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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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for whom, to whom you give, you give a piece of yourself, you give life, and you also do something useful for yourself, the blood is rejuvenated. before donating blood, you must undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days. the need for blood at the moment is daily. the only thing is that not everyone can donate blood so often due to their physical condition. a person needs to recover, go through a certain period, let's say. well, me personally. before donating blood, i prepare, i follow a diet, i try not to smoke, not to drink, well , i don’t drink alcohol anyway, in order to become a donor, it is necessary call the blood center of your city and ask about the needs, then enter your data in the online register and follow the announcements of the blood centers. usual
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columns about money during the war, i am oleksandr morchivyka and i will tell you that finally 27 leaders of the european union approved an additional package of support for our state, we are talking about the announced 50 billion euros, this is within the framework of the eu budget. the president of the european council, charles michel, announced this today, adding that the european union is taking the lead. and responsibility in supporting ukraine, because he knows what is at stake. it said the deal was reached after a small group of leaders persuaded orbán to cancel your veto on the funding package. the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy thanked for this decision and noted that it will strengthen the economy and financial stability of ukraine. let's listen to the direct language that was spoken in the european union today. we are not tired of ukraine. and there are no problems with that. we now
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have an orben fever here in brussels. we have so many things to work out. look outside, not only in brussels. what we need today is to strengthen our unity around ukraine against russia and its aggressive politicians i cannot understand, i cannot accept viktor orbán's very strange and very selfish game. well, ukraine already expects to receive the first trans tranche of macro-financial support from the european union in march, in fact, at the beginning of september, all bets were placed that the money could arrive precisely at the beginning of spring. trans will amount to 4.5 billion euros, this amount was announced by the minister of economy yulia svyridenko. well, now, vasyl, you can dispel all those horror stories that from march 1, they say, state employees and pensioners will not be able to receive salaries,
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internally displaced persons will not be able to receive payments, now everything is calm, and social support of ukraine continues at the expense of international money, well, the key question here is what was really wanted at the expense of international money. so that the domestic business also felt freedom and support, so that it could earn money, well, first of all, now it earns for our army, but it would be very good, so as not to be fully dependent on, well, really, vasyl, i wanted the domestic business to develop in ukraine, but despite the fact that the european union supports with grants, with non-refundable funds, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, is still recovering a little from the beginning of a full-scale invasion, well, so i would say. trade, networks, stores, clothes, shoes, have problems with this, and if we have an expert andrii lototsky, director of the rda consulting company, we will talk about it with him, good evening, good evening, mr. andriy , well, really, as long as
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ukrainian business recovers from the shock, in fact, foreign companies, having a certain capital, having a certain, certain known to the world market. are trying to conquer the ukrainian space, in particular , polish business networks are expanding, in particular we are talking about the fashion industry, and to what extent do you think such expansion has already taken place today, and how much, what share of the market has already been conquered, in particular by polish entrepreneurs? and thank you for the question, polish fashion retailers were represented in ukraine even before... the large-scale invasion, after february 24, as well as all stores, all retailers in ukraine, for a certain period of time did not work, as of the end of april 22 about 30% of stores did not work at all , were closed, at the end of the 22nd, about 10% were still
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not working in a store in relation to the pre-war period, but... for today, the latest data as of the end of autumn, the increase in stores in in ukraine, especially retail, there was already an increase of 11% in the number of stores before the war period, polish fashion retailers are developing dynamically in ukraine, mainly those products that are in the fast fashion category, so it is called, that is, they are inexpensive products, the average segment mainly, in that at the same time, ukrainian retailers are also developing, ukrainian fashion is also developing, new brands have appeared, quite
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good, cool formats have appeared, and the expansion is mirrored in fact, yes, because ukrainian brands are also entering the polish and european markets the market, that is. in essence , competition is maintained in your opinion , competition is maintained, ukrainian brands also enter the polish market, they start online, they also open offline stores, gradually move, of course, those polish brands that are in they worked in ukraine before the full-scale invasion, they have more experience, they are developing in ukraine, i personally do not see anything wrong here, on the contrary, they bring income to the budget, they are from those. they reinvest the money they earned in ukraine in new stores, open new stores, create jobs, pay taxes again, and so on, and the competitive environment is high, but ukrainian businesses in general are quite unique among us ukrainians, the patterns of
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management decision-making and skill quickly it is much better to adapt and change the operating processes of companies than there is probably in european businesses, the fact that there is already such a transparent, competitive struggle, and in fact, foreign business may be able to do without benefits, unlike the ukrainian one, which, well, although everything needs support, on the part of the fashion retailer, i do not know of special benefits for fashion businesses, for foreign retailers, they work, it seems to me, on the same terms, they also pay taxes, customs duties, vat when clearing goods, and so on . thank you for joining, really vasyl, it is interesting that the trade in clothes, shoes, in fact
