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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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well, subscribe to our pages on social networks, in addition, during this broadcast, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether it is necessary to block the accounts of evaders and deprive them of the right to drive cars, as provided by the government bill, which will soon be passed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine will be considered in the session hall. if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple: yes, no, two functions, two buttons, if you want to... you want to leave a comment, or you have your own personal opinion , please write under this video if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think we should block the accounts of the scumbags and stop them from driving, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote here: we have the first guest on the line,
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this is the people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction iryna gerashchenko. mrs. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening to all spresa viewers. mrs. iryna, during the last three for days, incredible informational things were happening around zaluzhny, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, there was information that zelenskyy wanted to remove him. even wrote about the fact that there was a decree of resignation, then there was a denial, then there were accusations of bloggers and journalists that they allegedly spread the wrong information, but during this day we see how the international media, financial times and zaikonomist wrote about the fact that under confirmed that the conversation between zuluzhny and zelenskyi took place and that there is a possibility or that there is a prospect that this case... will
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to continue further, it is implied that zelensky will remove the hard-working one, and this will happen literally in some conceivable perspective. can we consider this information that appears in the international media as an accomplished fact, that what it will be, and first of all, you really started your program with such an emotional video, for me it was personal, especially emotional, because everyone's release. .. of a ukrainian hero is a big job, it is a great joy for the family and for all of us, and i sincerely congratulate the 207 families who today heard the call or finally met your close person, husband, lover , father, god grant that all the heroes return, and this video, it very correctly reminds that the hot phase of the war continues, the events at the front are extremely difficult, and it seems to me that any action of the authorities today and ... which concerns
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personnel decisions, whether it is in the body, or especially when it comes to military leadership, should answer the question of whether it will be better for victory, this is how it should be approached, it seems to me, to any question, it firstly, secondly, i did not comment and generally everything happened on monday, and i don't know right now , and neither do any of us who weren't there, weren't present at those conversations, but... what 's really going on in the bank, but what 's really going on today, when in the united in the states, such difficult discussions are taking place regarding aid to ukraine, the european union will hold a summit tomorrow on unblocking 50 billion euros, but the world media is not publishing columns about ukrainian heroes, about liberation, but about the difficult situation around avdiivka or in the kupinsky direction, but about the kichva glass .
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showdowns are absolutely terrible, and it is obvious that what today and the bbc, as you rightly pointed out, and the new york times, and the financial times, and the economist came out with columns about the fact that such a personnel decision was made, and the basis is not so military issues or problems, or a different view on these military problems, although civilians cannot have a view on military strategies, we are not... are experts in this, there can only be trust or distrust, that's all very, in fact, to me seems to deepen the crisis, makes it inevitable certain things, and in this context , it seems to me that it would be very important for president zelensky to finally, in two years, find time to meet with the leaders of the parliamentary factions, ah, talk, openly and honestly, as we see together this difficult year , how difficult it is... given
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the economic challenges, the mobilization challenges , what should be our joint work abroad, why he makes certain decisions, all this... is extremely important, and lastly, i want to point out the communication failures of the authorities when appears from the ministry of defense official information in the style of kvn, we confirm , this is all untrue, it is absolutely not funny, and causes, well, really distrust of journalists and rejection, when for the first time in two years of the war , the press secretary of the president, whom everyone has already forgotten, finally appears in public. and also gives one short sentence: it does not add credibility, and you know, i want to say that today several international media called me with a request to give a comment on the situation with zaluzhny, i honestly refuse, because i am not informed about it the questions
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and the least i want now is to harm everything that is happening in this such a delicate topic, and here i can only... repeat the position of the fifth president poroshenko, who rightly noted that if someone is screwing president zelensky about such a resignation, then it is worth resigning people around them, who create this atmosphere of such hatred , of undermining trust in everyone, because you know, we in the opposition very clearly feel this atmosphere of hatred of the authorities towards everyone who is not in power, so... they are bad, the parliament is bad, the opposition bad, who is there, the military is also bad, well, this is not normal, because now is the time to collect stones. in order for our viewers to understand what we are talking about, i will quote an excerpt from a publication in the times, or rather in the
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economist, which says that the british publication says that president zelensky has not yet signed the decree on the resignation of the stalwart, but this development of events is all still possible, quoting the british. figures in ukraine would be very controversial and would become a turning point in ukraine's conflict with russia. so far, mr. zelenskyi has not spoken about replacement of the general, but this does not mean that general zaluzhny is not in danger. this may simply be because his replacement has yet to be identified. well, the times, already mentioned by me, writes with reference to its own sources that the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrskyi and the head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budanov rejected zelenskyi's proposal. to take the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces instead of valery zaluzhny, so zelensky was forced to cancel his decision under pressure from high-ranking officials and international experts, well actually, we will monitor the development of this situation, sergey, i will add one more remark, you read the correct quotes, but
