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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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she worked for 26 years at the prykarpat-prom armatura enterprise in lviv. she lived in an industrial dormitory on techyna street. the building has been collapsing for years, so the apartments are in a state of disrepair. rainwater flows from the gutter into valentina's room. i put the basins and that's it. i'm afraid to come here, lest something fall on my head. see for yourself. tutvo, every day i absorb it, it pours, pours, pours. and it's good to wave your foot, i don't tell those hammers. with that foot the wall will simply collapse. 80-year-old olga soroka lives in the nearby entrance. the woman worked at the same factory half life mrs. olga's apartment is also flooded. the roof leaks, it rains and falls, the snow falls and falls, and no one wants to help. everything. that's the problem. i'm nothing, i'm not calling anyone, i'm just asking out of kindness that they take some measures. no matter how much i appeal, i have no hope, i have no time, the director has no money. and that's all. since 1995, this hostel
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in a residential area of ​​lviv has been owned by prykarpat-prom armatura. according to official data , 104 families live here. almost 20 years in an apartment building the building was not repaired, as a result of which holes were formed on the roof, and the parapet poured directly onto the pedestrian zone. we can't even collectively get together to repair our roof or install a pipe because we have. on paper, the owner, whose permission we must ask, and we have been waiting for this permission for years, he does not allow us to do this. in addition to the critical state of the building, the residents have huge debts for communal services, according to resident halyna vovchak, most tenants conscientiously pays for storage to the arma household-service subsidiary, but the money does not reach the providers, and joint debts only accumulate. when we asked to transfer us to each service separately. to
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have all our personal accounts, each one separately, we were refused this request, and we were billed, very large debts, we have a very large one for the dormitory as a whole for water, gas and electricity. on february 6, we are supposed to turn off the electricity, followed by the water and gas. officially the director of the limited liability company arma life-service and at the same time the commandant of the dormitory is nadiya bondar, but she refuses to comment. why is the house in such condition ? they say that you do not repair, you know, i have the owners of vad prykarpat prom armatura, please go to them and ask them why the house is in such a condition. in november 2023, the lviv city council filed a lawsuit against prykarpat-prom armatura. this week, another familiarization session was held in the commercial court, during which more than fifty residents of the dormitory held a peaceful rally. people demanded privatization. buildings
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on techyna street. we want to have our own home. we want to have our own home. lawyer volodymyr morusyak represents the residents of the building in court. fittings, they now either have to get the council to repair this building so the residents can live in it, or if they can't do it, they have to put it on the council's balance sheet. there is a law of ukraine that allows you to ensure housing rights of hostel residents. they actually violate this law. february 26. the commercial court of lviv must consider the case of the transfer of the dormitory to the ownership of the city, in this way the residents will have a chance to privatize their apartments, so we will follow the development of events. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try kre. dolgit cream dolgit
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urination both during the day and at night. feminost uro - urination under control. ask in pharmacies? there are 15% discounts on aquamaris in podorozhnyk pharmacies. chat: good evening, we are from ukraine. well, let's go back, and now oleksandr morchivka will talk about money, money during the war. oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening. good evening viewers. thank you vasyl for his word, in the next few minutes you will learn about certain powders in terms of international aid from the european union. discussions about electricity prices continue again. and about agricultural products, i will tell you everything in detail in a moment, wait. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. indeed, we are waiting for
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international help, primarily from the european union, and it is already known that eu leaders will agree to an annual debate on providing our state with financial support within the framework of four years. the package is about the sum already known by many, 50 billion euros, well , the debate will take place tomorrow , february 1, we will monitor it, the correspondent of espresso, tetyana vysotska, will also monitor it, she will join the big broadcast and you will be the first to know all the details . and the european commission proposes to abolish customs duties for goods from ukraine by the end of this year, at the same time it plans to include certain tariffs for agricultural products, which is demanded by several eu countries, the president of the european commission, ursula fonderline, said. we are talking about poultry meat, eggs and sugar, they are going to introduce a kind of mechanism of emergency regulation, so that they do not import
