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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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donald tusk, who very openly criticized the hungarian leader. there are definitely no problems with the so-called fatigue from ukraine. we now have an orben car here in brussels. there are so many things we need to resolve. and of course, today we need to strengthen our unity around ukraine against russia and its aggressive policy. i can't understand, i can't. accept this very strange and very selfish game of viktor orbán. i think there really isn't a plan b and it's up to viktor orbán to decide if hungary is part of our community or not. you know, ukrainian issues are vital not only for poland, but for all of us. and today, this position of viktor orbán is a threat to our security. it is something so obvious and at the same time so unacceptable. bohdane, europe and the usa have repeatedly stated that they are acting with
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integrity and a united front regarding aid to ukraine, now with the approval of another funding package by europe, have calls been heard for the usa to finally unblock aid to ukraine? yes, it may be somewhat surprising how often here, particularly today in brussels, in the capital of the european union , america was mentioned, that is, for example, from my fellow journalists today... at a press conference here, eu leaders were asked what, against the background of the delays that, as seen from europe, are happening in the united states, regarding aid to ukraine , whether, for example, europe is able to fill the gaps that may arise if the americans do not fulfill their promises, and the leaders of the european union emphasized to us today. in front of the fact that
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they fulfill their promises, and by the way, it is worth emphasizing that europe is already now, if combining economic, humanitarian, military, and financial aid provides more aid to ukraine in terms of volume, despite this, the military and armed aid of the united states is decisive, and this was emphasized by the president of the european council today. regarding the united states, i will repeat myself, i would like to make sure that this decision also sends a signal to the american taxpayers. demonstrating that the eu takes responsibility and we know that we have to show our leadership, we have to show that we are reliable and deserve trust i hope it will also help those in the united states who are determined to get concrete results in terms of additional financial support for ukraine. we. thank you, bohdan, for your work with us
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, bohdan tsyupin was in direct contact with us from brussels, we talked about the new aid package for ukraine, which was approved by the eu leaders. europe has woken up, it is ahead of america in direct aid to ukraine. thus, the leader of the republican minority in the senate, midge mcconnell, reacted to the eu's approval of a new aid package for ukraine. meanwhile, in the congress. continue negotiations on an agreement aimed at solving the issue of border security, which should unlock additional funding for ukraine. senate democrats remain committed to seeing this bipartisan process through. for the sake of our friends in ukraine, for the sake of security on our border, for the sake of the future of western democracy in the 21st century, we will continue to work to get the job done, the leader of the democratic party said on thursday. in the senate, chuck schumer.
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last weekend, speaker mike johnson said the border deal, as it stands now in the senate, will be blocked in the house of representatives. the white house urges the speaker not to resist the bipartisan agreement and to approve additional funding for ukraine. us president joe biden, during a telephone conversation with the president of the european commission, orsay fondelein, thanked the european union for providing ukraine with 50 mln aid. this was announced by the strategic communications coordinator of the us national security council, john kirby , during a conversation with journalists on board air force one. at the same time , kirby emphasized that it is about financial, not financial about security assistance. and it remains critical that congress vote to allocate additional security funding for ukraine. the day before, our correspondent pecia vidaku svaara asked john kirby if the administration was planning.
