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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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move lieva, who worked for the ministry of defense and was involved in, let's say, accused of embezzling 1.5 billion hryvnias of shells for the armed forces, and this criminal scheme was with the managers of the lviv arsenal and several foreign companies. what can you tell us about this story, why these anti-corruption cases and cases are so difficult. where people are suspected of embezzling huge sums during the war, these are simply catastrophically large sums. how does the ministry of defense perceive the progress of these cases and are there any safeguards against such devices and there were no such sums, no embezzlement on such a scale. eh, let's say so
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, the lviv arsenal, it was inherited from the previous head of the ministry of defense, from his deputy, let's say, for the armament itself, and from those stories that took place in the ministry of defense in the 22nd year, i would even did not start the war, because just at the beginning of the war, i think that more or less everything was, well... it was very hot, everyone tried to do everything they could, but somewhere according to my observations, somewhere from may 22 years have begun, you know, when it is dark in the room is not visible, absolutely nothing is happening, and we all know that the purchases of the ministry of defense were removed, let's say, the visibility zone, and the people who were watching there. for example, collateral
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security, this is what happened on prozoro, of course, the purchase of weapons will always be closed to ordinary citizens with greater, let's say, with greater nuances, and this is correct, but the case of the lviv arsenal, it is so, you know, so simple , in some way, i don't even know how to characterize it, the fact is that in us... there were three special exporters at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, arms trade is generally a very regulated process, and literally at the beginning of the war, the special exporters became special importers in one day, we began to buy a lot of weapons, and at some point such a company lvivsky appeared the arsenal, which has never in its activity engaged in the purchase of weapons, never, at one point in one day, it receives a license to... to carry out such an activity, but
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it does not have a license to contract with the supplier that they declared and to whom they gave their commercial proposal, and also did not have a license to transport weapons on the territory of other countries, these are mandatory documents, those that are simply impossible, without which to start any process at all, but the process was started, this company gave the minister's proposal. defense, the proposal was accepted on one day, the decision was made to advance in the amount of 97%, this is minus the commission of the lviv arsenal itself, and thus the funds went abroad. why is it so difficult now, well, in general, i had a question a long time ago, when these documents got to the law enforcement agencies, and they got there at the beginning of our activity, that's another.
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was, it was the spring of the 23rd year, i had only one question, why still the issue of the lviv arsenal, it has not been proven, at least to the law enforcement, criminal cases have not been initiated, not that it has not been proven to the court, because there we have there are more complex stories with a more complex evidence base, here you just know everything, absolutely everything is clear and absolutely everything, well, i don’t know, simpler is impossible, but why now you you say... this is a changed measure of prevention, there are nuances here that may have been taken into account during the opening of this criminal case, but i think that it may somehow be, let's say, corrected, and that is why this criminal case was opened by jurisdiction, essentially by nabu, but in connection with the fact that nabu did not open a criminal case, this criminal case was opened by the national government, sorry, yes national... the police together with the sbu and together with
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the ministry of defense, will there be any , let's say , further consideration of this criminal case. as we all would like to after all, in the end, the guilty were responsible for the distribution of a large amount of funds, i will tell you, it is not even in the amount of funds, it is in the number of artillery shells, you understand, it is, well, whose life is it, it is simply the life of people who did not cover the artillery at some point, if it did not sound pathetic, even if we move away from the option of money, we will approach the option of the price of human life. and i would really like to, and i will say this here, on my own behalf, i have been communicating with all of the law enforcement agencies regarding this case since may, and to be honest, i can only wish our law enforcement agencies to bring this case to
