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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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a fire broke out in a two-story building in kyiv region, a family with five children was inside, they tried to get out, but the fire had already engulfed the door. it was difficult for the rescuers to get into the house, because they were playing on the windows - they told the sns. the emergency workers cut the bars and got the whole family through the window. five children aged one to 12 and two adults. the neighbors who called the rescuers did not know that there were people in the house, because the family was moving to the west of the country. the fire was extinguished from..., its causes are being established. two injured in zaporizhzhia, the russians injured residents of the small tokmachka and preobrazhenka. the enemy made 153 strikes on 25 settlements in the region, the head of the region yuriy malashko said. destroyed residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. the number of victims in the kherson region increased, including two french volunteers. died in beryslav, another six
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people were wounded, among them three foreigners, before the occupiers attacked the city drones, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. during the day, the russians shelled the region almost three hundred times, fired more than 1,600 shells, damaged residential areas. in addition, the enemy carried out an airstrike on the territory of the national monument of kamianska sich of the khortytsia reserve in beryslav district. the grave of koshovoy ataman, kostya gordienko and the cemetery of the zaporozhye cossacks of the first half of the 18th century are located there, the ministry of culture noted. a video of the shelling of kamianska sich appeared on russian telegram channels. on three powerful explosions were heard in the territory. damaged houses and businesses. during the day , the russians shelled 17 cities and villages of kharkiv region with artillery and mortars. three kabama hit the village from. khuvvatka,
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the buildings of the agricultural enterprise, nine private houses and power lines in nivychyna were destroyed, - said oleg synogubov, the head of the region. at least four private houses, farm buildings and garages were damaged in the city of vovchansk. 24 russian shaheds attacked ukraine that night. drones were launched from russian, primorsky-akhtarsk and temporarily occupied crimea. air defense forces destroyed 11 drones over the dnipropetrovsk, kherson, kirovohrad and kharkiv regions, the air force reported. in addition, at least seven shaheds missed their targets. the strike was aimed at critical infrastructure facilities in the dnipropetrovsk region. the ukrenergo substation in kryvyi rih was damaged due to an enemy rocket attack. more than 40,000 subscribers are without electricity, said serhiy lysak, head of the dnipropetrovsk region.
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two mines were de-energized, remaining underground more than 100 workers, but they have already been brought to the surface. specialists carry out restoration work. they were injured due to enemy shelling of the pokrovsk community in the dnipropetrovsk region. a 37-year-old man received shrapnel wounds and a fracture. he is in the hospital - said the head of the region, serhiy lesak. in addition, during the night, the russians fired artillery at marhanets and the myriv community. and in the afternoon, the enemy attacked the artillery. and kamikaze nikopol drones. nine private houses and two farm buildings were damaged in the district. also broken garages and cars of the agricultural enterprise. a fire broke out along the nivachchyna power line, and in the novomoskovsk district due to a rocket strike. minus the lieutenant general and 10 russian officers. this is the result of the attack on the belbek air base in the occupied crimea, which was carried out by on january 31, as reported
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by the russian public, two missiles hit the command post of the 38th fighter aviation regiment, another missile attacked the airfield's communication point. lieutenant-general oleksandr tatarenko, commander of the aviation squadron of the russian space forces, died and ten more servicemen. the occupiers complain that the ukrainian military launched cruise missiles along unexpected routes. most passed low over the black sea. eternal groundhog day. came for another 830 russian invaders, and in total more than 387 thousand invaders who died since the beginning of the full-scale invasion will never see spring again. also, in the last day, our defenders sank a missile boat, burned nine tanks, 19
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armored combat vehicles, two salvo fire systems, 46 artillery installations and 57 vehicles and special vehicles of the enemy, also destroyed five enemy drones, in the general headquarters of the nagadu. data are approximate. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 63 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in the avdiyiv direction. there, our defenders repelled 22 attacks. another 11 were repelled in the mariinsky direction. and on the left bank of the kherson region, the russians tried 14 times to knock our soldiers out of their positions. unsuccessfully ukrainian aviation struck 13 areas of enemy concentration and one anti-aircraft missile of the complex missile forces attacked two enemy concentration areas, four artillery installations and an enemy electronic warfare station. and
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the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help in replacing the engine in the tow truck, buying an optical sight, etc. for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 480,000, and the account already has almost uah 280,000. join in your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. he terrorized ukrainians at russian checkpoints in the mykolaiv region. security service. detained another enemy henchman. during the occupation, a resident of snighorivka checked locals who were trying to leave the territory controlled by ukraine. he stopped cars at checkpoints, took people's mobile phones and passports, confiscated cars, money and valuables.