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send an additional request for ukraine separately from financing other urgent needs. i want to move now to the issues of ukraine and the border. it seems that the republic. in the house of representatives are changing their position and are now rejecting any compromise on the border or aid to ukraine because they do not want to give this victory to the president in an election year. do you have a way out of this trap? obviously, i can't talk about electoral politics or the motivations behind such decisions. it is very important that we receive this funding for ukraine, israel, the indo-tafrican region and of course for border security. the president conscientiously conducts negotiations with the senate. we believe these discussions are going well and we hope to have a resolution here relatively soon. now speaker johnson will decide what happens in the house of representatives, speaker johnson has not been consistent in what he wants to see on the border issue. so i would point people to him, he needs to address
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the inconsistency in his messaging. we are conducting negotiations in good faith, we believe that these negotiations are progressing and are focused on this. are you following this approach or are you considering providing funding for ukraine separately? i don't want to get ahead of the situation, i mean, we're in the midst of negotiations that haven't been finalized yet, so i don't want to speculate. in washington hosted the national prayer breakfast on thursday, an annual event where american politicians... pray together for the welfare of the country. foreign politicians and public figures also take part in it. this is a chance to establish contacts with influential american officials. president biden, who also attended the prayer breakfast, said the united states has a responsibility to maintain
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peace at home and abroad. addressing the congressmen, senators and religious leaders of america in a speech, biden emphasized on the importance of acting together and supporting. allies abroad. we appreciate and pray for the lives lost, for the families left to fend for themselves, for those who live in terrible conditions, for the innocent men, women and children taken hostage, for those who have been bombed or lost their homes and do not know where they are from when the next lunch will come and whether or when he will be able to return home. we do not only pray for peace. actively working to ensure peace, security, dignity for the israeli people and the palestinian people. i do it day and night, and how many of you in this room are working to bring our hostages home, to ease the humanitarian crisis, and to bring peace to gaza and israel, a stable peace with two
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states, for two peoples. we also work for peace, security and dignity for the ukrainian people, who are showing incredible courage and endurance against. this year , a group of deputies came from ukraine to the prayer breakfast in congress, as well as a series of meetings within the ukrainian week in washington with influential religious and public organizations in america conducted by representatives of ukrainian churches, chaplains and veterans. children affected by russia's military actions also came to washington. about the main tasks of the ukrainian week to andrii. boris, his coordinator, former deputy pavlo unguryan, told. ukrainian week has two strategic goals. the first is the advocacy of ukraine, the promotion of ukrainian interests. now in this terrible war. and yesterday we
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had a meeting of heads of churches, ukrainian churches with speaker mike johnson, and we spoke as believers, as christians, about the evil which are carried russians are not only in ukraine, this evil is now spreading all over the world. the second task of our ukrainian week is to establish a strategic partnership between ukraine and the usa, including at the level of states and regions. the russians are trying to erase the identity of the kidnapped people. ukrainian children and are raising them as soldiers for the next war, said dmytro lubinets, the human rights representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine , during hearings at the us helsinki commission on wednesday. his story of the russian kidnapping and returning to their homeland were told by
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four ukrainian teenagers. ukrainian and international officials also spoke. our congress correspondent, kateryna lisunova, followed the service. she joins our airwaves. congratulations. katya, what did you hear at yesterday's hearing, what exactly did the ukrainian children tell the american legislator about? as you correctly noted, in addition to officials, ukrainian children who managed to survive the russian abduction and return to their homeland were also present at these meetings, boys and girls from the age of 18 until the age of 20, they told their stories to american lawmakers from both the democratic and republican parties. three of them were actually present in the hearing hall, one of them, oleksandr, told his story in the format of a pre-recorded video. so, in particular, the children talked about the fact that... when they illegally entered the territory of russia or the territory
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controlled by russia, in particular crimea, they were forced to renounce all ties with ukraine, in particular to sing the russian national anthem, as well as to who turned 18 at that time years, they were forced to obtain russian citizenship, one of them, in particular , he said, was given a russian birth certificate, which he tore up, as he said, but i note that the children said that... for disobedience and unwillingness to follow russian propaganda , children were punished. in more detail, i suggest listening to actual fragments of their speeches. during the occupation of my city kherson, i was illegally taken to a camp in crimea. the military came to my house and started saying that i was leaving. i started to refuse, and they answered me the same way, we we don't want to hear anything. wash. the parents, who cannot hear or speak, were simply in shock, because they
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could not argue with the armed military. at the border with ukraine, when i saw the simple word ukraine, i took a heavy bag in my arms and simply shouted: "glory to ukraine." i have a 12-year-old brother, younger serhii, and we are orphans. two years ago, we got into a foster family and lived in the small town of vovchansk, which the russians entered first. in the kharkiv region, at the end of the summer of 2020, we were forcibly relocated to russia, i was sent to studies, and my younger brother was taken to a summer camp. at that moment, i could never have thought that i would be unschooled with my brother for nine whole months, and that those nine months would turn out to be the scariest nine months of my life. i will note that despite all the terrible things. no stories they shared, the children, all the children who told their stories, also noted that they were grateful to the
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united states of america for the help and emphasized that the help to ukraine should be continued. katya, legislators also listened ukrainian and international officials, what did they say, are there currently any measures to bring the russians to justice, and most importantly, how to return those ukrainian children who are still abducted? first, the ukrainian side emphasizes that there are big problems with the identification of ukrainian children who were illegally taken to russia, yes, as of now, it is known about more than, more precisely, almost 20 thousand ukrainian children who were illegally taken to the russian federation, but , as claimed, claims the ukrainian side, since the russian side does not cooperate with ukraine, this figure is most likely much higher. of this number, in particular, only a little more than 500 ukrainian children managed to reach.