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, the feation industry, is now on such transparent rules, unlike agricultural products, we know that the european commission is still considering the issue of where and how to limit the supply of our products abroad, thank you, andriy lotosky was in touch, the director of the rda consulting company, and i continue to talk about money during the war, and in particular about domestic ones. displaced persons, so here is the interesting information that the cabinet of ministers has expanded financial support for idps and asylum seekers who are now returning from abroad, but have not yet found employment, have no income, the ministry of reintegration reported this. families who have returned to their homeland after more than 90 days of stay abroad will receive assistance for a period of 6 months, even if there are able-bodied, unemployed persons in the families who have not paid a single social contribution. also, we are talking about families of internally displaced people who, because of relocation to other regions, cannot work, do not pay
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taxes. payment of aid will be combined with incentive tools to employment two months after receiving assistance, these people must find a job or register at the state employment center. well, the authorities of 14 of germany's 16 federal states have agreed to create one. payment card for refugees, it limits the use of social assistance money to asylum seekers in germany. yes, the transfer of funds from the card from this social card to other bank accounts will be blocked. this means that social assistance cannot be transferred to relatives who, for example, remained in their homeland. still, for many people, it was an incentive to come to germany and receive funds. well, and... also , the card cannot be used to pay for goods and services abroad, everything is only in
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germany, well, it is very important that this rule was introduced precisely because many people tried to somehow cheat, bypass, there are many such stories and in ireland, in germany, in poland, unfortunately, there are people who think that it is possible to earn money here, although they help you, and of course they want this money to remain in germany, but well, these restrictions are needed, it will not work out for anyone, well, go back home, go back to your homeland. raise the ukrainian economy, work, earn and get closer to victory. let's move on: a metro will be built in kharkiv this year. as the mayor of the city ihor terikhov said, we are talking about two stations, there are already certain participants who want to build a subway today. the authorities are now preparing to tender for the purchase of rolling stock. let me remind you that funds for the construction of the subway have already been allocated. kharkiv will receive more than hryvnias, we are talking about the oleksiivska
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metro line in kharkiv. they created their own oil refinery. in mukachevo. law enforcement officers exposed the scheme of underground production of fuel. the five involved had a permit for wholesale trade, however, in addition to selling, the men decided to illegally process oil. raw materials were purchased from ukrainian suppliers during during the search , law enforcement officers seized more than uah 3 million, as well as fuel and equipment for its production. this was the last information in the column about money during the war, i'm alexander morshevka, i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us. thank you to oleksandr morchivka for the information about
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money, it is very important and interesting, and no less important and interesting, i will watch the verdict program, which starts at 8 p.m., and serhiy rudenko will tell us what will be discussed today just now, serhii, good evening , please, vasyl, good evening, in 15 minutes our verdict will begin, within an hour we will have three guests, major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, general ihor romanenko and political... expert volodymyr onion let's talk about zaluzhnyi's delayed resignation exactly as this resignation is delayed, foreign media write. of mass information, today cnn published a text, and this text says that valery zaluzhnyi will step down from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine by the end of this week. whether it is so or not, how it will affect the development of the situation at the front and, in particular, the situation in the ukrainian army, let's talk with our experts, who
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know exactly what the role of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is, and most importantly. as in this one situations to maintain the fighting atmosphere and fighting spirit in the armed forces of ukraine. another piece of news that will be the topic of our conversation is 50 billion euros of aid for ukraine. today, all the countries of the european union voted for an additional package of support, and judging by all the ukrainian diplomacy, ukrainian li'. managed to convince viktor orbán , the prime minister of hungary, to vote for this decision, we will have access to brussels from tetyana vysotska, our correspondent who works in european and euro-atlantic structures, and we are waiting her comments about this, of course,
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we will also mention how eh... our defense forces hit the bilbek airfield and sank a russian missile boat in the crimea, in short, there are many topics for conversation today, i hope that our viewers will wait and stay for the verdict, we will start in 14 minutes, well, then the big verdict continues with the winter, vasyl, you have my word, thank you. so we are waiting for you at 8:00 p.m. the verdict program, don't miss it, be sure to summarize this day together with serhiy and his guests, and now cultural news from lina shechenina, oksana zabushko will judge the main competition of the berlin international film festival berlinare. the ukrainian writer joined the jury of the main competition, now the ukrainian film community is violently discussing this news,
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because not everyone took it positively. lena chechenina will tell why exactly, her word. well, our representatives of the film community once again show that we have a democratic country with discussions, and in which everyone can express their point of view and argue. i can already see closer to the evening, when the representatives of our movie party started read the news and saw: that ms. oksana became a member of the jury of the main competition of the berlinale, this is where the wave of discussions has already started, quite interesting, so far i see more of this emotion of incomprehension, film people say that oh my god, why would a writer suddenly judge a cinematographic competition , moreover
