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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EET

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which are at the front, nutrition, toxic effects , and stress, and so on, and so on, negatively affect spermatogenesis, as well as the production of cells in women, and each spermatozoon carries a huge amount of genetic information, thousands of genes are embedded, it will be damaged, the law on fertility was adopted and signed by the president on march 23, and from that time the clinics will be obliged to... dispose of the sperm and eggs of fallen servicemen. we prescribed an exercise that was to be included in another law and to correct this one by the month of march the situation we all knew about it, we all understood that we had to do everything, but to see, there was already such negativity in social networks that we had to speed up this process and today all my colleagues are already signing a new bill that equalizes. in this situation.
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the chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the health of the nation, mykhailo radutsky , explained that this law concerned military personnel who, as a result of an injury , lost the ability to have children. but the document did not take into account the issue of the deceased defenders, as it contradicts article 248 of the civil code of the code of ukraine, which provides for the termination of the power of attorney after the death of the principal. as people's deputy iryna hera wrote. a new draft law from european solidarity has already been registered in the council, which should eliminate waste disposal by deadlines and create legislative grounds for the preservation of reproductive cells, as well as regulatory by- laws should prescribe coordination with the civil code. well, more news will be reported by iryna koval, who has already prepared, together with the news editor, a fresh, topical issue, so iro, i give you the floor, but tell me about what? happening in this issue.
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thank you marta, well, mykolaiv oblast urgently needs donors of the fourth positive blood group, about what kind of clashes and why they are happening in greece and about new evasion schemes, so wait, i will tell you more about everything in the issue. news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. one man died as a result of the detonation of ammunition in the mykolayiv region. three more got heavy ones wound. this was reported in the state emergency service. the injured were urgently hospitalized at snihorivska hospital. to save their lives , donors are now being sought from thursday. positive
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blood group. there could be up to 40 crew members on board the destroyed russian boat ivanovets. this is the regular number of the ship's personnel. the search for the occupiers is currently ongoing. there were only three such boats in the black sea fleet. the ship usually has weapons on board, including anti-ship missiles of the mosquito type, with a range of up to 130 km, the navy said. of ukraine. the cost of the ship is 60-70 million dollars. let me remind you that ukrainian scouts destroyed the ivanovets missile boat at night. he guarded the base in novoozern, was on the tonuzlav lake raid in the temporarily occupied crimea. as a result of a number of direct hits to the hull, the russian ship sank. in kherson, during the occupation, in the basement of the regional...
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police station, the russians organized a torture chamber, where they held and tortured about 90 ukrainians, the fate of some of them is still unknown, the regional police said. according to the investigation, in june 2022, terrorists illegally detained a 40-year-old man from kherson, kept him in unsanitary conditions, denied him food and water, beat him, threatened him with murder, and encouraged him to cooperate with... a russian serviceman and a resident of oleshok, who agreed to cooperate, were involved , they were informed about the suspicion in absentia. fees for a certificate of unfitness. law enforcement officers detained a doctor in one of the military medical centers of the ministry of defense. the suspect demanded 5 thousands of dollars to the ukrainian military. instead, he promised to declare him unfit for service and expel him. from military accounting.
