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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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of natural sciences and a professor at the hryhoriy skovoroda institute of philosophy of the national academy of sciences of ukraine was a veteran of the press, but in the meantime we are already giving the floor to iryna koval, because it is time for news on espresso. iro, we welcome you, we give you the floor and actually tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in this issue i will tell you about the situation in kherson region, including information about how macron reacted to the murder of french journalists, as well as about aid for ukraine. from germany, so please wait. 15 in ukraine o'clock, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and just now to the top. more events.
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the russian occupiers hit the center of kherson with a guided aerial bomb. in advance, there is destruction and victims. the local authorities promise to inform about the details later. and at noon, the enemy shelled ingulets in the kherson region. according to the information of the regional military administration, as a result of the attack , a 59-year-old woman received an explosive injury and head injury. later, the occupiers again attacked the settlement. 37 were injured man, he was taken to the hospital. a cowardly and outrageous act. this is how french president emmanuel macron commented on the russian attack on berislav, as a result of which two french volunteers were killed and three more were injured. the french leader expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and said that his thoughts are now with them and the affected french citizens. previously, information about diseases. several foreign volunteers,
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confirmed the head of the french foreign ministry stephane syjournay. finally home. four more children were returned from the occupied part zaporizhzhia and kherson regions. this was announced by the executive director of the organization safe ukraine, mykola kuleba. children of various ages, from infants to 16-year-old teenagers, returned home. the 15th rescue mission is currently underway. ukraine and canada will create a new coalition for the return of ukrainian children, said canadian foreign minister melanie jolly, who arrived today on an unannounced visit to kyiv. this is her fourth visit to ukraine. already , she emphasized the steadfastness of canadian support and reported that currently canada provided ukraine with aid in the amount of 9.5 billion dollars, and in particular 2.4 the reality of the current
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war is tragic: thousands of ukrainian children are being illegally transferred from ukraine to russia, far from their families, their homes and their language, the importance of returning these children home cannot to be underestimated is a matter of our humanity. more than 7.5 billion euros for the military. aid to ukraine , bundestag deputies approved germany's state budget for the current year, as reported on the government's website. votes were cast for this decision 388 parliamentarians of the ruling coalition, and 279 deputies voted against. next week, the us senate will vote on the agreement on border security and assistance to ukraine, the senate majority leader said. chuck schumer,
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however, the text of the agreement has not yet been made public. according to the publication, the voting policy is planned to be appointed by next wednesday. the package includes aid to israel, ukraine and taiwan, as well as funding for border security. rustem omerov on behalf of the head of the procurement department of the ministry of defense thomas naghur. appropriate decision the minister signed on february 1. reason. removal from duties of announcing suspicion in criminal proceedings. let me remind you that thomas nakur headed the purchasing department last year. in january, he was already suspected of embezzling funds due to deals with the lviv arsenal and a slovak supplier. half a billion hryvnias. the security service seized the real estate of former people's deputy oleg tsarev. we are talking about an apartment in the center of dnipro. a plot of land in
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the kyiv region and two complexes in the temporarily occupied crimea. tsarev is involved in financing of russia's armed aggression. even after 2014, he reorganized the village and the sanatorium in crimea in accordance with the laws of refia and concluded an agreement with the russians on the protection of these facilities. oleg tsarev is currently in hiding. pseudo-leaders of the path system. border guards exposed the scheme of transporting violators across the border. previously, the organizers helped the men to leave under the guise of drivers of international, passenger and cargo transportation. for their services, the defendants received up to a thousand dollars. from a person during the searches , the organizers discovered computer equipment, bank cards, stamps and copies of foreign passports. a commemorative plaque to the hero of ukraine maksym kagal was opened at
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the kremenchug gymnasium number three, where he studied. the world kickboxing champion joined the azov regiment in 2015. the fighter had a call sign and died in march. in 2022 , during the defense of mariupol, he was 30 years old. it was possible to return the body of the hero in only 10 months during the exchange. he was buried on the alley of heroes of the kremenchug cemetery in january of last year. according to tradition, today the azov fighters read the warrior's prayer, and those who do not care laid flowers at the memorial plaque of maxim kagal. "i am proud of my child, it hurts, it hurts a lot, well, but these are the realities of our lives,
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we will never forget and never forgive, remember the heroes, everyone who is now at the front, who will defend the country, most importantly, who gave" . their lives are more valuable, these are really guys who should receive much more than just recognition in the form of a memorial plaque. love for relatives and bees. this is what kept the spirit of the serviceman from falling. vasyl koval went to the front in the second wave of mobilization and defended native land in the zaporozhye direction. in the fall , the man received an injury, due to which his leg had to be amputated. my colleagues will tell you how the veteran feels and what he dreams about. serious, but with cheerful eyes. vasyl koval meets the film crew on the street. in the rehabilitation center, a man is waiting for a prosthesis, until he moves with the help of a cart.
