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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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the prime minister, who is called the most pro-russian politician in europe, has not yet approved funds for ukraine? good morning, katya, viktor orban is the so-called culprit of this celebration, because the summit would not have happened now and the 27 leaders of the eu countries would not have come here to brussels, if the prime minister of hungary had not blocked macrofin ukraine in december. now the hungarian prime minister is ready for a compromise, but again, on his own terms , he is not ready to vote for granting. in kyiv until 2027 inclusive, and wants to review this decision every year and continues to insist on this, rather, he wants the extension of the macrofinance every time to be unanimously approved by all leaders, including the hungarian one, respectively, and these are additional windows for veto, understanding this , the 26 leaders of the member countries are in no hurry to accept orban's conditions, well, in particular, from the latest version of the conclusions of the summit, which is at the disposal of radio liberty, it follows that countries and others offer the so-called. in the middle, i.e.
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an annual review of how ukraine spends money in order to win hungary's support for its provision in principle, but this review will be in a form of debate based on the reports of the european commission. under these conditions, budapest will not be able to put the flow of funds on hold, but it will be able to express concerns if something is not to its liking. the leaders had dinner together last night, to get along in an informal setting, as we know from our interlocutors, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity. could not, that is , there is no agreement on a compromise, the search for it will continue right here at the summit, which is really critical for ukraine, because the deadline for receiving the next portion of macrofinance, as here have repeatedly emphasized march , together with me for the passions that will erupt both on the stage of the summit and on the sidelines , hundreds of journalists from the world media are watching it, we are waiting here for the leaders who, traditionally , after walking the red carpet, share their mood with the media before the... viktor
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orvan's meeting has not yet taken place, but i remember how in december he said in a grand gesture here that he would not support the opening of negotiations with ukraine on its accession to the eu, and already in the evening he dramatically left the room, allowing his colleagues to make a decision that he did not want. military aid to ukraine will also be discussed at the budget summit, while funding from the usa is on hold, holaf scholza, and germany, you remember, is the most advanced arms supplier to ukraine on the european continent, wants more involvement. other countries, in particular france and italy, at the eu level will try to agree on replenishment of the fund of the european peace fund, from which weapons for ukraine are financed by another 5 billion. the summit will start in about an hour and a half, it will be opened by volodymyr's essentially online address zelensky, and how the financial intrigue will develop, will be told accordingly in the next broadcasts, keep an eye on zoryana, thank you very much, we are monitoring the situation, zoryana stepanenko, radio liberty correspondent. and then we will talk about the new
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draft law on mobilization, which the cabinet of ministers submitted for consideration to the verkhovna rada, and it is again subject to criticism, deputies and lawyers note that the draft law still contains norms that either violate rights or are difficult to implement, for example , criticized the rule on the possibility of blocking the accounts of persons who evade mobilization. people's deputy dmytro razumkov said in a comment to tsn that because of... this norm, ukrainians will start withdrawing cash or withdrawing their savings from banks, which will hit the economy of ukraine. in addition , the lawyers drew attention to the fact that the courts should consider cases of arrests initiated by the tsc within 15 days. according to lawyers, this could lead to the collapse of the judicial system, which is already overloaded. but yaroslav zheleznyak, a deputy from the voice, believes that a lot of amendments will be submitted to the law, so it can become or. no earlier than march, oleksiy goncharenko
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, people's deputy for european solidarity, will submit an alternative draft law, because , they say, there is no rule on rotations and unclear terms of service for demobilization in the proposed one. another people's deputy from the servant of the people party, giorgiy mazurashu, has already stated that he refuses to vote for this version of the future law, because he considers it, quote, slave-owning. iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine from the european party, joins our broadcast. solidarity, irina, i welcome you to our broadcast. good morning. many critics of the online summons and the conscript's cabinet. actually, how do they want to force registration in this system, as far as it is legal, because lawyers say that the laws do not stipulate that ukrainians must have access to the internet and computers or smartphones. yes, if we start from the electronic cabinet with you, i agree with the... equals you
