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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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and there are a lot of such, well, supposedly small details. it is clear that when a critical mass of such misunderstandings accumulates, a big explosion occurs on the emotional level. actually, i think that everyone in the president's office is already ready for this explosion, and that's why the anonymous telegram channels that copy the office... the president absolutely, well, so calmly reported that, they say, volodymyr oleksandrovich has already fired zaluzhnya, that's why here really not about any logical, cause-and-effect relationships, here primarily about emotional and interpersonal ones, apparently relations that have not worked out lately. i have another question. this is the question
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that i always asked when some representatives of the president's office, and not only the president's office, told me that in the summer we would be in crimea, for example, i said, and if we are not, what will we do then, the president's office and certain special services will be there , which they will then sell, sell, of course in quotation marks, to ukrainian society. how will they explain it, were there any grounds for such a claim? and now we will have exactly the same situation, because if the commander-in-chief changes, or, rather, when the commander-in-chief changes, i can also support the version of our western journalists that... the issue with the change will still
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arise and it will end anyway with the resignation of zuluzhny sooner or later , it is true that president zelensky has full authority to do this, but at the same time, what if the situation at the front does not improve after the change of the head of state, that is, the situation at the front. the situation in the army, the situation with mobilization, which then how will the president's office explain why it did not happen. well, accordingly, a person who comes to the place of a hard worker will again feel very dependent on the political decisions that will be dictated to him, otherwise he will fall into disfavor just like the hard worker, and so... you
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they said very truthfully here what to expect there, but you have to understand that when people there start to be led to think that there is no need to create an alternative to zelensky, they say that zaluzhnyi is aiming for some kind of, well there na na na the presidency is next whether or not. some other such things, then i have a very simple question: have we already won? do we already know when the presidential election will be? do we know what positions zaluzhnyi, zelenskyi and other active persons who we currently have in politics will take in these presidential elections? i have a very clear answer until the war is won, or at least the situation with... the war is clear, until we
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have conditions for the re-election of the supreme commander, the president, until there are conditions for elections, until then what kind of elections should we think about, here, first of all , we should think about what to do with the war, what to do in situations when we really have a lack of funds, a lack of weapons and a lack of manpower on the front line, absolutely. about the question of life and death and the question of how we can win this war, in fact, and not lose ukraine, and independence, and territories, then, actually, even after that we have to take and think about who will be there .
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a candidate and in what year a candidate for the presidency or to be the head of a political party, but here are some of the arguments that were heard during the last few days, in... discussions, whether in absentia or face-to-face discussions of zaluzhny and zelenskyi, they say, there was a question about mobilization. on february 6 , the verkhovna rada of ukraine is supposed to start consideration of the draft law on mobilization, the updated draft law, the government has prepared, submitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and let's see what is actually in this draft law so that our viewers understand why they could discuss there. zelensky and zaluzhny, and not only because of this, but because of what awaits millions of people who fall under the mobilization, over the next few years, in order to understand what system they are trying to build in ukraine now to make this
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mobilization work. so, the main innovations of the government bill on mobilization are very brief. first, the draft age and terms of service are expected to change . between the ages of 27 and 25 and discharged after 36 months of continuous service during martial law. the second is the conscript's electronic account. it is proposed to oblige conscripts to register the conscript's electronic account, where tyc will be able to send electronic summonses. third, mandatory verification of credentials within 60 days after the entry into force of the law, conscripts must undergo a verification of credentials, what can be done or. through the electronic cabinet, fourth: punishment for evaders: in case of non-appearance at the tcc , a temporary restriction on the right to drive vehicles, seizure of funds in bank accounts and electronic money in electronic wallets is provided. the fifth additional powers of the police: the police
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get the right to check military records documents, to detain conscripts and deliver them to the central committee, well, there are many more points, we just chose these five most important points from... it is clear that in this situation zelensky is saying: the military has prepared such a bill for me, or the government has prepared, and zelenskyy can at any moment sign this law, or not sign it, as was the case with the law, where, among other things, the mobilization age was reduced from 27 to 25 years old, but this law was not signed somewhere , and not returned, and without a veto and it is not at all clear that i am addressing him, mr. viktor to... i have a question, if you will allow me, about this draft law right away, look, if president zelensky wants to take full responsibility upon himself by dismissing the head there, why doesn't he