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there are more in the articles, and there are much worse quotes, that the basis for a possible dismissal is the popularity of zaluzhny, the fact that he has such an affection ukrainians today. bigger than president zelenskyi, and it is much more dangerous when western partners and western media in the conditions of war in ukraine hint that politics, ratings, popularity, sympathy, and not one the question of how best, with what strategies and to win the war, this is very bad, beyond any doubt, and with... of course, mobilization is mentioned in this story, they say that the main thing, the main conflict that can be between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, this is a question of mobilization, because we saw this public debate between zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi, when zelenskyi said that the military
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wants to mobilize 500 thousand citizens in the 24th year, zaluzhnyi said that it is not simultaneous, that everything one thing is to attract more people to... the army, because it is leaving war and absolutely everything is clear. the law on mobilization is another option. on february 6, the verkhovna rada of ukraine should again be considered, and so far, as i understand it, there is no conclusion of the specialized committee, whether it is suitable or not, but the main theses of this draft law have already been published in zmi, and you too, well, you have seen these main points , to what extent what the government proposes again differs from... from what was already there, and i read yesterday the text of the law that passed, the draft law, or rather, that passed from the government, certain comments are taken into account there, in particular, the remarks of our political force , we insisted, for example, on the need to increase the leave for those released from captivity
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, you see how relevant today we are talking about this, because according to the current legislation, servicemen who were released from captivity, they must return to .. well, after a short rehabilitation there, and a medical examination to return to their units, although these people often have complex injuries, after torture and so on, they will be allowed. another 90 days of additional leave, it is also important, and we we have been constantly emphasizing this for two years, that the mobilized must undergo very professional , high-quality training, and now these three months of training are being laid there, so that people are not immediately released to the battlefield without appropriate training. at the same time, this draft law contains those norms that the government , until yesterday, very... you know, so clearly denied, for example, the government denied, this is not the opposition, the government, through the mouths of ministers and
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representatives of the president's office, said that there were no there will be, for example, a summons online, in this law, the draft law very clearly records not only the creation of an electronic office, but the possibility of online summonses. if we talk about the more draconian clauses, which caused objections not only from the public. deputies, and also the commissioner of human affairs, when they were going to seize property and block accounts there without trial and investigation, and the possibility to seize cars there, if a person evades service in the armed forces, well, that is, evades accountability, and now in this draft law a rule has been introduced that similar actions can take place after decision of the court, where he will have the right. to contact the shopping center, these are debatable norms, because we are also definitely talking about the restriction of rights,
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and it is no longer recorded there that only this is during martial law, a debatable norm regarding the attachment of all consular services to the military ticket there, this is also in essence, such restrictions on the rights of ukrainian citizens abroad, and the key political story now, according to the constitution of ukraine , the supreme commander-in-chief is responsible for mobilization, it is very surprising that president zelenskyi does not submit a bill his vision, how he sees mobilization, we have a number of laws on military topics, in particular, by the way, and on lowering the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years old, which were voted by the parliament, but not signed by the president for several months, this draft law is laid down again such norms , tell me how the parliament should consider a draft law that contains norms... which have not already been signed by the president, when the president publicly says that there is no need for 5,000
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mobilized people there, we will beat spears, discuss, introduce amendments, very to treat the bill responsibly , and then the president simply won't sign it, and that's why our position is, we're waiting for the bill from the president, we believe that the president should state his position, it's wrong that he refuses to talk about such an important topic, a key topic this year, it is not possible to translate the translation. give to the government, because the government does not have the full range of information that is discussed at the rate, which is only available to the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, and therefore we believe that this is also one of those topics about which there will be a meeting of president zelenskyi with representatives of the factions to hear the supreme commander-in-chief's position that we are going into defense this year, how will these fortifications be built, how will the economy be provided, what will be the load on our engineering troops, well , that is, a lot of questions, to which we would like
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to receive complex, professional answers, so that the law is not empty, so that it is perceived by society as a fair law. and the last thing, i would like to point out, is the main negative of this law, which seems to be fixed there the norm that service in the army after mobilization will last 36 months is a lot, if we are talking about bakhmut chivdiivka, imagine... months near avdiivka, but at the same time there is no such clear fixation even 36 months, and it is said that this will be 36 months, plus one month after the corresponding decision there are stakes or something, that is, it can last forever , and i think that this norm for our political force is key, because we realize what a burden on the military, which already two years are on hotter ones front lines. how they need rotation and demobilization.