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quoted, because on the one hand, with this draft law, the state introduces obligations, that is, citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 are conscripted. must have a-a to open this electronic cabinet, and in order to be able not to go to the tcc to update your current data in order to be able to receive direct communication with the ministry of defense, but there is a big but here, because actually how will the fixation and notices of conscripts, which are honestly opened. the electronic office honestly updated all his personal data within the allotted time, so how will he be notified and record the sending of this electronic subpoenas, this draft law does not give an answer to this question, and this means that on the one
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hand we oblige citizens to take certain actions, in particular regarding the opening of an electronic office, on the other hand we do not provide a clear and... kharythm, implementation mechanism activities, it is through this electronic office, because if you did not see the electronic summons there, did not have time to familiarize yourself with it, did not have the opportunity to simply access the internet for various absolutely reasons, starting from illness, ending with, i don’t know, natural or some kind of disaster, in which you got on the way out abroad, abroad, i don’t know where there is simply no internet, then you... in fact , just like all evaders, you are initially subject to administrative responsibility and influence measures that can be used by representatives of the tsc through the court, now, glory for god's sake, then criminal liability may also come, if you, no, did not react and
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did not take appropriate actions after the introduction of administrative liability, therefore it is necessary to prescribe more and more clearly, but for the time being... to refuse this altogether norms, while the government does not have a clear algorithm that it could present to society, in which way the notification and recording of new information will work, and for citizens who have an electronic cabinet in the future, but the norm on demobilization cannot be waived, although there is opinions about the fact that it is still not clear how it will be according to this and this draft law, deputy honcharenko, your colleague says that the norm that... dismissal from service is too vague, they say, there will be no demobilization as such, what you do you think about this? well, in general, i believe that the question of demobilization , which everyone emphasized, is a necessary component of mobilization, because it is not the determination of the people who are being mobilized, but rather
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the way in which they can be demobilized, that leads to fear and an increase in the percentage of evaders, let's say , so here is the question of where... mobilization, unfortunately, in this bill, from my point of view, is such a legislative manipulation, because on the one hand, 36 months of continuous military service is laid down, but continuous military service service for 36 months, relatively speaking, at ground zero in the combat zone is one thing and quite another, in what way these 36 months of continuous military service can flow in wartime. which is located there even in central or western ukraine, that is, this is a completely unfair relationship in relation to our defenders, who are directly in the combat zone . here, from my point of view
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, a clearer calculation should be made, if we are talking about the combat zone, then one day for two, one day for three can be considered there, but this it is necessary to lay down immediately as a criterion in the law in order to... then calculate and give an opportunity for demobilization, another big manipulation is laid down, well, this is a question of justice, yes, that is, 36 months of continuous service without a clear reference to the performance of combat tasks in war zones. another manipulation is that the issue of demobilization after 36 months was suspended for the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, if you look at the legislation, then the powers. of the channel regarding making decisions about demobilization, namely they do not have such a rate decision, and in this rate, accordingly, there are no established terms, during which time this rate must make a decision on the demobilization of those who fall under 36 months, so this
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uncertainty actually leads the question of mobilization to a mechanism that does not will never be implemented, that is, or stand. under the big question mark, in what way will , for example, be demobilized by a bid decision, it will be a list of names, it will be a number, well, that is, where is the logic and in what way it... can be implemented by a decision bets, i see that the people's deputies have a lot of questions about this new draft law, i thank you for participating and analyzing it, together with us and with the audience, iryna friz, a people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity party, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you. for the first time in history, the un international court of justice found russia guilty of violating international law. the gas decision was announced the day before on the basis of a lawsuit that ukraine filed back in 2017. ukraine complained. that russia finances militants in the donbass and suppresses the rights of the crimean tatars. court recognized part of ukraine's complaints, but
