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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our page and vote in our poll, today we are asking you about the following: do you understand zelensky's claims against zaluzhny, yes, no, on youtube is quite simple, either yes or no, or write your own. comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you understand zelensky's claims to zaluzhnyi 0800 211381, no 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we already have our first guest, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special representative of the games. mr. major, i
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congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, as we ask our viewers and tv viewers whether they understand the claims that president zelensky articulates or presents to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny. i have a rather simple question for you: you do you understand the essence of these claims? of course, i understand, the point is that at least you need to look for a reason, a primary reason, when it appeared at all, to be honest, it’s no longer a secret, the different vision of the elements before the war between zaluzhny and zelensky, it caused the corresponding theses, let’s say, therefore zaluzhny insisted nalization of the first-line reserve, we see that before the start of a full-scale invasion, such a first-line reserve... was not mobilized.
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zaluzhny insisted on the deployment of ground defense forces. ground defense forces are not deployed were as a result, zaluzhny also insisted on preparing defensive structures for war. we built roads. as a result, the first wave of the best infantry in the world, the most motivated, are those atoshniks, patriots of ukraine, who in principle unarmed, in fact with hunting carbines, karamaltuks went to meet the russian occupiers, and some even with... molotov cocktails, this first wave of our best infantry was buried in ukrainian land, so the issue of further responsibility will be borne by whoever takes the first blow, so what happened the first strike, the poor training of the armed forces, or the inept leadership of the army, well, that's all, and you can put an end to this in principle, but having a great fright after the start of a full-scale invasion, all the politicians, all... the security forces who fled there, those
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who fled, i do not now speak for those who fought heroically, because i know many patrol policemen who were patrolmen once, and also the first to enter the battle when the enemy approached, and at the same time i know people like vanya bakanov, or the so-called dbr, immediately fled somewhere there to lvivsk or frankivsk region, and when they returned, when the first invasion was repulsed, when it was clear that the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian people were driving the rashists away from the capital, well, then liberation. chernihiv, chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, and the right bank of kherson , i.e., all this caused the fact that today politicians began to engage in politics, and zelensky, who is dependent on ratings , and zelensky, who is dependent on applause, saw that the trust in vandovny was enormous, that, the question, zaluzhny, and the question of the zsu , equates to, and ratings of the armed forces and trust to military, 90% plus. at a time when inept leadership and... political failures, facaps
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, as well as inept preparations for war fall precisely on the responsibility of politicians, those who did it, that's all, everything else is irrelevant, zelenskyi decided to release zaluzhny, under what sauce he will do it, well, that's a different kind of question, we will never know about it, or we will find out in fact, after seeing this decree of the president, if it appears on the president's website, the front will not crumble. servicemen will continue to perform the orders of their immediate commanders, but to be honest, the demoralization and disorientation of the personnel, which is happening today as a result of such bad actions of the ruling elite, and in particular yermak's office, well, this already has some kind of consequences, because the undermining of trust in the decisions of certain commanders, well to be honest, you can’t think of anything worse, again, zelensky, if he had faberge, he could say, so...
