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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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not in order to significantly increase, i.e. scale, and then indeed, so that ukraine would have such capabilities, but in order to actually pass the tests, these separate elements of the new weapon, but it was quite dosed and principled, if the situation at the front also changed , it is not such deliveries that failed, so i would very much like to share the optimism of ms.... on this matter, and even more so that the participation in this formation of all ministerial views on the future should be due to military supplies, substantial large-scale modern weapons, and the ukrainian side is capable and during these two years, it showed our defense forces to learn and achieve results not at the level of what they are doing, so that we do not... not
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lose this war, and at the same time, russia does not lose it, that is the policy of the united states in the first place turn, and so that we , together with our allies, could, due to the development and use of new modern weapons, achieve victory. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was retired lieutenant general ihor romanenko. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook. throughout our program, we conduct surveys. we ask you about the following: do you understand zelenskyi's claims against zaluzhnyi. yes, no, please vote on youtube, either yes or no, leave your comment below this video. and please don't forget to like this video, it is very important for its promotion in youtube trends. well, if you watch us on tv, the phone numbers are on the screen. next, we have tatiana vysotska, ours, in contact. correspondent
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in brussels, she followed the summit today of the european union. tatiana, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on the air. congratulations sergey, i am also very glad to see you. so, today, a significant day, and a good day for ukraine, 50 billion euros of macro-financial assistance to ukraine. the decision was adopted by all 20 seven countries, members of the european union. i saw in the morning that you in... those networks said that i am here, far from here, i am here at the european union summit, orban will be here soon, we will meet with orban, what happened to orban, that orban has changed his position, is this is it because you were there at this summit? so i i think, of course, it was me who scared him, and that's why he decided to give ukraine 50 billion euros after all, so as not to anger fate, but really, really, all of us... journalists were standing at
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the pressure point and waiting for orban, because the leaders were arriving and arriving states of the european union, everyone approached us and shared their opinions, but orbán did not come to the journalists in the morning, and this was already the first intrigue, it was clear that something was happening, but whether it is something good or bad, we have not yet knew, and after that we saw it already in social networks a photo where orbán is already in... the room, that is, he entered somehow without passing the press, through the back door, maybe he is already sitting, having a separate meeting, a separate private meeting with the head of the european council charles michel, the president of the european commission ursela fondelaien and by the leaders of france, germany and italy, and right at this moment, even before the start of the official summit of the european council, when orban began to be persuaded individually.
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initially at the level of the strongest states of the european union, then joined them other countries, such as the presiding belgium , the netherlands, spain, then the representatives of poland, the baltic states came, that is , people came and went into the room, and they all joined in somehow talking to orbán, what they actually promised him, we we don't know, because it all happened behind closed doors, we only saw. but something was still promised, that orbán changed the decision and the summit already began with the knowledge that the decision would be made, that is why it ended so quickly, it did not last until the evening, as many expected. german chancellor olaf scholz said it was a great success about the results of the extraordinary eu summit, and said that it was the shortest in history, and europe was stronger after it, european commission president ursula funderlein said. and this is how
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the president of the european parliament roberta metzola and the prime minister of poland donald tusk summed up the results of the summit. let's listen. i think we should focus on the fact that today is a good day for europe, we have done it, we have kept our ukrainian friends in limbo for many weeks about whether we will reach an agreement and the fact that it was reached in time, thanks in particular to the hard work of many of our leaders, and resulted in a resolution that includes all 27 member states. we are not tired of ukraine, and there are no problems with that. we have orbén fatigue here in brussels. we have so many things to work out. look outside, not only in brussels. and of course what we need today is to strengthen our
