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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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the european union has approved financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. the head of the european council, charles michel, said that all 27 eu countries have given their consent. well, according to the guardian, hungarian prime minister viktor orban was the only european leader who was against the allocation of 50 billion to kyiv. he insisted that aid to ukraine be calculated until 2027, every year. loudly approved by all the countries of the european union. the guardian writes that european leaders did not make any significant concessions to orbán, but did make some steps that would allow him not to look like a loser. according to the publication, the eu leaders have decided that aid to kyiv will be reviewed in two years if necessary. let me remind you that the decision to provide economic aid to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros was planned to be adopted in december of that year, but then it was blocked by the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. well, today.
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my colleague zoryana stepanenko also followed the summit in brussels, she has more details. zoryan, hello. on what terms anyway european aid for ukraine was approved. and is it true that the western press reports that the aid to kyiv will be reviewed in two years if necessary, and again, if so, how will it be reviewed, in what way, will a vote of all 27 members of the eu leaders be needed again, or somehow different? greetings vlasto, there are already a lot of details about the conditions on which it was possible to agree with the hungarian prime minister, the leaders found the so-called golden mean, the prime minister of hungary, as you remember, did not want ukraine to receive all 50 billion euros at once for four years , and he wanted to check every year where they are spent, whether it is worth continuing transfers, in his opinion, all countries should decide unanimously, this is what orbán wanted, and this could de facto give him additional veto opportunities, and now i will explain. how it will be: the european commission
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will monitor how ukraine deals with money and report on it every year. leaders discuss, but only discuss, that is, it is just a debate, they cannot block anything. after two years, if necessary, again, the leaders can to ask the european commission to revise the budget, which also includes this macro-financial assistance to ukraine, but for this, in principle, to issue such a request to the european commission, there must be a unanimous agreement of all the leaders of the member states. in principle, in simple words, the union has the problem of a possible veto at any stage during four years, whether in a year or two, and i will remind you that this financial mega-package was provided for four years, so this veto problem has disappeared. in general, this will not happen, and the last step is on the way of macro-financial assistance to ukraine itself, this is a vote in the european parliament, its president announced here today that it will take place at the end of february. today is a good day for... we
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have been keeping our ukrainian friends in suspense for many weeks now as to whether we can reach an agreement and the fact that it was reached so early is also the result of the work, the hard work, done by many of our leaders. a compromise was reached after closed negotiations of such a small club, in the morning the most influential leaders the eu, namely the french president, the heads of the german and italian governments, the heads of the european commission and the european council persuaded viktor orbán to unblock aid to ukraine, later the prime ministers of belgium, the netherlands, poland, donald tusk, in particular, openly criticized his colleague from hungary in the morning. orbán announced after everything at the end of the day that he had come to this decision after long negotiations, and that he had received guarantees. hungarian funds are blocked by the european commission, and about 20 billion euros will not reach ukraine. in december of such confidence in the hungarian. well, as
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he himself said, it wasn't. mission accomplished. hungary's funds will not end up in ukraine. we have a control mechanism at the end of the first and second year. our position on the war in ukraine remains unchanged. a ceasefire and peace talks are needed. what did hungary actually get? well, publicly it seems that there is nothing, but the eurocouncil mentioned in its conclusions in the decision of this summit, about the change in the rules, which allowed the european commission to freeze the funds. from eu funds for hungary, due to fear that it will not be used for its intended purpose. this reference to a long-agreed norm, to this rule, gave many grounds to assume that the european commission in this, in this building hinted in this way that it is possible to give budapest access to its funds, well, in any case , they remain frozen for the time being , as i said, it is 20 billion euros. in any case, ukraine is waiting. for the first tranche of its money
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from the eu in march, the ministry of economy of ukraine expects 4.5 billion euros in march, but our sources reported that there will be 15 billion starting in march and monthly for six months, then this plan can be changed. volodymyr zelenskyi, addressing the leaders via video link already during the summit, and i will remind you that the decision on the macrofin was agreed upon even before it began, the ukrainian president thanked the leaders for the critical decision for ukraine. thanks to him, it will be able, in particular , to pay salaries, pensions and more in the future, the ukrainian president also said, and that he is counting on another decision as well, namely the replenishment of the european peace fund. from which finance weapons to ukraine at the eu level for 5 billion every year, starting this year and during the next four years, because russia, zelensky noted, has secured the support of a new ally, north korea. intelligence confirms that russia will receive
