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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel. the news is on the air. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. four people were injured as a result of an enemy strike in the kharkiv region. the invaders fired at the hospital in the village of velikiy borluk. the facade, windows and roof were damaged, the state emergency service said. 33 patients and five employees of the medical facility were evacuated from the ponivac building. fortunately , the staff and patients managed to respond to the air alarm signal. that is why there were no victims,
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- added oleg senigubov, the head of the region. russian terrorists also attacked kharkiv with drones late at night. one of the missiles hit a civilian infrastructure object. there are no casualties. the enemy attacked turetsk and tsukuryne in donetsk region with artillery and guided aerial bombs. an elderly woman died, two others were injured, the regional prosecutor's office said. the occupiers hit the residential quarter. high-rise buildings, private houses, a dispensary and a power line. putin will receive surprises on the battlefield, us deputy secretary of state victoria nuland announced during a visit to kyiv. in particular, she confirmed that american small-diameter guided aerial bombs are already heading to the front. she also talked about supporting ukraine's defense-industrial complex and strengthening the investment climate. force that
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support for ukraine remains strong in the united states of america, so she is convinced that congress will vote to allocate $60 billion in aid. americans understand and admire the miracle that ukraine has already achieved in defending itself against such terrible russian aggression, and we also understand what happens when you can't just...survive, but thrive. so, i am absolutely sure that this understanding will be indicated in the decision of the congress on the proposal of president biden. at night , drones attacked russia. air defense forces allegedly shot down four aircraft over the belgorod region and one over the kursk region, the terrorists told the ministry of defense of the country. later, the department reported that they shot down four drones again. in the belgorod region and
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two more over the voronezh region. the missile threat level is extremely high. again during the day, the russian occupying forces increased the number of missile carriers of calibers in the black sea. two frigates and a small missile ship are on duty. the total salvo is up to 24 calibers - the south's defense forces report. residents of kyiv region are warned about possible explosions from the first time. military exercises will take place in the buchansky district on february 1, they will last both during the day and at night, the kyiv city military administration reported. the military urged people to remain calm and watch for air raid signals. and the collection continues espresso tv channel. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic.
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for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has almost uah 220,000. get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. the government has canceled the moratorium on power outages. energy companies began to disconnect from the energy supply. zealous debtors, 160,000 people use but do not pay for services in vinnytsia region alone. our journalists saw how they fight with non-payers. energy workers came to turn off the lights in the house of mrs. olena, whose debt is uah 80,000. the woman explains that the situation in the family is difficult, her husband died, and in addition to the house, she also inherited a debt. he told me already in... about a year ago
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, i didn't know this, i asked him, i said, let's pay, how is it, well, he says everything is fine with the world, i can't be like that, i pay everything, i decide everything, well, everything is fine. i i did not know this when he, when we had already turned to venus, i was paying, that is, it can be seen from the payments that i paid as much as i could, but then he became very ill and the funds were used for medicine this time elena svitlo still not turned off, the energy experts offered the woman to restructure the debt, that is, break it into equal parts. we deal with the disconnection of both the private sector and apartment buildings. also, we have around 60,000 smart meters in the city, to which we can connect remotely and remotely without leaving, so so to speak, disconnect consumers from the workplace, but first of all it is necessary for consumers to contact us, we, when they do not
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contact us, we disconnect, if there is an application for reconciliation of displays, or to clarify some disputed points, we leave for a meeting, they use it in vinnytsia region. services, but 160,000 apartment owners do not pay for them, energy experts visit them, specialists disconnect up to fifty consumers per day, if the apartment owner does not leave, wires are cut, removal moratorium is such a necessary feature because we've seen consumers start to use it. this restriction for their own purposes, because ah, by application, the provider of universal services, the majority of honest payers, from the lower strata of the population and so on, they pay honestly, and
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the debtors turn out to be wealthy. consumer debt to vinnytsia oblenergo amounts to uah 130 million. energy experts say that blackouts motivate citizens to pay their bills faster and... note that the restoration of electricity supply is already a paid service, so in addition to repayment debt, the consumer will have to pay for it as well. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky, from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. although the energy situation of this land is much better than last year, we must be ready for new enemy attacks, president volodymyr zelenskyy said in an evening video message. the russian occupiers continue to hunt our people. objects of critical infrastructure. the energy situation is fundamentally different from last winter, the system has been preserved, we provide ukrainians with energy, we ensure and constantly strengthen the protection of energy
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objects, we are strengthening our air shield. we still have a long way to go this winter, and there will still be russian terrorist attacks, and the russians will try to... break our defenses, we are aware of the threat and thank everyone who protects the state, who is on combat duty every night, every day. so good with russia that he fled to london. british law enforcement officers detained the former russian governor of occupied sevastopol, dmytro ovsyanikov. he is suspected of violating sanctions legislation. according to the times newspaper, he is under arrest. ovsyannikov led the occupations. russia sevastopol from 2017 to 2019. the ex-governor will appear before the court on february 20. he is accused of circumventing sanctions and opening an account in a london bank. sanctions against him have been in effect since 2020.