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rejected most of them. and my colleague olena abramovych will explain in more detail. ukraine waited for this decision for seven years and prepared 17,000 pages of evidence about russia's violation of various articles of two international conventions. regarding the financing of terrorism and racial discrimination. central to this lawsuit was the downing of a passenger plane. we are talking about boeing, which carried out flight mh-17 in the summer of 2014, and the plane was shot down from the territory not under the control of ukraine, by an anti-aircraft missile buk installation brought from russia. all 298 passengers and crew members died, mostly dutch nationals. ukraine asked the court to find russia guilty of shooting down the boeing, but the court outlined the scope of the case at the beginning of the reading of the verdict, which lasted for an hour and a half. only money, not equipment, which russia supplied to militants in eastern ukraine. the court concluded that the term
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funds, as defined in article one of the convention on the financing of terrorism and used in article two , refers to resources provided or collected by their monetary and financial value, and does not include means used to commit terrorist acts. therefore, the alleged supply of weapons to various armed groups operating in ukraine and the alleged organization of training for members of these groups are beyond the scope of the convention. the court does not consider everything that goes beyond the limits of the convention, so the court did not place responsibility for the downing of the passenger plane on russia. so with regard to both conventions, he rejected most of ukraine's accusations against russia, either due to a lack of evidence, or due to non-compliance with the conventions. one at a time of them, the court found one item each, which russia did violate and was recognized. guilty, and representatives of ukraine called this fact historic. for the first time in history, the russian
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federation was recognized by this court, the highest court in the world, as a violator of international law. russia is now a violator of international law not only in political statements, not only in statements on various political platforms, but in a legally binding decision of an international court. in particular, the court said that russia was guilty of not investigating cases of terrorist financing, which ukraine repeatedly drew attention. as for racial discrimination, russia is to blame for suppressing the ukrainian language in the schools of occupied crimea. in the meantime, the court called all complaints regarding the oppression of the crimean tatars not racial, but political, and did not award any compensation for this claim. memories of olena abramovych, marok hajduk, radio liberty. congratulations, this is news for. a minute later briefly about what is written in social networks. the former occupation governor of sevastopol, dmytro ovsyannikov, was detained in
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london, the times reports. he is suspected of violations of sanction legislation. he is allegedly under arrest in one of the london prisons, his trial is scheduled for february 20. ovsiadnikov was the governor of russian-occupied sevastopol from 2017 to 2019. nato secretary general jens stoltenburg was nominated for the nobel prize. peace prize, it was done by his countryman, a member of the norwegian parliament, abid raja. according to raja, the reason for receiving the peace prize is sto stoltenberg's efforts to end the war in ukraine. the politician believes that no one outside of ukraine has made ukraine more to stop russian aggression. ukrainian yaroslava maguchykh won the competition in the german city of kotpus and set a new world record for the 2024 season. the athlete jumped high. in 2 m 4 cm, this is the third top result in maguchykh's career, writes
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public sport, in addition, this is her third victory in kotpos, as well as a new record of the tournament in this city. the previous top indicator at local competitions belonged to the russian, maria lasyt, writes suspilne sport. that's all for today, look for more news in our social networks. thank you, that was my colleague iryna ostrovska, welcome. freedom, morning freedom, morning broadcast about the most important topics, every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on the air of the tv channel and on the youtube channel of radio svoboda. in this edition, i will remind you, we talked about the results. attacks on the occupiers in the occupied crimea, and also we spoke with the adviser to the head of the president's office about the resignation of zaluzhnyi, if you missed it, find this video and watch it again, and share this video with your acquaintances and friends, it is important, support the ukrainian media and see you tomorrow. thank you colleagues from freedom, we too
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continuing to gather information for you, i 'm watching another battle of waterloo, oksan, do you know what the battle of waterloo looks like? i think you will tell me now, because i also already have the following information, so the battle of waterloo looks like this: there are 60 tractors on the autobahn in four lanes, are they going to the european one? no, it's brussels, because that's where they will be considered now. today the recognition of this aid to ukraine of 50 billion euros for the next four years and that is why the best allies on tractors are driving so that this does not happen, so that they do not give because they have tractors and they want to eat, and your war interferes with our tractors.
