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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. exclusively in on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. portnikov and guests of the project: we
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are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's figure it out, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. footage can shock you, news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and without bias, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from
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ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espressuyu tv channel for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues are with you. loud explosions in crimea. putin wants a demilitarized zone, help for ukraine, will we get the promised billions from the european union? well , once again, let's discuss other important and relevant questions that matter today. well, let's start with the announcement about the collection and we ask you to join. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are calling to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st brigade. they perform tasks in the orihiv direction. this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to buy walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important things at the front. every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed. not one collection
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also this time we ask you to support our military and do it for our common victory, our goal is 1 million hryvnias. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, glory, well , be sure to join, we will definitely support our army, we have already collected a lot of money, in fact, i recently even asked how much the espresso tv channel, well, how much our viewers, readers, listeners collected, but thanks to our broadcasts, that is enough significant amounts, these are drones, these are cars. these are big drones, these are turrets, these are thermal imagers , my god, what have we just collected, all of this is useful, all of this is necessary, all of this saves the lives of our military and shortens the lives of the invaders who came to our land, i before we
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wait for conversation with our first guest, i will announce a little about what we will talk about today, in fact, it is a very important topic, it is the international aid of the european union, actually we are waiting for a decision on... the allocation of 50 billion euros in ukraine, they will not be given to us all at once , as they say, no with one payment and not one transfer to such our all-ukrainian payment card, of course it will be within 5 years, if i am not mistaken, but this money is very important in fact, well , a decision must be made, which is important, today there was also a meeting of the international criminal court of the organization of the united nations in the gas, it concerned the case against... the russian federation, well, terrorists at the direction, financing and provision of weapons by russia, and between the boeing mh17 plane, which was flying, let me remind you, from amsterdam
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in kuala lumpur, it happened at the very beginning of the war, and all this time this case was being prepared, studied and considered. in the international criminal court in gaza, it is in holland, today this meeting took place, it started at 3 p.m., as far as i understand, kyiv time, and we are waiting for the results, the most important thing is that russia will be sentenced by this court, or by a decision, a decision of the international criminal court un in gaza can be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism, this is very important because russia tried to shift the responsibility for this, first to ukraine. we all remember how it started, it was august, if my memory serves me correctly, the 14th year, we all remember very well how first in the russian mass media they began to sing songs of joy about the fact that that as
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they called them there, the militia, well actually the people 's republic of donetsk, a truly terrorist group of the dpr, managed to shoot down a ukrainian military transport plane from... at first it was about a ukrainian military transport plane, when later it became clear that it was not ukrainian and not military transport plane, that this is a completely different target, that this is an international, international, foreign plane, and that almost 300 people died in this and that plane wreck, then of course russia started saying that it was ukraine, remember, oleksandr zakharchenko was killed, who then headed this so-called dpr, came out and told. that even now i remember this video, how he came out and said: i went out to the porch from the house, i looked up, i see a ukrainian plane flying, such a trident, i can clearly see it on the wings and on the tail of the plane, fired a rocket and knocked this one down imagine the height of the corridor
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along which the mh17 plane flew, it is in the area of ​​10 there 11 km, well, of course zakharchenko saw all this, and then russia tried for a very long time to convince the world otherwise... by methods that it was not her, but it is important if it is proven and decided in this verdict that it was russia that transported the buk m1 installation to ukraine, by the way, exactly the buk m1 installation, there are classifications from which the missile that actually shot down the boeing 777 was fired, such missiles and such installations in service with the ukrainian army of the 14th model simply not. was, did not exist, well, like, let’s say, we don’t have s-400 systems, or we don’t have s500 systems, or we don’t have any other systems, there are no su-35 aircraft, for example, well, that is , a lot of what is in russia, and we don’t have such a device in russia, and we didn’t have such a device, you remember, then there was a video, when the movement of this, this car, which
