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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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the question also remained unanswered, that is, in fact, the conceptual article is good , written in a difficult way, for understanding, it is accessible to experts who know the entire background of changes in the approaches to conducting hostilities, and why cn, really, let’s say this, there are questions whether there were in this, after all, there are these political insurance factors, that in particular there is a question about the removal of zaluzhny, about his replacement there, and then zaluzhny... somewhat trolls those politicians who believe that conducting hostilities is a simple matter, that it is possible arrive on the battlefield, distribute tasks, there the military will run forward, he wants to possibly raise the level of discussion to such a level that this white noise related to the fact that fighting is simple, so that it still moves aside and then the conduct of hostilities as an art really comes to the fore, which requires and certain. potential and certain knowledge and certain
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opportunities, in a certain way, of course, well , it is hard not to notice that there is such a correlation, that processes are taking place in ukraine, and there is already a look into the political future, who will be who after this war, and already now something is happening, well, if we return closer to the military operations, then if we believe... what the foreign media write, they write that the meaning of the current discussion between the political power and the military, it is that the military will talk, give us half a million people and give us a material resource in order to change the situation on the battlefield, and the political authorities answer: you will not have half a million, because ukraine is tired, find or we will find others, then... will revive the situation on the battlefield,
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well, the answer goes on , ok if not people, let's, let's work with technologies and find new options , but there is still such a message here, well, the problem is fundamental, if, if there are no people on the battlefield, if the mobilization of half a million is a certain problem, then anyone on the battlefield is nothing will not change, and if the task of the political power is to... the war without moving the front, then the existing military leadership, which already has experience, can also do it, but then we need to set the tasks: well, let's speak publicly , that there will be no more people on the battlefield, you have to work with what is there, well, there is of course a little rotation, and to find other options and that, the military leadership, that the system of military leadership, which is already with... in these two years,
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she can cope with it, i do not rule out that there is also such a signal, well, at least in such and such a form that our partners understand it, they are no longer interested in dealing with who does not like whom in ukraine and who does what, they need the system to work, someone should explain what mobilization of the problem, they already know it, and what will you do, well oh... what should they do, but again , this question remains, why in cn and why it is so difficult, well, maybe there was no other form, well , then the question is what to do, in any case , these technological approaches, they the essence is conceptually correct, but for them to work, a certain period of time is needed, when they will give effect to the situation on the front line, and we will now have such a certain gap of opportunities, when we do not have you. basic
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tools to maintain the situation on the front line, and then the question arises, what do you think about the receipt of american aid for these political decisions, is there a risk that they will be dragged out for so long that it will really create significant problems for our line of defense where it now passes, well , now we have to save, in principle i think that.. .. as for ammunition and , well, ammunition, what is being produced now , in principle, it was paid for a long time ago, and here it does not depend so much on the current decision-making, the current decision-making is precisely calculated for further technologies, which will make it possible to decisively bring the war to victory, in order to get, well , you need old weapons, you need old weapons, to get the situation at the front, but i understand it... in addition to holding
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the situation at the front and waiting when defense industry in europe and the united states regarding the production of old weapons, which they did not plan. already produce, or they will raise production to the levels that ukraine needs, i think this should happen by the end of the year, but we have to live until the end of the year, and now we need to find these old calibres, either i, or the idea comes up, or give us your old weapon, the a10 is quite suitable for compensating for the lack of ammunition on the battlefield, it is better than the su 25. you have a lot of them, you discontinued them, come on, this is one question, i think , in principle, to maintain the situation on the battlefield, in principle, there is enough money, there is enough and much that has been paid for, what is currently being produced in factories is paid for,
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money is needed to find a little there in south korea, somewhere like that, there are still calibers that are missing, but to... have new technologies are needed, these are needed, this money is needed, this money is needed, and perhaps this is also what the discussion is about, that technologies are needed, this is a language that our partners understand, technological development, there is a green transition, and here are the technologies needed, including, the war should become technological without large human sacrifices, well, perhaps in this way, in this way the opinion is also conveyed that money should still be given. on new technologies that will allow, in principle, well, everyone is talking about what many are saying, well, in fact, russia is not is already strong, it has its problems, they hide them, but they are there, and it is really possible to simply give more long-range weapons for all