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introduce this draft law himself, why don't we hear what the president actually wants, that is, now the verkhovna rada will start to break first. there are stipulations and something to make some amendments, and then you correctly told sergius that later it will turn out that some of these novellas that will be introduced, they will not coincide with the way the supreme sees this situation commander-in-chief, accordingly, the law can be enshrined, so why fence such a garden, if you can actually introduce a bill on... the president is there, he has the possibility of a legislative initiative, thank you, mr. viktor, i turn to another, mr. viktor, you, why do you think zelenskyy constantly distances himself from the mobilization of the law on mobilization, because it is a direct
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presidential duty and the duty of the supreme commander to announce mobilization or submit a mobilization plan or... that we will continue mobilization, it was eight times, if i am not mistaken, during the last two years of the great war, that is , a draft law was submitted, mobilization continues, there are no questions, and when we got to this great conceptual law, it turns out that there are some military personnel who are preparing, and zelensky for some reason does not associate himself with this vertical, although he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, the law is not... quite popular in the electoral group of zelenskyi supporters, because zelenskyi supporters, again, we will not generalize, not all, but a significant part, and they see it through focus groups very simply, yes, er, they understand that there is a target
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audience, well, an electoral audience, who would like to fight with the remote control to the edge, and there, like, and hooray, shout on the couch and... them some norms of the law do not apply, first of all the reduction of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, that is why, seeing this, zelenskyi... wants to distance himself, i am not me, and the house is not mine, so that the associative series of mobilization is associated with zaluzhnyi, not zelenskyi, and that is why, that is not why the president is introducing this bill, yes, it is being introduced by the government, but all the time they will emphasize that it is military, that it is malicious and that zelenskyi's conflict is malicious precisely because of the law of trials. in fact, no, we already said before that in fact, in fact, jealousy, yes, and this
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is just a cool excuse, here is the opportunity to smear zelensky again, to say, for example, i don’t want to, there is no need to call up 500,000 people, although, how are they going to win , it is not known how they prescribe the norm of 36 months in the same law, which means already on february 24... on the 25th year, a significant part can military personnel to demobilize, who will come to replace them, and the replacement is prepared , and we need to prepare for 3 months, and what will we do if putin holds his, well , so-called elections on march 17, and announces an additional mobilization, another 500-600 will be brought in, and what we will do, how we will respond, what our response will be to chamberlain, is unclear, and therefore... zelensky would like us to take a machine gun, which can be used
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to shoot from around the corner, as in a game of backyards, yes, and they said fuck-fuck-fuck, you're all killed, yes, that's not how they fight, uh, and politicians who don't exist at all specialists in war, they cannot impose their will on the military, but must listen to them, even for what stalin was already a usurper there, and he tolerated it, even though he did not like... his generals, well, then marshals , yes, by the way , zelenskyi should do the same, take an example from stalin, from hitler, who really, really disliked their generals, but still had to endure it, and don’t just love him like that, don’t rule him as much as possible, bring shells, cartridges, sign laws, create a regulatory framework, everything is fine, and i don't even invite a scumbag a table to yourself, that's all. thank you, mr. igor. what is the problem with the mobilization now, and
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was this law special or was it simply necessary to follow the norms that existed in ukraine? because yesterday i spoke on the air with serhiy kryvonos, he said: there will be no problems at all in carrying out this mobilization further, there is a whole regulatory framework, everything is defined, who should behave how, who should do what, of course... this whole system that existed since the soviet union and has been modernized a little, probably needs improvement and or sorting, it needs to be assembled in a new way, but in the conditions in which we are now, in the conditions of war, in principle, this system could continue to work, but why is there such a fuss about it now? well, look, the hype arose for one simple reason, and this reason is purely informational at first. society has been swayed for more than a year to the point that there is no need for any additional
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mobilization, we have the whole situation under control, and in general, we will be drinking coffee in yalta soon. and i will note that, by the way, politicians, that is, people who have, talked about it relation to political activity. i am from the military, well, maybe, except for mr. budanov, and then mr. budanov should be noted, well, he apologized, you, let's say, and made corrections to your statements, but from other military personnel. i have not heard such forecasts, they were very careful with all forecasts and did not comment or forecast anything, but politicians did this, and then, well, society, you know, how they hit us on the head with an ax, they said that it turns out that we need a lot of people , we have a problem with people, boys and girls who at the front, they are tired, they must be replaced , the number of troops must be increased, because russia does not stop and pre, respectively, further, and society perceived this as, on the one hand, a certain deception. on the other hand, injustice, because there are still certain doubts, and by the way, in part, this law, even in