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how russia has been fighting dead ukrainians and the memory of the holodomor for decades. the book big lie by ukrainian historian andrii kozytskyi was presented at the holodomor national museum. genocide the author describes in detail all stages of denying the truth about the great famine, first in the soviet union, then in modern russia. kuzytsky also investigated denial by russian propaganda of other genocides that were committed in the 20th century. work on the book lasted more than three years. in the last three years, we have seen the escalation of the information war against ukraine, and i wanted to show how the denial of the right to ukrainians to have their own view of history, how the denial of ukrainians to have their own interpretation of their own history becomes an element of denying ukrainians as a separate people, is an element of denying ukrainians to have their own the state the author of the monograph that we
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are presenting today, andriy kozytskyi, is our researcher, he works for us part-time, and this work was written by him as part of the scientific work of the national holodomor genocide museum itself. that is, this is our product, er, moreover, we published it in a book at the expense of the museum. this concludes the issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join us. put your preferences, then congratulate my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team, have a good day, and oksana vysochka. today we work for you on the espresso tv channel. the informational marathon continues. two of the four
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shaheds that the russians launched across ukraine this night. we knocked it down. the situation is a little worse for the russians and a little worse in the occupied territories. yes, they were shot down less. we, we argued behind the scenes, who starts, who sings a song, as in the army, who picks up. we mentioned russian. song, surrender. yesterday's successful actions in belbek confirmed this, today in just a few minutes we will ask our guests about it , what is happening there, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, we hope that dmytro pletenchuk will join us a little later, in the meantime we will remind you about our assembly for the 141st brigade. million need to be collected for various little things from binoculars, gloves to scopes and rangefinders, please join
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this collection, now there is already 242,250 uah in the account, almost 25% of the required amount, but not all that needed to be collected, so we count on you, well, we will collect information for you from different parts of ukraine and from the front line in order to have a picture on the first day: we will start february from nikopol, so nikopol is our first city today, which, probably every day and perhaps the most, is shelled from the left bank by the russians, dmytro bychko, chairman of the nikopol district council, is already joining us, congratulations you, good morning, mr. dmytro, good morning, is it possible to greet you like this today, good morning, did the night pass in moderation. by horse for more than a year and a half, the enemy and terrorists from the area around the zaporozhye
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power plant have continued to terrorize nikopolskyi district ah, yesterday was no exception. the enemy is shelling day and night, using various means of shelling, including artillery, and a lot of drones operate on the territory of the nikopol district. yesterday, during the aftermath of the attack in nikopol, marganets and rural areas of the nikopol district. one person was injured, she is in the hospital, and there were also, the night was also restless, as a result of the attacks, will be established later, so we understand that we need to support the meetings, we need to help the armed forces of ukraine, and only help, support, we can only win, and then there will be peace in ukraine, there will be peace in the nikopol region, so... join and support the armed forces, everyone who sees and listens to us. mr. dmytro, it's such a sad competition as
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to who will be beaten more in beryslav in the kherson region or in nikopol or marganets. in this case, how do you assess the results, well , let's say, of destruction and problems in the critical structure that should support the life of the city. well, periodically sometimes the enemy. not only the civilian population shoots of our region, destroys private houses, apartments, but he also carries out attacks on private businesses, on large enterprises and carries out such attacks on the critical infrastructure of the nikopol district, we are very grateful to all utility workers and critical infrastructure workers who restore it, but of course for this, appropriate funds from the local budget go to this restoration, which constantly restores these on... the consequences of the attacks carried out on the territory of the nikopol district, and therefore of course, if we measure from
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the extreme situation, the extreme shelling, and we we saw that there were also injuries, how quickly is it possible, well, i understand that a certain algorithm has been developed, but every time it is hit it is different, but how quickly is it possible to restore everything that is necessary for life in winter, that is , heat, water, light? well, if we are speaking in general, that is, there are various shellings, there are shellings that concern , for example, the destruction of a private house and a specific family, then of course they leave later. utility workers, they very quickly try to board up windows, help with roof repairs, so that people do not it flowed, it didn’t snow, it didn’t fly, a little bit to do it, but it all depends on this shelling, because if there is a very significant shelling, of course people are offered help, and people will not be able to live in a certain house for a certain time,