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was carrying the b1 device, was being monitored, all this was investigated, then you remember when petro poroshenko was still president, when they drove to... these evidences, well, this is very important, and we will wait for this decision, it is very important, proof of one time, do you remember this one, well, i will tell this story a little later, but there was another leader like... who was shot with a golden gun somewhere in kanawha, he also once shot down, well, actually led to the explosion of a plane over lockerbie , and after some time it cost him his life and power in the libyan people's jamahari. nataliya kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, good evening, congratulations, i am glad to see and hear, well, let's start talking, talk about, first of all i will ask about the security situation, because the bilopol community, in fact, the enemy is constantly inflicting one way or another... blows, plus there are other threats from the enemy, the aggressor of the russian
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federation, how was the day today, please? well, today is the day in any case in the city of bilopilli itself and we did not hear any explosions there, but they echoed in the community, it is difficult to count, but last day we had more than 100 explosions in the community, today, well, so far we have not counted by ear, but it didn't fly around the city like that, let's say so, and the neighborhood certainly heard, so we live. such we constantly feel all this nearby, that we have such a neighbor and we hear explosions, well, about yesterday in the community, people are alive, that is, we did not hear , there is no such thing that people were injured, but there are certain destructions, of course, people's houses are destroyed, windows fly out , farm buildings, this is almost every day, and besides the fact that the enemy is firing from barrel artillery, or there even from mortars, because the distance is short, and the territory of bilopolska. communities and sumy region in general and other communities, the problem is not a problem, it is a real threat
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that poses a threat to people's lives, unfortunately, we already have more than a few facts that these subversive and intelligence groups killed citizens of ukraine, civilians, and just people who say they got into their hands, and these are scary stories, and now they have become more active, how serious is this threat and again still, can it be here? the only salvation for people is to evacuate from certain territories, from certain zones, so that they, well, so that , relatively speaking, these drugs do not reach them, because of course, the defense forces oppose them, but it is not always possible to detect them quickly, and they reach the house where the brother and sister were killed in the last one, they can faster than, say, they will be discovered, please, so the five-kilometer zone has long been declared a dangerous zone in our country, and along the entire perimeter of this five-kilometer zone . they offer to resettle and strongly recommend that people leave, because all the murders in the drg
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were exactly 5 km, 2 km, 5 km away, that is , it was in this zone that there were kidnappings, murders, and wounding of people in our community as well. two people were also killed in the neighboring khotyn community, this is precisely in this one in the five-kilometer zone, except for the drg, there is no electricity in many villages, it is very difficult to get there at all. and the ambulance and the ministry of emergency situations, if there are any fires or such extraordinary cases, so the first dangerous situation is less, and how can you come there less often and expose yourself to danger right near the border. evacuation measures are ongoing, people are being explained, people are being persuaded to evacuate, well, people do not always agree to this, but still a lot of people. leaves this zone, and this is the main security element, not not not to be where
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the greatest probability of falling under the derge, and the fact that we have them and the fact that they fall into our territory, we sometimes even hear when battles are going on at close distances, and this, well, this is our reality. yesterday, i read a story about the fact that it will take up to 100 years to completely demine kharkiv oblast, well, there, of course, depending on at what pace and by what means, but in any case it is... we are talking about tens of years, well all the same we also have kherson oblast, zaporizhia oblast, donetsk oblast, luhansk oblast, and there in chernihiv oblast, i think there are still those mines in the kyiv region, but sumyshchyna is also, obviously, an area that also has this problem, to what extent landmines, well, let's say, we will talk about your community, are today a real threat that a person can go somewhere on business or go to a neighboring village or run over a landmine or step on some landmine or speaking of... actually in the community, even in our small community, we also have
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the death of a person on a mine that went off and we have injuries to people on a mine, for all the others there are also such cases in communities, although there is also a warning, there are signs everywhere, carefully mined, people, well, it is clarified in any case and we talk about it at the sessions of the city council and write in the mass media that do not drive only on the roads, well, but human ones. the factor is the human factor, and unfortunately, people also fall into minefields, and there is danger, and this is again, the closer to the border, the more such dangerous places and ... well, if they are somehow on our side , then this is also, also a certain precaution against the fact that our border will somehow be protected from the passage of drg, from the attack of the enemy, but unfortunately , again, people do not have much trust and often break these rules, for which they actually sometimes pay with their own lives.
