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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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there is a possibility of free delivery , check with the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is done, and unlike standard saws , it is so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499. with the possibility of free delivery, specify at consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a dream world,
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norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... weekdays with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon.
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live now where you are, the information day of the tv channel continues, dear tv viewers, congratulations you with a great holiday, a christian meeting, so on the 40th day after the birth of jesus christ, parents brought you to the temple, so we wish you peace. another current holiday, and the espresso broadcast continues, by the way, they say that winter and spring will meet today, it’s interesting, and maybe they have already met, maybe they have already met, but we will not talk about that now, we will talk about important this week's geopolitical schedules, ihor chelenko, the head of the center for analysis and strategies is already in touch with us, mr. ihor, welcome to you, espresso and radium veterans to see you, good day and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, sir. igor, the extreme article
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of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, this is how it appeared on cnn, we understand, it is very restrained, very correct, and at the same time it caused, so to speak, a certain resonance, and the resonance is not only in ukraine, but for its borders, and if we talk , for example, about the vision of the main commander, the deployment of the medium-term military perspective, what would you, for example, characterize the main points, and with... in general, how do you feel about the situation with those rumors that circle around the person responsible for conducting the war against the russian federation? well , to be as brief as possible, then of course we see that the head is zaluzhny, he shares the general understanding of the situation, that we should bet on modern, innovative systems, the same drones, but not only that, there are really problems with the same... mobilization ,
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with the deployment of the military industry, but nevertheless, it is obvious that the ukrainian military leadership still, for the most part, still has an understanding with the political leadership regarding what needs to be impressed directly to the enemy, as far as possible, including in the rear, to limit the enemy's opportunities for offensive and defensive actions. well, in general, that is, this article is actually an ideological continuation of the material that we read a few months ago in the economist magazine, therefore, in principle , there is a vision of the coma, but again , the question is solely how it is rejected in the world , of course we understand that a can have different readings. why, because
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again there is a certain background that is now, in that including and at the expense of the same cnn, a number of other world media covering the topic, possible from. stakes, therefore, of course, this material was already perceived from the point of view of these events and these rumors, although again in cnn itself it is written that it was written before that, nevertheless, i think that in ukraine it also received an ambiguous perception, why, because these very paragraphs are about mobilization and why the actual reason is insufficient mobilization. this is placing responsibility on state institutions, for what is not being implemented popular decisions, well, it is obvious that this is perceived directly as a certain criticism, almost within the team, and that is why we see now, well, again, again, a new wave
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is coming in a flurry now, and in social networks, in messengers, and by the way, precisely this moment can serve as an additional informational basis. for possible changes regarding the commander-in-chief, let's see whether the supreme commander-in-chief will still make a decision on this issue or not, but nevertheless zaluzhnyi expressed his opinion and he did it as always tactfully, as he is did before mr. igor, look, such a naive, perhaps childish question, why did such an idea as replacing the head of the armed forces of ukraine suddenly appear at all? we understand that the general. zaluzhny is a successful military commander, that is, he is the author of what is called the ukrainian miracle, because the ukrainian army not only stood up, but very firmly overwhelmed the enemy, so we understand that he stabilized the situation on the fronts and so on and so forth, and
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here it is suddenly appear, such informational arrivals begin, well, again, they are different today's vision of this situation, someone is talking about... the subtext, respectively, today's popularity directly with the head of state and the possible electoral perspective in the future elections, whenever they take place. there is also a military, military context, where he is still held responsible for the unsuccessful steps in the framework of last year's offensive, but for example, we can see now according to the published statistics that, for example, in the past. year, the russians were able to take under their control more territories in square kilometers than the defense forces of ukraine were able to, but again, this should be analyzed directly at the top, at the level of the supreme commander, plus, again , the question is exclusively now of the future, i think
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it is the most important, how we will continue to organize the defense of our state, if there are disagreements precisely in the military context between the main thing commanders and supreme commanders, then either these issues should be resolved somewhere behind closed doors, or of course then objectively the replacement of the commander-in-chief follows, but of course one cannot reject the merits of mr. zaluzhnyi, which we had before that, and i think that most likely this will help him later, if mr. zaluzhnyi still wants to choose a political career, it is obvious that this will be a good starting point for him. mr. igor, look , i have the feeling that we have passed a certain point of no return, let me explain what i mean, but when we talk about whether the employee will stay or leave, we are already talking about something that is inevitable , in any case, this entire train of this
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entire week, well, it will not remain without a trace, we understand that if the will be asked to leave, or he will be dismissed, it will be one reaction and one chain. events, if they leave it, it will also be a chain of events, but it will not be the same as it was before this week, so what should we do? there are simply no good solutions for the supreme commander-in-chief in this matter, if he dismisses him now, it is obvious that a part of society will perceive it extremely negatively, which is currently following these events and directly supports mr. general, on the other hand, if he leaves behind.. .then it can be regarded as a sign of weakness, we know that the president does not like to be in such conditions, he has repeatedly demonstrated this, so here it is a question of choosing the lesser evil, but again, we must understand that the lesser evil should be in the context of
