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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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[000:00:00;00] hello gentlemen, let's start our conversation with a quick poll, just a quick poll if we can, about the poll we're doing for our viewers and viewers, do you think dodgers should be blocked and their driving license revoked, sir viktor, shlinchak, my unequivocal no. thank you, mr. igor. i also lean more towards the negative answer to this question. thank you, mr. viktor, boberenko. and i am absolutely in favor of blocking them from everything. well , we are in more detail about those proposals that the government is doing to the new mobilization law, we will talk in just a few minutes, but i would like to start our conversation with such a large informational discussion, which we
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have witnessed. informational discussion about the future commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, because it all started with insiders published by bloggers, journalists, as well as some telegram channels, which zelensky had already grudgingly dismissed, then these bloggers, journalists and telegram channels were accused of that they threw in some information that wasn't there an established fact, but today the british publications... the american publications appeared on the front pages with information that the relationship between zaluzhny and zelenskyi is actually on the verge, and that zaluzhny's resignation is inevitable, it's only a matter of time, how about you, gentlemen , this was observed, what conclusions did you draw from all this, and most importantly,
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how what is happening in the information space and between the leadership, political leadership and military leadership of the state, how does society in general affect ukrainians, well and respectively, on the army. mr. igor, you have the floor. well, i made an unequivocal conclusion that there was an attempt to really remove zaluzhny, it was clear that as soon as this information began to spread, because it was spread not only, as some opposition bloggers, journalists or telegrams later tried to say. channels or mass media, they were very actively engaged in this, including the right-wing media, especially anonymous telegram channels, which generally described in detail how it happened and what was the reason, then they, indeed all these the posts were erased and they tried to present information in a completely different way, but this does not change the essence, there was an attempt, the attempt ended unsuccessfully, due to various reasons, i think, here is the reaction of society and the reaction of our partners, and the understanding that the situation can
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to get... under control and how to solve it further was not very clear, the western media largely confirmed this, but the key conclusion from this story is very simple, that the relationship between the military and political leadership of ukraine is indeed today leave much to be desired, that is, communication is clearly very bad or very weak, or absent at all, depending on how often these or other meetings take place, and the initiative is to ensure that this communication takes place. so imperfect, it comes precisely from the side of politicians, not from the side of the military, practically everyone admits this, including unnamed sources, both from the side of the political leadership, and well, there were some references, for example, there to the military, they noted, that this communication essentially broke down because of position the president's office, well, apparently politicians have different views on how to conduct a war, they want something different, and their reality is somewhat
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different from what is actually on the ground. battle, and what will it lead to? i think that the president's office will sooner or later try to force the resignation of the commander-in-chief anyway. i've already seen enough different blog posts today, people explaining why it's normal, why the president has the right to fire his manager, that is, even such concepts are used, although, in my opinion, they are, well, soft saying, sound strange in the context of war, so the office will have to somehow demonstrate strength and bring this situation to... the finale, well programmed, the question is when it will happen and how much it will really affect the attitude of society in general, no one on the street it will work, i’ll say it right away, that is, there won’t be any maidans, coups, and so on, which russia dreams of, but the fact that this will hit the government’s rating, and the rating of president zelensky personally, i don’t think it matters to anyone no doubt about for one simple reason, you see, it is possible and the president has the right to dismiss
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the main one. he has it, well, it is according to the laws, and he can do it at any moment, but in democracies, in general, it is customary to explain to society the reasons for this decision, similar decisions, and to cite certain ones. arguments for today, well , there are simply no more or less adequate arguments for making such a rotation, and accordingly it will be perceived exclusively as a political story, well, political stories during the war, they have very bad consequences, society understands this very well. well, the question here is whether it is up to someone in the president's office to explain what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is doing wrong, well, here the question is in the competence, so well, that is... if the meritorious person makes any claims, then these claims should be, well, on corresponding level. mr. viktor, i am turning to mr. boberenko, do you think there will be
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people in the president's office who will be able to explain the personnel decision, which, the right, to which in principle zelenskyi has, as the supreme commander, and in principle, he is responsible for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. and he can carry out such a rotation, the only question is, er, will they be able to clearly and logically explain what, what, what happened and why zaluzhny should go to another position, or resign from the position of head of the committee? they can't do it logically at all, uh, there is no explanation, let's say, zuluzny, this is already a historical figure for zuluzny, more victories over the russians than probably anyone there in history, because even napoleon is there, well borodino won there at austerlitz, but the valiant man won there at kiev, at sumy , at chernihiv, at kharkiv, at kherson, and how many victories of the valiant man that he