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thank you very much, ms. natalya, for your comments, thank you for joining, natalya kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, well, i only have news from sumy today. that the deputies of the sumy city council voted for the dismissal of the mayor, who is suspected of bribery, actually the mayor of lysenko. well, now let's talk about international, international political topics and domestic ukrainian political topics. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine , is in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. well, let's probably start with the topic that is being decided today, that is, international aid, the aid of the european union for ukraine. there are certain statements of the european commission, there are decisions. about whether to re-vote for everyone every year or how to do it, but in any case we are waiting for the result, we are waiting for the help that should come now, what are the threats here again, or the question itself resolved and we will be able to count on this help, again i wonder what this money will be used for, mainly for some social issues or not, well , we can definitely say that europe and
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even the united states of america, despite the difficult financial situation, will not leave ukraine and will continue to support us, we we see that the european union is ready to limit and sanction the provision of funds to the government of viktor orbán for non-compliance with certain norms of the european union, this is not directly related to ukraine, but in fact it is a way of influencing orbán, who may be deprived of the right to vote, we see the position of orban himself, who says that he has already agreed to the allocation of 50 billion, the only thing he requires is that... it be approved every year, he is convinced that in one way or another the european union will make a positive decision and support ukraine, especially this is important for the european union, given the processes that are taking place in the united states of america, and many in the european union are wary of the victory of donald trump, who proclaims isolationist slogans, both regarding
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the eu and nato, at the same time, responsible european politicians want to... use this, show leadership to make the european union even stronger, on the contrary. germany, for example, takes such a position, and in the field of defense as well, so they will do everything to ensure that support for ukraine grows, especially since right now everyone is talking about the danger that russia poses to the countries of the european union . in view of this, i think that everything will be fine and we will receive support. well, you said very correct words about the fact that europe shows leadership, well at least some. europe, the european union are showing leadership, perhaps not all of them can be said that way, but by the way, this does not depend on the size and budget of the countries, because leadership is shown, let's say its territorially small or budget-wise not so powerful lithuania, relatively speaking, or estonia, and as well as the richest country of the european union, the federal republic of germany, and here there is a perspective, as far as i understand, because you know
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how ukraine, for a long time, everyone thought that our issues would be solved for us, until it started war, and ukraine was forced to take the lead and start this... battle against against this global evil of putin, perhaps this very situation will improve the situation in europe, first of all in terms of security, and secondly, it mobilizes, mobilizes society, is mobilizing politics, or are there already signs that european leaders are really mobilizing and becoming firmer in their decisions, well , there are different currents in europe, you see that in many countries far-right political forces are winning, or they are not winning, but their rating is increasing , such as in germany or in the netherlands. at the same time, or in slovakia , where fico won and created his government, at the same time, in poland, for example, donald tusk won, which government, the coalition he heads, and it is obvious that tusk's position is a position for unity of the european union, in support of ukraine, so, of course, we depend on this political life in europe, but the germans,
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for example, will definitely demonstrate leadership and take care of security, which they are already doing. in addition, there is a country that is not in the european union, but which has signed we have a security agreement with poland, this is great britain, although it is located in europe and affects european processes, so i think that these scales will sway, here a lot depends on us, because we have to demonstrate, in first of all, our willingness to talk about our interests, it will not be so easy for us to integrate into the european union, for example, with our powerful and strong agricultural sector even during war. and we see that someone is already against it. we will definitely need to think about ours integration into nato and european security structures and also to bring the structure of our army, which is strong, experienced now... one of the strongest in europe, but still to the system of nato management standards , and this is not yet has been done, and it will need to be done, the same applies
