shot down a passenger boeing in july 2014. rescued defenders of mariupol, kherson, fighters from the island of zmiyny and morpikha, and combat medics. 207 soldiers
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have returned from russian captivity, the coordination headquarters for prisoners of war reported. among them are 95 representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, 56 national guardsmen, 26 border guards, 29 soldiers of the defense forces and one representative of the national police. at least 36 of them have injuries or serious illnesses. in particular, the senior lieutenant, who has been defending ukraine since 2014, returned to his native land. he passed debaltsevo and was twice awarded the order of marriage. two brothers, anatoliy and pavlo, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, were also released from captivity. the oldest of the released defenders has already turned 61, the youngest will soon be 21. we will die for our freedom.
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exchange during the full-scale war, a total of 3035 people were successfully returned, and we will do everything to return each and every one, we do not we are looking for those who have not been forgotten, by each last name. military personnel who were on the list for exchange on january 24 are not among those who returned to ukraine today, said andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department. then the exchange did not take place, as it were, because of the il-76 air traffic jam. russia claims that ukrainian fighters were killed when the plane crashed. however, it is not known whether our military was really on board. new deadlines: the delivery of the promised million...
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shells for ukraine from the countries of the european union is delayed again. according to the minister of defense of estonia hano pevkur, now they want to complete the supply by the end of 2024 . at the same time , the head of the estonian defense department clarified that the production capacity of the european union will increase to 1.5 million units of projectiles by the end of this year. the leaders of the european union will agree to an annual debate on the provision of financial assistance to ukraine within the framework of the four-year package for more than 50 billion euros. this was reported by the reuters agency with reference to the draft decision of the upcoming summit. february 1. in particular, the draft states that eu leaders will hold annual meetings debate based on european commission reports. i would like to note that the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, insists on the annual review of financial aid to ukraine. other countries are
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in favor of not giving hungary additional opportunities to block aid to ukraine. new schemes for evasion of mobilization and'. the security service of ukraine exposed the legal departure abroad. 10 organizers of revolutionaries were detained. they valued their services up to 12 thousand dollars. in transcarpathia , conscripts were sent abroad as international drivers transportation among the clients was a cleric of the local diocese of the uoc mp. in ternopil oblast , two dealers were selling fake certificates of the vlk. another supporter of the so-called people's rule was betrayed by the military. the tickets are similar to the documents of the established model, and in lviv, a criminal group promised the conscripts to be written off from the military records based on their health status for money. the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense has not yet
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managed to develop a quality mechanism for the purchase of weapons, since the organization does not have access to contracts, but the members of the council noted that they had noticed an increase in the prices of ammunition. at certain manufacturers, and the start of the work of the state operator tilu, according to the members of the council, will reduce corruption risks when purchasing food, things, medical supplies and fuel and lubricants for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. the council will continue to monitor the issue of direct contracts with suppliers, which may lead to corruption risks. and all we could get was from the appropriate one. of the unit price of ammunition, and when we compared them, we realized that, unfortunately, our special importers , who before that were special exporters, in whose charters were recorded profit, for some reason perceived the war as an opportunity
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to continue earning, managed to work out the recommendations of the ministry of defense, regarding the distribution of purchases, for example, of food products by product groups , the ministry. of defense accepted this recommendation, the state operator tilu is already doing it, we asked to reduce the lots so that there would be a more competitive environment, so we already have positive changes here. deputies of sumy the city councils voted for a vote of no confidence and early termination of the powers of the mayor oleksandr lysenko. 28 deputies supported the decision on the second attempt. let me remind you that nabu and the security service of ukraine were detained in october. uah is a bribe. in addition to him , the director of the department of housing and communal services of the city council, oleksandr zhurbo, was also detained. the money was handed over to the officials for the adoption of a decision on the establishment of the tariff and the absence of artificial obstacles in
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the enterprise's activities. 3,600 russian crimes against the environment of ukraine were counted in the ministry of ecology. this figure was announced by the minister of environmental protection and border resources and natural resources. the total amount of damages already exceeds uah 2,200 billion. part of the damage is air pollution, land and water resources. however, the first challenge at the moment is demining the territory. as of today , more than 172 km of ukraine are mined. today. 3,600 cases of damages, cases of crimes against the environment have already been recorded, the total amount of damages already exceeds uah 2.2, more than half of these damages are atmospheric air pollution, i.e. emissions in