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before the war, the man was fond of beekeeping, farmed near the beehives, because he really... loves his insects, but already in the second wave of mobilization he went to defend the country, fought on in the zaporizhzhia direction, as part of the 15th karadakh brigade of the national guard against special purpose intelligence, the unit was engaged in the detection and neutralization of enemy drones. the scariest thing was when you come back, when you went out on a mission , you understand where you are, what you are, you understand how to behave, and when you come back yourself... it's scary, suddenly someone, as they say, is crazy, seems to have survived there, everything is fine, but when you go, it's a little goosebumps. in october of last year , a military man stepped on an anti-personnel mine, he recalls that there were fifty of them for 10 km and
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disguised so that it is impossible to see. when he was wounded, he did not lose consciousness, gathered his will into a fist and endured the pain, now. is waiting for another operation to prepare for prosthetics, dreams, of course, of victory. at the moment, i am in this hospital , they will already form a stump, because there are problems, it will be rubbed in the prosthesis later, there are a lot of such cases, there are guys lying here, that such an operation should be done, at the moment i want to people have rallied and the war is on the rise. will close, in one unity our strength after rehabilitation, the military man plans to return to work and to the beehives, and he also dreams of grandchildren. life goes on. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. and we thank
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our viewers for closing another collection for our defenders. thanks to your donations, we have collected. hryvnias for the purchase of a bus for the soldiers of the artillery unit, to the audience, to the espresso team for helping to raise funds for this car. which will help us in the execution of combat missions. glory to ukraine. hero glory. and the collection of the tv channel of the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces is underway , it is urgently necessary to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, and to successfully carry out combat missions, buy a mavic quadcopter and an optical sight. we ask you to join the collection, because every donation helps to more effectively destroy the enemy of the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000, the account already has more than 280,000. you can now
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see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, a brief summary about the main thing is on our social networks and of course, watch us on youtube. antin borkovskyi, marta oliarnyk, continue. espresso channel, see you at 16: next friday, hungarian farmers are preparing to hold protests at a protest on the border with ukraine near the city of zahon against the european union's continuation of the preferential trade regime with ukraine, in particular, it is about grain, this is... a serious story , we understand that there may be another wave, well, representatives of the agrarian lobby of individual
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central european states want, so to speak, so to speak say, push us and our agricultural products out of the european market, yes, well , we will fight against them, because we also have allies, but we are now adding to our airwaves pavel kishkar, deputy commander of the artillery division, major , head of the project office, people's deputy of the eighth convocation. mr. pavle, welcome to veteri espresso. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. greetings, studio. greetings ukraine. so, zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi. the main topic of this week is what will happen next, because the information coming from everywhere is very different, very controversial. officially, the authorities deny any possibility of the resignation of the industrious. meanwhile. we see that it is widely talked about in the western press,
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i would like your assessment of this whole situation regarding the possible conflict and the possible resignation of chief zaluzhnyi and how you as a military man can generally perceive and your comrades perceive the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi? to a large extent, this is definitely not our issue, of course, which most military personnel continue to support zaluzhnyi, because under his leadership the greatest successes of the military at the front were achieved, but the problems of the front are so large and systemic that they do not allow us to think much about political decisions, rather we are interested in tactical decisions, successes, and the supply of weapons, including our western partners than political games. therefore, we are focused on those issues of mobilization, technical support,
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literally 5 minutes ago you announced additional fundraising for specific divisions, and these things they systematically did not are being decided, i would very much like people from below to be listened to, and we have certain successes, you saw that in the project on changes to the legislation on... mobilization , the wishes and proposals that you and i voiced on the air have already been taken into account, regarding the non-reservation of men who are in the civil service, of course, it should not be limited to this, it is the right step, it should be so, people who took an oath to the state, entering the civil service, should be the first to go and be mobilized for protection. from an external enemy, that's why we expect such systemic solutions
