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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, the probable resignation of valery zaluzhny, the top topic on the pages of the western media, his meeting with zelenskyi on january 29 is growing new. details and details, the majority
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of commentators, however, agree that the resignation of the stalwart is only a matter of time. we have collected everything that is known as of now and will look for an answer to the question of who, if unworthy, can take the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces. the last challenge for ukraine, unrestrained speculation about that president volodymyr zelenskyi will dismiss the commander-in-chief were absorbed. the ukrainian capital at a dangerous moment of war - states the new york times. the newspaper notes that president zelenskyi planned to fire the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, but abandoned this idea when the information leaked to the press. according to the new york times, citing a former high-ranking ukrainian official , it is reported that as of now , the process of releasing the employee is being slowed down in the president's office. also one of the people's deputies, who was briefed on the president's plans, said anonymously. that one of the reasons why
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zelensky did not fire zaluzhnyi was that no replacement for the general had been found. zelensky asked the general to resign, but he refused, writes bloomberg. zelenskyi is pushing for a bolder approach to warfare, which appears to be at odds with zaluzhny's more conservative approach, the publication said. differences arose between zelensky and zaluzhny due to different views on how many military personnel are needed in ukraine to mobilize this year - reports from washington. post with links to sources. the interlocutor, quoted by the publication, said that zelensky told zaluzhny that ukrainians are tired of the war, and international support for ukraine will slow down, so the new commander-in-chief, they say, can revive the situation. enmity between the president of ukraine and the commander-in-chief of the army believes, states the bridge. the publication reports that on the morning of january 29, zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi had a meeting, during which the president informed the general that he had decided to send him to the military. deserving
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- zekonomist writes, they offered the post of secretary of the national security council, but he refused. zaluzhny's replacement could also unnerve ukraine's western partners, including the military, which has worked closely with the general over the past two years to develop a strategy for the battlefield, the financial times writes. the removal of valery zaluzhny would mark the biggest upheaval in the military command since the full-scale russian invasion, the publication said at the beginning. i will note here. that radio liberty repeatedly addressed the current situation both yesterday and today secretary of the national security council, as well as to the president's communications advisors for a comment, but we have been refused a comment so far. well , the majority of both western and ukrainian political observers, as i have already said, agree that the resignation of the chairman is only a matter of time. what more prompts zelenskyi to take this step, the considerable popularity of the zaluzhny and his high trust rating , are there possible objective problems in the army, which, according to zelenskyi... the zaluzhny cannot
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solve, this is a question, of course, which, as of now, does not have an unequivocal answer probably the president himself knows the answer, but he does not speak about it publicly, well, meanwhile, ukrainian and western commentators are discussing who can replace the stalwart, most often two names are heard, although in one of her posts on facebook, for example, maryana bezugla, who still remains the deputy chairman of the defense committee of the parliament, which is known for its criticism of the hard worker, also named a third name. oleksandr syrskyi - 58 years old, commander of the ground forces of ukraine. financial times journalist christopher miller in his article calls him close to president, and the economist gives sirsky this description. one of the army's most experienced officers was the mastermind behind two of ukraine's most notable victories over russia in 2022 near kyiv and in the kharkiv region, but his hard-line approach to combat has made him unpopular
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with some in the military, and last year he sacrificed battle-hardened commanders in the apparently senseless defense of the town of bakhmut. kyrylo budanov, 38 years old, head of the main intelligence department. the ministry of defense, his too is called close to the president, and the economist calls him a mysterious and ambitious leader who uses a much more unconventional and unproven approach to command. he had not previously commanded a conventional armed force or an organization similar to the ukrainian army, which now numbers approximately one million men. earlier, on january 25, people's deputy maryana bezugla, who repeatedly criticized zaluzhnya published on her facebook page a list of, according to her, the main contenders to the post of commander-in-chief. in addition to syrskyi and budanov, she also named yevhen moysyuk. he is 44 years old, a paratrooper general, and has no corners, that's how moysyuk is described. raised
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by the war with russia from a combat combatant to the commander of the airborne assault troops and then the deputy enlisted man. has experience of service in kosovo and iraq. for a long time he was the right-hand man of a doctor of philosophy and has the largest base of knowledge about the last two years of the war, and the political technocrat is not prone to backroom fights, he knows very well who is who in the armed forces, he is not liked for his demandingness and desire to get to the bottom of things. citing its own sources, the times notes that zelenskyi was forced to cancel his decision to release the employee under pressure from international partners. according to their data , back in... one of the reasons was that both syrskyi and budanov refused the post of commander-in-chief. this information is confirmed by bbc ukraine from its own sources. he said, the problem is that the new person in this position will definitely be compared with the mega-popular valery zaluzhny. well, me too
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let me remind you that repeated sociological studies have shown that valery is hard-working, hard-working among the leaders according to the rating. trust of ukrainians, we also decided to ask people in kyiv, and if valery zaluzhnyi really resigns, or is fired, then who do they think could replace him? you can write answers under this video, and at the same time, we suggest you listen to what the people we interviewed said, and if it really happened that he would resign, who would you like to be the post-commander-in-chief would consider, it's such a very difficult question, i...