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court and demand from the court, well , you know, we have such a very complex judicial system, so that there is no conditional... judge vovka, who will say that everything was normal unfortunately , we will not see part of the funds, they have already come out, there is an investigation, i do not have the right to tell, but we will not return them, and part of the funds were seized from the accounts of the liynsky arsenal, and after the completion of the judicial, judicial review of this case, they have be returned to the ministry of defense. here is such a story, but there are many such stories. i will say this, what kind of safeguards , well, today there are such, let’s say so , you know, we now even have more safeguards and more such big problems with non-approval of payments or with non-approval of contracts, precisely because people
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are afraid to put their signature under the or other documents, but this is not a question of whether the contract is bad or good, it is a question of the development methodology. development of the methodology for determining risks, this is the main thing, as soon as it is developed in the ministry of defense methodology and a risk assessment methodology agreed with all law enforcement agencies, then we will be able to assess them normally, because now i see the reverse side of this medal for the ministry of defense, when we have completely transparent contracts with our manufacturers, approvals do not go through, because there are reservations, very briefly, if possible, ms. dano, how can it be, so many anti-corruption bodies, so many controllers, and such large contracts with such risks were concluded with the lviv arsenal, with the grenkevich family, that is, what is this about
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evidence? well, what can i say, all these scandals are scandals, when, this, all these contracts, excuse me, these are contracts of just the period, until... that grand scandal in the month of february on eggs, and after which some such, you know, we started to push the smoke screen away from the ministry of defense a little bit and make it harsher, but i keep saying, i am very sorry that rezniuk was fired for his balls due to the poor quality of the jacket, and not for not being fired for the lviv arsenal and not being fired for the polish company alpha, i'm very sorry for that i will tell you honestly, but it looks like this... that some shooters are responsible for this, those who signed there, and the minister is not responsible for this, and i understand what you are talking about, but until they are interviewed and the suspicions are written out to people , who put their personal signature , to come out as a person who controlled this and
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, let's say, agreed to this process, is not possible, let's hope that after all, even i will say now, something can happen, under the pressure of our western partners, everything - people who are currently under investigation, they will start say those people who told them to conclude such a contract, but without political will, without such a will of the minister of defense, this could not happen, right? well, i'll tell you now, the assumption is my own, but it is not supported by anything, i can't say anything, at that time the ministry of defense was closed to everyone, including the public. thank you for including, it was... dana yarova, volunteer, adviser, deputy minister of defense of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who now watching on social networks, please like our video, buy below, this is necessary to promote
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our content on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey. today , we are asking you about whether it is necessary to block petitioners' accounts and deprive them of the right to drive a car, as is provided by the government's bill on mobilization. 56% yes, 44% - no, such results are intermediate in our television. part of the television broadcast, then we will conduct this survey in the second part of our program, there are discounts on rezi table 15% in the pharmacies of plantain, pam and oskad, there are discounts on paracitamdarnytsia 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and oskad tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack the strong saw tv just for you, with it you can easily cut a tree. and bushes , it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your
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hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20:00 to 20:00. watch this
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week's program judicial control with tetyana shustrova. pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administration. it was proposed to me to decide against the plaintiff. but how does the russian church affect justice? parishioners of the moscow patriarchate seized power in oratov. watch on thursday, february 1 at 17.45 the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on espresso tv channels. greetings, friends, on the live broadcast of the verdict program of the tv channel. we continue our broadcast. we work live on the tv channel and on our social networks, youtube and facebook. today in the issue. strengthening mobilization. the cabinet submitted an updated bill to the verkhovna rada.