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the format in which it was submitted to the verkhovna rada for the second time, does not solve the problem of this particular justice by and large, although it tries to do it at some points, but it is quite strange way, and the second point, by the way, i mentioned at the beginning that today, apparently, the office of the president launched a certain anti-crisis, trying to present a thesis about dismissal for nothing. as a matter of course, realizing that there is no problem here, they blamed him for the failed work of the territorial assembly centers, that is , they say that he did not put things in order there, that is , it is his say... there is a problem, his area of ​​responsibility, well, there is a bit of manipulation here, because they are generally under the control of the command of the ground forces of ukraine, which in turn is subordinate to the general staff, but there is still a specific other person who is responsible for it, and there is a second point, the same zaluzhnyk said that, as i understand it , mr. kryvonosa confirms to a certain extent that the system did work , but
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when the mass dismissals of these heads of the central committee began, some of which were absolute. reasoned, substantiated and connected there with some corrupt actions, there is no point in arguing with it, it collapsed the entire system in general, because no one wanted to replace them, people from the front, they do not want to risk their image, their reputation, to go to this position, where they are a priori guilty, where the presumption of guilt, not the presumption of innocence, and this system, well, it was overturned for political reasons, i remember the address of the president , that we are firing everyone, cleaning up and so on, so it was necessary to simply... well, let's say this law, to modernize, to introduce certain actions, starting at least from the middle of the 22nd, at the most from the end of the 22nd , the beginning of the 23rd year, and not to do it at the end of the 23rd, on the beginning of the 24th, well, and one more key point, the law and by and large really doesn't change much, it just tries
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as much as possible, well everyone, to notice who is where and who is doing what, let's say. so that the society clearly knows who is fighting , who is working, and the accounting, it was put, let's say, on a new stream and with the help of those tools that are prescribed in this law, but will these tools work and do they not violate including current legislation, this is a question that will be analyzed by the top natural constituents feminost uro helps to regain control of urination both day and night, feminost oro, urination under control, ask pharmacies why i am here... i have sensitive teeth, eat ice cream - pain, cold air - pain, sweet, pain. the dentist prescribed lacal sensitive, which effectively reduces tooth sensitivity. if i had known lacalot sensitive earlier, i would not have had to come here at all. lacalot sensitive - reliable protection against pain. there are 20% discounts on bronchipred in pharmacies plantain
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i'll lift whatever you want with cream. doolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with a 15% discount. dolgitka in pharmacies ants pharmacy, kopiyka pharmacy and shar pharmacy. this is the verdict program. we continue our broadcast. i am serhiy rudenko. three politicians are visiting us experts, ihor ryterovych, viktor shlinchak and viktor boberenko. during our broadcast, we conduct surveys. we are asking you, friends, about whether it is necessary to block the accounts of petitioners and deprive them of the right to drive a car. if you are on youtube. everything is quite simple, yes, if you are in front of the tv, you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote 0.800-211-381, if you support this initiative, if you do not support 0800-211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free of charge, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote,
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gentlemen, before the break, we mentioned the verkhovna rada, which will adopt this law on mobilization, and... we mentioned davyd arahamia, the leader of the servants of the people parliamentary faction. arahamiya says that in general they are almost on the verge of survival there in the parliament, because everyone is fleeing, he says: 17 deputies are ready to put down the mandate, and it will be a parliamentary crisis. of course, there won't be any parliamentary crisis, probably david arakhamia has not observed parliamentary crises in ukraine before. over the last 25 or 30 years, so 17 for him deputies - this is a parliamentary crisis, what about the parliament now, do they hold this parliament and their majority or not? will they still have to look for a new coalition, and this monomajority will be forced to share powers with someone, i am now even afraid to name the political force that will
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support them in this situation, or will they still work in such a manual mode as earlier, and in principle to make the decisions that are expected of them, mr. viktor shlinchak, please, well, let's start with the fact that the parliament is actually excluded... from the agenda from the possibility of making any political, economic, structural and military decisions as well, now it looks like the parliament is the right hand of the president's office, this has been happening for more than one year, all this is clear when he speaks. .. that 17 he has a statement that deputies from his faction only want to leave, well , i know at least up to three dozen
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deputies from other political forces and non-factions, who would also like to leave this ship, because they they do not see the point of staying in such conditions where it does not exist of political discussion, i.e. in our country... the parliament has just not become a place for political discussion, and taking into account the fact that it is in such a closed informational plane, that is , there is no longer a broadcast, journalists are not allowed into the parliament, this is a structure simply for the sanctification of certain political decisions, so far david arahamia manages to gather... some kind of majority in order to vote certain initiatives, but it very often happens that the meeting of the verkhovna rada