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with all these technologies, long-range weapons that will allow working in the entire occupied territory in large volumes, well, more technological, but still not the most modern systems, this will also solve the situation, well, something revolves around this, but we will repeat it again, it is difficult to say yet why it is so difficult, why in the cnn. and mr. alexiyu, here is the last question, perhaps there will be a short answer, nuland , the us deputy assistant secretary of state for political affairs, is visiting kyiv and, based on the results, says that putin will receive a victory there... any pleasant or unpleasant surprises on the battlefield for the success of the ukrainian army, what kind of surprises can we be talking about, or is it possible talk about the fact that in particular there will be some solutions that did not exist before, well, in particular, there will be strikes on the territory of russia
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by american means, the transfer of some samples that were not planned before, do you have any assumptions about this such an optimistic statement by nuland. whom will i allow territory, everyone is hoping for it, i think it is possible to apply it for aerial purposes already now, maybe it is possible, whether it is possible to apply it on the ground for the territory of ukraine, i am not sure, i do not rule out that there are additional conditions, well, there should be a rebranding, nothing , and there is a storm in the swamps, there must be something like that, a ukrainian missile, i will remind you that we talked about... the topic of zaluzhnyi’s article the new design of war with oleksiy yezhak, this is an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, the article is extremely interesting and powerful, it reflects certain realities, but we will and further analyze it already in other dimensions related to our defense industry,
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because there also zaluzhne says that our defense industry is too regulated, we need to change approaches, look for new solutions and resources, but we... talk about this in our the second part of the program, and now the advertising and information block. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, what you want i will lift. dolgit is the only one yellow cream for joint pain and. for muscle spasms, dolgit antispasmodics tablets , dolgit antispasmodics, to relax muscles and calves, there are 10% discounts on citramondarnitsa in the psarynsky bam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can
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let's have better roads, we will have even better ones . a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. i'm here in the meantime. so i'll be back home soon,
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live now where you are, let's continue on... our program war and weapons we say first of all, about valery zaluzhny's article, which appeared on the cnn resource, the design of war, which is changing, it talks about the need for technological changes, about the need for the development of our defense industry, about the need to make more ammunition, about a certain formalization in the management of our defense industry, and about these and other aspects related to our defense industry, both public and private. we will talk with our guest, we will be joined by the head of the all-ukrainian association
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of employers' organization of the federation of mashudin of industry and the head of the ukrenmash corporation vitaliy nemolostivy, mr. vitaliy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you and the audience, i would first of all like to start with the article by zaluzhnyi, i am not sure, i am sure that you had time to read it, because it is extremely so large and complex, on the other hand, in... says one of the theses, which refers to the fact that the defense industry is currently regulated in a certain way in ukraine, it is necessary to look for certain approaches to unblock the work of our defense industry, but in any case, about i would like to hear from you a little bit about the work of our defense industry, because against the background of the fact that a number of inspections by law enforcement agencies were currently taking place. various entrepreneurs , various structures that affected the efficiency of work, then there was an appeal to the president
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that in fact such unpredictable actions on the part of regulatory bodies should be stopped, and how it is now affecting the work of the defense industry from the point of view of our law enforcement agencies and how it should be changed the existence of our defense industry in view of the needs that general zaluzhnyi speaks about. thanks for the question, i really haven't had time to read the article yet, but from what i 've heard from you, well, there's nothing new for me, and experts know that we have... an ineffective management system for the defense-industrial complex, we you have already been talking about it, well, i have been talking about it for, for example, 15 years, the first program that was prepared normal for the reform and development of the defense-industrial complex of ukraine was dated august 2008, it began
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to be implemented, if it was implemented, then until 2013 would not be left for us... of the private sector in the defender, he remained only in such sensitive things, well, which cannot be transferred into private hands, for example, there is a system for protecting communications or removing information and so on and so on, special chemistry, those things that had to be left, unfortunately, the president changed and the defense industry was led in a completely different direction, so what does general zaluzhnyi say... well, he just can't stand it anymore and comments, experts have known this for a long time, let's say. regarding your specific questions about law enforcement pressure, after meeting with the president of the last decree of the nsdc, all the necessary commands were given and the arbitrariness,
