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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and... espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20. to 22. for espresso.
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separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso channel are asked to join the collection of bones, drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours? tomorrow
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, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we return to the ether and boldly say guten morgen, our next guest, andres umland, an analyst at the stomgol center for eastern european studies, in connection with our studio. mr. andres, congratulations. good morning. good morning, we, we here, know how you ended our conversation with... former deputy prime minister of ukraine oleg rybachuk, he expressed surprise at the transformation of scholz, from a person whom all political forces and the public called to help ukraine , to the leader who took over the baton, the baton, the leader from boris johnson himself in better times. scholz, scholz's transformation is his personal political transformation into a leader.
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military and political aid to ukraine, or this what are the realities and the changes that are taking place on the scale of germany in general? well, first of all, it must be said that this transformation is probably not so big anymore, that is, it is much better than it was before, and it is especially surprising, pleasant, surprising, that this also applies to the social democrats. of the political party of germany, which used to have, let's say, such a leader and chancellor as gerhard schröder, but this is criticized in germany by many experts and other politicians, let's say, from the christian democratic union, which is now in the opposition, many diplomats, they they criticize that it is already on...
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the way germany currently supports it is not enough. do they criticize it for taurus or is it much wider? for taurus, first of all now, but also for the fact that this week is a change of eras, which he said after the great invasion at the end of february 22nd hand of the year that it did not... did not take place in reality, that is, there is something changed and now the foreign policy is completely different, but it is still not enough, but really it is for germany, it is a relatively large survey, and well, i think scholz is just here he simply reflects the state of german society, he is such an average german, so he is... if
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for some reason he reflects the problems that still exist, and he reflects what has improved in the last two years, well, and now it really is , if you look at the statistics, germany is the second largest donor to ukraine after the united states in absolute numbers, and this not only applies to money, but also military, and weapons and money, mr. andraas, but that society is not so homogeneous, at least those sentiments , which germany has, germany had to russia they still exist a little , but look, the report was filmed by a german journalist, although he works in the russian moscow bureau for the tsdf channel, about mariupol, so he came to the city and shows how the city is actually not bad, the city is being rebuilt, about the fact that it was destroyed ,
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it was completely bombed by the russians, he does not mention the fact that the people here are all pro-russian, how cool, beautiful it is here, er, such things. and further they can lead europeans to think that maybe those russians are not so bad, maybe they came and will do something there life is better in these territories, this is a bit of a distortion of reality, so this case, it has already become a big scandal in germany itself, that is, it is a very big criticism there, and the ukrainian embassy appealed to the cdf, to this channel, as did this report there already, well, for forgiveness, it was from this channel, and it’s a big discussion there, and well , it still is and is, i wouldn’t say that it
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reflects some kind of pro-russian or anti-ukrainian position, but it’s just such naivety, i would he said that and it's good, but what if even if here it is possible simply... with professional deformation, that we are simply dealing with a case of useful idiots, that is, simply uninformed, unprofessional and telling what a happy paradise can be built with hundreds or tens of thousands of corpses, that is what it is, but you see, even a little they asked, they asked for support, not much, a little more than a percentage , a very interesting thing called au alternative deutchland, so in this case it is... within the margin of error, is it some kind of certain trend, here we have a definitely clear anti-ukrainian and pro-russian position, that is, with they are more interesting, yes, this is really a problem, and this is, i would say, a general problem, we already had it in france, when there was this one
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, this one started like that, le pen and in america, too, there is such a thing that this... this the right-wing radical wing of the republican party is also pro-russian , and it can be said that this is such a general western problem that earlier it was rather left-wing radical forces that were on the side of russia, but now it is rather these right-wing radicals, right-wing extremists, right-wing extremists. forces and this is really a problem, in germany it has not yet become such a problem for foreign politics, because this party is an alternative for germany, it is isolated, stigmatized, and it, well
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, there is no coalition with it there, a coalition with it is not possible there, it can have some influence there, probably at the... level regions and municipalities, but at the federal level, this party is isolated, and now there is also a large movement against this party, this is not only not so much about the foreign policy of these parties, but rather the internal, internal attitude, but it is still isolated party, so it's unlike from the united... this has not yet become a major problem for german foreign policy. mr. taras, a few minutes ago we were admiring this transformation that both germany and scholz underwent in their attitude towards ukraine, but all the same certain threats, i think, persist, and now