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rather than political games, especially quite public ones, especially at a time when western support has critically decreased. mr. major , you mentioned resources, we understand, it is about manpower, personnel, and very specific equipment, yes, war needs constant replenishment, and accordingly, maybe there are those or. other areas that could be improved, albeit in manual mode, for example, the production of fpvs and not only them, that is, there should be some such a very competent synergy, and this matter... the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhnyi, also pointed out in his final article, yes, that is , our defense forces are not doing enough, yes, and we need more and more resources, i would say it again , this is a systemic thing, that is, a systemic thing in the production or supply of the troops, it is not
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only the production of the fpv drone there, it is also the training of the corresponding crew, it is also the analysis. use, that is, there should be some kind of feedback for further analysis and improvement for each flight, this and work with munitions, because private manufacturers are often severely limited in their access to tests with active munitions, this is also the systematic provision of 3d printers for this or that product, in order to accelerate its production or modernization, unification. that is, these things must be systematic, in order to make this system, it is necessary that each process has a surname, a first name and a patronymic, it is desirable that it has the appropriate powers, then when the powers, responsibilities and signature of a person coincide, this system will work unfortunately
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the post-soviet system, which functions in the armed forces, in the ministry of defense, in the glavkom apparatus, does not allow it. to fike this responsibility and bring it to a project- like form, when the project manager, if he lacks certain knowledge, involves a person intelligent in a specific field and uses his knowledge, allowing the project to move forward. yes, there are questions about financial freedom, the spending of funds by certain units, the ukroboronprom or state enterprises. in particular, our legislation is structured in such a way that requires buying the cheapest possible products or certain devices, in fact, in war , this principle is not always appropriate, sometimes you have to buy more expensively, but it will last longer , that is, the principles of procurement itself must
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be changed, they are wrong, they do not meet the requirements of modernity, in order to there was no corruption, there was no manipulation , for this it is necessary to push, i don’t know, appoint, lobby honest people into the system, i think that every minister, every commander-in-chief has, however small, a circle of people who, in times of war, understanding that these processes are related to the preservation of life and health of people, there are such people, and they should be appointed. to responsible positions in order to shorten these processes, one person, dear, we agree with you, it's just that there are such positions, well, in which, well, as if they were worked on, thomas naskur headed the purchasing department a year after the dismissal of the previous head liev, yes well, both characters received
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suspicions in january, and somehow it doesn't work without that. well, i know thomas nathur personally, he is the head of the military-technical department cooperation, the military-technical policy of the ministry of defense, and once again the system does not work without people and without decision-making, if at a certain stage such a system is not put in place, well, if the system of openness, it can be concentrated, for example, in public councils. and this system should not be shown publicly, not on tv, at public councils, and openly discussed with people, regarding technologies, regarding specific procurement, regarding the specific provision of certain types of troops, then it will work, and so publicly come out and say that someone somewhere purchased incorrectly, well, sometimes you have to
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overpay three times, but in order for it to be fast at the front, sometimes you have to... postpone these purchases so that it lasts a long time. once in one of the cases, our law enforcement officers in the same department that thomas headed conducted an inspection and stopped the purchase of ammunition for almost a month and a half, so maybe it is worth investigating, not only the activities of the military themselves, who try not to sleep, eat, or drink, so that those ammunitions appear, maybe we need to ask for... to the russian agents, which are actually everywhere and in the nabu, and in the dbr, and the actions they took, yes, they directly affect the number of dead ukrainians at the front. therefore, believe me, the problem is much broader, it must be solved more systematically, as i gave you an example with a drone, the same goes for the management system in
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the ministry of defense, the general staff and the apparatus of the glavkom, it is much more systematic, my idea was once before the start of the war, back in on the 15th and 16th, the general staff, the general staff, and the structural divisions of the ministry of defense ceased to exist. the beginning of the war and turns into stake, and you don’t need to take all the people into the stake, you need to take people into the stake who will take responsibility and have the appropriate powers, everything, everyone else to the front, so, well, i understand that this is hyperbole, now, now it it is impossible, but these systemic changes regarding the management system in the security and defense sector are not inevitable, there is a solution. which, for example, do not require financial infusions, in particular the reduction of certain processes, there is material support, housing, it is in accordance with nato standards