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let's say, that was taking place, was suspended, but the term of this suspension was suspended. it is defined in the decree , even it is 3 months, so yesterday and the day before yesterday there would be a lot of meetings with representatives of the cabinet of ministers, the president's office, the national security council, at different levels of different groups of specialists, who decided what we should do in time in these three months , so that when this, let's say, manual mode ends, it will already work more... a less normal system is in power, the first decisions were made yesterday, yesterday, you know, so that the parliament was introduced as an urgent bill from the president, so that those questions about profit would still be solved, uh, that enterprises of all forms of ownership were forbidden to have a profit during the execution
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of defense orders, well, my opinion, as it was and still is, that there is no need for any laws in the law on... defense procurement, it is clearly stated that the customer has the right of the state, if there is a justification, to revise the price, both in the direction of increase and decrease, and the executor of the defense order also has the right to submit proposals for a justified increase or decrease, well , the situation has already reached such a dead end that they decided that it should be done again by law, well, this well, apparently, yesterday there was a meeting with the first... of ukraine, the minister of economy, yulia sviridenko, and it was also agreed that the government will look at the form of standard contracts with the ministry of defense, which do not have these clauses. in addition, a lot of issues were discussed. also, you know yesterday at its meeting, the government considered three
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decisions that simplify the work related to the purchase of drones, regarding the fact that the components for ... economic entities of all forms of ownership for all types of ammunition, this is such a very positive decision that will lead to a reduction of time there by three to six, sometimes even by nine months, that is why certain movements have begun, but all these movements, if we do not change the paradigm in three months. what do i mean by paradigm shift? we already have a task from 20 there on the 10th , the law on the defense industry has been adopted. we have in the verkhovna rada three projects from the 13th year, 2013, 2017, 2000, 20th, as if they all froze there and are
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in the verkhovna rada. yesterday we discussed at the meeting of the federation of employers of ukraine and came out of what should be raised all these projects, also take the translated text of the law of the united states of america on this matter, and do, well, without inventing a normal the law, the bill and to introduce it , mr. vitali, i will interrupt you a little bit , i understand a little bit that you are talking about important legislative things, but when we go down to the sinful ground, what is happening now with our defense industry, in particular, private industry, are there... orders from our manufacturers, are they there three-year orders, are there funds in the ministry of defense in order to pay, pay for production, what is happening here, you have absolutely valid questions, i just started with legislative initiatives and am going down, let's say as you say on the ground unfortunately, unfortunately
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, there are no three-year contracts, yesterday we also discussed everything that if they do not appear, and everything will be managed in manual mode, then nothing good will happen further. unfortunately, whether to buy imported products or domestic products depends on the official, until now, on one. yesterday, using the example of fire engines, for example , it was considered that we have our own manufacturers, three companies have produced a sufficient number of fire engines, but some official there says: why do i need domestic ones, i will buy imported ones there, this should not happen, we should on at the legislative level, at the level of government decisions to prohibit officials from unilaterally canceling, by the way, it was for the contracted, and changed the procurement plan and say: that we do not need, unfortunately, unfortunately, money for the preparation of the production of armed military equipment, which is laid
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in the budget, are not allocated to private companies, in general , from the word at all, it is very, very, very bad, why are they not allocated, well, because the ministry has live people working, and they say, as soon as we allocate money to private companies, to we are coming law enforcement officers and return. this is what we seem to have started with, criminal cases are brought against us, against officials, although there is no legal restriction on whether to allocate public or private funds, and it turns out to be an ineffective use of public funds, why is it ineffective? you know all these statistical figures, the head of ukroboronprom said that in the 23rd year the growth was 62%. and he is telling the truth, but this is growth in the state sector, which is subordinate to ukroboronprom. by the way, no one says that in this 62% increase, 90% are in favor
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account of co-executors of private enterprises. at the same time, the minister says that there has been a 300% increase there. and he is telling the truth. why he is telling the truth is because all the other growth is private sector. and at the same time, this is the ministry itself. funds for the preparation of production are allocated only to the state sector, that's what i mean by inefficiency, we proposed, we even prepared a draft resolution of the verkhovna rada to oblige the cabinet of ministers to allocate funds proportionally to the private sector. the second thing we suggested is that money highlighted by example, for example, how not in the military industry, in the military industry, there is an impression that our country, well , is not at war now, and... in the agrarian and industrial complex, everything works, everyone knows what to do, how to do it, in defense - industrial, as if we live in another country. i remind you, well