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by the way, our correspondent tetyana vysotska will talk about this in more detail on our air, about what is happening. well, the telegram channels there are reporting about the explosions in crimea, even from yevpatoria, we will see , we will see, we will read what it is a little later, and now we will talk about our internal ukrainian affairs, but very, very important. so important and sensitive, you say well, we are adding yuriy nikolov to ours conversation, journalist, co-founder of the independent group our money, glory to ukraine, mr. yuriy, i have a word, good morning, mr. yuriy, let's start with the fact that how long do we have to wait for us to be given official information that yuriy nikolov's apartment was attacked, people attacked , who were hired by yuriy
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nikolov himself, yes, and he himself organized everything, because we see that all those who are not. detained, do you remember our extreme conversation, then everyone has already gone their separate ways, they say that they were hired by some false sbushnik, someone says: but i am an sbushnik, this is the task of the sbu, sit down, we went, we attacked, and now they were released, and what, you were investigating, yes, i was investigating, that is, i am now recognized as a victim in this case, and my lawyer is submitting a request to receive information in this case, that is, it begins it is well known...lawyers have a game, guess the information , ugh, well, we will follow, because now there is no other council here, because, as we can see, they decided not to arrest anyone in hot pursuit, so, let's say, we are not sure about that , that the prosecution has enough evidence, and why are not sure whether
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there is no evidence, or they are steep, which threaten to expose themselves, well, now we will see somehow, but already from... it is clear that the ukrainian law enforcement officers did not manage to quickly solve, it would seem, an understandable crime, sir, we only showed photos , well, because we understand that it was behind closed doors, a meeting with the ambassadors of the big seven, then when we showed this photo and asked the representatives of the parliamentary majority, they started playing the fool, that is, what are our values, fundamental values , freedom of speech, this is what we stand for signature... it so happened that hey, freedom will flourish, but they could not comment on what the consequences of this meeting would be for you, including censorship, it is even already mentioned in one of the government agencies, and the ambassadors, well, the ambassadors were appreciated , and it is absolutely clear that even the very fact
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that they organized this meeting, for the first time, for the first time, it is not even known in what period... only no one could remember whether there had ever been such a meeting between ambassadors and ukrainian journalists dedicated to freedom of speech in ukraine, well, not during yanukovych's time, there were aksakals among us, they didn’t remember , not even later, so the very fact of this meeting is already a signal to the g7 governments about what is happening in ukraine, and what conclusions will be drawn from this, well , i’m afraid that they will be the worst, uh, in fact, that is why these theses of taking garbage out of the house appear. other things and why all these meetings, in our opinion, flew out of the house when the video spread from me, from the bigus, it immediately hit the headlines of the world media, reuters came out independently. from the fact that we met with the ambassadors, financial times wrote, regardless from what we told them, in general, they released their articles instantly there a day or two later, and it was already in the headlines about
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the oppression of freedom of speech in ukraine, and what are we here for, uh, actually, what is all this for, for what needs to be immediately shouted to the whole world, told loudly, and then we understand that in the final result , ukraine actually benefits from it, although it may seem so. that somewhere there is a reputation, a benefit, definitely a benefit, i mean a benefit from the fact that such information appears, because we are not a moneyed benefit to us in ukraine, look, no, look, here is the information that flew, it is a shot in both legs in ukraine, zelensky is telling us, bankers, come there, invest in ukraine, we have democracy, and in general, let the world governments , let's protect ukraine, we're a democracy, we 're just like you, and here it turns out that someone is flying in from ukraine, we're not a democracy, we have... a journalist is being pressured, like in russia, what is the benefit to us from this, but journalists can it is to say that this information is proof that freedom of speech still remains, that is, they see that there is still
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someone to invest in and there is still someone to work with, i mean, no, no, it doesn’t work exactly like that, it works exactly like that, the sbu, if you find the organizers of these crimes, okay, then you have a democracy and everything is working properly, but if journalists are just screaming with all their might that they are being beaten, well, sorry, this is not proof. this is proof that she is not dead yet, but her condition is no longer the same as it was, so i would not say that it is profitable there or not, it is profitable when the sbu accepts all the organizers of these provocations and will present to the world as proof that , as they say, in ukraine the system is not characterized by a mistake, but by a reaction to a mistake, if not, then it will remain in all embassies, in all headlines, that in ukraine journalists can be beaten and no one is for it the sbu will do nothing. no one was found, mr. yuriy, and when the eyes outlined these cases, they said that this was basically the practice of putin's russia, and it had been increasing since the time when yeltsin finished