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ends very quickly, because there are simply not enough votes, if in the servant of the people, there are more than 230 deputies, who actually make up this monomajority, then 160 to 170 deputies come to the meeting of the council. some are still on business trips, some are sick, some simply do not go to work, that is, here the issue with the parliament is so philosophical, what to do with it, that very often, after all, the parliament played a really historical and defining role in the history of ukraine, because we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, we really want it sooner or later. returned to this model, also taking into account the phenomenon that we will have after the month of may, when i will actually reach
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the end of the term of office of the president, and the parliament will still remain legitimate. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, well, look, i agree with the fact that now the parliament is in such a very elevated state, and after the month of march, in the month of may... well, there may be certain questions regarding the return to the real parliamentary presidential republic, i am not talking about the scenario where power is transferred to the speaker and so on, no, it is not about that, but about the fact that, nevertheless, from a formal point of view and from a real point of view, a slightly different reality may arise, and this reality will no longer be the same as it was modeled by the office of the president, and this is exactly what arrahamia was talking about, i think, because he does not care so much about 17 people. who will go and they will not gather the necessary number of votes, how much the formal existence of the so-called monomajority, because if it disappears, yes, they will have to form some new coalition,
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but it is far from the fact that this coalition, it will under the control of the president's office, and now they are working very actively on it, the tools, well, the whip, which were used there before, they do not act in principle the way the representatives of the authorities would like, not the legislation. authorities, and they do not act precisely because the key such tool is law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption agencies, but very often this leads to the fact that deputies there are deprived of their mandate, and accordingly they lose this bayonet that is in verkhovna rada. therefore, i do not rule out that now there will be a certain attempt to collect, well, to start acting again with the mechanisms of these gingerbread, which were very common until february 24, 2022, then they were abandoned, and by the way, this affected the motivation of many deputies. well, the test will be the vote for the law on mobilization, because if he, well, although he must somehow enter the society, and society at least somehow perceives him, he
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must gain more. 300 votes, if it will be much less, there relatively speaking, the servant of the people, plus their satellites from several groups and of the former opzh, well, the citizens will react accordingly and demonstrate their attitude towards the verkhovna rada. thank you, thank you, mr. igor, mr. viktor, do you think that the law on mobilization will be just the test, a test drive for the servant of the people. of course, and for. the point is, motivational envelopes will, of course, allocate them to those who need them, and in this way, if they would avoid a parliamentary crisis, er, they will continue to use this method of motivational envelopes, and in the future, but not every month, as before, but once . again i agree with my colleagues that our verkhovna rada is an element of facade democracy, or office democracy, if
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you like. in ukraine, but i wouldn't believe arachami very much, i believe arachami even less than nikiferov, who reassured me yesterday or the day before yesterday that zelenskyi didn't want anything there, and this is all hostile ipso, but as for the release, don't believe it, arachami , well , it is easy to replace those on the list, but the majoritarians, they understand that most of them are serving the last term, they came as nobody, but became wealthy. people and they will use the opportunity to be able to influence things in their districts, including somewhere to stick something from subventions to themselves, and we know, well, at least i know such examples in my region, so they will use their status to, let's say , ensure their resources there so that their grandchildren will have enough so don't worry about
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it, thank you mr. viktor. gentlemen, i thank you for participating in the program, viktor shlinchak, igor ryterovych and viktor boberenko were guests of our program today, you were wonderful as always and your comments were appropriate regarding the current political situation in ukraine. friends, i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether it is necessary to block the accounts of evaders and deprive them of the right to own and drive a car. so, on tv 60. 55% yes and 45% no on youtube channel on youtube channel 41 yes and respectively 59% no, well , the ratio is roughly the same, these are the results of our survey today, we will put an end to it, you those who watch us on social
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networks and youtube still have the opportunity to like us. this video in order for this beautiful broadcast to be promoted in youtube and facebook trends, i 'm telling you, goodbye, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you tomorrow at 20:00, be healthy, there are discounts. on anticataral 20% in travel pharmacies, pam and oskad. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances dolgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to the usual affairs without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. anti-neuralgia capsules - help for your nervous system. new york of the 19th century is growth.


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