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unity around ukraine against russia and its aggressive policy. i can't understand, me i cannot accept viktor orbán's very strange and very selfish game. tatyana, did you and orban understand the current situation, what awaits ukraine and in what perspective? if we talk about providing ukraine with funds from the european union, what ukraine has actually been waiting for since december, when the last tranche from the eu arrived, then in the near future ukraine will have to undergo more such technical procedures, this is the preparation of the corresponding resolution, which must be approved by the european parliament, because in the text about the ukraine facility, about the ukrainian fund, which was approved by the parliament in october 2023, october 17, amendments were made today, and therefore the european parliament must re-vote this text,
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the text of the resolution is said to be ready next week, on monday at the latest on tuesday, it will be put to a vote in the session week, which begins on the 26 february and therefore it turns out that throughout february there will be technical and technological, one might say, coordination, and ukraine will receive the first tranche from the european union in march, but as we know, the ukrainian authorities are counting on that this will be a large tranche, it will not be 1.5 billion euros, as the european union usually provided us every month, but it should be 4.5 billion euros, however, i tried to clarify with european officials whether this plan of 400 . for march, they said that the figures are still being agreed, that is, not so, no, no, well, let’s hope that we will still receive our 4.5 billion for the first 3 months of 2024 in march, and on february 3, tatyana, the european
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commission will start informal high-level meetings with eu member states, at which will discuss the details of the 13th package of sanctions against russia for its attack on ukraine, what... what is being said about it now in the european commission, and what, what in general, what are the prospects that russia will eventually be forced to abandon the war with ukraine , because financially and economically they won't be able to carry it out, or it's just another round of sanctions that don't affect russia in principle, or if they do, russia will definitely find ways to sell its oil in some way. own gas, own diamonds and other natural resources, and yes, precisely about finding a way out of this situation, when russia has learned to circumvent sanctions, the head of the european council, charles michel, spoke to journalists today, he said that precisely in
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the new package of sanctions, perhaps, after all, there will finally be some mechanisms have been introduced that will allow to prevent the circumvention of sanctions, i.e. the european council and the... european commission are well aware of this, they understand it perfectly, they are thinking about it, but what exactly mechanisms to implement have not yet been announced, there is less than a month until the introduction of the new package of sanctions, because as we know, they unofficially want to introduce it before the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, that is, it will be the end of february, let's see, let's see, there are no specifics yet, they are talking about russian aluminum again. but this issue has its opponents and its defenders, so it is not possible to say for sure whether russian aluminum will be included in this package of sanctions, and there will be many individual sanctions, thank you tetyana, it was tetyana vysotska from brussels with inclusion after
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at the european union summit, it was decided to provide ukraine with macro-financial assistance in the amount of 50 billion euros, let's see how this whole process will unfold. and the main thing is that ukraine has guarantees from the european community to receive these funds. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching now. us on youtube and facebook, don't be stingy, please like this video, leave comments under this video and take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether do you understand zelenskyi’s claims against zaluzhny, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube , vote either yes or no, if you watch us on tv, then vote if you understand these claims 0800 211 381, no 0800 21138. all calls to these the numbers are free, vote, it's important for us to know your opinion. political
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expert volodymyr tsibulko will be on our air. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, how many of our viewers today ask whether they understand zelenskyi's claims to zaluzhnyi, i will ask you too, do you understand president zaluzhnyi's claims to the main thing that there is no progress on the ground, and this is the main indicator, i would, i would not measure the successes or
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effectiveness of the actions of the ukrainian armed forces by the liberated territories, i would - still he measured, let's say, he would first compare the losses of the enemy, then the losses of our equipment, the enemy's equipment, the effectiveness of the military's actions in... let's say, in countering the enemy's troops, and not in the volumes of the liberated territory. as we remember the pursuit of territory, when in the zaporizhzhya direction, in the direction of vervovoy , the troops then advanced quite actively on this so-called surovykin line, and we saw how fighters were killed right before our eyes, there were huge losses of equipment, well, that... this extensive war stopped and began to act more cautiously,