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i have a different vision for the leadership of the armed forces, and zaluzhnyi, for example, did not cope with such and such a situation, and i change it, there was nothing wrong with it, because it would be fair to people. but what can he say that zaluzhny did not cope with zelensky's ratings? well, isn't it nonsense? that is why such a story is a sick imagination about the future of flying, its future is political, and for yermak’s office these are very serious risks, because zelenskyi’s victory for the second time in the elections does not mean the first cult-campaign of this bunch to the lukeanivsky syzo, well, that’s how i see it . mr. major, cnn already wrote today about the fact that in... in fact, the issue of zaluzhny's resignation has been resolved, and it is a matter of a few days, or maybe a few hours, god knows, but regarding our broadcast, you are talking about the fact that the front will not crumble, that in principle people, as they fought, motivated people fought as
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they fought, and they will fight, which in this case ukraine loses if valery zaluzhnyi leaves the post of chairman. coma of the armed forces of ukraine? let's speak frankly: the issue of the zaluzhny is not an idol issue, it is not a question of a person, it is a question of the survival of ukraine, the issue of survival is connected with it of ukraine, he already earned it, as they say, with blood and sweat, with our blood, our sweat, his own, as they say, with his strategic plan, he already won't take this victory of ukraine away from him, no matter who he is not... replaced, therefore, in this context, i do not consider the surname zaluzhny, only in the context of the fact that, for ukrainians, many ukrainians, it is related to survival. i don't know who zelensky will woo for this place, i don't know much about generals, let's say,
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of this level, well, but i know that one of such generals as general budanov , who was prophesied for this position, i cannot even imagine that, well, relatively speaking, let's be frank, if my... world allows me to command a maximum of a company or a battalion there, then without having strategic thinking for carrying out certain operations, i never in my life would like to command a brigade or, for example, a front, well, conditionally, it is still possible to be a brigade, if good deputies are competent, give some advice, help and so on, but the front, well, i would not pull would, because my education is not for it that's enough, but the commander of the special forces platoon or the commander of the special forces company budanov must have decided that he can do it, because... be that as it may, the success of operations like the liberation of snake island, i have already told many times, this is a small detachment, who landed on the island of snakes, suffered losses , yes, and very heavy losses, almost half of the personnel, if i am not mistaken, according to information there were 16 dead and eight
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wounded, this is the result of the island of snakes planned by budanov, not only that, there are others the consequences of which, let's say, the state bureau of investigation should deal with, but on the other hand... well, if president zelensky makes a decision, then we will implement it. the question is how genii budanova will cope with the global scale, not for a 50-man special operation, but relatively speaking, for 5,000 people. and what will be the consequences of this? therefore, let's put it this way, for me this question is very debatable. well, they said that budanov refused, maybe it was enough of a rivet not to climb on the fact that no, well, you can't embrace yes, although he refused yesterday, he agreed tomorrow, this issue is so debatable. yes, well, they name two people there, they are general syrskyi and general budan, well, general synskyi, for example, i can say that he has this moment of strategic thinking, how successful or unsuccessful will he be, how much trust will the military have in the decisions of general syrskyi , well, i’ll be honest,
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i received my first order precisely at the command of general syrsky, during the execution of a combat mission near the gostom airport, to advance near the gostomil airport and to try... to shoot down a russian plane from an anti-tank tank, if there is such an opportunity, well, that is, i did not question this order, that is, i said, i listened, took it into account and went to carry it out, a question of a different kind, to what extent it was expedient or impractical, well, you remember the first days of a full-scale invasion, the question of feasibility, intelligence, to intelligence, it's something at all, it's now we can talk about spaceships and jedi pro-swords, but nevertheless, be that as it may, sirsky commanded many great military... operations, and let's say this , if you look in some directions, i know the opinions of my comrades that in principle, well, for them, let's say this, syrskyi is the person who commands the ground forces of ukraine, he is today under the command of what kind of operation he planned, you and i will never
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know, it is true, but it was a consensus decision made by the head of the stake, and when this decision was made, we carried it out, that's all, the question of education is enough for him now. skill may be enough, but to say that he will be better or worse than zaluzhnyi, well, let's be honest, i am not asking the question of the surname, i am now asking the question of what mr. zaluzhnyi is associated with. he is associated with a strategic plan and with the survival of the country, it has already happened, zaluzhny, shaptala, syrian, well, i also know, there is the same nikoliuk, who is now also a general, a very respected hero of ukraine, who personally went out and knocked out russian equipment zenlav, that is, i know many very brave generals who have the appropriate education, opportunities and knowledge, but today the question lies in the surname, which, let's say, does not cause a lawsuit. i don't have you at all, except for yermak's office, this is a surname that is associated with the survival of ukraine and the repulsion
