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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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this one, like it , here it broke a little bit, well, nothing, i have two pensioners here, one of them is such a sick woman, and we feed them, don't cry like that, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, and so is the gravy . bake pies, we baked with them, and we travel with them, they take pans from dragonflies, bring them to me, i fill them, carry them and take pictures. they do everything from me
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, yes, everything doesn't cry, everything doesn't cry, grandma doesn't cry, grandmas need to get together, feed the people, we also bring them bread, but now today there is no bread until during the day, oh lord, help me the boy's son is in bakhmut, you can congratulate him , it's delicious, it's just like at home, it's being prepared that i won't even do that, my daughter is sick, the first group of disabled people. it's important for me, maybe when i'm not singing, i can cook it, but they already brought it to the refrigerator, if i don't eat it, i'll put it in the refrigerator , go, little girl, take it, when we went to feed the people, it was very scary when the orcs stood so that they didn't stop us, so that they wouldn't be stopped and so that they wouldn't be shot, because... they have it in their heads, i don't know what's in these
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people's heads, but we're going here to our the bazaar, and they are here all the time, well , as they were fed, they came to eat if they wanted, and so they bought food for themselves, here is this one, and we are going, and our legs are impatient, because who knows what he will take from him, now he shoots and everything that this was the most terrible thing, children of the war...
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let it be, because there are those who, well, try now that she has a pension of 200, how can such people live, it is very scary, we do not have mothers of our own, our mothers died, and and we also feed them, they are our mothers instead of mothers, there are some that are so pitiful to look at them, which is terrible, yes babushka katya, hold on. they cheered our side there, it helped a lot , i didn’t know what to do anymore, because the children, one daughter went to poland, the other went to ternopil, i have relatives there, because i was from there a long, long time ago, but i fell on my feet , i couldn't do anything.
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it is like everyday life, but it is everyday life that is filled with meaning, everyday life in the conditions of occupation, which , when... people overcome first of all fear , and this starts the mechanisms of the opera, it was the norm, the norm for them the experience they were in, so when they have to ask, and how did they resist, for them, resistance is to go there to transfer the coordinates, to arrange some kind of sabotage, and the fact that all this time with their small everyday actions, ah... they simply created terrible pressure
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on the occupation administration, they did not they realize that, because that's how it should be. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in fundraising. drones and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, in the premises that before the war mr. serhiy dreamed of turning into a
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chernobyl museum, now volunteer work is boiling over, in half an hour these intertwined slings will become another stretcher, their advantage is compactness and mobility, because you can even take such a thing with you. for combat tasks, the weaving technology was adopted from the israeli military, the construction was improved and strengthened with additional straps, everything starts with cutting the slings to the required size, heating the edges, then they are ready those slings are cut, laid out according to templates in the required sequence and then sewn together. so to speak, to hold on to this label-gun and then give it to the seamstresses who are already finishing this process. despite the lack of professional production, the volunteers were able to set up a convenient workshop from improvised materials, instead of a centimeter,
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a table was placed with a marker. trails are of different lengths and it is not always convenient and quick to use a tape measure, but to guide where you need from. because, as you've heard before, it all costs money, and if you cut it wrong, it already comes to unworthiness. if the necessary materials are available , it is possible to produce about a dozen knives per day, then another prepared batch is sent to be sewn by students and teachers of the sumy school of construction and design. it is there that the product is finally and firmly stitched, already after... that night they are handed over to the military, here they are, oh, that is , here they are, we lay them on the ground , here, stitched, ready, ready to stitch, a person lies down here, compact nights already tested
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and evaluated by the military, time, time, time, left, once, once, once, once, once, twice, once, once. since volunteers led by serhii svinarenka started making nightshades since september of last year, during this time they managed to make about two hundred. september, october, etc. and so they started little by little, there , there, a little bit of money from the pension, there, in general , they bought and started to do, as they started to do, you invited everyone to hand over, uhthyshechki, come on, come on, come on, come on, we pass it on to... lavria, you understand , we transfer it to bakhmut, we transfer it there to donetsk, well, in general, everything. the demand for nights from the military is growing, and the resources volunteers are running out. the cost of one is about 400 hryvnias.