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i would like to note that the representative of the osce, who gave a report during these hearings, also said that in order to return ukrainian children and identify them, they plan to create, so to speak, a dna database so that these children can be returned at least in the future. as for the punishment of the russian federation, the ukrainian side emphasizes that russia is not feels any likelihood of being punished for these in the future. and in particular, as the ukrainian side claims, the announcement of an international search, or rather, the arrest warrant for putin and maria lvova bilova, is an insufficient step, and it is necessary to strengthen sanctions, increase pressure on the russian federation, and, in fact, the ukrainian side emphasizes that it will punish russia without the victory of ukraine, it is unlikely to succeed, and for this it is necessary, in particular , to continue the assistance to ukraine from the united states of america. i suggest you listen. a separate comment by dmytro lubinets on this issue. if
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the usa will not help us, russia will continue to occupy our territory, and the number of kidnapped ukrainian children will increase, and the future of these children is to be russians with a passport, to be mobilized, to be part of the new russian army, and all of them will go to fight against ukraine. we fixed it. that among the russian prisoners of war in ukraine in our special camp there are people from crimea. they have been raising ukrainian children since 2014, after the russian occupation of the ukrainian crimea. so, you can already see the result. this is the russian system. in general, as for the reaction of american lawmakers, it is worth noting that there was a lot of support, both from republicans and democrats. in particular, this was emphasized, the legislators themselves compared the actions of russia with the actions of hitler during the second world war, but the legislators themselves, both republicans and
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democrats, also emphasized that without continued assistance from the united states of america, it will be difficult to punish the russian federation. yes, the aid that is currently blocked in congress should eventually be unblocked and given to ukraine. thanks to katya for your work, our congress correspondent kateryna lisunova was in direct contact with us. on july 14, 2022 , caliber missiles fired from a russian submarine in the black sea hit the center of vinnytsia, killing 24 adults and three children. one of the rockets. hit the parking lot near the yuvileyniy local housing complex and destroyed the neuromed medical center attached to it. seven people, doctors, administrators and patients who were inside, died on the spot. at that time, only one child managed to escape to a seven-year-old boy from lviv, who was visiting his grandparents with his mother. from the story
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of the rescue and rehabilitation of omelyan shchudlyak and yuriy dankevich. beginning of december, big ballroom dance competitions in one of the lviv dance clubs. yaroslav oleksiv prepares his son roman to go on the dance floor. he hears these words before every competition. the most important thing is to keep your posture and take steps well and clearly. in the next few days, the entire world press writes about roman's attitude. the guardian selects his photo from the competition as one of the 20 that shocked the world week but only a father knows what it really means for his son to take nice and clear steps. he had such an orthosis that supported his foot, but the doctors also said that they did not know whether it would recover, because after the explosion , a splinter pierced some of his flesh, and now
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for six months he has not felt any heat or cold on his leg at all, and did not feel the touch. then, when we started running, started playing sports, it started to recover a little bit, started to move a little bit with its foot, and it can move its fingers, which is very good, because it gives it the opportunity to dance. eight-year-old romchyk returned to competition only in the fall. his dance partner, anya , makes sure that their crowning cha-cha-cha goes as well as it did before. i was making a lot of noise, i was bored, i even wrote in a letter to mykolaiv that he would come back, and the desire is here. and almost every day he talked about it, that he wanted to return to dancing, it was important for him, this was again probably his goal, which made him fight to go further forward, and when we returned to ukraine and when he knew that he
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after that, it was the first time at the rehearsal, well, he had tears in his eyes. yaroslav took these shots in the corridors of a german clinic in dresden. after 99 days of intensive therapy, his son is persistently taking his first steps. when i came only three steps, i wasn't even going to lie down in bed. i said: "come on, i'll come around the room to myself." but then i had a tube to give food, so i only took three steps there, three steps back, i honestly didn't even want to go to bed. i already... understand that not everything is as bad as it seemed. romchyk was transported to germany by medical charter, doctors gave guarantees that the child with severe burns on 45% of his body would survive transportation from ukraine. in july 2022 , the boy and his mother halyna came to the clinic of her native vinnytsia for a doctor's appointment, when the city center came under heavy russian
