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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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plans to build a political career, but those actions can just drive him into the political field. is it good, probably not good. i have great hope that such disturbances will be passed easily, because i analyze the moscow channels and i can see them. as they have already become more active regarding the removal of zaluzhnyi, and you know, they are already his crazy supporters and supporters, and a bunch of bots have already rushed to call for the maidans, ah, it is only to their advantage to heat up this information field in such a way that whatever -what are our certain actions inside the edge of the country, to try to destroy us in the middle. not in principle
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to be taken lightly, i agree with yapchanchanka , yes, the military environment supports the perception of valery zaluzhny, and as a good general-commander, but there are no talks, future maidans, coups, we are running after our commander-in-chief, because we have another work, and maybe i'm only speaking from the small... circle of friends with whom i communicate, but one way or another, we 'd probably really like to go smoothly with this change, well if we see that those things are already inevitable, mr. taras, then the following will happen, i will allow myself a provocative question, your unit is located in gur, and one of the, well, if you believe all the sources and all the information, one of the main ones. .. applicants for
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the position of commander-in-chief, if they dare to change the stalwart, is kyrylo oleksiyovych budanov, who now leads the actual gurk, well, there are many different rumors that, well, it seems, well, there are rumors that budano refused, there are rumors that he inside, he even had some conversations, about that, well, if he goes for it, i understand it 's a promotion, yes, well, if you have any inside information and are willing to share it live, of course we would appreciate it, but... however, in general, if you do not have insiders, but simply in relation to such a deployment of budanov, how the units located in gura perceive it and the people directly under the leadership of budanov, if you can talk about it live, i understand that the topic is very delicate, the ice is very not subtle, the military cannot share insiders and any on any sites, so you answered your own question, well, do you want this budau, well , we don't... know if he wants, ah, or him,
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well, again, this famous deputy, she threw in three names, and we are already spinning around them, not the fact that they, not what they want, not the fact that they will be able to replace, and not the fact that the three persons that this deputy threw in will be candidates for the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces. mr. taras. tetskiv, you have just more such political experience, unlike you, how the military is bound by certain things to talk about the conflict, if it is between zelensky and zaluzhny, in your opinion, is there a conflict and what is its cause, if it is, why am i saying, well, people are really talking about it, maybe we refer to some rumors, but still, when this information... began
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to appear in the information field on monday from specific people's deputies, from journalists, even, indeed, anonymous telegram channels also began to spread it, the press secretary of the president this was denied, but in the following days, president volodymyr zelenskyi also had an appeal to the ukrainians, and if he wanted to deny it completely, he would still come out and say: "it's not true, i'm not going to change the hard worker, everything is the way it works in our country, the way it works, everyone stays in their places , but we didn't hear it from volodymyr zelenskyi and that's why..." well, then international media appeared with headlines that there will be a change, it will take some time, that's why we continue to talk about it, even today in live broadcast, too, we also focus on this topic, well, you know, well, if you look at this whole story with valery zaluzhny's resignation from the point of view of the politics of fait accompli, there are only two such fait accompli.