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serhiy svanerenko bought the last batch of turkish materials with the money given by children for his birthday. the man knows about the horrors of war firsthand, because he fought in the donbass since the 14th year, where he received severe contusions and. injuries, so instead of a new car, i invested money in production, this is what is so urgently needed now, because it allows for a compact car, and it is so small that you don't need to drag anything with you, and that's how i hooked it up and everything. people for there is enough production, but there is a lack of materials and equipment, what is most needed is a new table and sewing equipment, donations are collected through public pages. organizations in social networks. from sums for the espresso tv channel. there are 15% discounts on templegin tablets in psyllium pam and oschad pharmacies. kratal contains
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. separate consents of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsa of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the tv channel are asked to join the fundraising. thrones and technical equipment. for ours, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, every week
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the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. love, passion, physicality, sexuality, provocation. each of our dresses is about that. sex can be dangerous, without responsibility and without knowledge? yes, including from... is not determined, which means it is not
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transmitted, a person from vil, who takes modern antiretroviral therapy regularly and continuously for several months, cannot become infected no one, modern medicine allows you to not limit your sexuality, your sexuality is limited only by your imagination. knowledge of complex things. important, knowledge about the ox saves lives. it was necessary to... keep track of what time he left the yard, where he went, where he entered
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the office, it was necessary to go with courage, and as soon as you wanted, change, change, change, because they could suspect, people said that no, i 'd rather die of hunger than take something from the katsaps, i don't know if it was he who intimidated me like that, or if he himself has nerves, well, all the time he clicked the machine, why did he do it, i don’t know, it was scary, of course, especially when the convoy was coming and it was very terrible, communication with the occupier is in itself a threat in... during the occupation, distributing volunteer aid from ukraine, it was dangerous , it was under a ban, under a direct ban, it was only underground, this is our improvised warehouse, the person went to work, now he will say goodbye, we will take him away, we will go,
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close my windows, we still have to help, if we remember... the period of occupation we had such an interesting game, first of all, it was a game with by the military of the russian federation, who forbade humanitarian aid, that is, it all happened very secretly, whenever you went somewhere, if you were at a blockade or were simply stopped, you said that you bought products for yourself there. i know people of that age who don't have a passport, some kind of russian pension, but they refused everything that had russian inscriptions on it, people said that no, i'd rather starve than take something from the police, they drove the humanitarian woman, collected humanitarian, we have a large number of people
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lived, that's the period we had, well , the largest number was 270 people, including children. food and two more lunches for the children, the number constantly changed, people left, people came, there was a period when there were 10 families, there was a period when there were a little more than a hundred families, we delivered to addresses, the constant number of addresses changed. before the war, i worked there for the farm, of course, he knows and knows everything. so. their work, the work of the heart. now we are measuring from this side so as not to open, not to tear off what was insulated. now i find it
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let's cut it, sew it, see right away. it will be quick. the passage of any blakpost in mine. once we were driving with a friend, a guy ran up, holding a grenade in his hands and said: can you throw it in the car? i say why? he says, why are you driving here? i say, yes, it's the road, then the exit to mykolaiv, then to the side of chornobayivka, i went to the car market to buy car parts, he, why are you driving here? i say, i'm going to the car market. he doesn't need to drive here, besides me , a lot of cars drive by, but he just... wasn't in the mood, and they decided at that moment to touch me , that is, you go out into the street and in fact do not know what exactly will happen to you, another person was taken from here, a volunteer, they kept arthur for a week, so the mask show ran here, they lined the perimeter, stood at the entrance, on the second, the third entrance, they ran upstairs, they completely
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covered the corridor, and as a result , they carried a bag over his head. here, as i always say, they tried to make a picture, here they tried to be more orderly, what happened in the villages, it was a slipper, it was harder to hide in the village, although many i thought it was the other way around. which were near the front , that is, where the occupying forces were, and they were under tight control , that is, it was much more difficult for people in these villages to survive, because they practically encountered the occupiers every day, they did not
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feel safe, they could be attacked every minute to pass, to come, to be cleaned and... they began to search them, interfere in their personal lives, check their phones, all gadgets , that’s understandable, yes, turn them into the house, go around all the stuff there, or if it’s in the city, then the apartment, and that there was a search, this is an event from with an unforeseen end, you don't know how it can end, whether they will beat you, or take you away, or leave you, they call me, i am a lady... well, natalya volodymyrivna, i say yes , but she wants to be with you, no, with you the investigative committee of russia communicates in russian, clearly. they talked to her, i say what do you need from me, i need to talk to you face to face, i say, i