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already stands in the same row with the great generals of the world in history, and even that what would seem to be an unsuccessful counteroffensive, but on the contrary, i would say there, it is quite successful, so that a lot of movement was put in place. tested a new technique, actually showed that it is possible to try to attack without an advantage in the air, and without an advantage on the ground, that is, on one will, well, roughly speaking, that’s what a hard-working man has, well, there is nothing to remove him and he will not explain it to anyone, that is clear, and it can only be explained by the fact that what zulazhny is really guilty of, he is guilty before zelenskyi. only in the fact that zelensky, as a chronic, classical , textbook narcissist, is very equal in this theater of the absurd, yes, where zelensky should be direct, where is yermak, roughly speaking,
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making the productions, the director-producer, far and wide there the prompter is there or someone else is writing the lyrics for him, where you can either be in the orchestra pit and play the vilancello or... on the script, where you can be in the choir, where you can be in the scenery of the stage, you can't just be next to zelenskyi, he should be only one, here zaluzhny appeared, and zaluzhny is applauded longer, better, louder than zelensky, and zelensky got nervous, and that is, everything, everything related to this conflict, it's not in the system of logic, it's just... in the system, like there is a scandal in the family, the dishes were broken there, and why? because there is an equal husband or an equal wife, and they cannot control themselves, so we have the situation when i friends say, it’s so illogical, they say, well, as
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a colleague and as igor says that there is such a thing, they will lose their ratings, it will not be beneficial for them to be fired for good, they are like, why are they chasing this fool, but i say, that’s why that here is not about... logic, here about emotions, here it is not , here it is, thank you, mr. viktor, i am addressing the other victor, mr. igor, by the way, you can guess, between the two victors, sit down, to mr. shlenchak, and why two, two figures, zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, cannot understand each other, because in principle, both of them seek victories, both. in a rather difficult situation now, what is preventing them from coming to an understanding and what is preventing them from coming out together and telling the ukrainian people that there are no problems, we are going together to our victory
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, there are no questions, the main thing for us is to defeat the russians, and not to start some showdowns that later describe in detail the international media on the eve of important events for ukraine, among other things. solutions, i don't really have an answer to this question, because the first such swallows began to appear in the western... it would be long before the new year, and then the western journalists also wrote that a black cat had already run between the commander-in-chief and the supreme commander. now you can find a lot of explanations for why this happened, these are of course also political explanations, imagine when every day or once a week... they bring you ratings and
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allegedly incite you to the fact that, look, what kind of cut you have here under your nose competitors, respectively, provoke a certain emotional component, here i agree very much with my teska victor, or they say that zaluzhnyi did not agree with anyone on the article and gave it to the economy. er, that is, why did he do it himself, why does he behave like an independent figure, why does he not ask for permission , and so on, that is, another such point that can get stuck somewhere in the subcortex of the brain, er, you can do the same now find an explanation in how many people need to be mobilized, when... the supreme
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commander says that there is no need to mobilize 500,000 now, while the cabinet of ministers introduces a law on mobilization, and there are a lot of such, well, allegedly small details, of course , which when accumulated is critical a lot of such misunderstandings, on an emotional level there is a big explosion... and an explosion, in fact, i think that everyone in the president's office is already ready for this explosion, and that's why anonymous telegram channels attributed to the president's office absolutely, well, so calmly reported about the fact that they say volodymyr oleksandrovich has already fired zaluzhnik, so it's really not about any logic here. cause-and-effect relationships, here
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primarily about emotional and interpersonal relations, which have not been developing lately. i have another question, here is the question, which one i always asked when some representatives of the president's office and not only the president's office told us that we would be in crimea in the summer, for example, i said. and if we don't, then there will be the president's office and certain special services, what they will then sell, sell, of course, in quotation marks to the ukrainian society, how will they explain it, were there grounds for this, to claim something similar, and now we will have exactly the same situation, because if the commander-in-chief changes or... or rather , when it changes
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commander-in-chief, here i can also support the version of our western journalists that the issue with the change will still arise and it will still end with the resignation of the veteran sooner or later. remark, indeed , president zelenskyi has full authority for this. in order to do this , but at the same time, if after the change of the commander-in-chief, the situation at the front does not improve, that is , the situation at the front, the situation in the army , the situation with mobilization, how then will the president's office explain why this did not happen, well and accordingly the man to come to the place of the industrious, he will feel himself again... still very dependent on