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, for 15 years in the agrarian-industrial complex , the following happens: the government and the ministry of agrarian policy determine priorities, well, for example, there are granaries or refrigerators, or fruit storages, or there are some gardens, and they allocate funds for... development exactly in this direction, how it is done , the private sector makes the facilities, after he has made them, put them into operation, a commission comes, checks what he has done, well, for example, a refrigerator, or planted an apple orchard there, checked, checked its expenses, signed and compensated 70% from the state budget, it has been working for 15 years, it's cool, why does it work in the agricultural sector and not in the defense sector? and this will remove responsibility from a specific official in the ministry, because he is really afraid, because
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they immediately come to him and say: oh, why did you give him money and not give him money? well, we have such a legal system, such a legal culture, that our law enforcement agencies believe that if the money was given to a private company, then it is bad, and if it is state-owned, then it is good, although it is not effective at all, well, then you... the situation , that relatively speaking, now, as i understand it , there are no orders from the private defense industry today, they fulfill at best the annual contracts of last year, and now this procurement procedure is changing, but we see that the emphasis everything will be at the bottleneck through ukroboronprom, and everything will be concentrated there. no, i would not say that, i would repeat, i say that there are no three-year contracts, there are short-term contracts in... the private sector and in the public sector, but you yourself understand that in order to make a decision to invest funds , you need to have some kind of business plan and technique,
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economically. and well, there are no such profits in the defense industry, it’s not drug trade there, yes, why did you invest money today in the series for the preparation of serial production and in a year i paid it off, the payback terms are not set in three years, they are set in 5-7 years, but in our country today there is a system that is fully formed by the laws of ukraine, that you can sign three-year contracts, we ask, let's go. for example, for weapons samples that have been adopted for service, i emphasize, not those that are just being developed, because there are, well, certain doubts, let's say, from the customers, that it will be of high quality and something else, well, for example, btr-4, ukrainian armored personnel carrier, put into service, our general staff knows 20 years ahead how much it needs there are four armored personnel carriers, why is there no three-year contract, and by the way, mr. general zaluzhnyi, i respect
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and love him, well, like our entire country, but i also have a question for him for the head of the general staff: where are you from order for 3 years for btr4? is only for a year, and this is precisely the responsibility of the general staff of ukraine, not the ministry of defense. when we come to the officials of the ministry of defense, they say, guys, we have a computer, paper and a pen or pencil, everything else is what the general staff requires of us, well then it's more of a question to the general rather than useful from the point of view of how to plan all needs and purchases for a certain period of time, mr. serhiy, look, you know all the generals by word of mouth, i also know them a little, well, well, we won’t learn them with you, as among ourselves to communicate and which of them should do what, their tasks, so that in the ministry of defense the need was formed for 3 years, at least for the samples of weapons
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that are adopted for service. the same anti-tank missiles, the same missiles there neptune, the same, i can list ad infinitum, everything that has been put into service, they have calculations for peacetime , for offensive, for defense, whatever, they can provide these needs, unfortunately, either they lie, the ministry of defense says that they do not have them, or the general staff does not, mr. vitaly, thank you for your explanations, there were some... expressive, dynamic, but we did not discuss everything, i think that in the following inclusions we will still be able to return to other important points related to the development of our defense industry, i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was vitaly nemylostivy, the head of the all-ukrainian union of employers, machine builders of ukraine. so, what are the conclusions of the technological vision expressed by general zaluzhny, which involves the creation of new approaches at the expense of a significant number of robotic
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platforms of various purposes, new approaches. application to reduce the burden on personnel, which is currently lacking on the front line, but there are everyday needs from the point of view of the production of armored vehicles, ammunition, other things, some of which can be made by our domestic defense industry, but here so there are certain disadvantages associated with the lack of long-term orders that do not allow for the purchase of equipment, the scaling of products at the expense of this equipment, and this also creates in... challenges for our defense industry to be strengthened precisely at the expense of our own capabilities. i think that all these challenges should be taken into account by the ministry of defense, the general staff, and other bodies, so that our defense is stronger, and the potential of our defense industry develops at a rapid pace. these were the main results of this program, stay tuned on the espresso channel.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. racists hit the center of kherson with an aerial bomb. two people were injured, including a 73-year-old woman and a teenager, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. later the occupiers.


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