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the marchtabah of the whole of ukraine, i am actually saying , on the scale of the whole of ukraine, so in the current conditions, well, the question, if there is already one... an internal decision to replace the commander-in-chief, although his successor should be, well, at least at the same level, and obviously in order to gain respect . from the army and to have the corresponding status in the media plan as well, without it, there is no way either, so again, i emphasize that now we are really in the overton window, you are right to emphasize that everyone is already waiting for this resignation, because i am convinced that the third such information shower, how we had it there after, you remember, the message of deputy arev there a few weeks ago, then this week of mr. bereza, well, it actually ... opened the informational window of overton, and now society is not so
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reactionary will accept this resignation, it is already ready, and i think that in principle the ideologues of such a decision, they also took this into account, well , in any case, society is quite warmed up, although, well, there is no official decree or anything else yet , let's hope, so to speak, and on alternative scenarios, well, of course , the key story is whether they will happen or not, but... returning, for example, to yesterday's meeting, well, it became public, in particular , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhnyi, together with the minister of defense of ukraine umierov, met with the leadership of the mejlis, and the position of the minister of defense of ukraine umerov was demonstrative, so to speak, i.e. together with zaluzhny, he met with the head of the mejlis and his deputy, well, again, one cannot... forget the background of mr. umerov, not him either the last relation directly to
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the mejlis, well, in the end, we understand that the head is the head, the head is the head of the defense minister umerov, and we understand that we are talking about the rumors that are circulating, and again, i will draw your attention, once again, how was it submitted by the same telegram channels, which are oriented to the office of the president, that mr. zaluzhnyi met with people's deputies. from petro poroshenko, well , that is, the context has also been changed and it is obvious that the line is now absolutely clear that politics is going on here, but as for me, well, it is clear that after all the defense forces of ukraine, in general and the armed forces, in particular, well, they are all - right now one of the accents is not only in defense, but also in certain offensive actions, now directly in relation to the crimean peninsula, and it is quite understandable that such... meetings i i personally do not see any problems here, well, again, there is a certain coordination, indeed,
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it is between the minister of defense, who must ensure a reliable rear, let's say so, and supplies, well, with the corresponding commander in chief, i think that the minister of defense, he is forced by his position, well, not only forced, but he will work with all commanders in chief, because again, this cohesion and efficiency are necessary today for the effective actions of our defense forces. thank you, thank you, ihor chalenko, head of the center for analysis and strategies, was on the air of espresso, we talked about the difficult last week, regarding the possible resignation of the chairman of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. now we're going to take a short break and then we'll be back in our studio, so stay tuned and stay tuned for the highlights. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw is the way to go. tv is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient
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to lift the veto on 50 billion macrofins, which the european union will provide to... the country in the near future, here i am quoting orbán: i was at a dead end, if this agreement was not reached, then hungary would continue to use their right of veto, then 26 member countries would agree to send money to ukraine and would take the funds intended for hungary and send them to ukraine as well, why would that be good? and at the same time, orban emphasized that peace negotiations should begin between ukraine and russia. that's it. it's a difficult story, well, but orbán's dialectic, well, it's really a high class of populism and a key story, how it seems that such a wise, historical, fluffy, beautiful hungarian people believe in all the delusion that that's how orbán pours, on his head, yes, well, but this applies, of course, not only to hungary, not only
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to hungary, and actually, if we talk about our urgent needs, yes, then we also have something to work on. so, we have some such, i would say, very problematic issues, which now need to be resolved in some more or less normal way, and in relation to bep itself , including, because there are certain ones, allegedly as against the law. which are supposed to improve the work of the bep, but there are already certain, well, let's say, nuances and reservations of anti-corruptionists, including this draft law, they would like to understand what is the position... of business regarding this particular bill, which was introduced by the president's office on the bureau of economic security of ukraine. well, first of all, thank you for your attention
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to this issue, and i can say that the draft laws that have now been introduced and registered in the verkhovna rada are not actually divided by business, because at the moment, what european business the association analyzed, we came to the conclusion that... the current version certainly does not take into account the position of business, moreover, one of the bills involves the council the business ombudsman, or rather the business ombudsman before the searches, and in this regard the business ombudsman simply stated several times, and yesterday during our sideline conversation we also discussed this, he simply confirmed that he is not ready to participate in the searches , in searches, no, because there are no resources for this, and there is no desire to be present at all the searches of er... various business representatives, therefore, those bills that are currently registered, at least this week, are definitely not supported by business, and actually our position is
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in coming to draft laws that were registered earlier, i.e. 1088 1088/rob1, because business proposals are at least somehow taken into account there, and the positions of international partners are also considered there and taken into account. and the main and key task , it seems to me, is to make the bureau of economic security deal exclusively with economic crimes, and the second goal is to ensure that there are no old personnel, or at least the old corporate culture that is manifested in our law enforcement agencies, it has somehow to change, because at the moment it is something that, among other things, does not contribute to the normal work of law enforcement officers and the delivery of the result that a transparent business community is counting on. well, look, well, the scheme is generally classic, yes, that is, the police , who work in this or that law enforcement agency, must carry out the plan, so to speak, of indicators, so to speak, with