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but if we are talking about a critical infrastructure, which in general where on the territory of the nikopol region there or certain. electricity or gas or any other services there, of course such works are restored, they are done, but it all depends on the consequences of the shelling, what kind of work is needed, specifically utility workers and critical infrastructure, this the situation is also very complicated because the enemy sometimes strikes at the same point where he fired, so in fact there is a probability and so sometimes it happens again and again. at a time when utility workers, ministry of emergency situations workers are on site , helping to restore it, that's why the enemy is insidious, the enemy is inhumane, so of course he does inhumane actions. mr. dmytro, are the locals counting on this counteroffensive, on the expansion of the bridgehead in krynyk, on the fact that
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the orihiv direction is still slow, but certain actions are taking place there, and even on the maps it can be seen that here and there ... a blue strip appears, then a speck, that is, do people already hope that a little more, and they will stop being constantly shelled from the other bank, well, of course, we and all the residents of the nikopol district we believe in this and hope that it will happen as soon as possible, that is why we always say that only by exclusively helping the armed forces of ukraine, supporting our... military personnel, who are military personnel from the nikopol district, military personnel from the entire country, we can get the the result, which is victory, then there will be peace, and these daily shellings, which have been going on for more than a year and a half, the terror of the nikopol district, where it reaches up to 10 seconds from the moment of exit, and in fact it can reach this shelling, and any time you
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just walk down the street, when you you take a child, for example, to the hospital, and it can... happen very often and quickly, it is certainly such a terror, and it is only possible to stop it due to the fact that the armed forces of ukraine will win. and what works in the city, the hospitals you mentioned, as i understand it, are working, schools, probably, kindergartens are not very remote, or as? yes, everything in the nikopol district is related to education, it works remotely, and if we say, well, that a person needs to receive certain services, they are... from the point of view of housing and communal services there, all this is there, except for certain problems, of course, which terrorists created for us with the detonation of kakhovskaya hessa and a certain part of the nikopol district in the taps or drinking water, or technical water, or a certain territory is missing only and these territories only on imported water, we expect the implementation of the state main labor pipeline, but
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of course, this situation, which is the war and these daily shellings, they significantly worsened the situation regarding... and the development of the child is the most important problem of the nikopol district, because online education, online sports, online culture, it cannot replace a child's full development , and of course, we need help, and funds, and more attention so that we can somehow create more projects that would allow children to play sports, because to be honest, for the first two years we actively developed the direction of psychology, educational projects there . but now i understand that the child needs sports, because when the child is constantly on the computer, constantly online, everything worsens in terms of neurology, osteochondrosis, and there are already such surges in a certain area that it is already a problem, so we are now we are trying and working with foundations to increase the number of these projects, and the children worked in
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safe areas and yet we returned them to activities, well, some semi-underground some should be closed. sports facilities, to do something, in conclusion, tell me, mr. dmytro, that's it after all, the pattern of shelling has changed, i look both in nikopol and in the neighbors, that is , before it was primarily artillery, mortars, when they were close, and rocket fire, now i see that the number of skids and drone attacks is increasing, hanging they are in the air, that is, they fly, track or whatever, how it looks like in the sky. over nikopol, yes, the number of drones has significantly increased, there may be 10-12 of them, less, per day, such attacks take place, they use them. various drones, and therefore we are very grateful to the defense forces, which mostly most of these drones land, they do not fly anywhere, but of course this
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drone terror, which today takes place at a very short distance, because we always say that from 5 to 7 km away on the other side are these criminals who actually created there logistics of their military facilities, having taken a certain part of the territories and... houses of the private sector from the local residents and making appropriate ambushes there, and from there they all launch it and continue the terror of the nikopol region. thank you sir dmytro, dmytro buchko, acting chairman of the nikopol district council about the very difficult life on our right bank of the dnieper in nikopol. and what oksana was talking about is to move quickly in the right direction. tovkol and in the direction of the boxes to the crimea, then probably nikopol would also have breathed his last, because they would have been forced to retreat, and so