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during the liberation of the city, the russians abandoned their henchman. the man was hiding for a long time, now he is in custody faces up to two years in prison. border guards detained an illegal tourist on the banks of the danube river. the service shepherd freya reacted to the rustling in the coastal thickets. there they discovered a man who intended to illegally reach romania. the offender had with him a rubber boat with a pump, a life jacket, oars, a bottle of water and chocolate bars. the case has already been referred to the court. next week, the us senate will vote on an agreement on border security and assistance to ukraine, - said senate majority leader chuck schumer. however, the text of the agreement is yet to come not made public, according to the publication, the policy. voting is scheduled for
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next wednesday. the package includes aid to israel, ukraine and taiwan, as well as funding for border security. bilateral relations between china and ukraine may worsen due to the inclusion of chinese companies in the list of international war sponsors. this was reported by reuters with reference to two anonymous ukrainian officials. according to the source, the warning about the deterioration of relations was sounded in december during a meeting of the chinese ambassador with high-ranking officials ukrainian officials. i note that before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, china was the largest trading partner of ukraine still remains an important consumer of ukrainian grain, sunflower oil and iron ore. north korea fired several cruise missiles from its west coast towards the yellow sea.
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this is the fourth missile test in the last 10 days. the south korean military recorded the launches around 11 a.m. local time. quantity information. and types of missiles, altitude and range of flight are not reported pyongyang announced successful tests of two types of new cruise missiles, as well as a successful launch from a submarine . allegedly capable of carrying nuclear weapons. we will summarize the morning at 12 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join in, put your preferences, and my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good afternoon, thank you for watching espresso,
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thank you for being with us and thank you for supporting our meetings. let me remind you who hasn't yet donated today, in the 141st brigade in the orihiv direction, we are collecting a million hryvnias. a certain amount has already accumulated in our account, 259,843 uah. by the way, thank you for this morning, this assembly went very, very well. we have already accumulated a little of it, please do not stop, card numbers, qr-codes , you see, we will buy a lot of everything from binoculars, rangefinders, binoculars, and other things for our defenders. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help. glory to ukraine, glory. and we, those sometimes we will add the head of thunder to the conversation'. of the joint action center organization, he was in the past the vice-prime minister of ukraine
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for european integration in 2005, oleg rybachuk is in touch with our studio, mr. oleg, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, death to the enemies, well yes дальше дальше, we will support the kharkiv football players, but before moving on to euro-atlantic integration, don't... don't forget that mr. oleg was also the head of the secretariat, yes, accordingly, mr. olezh, you have a question from the head of the office andriy yermak, this question is i'm sitting siyarto here, i'm like the vice president, i'm conducting some negotiations, and then at the press conference without blinking an eye at the question, so what kind of decree was it with an attempt to resign the hard worker , pretending that i'm not on top of things, they say... i 'm here in uzhgorod, what can i know? and this is in a country where the head of the president's office knows
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everything and even more. yes, now the question for you is from him. so what was it on monday and will it continue, as written by the western media? well, in the west it's called a fuck up. i don't know how it's ukrainian to say, we are also understood by this word. yes, we have, as they say, fuck up. well, here, ... a faka in everything, in what yermamak does and in communications, but the main thing, yes, if we are talking about this situation, of course, this is the right that the president should appoint, dismiss, especially he as the supreme commander, my question is really to the office and to yermak and to all these faraway people, from the point of view of how you do it, how you communicate, it's obvious that when you considered this
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scenario, you should have foreseen the option of the fact that mr. general simply does not want to play these games and will tell you that thank you, thank you very much, i am not interested in any positions, please excuse me, i will not write a report, why there was a leak and why exactly such a discussion took place. .. to a team where there are thousands of communicators and a million creative directors, i really don’t understand this, but it is clear to me that there is no chance of a worthy stay in the position, it is only a matter of time, and it is also clear to me that this is one of the most unfortunate moments for this kind of decision, because we now often appeal to of the west, we say, listen to what you are doing there... crap and agree on something there for some unfortunate orban who can't manage,