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a million artillery shells from pyongyang. meanwhile, unfortunately, the implementation of the european plan to supply ukraine with a million artillery shells is delayed, and this is also a signal of global competition. however , they could not approve the allocation of money for weapons at the eu level, they agreed on this issue as well negotiate further, they want to resolve this issue by march, the summit actually has already ended, and most of its participants will leave for their capitals today, respectively. zoryana, thank you very much, zoryana stepanenko joined us on the air from the fields of the european union summit. we continue this topic in detail. well, it looks like it is a compromise option on the one hand, but it looks like it is still a victory rather than a betrayal
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for ukraine. of course, this is a very important and pleasant, i would say, event for us, for some time not... if you can say so tautologically, confidence that this situation will find a positive solution, but it was found, i believe with minimal losses for the eu, without losses for ukraine at all, and your correspondent said absolutely correctly, and the president of ukraine said this, that it is absolutely necessary for us . not so that the ukrainian state, the ukrainian economy, could function, so that salaries could be paid , that is, this is, i would say, not a lifeline, but almost a lifeline, which
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will allow us to actively resist russian aggression in the future. mr. ambassador, a look, in the european union, the specific prerequisites for the provision of these 50 billion have been named. euro , well, at least the conclusions of the summit state that ukraine continues to support and respect effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system, the rule of law, guaranteeing respect for human rights, including persons belonging to national minorities, how difficult do you think it is will ukraine fulfill all this, especially when it comes to the multi-party parliamentary system, the rule of law, well let's be honest, there is a problem here, or am i wrong? i paid attention to these prerequisites, i will tell you frankly, it is very unfortunate that we are again seeing prerequisites, and it is unfortunate because there are reasons for this, that is, now the ball in this sense is absolutely in our half of the field, all
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this is not the case what can be done, it must be done, and all these are, let's say, signs that we have... decision, and in in the context of our negotiations with the eu, regarding accession to the european union, that is, i will say this, i repeat once again, it is unfortunate that this is happening again, but we must admit that there are reasons for this. and in the european union they see it, if they wrote it in the prerequisites. and not only in the european union , but also in our other partners, and in order for, say , our arguments to sound absolutely convincing , it is necessary that there should not be, there should be no grounds
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for forming such prerequisites. at the same time , the summit did not make a decision to provide ukraine with an additional 5 billion euros for the 24th year for defense costs. volodymyr zelenskyy also asked in his address at the summit about the creation of the european peace fund and the provision of this assistance, what do you think, how do you understand it, why was this decision not adopted? it is difficult to understand and explain why it was not adopted, but it is really very unfortunate, because when this financial package was adopted, absolutely correct and relevant statements were made that this is evidence that europe is ready to take the lead in helping ukraine in the future, the results of the elections will not be known. states at the end of the year and even now, the blockade in the us congress
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of the aid package for ukraine, that is, as a leader , europe must at least really demonstrate that it can and wants to be a leader, we saw this when this financial package was approved, and unfortunately, we did not see it when the issue was pending about the provision of this military aid and still not... the issue of the provision of such and such a million shots absolutely necessary for ukraine, and if we look at the provision of aid by individual countries of the european union, we can see that some countries provide clearly less than they and can and should do, that is, the european union has a lot to work on, because the statement is very good, but it is very important that it is reinforced. concrete actions , well, maybe, i don’t know, maybe my next
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question will be an answer to the previous question at the same time: the european council today supported the use of revenues from frozen russian assets, which they want to plan for financing aid to ukraine, maybe they are looking for this money there, but in i also wonder why only the income from the frozen assets and not all of them frozen assets, it's about 300 billion dollars, because it would seem that... in light of the fact that the united states is not in a hurry to finance ukraine, this law is not being passed in congress, then maybe it's time to use the frozen assets, i do i understand most of them are in europe after all, not the united states. i would like to mention in this regard that, let's say, there is a bill in the united states, and it was, uh, let's say, uh, a certain stage of it in... passing it has already happened, but it should be noted that there is confiscation
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russian assets in order for these assets to be involved specifically for the financing of ukrainian recovery, but in general this indicates that the process is going quite slowly, that is, there are two sides to this issue. problems, that is, to freeze assets is relatively simple, it is a political act, it is more difficult to confiscate and use these assets, because there are a number of legal problems, but you have to understand that the situation now, well, in fact, since the 22nd year, the situation is extraordinary , and accordingly it requires extraordinary measures, so here it is procrastination, or i would say even... half-hearted decisions regarding the use of revenues from frozen money, it