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shelling. on that day, yaroslav oleksiv, dean of the lviv academy of music, was taking entrance exams. these exams were supposed to take place, i was supposed to return to them and spend the rest of the summer with them, but it happened in a completely different way, and i already saw this on the media resources that were there there were attacks, there were casualties, he said that there was a romchik lying in the intensive care unit, then it was already understood that they had come under fire somewhere, and they continued to look for his wife, romchik and i already knew that he was in a serious condition , and they searched for his wife for three days. even on the third day after that, all events could already be identified by dna. in germany, when he came out of the coma, he started every morning by telling about these events, how it was, how they came from... i honestly don't know how he could survive there after the rocket hit, but he says i woke up everything around was in smoke, and he says, i saw
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exactly the exit, that there was a door, the door was illuminated, he says, i he says yes, i told you that you have to get out, because otherwise i will die here, if i stay in place, he he also says that he also saw his wife, that she was covered with stones, or some large stone, but he says that i only saw the hair, i came, stroked her, as it were, said goodbye to her, and began to get out, because he says that he understands that, if i don't get out, then i'll die, because everything says here, everything was in the house, and he breathed that soot, and he says, when he started to move, then , he says, he didn’t understand what was happening to me, since he says, i couldn’t feel a leg, an arm, and i couldn’t walk calmly, i fell, accordingly, he says, i somehow he passed a little , sat on the stones a little and got to the door in this way, accordingly, because of this, he had a lot of heating himself and his buttocks and legs because... it was very hot in the fireplace afterwards, already when he crawled to the exit, people saw him, and he was already taken away, pulled out. the last year and a half
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for roman and yaroslav are operations, rehabilitation and again operations, more than 30 surgical interventions have already taken place, and years of treatment, ear reconstruction, hair transplant, facial plastic surgery are ahead. yaroslav left the position of dean at the music academy to be close to his son. happy birthday. at the same time as a son with a father and at the same time as a student with a teacher, now is perhaps even a more difficult stage than it was before, why, because here it is important not to lose his desire for life, the desire to do something, to dream about something, so tell me, his favorite phrase is also he says that there is a matter, there is joy, and this is true, because when a person is busy with something, when he strives for something, then he is happy about it. bayan is another
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hobby of roman, his parents, a couple of musicians, met and got married at the music academy, now the instrument is also a way of rehabilitation. it is developed by finger and it can play nice music and keyboard. as if to press, but there is still a connection, for example, the first, then the fifth, and then it is necessary, and there are nouns, it is so located that you have to pull a finger, so the fingers are stretched here, he always says, in my dad and mom played, i will also play, this winter roman reminded papyrimsky about russian crimes, a few phrases in english and a yellow bracelet with the inscription unbroken, their short meeting in the vatican ended. the courageous boy in the mask was also remembered by italian schoolchildren: the compression mask that protects the skin on the face will have to be worn for several more months, and all this time roman oleksiv
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will tell the world what every ukrainian feels. we hold on and fight. omalyana shchudlyak, yurii dankevich, for the voice of america, with lviv. you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am natalia leonova. good bye. there are 25% discounts on emolium in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on helpex of 20% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on linex forte of 15% in psarynsky bam and ochda pharmacies. there are discounts on psyk. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be terrible for the world. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. a separate vault
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of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the fund-raising of horseradish and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! glory to heroes! verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i'm here
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temporarily, i'll be back home soon, live now where you are. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. cleansing of the crimea, after a low-level strike on the belbek airfield, the armed forces of ukraine sunk the russians.
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missile boat, how demilitarization will continue occupied peninsula? 50 billion euros for ukraine. all eu countries unanimously approved the additional support package. what arguments managed to convince orban. deferred resignation of the employee. western media predict the imminent dismissal of the head of the armed forces within the next few days. how will it be received in the army and the world? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, retired general ihor romanenko and political expert volodymyr tsibulek. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching the video of how the ivanovets missile boat of the black sea fleet of the russian federation was destroyed by a naval drone strike on the night of february 1,
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the video of the special operation made public the main thing. intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our page and vote in our poll, today we ask you this, do you understand zelenskyi's claims to the poor, yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, or write your comments under this video, if you watch... us on tv , pick up your smartphones and vote if you understand zelenskyi's claims to zaluzhny 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we already have our first guest, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent ihor lak, on the phone.


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