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immediately the war breaks at your door, and you are still afraid of escalation there, you are afraid of something else, and here we have there is a war at home, but there we find the time and effort to do such personnel somersaults, which is currently happening around the commander and... the full commander of the armed forces of ukraine, this is a very unfortunate thing, but again, you cannot prohibit stupidity, everyone has, the president has until ... the constitution the right to do any stupid, yermak has the same right, it’s not to comment , it’s just that the responsibility will be when the elections come, because a slob can’t fire the president, we can’t fire the president and his team, he’s there, but we can draw conclusions, and when the time comes to vote , then it will be necessary to remember all this and
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not to make similar mistakes, and in general not to make mistakes. in the expectation that one president will be replaced by someone who will be much better, this system we have, it, it is a cripple, a crippled system, this is when zelenskyi says that he has five or six cripples on which the whole of ukraine hangs, then we will not win the war on such a system, we will not effectively integrate into europe, there are no such systems in the european union, there is a clear division branches of government, it is clear what the president is responsible for. what is the parliament responsible for, what is the government responsible for, that is why it is very important for us and you to understand, at the cost of such a bloody war, that it is time to build a balanced system of governance in the country, where you can clearly understand who is who is responsible and from whom to ask for what, because if we simply elect
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someone else to zelensky's place there, there will be the same problems, i actually absolutely guarantee you this, because i have already seen it more than once. during the change of presidents in the country, mr. oleg, well, as for the bad news , as cnn says, something may still happen in the coming days, that is, the series may not be finished yet , we are waiting for further series, but it seems that another series, at least some season there is finished, and it seems that somehow they agreed or convinced, or i don’t know, they blackmailed orban, but apparently without horseshoes, he signed with the other 26, all the leaders of the eu member states , and this aid package to ukraine of 50 billion should still go, we expect 4.5 billion in march, as if 1.5 billion in the first three months , as it was stable in the previous year, how realistic is it that they will fix everything quickly and this money will arrive in march, and somehow also try
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to do something ourselves, so as not only to focus on this international aid. well, i have no doubt that i had no doubt that the process of deurbanization will be successful, especially after tusk became the prime minister of poland , who immediately said that in ukraine, this is his catchphrase, i think you also had it somewhere in the tape, that you are not tired of ukraine, there is a huge fatigue with orbán, and the europeans, in the end... took the only possible position, they did not just encourage orbán, they actually gave him a very small choice, or he adheres to the principles on which the european union is based and votes with by all others, or there are several options, economic sanctions, in order to dramatically
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collapse the economic situation in hungary, because hungary is one of the poorest, most... corrupt countries, or even deprivation of the right to vote, so they showed scholz very harshly, scholz's position was very harsh, yesterday i watched the german , the german wave, and she noted that scholz was simply so determined, no one was going to offer any coffee there, and therefore it can be welcomed, it is really important to us that the decision was made unanimously and that... orbán was not given in the answer is nothing, they did not give him access to the closed funds of the european union, because he does not fulfill his obligations, they did not give him the opportunity to review the case of ukraine after a year, in a word, they did the only right thing and very timely, because this is the same signal there to the people on the capitol
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on the washington hills, let 's do something, split up, because there is very... there is already a lot of information coming out, trump is going crazy, he is already talking about it without hiding it , oleg, or you can just, because we are you, you just so quickly swam just across the ocean, here you are to finalize, they say, our special forces were there, we, we included them, well, orban was kept behind closed doors, i don't know why, with a soldering iron or without, both europeans, including americans, spoke to him. representatives , in a word, uh, until the moment when white smoke came out of the chimney instead of black, and there is such a solution, yes, and you, what to do with this... a small group of trumpists who are actually swaying entire states now and looking at the situation there in texas, yesterday's