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men were sent abroad under the guise of a public organization. border guards exposed another crime. scheme in ternopil oblast and ivano-frankivsk oblast. the three involved took money for fake certificates, which helped the heliants to escape abroad. more than a hundred violators left under this scheme, fifty never returned to ukraine. arranged additional income. in vinnytsia, law enforcement officers exposed the manager district avtodor. the man was renting out state premises. for the fact that... he received money for a month, but the husband did not have documents for permission to rent, the perpetrator was detained while receiving another payment in the amount of uah 20,000. they created their own oil refinery. in mukachevo
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, law enforcement officers uncovered a scheme for underground fuel production. the five involved had a permit for wholesale trade, but in addition to selling, the men decided to illegally process oil. raw materials for bought from ukrainian suppliers during the search law enforcement officers seized more than uah 3 million, as well as fuel and equipment. he sold positions in the special service. the security service detained a fraudster who pretended to be an employee of the security service of ukraine. the figure turned out to be a citizen of a neighboring european country. he presented himself as a counterintelligence officer and offered fake work for money. after receiving the reward, the scammer disappeared. the law enforcement officers detained the intruder while trying to take money from the ukrainian military man. they throw eggs at the european parliament and stones at the police. they are ongoing in belgium
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farmer protests right during the summit of eu leaders. farmers demand a solution to the problems of high taxes, rising costs and cheap imports. square in brussels. in front of the european parliament was blocked with tractors and other agricultural machinery. protesters build bonfires and light firecrackers. i note that the farm crisis is not officially included in the agenda of the summit of the heads of the european union today. clashes broke out in greece during a protest against education reform, reuters reports. protesters staged demonstrations against. plans to allow foreign private universities to work in the country. thousands of students marched peacefully through the center of athens. but when the majority passed through parliament, a group with red flags got into a fight with law enforcement officers. then the greek police
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used tear gas against the crowd. as for the injured, there is currently no information. emotional storm to... mykola zaluzhnyi. ukraine was rocked by an informational armageddon. telegram channels, experts, politicians, and individual media were fired from time to time commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. is it necessary to reboot the government and the military? this is exactly what velikiy lviv is talking about in the political project today. project leader vitaly krutyakov will tell you more. he is in direct contact with us. vitaly, i congratulate you. greetings irina, greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. you know, despite the various sources in which information appears about butsimto, the potential resignation of valery zaluzhnyi, and the question of how reliable this information is, it is clear that certain
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turbulence, i will try to express myself diplomatically, exists between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, here is how to solve this issue and what will happen if zelenskyi really dares to release zaluzhny. today we will discuss how to make this problem such that it does not hinder our state and our movement to victory. today , representatives of various political forces, in particular , will be in our studio: the motherland, mykhailo sembalyuk, the eu, oleg senyutka, the servants of the people will be represented by kamelchuk, as well as military experts and current employees of the armed forces, mr. mr. yabchanka, as well as taras yeleyko, in our studio we will talk about how it affects ... what is happening with and around valery zaluzhny, we will also discuss today's good news: the european union allocates to us the funds necessary to support the ukrainian economy, how it will affect what is happening in our state in the coming months, so tune in at 21:15 in
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the evening prime time, this is the new time of the project says veliky lviv on the espresso tv channel. we are waiting for everyone. thank you, vitaly, and i remind our viewers not to miss it. talk show today at 21:15 on the espresso tv channel, velikiy lviv is speaking, and vitaly krutyakov was with us. it remains for me to add that our collection is ongoing. for our soldiers, they need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000. we have more than 250,000 in our account. join us, every hryvnia is important. all of them you can now see the details on the screen. that was the news for this time
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, wait for the next edition at 6 p.m., our team is working to ensure that you are the first to learn all the relevant information, you can read more on our website espresso tv, a brief summary of the main things in our social networks, and of course, watch us on youtube, then antin borkovskiy and marta oliyarnyk. thank you. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and is functional myocardial condition. normalizes the purity of heart contractions. increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for you. hearts there are discounts on mukaltin of 15% in the psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. nothing
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justice? parishioners of the moscow patriarchate seized power and the gatekeepers. on thursday, february 1 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the tv channel espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to find out. about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as ... important guests of the studio: events of the day in two hours, a large vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. there are a lot of events today, some of them have not even been fully understood, but the key story is that the european union has agreed to macrofin for four years for ukraine.