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disclosure in quotes or without quotes, well, there, so to speak say a plan from the collected funds to replenish the state budget, that is , let's put it mildly, well, they work as they know how they can, the task of business is to preserve its interests, the task of the parliament is to propose... such a bill that would allow law enforcement officers to work normally and businessmen to work normally, so that there would not be such a miracle, well, you know, like with the case of the same mazepa, well enough resonant, yes, before that there was no less such a strange case, for example, with the searches of the lviv restaurant holding of the emotions of fez, yes, and the businessmen there complained, that is, somehow it all has to do with being civilized for... but how much i live, i remember so much that everyone would like it, but somehow it constantly fails somewhere, but in your opinion and in the opinion of the business association, as it should be, what,
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what is the problem? well, that 's what you're doing, we somehow have such a civilized regulation, and it should be civilized , in fact, at the moment, and we also look at the fact that law enforcement officers often look at businesses as... wolves, they have the impression that they are something they are doing the wrong thing, and the business has to defend itself all the time, and this is mazepa's case, she actually confirmed it the fact that we don't have such a large number of holy entrepreneurs, well, objectively speaking, maybe there is someone who has achieved something in our life, maybe they went to some there, i don't know concessions with conscience, i don't know, i not the prosecutor in this sense, i’m not sure that mazefa is not a saint there, i don’t know, but the question is simply that even if the right... these have some claims, then first of all, they have to come forward in a civilized way, this is the first, secondly, we say that yes,
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if everyone is on equal terms, then everyone is on equal terms, and maybe a risk should be taken, according to which everyone should have the same attitude towards everyone, because at the moment in the business environment, everyone simply sees mazepa's case as selective justice, in fact, despite... despite everything, of course, everyone understands who is worth what, and today's moment, it seems to me, in general, the institutions do not work in our country and the systems as such do not work, because it seems to me that in our country it is easier to buy off opaque businesses, everyone has to force everyone, and this is the situation in our country, when we are alone work on laws, and these laws essentially mean something else, and accordingly, law enforcement agencies, knowing this system, use it. accordingly, they use this law as a sledgehammer, and accordingly they determine the norm of punishment for someone there, and for someone they would release these debts, conditionally speaking, for
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some additional. the payment they receive is not always in the state budget, and in this whole situation transparent business remains as a hostage, yes, that is, it works, especially foreign business, it works, it fulfills the legislation, fulfills all the norms, of course, it if he tries to be profitable and thinks that if he is a partner for the state, but often the state even refuses to communicate with him, well, i'm not, well, i'm just not talking about the government, because the european business association with... . is working as a government, and here we thank the ministry of economy, which participates quite actively in cooperation and solves many issues that are on the business agenda, and not only them, in fact, many other ministries work with us quite promptly, but if you look at the office of the president and on the president himself, at the moment, let's face it, for two years there was almost no business meeting with the president, there were only separate meetings and
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a small number. persons, and in particular one from six months ago, somewhere like this, and look, on monday , january 22, business representatives, some of whom complained about the pressure of executive bodies, met with members of the cabinet of ministers, and zelensky paid some attention to this problem in his evening address, but when we talk, so to speak, about certain realities, well this is how this mechanism should work, well , the president will say everything, everything will be fine. well, the appeal is good, the appeal is good, and that's all great, and that's absolutely what separates, but at the moment, what we're seeing already is that the negative attitude, or i should say, well, there's less optimism in business community, in a transparent business community, and this is a dangerous signal, because if last year, well, i personally, as the director of the association, saw that many of the businesses that we unite,
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more or less held back. and they had one a strong enough fighting spirit, and they thought that everything was fine, they kept good financial results, then already this year they had a serious enough fate of pessimism, and we need to talk about this ms. anna, we have a moment, but i would also like to know if there is a reaction from the government and parliamentarians regarding the reservation of workers, we understand that it is very important for business, but it seems that such a decision has no prospects, when high taxes will be paid for the reservation of workers... to put it mildly, the prospects are not very promising, well, well, again yes, we, i represent a business that is transparent, that pays taxes, and in fact for a certain group of such businesses, well, such a decision may be acceptable, but you have to look at the details, moreover, we as a business community strive to somehow manage this booking process, because in many cases we simply may not have the manpower, and many times already... the business
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complained that there is no one to work with, moreover, today there are negative trends, and that more value economy is emerging because people refuse to go and work officially and that is the business in order to have a workforce , just have to even cash to pay them, do we achieve this with all these things, so ms. anna, unfortunately, unfortunately, we hear your position, we understand it, but we have to finish, because the air time is running out, anna derevyanko, executive director of the european business association was in touch. meanwhile , the time for news has already passed in our press, so we will pass the floor to iryna koval, who from the news editorial office has already prepared relevant information for you. iro, we pass it on you have a word, and actually say what this issue will be about. thank you marta, what is in the issue about when the nationwide strike of polish farmers will begin, about the meeting of the minister of foreign affairs of canada and...


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