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, ms. oksana actively discussed her post about the film pamfir last spring. went to see this film and later wrote that she thinks that dmytro sukhalytky sobchuk, the director, is of course a very good author, and she noted high artistic and intellectual qualities of this film, however, at the same time, she noted that she really didn't like the ragged houses and, in general , such a poor interior and everyday conditions in which people live, the director described the bukovyna there, and that they said it was not true, and then she painted her point. a view with which many cinematographers also actively disagreed and said that the author has the right to his reading of the reality that he sees, but if the director sees such a reality, then he should shoot such a film if he has the talent, and they also mentioned enough often the romanian new wave, which also, the authors of which, the representatives of which also showed
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romania as just some solid garbage dump, however, there were extremely interesting scenarios and analyses. and that's why it became such a big cultural phenomenon and the tapes of the romanian new wave received many, many awards and this is now being studied there in universities and so on, maybe the ukrainian new wave will be somewhere of the same type in our country. however, there are people who were absolutely delighted with the appearance of oksana zabushko in the representatives, members of the berlinale festival, that is for example, director and writer iryna tsylyk, said that she does not agree with any criticism. ms. oksana, that she does not understand cinema, no, according to iryna, ms. oksana, on the contrary, follows, keeps up with all her lectures, trips, monitors what is happening and... documentaries in the world and in art cinema, author's, therefore, she will perfectly cope with this task. i would like to note that i personally
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like the fact that ms. oksana will be among the members of the jury together with albert sera, sir, i'm so right, i must cancel, it 's a spanish director, he's really very, well, very talented, i think, if you abstract from his political positions, he's really from... well-known and yet he's such a lover of putin, a fan of putin, and he openly talks about this, not only putin, but trump as well, in interviews with various publications, he constantly says that he admires the political power of both of these characters, and he even said that, that these are characters who come out beyond the figure of politicians who they only seek consensus, they say, consensus is what world leaders are hiding behind, and here is putin, and here is trump... they are hiding, and that is why they are able to gather and solve all our global geopolitical problems. this is the kind of political analysis from this director. i will be very interested to see
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ms. oksana’s discussions with this albert, maybe she will describe something to herself on facebook from their conversations, if they are not confidential, in general, i would just be in seventh heaven if the deliberations of the jury members were broadcast live and we... to really see these dialogues between oksana zabushko and albert sera, and i am again 98% sure that ms. oksana with her ability to express and persuade with a fiery voice, maybe she will convince him of our position and convert him to the path of truth and some kind of more pro-ukrainian pro-ukrainian position, but in each case we see that... that she has become at least such a counterbalance to this character and that is why we will follow the competition for the berlinales. i will remind you that
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the berlin international film festival is starting february 15 is not far away. thanks to lina , and we have more cultural news: the symphony orchestra of the national philharmonic of ukraine on... all from the triumphant tour in japan, which lasted 51 days. during the big tour, the orchestra played 30 sold-out concerts in 25 cities of the country. in general, during the tour, the concerts of the symphony orchestra were attended by almost more than 30,000 listeners. the concert programs featured works by mozart, beethoven, mendelssohn and other composers. today, the symphony orchestra is preparing a concert for the second anniversary of a full-scale russian invasion that will be broadcast live. on the youtube channel of the paris philharmonic. japonin was met very unexpectedly for us, as we
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understood how much the country and the people who cooperated with us, who met us, how much they understand the situation and how much they are ready and actually support ukraine. in one of the cities, a choir was supposed to sing beethoven's ninth. it was also the city of kumumoto and unexpectedly for all of us, the choir sang our spiritual hymn to god the great the only one in the ukrainian language for us it was both unexpected and very pleasant and of course it inspired us, we were really ready to leave everything we have on this stage. it is very cool, in fact, when ukrainian artists and people of good will who have some messages or tasks are volunteers. go abroad, represent ukraine, communicate , contact the foreign public, it is very important in fact, poets, writers , musicians, artists, directors, it is cool, i
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mean the cultural community, but it is strange, today we found out how he left for the borders of ukraine, a representative of some political and cultural community, oleksiy aristovych, about whom many have already forgotten, probably for a certain time, he is now in new york, and he wrote that he left for a letter from the main intelligence agency, well, when you cross the border, you must have some kind of letter, so i crossed the border, i had a letter from... the ministry of culture and information policy, but i returned, as stipulated in the letter, for 10 days, it seems, oleksiy rasovych did not return, although he is now in the band they said that he was at the main intelligence agency the ministry of defense that they did not give him this letter, and here it is important to put a full stop, because you know such stories, who is there how , what did who, because of whom, well, this should not happen, there are rules, there is order, you have a goal, you go, do some work, come back, but sitting and talking is somehow good, now about what the weather will be like in ukraine, tomorrow natalka didenko will tell us in detail. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers.