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ideas, let's go to the guard from florida to fight on the border with mexico, it's all gathering some such unexpected twists and turns, because this is only part of this big discussion, how to exchange military financial aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan for this... migration legislation, the border with mexico and trump's election campaign, but somehow, on the contrary, it twists and turns more and more tightly instead of as if to give us light at the end of the tunnel, and there the situation is probably the most difficult for american democracy there almost since the time of the founding fathers, because what has really changed, to put it very briefly, if before the republicans says... that for them the will of the voters is important and the immigration crisis needs to be resolved, and the democrats agreed that there is an immigration crisis, and that is why they
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were working on a text, we don't know what text, but that they wanted more concessions, the white house was taking these steps for a meeting, and we heard information that, well, that's it, that's it, that they've almost come to an agreement, now the information is that they can vote next week, but then... after trump is there won the second priymaries, it was carried there, and it is open by text began to call on congressmen and senators not to vote for any treaty, and many western think tanks testified about this, and colleagues, republicans also spoke about it, and some of trump's allies simply said in a direct text that to hell with this ukraine, our voters are tired of her. and therefore it became clear that this is not even an issue of the migration crisis, that it is trump’s, trump has such an election strategy, he said that there is no need to give biden any
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gifts, because if we solve this problem now, trump practically has nothing to go with to the election, and that is very dangerous, because it means that the issue is not really the desire to reach a compromise, the issue is that the refusal to solve the pressing problems until the moment when trump... comes back, god forbid, again position, and then he decides everything in 24 hours, and with this approach it becomes very dangerous, however, some republican analysts began to refute this, say what you know, do not exaggerate the influence of trump, but i was struck by another fact that there in the oklahoma regional committee of the republican party, nomination committee, formally appealed to their senator. urging them to stop working on the treaty and listen to what trump has to say. otherwise these oklahoma republicans said, we will take away
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your funding from you, senator, and this simply surprised me, because it does not resemble any political structure of the 21st century at all, it is a cult of serving a not quite adequate leader, and it is not known how to proceed with it , but still there is hope that especially the decision of... europeans, the threat of america losing, and it losing the world leadership, bad kids around the world are getting more brazen, americans are already considering the scenario of conflict with china, because china is watching it closely, in short, i hope that there are some smart centers out there that will come to a solution, because i don't i imagine that america will simply stay away, that it will not go into its own... with the european union and leave ukraine and thus send a signal to all pagans in the world that you can do what you want. is it likely that
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scholz and biden will talk about it sometime next week in the united states of america, because it is probably not for nothing that scholz chooses to go overseas. scholz now, well, scholz has amazing transformations. i emphasize once again that actually those correspondents who worked, er... and broadcast the news from the meeting of the european commission, said that scholz was just crazy, that this is his personal position, and he, he is already, he is already there really very strongly massages macron, he directly says that he does not mention france to such countries, but everyone understands that macron, who is going to ukraine, cannot come away with empty hands, scholz calls on other nato partners to do... do as i did, germany doubled the aid to ukraine, you know, about these seven billion, and the main thing is that solz
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took the place of this. where he is even tougher than the british in some issues, and he does not choose special words for putin, he personally mentions him and calls for the mandatory defeat of russia, because what happened in germany, germany did take this leadership, and let's return to the fact that tusk became the prime minister of poland, and the union poles and germans is a very powerful union, so i think that, well... we don't envy orban, and the fact that such and such trends are happening in europe is a kind of compensator for these dips and failures in american politics, and also it is known that it is very important for scholz to have the support of the white house, but now it seems, you are right, now it seems that he will try to support the white house himself and also
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contribute to the fact that the americans. also decided in this duel, as our grandfathers used to say, that's good, that's fantastic, yes, well so, on this non-german leadership note and the nightmare of viktor fyodorovich orban, we must finalize our conversation, mr. oleg, thank you for the analysis of the situation, oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, our former vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration . a little pause and let's bring you a european perspective, right, because we expect andres umland, an analyst at the stomgol center for eastern european studies, to be with us, so stay with espress. there are discounts on afida max, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. tingle,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20.


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