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is translated into financial payments, they do not need, if the ministry of defense does not need any decisions, except for organizational ones, money is not needed, on the contrary, it makes corruption impossible, frees up human resources and allows us to normally provide... to provide for people, honestly provide for people in one or another area , there are many such processes, such solutions have been worked out, they are under consideration by the minister, i think that he will listen to them, mr. profile deputy heyder, worked out these proposals, they have been submitted to him, as far as i understand. mr. pavle, look, i still would wanted you to react to one of the key such moments. which zaluzhne set out in his article, he talks about the introduction of a new philosophy of training and conducting military operations, and simply we have repeatedly, i personally, i have repeatedly come across complaints from
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the military that human potential is not being directed in the direction it is needed, that there is a smart, resourceful person who can, for example, make good processes, set them up, which relate to the actual technological breakthrough, process, but for some reason the commanders of such people very often use on assaults and so on , that is, we understand that there is a certain, well, such a problem with us, that we cannot really use human potential at 100%, and can we somehow, well, fight with it, can we somehow change it ? we can change, first, the philosophy outlined in the article you mentioned is that we should move to high-tech types of combat, once the words... oleksiy skrypnyka, the kingdom of heaven, the war of the future, the war of robots. so this war has already begun, and these robots should already be on the battlefield. part of
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you saw and advertised them even on your own airwaves, these are the saber complexes, and tandem-2, and various ukrainian- made robotic platforms that are already on the battlefield. the only thing is that this system needs to be adjusted. and speeding up procurement, and giving people who are manufacturers two or three-year contracts so they can plan for it, no business can operate on a one-year cycle, that's exceptional, especially in such a difficult time. as for the personnel policy, the personnel policy of the ministry of defense, the general staff and the apparatus of the glavkom cannot stand any criticism, we already it must be said that we do not have men in some units, in particular military units, for example, we supply these units only with servicemen and women. we need to radically change the system of personnel centers, the principle according to which
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the military unit should be formed and transitions should be carried out, it should be ensured that there is some correct, protected information system, because a whole series of processes remained soviet, issuing... certificates, for weapons, for food , on the transfer of the travel certificate, you you have to go to 10 points, put some signatures, a stamp and something else, transfer people from one unit to another, if a person is waiting for her in one unit from the previous unit, let them go, yes, then you can’t help but transfer this person, this transfer must to be in one or two clicks, in fact, in one... two days, if it is an immaterially responsible person, and there is no more than a month for a materially responsible person, this is such a cossack principle of formation. should
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be, not so that if i am let go, i i cannot transfer to a department where they are waiting for me and where i can use my knowledge, skills, and abilities with greater benefit. the formation of the images of unit commanders , it also cannot withstand any criticism, because they do not exist, in fact, no one knows them, no one knows them, well, it is good, it is possible that they are not fighting on tv, on... the ground, but the image of a high-quality military commander must grow and be popularized among the military, such a proclamation, such permission for the transition from one unit to the other, they will immediately show you, they will show you who is the effective infantry commander there, who is the effective commander in the dshv, who is the effective commander in the marine corps, and it is simple, it
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does not... this principle does not require any capital investments, yes, from the side of the higher command, personnel the centers do not evaluate people in terms of their knowledge, skills and abilities, no, they perform purely formal work, i believe this formal work can also be performed by software, thank you, pavlo kishkart, deputy commander of the artillery division, major, head of the project office of the accelerator, forgive the ministry of defense, the people's deputy of the eighth ... was in touch with us, we have to go on a short break now, but after it we will return to our studio, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing, be with us, there are discounts on fervex 15% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and ochad. usual
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