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the president has the constitutional right to appoint and dismiss the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and as of today there is no such decree, well, in any case, it has not been made public and on... so one could put a full stop, but ukraine is not the kind of country that puts a full stop to such stories, and already, i believe that this whole, which has been going on for several days, this new wave with the resignation of caused, i believe, some damage to both the armed forces and the reputation of ukraine, she alarmed our western partners, she caused a huge disturbance in society, and i probably won't say anything like that... new, because all this has already been said, and from that , what i heard , probably, my colleagues also heard what i heard , obviously, that there is no smoke without fire, well , there is nothing to hide here, and those people who promote such a decision, yes, i will not name their names, although
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these surnames are also known, well, they come from such, well, strange, strange the assumption that the hard worker is a political competitor, and even though he has never once... declared his political ambitions, they do not believe it, they suspect, and they proceed from such a strange, as to me, strange assumption, which, well, it goes back to somewhere, probably in the soviet union during the days of the soviet union, this assumption is that as long as a man is in office, he has a rating, and if he does not have a position, then he will not have a rating, and they are not at all confused that in recent history. there are just a lot of ukraines facts, when the resignation of this or that figure , who had no intention of going into politics, just prompted him to go into that politics, and for some reason, politics came to him, politics came to him, well, the most striking example
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is viktor yushchenko, his resignation from office of the prime minister of ukraine, well, this is such a recent story, and they look at the sociology that worries them and the one that worries the president. well, it is visible, what is called the naked eye, when the president answers these questions, well, it is written on his face that he cares about this question, and the fact that under during martial law, there will be no elections, that the issue of the end of the war, the end of the region is not yet visible, well , it simply does not reach the entourage of the president, although i know both and these and sociology was made public, the kmist seems to have conducted it, which is just the closer zelenskyi is... to zaluzhnyi, the higher his rating, and the further he is removed, the more it affects him, i.e. sociology does not unequivocally say that the probable decision to replace the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine would unequivocally there is
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rating of zelenskyi, he will fall, and how can the president's office not see this fact, it's just me, well, it's a wonder for me, and since in my subjective... view, well, when you look at the reasons, then the reasons obviously lie in the plane of politics, and not in the plane of military expediency, this is a fact, in two years, and this is evidenced by the trust in the brave, and by the fact that they talk about him in the army and what is said about him they think behind the scenes, trust in him is high, but it is not taken lightly, and to think that, well, no, if the president, well indeed. came out and said in one word that these are all insinuations, the topic would be removed, he does not say this, it creates even more suspicion, and from my point of view, well, well, to call it political suicide, if they come to such a decision, well, that there is not much to say, and you said about the negative consequences that already exist
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from this kind of discussion, such focused attention, what else are they, well , imagine when it comes to american congressmen who simply change the commander of the army. if not in this country can figure out who should lead the armed forces, then we and then we will simply wait with the provision of aid, this is obvious, i know this not only from the press, i know this directly, it causes, at least, inhibition of the decision-making process about aid to ukraine , well, it does not add, it definitely does not add to ukraine, in the congress and in the senate of the united states of america, i would advise simply, well simply... this matter, it is, well , it is an unnecessary thing, it is during the war, well, i already i say that the history of our people has hundreds of examples when we did not die because of it the onslaught of the external enemy, and due to internal disruptive forces, the probable resignation
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of the employee, it is that internal disruptive force, the consequences of which no one can calculate now, so it must be postponed, or if the president... has arguments, he must not hide behind the backs of their press secretaries, we don't need the words of the president's press secretary, we need the words of the president himself, if the president has... moments he should come out and say: i made such and such a decision, the reasons for my decision are such, such and such , i i move, i fire, i assign another site, and all this would be clear, but when the president is silent and, you know, picks at the cake, as in the poper, well, at the last press conference, then this is simply not a dolice, the topic of the president's relations and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces has already reached the level where the president cannot refuse ... it will be possible, and my advice, and here on the air, where i can say, simply this topic should be
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closed, closed until the end of the war, it is unnecessary, it is a harmful topic , it does not add to the country, it does not add to the president personally, and it divides society, the most terrible thing that can be allowed in war is to divide society in its sympathies and antipathies to such a controversial decision, which we are now discussing, a political potential political one. suicide, this is an important thesis of stetskov, which sounded on our air. oleg senyutka, but i will say here for a second that after all, we always invite representatives of the authorities, the president's office, people's deputies from the servants of the people, to hear the authorities, we give them the floor on live air, we even ask them for it. we send letters, all possible options, somehow get in touch, we try to have them also present on the air, well, unfortunately, we only have to refer to their quotes. and what we have in the public sphere, because for one reason or another they are not ready to speak in this