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you and i can already say for sure that two months of winter are behind us, february is ahead, today it is has begun, and although it has 29 days this year, it is still the final winter month, and no matter what frosts or snows are ahead, we still perfectly understand that spring will definitely come, and we will talk now, in such a dry language of numbers, so to speak, it is about february, about its short climatic characteristics, which it usually is in ukraine, so in february , the average daily air temperature changes by -5° to the side, of course, a significant increase in a significant part of the territory of ukraine, the average monthly temperature in february is 0.-5°. the absolute minimum temperature varies between 23-39° of frost. the absolute
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maximum is absolutely, that is, for the entire period of observation +12 +21, in the south of odesa even up to +20-4. average monthly rainfall is from 26 to 46 mm. days with blizzards in lviv in lviv. in february, it happens from one to eight. up to ten in the carpathians, but it was not for nothing that i mentioned lviv, after all, it is close to the carpathians and, accordingly, khortovyn. icy is most often found in the eastern regions. and in azov, well and the historical minimum air temperature, about 39° of frost was recorded in 1893 in the city of luhansk, and the historical maximum air temperature of +24.4 was observed in 1958 in the city of rozdolne in the kherson region. we turn now to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and now we will see if there will be magnetic storms tomorrow. i want to say right away that
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the situation is quite calm, no strong or moderate magnetic storms are even expected there, and now, of course , the weather forecast is february 2, in the western regions of ukraine, only in the carpathian regions and in in the carpathians, light snow is expected , finally areas without significant precipitation, gusty wind, even up to storm gusts, somewhere +1 +3° air temperature is expected, variable cloudiness and even possible clearing is expected in the north of ukraine, air temperature from 0 to +3°. and also a strong north-westerly wind. in the eastern part of ukraine tomorrow it will be windy, in places a little wet snow -2 -2°. no precipitation is expected in the central part of ukraine tomorrow. the air temperature is +2 +4°, but there will also be a strong wind in the center tomorrow north-west wind. be very careful. in the southern part of ukraine, there is also wind, and in the coastal zone, accordingly , storms at sea are also expected. cloud. weather, but
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without significant precipitation +3-+5°. well , the weather will also be windy in kyiv tomorrow, the northwest wind can reach gusts of 14 m/s. precipitation is not expected in the capital tomorrow, the air temperature is around +3-+4°. looking ahead a little, i want to say that on february 3 there will be more precipitation in all of ukraine, they may even be moderate in the form of rain and sleet and will hold strong gusty wind. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective. thank you natalsidenko, at the end i will report the information from oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson regional military administration. he stated that foreign volunteers were killed and injured due to an enemy attack on beryslav. the russian army killed two citizens of the french republic, three more foreigners received minor injuries among the wounded, as well as an activist of the ukrainian
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representative office of the organization. the family of the dead, writes the head of the kherson regional military administration we talked today about the fact that the enemy shelled boryslav region and also a drone attacked an ambulance, the enemy does not stop, but this time, unfortunately, our friends from france who came to help ukraine in this difficult war died, thanks and sincere memory and of course punishment of enemies. thank you for being with us, then the verdict with serhii rudenko, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during for the next hour we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. cleansing crimea after a low-level strike on the airfield.


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