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to the fulfillment of the copenhagen criteria, in particular freedom of speech, the rule of law, the fight against corruption, we also have a lot of work to do here, but the fact that europe understood the importance of ukraine for itself, understood the importance of the victory over putin, including , of course, thanks to the heroism of the armed forces of ukraine, it is very important for us and obviously opens new perspectives for us. there is already a word here, since we were talking about international aid from the european union, by the way, today we will have the inclusion of our correspondent from brussels, so we are, and tomorrow it will be, that's all, i already mixed it up, it will be tomorrow, but i still i will move on to support from the united states of america, the situation there is not easy, clearly, such statements are made active politicians in the united states of america who insist that help is needed, including william burns, the head of the cia, said that if without help, if there is no help, it will be the biggest... own goal in history the united states, if ukraine does not receive aid , but today the visit of the deputy secretary of state of the united states of america
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, victoria nulan, to kyiv took place . she came, but definitely it is good that she came, because this is what the united states of america, the biden administration, pays attention to the development of our relations and support for ukraine, it is of course very important for us, and therefore every such visit is a plus for us, the more there will be , the better, as well as our visits, our leaders to the united states of america should certainly be more, because no matter what happens in the united states of america, it remains one of our main allies, now the european union is trying to increase its role in helping ukraine, but america will not disappear anywhere and will continue to be our ally, no matter who actually wins the elections there. so, in the recent history of ukraine , it turned out that key decisions, well, most of the key decisions were made by the parliament itself, and the position of the parliament, its stability, its mobilization,
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saved ukraine more than once. the 14th year, when virtually decapitated ukraine survived thanks to the parliament, was chosen by acting duties of the president, well, the parliament actually played a key role. and that is why ukrainians are probably a little worried by the statements of, say, david raham, who says that many deputies from the servant of the people want to draw up mandates, which can lead to unpredictable processes, and this can be said to be a parliamentary crisis, or is it just words, for which there is nothing, well , politicians can sometimes say something with a certain purpose, it is not necessary that 100 deputies want to run away and give their mandates, how effective and efficient is ukrainian today parliament. in this difficult time, are there threats that it may not be so effective, please, well, we have a crisis of governance in the country, an attempt by the current government, which won
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the majority, to effectively reduce the role of the parliament to zero, it is obvious, and we we see that deputies are not allowed to engage in diplomacy, parliamentary diplomacy, and this , by the way, is a very interesting topic, because in the project of the polish national security strategy separately. it is written that the role of members of parliament, the role of parliamentary diplomacy in order to spreading the right narratives among the politicians of other countries, defending the interests of one's country is extremely important, and everywhere deputies are such a key unit of those who represent the country, including abroad, in our country they do the opposite, they say that deputies can do something harm, because they say they can quarrel with the current government, although abroad everyone is trying to speak with one voice, and now we are not... the election period, the main thing is to win the war, so the current government, she, she does not understand and does not realizes role of the parliament and tries to nullify it, despite the fact that it is the parliament that adopts
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the budget, it is the parliament that allocates every penny received by every ukrainian soldier, officer, as well as every ukrainian teacher, if there is no parliament, then there will be no money, because the parliament is the basis of democracy in every european country, we remain a parliamentary-presidential republic, and the role of the parliament, the parliament is the power of the country, if there is no power, then the country does not exist, what the monomajority won, where such a large number of irresponsible people who are ready to give up, leave power or run away and do not take responsibility at the most important and difficult time in the history of ukraine, this is obviously a shame, and for this there will be political responsibility to those political forces, to that political force which, which created this mana majority, despite the fact that i think that when david arahamiya says that this must be opposed, here i am in solidarity with him, because definitely. but if we are not a country of the european union or the united states of america, but we are democratic, there will be no help from any democratic country, only if we have a strong parliament, as in every