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atmospheric air, pollution of land resources, water resources and so on, unfortunately, every week the amount of damage increases, for today. the calculation is carried out by employees of the state environmental inspection directly, in accordance with the developed special seven methods. this is a method for calculating losses on the nature reserve fund, on water bodies, on the black and azov seas, on emissions into the atmospheric air, the ministry of ecology collects all the consequences and losses that the country received and our the environment during warfare, in fact, because we know that co2 has no boundaries, and all these fires and everything that is happening now, it will affect us in part because it emits co2, which is specifically responsible. and the agency with energy efficiency in the national reduction targets, we don't have a reduction
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because we stopped production, but we got a lot of emissions as a result of the war . and i want to remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel, our soldiers need vital equipment, please help replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 470,000. we already have more than uah 2,000 in our account. get involved, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, you can read more news on our website. also follow us on social media and watch us. well, a in just a few minutes, meet my colleague vasyl zima, who will continue the broadcast
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel and for the next hour and 45 minutes, me and my colleagues are with you, loud explosions in crimea, putin wants a demilitarized zone for ukraine, will we receive the promised billions from the european union, and again we will discuss other important and topical questions that are important today, well , we'll start with an announcement about the fundraiser and ask you to join the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund . perform tasks in the orichiv direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to buy radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other equally important things at the front. every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection,
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so this time too we ask you to support our military and do it for our common victory. our goal. uah 1 million we ask you to join iryna kovel's gathering, as needed 141st brigade. we really need your help. glory to ukraine. glory to the hero. well , be sure to join, we will definitely support our army. we have already collected a lot of money. actually. i recently even asked how much espresso tv is. well, how much our viewers, readers, listeners collected, but thanks to ours. and these are quite substantial amounts, these are drones, these are cars, these are large drones, these are torellis, these are thermal imagers, my god, what have we collected, all of this is useful, all of this is necessary, all of this saves the lives of our military and shortens the lives of the occupiers who came to our land, before we
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wait for the conversation with our first guest, i will announce a little about what we will talk about today, actually a very... important topic, this is the international aid of the european union. actually, we are waiting for a decision on the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine. they will not be issued to us all at once, as they say, not in one payment and not in one transfer to our all-ukrainian payment card. of course, it will be within five years, if i am not mistaken, but this money is very important, in fact, it must be approved. what is important, today was also a session of the united nations international criminal court. in gas, it related to the shooting down by the russian federation, well , by terrorists at the behest, financing and provision of weapons by russia, and between the boeing mh17 plane, which was flying, let me remind you , from amsterdam to kuala lumpur, this happened
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at the very beginning of the war, that's all this time this case... was prepared, studied and considered in the international criminal court the court in gaza, it's in holland, today this meeting took place, it started at 3 p.m. , as far as i understand, kyiv time, and we are waiting for the results, the most important thing is that the verdict of this court, or the decision, the decision of the international criminal court of the un in gaza can be recognized as a country that sponsors terrorism, this is very important because... russia tried to shift the responsibility for this, first on ukraine, we all remember how it started, it was august, if i remember correctly, 14th year, we are all very good we remember how from the first the russian mass media began to sing songs of joy about the fact that, as they called them, the militiamen, well actually the people's
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republic of donetsk, were actually terrorists. the dnr group managed to shoot down a ukrainian military transport plane, at first it was about a ukrainian military transport plane, when later it became clear that it was not ukrainian and not a military transport plane, that it was a completely different target, that it was an international international, foreign plane, and that almost died 300 people in this plane wreckage, then of course russia started saying that it was ukraine, do you remember when oleksandr zakharchenko, who was then the head of this so-called dpr, came out and said that even now i remember this video, how he came out and said: i just went out to the porch of the house, i looked up, i see a ukrainian plane flying, such a trident, i can clearly see it on the wings and on the tail of the plane, i fired a rocket and shot it down, well, imagine the height somewhere in that corridor, which