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we have to move towards the azov coast in order to reach berdyansk, but we will reach berdyansk in a few minutes, if you stay with espresso. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and... normalizes heart rate, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on hepargin of 10% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. new york 19th century. this is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama, in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on me. there are discounts on linex forte of 15% in psarynskyi, bam and oskad pharmacies. nothing has happened yet not yet, hang on. oh, normolact, honey, take
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soothing 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, there will be even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aerial complexes of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown bones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you! glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also
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say, let's make better roads. even better , we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. congratulations, everyone from espresso joined, we say good morning to you, we are already here managed to talk about the right and left bank. in the dnipropetrovsk region, and now we will move to the azov coast, this year, our poor ukrainian barrel had to overeat, so much feed was not thrown to him, but there will be more, we know it for sure, and the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, viktor dudukalov, will not let us tell lies about his father , who ate the russian-fascist invader, mr. viktor, we congratulate you, glory
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to ukraine. slava, congratulations, what have you heard from berdyansk? there is now a flu epidemic, a quarantine, a raging epidemic, and the occupiers are giving up they can't help it, i said how many times on the air that there is no medicine there, but today there is, it is already indicative so much that everyone understood that there are simply no medical services, and in any field that exists and functions there, that whatever nothing works, nothing helps the people, accordingly , the military contingent there is no less, and it continues, then lack of light, then lack of water, then interruptions with heat, then some other problems, well, this is not life there in the occupation, just survival among the people , and next to that, feed slogans in as part of the preparations for the presidential elections, they want to re-elect the dictator putin, accordingly, they are now feeding propaganda,
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slogans, plastering akvash. everything you can eat. and a little more , mr. viktor, actually, because of the preparation for the pseudo -elections, is the number increasing, i don’t know, is there an increase in the number of russian militia police in the city, or is there an increase in the number or some kind of control, this kind of supervision is more or less comfortable, it becomes moral for people, is there something like that, or do you fix and now i'm fixing it. we record greater activity in the coordination of the organization itself elections, there is no such thing as security yet, but places have begun to appear where there are campaigning events, accordingly, and where signatures were collected at one time, they want to make him a self-nominee there, because of this they organized the collection of signatures, these places are carefully guarded, i remember , like the past so-called elections there and the referendum, the so-called local elections, they are
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in general. organized alleged polling places for some election activities, but they did not open the lock there at all until the elections themselves and did not let anyone in there, because it is clear that there will be partisans leading the way, today the situation is almost the same , that is, formally the process has started there, in fact they are still afraid, because they know that somewhere something will explode, as in every election, that's because what concerns the security forces... them today has not yet increased, but it will be clear in the future that it will be more attention, nevertheless, the activity itself has been added organizationally, because it is repeated that advertising has appeared much more on the streets, in addition , processes have begun with the production of people on on participation in the so-called elections, and explanatory work among the population, how you can vote, where you can vote, that you can
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vote russian without a passport. because you need it for an ambulance, but you don't need it for voting and so on , so you know, that's how it is for today, mr. viktor, i 'm looking at the authorities gave some official statistics regarding yesterday's exchange of prisoners of war, 807 of ours were exchanged there defenders, among them 46 military men who defended precisely... zaporozhye direction, and looking at these lists, i see that among them they say, well, there is even one berdyan, you can tell, actually, who returned to the languages, they say about two berdyans, but here, you know, until they give their consent to any information, well, i don't have the right to any, i'll be honest, today, i'm talking about two, as of today, i don't.
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i know about them in the past.


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