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sparingly and eventually switched to a more technological level of countering the aggressor. today, cnn wrote that the zaluzhnyi issue is practically resolved, a few days, a few hours, i don't know how much time is left before the presidential announcement is made public decree, what do you think, is this issue already resolved... or is it still being discussed? well, if zelenskyi wants to finally take responsibility for the expected troubles, because what is the resignation of general zaluzhnyi, it is a loss of international communication for at least three months, between the western and ukrainian militaries. further. this is a certain slack in the management of the troops, although of course, well,
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the same syrian commander of the ground forces will maintain his segment, and accordingly, the heads of the operational departments of the operational directions will also be, well, somehow to maintain the troops in force, but we are talking about something else, we are talking about strategic planning, without merit in us. it will be difficult with strategic planning, and the most important thing will be, there will be a certain, certain problem with communications with western partners, this is very, very, well, i think that zelensky is guided, after all, primarily by the fear of competition, political with hard work, but by his actions he pushes the industrious into politics. and this will cost him more, i would say, but look at what
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the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, we know what kind of politician valery zaluzhny is, we can only guess, because in principle he never demonstrated political ambitions, he never articulated presidential ambitions, that is , he did not create a political party, even a hidden one, which has been around all his life, he has been in the armed forces all his life. yes, well, well, the type of relations between people, well, this is perhaps the third force that you remember, once everyone was waiting for in 99, when it happened. presidential election, maybe it's a delayed request, and even more so, now we understand why there is such a request because the armed forces of ukraine have the highest trust rating, and the head and head of the armed forces of ukraine, of course, has this high rating. mr. serhiy , everything is much simpler, our armed forces
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are the most effective state institution today, people are tired of the quarrels of the entourage from... zelenskyi, from crime, from corruption, the troops are fighting, they are not, they do not have a trail of corruption, this is a political body, the ministry of defense has a train, in the army there are, there are difficulties in relations, because it is , after all, a huge human organism, such well, the armed forces are hundreds of thousands of people who have their own hierarchy and psychology. morals, ethics, and in the end a rigid managerial vertical. in fact, it seems to me that valery zaluzhnyi in the case of an attack by politicians, by, for example, zelenskyi’s entourage, and we see that the attacks of such ms. bezuglai, they are generally, well, i would say, er,
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adjacent to, well ,... mental disability, i'm sorry, these reproaches of the general, to the general who is servile on the part of the cornerless, is some kind of simple nonsense, which the bank does not even try to stop, but rather stimulates, on the contrary, it firstly, secondly, by their actions, politicians create, well, a certain, i would say, lacuna, in which there is a demand for... an efficient, wise, courageous and honest politician, that is general zaluzhnyi, people automatically grant these powers. let's recall how viktor andriyovych yushchenko ran for the presidential elections, and how much banking power was arrayed against him, and how people
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delegated to him the expected functions. dreams, which he may not have had, but now general zaluzhnyi is exactly in the situation when people delegate to him the most beautiful features of a political leader, uh , that is, honesty, responsibility , obligation, few words, honest emotion, that is, everything that a politician does, well , a family member, relatively speaking, because zelensky won the election. also in the format of a member of each family, he lived for 15 hours on tv in each family every day on different channels. well, general zaluzhnyi , in my opinion, receives a whole bunch of virtues through the pressure of political power, which he himself may not be aware of. mr. volodymyr, among those reasons that could become the basis for well
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misunderstandings, now we will say this, between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, they call the question of mobilization. literally in a few days the verkhovna rada of ukraine has to consider a bill, another bill on mobilization, and it is already known that there are a lot of different comments on this bill, attitudes to what is written there, and in general to this campaign of mobilizing 500,00 people, this figure is also constantly circulating, it is not clear where it came from, but it is there, or? with the resignation of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhnyi, will this problem of mobilization be solved in some way in a different way, because this issue is already in the political plane, when the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine must take responsibility.