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of russian aggression, period, from now on, the military will carry out orders according to the principle of unity of command in the army so that everyone understands, although for me personally i respect fedorovych, well, let's say this, although i have never met him personally, at the same time, i cannot say anything bad against syrsky, because i am his i know since the 16th year. and we personally crossed paths with him, you see, and why do i have to say anything, well we, we know that he was in command of one or another land operations there today, well, that there are any questions, if there are any questions, please let the people then come out and say, now i don’t want to contrast one general with another, i only spoke about the negativity of mr. budanov’s age, in which i believe there is no such strategic thinking, why i think so, this is my su... point of view, and there are some to some extent objective things that i know from my comrades
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, some of whom had the honor, some not quite, the opportunity to fight with budanov, as a special forces officer , i have no complaints against budanov, although the late maksym shapoval had them, well, they are theirs, you know what happened in the special forces, must die in the special forces, that's the thing, that's why i have no questions or complaints about the special forces budanov, like the head of the snake operation, there are, well, that's all, that's why the story is like that. i wouldn't want to go into battle under his command, well, let's put it this way, but if there is such an order, well, any serviceman of his he will execute, you understand , whether he likes it or not, well, this is a matter of another discussion, the main thing is that it is not a criminal order, you understand, but to think before receiving the order, whether it is criminal or not, well, i do not have such powers , you understand, that's why the military will carry out the order, the soldier carries out the order... of his platoon commander, the latter, respectively , the company commander, the latter, respectively, in
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turn, the battalion commander and vertically, the brigade commander and further went vertically. surname, any that falls in this, in this chain, does not play any role for the execution of the general order, that's all, that's why we are talking with you now, i'm talking now as a military man, as a politician i can say , i like it, i don't like it, but i emphasize once again, the reason for the resignation worthy, for me, personally, i see it. this is the painful rating and applause dependence of zelenskyi and yermak, who keeps him in a warm bath. but on the other hand, mr. major, if zaluzhnyi's resignation does take place, it means that everyone is fully responsible for what will happen to take place in ukraine, including at the front, it will fall on the shoulders of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, because if he believes that he is deserving... he did something wrong, or did something wrong, then in this case, after his resignation zaluzhnyi, all
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questions will now go to zelenskyi, right? no, i don't agree with you, because the questions to zelenskyi will be both in good standing and not in good standing. the supreme commander-in-chief's question is the general question of our country. commander-in-chief zelensky carries his own responsibility, both in the 21st year, and in the 22nd year, and in the 23rd, because he is supreme for that. commander -in-chief, you can't say that they will change the veteran, then everything will fall on zelenskyi, no, it already lies on zelenskyi, not preparations for war - on zelenskyi, freezing of missile programs on zelenskyi, no there is no decree on mobilization on zelenskyi, lack of law about mobilization as well as zelenskyi, and about demobilization, the absence of a decree will also lie with zelenskyi, you understand, because he is responsible. that when the president left, no like, say, i'm tired, i'm leaving, and no responsibility after you
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leave, you understand, well, he's not leaving, so this story, let's not, you know, connect, smear zelensky until the 23rd year, because he was diligent, no, zelenskyi is responsible for that, for everything that he did, the omani meetings, also in zelenskyi, the withdrawal of troops from the town of luhansk, also in zelenskyi, the withdrawal. the troops in zolote four are also on zelenskyi, the demining of chongar will also lie on zelenskyi, it does not matter who physically performed the order , that is, the order of the supreme leader to clear the road in... they are demining, you understand , whose order was the order to withdraw the fourth brigade of the national guard from the gostomil airport, well, not mine, the truth is, it was probably given by someone, to whom the national guard was subordinate before the war, not to the minister the ministry of internal affairs, the monastery, the monastery, if this order came from zelensky, then who should
