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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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it happens the same way, it's the same with communal services, it's not something , well, that is, nothing is taken from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere, there is an objective reality and we need to take these funds somewhere, somewhere, since we can no longer internally, as a country to cover, for example, where business paid, for us at first there was such a model, now there, for example, energoatom does not pay extra into the budget. and does oil and gas pay ms. tetyana, forgive me, but unfortunately we have to finish already, the air time affects, tetyana boyko, coordinator of housing, communal and energy programs public network opora was in touch with us, in the meantime we will pass the floor to irina koval, who has already prepared fresh information for you together with the news editor, so iro, we will pass the floor to you and actually tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, what is in this issue about the destroyed ivanovets, about new types of weapons. aid to ukraine, and why
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are flights canceled in germany? for more details, listen to the release. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention a news release on... in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers there could be up to 40 crew members on board the destroyed russian boat ivanovets, which is the regular number of the ship's personnel. the search for the occupiers is currently ongoing. there were only three such boats in the black sea fleet. the ship usually has weapons on board, in particular anti-ship missiles of the "moskid" type, with a range of up to 130 km, said the... naval forces
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of ukraine. the cost of the ship is 60-70 million dollars. let me remind you that ukrainian scouts destroyed the ivanovets missile boat at night. he guarded the point based in novoozern, was on the raid of lake donuzlav in the temporarily occupied crimea. as a result of a number of direct hits to the hull , the russian ship sank. armed forces of ukraine for a month. lyna is armed with more than 40 new types of equipment of ukrainian and foreign production, deputy minister of defense ivan havrylyuk said. among the replenishment - saw, mortar, specialized vehicles and drones. in particular , eight units of new types of ammunition for drones were added. the list of drone modifications also increased by eight units among foreign- made equipment, a british 155-millimeter.
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a self-propelled artillery installation and a polish-made 120-mm self-propelled mortar. finally agreed, all 27 leaders of the european union approved an additional support package for ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros within the framework of the eu budget. this was announced by the president of the european council, charles michel. he added: the european union takes leadership and responsibility. in support of ukraine, because he knows what is at stake. it is noted that an agreement has been reached after a small group of eu leaders persuaded orbán to overturn his veto of the funding package. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, has already thanked the european leaders for such a decision and noted that it will strengthen the long-term economic and financial stability of our country. i believe. we have to focus on
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the fact that today is a good day for europe, we did it. we kept our ukrainian friends in suspense for many weeks as to whether we would reach an agreement, and the fact that it was reached in time, in particular thanks to hard work by many of our leaders, and the result is a resolution that includes all 27 member states. we are not tired of ukraine, and there are no problems with that. we have orbán fatigue here in brussels. we have so many things to work out. look outside, not only in brussels. and of course what we need today is to strengthen our unity around ukraine against russia and its aggressive policy. i cannot understand, i cannot accept viktor orbán's very strange and very selfish game. viktor oban. and here are the funds
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the european union will not unfreeze hungary, the reuters agency reports, because according to media budapest, as before... does not want to comply with the standards proposed by the european union, it is about 6 billion 300 million dollars from the total european budget, which have been blocked for hungary in 2022, and even the agreement on the aid package for ukraine does not affect this issue in any way, - the media notes. they throw eggs at the european parliament and stones at the police. farmers' protests continue in belgium during the eu leaders' summit. agriculture demand solutions to problems with high taxes, rising costs and cheap imports. the square in brussels in front of the european parliament was blocked with tractors and other agricultural machinery. protesters build
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bonfires and light firecrackers. i would like to note that the farm crisis is not officially included in the agenda of the summit of the heads of the european union today. the russians fired at an ambulance brigade in the kherson region. in the beryslav district, the enemy hit medics who were returning from a call from a drone, the regional military administration said. car was damaged, fortunately the doctors were not injured. and police officers and white angels evacuated a family with three children from turetsk to donetsk region. the family lived 10 km from the front line. the law enforcement officers have been persuading them to leave for a long time, however... the family refused. after the third child was born in the family, the parents changed their minds. now the family will live in zhytomyr oblast. the next mission was accomplished, the child and his father were taken to a conditional location, where they met the mother, who had recently
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given birth to a boy. it's okay, it was expensive safe, the boys tried to bring the family as quickly as possible. in the population. points that are on the front line, this is evacuation, because only evacuation saves lives. closed for quarantine. in the kyiv region , children switched to distance learning due to the increase in the number of patients with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. this was reported in the regional disease control center. last week, the number of patients increased by 39%, and this exceeded the epidemic threshold. the highest level of morbidity is observed in boryspilsk and fastivskyi districts, the lowest in vyshhorodskyi. among the sick, the largest share is children, and compared to last year , the share of sick children increased by 44%. in