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of course, we understand that 50 billion euros, well , it sounds simply astronomical, cool, but... on the other hand, we understand that the war is going on, there are questions about the provision of assistance to ukraine by the united states, yes, well, accordingly, it makes us think and on additional assistance programs, particularly when it comes to helping supply ammunition to our military. yes, well, but it is also important to understand which side of justice you are on situations when one state attacks another state, and when it does it methodically and consistently, and this is me now. i am actually talking about the international court of the un , which ruled on the ukrainian lawsuit in the so-called big case, the court rejected, unfortunately, most of the claims of ukraine to russia, and actually argued that the supply of weapons is not terrorism, but we will all after all, all these things must be sorted out very consistently and
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we will do it together with volodymyr yavorskyi, the program director of the center for civil liberties. mr. volodymyr, congratulations. in you vateria espresso. glory to ukraine, and the key story is how we should correctly interpret the court's decision regarding malaysian boeing mh17, which was shot down by russian terrorists. because the decision raises a lot of different questions. the decision concerned two issues - the convention against terrorism and the second - the convention against. discrimination, but it is very important that we are talking about events that happened before 2017, so this is a very important point, because if you look at this lawsuit from the point of view before 2017, everything was quite different, there were fewer facts , was less, no there was a full-scale invasion, and of course we now look at this decision through the prism
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of current events, and we may not like it, but so... in this case, there's just one problem: we now understand that in fact russia did not finance terrorism, but from the very beginning, in 2014 , they tried to seize this territory, and it started a war against ukraine, so in principle, it was necessary to accuse russia of committing terrorism, and not of financing terrorism, and there was, for example, a very high risk in that the international court could recognize the lpr, the dpr are some... separate separatist entities that russia supposedly financed. that is, this scenario was, for example, much worse than it would be, than what it is today, today is that the international court has established that russia refuses to investigate any information, any cases about terrorism, which ukraine declares, that is, until 2017, in
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principle, it can satisfy ukraine, of course, it is not... the best solution for ukraine, but i would not call it bad or too good for ukraine, it is not a win and the loss of ukraine is, let's say, an intermediate stage, where we received a certain positive, because after all, russia was recognized as a violator of the convention against terrorism and against discrimination, of course i am not a lawyer, i am not a human rights activist, but i cannot agree with such a delicate or diplomatic wording, that is... russia is an aggressor state. russia unleashed military aggression against ukraine in 2014. and she did not stop it until the beginning of a full-scale invasion of our lands. this is one moment. on the other hand, we are a victim country in the literal sense, a victim full-scale aggression, annexation, occupation
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of territories, with the killing of civilians and military personnel. and this story, i repeat , began in 2014, there were certain formations of the military of the russian federation , which, so to speak, were not officially part of the armed forces of ukraine, but were directly financed, supported and provided in a military, financial and organizational manner, as well as it is not for nothing that we started our conversation with you with the downed russian...terrorist girkin and his military malaysian boeing mh-17, i.e. this is a huge complex case, and when we do not see the celebration. truth, and the triumph of truth is always on whose side is the victim of aggression, well, then questions arise, i personally have this for sure, the only question is that
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the question of aggression was not considered in this court, this is a question that will be considered in the future in a special tribunal on the aggression that ukraine wants to create, these questions of aggression were not considered here at all, actually ukraine then made accusations that russia... some certain entities, but in fact, now then we know that girkin, he is not just some outsider who is financed, he is actually a soldier of the fsb who worked, respectively, for the russian federation, and moreover, here is the lawsuit that is currently being considered, for example, in the european court of of human rights, it clearly proves that it is russia that is responsible for everything that happened in crimea and donbas, and therefore... about aggression, this will go on in the future, now it was only about what ukraine wants, wanted to present here these actions are, let's say, a proxy for the formation of the lpr-dpr as
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terrorist organization. i believe that , in general, this tactic was wrong, because actually it was necessary to accuse russia not of financing terrorism, but of carrying out terrorism, and this should have been a completely different process then, and then ukraine did not do this, but... and that's why the court has now made only the decision that ukraine, let's say, asked to make, but in fact we already know now, seven years later, after ukraine filed this lawsuit, that the situation is completely different, and now the government is pursuing a completely different strategy, actually what russia is a terrorist state. thank you, volodymyr yavorskyi, program director of the center for civil liberties, was in touch with us, actually explained the decision between. to the un court, regarding this, i would say, well, it is not a very optimistic decision for us, considering that ukraine still counted on a different decision, but in the meantime, we are adding