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format, and it is very bad that the representatives of the authorities do not come to speak and do not come to demonstrate their position, because if there is no public position, they begin to arise rumors and conjectures, and this is already dangerous, in general, if you look in relation to this situation, then ukrainian-centric citizens ukraine is for... on such a tightrope, on such a stretch, on the one hand, and this is no secret to anyone, there is a huge positive opinion of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhnyi, and trust ratings of 90, 92, 95, they once again demonstrate , that ukrainian society trusts this person, if ukrainian society trusts this person, subconsciously ukrainians will... defend this person and will be particularly sensitive to any
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aggression towards such a person, what is this trust based on? primarily because that the armed forces of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale aggression did not just endure, but inflicted enough pre-school blows on the enemy. on the other hand, the other part of the twine is understanding. ukrainian-centric citizens of the danger of an internal conflict and a split in the state, there is probably no more dangerous situation than a possible internal conflict in the country , any confrontation in the country will play into the hands of the muscovites, and therefore any ukrainian patriot does not consider allowing such a confrontation possible, and in this one situations really. a lot depends on the government, on the prudence, professionalism, if
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you like, the maturity of the government, because the most important thing we should talk about today is not about political ratings, not about the upcoming elections, we should talk today, but how this situation will affect the state , on the security of the state and on our victory in russia. the ukrainian war, this should be the subject, and we should consider whether the resignation of a good man in this situation will benefit the country or not. it seems to me that many representatives of the authorities have simply not yet matured to such an understanding, they have ratings, they have elections, they have a vision, and the security of the state takes a back seat, it is very, very dangerous, i read before our broadcast, i read. .. the article by commander-in-chief zaluzhny, his presentation, his vision, well, you know, it is hard
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not to agree, the phrase is very often heard that a small soviet army, even a small ukrainian soviet army, will not defeat a large soviet army, the moscow army, and zaluzhny in this articles, first of all, it is analyzed the situation that exists today, analyzes it very honestly, openly from the point of view of a mobilization resource. between us and the muscovites, from the point of view of providing e-e artillery systems, from the point of view of financial possibilities, there is a very honest conversation that is laid out. points by point, and in fact most people think so, it's just that very often no one wants to say it out loud, but they throw some slogans at society, and we definitely won't defeat the muscovites with hats now, and zaluzhny suggests that what should be done is to modernize not just the army, to modernize society, because a million
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-strong army, a little bigger or a little smaller today, will still not have such... efforts to defeat the several million-strong moscow army, it is obvious, and zaluzhny suggests what should be done, and here there is a question about responsibility of every branch of government , this attack on zaluzhnyi, well, let's not deceive each other, let's not just say that there is no smoke without fire, let's honestly say that all insiders and not so insiders know that the conversation... of the president and the commander-in-chief took place, and this is not a secret for anyone, and we are not just talking about the fact that the washington post, the fine times, the economist and other leading publications, today present it as an established fact, these are not anonymous telegram channels for you, what baba baba said, these are very serious, responsible publications that value the information that they represent to the outside world, and
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this attack on zaluzhnyi is perceived today... in society, by our western partners, i am sure that it is perceived by many in the armed forces , as an attack on national unity, because what is national unity, what is the core of national unity, that society has united around politicians, no, society has united around some officials, no, society has united around the armed forces of ukraine, and today this attack is an attack on the armed forces of ukraine. this is an attack on national unity, it is very dangerous, so it seems to me that the way out of the situation is very simple, and it was not for nothing that we appealed very often today, why is the president of ukraine, the supreme commander, silent, he can solve this situation, literally with his short blitz interview, which he does every evening, if the president of ukraine very clearly stated
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his position, argued very clearly that all these conversations are fiction. there is no such thing, it cannot be, be sure, let's stick together. i am convinced that the degree of tension of discussion in society has simply disappeared. therefore, today the question is really about one person who can very quickly, not just can, is obliged to calm society, it is very, very important, and then this tension between love for the armed forces of ukraine, which represents today, general zaluzhnyi does not understand... the admissibility of protests inside the country, it will disappear and we will all be together again, and this together means a step towards victory. yury kamelchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people, it is important from the government party to communicate with us now on skype. mr. yuriy, i would also like to hear your personal position, and the party's position, regarding this