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basically shows that there is still no understanding that there is no alternative to defeat, and there is no such thing as russia's insipid poration, are we playing fast or as it is now understood , for a long time, but the end result he understood what it should be, that is why... these issues should be resolved much faster than they are being resolved now, that is, frozen russian assets are not transferred to aid ukraine, because, if i understood you correctly, in the world, in particular, there is no common conviction in europe that russia must lose this war? well, this is, let's say, the endgame, that is, how the war should end, but now, i would say, it motivates even more. by not wanting to set a precedent, but again, under normal circumstances, maybe that could
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have been up for discussion and it's up for negotiation, but the situation is really extraordinary that requires uh, well, if you will, some creativity and the introduction of new rules, and this is especially noticeable from the background a situation where there is not enough... er money to finance aid to ukraine, thank you very much, firstly, secondly, this is a signal from russia, thank you very much for your comment, oleg shamsher, extraordinary honorable ambassador, ukrainian the diplomat and we talked and discussed the results of the current eu summit. thank you. that's all for today, subscribe to radio svoboda's website, like this broadcast. in this way, you will support our work and support independent journalism in ukraine. see you tomorrow.
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vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important topics today we are with you'. we have been talking for two hours to find out about the war , right now we will talk more about the war , serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives , now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening , please word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny postakhova two hours in the company beloved presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters who have become languages ​​for many... natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a separate vault. pilot
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aviation complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport, apply to viewers of the espresso channel with a request to join the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for
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people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability. medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our family and. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. we are looking for 16-year-old danylo pyatnytskyi, who disappeared under , without exaggeration, extremely mysterious and
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unusual circumstances. help find danya his mother asks, and she told us some very important details. since september 2023 , the boy studied in slovakia. everything seemed to be fine. danylo constantly called his mother, was in a good mood and talked about his life and studies abroad. however , after talking with her son at 12 noon on december 22, the mother was unable to call him in the evening. he didn't say anything at all before his disappearance. at 12 o'clock in the afternoon we talked with him. he says: "mom, i haven't slept all day." almost says: i want to sleep, i'll sleep for a couple of hours and call you, i'll be there in the evening dialed on the same day, the phone was already turned off. the boy is mysteriously with him... unfortunately, nothing is known about his fate until now. at the same time , dania's mother said that after her son's disappearance , they found clothes and scattered things in his room.
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i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room , everything that could be beaten, although this does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i don't even know what should have happened for him to behave like that. the boy's mother says that he studied in bratislava. at comenius university at the faculty of management, and he lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava . that is, they gave him a ride and he said that he liked it, he communicated with the tutors, well, he improved his slovak language, that is, he communicated in slovak with the tutors of the slovak language,
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well, he improved the level of the slovak language, i don’t even know what could have happened, that he that's it, well behave yourself and disappear. the boy's mother has no idea where her son might be, she doesn't understand at all how this could happen, but she assumes that danya could not have contacted this company, especially after his disappearance it became known that from the letter... he didn't attend training, although he didn't tell my mother anything about it, i don't know, we already thought, maybe he is in some company, i don't know, he has some friends, maybe some not very good, not very decent ones appeared, because i talked with a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium, and she also went to this university, only she has a different department, a different faculty, and she... she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met in the evening, and he said some such inappropriate things, that is, that
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he is being monitored by the slovak fsb or sbr, that he has a bug on his phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, some, he said such incoherent things that she , well, that never happened to him, that is we think, maybe there are some narcotics... already means and with some company, he contacted. after talking with ms. anastasia, we in turn contacted our colleagues from the international federation missing children europe, who should make a request to the slovak police and help in the search. and if you have any information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if perhaps you live in slovakia and suddenly see danya or learn something about him, immediately call 11630. please remember, better write this number down, because 11630 is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 european countries, so if
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you are in europe and want to report information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the only european missing children line from your mobile phone 116/30, you will receive professional help, support and step-by-step instructions. how to act in such a situation. i also ask you to go to the website of the children's tracing service. here are photos of all the missing boys and girls we are trying to find. please look carefully at their faces, and if you recognize any of them and know any information, let us know on the hotline 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free.