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more than what was according to the indicators of last year, and in general of previous years, that is, they did not exceed the export of agricultural products. in case of growth of certain indicators, they will start to act c... special additional tariffs, that is, you will have to pay extra. by the way, according to the institute of agro-agrarian economy, the share of exports of our agricultural products became the maximum in 2023, for all the years of independence, well, analysts calculated that last year we exported more than 22 billion dollars. let's listen to direct speech. so we're not just doing it in a vacuum or in a laboratory setting, we're doing it to support ukraine by supporting a key area, a dimension of its productive economy that can affect the military effort as well, and we we do it in well-balanced conditions that
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also solve the problems of the member states, mainly neighboring ukraine and other interested parties in agriculture . so, again, i think we can be ... proud to present such a balanced package. well, by the way , the head of our cabinet, denis shmyhal , positively assessed, well, this is a kind of compromise among european states, that indeed the mechanism will already be transparent and it will be possible to avoid the blocking of borders and the loss of those export revenues that ukraine small, especially during various promotions. on the ukrainian-polish border, and i'll just add from myself, here i'm just talking about the help of our partners, the head of the foreign policy direction of the european commission , josep borel, said that the eu countries will provide ukraine with military aid worth 21 billion, in two years from the beginning of the russian invasion
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of the european union and its member states together have already transferred 28 billion of military equipment to ukraine, so it is actually a large amount, we will wait, here we see a specific amount for military aid, but we will to wait for the amount from... the macrofin, that's from those 50 billion, which we may already hear tomorrow, which part will start to be transferred, here just to say, we talked about 20 zgaku billion that ukraine paid, which... for which ukrainians sold goods to the west, but ukrainians bought them, it is not about weapons, it is ukrainians for 37 billion dollars in the country, i.e. part of the money given to us by the european community, we keep exactly that, from our wallets, we return it to the budget the european union, well, that's the math, well, if talking about finances, it is interesting that the state budget of ukraine received 32 million hryvnias, the funds of persons subject to sanctions were confiscated by the state, the head of the derzhmaina fund vitaliy koval reported this. we
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are talking about our own money, collaborators such as crows, balances and finances from the enterprise of the russian oligarch deripaska. well, i think this is super news, specifically money, specifically to the treasury, from specific traitors. absolutely. let's go further. for the first time in history, ukraine is going through the heating season with its own gas. mining currently in the warehouses of ukraine, about 10 billion cubic meters of fuel accumulated underground. this was announced by the head of the government , denys shmyhal. he emphasized that naftogaz of ukraine and the state enterprise ukrgaz vydobuvannya increased production volumes by 11%. new wells were opened. also, ukraine is currently going through the winter with a balanced energy system. well, i'm always a little skeptical. i refer to the number that is constantly announced in the cabinet of ministers, they say that we
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have accumulated 10, 18, it must be understood that among this large number, in fact, at this time of winter figures of 10 billion cubic meters of gas, a certain share is the fuel of international companies stored in our underground storages, so the government still needs to demarcate how much of our own gas until the end of winter, how much our storages rent, and what is there ... 10, 20, then this does not say anything, dear officials, well, this is my opinion. currently , ukraine will not increase electricity prices - said oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. according to him, the market is currently financial crisis, the total debt is almost uah 100 billion per kilowatt. because of this, the industry does not have the opportunity to prepare for the next heating season. let's hear how an expert comments on the situation... sooner or later, we will only have to not raise tariffs, but
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switch to a normal market system, when people will work in the market in the same way as business now works, and when those who will need help from the state receive it, but not because of reduced tariffs for everyone, and through targeted help to those who really need it needs well, as you can see, vasyl , yesterday the government announced that by the end of winter ordinary consumers are ready, we will somehow get by with the current tariff, but in the long run this cannot be avoided, but the cabinet of ministers really needs to think, to understand which of the people, perhaps it is necessary to provide this state aid, a subsidy traditionally, who can pay, can really pay, well, plus, let 's not forget that this year in us, well , at least here in lviv, we did not hear the sounds of generators, electricity was not consumed, as, let's say, last year year, well, it's not winter yet it's over, only february starts tomorrow, but in any case, it's obvious. there are no such payments as there were last year, indeed, verification is important for subsidy recipients, because someone