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connection with the increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in 33 institutions, educational institutions of kyiv. restrictive measures were implemented in the region. the grades received by ukrainian students in schools abroad will be counted in ukraine. to do this, you need to provide a certificate with an extract of grades and information about the grading system that was used in the host country, reported in the ministry of reintegration. ukrainian schoolchildren can study abroad only the subjects of the ukrainian studies component, in particular the ukrainian language and letters. history of ukraine, jurisprudence, geography and the subject i explore the world. after returning to ukraine, children will be admitted to secondary education institutions where they studied before, or to any other. the most powerful storm in norway in
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the last 30 years. ingun storm. covered the central part of the country and began to move north. hundreds of houses remained without electricity. the police asked. and if possible not go outside and beware of flying objects. wind gusts reach up to 180 km/h. a bus with 14 passengers ran off the road near the city of lerdala. as a result of the incident , no one was injured. some areas are flooded and local airlines and ferry operators have temporarily suspended operations. about 1100 flights. are canceled or delayed due to mass strikes by security personnel at german airports, deutschewele writes. about 25,000 workers at 11 airports, including the largest in the country, joined the strike frankfurt am main, as well as hamburg and
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berlin. the protesters are demanding a salary increase of €2.80 per hour, as well as an increase in allowances and additional payments. instead , representatives of the federal association of air safety and security enterprises estimated that this would increase the costs of enterprises by as much as 250 million euros. negotiations between employers and the trade union. until february 6. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues performance of combat tasks, buy a mavik quadrocopter and an optical sight. we ask you to join the collection, because every donation helps to more effectively destroy the enemy of the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000. the account already has more than 250,000. you
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can see all the details on the screen now. and we thank everyone who joins our meetings and supports the armed forces of ukraine. for now, that was all the news for this time, we will see you at 5 p.m. more news as always on our website and in our social networks. and of course watch us on youtube. and then ether continue my so, the espresso information marathon continues, and we in this studio will try to analyze and explain to you everything that is happening around. now we will have valery ryabikh, military expert, director of information and consulting development. of the defense express company on the connection with which we traditionally discuss all important military-technical, i
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would say moments of a full-scale invasion of russia against ukraine. mr. valery, do you hear me now or do you see me, i see and hear you. good day, mr. marta, good day, dear ones audience, glory to ukraine, glory to our heroes, mr. valery. look, the air force announced that they were hit. the communication point at the belbek military airfield in sevastopol with a missile, and actually this became another episode of long-range, high -precision strikes on strategic objects of the russian federation on the temporarily occupied peninsula, we would like your opinion and your, as they say, expert assessment of what is there happened, it happened yesterday, and could they have been targeted and what were the actual consequences and how could these consequences affect the actions of the enemy? well here it should be stated that
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the expansion of the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the air force, to attack objects continues, and combat work continues precisely to destroy those objects that affect the combat capabilities of the enemy, and that is precisely what happened in area of ​​the very important belbek airfield, is the base of the 38th fighter aviation regiment of the russian federation, which uses and has su-30 cm2 and su-27 aircraft in its staff. well, in addition, a number of other units are also stationed at this airport. well, considering what if also analyze the messages of the occupiers who claim that there is nothing there. everything terrible , as usual, was repelled by the rockets, with the efforts
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of the airfield itself, but nevertheless, it should be noted that the enemy suffered such a sensitive blow, and it is possible that it was as a result of this blow that the control point at this airfield was damaged. eh, and this could be the communication point that is located exactly at this airfield, and it could be the radio headquarters of the entire aviation of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, well accordingly, that this significantly disrupts the capabilities of aviation management. of the black sea fleet , and with regard to what was affected, there is a high probability
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that the missiles used were french-british or french and british storm shadow and scalp, which are precisely intended and have, in their tactical and technical characteristics, precisely the purpose of destroying such buried objects , well , in addition, the data of the analysis allow... to predict that with a high probability a very important radar station of the enemy was also affected, that is... radar the sky station, which were also located in the area of ​​this airfield, is such an important object that allows the occupiers to monitor the air situation and detect ballistic targets, well, as they claim, at distances up to 600 km, and in fact, this can also
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be said . about the fact that such destruction of the radar station may be followed by our other strikes deep into the enemy's territory, in particular through this window, which was currently opened by this strike of the air forces and the armed forces of ukraine. mr. valery, maybe glsdb has already reached us, as it were. and our guys decided to test them, well, and accordingly so successfully, well, one should not rule out the possibility of such an application, but here it should be noted that such tools as glsdb, they can primarily be used to prepare the battlefield,
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to destroy important enemy objects, well, to destroy the same radar... these or other elements of the military equipment of the territories, and precisely, well, the tactical and technical characteristics and the very idea of ​​this tool, which combines like a rocket engine, play on this so and so gliding aerial bomb, and glsdb in particular can hit targets at distances of up to 150 km, if they fly in a straight line, well... they can also fly in the opposite direction , in particular, they are launched into the enemy's territory, and they are already doing it there somersaults are possible and enter from the side where the enemy does not expect and from where they can fly, mr. valery, from now on it will be more detailed, we have not heard this yet, that is, glsdb