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be responsible, the political leadership of the country, it is zelensky, the missile program is closed, look, well, korea... north korea supplies missiles to the russians, being under sanctions, have a missile program, iran, being under sanctions, has a missile program, we, a space country under zelensky, closed all missile programs and financing of missile programs, what do you think that i will mention khomchak in this context, no, not khomchak, he was at that time, in the 19th year, he was in charge of the armed forces, but it does not matter, it was the decision of the military-political leadership of the country, namely zelenskyi and... his team, therefore the question of ending the funding of missile programs is not up to khomchak, he is the executor , and this is a question for zelenskyi, so once again i emphasize, with the change of the name of the chiefs, the responsibility of the supreme does not go anywhere, and it is nowhere, you know, eternal , yes, it does not disappear from anywhere and does not go anywhere, it exists, so this is the story,
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thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent ihor lapin, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there live, please like this video, don't be stingy , it is necessary in order that it the video was trending on youtube and facebook, well, take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether you understand zelenskyi’s claims to the poor, yes no, if you are on youtube, everything is quite simple, either yes, or no, or write your comment below this. video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone and vote if you understand the essence of zelensky's claim to zaluzhnyi 08021-381, no 08021 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will let's sum up this vote. next on our air ihor
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romanenko, retired lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, i also congratulate you, mr. general, we ask our viewers and guests of our program whether they understand the essence of the claims of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, do you... understand the essence of these claims, you are a military man, you are a general, you were the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, is everything clear to you? well, one thing is clear, that responsibility is being sought for the fact that last year was a failure from the point of view of the execution of tasks,
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tasks, first of all, that were performed by the defense forces of ukraine. by fate, but in addition, i would like to say that the achievements of the strategic level last year, in my opinion, were at sea and were in the air, that is the results of actions at sea led to the fact that the enemy was forced to withdraw a large number of their ships and vessels from the bases on the peninsula, and in general these actions led to the development of economic their capabilities, maritime, agricultural industry, and the supply of grain and so on, on the one hand, and on the other, in the air, in my opinion, the air force, this type of armed forces, in difficult conditions, when the means of air attack significantly exceed, our opportunities, however, showed
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its ability to ensure the fulfillment of tasks, the defense of ukraine as a on the front line, as well as in the territories, although it is clear that we would like more effective activity both at sea and in the air, but for this we need new capabilities, for which the military-political leadership is fighting, well, that is, you think that the issue is almost resolved, the question i'm on... i think it will be resolved, the relationship is quite complex, and i would like to say that the reasons for the unfulfilled task are in the past. year, we in kandola have not only an external one from the point of view of the supply of armed equipment, but also between these top officials, because
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the resource, which was collected for counter-offensive action in one direction, was first dispersed in three directions, bahmud, berdyan, and melitopol. and then they added the kherson direction, i.e. , since the offensive was distributed among these directions, the point of offensive actions was not reached in any of them, and the russians quickly gathered reserves and not only stopped in all these directions, but also organized counteroffensive actions, which continue and enough and... i emphasize because this kind of relationship negatively affected the circumstances achievement of last year's results.
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today, valery zaluzhnyi wrote a column for cnn, there in the morning there was information that zelensky had already decided, as it were, about the future head of the armed forces of ukraine, and zaluzhnyi published a column there in parallel and wrote about... that in the 24th year, ukraine should to focus our main efforts on three directions: the first is the creation of a system of providing our armed forces with high-tech means, the second is the introduction of a new philosophy of training and conducting combat operations, which takes into account the limitations in means and methods of their application, and the third, to master new combat capabilities as soon as possible, at the same time - says for... ukraine already has the capabilities to destroy the enemy and ensure the existence of statehood, well, these are the plans, short plans, let's say,
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the concise plans of zaluzhny , we know that zelensky tried, as he says, to get zaluzhnyi's plan of action, well, obviously, the reason for some misunderstandings, including regarding future planning, but we know, mr. general, that... putin is now talking about that their plans are also adjusted, that is, we do not know how our plans are adjusted, because this is a military secret, and in the end the military-political leadership of the state should know, instead, our opponents in this war, the russian occupiers, say through putin's mouth that they want to create a demilitarized zone in ukraine, and it should be at such a distance that would ensure ... the safety of russian cities and from shelling, let's hear what putin said. this line should be such and at such a distance from