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is now going abroad, someone is returning from low-income families to ukraine, well, no longer having their own housing, and will need state assistance somewhere in rented housing per kilowatt, quite a difficult job for the ministry of social policy, for the cabinet of ministers in general, for the pension fund, public administration is a difficult job, i think that people they just have to seriously deal with it and... what is currently not available in many areas, unfortunately, but 3,600 russian crimes against the environment of ukraine have been counted in minecology. this figure was announced by the relevant minister during the international forum: the total amount of damages already exceeds uah 2 trillion. we are talking about pollution of atmospheric air, land and water resources. such a first challenge at the moment is the demining of ukrainian territories. as of today, more than 172 thousand
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square kilometers of our homeland are mined. let's listen to the direct speech. today , 3,600 cases of damages, cases of crimes against the environment have already been recorded. the total amount of damages already exceeds uah 2.2. more. half of these losses are atmospheric air pollution, i.e. emissions into the atmospheric air, pollution of land resources, water resources, and so on, unfortunately.' every week the amount of damages increases, today it reaches 2.2 hryvnias, the calculations are made by the employees of the state environmental inspection directly, in accordance with the developed of special seven methods, this is a method for calculating losses on the nature reserve fund, on water bodies, on the black and
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azov seas, on emissions into the atmospheric air, the ministry of ecology collects all the consequences and losses that the country... and our environment during hostilities, actually, because we know there are no borders, and all these fires and everything that's going on right now, it's going to affect us in part because it 's co2 emissions, which the energy efficiency agency is specifically responsible for in the national reduction targets, we don't have to have a decrease because the production stopped, but we received large emissions as a result of military actions, well... here, if we add demining, then from time to time we meet, we meet these tragic stories, a tractor with a farmer blew up in the field, there is a certain farmer somewhere tried to somehow demine his allotment on his own, this is really such a wrong practice, that is why it is important now to also expand the program, which is already in effect
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, of demining agricultural lands, because spring is coming and you can sow, and in order to avoid... stories, and farmers had something to sow, where to sow directly already in the next this current year. well, i will finish the column about money during the war, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. we thank oleksandr morchivka, we continue, and now we are adding serhiy rudenko to the conversation, at 8 p.m. the verdict program starts, which will be discussed today. sergei, please tell me. good evening. good evening, vasyl. over the next two hours, starting at 8:00 p.m., we will discuss a number of issues, current issues and topics that are present in ukraine today. how to search replacement of zaluzhny, the world media are already starting to write about the fact that zelensky will inevitably
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send zaluzhny out of office, and what he will threaten. the replacement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces in the midst of the war, we will talk about all this in the next two hours, of course, our guests on the air will be people 's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko, military expert mykhailo samus and volunteer dana yarova, with them we will talk about zaluzhno and about how and in what way to obtain more weapons and more ammunition for the armed forces of ukraine, the european union is looking for... opportunities to support ukraine while american aid is on hold, and of course the scandals around the ministry of defense, around corruption schemes, which it seems everyone in ukraine already knows about, this is the case of the grenkevychs, as well as the case of the lviv arsenal, the billion-dollar schemes behind it , who
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is trying to cover up corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, and most importantly, who is trying to make money. on this, all this will be in the first block of our program, which will begin at 8 p.m., at 9:15 p.m. we will have political experts, ihor riterovych, viktor bobarenko and viktor shlinchak. let's talk about the strengthening of mobilization, the cabinet of ministers has already submitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine an updated law on mobilization, what is in this law, what will the country receive as a result , what will those who will be mobilized receive as a result of this, and... ratings of leaders, leaders, the ratings of the leaders of the trust of ukrainians, these are zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, these two main characters who have the most trust in ukraine, may part ways, and how will this affect the situation inside the state
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, first of all, we will talk about this with our by political experts at 9:15 p.m., so friends, we will have a big... evening with experts, six experts for two hours, wait, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have my word. thank you, serhiy, we are waiting for the verdykty program at 20:00, and now we will hear about events in the world of sports in the presentation of yevhen postakh. dayana yastremska started the wta500 hard tournament with a victory. in linz, austria. in the first round , the ukrainian beat neutral tennis player erika andreeva, number 111 in the world. yastremska won the first set 7-6, but lost in the second game. in the decisive set, diana prevailed 6:2, the rivals spent almost 2.5 hours on the court. in the second round of the competition , yastremska will play against croatian donna vekic.