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trust the industrious one will come, until no one , until no one but him, no one, he will go for it, until we get what we lost, until we get it back , he will be there until the end, together with zelenskyi , i don’t see anyone in his place, i can only imagine him now, there are no alternatives besides him, if i’m honest i don’t see it, there are many people talking about syrianskyi, but i say that it’s... like are you, how to say, someone's protégé? well, to be honest, no one, i don't see any in us at all effective military, first of all, because we did not have an army before that, yes, since independence, we have said that we are giving up our nuclear potential, from weapons,
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that is, we had units there, and the guys were engaged there on the streets, let's say, definitely not a theoretician, definitely not a politician, it should be a person who is beautiful. accordingly, what is happening there, in the two years of the war, i think that there are already quite a few people, respectively, who have passed and understand it well, so petro kuzyk has already joined our broadcast, callsign apostle, commander of the freedom battalion, border offensive brigades of the national guard of ukraine, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, peter, and how did the news of valery zaluzhny's possible resignation be received in the army? well, it’s relatively calm, because you understand, in the military, the first priority is the protection of ukraine, and last but not least , we try, and everyone tries, and we, and everyone, try not to get involved in some political things and
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so on, but i tell you frankly, this is what everyone asks me about, there is a trench, trenches conversations, yes, it's not very good, because... first of all, a very popular leader is useful, and secondly, it's important for us soldiers, uh, that we understand uh... what if the only there are people in the headquarters who are trusted and believed, and when an order comes, even a very difficult, very risky one, if there is an understanding that it is not a political motivation for this order or some personal ambitions, that it is necessary for ukraine, its easier to perform even at the risk of life, that is, for a soldier it is very... very important to have the confidence that there is a commander behind him who takes care of him, in general, zaluzhny has such
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a reputation, he is very popular among the troops, obviously among the population of ukraine, so eh, so, let's say, this is his resignation in this format, peter , we have something to do with the connection, are you hello, hello? we hear and already see, yes, well, in this format, if it is also given a political color, it will definitely have a negative impact on the state of the army, there would be no, you know, conversations about the irreplaceability of a person, they are definitely not needed here even raise it, because there are many cadre commanders in ukraine who will be able, let's say, to conduct combat operations professionally. and those who were already mentioned in your program, and many others who have already grown up, this is from the 14th year, there in
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the newest war from the 22nd year they showed themselves, here we are not talking about the irreplaceability of the character, irreplaceable, well that the fact is, there are no people, we are talking about the fact that we are in very difficult times now, ukraine is fighting, ukraine, the ukrainian army is very... it is difficult to defend, we are killing a lot of enemies and everything it turns out, but this is a very high price for this and very difficult actions, exhausted, little bk and so on and so on, and in these difficult conditions to make such tectonic changes, i cannot, you know, as now there is a military there to comment on the actions of the commander-in-chief, and i wouldn't like to comment on them, actually, it's his right, it's his, i can speak... there, just like a soldier, relatively speaking, a commander of a small rank here or there, eh, i wouldn't like
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it to happen now such tectonic changes, this is the first, the second, if the tinkerer says there, guys, i'm tired, i'm burnt out, uh, i see myself in another position, there and if there would be a worthy replacement, that's one question, and if it's all politics, even against the background of what the hard worker has now, and this. .. obviously, i didn’t read the ratings there either, i don’t think that anyone spends time on social research during the war, well, if there is, well, it’s just obvious things, that zaluzhny has the highest rating there, and it’s obvious, and just the same it is obvious that as soon as the war ends, his rating will immediately begin to melt rapidly, because they will need other administrative, household there are things going on, but the challenges that exist in the country now are, accordingly, the facade of the whole. of the defense of ukraine, as an honored person who repelled the heaviest attacks, when