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petitioners can have their accounts blocked and be banned from driving. leaders of trust ratings at a crossroads. the paths of zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi may diverge. who is shaking ukraine from the inside? the specter of a parliamentary crisis. monomajority may fail votes to make decisions. perspectives of the government. national unity. during the program, we conduct surveys. we are asking you today, friends, about whether it is necessary to block the accounts of evaders and deprive them of their driving rights. cars, as stipulated by the government draft law, which will be considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine in just a few days. so if you're in favor of blocking dodgers' accounts and taking away their driving privileges, on youtube, yes, no, it's pretty simple, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support this
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initiative 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382. calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, we have the best political scientists and political experts of ukraine, today, this is ihor reiterovych, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you. congratulations. viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, good evening. good evening, thank you for being with us today, viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good health. gentlemen, let's start our conversation with a blitz poll, just if we can briefly about the poll that we conduct for
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our viewers and viewers. in your opinion, is it necessary to block the accounts of the uhalants and deprive them? car registration rights, mr. viktor, shlinchak, mine is definitely not. thank you, mr. igor. i'm also leaning more towards negative answer to this question. thank you, mr. viktor, boberenko. and i am absolutely in favor of blocking them from everything. well, we are in more detail about the proposals that the government is making for the new mobilization. we will talk about the law in just a few minutes, but i would like to start our conversation with such a large informational discussion, we witnessed a large informational discussion regarding the future commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, because it all started with insiders published
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by bloggers, journalists, and also some telegram channels, which zelensky has already diligently put aside. then these bloggers, journalists and telegram channels were accused of throwing in some information that was not a complete fact, but today british publications, american publications came out from the front pages with the information that what actually is already on the verge of relations between zaluzhnyi and zelensky and that zaluzhnyi's resignation is inevitable. just a matter of time, how did you guys observe this, what conclusions did you draw from it all, and most importantly, uh, how did what is happening in the information space and between the leadership, political leadership and military leadership of the state, how does society in general affect ukrainians, well, and
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accordingly, the army. mr. igor, you have the floor. well, i made one. a significant conclusion, that there was an attempt to really remove the villain, it was clear that as soon as this information began to spread, because it was spread not only, as some opposition bloggers, journalists or telegram channels, or mass media tried to say, this very actively the right-wing media, especially the anonymous telegram channels, were also engaged in this, which generally described in detail how it happened and what was the reason, then they really deleted all these posts and tried to present the information in a completely different way, but this does not change. in essence, it was an attempt, the attempt ended unsuccessfully , well, due to various reasons, i think that here the reaction of society and the reaction of our partners, and the understanding that the situation can get out of control and how to solve it further, was not very clear, western countries for by and large, all this was confirmed, but the key conclusion from this story is very simple, that the relations between the military and
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political leadership of ukraine today leave much to be desired, that is, communication is clearly very... bad or very weak, or absent at all, well, depending from how often these or other meetings take place, and the initiative is that this communication is so imperfect, it comes precisely from the side of politicians, not from the side of the military, practically everyone admits this, including unnamed sources, both from the side of the political leadership, and well, some were references, for example, to the military, they noted that this communication essentially... collapsed because of the position of the president's office, well , apparently politicians have other views on how to conduct a war , they want something different, and their reality is somewhat different from what is actually on the battlefield. and what will it lead to? i think that the president's office will sooner or later try to force the resignation of the commander-in-chief anyway, i 've seen enough of different ones today
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blog posts, people who explained why it is normal, why the president has the right to fire his manager, that is, even such concepts are used, although in my opinion they sound, to put it mildly, strange in the context of war, so the office will have to somehow demonstrate strength and bring this situation to the final. well , programmed, the question is when it will happen and, well, to what extent it will really affect the attitude of society in general, no one will go out on the streets, i will say right away, that is, there will not be any maidans, coups and so on further, what russia dreams of, but the fact that this will hit the rating of the authorities very strongly, and the rating of president zelensky personally, i think that no one doubts this, for one simple reason, you understand, it is possible and the president has the right to dismiss the commander-in-chief. he has it, well, it is according to the laws, and he can do it at any moment, but in democracies, in general, it is customary to explain to society the reasons for this decision, similar decisions, and