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another rumor and gossip have come to the surface, but they already exist printed, respectively, it is said that the united states of america and germany. after all, they do not see the prospect that in the near future, in the next year, ukraine could join, so that ukraine could be invited to nato, yes, it is not about joining, but rather about for. that is, we in vilnius were waiting for an invitation , we did not receive it, but everyone left vilnius with the idea that in ukraine everyone was convinced that washington was already 100%, but now such an atmosphere has been created that, well, it is not a fact, as you think, but will there be any official reasons, will it be the same as in vilnius, if of course it will be, there will be no invitation, so i am afraid that there will not be much progress there. washington washington, of course, there will be some new wording that will say that ukraine
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will become a member of nato, but there will be no invitation as soon as possible, well, this just reflects that this is a change of eras, it has not yet fully taken place, well , on the other hand, it must also be said that even if there was such an invitation, the accession of ukraine , it probably won't pass. soon, well, i have been saying this for many years, i am afraid that ukraine will only join nato when it will no longer be so necessary, that is, when the war is over, and when there will be no such tensions, because, well, no , unfortunately, one should not expect that ukraine is so active conflict with russia, that it... will join nato, and we now see what problems sweden has to join nato, although sweden
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has no conflict there, and it, there, has been a western country for many years, and there well, this is just such a strange story of sweden, which has been waiting for two years now, almost two years of joining nato, and if even sweden has such problems, then of course, for now... for ukraine, in any case, will there be an invitation , won't there be a nato summit in washington, well, there will be no accession soon, but look, finland is already in nato, with sweden, you say, it has dragged on, here in general, how you see this problem, it is purely political bargaining, the turks, we know for them that norway, that in sweden is a very sensitive issue. of the kurds, because the kurds there normally work openly with their
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kurdish workers' party, supporting their armed forces and the ideas of greater kurdistan, but this is only related to this, or is it a much more complicated mess, and it is necessary to take into account hungarian and other wishes to exchange their political billions of euros worth of support. yes, yes, it is very. personal stories like that that's why, let's say, it wasn't like that in finland , such problems, well, there it is, for some reason, for turkey, sweden is there, it has certain emigrants from turkey there, kurdish and well, but no, well, the point is that it's all not it's so simple that there, just like in the european union and... in nato, there on such big decisions, each member country has the right to
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veto, ugh, and and and and well hungary uses it, this, and and now hungary, even , it, it has become a problem for sweden, although i don't think it will be as much of a problem as turkey, but nevertheless, even such small countries like hungary, they can, they can in the eu. and nato has to use its right of veto in order to somehow protect its interests there, and eh, well, this means that, unfortunately, what is there for ukraine, so far i do not see the prospects of a quick joining nato. ugh. and if you can have a snack, you already mentioned finland, just very briefly, we have one last minute. we paid attention yesterday. but the finnish press even watched with oksana, they wrote an amazing thing there, it turns out that the finnish
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police, for example, prevents public initiatives, organizations, funds, to collect military aid for the armed forces of ukraine. we looked three times because we couldn't believe it, this is the finland that lost territories in the russo-finnish war, this is the finland that joined nato, this is the finland that, you don't need to be convinced, what russian peace and russian threat. is this just a case, we are dealing with some stupid policemen, or is this some kind of trend? maybe i can't imagine myself either, because if you look at the statistics. then finland helps ukraine very well compared to other western european countries, so i suspect that there is probably something wrong with this initiative and that sometimes there are such supposedly pro-ukrainian initiatives, which then later imagine that they, that there is something wrong there
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, that is, i do not know about this case. i.e. not a trend, it's already good , it's at least not a trend, so at least we have good information here, mr. andres, thank you for the analysis of the situation, andres umland, an analyst at the stockholm center for the study of eastern europe, helped us decipher this big politics in the processes we understand, now we will decipher the big ukrainian internal politics, tetyana pechonchyk is with us, the head of the board of the human rights center zmena. if i understand correctly, if it seems to me right, initiative and activity may not necessarily be so necessary and may simply be in danger, i am talking now about the draft law number 10337 on virtuous lobbying, and if you are very active, if you
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advocate for something and very loud, then you become an object for... who starts paying more attention monitor, maybe you are becoming dangerous for the state, and we, ms. tetyana, see that your center, human rights change, called this draft law unacceptable, and we have been living with it for how many years, when they explain to us, make a normal law on lobbying, there will be less corruption in political, in particular, and why is it unacceptable, but here you need to follow the history first, how did it all come about and where did it come from? we have a demand that ukraine adopt the law on lobbying. i would like to remind you that, in order to start accession negotiations with ukraine, the european commission proposed a number of criteria that must be met, and one of these criteria included the fight against oligarchs, removing the influence of oligarchs on our authorities. and actually, we