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there was an occupation, when it was unclear whether the country would survive at all, then the best character is involved, and he has trust, and i would like it to be like this, you know, monolithically, i.e. we understood, fighting in order, that there are no intrigues, there is no politics, we are all from the president to the opposition parties, to the parliament, to the officials, we are all engaged in the defense of ukraine, this is my idealistic picture i drew this a little ironically , but i would like it, and if i started, yes, yes, yes , sorry, i understood you, you know, you are such an idealist, well, if we talk about such political coherence, a dreamer, well, look, peter, the president really has the right to dismiss the commander-in-chief if he sees fit, and let's imagine that he will use this right, but who is your point of view? could replace zaluzhny, how do you feel about these surnames, which are already called by the media, this is oleksandr syrskyi, this
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the head of intelligence, kyrylo budanov, both of them, by the way, are close to zelenskyi, what do you think about these candidates, er, worthy candidates, each showed himself in his place very worthy, er, these are incomparable figures from hard-working, for example , with all due respect to budanov, who showed himself brilliantly there in the position he now holds, but, i don't, well, he can't be compared with... with, with the person of a hard-working person who leads the defense, not in special special operations there or in some sharpened, financed things there, but who leads defense in constant deficits, understanding about human losses, about the number, understanding the staffing of the battalions, understanding the exhaustion of the battalions,
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the closest to these processes is the syrian, well... also a competent leader, tough, in my opinion, but well, if, in everyone has their own style, management and so on, well, i say once again, this is not about the irreplaceability of a person, here it is about much more, that hardworking is already a symbol of the defense of ukraine, hardworking is a kind of confidence of soldiers in... the correctness of commanders and so on further, zaluzhny is already a person who entered history, it would be cool, it would be cool historically, if the victory of ukraine in this such a serious war was actually met and involved, if this does not happen, there will be no catastrophe, but these processes they
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no, well, now is a very difficult time in ukraine , difficult, why, because... we really have a shortage of ammunition, we really have depleted units, the enemy is pressing us, yes, we are inflicting very heavy losses on him, but for them the loss of people is not a critical issue, and in this situation, if anything political processes with hints of intrigue will appear behind the scenes, for example, if it all turns out that the motivation for the resignation of a meritorious person is, well, let's say... to his ratings, well, this will not add confidence to the front line, if it is a replacement, well, let's say so, is related to health or other professional issues, then it must be explained from both sides, and it will be accepted normally, if it turns into politics and confrontation by an intriguing political conjunctural
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process, then it is very serious uh... let's say yes, it demoralizes the units that are fighting , that is, depending on how it will be justified, if i understood you correctly, the units, in short, the units that are fighting, we need replenishment and ammunition, and preferably, and that's all, in principle, there is motivation, there is inspiration, there is experience, we ramble, believe me, we are not ashamed. this is what we expect from the leadership, and if instead of bc , some intrigues will come to us, well, whatever, we will fight anyway, but the mood will be worse, and let me ask you about one, well, not that it was a candidate, but his surname was mentioned by maryana bezugla, evgeny
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moysyuk, a 44-year-old paratrooper general, she calls him, an apolitical technocrat who is not inclined to cool... showdowns, what do you think of him? eh, unfortunately, i can’t say anything, because i’m not familiar, no, no, no, god forbid we cooperate together, unlike the previous surnames, well, at one time they commanded us, well, everyone who called whom, i’m a little worried , that the assessment of a combat general is given by a civilian, i though... and she is there in the parliament, the parliamentarian is a deputy there supreme, well, she also has experience in the army, she has already been a medic, if we are talking about maryana bezko, her experience as a medic is, er, does not give the right to give a professional assessment to combat generals, if you have there is no combat experience,