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akhtem chayguz, people's deputy of ukraine and deputy chairman of the crimean majlis of the tatar people, to our ether, we welcome you, ah temi, yes in our ether, glory to ukraine, glory, salam aleikum, ahtem yes, well, we saw accordingly, we will inform you. that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhnyi, visited the office of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, what was discussed, what information could he disclose to you, if it is of course not of a secret plan, what were they talking about? the most important thing is that we invited our central committee and he accepted the invitation. he was in the mejlis for the first time, and it was, let's say, pleasant for him too, er, we drank coffee, tea,
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talked, er, the number one hanging topic is crimea, and, very, you know , very nice to hear, what, uh, when such a respectable person says that crimea is now... unites here inside ukraine and not only from the side of the partners, there is also an understanding of what we believe, the death of kashchei, veglei, and the needle in crimea, here is a change, let's say , of approaches to the strategy and in general the goal is that... the main direction of thoughts and her analysis is crimea and what is in crimea, what we are doing, as
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i call it, me and her at the meeting is said that for more than a year i have been calling it the remote liberation of crimea, and we told, taking advantage of the moment, uh, what uh, mood in crimea itself, how does it affect our actions in crimea , our military, that is, the meeting and, er, respect for the institution, for our military leaders, and the fact that we gave them kalpak and our weapons, er, this is what we do , er,... to people whom we respect very much, and most importantly, we consider them personal, akhtem, yes, i would like
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to know more... what mood was our commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery fedorovych in, because now things are just going an insane amount of information, well, you yourself know very well, you would like to actually understand which one you are in now the mood of our commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine when he was in your office, well , actually, if you have the opportunity, then share it, cool blood, so akhtema. this is a person who clearly knows his status, clearly knows his business, and i would say, understanding the situation, so he is cold-blooded. perhaps he shared with you some thoughts or information, so to speak, about publications. in
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the western and not only in the western press, well , without exaggeration, because the whole of ukraine is extremely worried about the unfolding of this story, even i do not want to voice it, that as if a cat had run, yes , yes, in ukrainian as cold-blooded, cold-blooded , cold-blooded, that is, i probably did not quite convey to you in russian, yes, this is his mood, that is... emotionally, or even worse, let's say, how people do bazaar baba, not having such a big, big responsibility for the state, that's why this person behaved cold-bloodedly, that is, clear, understandable. and without
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emotions, whether there was a meeting with the president or not, whether he did not speak, did not discuss those things with you, did you ask if it was possible, we should not know, let's say, no asked, ahtem yes, we would also like to ask you, we know that our boys and girls did a very good job in the crimea today and yesterday something flew into the belbek airfield, you from your sources... actually, what do you know about these successful attacks, or some information reached you, what are the screams of the occupiers in the temporarily occupied crimea, actually about this successful attack, not just one, by the way, yes, we will say about this, uh, we also told the minister in more detail of defense and central committee, that we have constant communication and what
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we very... carefully then monitor the consequences of the actions of our military, and in the last days, our actions there, they are very influential, influential, powerful, and here is the main aspect, which, it is not only politicians or political matters, but. .. and it is important for the military to know that in the territory where the occupiers are, the collaborators are, and what they are doing, to what extent they are demoralized, to what extent we can monitor their actions, to what extent it gives movement to our citizens, that is all we are about were told, and this is
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probably... at some point it happens very much like this an important aspect of our struggle for liberation in the occupied territories. thank you, artem, yes, artem chigoz, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the majlis of the crimean tatar people, was on espresso. well, we are moving on and will now have our next guest on the phone, we will talk in more detail about the successful ones. operations of our armed forces on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, but in the meantime, while we wait, i want to quote the actual naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which have already reacted and explained why the sinking of the ivanovets missile boat, which was attacked by drones tonight, was so important for the occupiers, i quote so far.


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