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can change their trajectory, that is, they work in advance. displayed coordinates, as far as i understand, yes, and accordingly , they are an extremely difficult target for our enemy and for his air defense systems, i understand correctly, you said everything correctly, panetin, and here it should be noted that precisely because of the success of the actions of these missiles in the future their use is indicated by the term that they were modified, and i can only imagine... that they were most likely already used in some minimal batches in ukraine before and were accordingly refined, polished precisely to the requirements of the modern battlefield, and this is now being noted strengthening of the enemy's use of rep means, and these are the missiles that are already reaching ukraine in syrian quantities,
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they are precisely meant to mark that technological leap, when... there will be means that the enemy will not be able to counter with the help of his reb. with regard to the fact that this is a cunning, very cunning tool, we can say that precisely in the variant when these missiles can, well, let's say, fly to the enemy's target from the other side, and in particular from the enemy's side, then it is guaranteed such targets can be destroyed at a distance of up to 70 km. from the area of ​​their launch , it looks like the missile is launched, it reaches its maximum speed, after that the engine is fired and itself, the bomb itself is a glider, and this is a glider that was previously launched from airplanes, it starts according to a given program using of that
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intelligence, which is already in it, to calculate the trajectory and taking into account those facts. including those acting on it from the enemy, bypassing those areas from where it could theoretically be affected, and, for example, to enter from the rear side already on the target, and not from the direction from where the enemy expects and where he is covered in the first place, you have analyzed this case very well, but for our tv viewers in simple, so to speak, military-technical language, if we... are talking about the so-called working combat unit of stormshadow, glsdb and french scalps, where, so to speak, the amount of explosives is more than. it can be mounted depending on the needs, well, look, here it is still possible, well, let's say such a comparison, it is very conditional, because the same missiles can be included in this series
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gmlrs is yet to be included, and it should be noted that the most, let's say, effective means that are designed to hit protected targets are still our air-to-air missiles, which are supplied to us by our partners, stormshadow and scarp, they carry... well, up to half a ton of almost explosive material, which can cause serious damage to enemy objects, as far as is concerned, then there is the same dress missile, which is, in principle, a rather expensive means, and according to the latest information, such a missile can cost somewhere in the order of 170 thousand, she flies at a distance of up to... 80 km and can carry , let's say, 24 kg
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of explosives in the main part, but this is a high-power explosive that can be a third of the equivalent more, and it strikes, including at underground targets , it can penetrate somewhere up to almost two meters , depending on the warhead, but it just... hits such objects due to this high accuracy, and the last thing is just this small diameter bomb that was crossed with a rocket engine m-26, it carries much less explosives, somewhere in my opinion 17 kg it has, but it is also a high-precision tool, and it can also punch the same, for example, for double-sided ... coverings up to 90 cm thick, but it also takes at the expense of accuracy and at the expense of the price, because
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it gives such a cross , that this is one of the cheapest and most effective means, somewhere according to the information available in open sources, it can cost around 40 thousand dollars, but it can fly and... destroy the target very precisely at a distance of up to 150 km, and what is most important, it can act in just the right conditions saturation of the enemy's defenses with anti-aircraft and electronic warfare means. mr. valery, we would like you to comment on the destruction of the ivanovs missile boat, which actually either went to the bottom or simply burned very badly that night, and they say that such a boat costs somewhere around 70 million dollars, that this for the boat and what its occupants use it for, if possible , please, we have three minutes to
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talk about it, well, today is just such a holiday that our defense forces arranged, and of course, this is precisely the operation that was carried out by the main intelligence agency, and which led to the destruction. about this boat, this is a very revealing operation, because in fact, as the intelligence officers said, this is exactly, well, this kind of revenge for the defeat of the ukrainian corvette, which, well, is also from this series, in fact, it is a large missile boat or a small corvette project 1200. 41 and well, it is intended to be used in several functions, as a large missile boat, or a small
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anti-aircraft ship, or can to be used as a border guard ship, and its sinking is yet another nail in the black sea fleet's capabilities. it is illegal to act precisely in the temporarily occupied ukrainian water areas, and this will continue in the future, so this successful attack, which can already be observed, well, not live, but recorded very well from different angles, is the proof of how the destruction of this was carried out. missile ship of the occupiers. we thank you. well, finally, the enemy has many such ships, so short well, there are such ships, there, there are,
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up to ten. units, they are used for different purposes, but it must be said, with each such strike, these ships become fewer and fewer, and the schedule is just right, in the black sea basin or somewhere there, maybe there in the caspian, in the baltic, well, they are concentrated in including several units in the black sea fleet. thank you, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense. everyday life is full of stress and anxiety melamakh b-6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength.
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the air. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are.


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