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the meeting will take place on thursday. in linz , ukrainka performs thanks to wildcardo from the organizers. this is yastremska's first tournament after her debut appearance in the semi-finals of the australian open. vasyl lomachenko and george kambosos will clarify their relationship on may 12. fight. will take place in the australian's homeland in the city of perth. the match will determine the world champion from boxing in the lightweight category according to the ibf version. the title became vacant after previous belt holder devin gainey moved down to a different weight class. 35-year-old lomachenko, ex-world champion in three weight categories, fought his last fight in may last year. a native of bilhorod-dnistrovskyi lost to devin gainey in a match for the title of absolute world champion. the 2024 africa cup of nations continues to bring surprises. in the 1/8 finals , both finalists of the previous draw were eliminated from the tournament. current champion senegal in the series
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lost on penalties to hosts can koddiv, while egypt lost to the democratic republic of the congo, also on penalties. the moroccans, the fourth team of the last world cup , suffered a fiasco against spr 0:2. in other matches, nigeria beat cameroon 2 and angola defeated namibia 3:0. guinea beat equatorial guinea 1:0. the mali team defeated burkina-faso 2:1, and cape verde defeated britain 1:0. the two quarter-final matches will take place on friday, february 2. nigeria angola and the democratic republic of the congo, guinea. two more games are scheduled for saturday. mali codivoir and cape verde par. yes, thank you very much, yevhen pastikhov, and i have information for you. at the beginning of the issue, i said that there were loud explosions on the territory of the crimean peninsula occupied by russia, but we have a little more information on this
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matter, we received it from the commander of the air force, lieutenant general mykola olyschuk. he thanked everyone who participated in the strikes on the belbek airfield, a military airfield not far from sevastopol in occupied crimea. earlier , the occupiers reported the rocket attack. i will quote the words lieutenant general mykola olyschuk. did you know that the 204th sevastopol tactical aviation brigade is part of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, its regular base is belbek airfield, ukrainian aviators will definitely return home to their native airfield, for now i thank everyone who participated in the cleansing of crimea from russian presence, he also published a video with a missile hitting a ground target and an explosion, well, actually, there were double explosions and a lot of smoke, the russians wrote that this was their standard camouflage, not smoke, well, but we understand that all the standard camouflage, and smoke, and retreat to pre-agreed positions, this is basically nothing
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more than a hit, or you can also shoot down a missile with an airplane, this also happens, with an airplane, an oil depot, the russians very often shoot down ukrainian rockets, this is about the explosions in crimea, we will wait for more information, because there were explosions and feodosia, in patoria, well, there is also a summer camp there, so you understand, in guardia, so we will wait. i think that in time we will learn more, but now about what the weather is like in ukraine, er, what is the weather like in ukraine natalka didenko will tell us tomorrow, let's listen and watch. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, we are talking to you about the weather forecast for the next day, this is a special forecast, because we thank january. and together with you we meet the young february , the final month of winter, but returning to yesterday's topic of our conversation, our
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meeting, we are now talking about the ethnographic groups of ukrainians, and today we will remember the glorious lemki, a little statistics, a little famous and maybe not so famous, at least not to everyone known facts, so the lemki are an ethnographic group of ukrainians originating from lemkivshchyna, which is located in the carpathian beskids on the territory of modern ukraine, poland and slovakia. the cultural peculiarity of the lemki is manifested , of course, in the language, in the dialects, about which there is a lot of talk and debate, in the architecture of incredible churches, clothes and folklore. sad pages, lemki was resettled in 1944-46, about 95 thousand people from poland to the territory of the then ssr, 30-40 thousand during the operation. oars in the 47th year , more than 17,000 lemkos were resettled to the north-western lands of poland, and from slovakia to transcarpathia and volyn, well,