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our territory as to guarantee safety. i have referring to long-range weapons of primarily foreign production, which the ukrainian authorities use to shell our cities. i just said what our boys were doing, say, in the avdiiv direction, although the same thing is happening in virtually all of them. and collision lines. this is exactly what they are doing, in particular a group of veterans and other units of regular troops, pushing the enemy away from vitally important population centers of the russian federation. we will do so. mr. general, i have a question for you, as a person who knows about long-range missiles and knows how, how it all works, and at what distance the missiles fly now, when... putin talks about the fact that we will create a demilitarized zone, then we are talking about what distance, which cannot, cannot be
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overcome the missiles that will be in the armed forces of ukraine sooner or later will be long-range. you had a previous question, i would like to answer it, regarding the plans there, the closest, zaluzhnyi's plan b, which was required at the end of last year, that is, at the end of last year, when the situation that we passing by you have already discussed, it consists in the fact that the implementation of counteroffensive operations, which means that they were actually failed by land forces on the ground, and at this time the enemy has gathered the potential that would allow him to carry out his counteroffensive actions, and currently the defense forces of ukraine are performing strategist defensive operation, forced not because, and it had to be done at the end of the summer to switch to strategic defense, and why? and because the potential that would have been
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gathered at the level of one direction, it is already i proved, was distributed, distributed to others, it was clear that there was not enough for such a number, the tasks were not completed, and to talk about what should be done in such conditions is to say something about a prank b, it consisted in the fact that, give god, to gather forces in order to stop the advance of the enemy, now in fact along the entire... front line from the kharkiv region to the kherson region, this is now the main task of the strategic defense operation, and as for how to carry out the task, the commander- in-chief he put it on land deoccupation, that is, actually conducting new counteroffensive operations, the conversation can be conducted only when the appropriate resources appear, which are not available now, i... due to
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foreign policy circumstances, this is the situation, say, in america, on aid, final, for example, well, in europe according to these funds, but it is not for military aid, but it is related in many ways, that is , a resource is also needed to provide our military-industrial complex, it provides about 8-10% of our total needs for conducting hostilities , then... that's why we're talking about some serious ones here strategic plans in such conditions do not come to us, and that is why you cited the three positions that the commander-in-chief says, we need to understand that the purpose of these strategic defenses of our operation is, first, to stop the advance of the enemy, and secondly, to destroy as many armed vehicles and personnel of the enemy as possible , and the third is to use this time
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in order to... to accumulate these very capabilities of ours, to be able to introduce, well, complete the task, stop this enemy and carry out counteroffensive actions, the external factor is important from the point of view of armed equipment, internally we did not fulfill it last year and still do not fulfill it, regarding the provision of personnel, which we have from understaffing. the understaffing of our brigades, which are now fighting, and from the losses , which are definitely during the war, and the general understaffing, not to mention the fact that personnel are needed for the formation of brigades, which would be carried out this year, if it is a task, as set his supreme commander-in-chief, regarding de-occupation, that is , counter-offensive actions, everything is connected in this, now as for demilitarization.
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this is more of a propagandist putin's trick , going for the third year means the introduction, as they say , of a strategic operation of an actual large-scale war, and it must be justified somehow, the goal has not been achieved , not demilitarization, not denizification, but here it is such a noble one that we must preserve our cities, defend our cities , our people and... everything else, this is a well-known propaganda trick, and from a military point of view, it seems to formulate the fact that it is necessary to move our troops away from their borders to, well, at least to the distance of action of our artillery, barrel and volley fire systems, it can be, well, different approaches, how will it turn out, let's say this, but how will it turn out?
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then justify all this with such an approach, i.e. about 30 km, well, it is even better there up to 70, for example, kilometers, well, you can explain, for this we heroically put our personnel there in the name of such a bright idea, i.e. it is more, i once again emphasize putin's propaganda trick, one more question at the very end of our conversation, yesterday... deputy secretary of state of the united states of america victoria visited kyiv after her visit to kyiv, nuland announced that she was returning with the confidence that the russian invaders would receive surprises on the battlefield soon. let's listen to what victoria noland said. we continue to provide security assistance in all categories, including.


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