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the last bottle of vodka, and it reached the present moment, and then our military even i was once told that it is very bad because in military terms, little putin will never defeat big putin , that's the thesis that sounded in my mind, yes, of course, yes, yes, well... ugh, well, that is , the trend right there characterizes, yes, but i couldn't remember, if there were so many provocations against journalists in ukraine at the same time, that is, there were separate cases, of course, shabunin's house was burned down in advance of the invasion , where his parents slept at night, an incendiary mixture was thrown, the thief was wiretapped, the camera, even the one in his apartment, watched him private life, this was before the invasion. and no one found anyone, in general, and now the situation is starting to look like this too, and then the question is, well, where are we going, that is
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, do you believe or not believe that these legs will find, which lead to your home , and to bigus, and to everyone else, i'm not a question of faith, i'm a question of facts, i expect the law enforcement officers to do it, and if they don't, i'll just have a full, well, as they say, hands full of reasons to talk about the fact that the law enforcement officers were not able to unravel even that, well, that crime, where they were even detained people who were considered to be involved in it, well, what will this indicate, i will talk about it as a journalist about the facts, and yur, but there is such a thing as, in principle, knowledge and logic, if a person has sufficiently successfully built a local kvn team , and she successfully dealt with both the kharashkovskys and the gazproms, who... reigned, and she even dealt with benia kolomoisky, and all this was always a plus, so this person always thinks and acts rationally. and now, when there are these two
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shots in the foot regarding freedom of speech, when there is a bunch corruption scandals around the ministry of defense and procurement, when there is a scandal with the not-retired head of the armed forces who owes everything. it's such a perfect storm that i can't believe that this person suddenly turned off the instinct of self-preservation, it still looks like a fairly planned and directed joint operation all around, that is, driving, you know , how a wolf is driven to hunters, ugh, well it seems to me, maybe i made up something stupid, but in fact it is just a coincidence that in a perfect storm such things coincided. events, well from the point of view, look for someone who benefits, well, this is basically a logical picture, there is oppression of the independent press, which the office of the current
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president has never done. did not like and did not consider it to be what society needs, on the other hand , there is such a discrediting campaign against their main competitor in the presidential elections, because whether the ukrainian people want it or not, but on the rating of valery fedorovych, the hardworking one, or rather his trust in him , well, it is much larger than that of volodymyr zelensky, and therefore he is a natural competitor for the office now president in the upcoming elections. whatever they were, so the coincidence in time, let it be a coincidence, but just look for who benefits from all this, and you will come to an of course understandable result, and it looks like all this is supposedly under the guise of forming some kind of unified voice, the only option for providing information and apparently for our benefit, it all leads to the fact that somewhere there may
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appear the same elections. in the 24th year and especially after, of course, it seems very similar that politicians now live by the logic that elections are possible, well, not imminent , but possible, and the impression is that, if possible, they are counting on some kind of respite on the front line, which can be given as such a pause, during which re-elections can be held, but it seems to me that they have logic now it is this one, but will it be so... and should these politicians count on vladimir putin, that he will go to some kind of temporary respite, or will vladimir putin just sit down and abandon everyone, and then wait for trump's victory and take all of ukraine from from the shan to the don, and then we will see who was right, who for what i expected you to finalize us a minute before the news, there is a lot of interesting news in the news, so for this moment tell me... the plan of action,
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that is, wine with lawyers, you talked with colleagues after the meeting, in particular and so on, that is, you developed a plan , when, for example, nothing, neither to bigus, nor to you, nor to anyone else, nor to mishitkach, they will say anything , but simply, as they say, your actions will suck, let's live on, look, after all, at the criminal case against me, oops, in my story, the world didn't quite come together, at least for me, i'll continue.
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events of this hour, yes, because khrystyna parubiy already has the freshest and most important news for this moment in her selection, she is ready to share it, khrystyna, you have my word. thank you, colleagues, i will tell about the losses of the enemy in the issue, and also show how our defenders returned home after the russian capture, wait a moment. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parobii, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. six people were wounded in the kherson region, the enemy targeted the residential quarters of several settlements. damaged educational institutions and kindergartens in beryslav district, - informed the head of the region.


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