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the political decisions that will be dictated to him, otherwise he will fall out of favor just like the industrious, and you very truthfully said here what to expect there, but you have to understand that when people there start to be led to... to the opinion that there is no need to create an alternative to zelenskyi, they say that the scumbag is aiming for some, well, the presidency of the village. or some other such things, then i have a very simple question: have we already won? we already know when they will be presidential elections, we know with what positions zaluzhnyi, zelenskyi and other active persons who
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are currently in politics will take part in these presidential elections. i have a very clear answer until the war is won, or at least... the situation with the war is clear, until we have conditions for the re-election of the supreme commander, the president, until there are conditions for elections, until then what elections should be thought about, here, first of all, one should think about what to do with the war, what to do in in situations when we really have a lack of funds, a lack of weapons and a lack of manpower at the... front, i absolutely, absolutely agree with you, mr. viktor, that in a situation when the question is about the future of ukraine, about life and death, and the question of how we can win this war, in fact, and not lose both ukraine,
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independence, and territories, then, actually, already after that, we need to think about it. about who will be a candidate there and in what year a candidate for the presidency, or to be at the head of some political party, but among arguments that have been heard over the past few days in the discussion, whether it is a classroom or in-person discussion between zaluzhny and zelenskyi, they say, there was a question about mobilization, on february 6, the verkhovna rada of ukraine should start considering the bill on mobilization, updated. the government prepared the bill , submitted it to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and let's see what is actually in this bill so that our viewers understand why zelensky and zaluzhny could debate there, and not only because of this, but because of the fact that
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waiting for millions of people who fall under mobilization, over the next few years, in order to understand what system is now on... to build in ukraine in order for this mobilization to work. so, the main innovations of the government bill on mobilization are very brief. first: enlistment age and terms of service the draft age is to be changed from 27 to 25 and to be released after 36 months of continuous service during martial law. second, the conscript's electronic account, it is proposed to oblige conscripts to register the conscript's electronic account, where are you the central committee will be able to send electronic summonses. third, mandatory verification of credentials within 60 days after the entry into force of the law, conscripts must undergo a verification of credentials, which can be done through an electronic cabinet. fourth, punishment for evaders. in case of non-appearance at the tcc , a temporary restriction on the right
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to drive vehicles, seizure of funds in bank accounts and electronic money in electronic wallets is provided. fifth, to the additional powers of the police, policemen get the right to check military records documents, detaining conscripts and delivering them to the central committee, well, there are still many points , we just selected five of these most important points, it is clear that in this situation zelenskyi is saying, the military has prepared such a bill for me, or the government has prepared it, and zelenskyi can at any time to bequeath this law, or not to sign it, as it were. where, among other things , the mobilization age was reduced from 27 to 25 years, but this law has not been signed somewhere and cannot be returned without a veto, and it is not clear what happened to it. mr. viktor, i am addressing viktor, if you allow this draft law right away,
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see if president zelensky wants to take full responsibility upon himself by dismissing the head there. so why doesn't he introduce this bill himself, why don't we hear what the president actually wants, that is , now the verkhovna rada will first start to break the spears there and make some amendments, and then you rightly told sergey that later it will turn out that part of these novellas, which will be introduced, they will not coincide with how this situation is seen in... the supreme commander-in-chief, accordingly, the law can be enshrined, so why fence off such a garden, if you can really introduce it into... the president’s bill is there, it has the possibility of a legislative initiative, thank
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you mr. viktor, i am turning to the other mr. viktor, what do you think why does zelensky constantly distance himself from the mobilization of the law on mobilization, because it is a direct presidential duty and the duty of the supreme commander-in-chief to announce mobilization or submit a mobilization plan or... announce that we will continue mobilization, this happened eight times, if i am not mistaken, during the last two years of the great war, that is, a draft law was submitted, mobilization continues, there are no questions, and when it came to this great conceptual law, it turns out that there are some military people who are preparing, and for some reason, zelenskyi does not associate himself with this vertical, although he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, er... the law is not quite popular in the electoral group
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of zelenskyi supporters, because zelenskyi supporters, again, let's not generalize, not all, but a significant part, and they see it through focus groups, very simply, yes, they understand that there is a target audience, well, an electoral audience that wanted to fight with the remote control on the edge, yes there type and hooray... on the sofa, and they do not like some norms of the law, first of all, the reduction of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years old, that is why, seeing this, zelensky wants to distance himself, i am not me and the house is not mine, so that the associative row mobilization was associated with zuluzhnyi, not zelenskyi, and that's why, that's not why the president introduces... this draft law, yes, it is being introduced by his government , but they will always emphasize that