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the plane mh17 was flying, it is in the area 10 there 11 km, well, of course... zakharchenko saw all this, but then russia tried for a very long time to convince the world by other methods that it was not her, but this is important, if it is proven and decided in this verdict that it was russia that transported the buk m1 installation to ukraine, by the way, exactly the buk m1 installation , that is , the classification from which the missile that actually shot down the boeing 777 was launched, such missiles and such devices. the 14th model was simply not in service with the ukrainian army, it did not exist, well, let’s say, we don’t have s-400 systems, or we don’t have s500 systems, or in we do not have any other systems, there are none. such a su-35, for example, well, that is, many of what is in russia, we do not have in russia, and we did not have such an installation, remember, then there was a video, when the movement of this, this machine was tracked, which
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was carrying a buk m1 installation, all this was investigated, then you remember when petro poroshenko was still the president, when these pieces of evidence were carried, well, this is a lot, and we will wait for this decision, it is very important, proof in due time, remember do you ever remember this... well, i will tell this story later, but there was one more the leader who was shot with a golden gun somewhere in kanawa, he also at one time shot down, well , actually led to the explosion of a plane over lockerby, and after a while it cost him his life and power in the libyan people's jamahere. nataliya karennichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, good evening, congratulations, i am glad to see and hear, well, let's start talking, talk about, first of all i will ask about security. because the bilopol community, in fact, the enemy constantly strikes in one way or another, plus there are other threats from the enemy, the aggressor of the russian federation, how
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did the day pass today, please, well today is the day anyway in the city of bilopili itself , we did not hear any explosions, but they echoed in the community, it is difficult to count, but last day we had more than 100 explosions in the community, today, well, they didn't count by ear yet, but he didn't fly around the city like that. let's say it like that, but the neighborhood has certainly heard, and so we live with such constants, we feel all this nearby, that we have such a neighbor and we hear explosions, well, about yesterday in the community, people are alive, that is, we i haven't heard of people being injured , but there are certain destructions, of course, people 's houses are destroyed, windows fly out, farm buildings, it happens almost every day, and besides the fact that the enemy is firing from barrel artillery... there are even mortars , because the distance is small , the territory of the bilopir community, sumy oblast in general, other communities, a problem, this is not a problem, this is a real threat
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that poses a threat to people's lives, unfortunately, we already have more than a few facts that these sabotage and intelligence groups killed citizens of ukraine, civilians, and just people, who say they got their hands on these scary stories, and now they have stepped up. how serious a threat it is and, again , can it be a salvation for people to resettle from certain territories, from certain zones, so that they, well, so that, relatively speaking, these drgs do not reach them, because yes, of course , the defense forces oppose them, but it is not always possible to detect them quickly, and they can reach the house where a brother and sister were killed in the last time, faster than, say, they will be detected, please, so we have a five-kilometer zone for a long time announced as... a safe zone, and along the entire perimeter of this five-kilometer zone, people are offered to evacuate, and it is strongly recommended that people leave, because all the murders by the drg
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were precisely within 5 km, 2 km, 5 km, that is, precisely in this zone, there were abductions, murders, and injuries of people in our community, as well as in the neighboring communities, but two people were killed in the neighboring otinsk community, this is precisely in this five-kilometer zone, in addition to the drg. there is no electricity in many villages, it is very difficult to get there at all for both an ambulance and the ministry of emergency situations, if there are any fires or any such extraordinary cases, therefore the first dangerous situation is less and how can you come there less often and expose yourself to danger right near the border, evacuation measures continue, people are explained, people are persuaded to move out, well... not always people agree to this, but still a lot of people leave this zone, and this is the main security element, not to not be in the place where there is the greatest probability of falling under the drg, but
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the fact that they are here and that they fall on our territory, we sometimes we even hear when battles are going on at close distances, and this, well, this is our reality. yesterday i read a story about the fact that it will take quite a lot to completely demine kharkiv oblast. years, well there, of course , depending on at what pace and by what means, but in any case we are talking about tens of years, well, we also have kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia, donetsk oblast, luhansk oblast, and there and on in chernihiv oblast, i think, there are still those mines in kyiv oblast, but sumy oblast is also, obviously, an area that also has this problem, to what degree of mining, well, let's say, we will talking about your community is a real threat today that a person can go out somewhere on business or go to a neighboring village or... run over a mine or step on some mines or conventionally speaking on an unexploded ordnance , right? in fact, in the community, even in our small community, we also have the death