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to give certain arguments. to date, there are no more or less arguments there are simply no adequate ones to carry out such a rotation, and accordingly it will be perceived exclusively as a political story, well , political stories during the war, they have very bad consequences, and society understands this very well. well, here again... the question is whether it is up to someone in the president's office to explain what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is doing wrong, here it is a matter of competence, yes, well, that is, if the meritorious person makes any claims, then these claims should be, well at the appropriate level. mr. viktor, i am with mr. boberenko i am asking, do you think there will be people in the president's office who will be able to explain the personnel decision. what right does zelenskyy have as the commander-in-chief and in principle he is responsible for the commander
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-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and he can carry out such a rotation, the only question is whether they will be able to clearly and logically explain what happened and why zaluzhny has to leave to another position or to resign from the position of the head, they can do this. logically they can't at all, there are no explanations, let's put it this way, it's hard work a historical figure, zaluzhny had more victories over the russians than probably anyone there in history, because even napoleon, well , borodino defeated the austrians there, but zaluzhny won there near kiev, near sumy, near chernihiv, near kharkiv, near kherson , and how many victories are deserved, that he is already in the same row with the great... and even what would seem to be an unsuccessful counterattack, but on the contrary, i would say there, he is quite successful, so what many russians put in,
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tested new equipment, actually showed that you can try to advance without an advantage in the air, and without an advantage on the ground, but on one will, well, roughly speaking, that’s what the hard-working man has, well, he has nothing to do with... his mother and no one will explain it in any way, it’s clear, but it’s explained it is only because of what zaluzhny is really guilty of, he is guilty before zelenskyi, only that zelenskyi, as a chronic classical, textbook narcissist, is very equal, in this theater of the absurd, yes, where zelenskyi should be straight, where yermak should be there, roughly speaking productions. does the director-producer, where by the remoter is there, the prompter is there, or someone else is writing the lyrics for him, where you can either be in the orchestra pit and play the vilancello or
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violin, where you can be in the choir, where you can be the scenery on the stage, you can’t just be next to zelensky, there should be only one, a zaluzhny appeared here and the zaluzhny is applauded longer, better, louder than zelenskyi, and zelenskyi eh... eh made me nervous, and that means everything, everything related to this conflict, it is not it is not in the system of logic, it is simply in the system, as there is a scandal in the family, the dishes were broken there, but why, because there is an equal husband or an equal wife, and they cannot control themselves, but we have that situation when my friends say to me, it is so illogical, they, well, as a colleague and as and... says that there is a type, so they will lose ratings, it will not be beneficial for them to be fired for good, they are like, why are they, well , they are foreign fools, but i say, yes, because this is not
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about logic. here about emotions, here not, here it is, thank you, mr. viktor, i am addressing the other victor, mr. igor, by the way, you can guess, between two victors you are sitting, to mr. shlinchak, but why two, two figures , zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, cannot get along, because in principle, both of them seek victory, and both of them are in a rather difficult situation now, which prevents them from understanding and which prevents them from getting out together and tell the ukrainian people that there are no problems, we are going to our victory together, there are no questions, the main thing for us is to defeat the russians, and not to start some showdowns, which are then described in detail by the international media on the eve of important events for ukraine, among other things.
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i don't have any solutions to this question, actually answers, because the first such swallows began to appear in western countries long before the new year, and then western journalists also wrote about the fact that a black cat had already passed between the commanders-in-chief and the supreme commander, now you can find up to... many explanations, why this happened is, of course, also a political explanation, imagine when ratings are brought to you every day or once a week and allegedly incited to the fact that look, what kind of competitor has grown up right here under your nose, accordingly provoking a certain emotional component , here i am
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i agree very much with his viktor teska, or they say that zaluzhnyi did not agree with anyone on the article and published it in zeoext, er, that is, why did he do it himself, why is he behaving like an independent figure, why doesn't he ask for permission and so on, i.e., another point that can get stuck somewhere on the sidelines. brain, one can also now find an explanation in how many people need to be mobilized, when the supreme commander says that it is not necessary to mobilize 500,000 now, while introducing the law on mobilization by the cabinet of ministers, and a lot of such supposedly small details.
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a lot, it is clear that when a critical mass of such misunderstandings accumulates, a big explosion occurs on the emotional level, in fact, i think that everyone in the president's office is already ready for this explosion, and therefore anonymous telegram channels attributed to the president's office are absolutely well, so calm. reported that they say volodymyr oleksandrovich has already fired zaluzhnya, so this is really not about any logical cause-and-effect relationships, here in the first place a turn about emotional and interpersonal relationships that have not been working out lately. i have another question, this is a question
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i have always asked. when some of the representatives of the president's office, and not only the president's office, told us that in the summer we would be in crimea, for example, i said, and if we were not, that we would be there, there would be the president's office and certain special services, what they would then sell, to sell, of course, in quotation marks to the ukrainian society, how will they explain it, were there any grounds for... him to claim such a thing, and now we will have exactly the same situation, because if the commander-in-chief changes, or rather , when the commander-in-chief changes, i can also support the version of our western journalists that the issue with...


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