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discussion around zaluzhno. yes, there are no facts, there are, well, if we speak in the language of dry facts, there are... er, nikiferov, the president, the press secretary of the president said that, well, nothing is happening, no one will be dismissed in good faith, but as we already heard in our studio today, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and considering that a lot of authoritative world media are writing about the potential resignation of luzhnuja, we have to talk about it and we want to hear about it the opinion of the deputy from the hearing of the people. good evening, studio, good evening viewers, glory to ukraine. at the moment i really can't be silent, i won't be silent, i will say a few things, especially after a recent trip to a working session at the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, my colleagues and i from borders came to a common conclusion, it is clear to absolutely everyone who respects democracy, that the parliament is a sign of democracy
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in the country, and understanding between the political army and the government is a sign and... home peace for a country that is at war with a strong enemy, so clearly such communications, such messages, they are dangerous. i cannot judge who had the right, who did not have the right, what to say, what information to highlight and so on, let it be the responsibility of those who submitted the initial information and so on. we know that the president has the right to replace the commander-in-chief and we know that. unfortunately, this is not the first time such a message has been reported. i would not like to return to the topic of my former colleague from the faction, maryana bezuglai, who to me... seems to have just started this second series of attacks on valery zaluzhnyi, i know that the military personnel who heard this message were already there the first time,
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for the second hour expressed great displeasure, even at the hint that this was possible, because first of all, of course, as we all understand very well, and without ratings and polls, we understand that they respect commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny, they trust him, they trust him. international partners , therefore, any hint of his replacement, he instills this uncertainty, and the fact that valery zaluzhnyi exhibited photos showing that he is fine, the fact that he published an article today, his column in cnn, on the website cnn, this is a very good sign that valery fedorovych in the working mode continues to work on the main tasks, and he understands that ukraine needs in order to... win in this struggle, and regarding communication, in conclusion, i cannot express the opinion of the party or the faction, for that there is the leader of the party
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and the leader of the faction, my personal opinion, and the political and military of the entire faction party , but the fact that you are and will express your opinion regarding the draft law on mobilization is valuable for us, so stay in touch with us, mykhailo tsymbalyuk has one more word, and then we will have a short break on espresso, so we have to... move more efficiently, first of all i want to express words of great gratitude and respect to the representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces that defend our country, and thanks to them today we have the opportunity to communicate, including in this studio. the topic we are discussing, i would like to start with theses, they are more important in my opinion, and here i wholeheartedly support you, why? because this is an answer to those skeptics that the chief does not have a vision for
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the strategy and tactics for 2024, there is something that can be presented publicly, i am sure that everything else is discussed at the rate meeting, to judge and discuss. the question should at least be deep in the topic, in the topic that is held at the rate meeting, that is discussed, what are the problems other than what is visible from the outside, this is tsc and other things, provision, bureaucracy, which the military feels in relation to the write-off of equipment, damaged and other, these are all those problems that we can see on the outside, but there are deeper ones, and i have some. i know some of them as a member of the working group and having access to state secrets, but i will not talk about them today. i now
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perceive the supreme commander zelenskyi, minister of defense umerov and glavkom zaluzhnyi, as people of the same team. and this is very important to realize, today there are no legal documents. i would be very careful. did those things and did not forget about the special regime of martial law, it is clear that today, when we talk about the war at the front, we should talk about the information war, including the russian federation is doing everything in order to somehow disturb society with various intrusions, because of that, i once again... emphasize that it is very important to remain calm and have a moral right talking to the military about the relationship
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to the central committee is true, but what you say is important, because you actually worked in those structures, and you understand how this information should work there, especially in the conditions of martial law , it is necessary to preserve and observe information hygiene. well, everyone else has statutes, if they are military people, they clearly know how to behave, they should be praised for the fact that today, regardless of the discussion in society, they do their work professionally, for which we are grateful to them. mykhailo tsembelyuk, thank you, short commercial on the air espresso on youtube, we continue to work. there are 15% discounts on penger and herpavir in pharmacies plantain you and save. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my patient.
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the law on mobilization is unfair, and mr krymenchuk continues his answer. i will repeat very briefly, that is, the term of demobilization, it should be clearly prescribed for those who are in the rear, who are at ground zero, because they are tired in different ways. military pay, or rather remuneration, if it is correct to say, should be increased, in my opinion, at least twice, if not more. and this, this, this is even, some kind of minimum that i consider. i spent recently a small survey of middle managers, so to speak, who said what amount they could be motivated, even having two or three children, to go to the army to serve, and they called a figure between 5 and 10 thousand dollars, you can ask the question, can we afford it, a rhetorical question, because if we can afford expensive high-end equipment, ammunition and bullets?


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