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you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i am natalya leonova, congratulations, eu leader at the meeting of the european council in brussels. unanimously agreed on an aid program for ukraine in the amount of up to 50 billion euros for the next four years. also, in a separate statement, the heads of countries and governments of the eu states emphasized the urgent need to speed up the delivery of ammunition and missiles to ukraine and confirmed their intention to continue providing timely, predictable and sustainable military support to ukraine. european council president charles michel hailed the deal, saying the eu was taking the lead and was responding. for supporting ukraine and knows what is at stake. the last attempt to pass an aid package to ukraine in december last year failed due to opposition from hungary. we will talk more about this with
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ours'. bohdan tsyupin, who joins us from brussels. congratulations, bohdan. how european leaders reacted to the adoption aid package, what these funds will be used for and how they will actually be distributed over these four years. i can say that the leading leaders, the highest officials of the european union, are the president of the european council charles michel and the president of the european commission. rusula fonden looked very pleased here in brussels today, actually i think they were probably already ashamed that the decision, which was actually announced last year, they could not approve due to the opposition of actually only one of the leaders of the head viktor orbán's hungary and finally today it was achieved. ursula fondelein said
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it showed. fulfills its promise to help ukraine and emphasized that more needs to be done, these funds will be an important support for the ukrainian budget, it is primarily about financial assistance, and part of these funds, most of these funds are loans, and about 17 billion are so-called grants, that is, money that will be given to ukraine and not demanded. return, this is for a country that is fighting a war of attrition already in fact, two years of full-scale invasion, this is a very big help, it is a very big support for the economy and in particular for the financial stability of ukraine, to support the hryvnia, the national currency. bohdan, how did the european leaders manage to overcome the opposition of hungary, to what?
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compromises had to be made and does this mean that viktor orban has changed his position on ukraine? first of all, about the second, has orbán changed his position on ukraine, from what he is very loudly declaring these days, and literally just after the end of the meeting of the leaders of the countries of the european union, we can say here that he has not changed his opinion about ukraine. literally as soon as he issued a statement in which he claimed that hungary had in fact stood his ground and convinced his voters that he had not changed his position on aid to ukraine, in fact he is continuing his, one might say, propaganda attack, which he very often accuses it is ukraine for many problems, he
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blames... the leadership of brussels, he blames the leadership of ukraine when it comes to the war, while not criticizing much, for example, russia, without criticizing it at all, has been considered for quite a long time , considered for a long time, almost the only ally, a close ally of vladimir putin, the president of russia , among the leaders of the european union, but here , in fact, such a front was set up... a front of 26 against one , and probably, under this pressure, we saw what consultations were held, which appeared in the press, hints that the european union is ready to even put economic pressure on hungary, that in the end it gave in and gave in, for example, under the pressure of such very sharp statements, that sounded from
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of the prime minister in... i cannot understand, cannot accept this very strange and very selfish game of viktor orbán. i think there is really no plan b and it is a matter for viktor orbán to decide whether hungary is part of our community or not. you know, ukrainian issues are vital not only for poland, but for all of us. and today , this position of viktor orbán is a threat to our security. it is something so obvious and at the same time so unacceptable. bohdan, europe and
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the usa. have repeatedly stated that they act in coordination with...


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