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it is the military, that it is illegitimate and that zelenskyi’s conflict is illegitimate precisely because of the law on mobilization, in fact no, we have already said before that in fact, in fact, jealousy, yes, and this is just a cool excuse, here is an opportunity to smear zelensky again, to say, like, i don't want to, i don't need to. call for 500,000 people, although how they are going to win, it is not known how they prescribe the norm of 36 months in the same law, which means already 24 on february 25, a large part of the military may be demobilized, who will replace them, and the replacement is prepared, and it is necessary to prepare for three months, and what will we do if putin holds on march 17... his so-called elections, that's it will announce additional mobilization and bring another 500-6000, and what we will do, how
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we will respond, what our response will be to chamberlain is unclear, and therefore zelensky would like us to take a machine gun, which can be used from around the corner shoot, and there they said fuck-fuck-fuck, all of you killed, yes, they don't fight like that, and politicians who don't exist at all. the kivs in the war cannot impose their will on the military, but must listen to them, even for what stalin was already a usurper there and he tolerated it, even though he did not like his generals, well then marshals, yes, by the way, that's how it should be and zelensky to do, take the example of stalin and hitler, who really, really didn't like their generals, but still had to endure it, and don't just love power like that. as much of it as possible, bring shells, cartridges, sign laws, make regulations base, everything is fine, and i don’t invite even
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a hard-working tableau to my place, and that’s all, thank you, mr. igor, what is the problem now with mobilization, and was this special law necessary, or was it simply necessary to follow those norms that existed in ukraine, because yesterday i spoke on the air with serhii. he said: in general, there will be no problems in carrying out this mobilization further, there is an entire regulatory framework, everything is defined, who should behave, how, who should do what, of course, this whole system, which existed since the soviet union and was a little modernized, it probably needs to be improved and/or overhauled, it needs to be assembled in a new way, but in the conditions in which we are now, in the conditions of the war in... in principle , this system could continue to work, why is there such a fuss about it now? well, look,
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the hype has arisen for one simple reason, and that reason is purely informational. at first, society was swayed for more than a year in the sense that there is no need for any additional mobilization, we have the whole situation under control, and in general we will be drinking coffee in yalta soon. and i will note that it was said, by the way, politicians, that is, people who are related to political activity. i am from the military, well, maybe, except for mr. budanov, and mr. budanov should be noted later, well, he apologized, let’s say so, and made corrections to his statement, but i did not hear such forecasts from other military personnel, they were very careful about everyone forecasts and did not comment or forecast anything, and that was done by politicians, and then, well, society, you know, how they hit us on the head with an ax, they said that it turns out that we need a lot of people, we have a problem with people, boys and girls who at the front, they are tired , they must be replaced, the number of troops must be increased, because
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russia does not stop and pre accordingly further, and the society perceived this as on the one hand a certain deception, on the other hand injustice, because, well, there are still certain doubts , and by the way, in part this law, even in the format in which it was submitted to the verkhovna rada for the second time, it does not solve the problem of this justice by and large, although it tries to do so on some points, but in a rather strange way method, and the second point, by the way, i mentioned at the beginning that today, apparently, the office of the president launched a certain anti-crisis, trying to file. the thesis about dismissal for industriousness, as if he understands something by himself, that there is no problem here, he was blamed for the failed work of the territorial assembly centers, that is , they say that he did not bring order there, that is, it is his problem, let's say there his area of ​​responsibility, well, there is a bit more manipulation here, because, well, they are generally under the control of the command of the ground forces of ukraine, which in turn is subordinate
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to the general staff, but there is still a specific other person who is responsible for it... and there is a second point, the same zaluzhnyk said that i also understand it, mr. kryvonose confirms to some extent, that the system was working, but when the mass dismissals of these heads of the tsc began , some of which were absolutely reasoned, substantiated and connected there with some corrupt actions, there is no point in arguing with it right away, it collapsed the entire system in general, because they no one wanted to go as a replacement, people from the front, they don't want to risk their image, their reputation, to go to this position, where they... a priori are guilty, where there is a presumption of guilt, not a presumption of innocence, and this system, well, it was overturned for political reasons, i remember the president's address that we are firing everyone, cleaning up and so on, so it was simply necessary to modernize this law, well, let's say so, to introduce certain actions, starting at least from the middle of the 22nd, at most from
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the end on the 22nd, beginning of the 23rd year, and not to do it at the end of the 23rd, at the beginning of the 24th. and one more thing one key point, the law and by and large really doesn't change much, it just tries to notice as much as possible who is where and who is doing what, let's say, so that society clearly knows who is fighting, who is working, and accounting, he was put, let's say, on a new stream and with the help of those tools that are prescribed in this law, but whether these tools will work and whether they do not violate the current legislation, that is the question. which will be analyzed by the verkhovna rada, all the more so, and they have very little time for this analysis, they are planning, as i understand it, brilliant and arrahamia actually spoke about it, and they want to adopt the law and put it into effect almost before the end of february. thank you, mr. igor, gentlemen, let's take a short break, we'll be back on the air in a minute. there are discounts on
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