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democratic country, that's why... people came there who are constantly accused, sometimes of some things, then of others criminals, who want to run away, leave their jobs, this is very bad, and partly it is the irresponsibility of ukrainian society, which voted for such people, these are related things, and i believe that this war will make our society stronger, our politicians, and we will be no more as a people to make such mistakes in order to choose such people, well, we still have a little time, but i would like to talk about two such important bills, the director of the institute of demography, banov. said that there will be no more 40 million ukrainians, or they will not be ukrainians, well, in the near future, i mean, and here, of course , the question of multiple citizenship is becoming relevant, because many people will be able to take ukrainian citizenship, well, let's say , come to ukraine or develop a business or do something else, or they just want to come to ukraine, because they will be interested in building a new reality after the war, let's say after the victory, but what are the threats in this multiple citizenship, are there any? no, why many people, in our country multiple citizenship can be accepted
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by citizens of the european union. united states of america, canada, switzerland, japan. those people who come to work, as a rule, are citizens of third countries, and they will not have such an opportunity here, they will only have the opportunity to obtain ukrainian citizenship, if they will probably give up theirs, i don’t even know that, but for these citizens, where these countries, they are, as the law says, the draft law, they can easily get citizenship at any moment, without doing anything for it, not even passing language or culture exams. russia can easily take advantage of this... and find several million of its sympathizers there, who will receive citizenship and will vote as putin says, for that parliament and for that president that the russian federation wants. there are many dangers here. i do not think that they will stand in our conditions in conditions of war, when we actually, well we remain a poor country, i do not think that there will be queues of citizens of the european union who want to accept ukrainian citizenship, or perhaps they will want to privatize land there, as citizens of ukraine, because
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foreigners are prohibited. or use some more of our resources for their own enrichment, then maybe they will want to accept such citizenship, but of course there are a lot of dangers, which i spoke about earlier, are there any dangers left in the bill on mobilization, which has already been submitted to the supreme council of ukraine and will be will be reviewed in the near future, it has only been submitted, i have not studied this project to the end, obviously i believe that the very method of preparing this project is illegal. because the president is responsible for mobilization, and it was necessary to immediately develop an effective project under the leadership of the president and immediately adopt it, because people in the army are definitely needed, at the same time, this draft law should promote mobilization and encourage people to go to defend the homeland, and not scare them and introduce regulations that will force them to flee the country altogether or never come here return. this is a very tricky balance, but definitely this balance must be maintained, there must
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be effective recruiting. human rights should not be limited, at the same time there should be electronic accounting, which we have now, well , supposedly introduced by voting for the law on electronic and electronic registers, although we had another law on registers, and if desired , the government could make it so that registers for conscripts and military servicemen were put into operation from the first day of the full-scale invasion, or even earlier, without any law, solely by decree on the basis of current legislation, and here the problem arises that when there are some unpopular things in society, then every branch of government, whether it is the president... whether it is the government, whether it is deputies of the verkhovna rada, want to remove it from themselves and shift the responsibility to someone else another , and this leads to a poor quality of the project, if the president had developed a quality project under his leadership, it was submitted, and without all these discussions, the harm of people hiding or talking about this law, i think it would be much better and more effective , and the law of course you need to study. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for participating, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, briefly, but essentially
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discussed the most important topics. internal political and foreign policy, now we will discuss more military topics, military results of the day serhii zgurets, director of the defense agency. sergey, congratulations. vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, and today in our one section we will talk about new long-range weapons for the armed forces of ukraine from the americans and why such there are no rocket bombs in the arsenal of the us army. about the first statistics regarding the use of fpv drones on the battlefield and by our forces, both the enemy and the rogue. there are indicative trends and the situation on the very front line in a conversation with our military about all this in a moment. so, the pentagon confirmed today that new models of long-range missiles will be delivered to ukraine.


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