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can’t, i say, well, they found me, they immediately offered to come to kirov in kherson, i say i won’t come, i say that i will not go to the basement voluntarily, i came to ural 12 a man with a machine gun, cordoned off... as they say , the street, the neighbors were in fear, he overpriced the machine gun, i don’t know if it was he who intimidated like that, or if he himself had nerves, well, he constantly clicked the machine gun, why did he do it, no i know, well, there were rude questions about where i was when the war started, then they asked which part was stationed here, i said, no, it is not known, how do i know which part could be stationed here, then they asked her... did i recruit people , i was very afraid that they would not enter the house, because i have two small grandchildren, that's why i delivered these packages by bicycle, well
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, i did not deliver the packages alone, we packed three men here, there was such a problem with gasoline that there was no gasoline and even where to buy it, so we delivered it on bicycles, it was scary, to every yard the car is driving, you can see that the car is driving, what... it is driving, and so they put two packages on bicycles and went, where are we going, you know, on bicycles less and rushed, how we transported, it was scary, of course, especially when a convoy is coming and it was very terrible, now you remember, you know, that then we traveled, it was some kind of adrenaline or something, i remember it now, i am more scared now than it was then, we drove people, people... were grateful for what they brought, but there were certainly those who were weak, so that they were not brought, because it was impossible to bring everyone, it was impossible to form
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them, let's say, now we distribute 1,500 packages, so many people left, at that time there were more people than now, we had more than 300 before the war yards in zelenivka, and they distributed them in the city, they handed them to us like this... they say hello, we can be locked up in the basement if we once again distribute humanitarian aid from someone, we were hiding, but we were working, and now we are working, dreaming, trucks are coming, we are unloading, dreaming, but someone needs it, they, when they came, they they told me, do you know why we came to you, because you were betrayed by peter, he from the neighboring house or from the neighboring street. that is, they created a situation where they provoked internal strife, mistrust, fear and hatred in communities. the opera has a female
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face. it is easier for women, women can act less visible, they are not, the attention of the occupiers is not focused on them, because they are still more focused on men, the search for these men, the control of these men. when someone... chooses such and such a path of resistance and actually close to partisan , they rely not on their own experience, they rely on a goal, that is, that is, it is not to be someone, but to achieve something, and when there is a great desire, a tool will always be found, this is all my drawing, while it was still blue and yellow, it ended, where it says blue, then yellow paint was no longer sold. i went out every day, i went out, i
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walked a lot of kilometers, uh, and i did something, something so bad, to make them feel bad, there are roadblocks, i went to these roadblocks, and they are guys like that, well, who is who, i i come up and tell them, will you guys be... "who leads you into battle, who goes under the red banner, the wounded." one says to me: "and we have no wounded." i say they will. their broken kamaz was standing nearby, i say: "look, this is the resistance. and death awaits you here, you know, because no one wants you to be here. and then someone came up to me, another one stopped, the car stopped, and the man came up, and also to point out that if we came to your house, how would you meet us, we came with machine guns, you are standing with weapons, i i
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will show you such places. where it was possible to tie ribbons, they looked, there is no one, oh, there is no one, again the ribbon, the road is visible to the occupier, but the traitors cannot see what i am doing. and so, and everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, where it was possible to tie it so that the orcs could see, kherson, this is ukraine, then one day i tied a ribbon, a car came from around the corner, a police car, they saw me standing with a tape, but i had nowhere
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to go, they... drove up and asked what you did, i say, but someone tied me here, so i take off these tapes, they tell me, show me your pockets, they turned out the pockets, turned out the bag, looked to see that there was nothing, the ribbons were hidden far away, then one of them said, that old woman, what can she do , let's go, over there by this bridge. some bad, some bad person lived, our partisans were already working, guys, there, there were cars breaking down, somewhere, there was something like that, and it was necessary to track at what time he left the yard, where he went, where he entered the office, when he left the office and where this car turned, which cars drove into this office, car numbers, all this was recorded.
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and it was passed on, i went every day, and i had to, he had security there, and i had to change my image, so i am sitting on the bridge, i can see his house, i am sitting somewhere there on my own and watching , then there are bushes under the bridge, but i can see his house when he left... and who, who is with him in this car, then i already wrote a sign like this, i knit socks, i started knitting socks, i knit socks, i had to go with crutches and, as soon as i wanted, change, change, to change, because they might suspect, it is at this stop, i just wrote as best i could, i will hide, i will write ukraine,
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in small... letters, then i see me , no one is following me, i write in bigger colors of the zsu, here and now i am moving hatred of the enemy, i really wanted, i really wanted them to disappear from our land, what then, what now, i really love kherson, i don't, i don't i imagine how people betray the city, how people betray... the motherland, their homes, their loved ones, it somehow does not fit in my head at all, for people who were not in the occupation and god forbid they were there, you need to understand how the way everything happens there, that is, that every day is resistance, it is survival, and it is an effort, it is not
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just that they came there. life has changed a little and everything that it imposes on a person the obligation to fight and wait. news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and simply now to the main events. so, two frenchmen.


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