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combat management experience, especially large-scale management experience, when there is a large-scale all-arms battle. of this country, and when, you understand, when i hear talk not only about mrs. maryana, and although also about her, when people who know absolutely nothing allow themselves, and i saw mrs. maryana, unfortunately , at military meetings in combat unit, not understanding what it does there, which is 99% of the military, i don't want to criticize, well, in short, i definitely don't want to give it an assessment, advise and so on, the appointment of a person of the level of meritorious is a question. the issue of institutions and not without the influence of our international partners who help us survive this war, and military personnel is a person who is
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responsible for hundreds of thousands of ukrainian lives, imagine, that is, now some blogger or a popular tv presenter or a member of parliament is starting to give an assessment combat conditions to the generals are positive. or negative, this just seriously undermines combat capability, because those who are strong have, let's say, a format, rejection and disdain for these processes, and those who are more famous in the military will begin to orient themselves in their activities in order to like such characters, and accordingly, in both cases, the result will be negative, because our work evaluates... very simply: and the execution of the combat task and the destruction of the enemy, on the largest possible scale, until we reach the critical point that
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will impress, you see, they were not impressed there by 300 thousand, maybe half a million will not be impressed, maybe even a million will not be impressed, three will be critical there, it doesn’t matter what the number is, it just needs to be achieved, and well, even achieving it is not supported and not such irresponsible statements help. my view thank you very much for joining this broadcast and participating in this discussion. petro kuzyk, callsign apostle, commander of the svoboda battalion of the rubizh offensive brigade of the national guard of ukraine. thank you very much. the final of the trial in gaza. international today, the un court issued the final decision in ukraine's lawsuit against russia, in which kyiv accuses moscow of financing terrorism and racial discrimination of the crimean tatars. this is a case for 2 years, the court satisfied only part of ukraine's demands, well, we will learn more details from our colleague olena abramovych, we are in touch with gaga, olena, i congratulate you on what
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the court has decided, please tell me in detail and whether were any compensations awarded? good evening, vlasto, well, the court read its decision for an hour and a half, so i have such a stack here explanations, why certain conclusions were made, the conclusions are as follows, the court satisfied only one. one of the requirements under the convention on the financing of terrorism, but there were only two conventions, so according to this convention, the court said that russia was guilty of not contributing to the investigation of, for example, the downed passenger plane, i remind you that ukraine accuses russia of financing armed militants in the donbass and the weapons provided to them, which in particular were used to shoot down the boeing mh-17 flight in the summer of 2014, when the plane was shot down from the territory not under the control of ukraine, anti-aircraft missile territory. the buk installation , the installation was transported from russia, this fact has already been established by an international investigative group and another court in the netherlands, and here in the press room, before
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the court decision was read today, foreign journalists suggested that the international court could actually recognize , that russia actually financed this so -called terrorist attack, and perhaps the court recognizes that it was a terrorist attack and the downing of the plane as such, but the court itself rejected this kind of allegation of the decision. judges, and they did conclusion that the russian authorities did not have deliberate intentions to shoot down this plane with civilian passengers, accordingly , the court did not award any compensation in this part, as demanded by the ukrainian side, and another part of this lawsuit was ukraine's complaint that russia violates another convention, that convention on racial discrimination, and ukraine's claim was mainly based on the oppression of the crimean tatars in the occupied crimea, and here actually... the court also only partially satisfied ukraine's complaint. he admitted that after 2014, discrimination against teaching in the ukrainian language, and this is a violation