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another short question, regarding the assistance of the congress of the united states of america, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg in washington discussed with the leadership of the congress the further support of ukraine, and the director of the cia william burns stated that it is strategically important for the united states of america to continue to support ukraine against the background of the russian aggression, to quote william benz. who literally said the following in an interview: maintaining the flow of weapons will strengthen ukraine's position if there will be an opportunity for serious negotiations, this gives a chance to ensure a long-term victory for ukraine and a strategic loss. of russia ukraine could protect its sovereignty and recover while russia has to bear the constant costs due to putin's stupidity, stupidity. for the united states to withdraw from the conflict at this crucial moment and stop supporting ukraine would be an own goal of historic proportions. mrs. iryna, will there not be this own goal that the director
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of the circus, william bertz, is talking about, because we see the development of events in the united states of america, well , it simply pushes us to not even the tenth position, probably to the 20th or 30th, because there is texas, there is trump, there are still some internal problems in the united states of america , and indeed, the situation with the vote in the congress regarding the provision of military aid to ukraine, which is so necessary for us in the amount of 61 billion dollars, is currently suspended primarily because of the actual start. election campaign in the united states, and it seems to me that we need to intensify our efforts to work here with the congress, with the senate, at this time they block the inter-parliamentary activities of the deputies, we communicate a lot online, because there is no other opportunity with our partners from the parliaments of the countries of the european union, and you
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know, it is very positive and so poignant when our... allies are now also working with their colleagues in the united states in order to convey to them this position, the criticality of this aid for ukraine. indeed, it seems to me that we need all of our allies here now to get this signal to the united states. and allow one more remark, you know, another event happened today, i personally was very much looking forward to the decision of the un international court of justice in gaza, this is the first such a big decision that... before the financing of terrorism by the russian federation, the lawsuit was filed in the 17th year, it was prepared with of the 15th year, and i he related to mh-17, it seems that what more evidence is needed for the world and the court to realize who was behind this terrible crime, who sponsored this terrorism, at the same time the court decision is incomplete, only
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partially the court in gaza recognized the position. ukraine and ours, our lawsuit was partially supported, and that's it also a very alarming signal that says the need to strengthen our advocacy, strengthen our legal position, our evidence base, this is very serious, unfortunately, russia has been preparing for war for a long time, and it is using all its capabilities on all fronts, including, well we are now seeing hybrid methods to weaken... ukraine, and this is also worrying. thank you, mrs. iryna, for participating in our program. it was iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, there. please don't be shy, like this video
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so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our voting. today we ask you about this. should the petitioners ' accounts be blocked and their driving rights revoked, because these norms are laid down in the new draft law on mobilization, or at least in the new old one, if you can say so, which will be considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine next week. shmygal's government has prepared another draft law on mobilization, we will talk about what norms are there in more detail in our second studio, which will begin. literally in 40 minutes, and now we, friends, are in touch with kateryna galko, who is in kyiv, and she was at the event today, the deputy secretary of state for political affairs of the united states of america, victoria nuland, came to us, kateryna,
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tell me please what are the results of victoria nulalan, because she is enough ... such a powerful figure in politics is important, american politics, how was her visit, what did she say about the situation in ukraine, and most importantly, when will the congress of the united states of america restore funding for ukraine and the needs of the armed forces of ukraine? i congratulate serhiy, i congratulate the viewers of spressa tv channel, so in fact , we still haven't received an answer to this most important question. while ms. victoria nulan's speech was rather brief, she managed to mention all the main aspects of her visit, in particular, she said that it is important for her to come to ukraine in winter, when it is especially difficult for us. noted that she came to ukraine last year as well, and was also here 10 years ago during her events on the maidan, during the revolution of dignity. we know that today she had
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meetings with representatives of the ukrainian authorities, she also said that she came to the rehabilitation center in which they invested funds, there she managed to communicate with the boys and girls who defend our front. she said that they really fascinate her, as they do. of all americans, said that she was glad, glad to note that america is still helping ukraine, is trying, we succeeded this year, and last year, and this year we managed to return almost half of the territories occupied by russia, we managed to restore global exports, we managed to maintain our energy sector, but this is the main question, when will congress approve the package of course, representatives of the ukrainian media asked for help to ukraine. this is the question and let's hear its answer. americans understand and admire the miracle that ukraine has already
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achieved in defending itself against such a terrible russian aggression. and we also understand that will happen if you can't just survive, but thrive. so, i am absolutely sure that this understanding will be indicated in the decision of the congress on the proposal of president biden. mrs. victoria also noted that they will try to continue to support our defense sector, are ready to invest in the development of our military industry, are also ready to develop their military-industrial complex in order to help ukraine, in particular, she mentioned the small-diameter ground-launched bombs that are already on their way to ukraine . actually, that's all information... we have heard today everything that i know so far, so sergius i pass otert to you. thank you, kateryna, this was kateryna galko, our correspondent, who today met