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well, in general, the circumstances are developing in such a way that it was zelenskyi who had. show leadership in this area, he hides all the time, avoids and constantly throws these hot chestnuts into the pants of others, well, we recall the story that he demanded to write the military to write a law on mobilization, this same thing was repeatedly voiced, then the cabinet of ministers, which submitted the first draft, then there was an appeal, an attempt at the same pointless, we will remember. the scandalous, scandalous meeting of the committee of the verkhovna rada, which was attended by general zaluzhnyi, and the minister of internal affairs, and the minister of education, where in fact, well, a scandal happened, after which even the servant of the people party itself wanted to recall ms. bezul from the committee, that is, here it is precisely the impression
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that zelenskyi simply leaned on the hard worker with the aim of placing full responsibility for the preparation of this law on him. but this is the executive body for writing... laws, there is the ministry of security, the ministry of defense, in case of which, well , in general, the subject of a legislative initiative, in my opinion, is not even a ministry, it is the cabinet of ministers, and by the way , the president, why does he not present his legislative initiatives here? all the same, the law, if it enters into force, will be signed by zelenskyi , i wonder why they are trying to get out of the way... transfer it to someone, when the final signature under the bill will still be zelenskyi's, what is the logic in this, in this chain of conflict, this is just
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a rhetorical question for now, this is the end of our conversation, mr. volodymyr, i would like to ask you about nuclear weapons in the hands of the russian federation, because russia has been swinging this nuclear club so much, and now the deputy minister of foreign affairs affairs of the russian federation. ryabkov says that russia allegedly does not plan to place nuclear weapons in other countries. let's listen to what ryabkov said. no, not planning. tactical nuclear weapons have been deployed on the territory of belarus as part of countering the increasingly aggressive and dangerous activities of the us-led north atlantic alliance. the drawing of the line by this alliance led by the usa on the task of russia's strategic defeat will be extended. practices of nato's joint nuclear missions and much more. our joint decision with minsk to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in belarus is determined by the line of collective action.
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is it possible to conclude from these words, mr. volodymyr, that russia with all these nuclear threats and everything has simply taken three steps back, because the leaders of this countries have said something. what will happen to them if nuclear weapons are used? well, the leaders were told back in the 22nd year, and then the intensity of swinging this club stopped, but it seems to me that the ukrainian side now , as part of establishing a certain nuclear balance, so to speak, makes sense to invite the deployment of the british nuclear potential, for example, or american on the territory of ukraine. why, because belarus placed, well , granted permission for the placement of nuclear weapons in violation of the same
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budapest memorandum, where except for ukraine the same belarus and kazakhstan appeared, that is, if belarus withdrew from the minsk memorandum, we should ask the question of creating a certain balance, i think. that it would be good to place nuclear weapons in kharkiv, this would be a reminder to ryabkov about the red lines that russia crossed, by the way, russia itself forgot to read the text of the budapest memorandum before placing nuclear weapons, at least consulting with ukraine was part of their duty thank you, thank you, we have to finish our program, mr. volodymyr, thank you for conversation, volodymyr tsybulko, political expert. friends, during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you understood zelenskyi's claims against the tyrant. 25% - yes, 75% no, it's on tv,
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85% of us don't understand youtube and 15% do. let's put an end to this, this is the verdict program, it was conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish everyone good health, goodbye. there are 10% discounts on quiet calming at psyllium bam and ochda pharmacies, there are 15% discounts on templegin tablets at psyllium bam and ochda pharmacies only. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle
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this is the freedom of the mornings. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters, what to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front.
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see this week in the program. judicial control with tetyana shustrova. pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court. i was asked to decide against the summoner. but how does the russian church affect justice? parishioners of the moscow patriarchate seized power in oratov. congratulations. you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reform process
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is extremely difficult. in particular. and because of that continues in a period of full-scale war. the highest judicial bodies, the supreme council of justice and the supreme qualification commission of judges were formed virtually from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is also influenced by other events. today , we will tell you about the pressure on vinnytsia district administrative court judge olena masloid, who is considering the case of seizure of power. in the orativ otg. but let's start with the news. the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice finally considered the complaint of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office and passed the decision to dismiss iryna ukhananova, head of the vovchan district court of the kharkiv region. even at the beginning of the war, she betrayed her oath and went over to the side of the russian occupiers. she helped the russians create an occupation judicial
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body on the basis of a ukrainian court. on the 28th. in february 2022, hanyov will gather.


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