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of the convention, also called the ban on the majlis, that is, the representative body of the crimean tatar people, a violation. but as for other oppressions, such as , for example, banning meetings or oppression of the crimean tatar media, here the court pointed out that this is not a racial, actually a political sign, therefore, this convention does not apply. well , from the very beginning, the court emphasized that in this case it does not take into account a full-scale invasion, this is the lawsuit for 2017, that is, it only considers violations by russia of the two specified conventions, and here i will say that ukraine can sue russia in this court only by using international conventions, the signatories of which are both ukraine and russia, they were signed after the second world war, as we can see, they do not always correspond to the realities of today . actually, olena, thank you. thank you very much, olena abramovich, for contacting us from the netherlands. thank you. the leaders of five european countries appealed to other
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states. members of the european union and called on them to make collective efforts to arm ukraine and deliver them as soon as possible ammunition the open letter was signed by german chancellor olaf scholz, as well as the prime ministers of denmark, the czech republic, estonia and the netherlands. the address of the european leaders is published by the financial times. as winter frosts grip ukraine's territories, its brave soldiers are fending off continuous russian attacks, and there are no signs that the war will end anytime soon. the letter says. our ability to continue to support ukraine's defenses, both in the winter and in the long term, is critical. on in fact, it is a matter of our common european security, and for ukrainians who fight in the ranks of the armed forces, it is a matter of life and death. the european union and its members must renew their efforts and increase support. the burden is so great that every country must do everything possible to support
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ukraine. and it should become a collective effort. meanwhile , the defense ministers of the eu countries were meeting in brussels today, the head of the foreign policy department of the european union, josep borel, said before the meeting that ukraine is in dire need of more ammunition. there is a large imbalance in firepower between the two sides, and this gap must be bridged, he said. the meeting of the ministers of defense of the eu countries takes place literally on the eve of the summit of the european union, at which the leaders. the eu will discuss the allocation of aid to ukraine, which, let me remind you, is about 50 billion euros. the summit will take place tomorrow, february 1 in brussels. european countries are trying to come to an agreement with the authorities of hungary, due to whose position, let me remind you, at the end of last year, financial assistance to kyiv was blocked. prime minister viktor orban of hungary has already stated that he is allegedly ready not to impose a veto on the allocation of aid to ukraine under one condition, if the amount
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is changed every year. give, re-approve. at the same time, orban emphasized that he still does not agree to the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine, because he said it was a huge amount. well, i will add that european truth, citing a high-ranking official of the european union, writes that volodymyr zelenskyi will take part in the eu summit, but online tomorrow. pavlo klinkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 2014-19, ukrainian diplomat, joined our broadcast. good evening. greetings, ms. vlasta, i am glad to be with you and your listeners. and of course the audience , forgive each other, yes, but what do you expect from tomorrow's summit, from viktor orban, will he go drink coffee again, but when they vote for aid to ukraine, can the situation turn out differently there, well, maybe coffee for him they will bring it, i don't know how they will do it there, although the brussels cow, well, not everyone is particularly attracted, but
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seriously, i think... that there will be a compromise, somehow more and more is falling on it now, orbán says things that actually have a certain resonance among other countries and among other leaders. he says: i won't block 50 billion, but let's vote every year and vote, of course, by consensus, well , by consensus, that's how they vote on financial issues, and every year it's... additional hooks, and this issue will actually be put on the agenda, every orban already said that peace has a name, it is trump, he is definitely waiting for trump, since orban's team and he personally have special ties there, and if after all, there will be trump, he will start another one.
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the game, and the game is absolutely clear, he wants to be a kind of conservative leader of europe, more precisely the leader of the conservative right of europe and a partner in this sense of trump, so i think that there will be a compromise, it is not an ideal compromise for us, but actually, in my opinion, not super, not supercritical, but outside of these 50 billion. which we constantly talk about and it is clear why, since for us it is a question of actual life and death, it is help, and i am not exaggerating here, i expect such a strategic conversation of a security sense, how to help ukraine, and i mean everything, including economic assistance, because for me it is all part of a big security war, you are here...


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