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with victoria land, the deputy secretary of state of the united states of america, who is visiting kyiv. next, we have mykhailo samus, military expert, expert of the army research center of conversion and disarmament. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. mr. mykhailo, well, maybe this is a political issue regarding the meritorious one, and i do not, i do not want to discuss the political aspect of the issue of what is happening with the military command and the supreme military command in ukraine. but nevertheless, these discussions, which are public discussions about who will be the next commander-in-chief, whether he will remain active or not, they are on the front pages of the world. media, i.e. all british, all american newspapers came out with this message, with their insiders, what was happening there, how it
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affects the ukrainian army, the situation and the atmosphere of the ukrainian army, and most importantly, how can this affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war? well, i would like to point out that in fact the primary issue in this situation is not the frame after all. that is, not personnel, in fact, we are talking now about the fate of the ukrainian nation, and not about the fate of individual generals or even individual politicians, so we still need to put aside emotions, especially regarding specific individuals, and think about what we need this year, this year ukraine should not go into strategic defense, as some western politicians advise us media, obviously calculating that at our... expense it will be possible to sign some minsk agreements again and then calmly return to business with russia, because it is advisable to advise us to sit
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on the defensive for a whole year so that russia accumulates more resources and forms an offensive potential so that to start a large-scale offensive in the 25th year is a very good piece of advice, but i think that it is clearly not to our advantage, but the main thing is how to achieve it? success in the 24th year, the turning point in this war is obvious, and general zaluzhnyi himself wrote in his article that in the 22nd year in november, this is the first article that came out at that time regarding the plans for the 23rd year, he spoke then about the center of gravity, according to the definition of the clauses, this is still in this war, and he defined this center of gravity as crimea, that is, obviously, that the turning point in this war will come when ukraine begins the operation to de-occupy crimea. without this operation, you can sit for several years in strategic defense, you can talk about it, but the key change
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will not happen, therefore... the question is not personnel issues, but the question is how we will be able to solve in the 24th year the question of the turning point in the war, the actual beginning of the deoccupation of crimea, this is the key question, and when we look at, let’s say, this situation, then the question of personnel disappears, that is, the main question here is who will be able to conduct such an operation that will be able to break this... war, if general zaluzhnyi can do it, he can do it, if president zelenskyy believes that other personnel are needed who will decide the fate of the ukrainian nation in this war, i think it can be done, because in fact, despite to the fact that there is a really emotional factor, nevertheless, i would, i believe that it is necessary to return to a still more technological question,
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a disciplined question, how do we achieve a result in this war, and not look after all at the emotional, political processes that are always raging in our information space. let's return to the situation on the eastern and southern fronts, because all these political battles, discussions of possible personnel rotations, somehow they simply put all front information on the back burner, and now the general staff reports that the occupiers are active. on in the kherson direction, the armed forces of ukraine repelled 15 attacks here during the day. analysts of the american war institute say that the russians are unlikely to be able to turn their tactical achievements in the kupyansk area into wider mechanized maneuvers necessary for an operationally significant advance. at the same time, today putin talked a lot about the audiobook about these 19 houses that a veteran or a veteran unit receives there.
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who goes ahead of the russian troops and says that the guys are so prepared, that's how everyone should be, that is, putin is changing a little rhetoric, that is, he is no longer talking about the capture of large cities, he is talking about avdiivka, about the 19 houses that they captured there and they are holding these 19 houses, does this mean that it is fundamentally important for the russians... to capture avdiivka in this situation, and these 19 buildings, which he mentions, are of strategic importance for the russian army, and for the ukrainian one as well. well, of course, there is no strategic importance in avdiviyka, it cannot be. putin said a lot more there, it turns out that this is his whole svo, it aims to push ukrainian troops from the russian borders. what he didn't say right away, then
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there were no ukrainian troops there at all. and now it turns out that he needs to move these troops away so that the foreign-made artillery, which is in service with the defense forces of ukraine, does not reach the territory of russia, it turns out that he has this kind of artillery, he said to to contained yes, yes, well, of course, that populated areas, in general, putin is delusional, but he has started a so-called pre-election campaign, that is, he should, as his press secretary says, carry all sorts of things. porg about avdiivka, about moving away from the borders, in fact, he understands that this war is a chance to stay in power in general, that is, he cannot stop this war, in fact, based on this, he has to build up his military potential, i have in russia , to invest all the resources they earn now from the sale of oil and other goods into
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actually military materials. effectively turning north korea into a sort of war shop where they produce munitions, and not just munitions, i guess that rockets will soon be manufactured for the russian army, that is, russia is doing, that is, this whole huge russia, it is working now in order to wage war in the interests of a group of people who are going to simply stay in power, that is and that is the whole war, and as a result , they are ready to kill hundreds of thousands. russians, and of course hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, for them this is not a problem at all, and therefore i will repeat myself again, when they tell us that we need to sit down on strategic defense, well, excuse me, look at this leader of a neighboring state or empire, and what kind of strategic defense we may be talking about, we need to increase our efforts precisely in order to change the character of this war, and not to try to...


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