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this is a difficult, partly tragic fate. e festivals, incredible festivals take place in lemki, for example, i was once at such a festival in the village of zdynia in poland, fantastic things happen there, beautiful, and for me it is a huge discovery and such a pleasant fact, it is interesting that in the village of lyutynsky budyscha in the poltava region , who would have thought, happen, happens every year, well, at least there was a festival of the lemki culture of the colors of the lemki region, and at the end of this information about the lemki people... we will remember the famous world-famous lemki people: bohdan ihor antonych, poet, prose writer, translator, literary critic, famous ukrainian composer and conductor, also from lemki, dmytro bortnianskyi, nekefor drovniak, an artist, naive art, andy warkhov, a world- famous pop art artist, they are all from lemki, from ukrainians. well, now we move to the upper layers of the atmosphere, let's see if tomorrow will be magnetic
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activity, tomorrow. now a fairly calm situation will be observed, so we will not linger here, but gradually move on to the actual weather forecast for february 1, i will take a short break, because here i absolutely really want to clarify what the weather will be on february 1, this is tarasyk, they are so far it is very difficult to hold back, his aunt is not far from him, his sister is there, well, let's start: on february 1, in the western part of ukraine, an atmospheric front will cause rains and wet snow in some places, the air temperature at night will be somewhere... around zero, during the day it will rise to a comfortable 3-7° of heat. cloudiness will also increase in the north of ukraine tomorrow, the weather will be wet, but heavy wet snow is likely already in the evening, because during the day the air temperature will still be +2 +5°, so it will be quite warm. in the eastern part of ukraine, in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast, the weather is still anti-cyclonic, so we are talking about a dry air mass as well.
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quite high air temperature, +2 +4°. in the central part of ukraine, it will mostly not rain tomorrow, except that in vinnytsia there is a possibility of a little wet snow as well tonight. dry weather is expected tomorrow in the southern part of ukraine, +3 +7 +3 +8°. and in kyiv, in the capital, a little wet snow is expected tomorrow until the evening. the air temperature during the day is +3-+5°. and i want to say at the end that strong wind is possible in the west and north of ukraine tomorrow. be attentive and careful, and of course, always follow our predictions on the espresso channel. well, thank you very much to mrs. natalsya didenko for the information about the weather. i have already said that we will wait for more complete information about the results of the attack
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ukrainian. missiles, as far as i understand, on bases and other objects on the territory of crimea occupied by russia, so far mr. olashchuk, the commander of the anti-aircraft defense forces, stated that certain targets were hit at the belbek military airfield, not far from sevastopol, but regarding this brigade , if i'm not mistaken, the 204th, which he said, which is actually based in the 204th sevastopol tactical aviation brigade, which is based in belbek, do you remember this story when the ukrainian military marched and sang the national anthem. it was exactly in in the 14th year, when the enemy occupied crimea, there was an aggression, an invasion by the russians, and then the russians pointed these machine guns, and unarmed ukrainian pilots, military men went and sang the national anthem of ukraine, not being afraid of these machine guns, even then, i think, the russians understood to a certain extent what the spirit of the ukrainian military, the spirit of ukrainian pilots, the ukrainian military is, well, actually , we will probably put dots on this, but i will also say that information has also arrived that sane
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minds in... the united states of america clearly say that leave ukraine without aid from the united states is actually helping putin win. the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america said that the inaction of the congress will give victory to putin. well, there aren't, you know, any such conditional constructions, but if there weren't, well, it's all clear. we need help, ukraine cannot do without it. but we believe together, we move forward. thank you for being with us, it was velikiy ter, then the verdict by serhiy rudenko, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this program is a verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko, congratulations everyone and i wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program.


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