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remember that we had a draft law passed earlier. about this register of oligarchs , then, then it all stopped, it was postponed to the post-war state, the launch of this whole story, but the very topic of the influence of the oligarchs, it is obvious, although with a full-scale war , this influence decreased, but it is still there, and it remained day, and now in november this year, just overnight, the struggle turned into a struggle with civil society, because our government decided... brussels, convinced the european commission that it is necessary to develop and adopt a bill on lobbying in order to reduce oligarchic influences, but if you look at the draft law , it was first developed by the zk and submitted to the government, then the main object with which they had to fight, well, actually, were not oligarchs, but public organizations, which all had to register,
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become lobbyists, with inclusion in the register, with with fines, if they do something wrong... do they get used to include some activity of their own, and this is actually where our concern started, this is where the whole history of this draft law began, we have this statement, the statement that we published, this is already the second statement, the first one was in the first version of that draft law that was submitted to the government by the zk, and the first statement was signed by several hundred public organizations, which said that if... if we are talking about the regulation of lobbying, lobbying, then under it must, if one must fall under it those commercial lobbyists who work specifically to promote the interests of oligarchs or certain businesses should fall under the category, i do not know the tobacco industry or anyone else, the key here is commercial lobbyists, but here i am simply
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not many of our citizens have come across lobbying practices like it should work. in the united states , commercial lobbyists are under investigation because they did something wrong, and there, by the way, the amounts are also small, that is, they go for large fees, to lobby billions of dollars, even larger fees, those who hired them, and there they they take, grab, judge and so on, that is, what... our fellow citizens have heard, so in this case, this bill of ours, it, it will also provide some additional means to stop this unscrupulous. lobbying, i.e. corruption activities, do they not give anything into the hands of the law enforcement officers, and here you can interpret this law as a bridle, wherever you want, there you will turn it, i
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would say that our government is very technically quick and convinced, i think it was certain the naivety of the european commission, who believed that the introduction of regulation of lobbying activities, it will be possible to defeat, for example, the oligarchs in ukraine in order to... but not like that, because in order to defeat the oligarchs, some unscrupulous influences on the authorities, bodies, judicial reform and strengthen the independence of the antimonopoly committee, and with all this we have there are problems, at the same time, as mainly lobbying in ukraine, let's be honest, is carried out in envelopes, no one officially pays, that is, no one, but i think very few people conclude any. and receive lobbying contracts with some oligarchs white money from them, and then this money, well, actually they then declare it and enter it in this register of oligarchs, taxes are paid from that
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lobby money in civilized countries, yes, but in ukraine, in fact, all this happens in a non-transparent manner, that is, a very large part it is simply money in envelopes that have not been declared and will not be declared, and thus... this law, if it is passed with threats to the public sector, it will threaten precisely those active civil society organizations that, for example, are not engaged in some kind of commercial lobbying or lobbying for some quotas for extracting some subsoil there or something else , for example, they promote anti-corruption reform or there, for example, cheer for ecology or for the preservation of some forest or so on and so forth, that is, those who '. we have less than a minute, just finalize it, well , you call it unacceptable, it will be voted on despite all these reservations, that is
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, they will wave their hands and press buttons, is there still a chance that they will propose something else and smarter, the bill passed first reading, there some of our restrictions were removed, but still it is now in its current state until the second reading... it remains in such a form that it still allows, if the authorities want, to use it against the civil, civil sector , public organizations, precisely therefore, we are currently working with deputies, there is a committee-based working group, and we are also drawing the public's attention to this, to this issue, so that the draft law will go to the parliament for the second reading, where it will be clearly indicated and spelled out that its effect does not extend to the work of thunder. organizations and for citizens to protect their constitutional rights , what is that for, ms. tetiana, hit this rock from all sides, hit it hard, tetyana pochonchyk,
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head of the human rights center, amendment to this draft law on lobbying at its stage before the law, for a snack i wanted something something good should be given to people on friday, you know, i decided that this is putin's promise, well , i'll give the russians an egg. there are no eggs, but the russians promised at the same time that they would bring a lot of them from belarus, azerbaijan and turkey, and all this to the stores it didn't get in, just as rospotrebsoyuz said and they write news, because all these eggs were sent. for processing, well, rotten eggs for the russians, what are you going to do, on this note we say goodbye to you, roman chaika, oksana vysochenska were with you, stay with espresso,
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