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of a person. on a mine that went off and we have injuries to people on a mine, not to mention , there are also such cases in all other communities, although there are warnings, signs are everywhere, mined carefully , people, well, everything is clarified by the way, we talk about this at the sessions of the city council and write in mass media that do not drive only on the roads, but the human factor is the human factor, and unfortunately, people also fall into minefields, and there is a danger. and this is again, the closer to the border, the more such dangerous places there are, and well, if they are in a certain way on our side, then this is also a certain precaution against the fact that somehow our border will be endangered from the passage of the drg from an enemy attack , but unfortunately, again, people are not very big trust and often break these rules, for which they sometimes pay with their own lives. thank you very much, ms. natalya, for
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your comments, thank you very much. deputy of the bilopol city council, well, i only have news from sumy today, i will say that the deputies of the sumy city council voted for the dismissal of the mayor, who is suspected of bribery, actually the mayor of lysenko. well , now let's talk about international, international political topics and domestic ukrainian political topics. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. sir mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. well, let's probably start with the topic that is being decided today, that is, international aid. the european union's aid to ukraine, there are certain statements of the european commission, there are decisions about whether to re-vote for everyone every year or how to do it, in any case, we are waiting for the result, we are waiting for the help that should arrive now, which again, there are still threats here, has the actual issue been resolved and we will be able to count on this help, again i wonder what this money will mainly be used for, for some social question or not, well, we can definitely say that europe and... even the united states
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of america, despite the difficult financial situation, will not leave ukraine and will continue to support us. we see that the european union is ready to limit and authorize the provision of funds to viktor orbán's government for non-compliance with certain european union norms. it is not directly related to ukraine. but in reality, this is a way of influencing orbán, who may be deprived of the right to vote. we see the position of orbán himself, who says that already... was suitable for the allocation of 50 billion , the only thing he requires is that it be approved every year, he is convinced that in one way or another the european union will make a positive decision and support ukraine, especially since this is important for the european union, given the processes that are taking place in the united states of america, and many in the european union are wary of the victory of donald trump, who proclaims isolationist slogans and
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about. eu and in relation to nato, at the same time, responsible european politicians want to use this, to show leadership in order to on the contrary, to make the european union even stronger. germany, for example, takes such a position, and in the field of defense as well, so they will do everything to ensure that support for ukraine grows, especially since right now everyone is talking about the danger that russia poses to the countries of the european union . in view of this, i think that everything will be fine and we will receive support. you said very correct words about the fact that europe is showing leadership, well, at least some european countries of the european union are showing leadership, maybe not everyone can be said that way, but by the way, it does not depend on the size and budget of the countries, because leadership is shown by, say , lithuania, which is territorially small or not so powerful in terms of budget , or estonia, which is also the richest country in the european union, the federal republic of germany, and there is a perspective here , as far as i understand, because you know, like
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ukraine, for a long time everyone thought that our issues... were being decided for us, until the war started, and ukraine had to take the lead and start this battle against against this global evil of putin. perhaps it is this situation that will improve the situation in europe, first of all in terms of security, and secondly, it mobilizes, mobilizes society, mobilizes politics, or are there already signs that european leaders are really mobilizing and becoming firmer in their decisions? well , there are different currents in europe, you see that in many countries the far-right political forces are winning, or they are not winning. but their rating is increasing, as, for example, in germany or the netherlands, at the same time, or in slovakia, where, fico won and created his government, at the same time, in poland, for example, donald tusk won, which coalition government he heads, and it is obvious that tusk's position is a position for the unity of the european union, in support of ukraine, therefore, of course, we depend on this political life in europe, but the germans
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on... the example will definitely show leadership from


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