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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm EET

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this is a crime, the cases are not even dismissed without merit, in that, i will repeat, how much disrespect and outright contempt this is done for all people, i am honest, friends, but above all i ask you to remember not only that, they still will be fired for good, i have no doubts about it, but how it is done, you understand that this is what actually shows the real attitude of these people to the people of ukraine, that is, to such, you know, speechless biomass, which should just nod its mane and to read... smelly telegram trash, what kind of bunch of shit, i won't to say bad words on the air, so that , well, although i don’t know if nasrad can have any complaints against you, but well, that is, this is a very beautiful picture, i have no doubt that they will still return to this story in the near future, because the diligent in they have a problem precisely because they believe that he should be removed right now, before he goes on some political story, like this, thank you bohdan, oleksiy, please, so i 'll just go back to what i started with , it's... actually descriptive, to say the least
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about the party and chess terminology, the term tsuksvan, when each, every move is a losing one, both from a political and from a human point of view, because yes, of course, zaluzhny's popularity is high, but comparing zaluzhny's popularity with aristovych's is pointless, because oristovych is a media figure, absolutely, who existed only in the media space, zaluzhnyi is not... a media figure, more precisely, he is the last media figure. he, if we talk about his political weight, it is already there, his reputation is already formed, a large group is already formed support in society, and if we consider him as a political competitor, then any move, to leave the useful, it means that he is... a figure equivalent to the president,
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that is, he obviously no longer hides his disagreements with the president, and the president cannot to influence him, to dismiss him, this means that in fact it is possible, as they say, not to hold elections, because a person goes to the peak of his popularity, a person who has proven that he can do something and not something, but very big things, then the whole responsibility is transferred to... to zelenskyi and others regardless of that, he will appoint zelensky anyway, and the hard-working one finds himself in a free political position, he has full freedom of maneuver, so nothing can be done about it, it cannot be done, and i would not say that they they want to release him earlier, because it reduces the chances of the employee for the future, no, i do not reduce it in any way. and the risk
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is very high, because the situation is difficult, both in military terms and in political terms in the country. i don't think that the authorities can completely ignore the reaction of society, and even how they tried to suppress this story, shows that in fact, she is forced to listen to the opinion of society, no matter how much she wants it. after all, we do not have russia, and secondly, one more factor is very important, everyone understood why she came, and it is obvious that now everything is pretending that nothing happened, this is a throw-in through telegram channels, which means that obviously the position of our allies is unequivocal, they are not interested in any conflicts arising now. runawayness, and
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even more so, some kind of political game was being played out in ukraine in such a situation as it is ukraine is at war, we see what problems arise in europe and the united states, when they start playing political games there, how it affects the situation of ukraine, the more so, obviously they understand that this is not the time, it is in ukraine itself. thank you, oleksiy, tatiana, you watched what was happening this week. at the summit of the european union, and all this was happening, what was happening in ukraine, all this information, let's say, information support of this conflict, which is still outside the borders there, outside the walls on bankova street, outside the walls of the president's office, already at that time the world media had gone over how, how in... europe and the european union, how
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they reacted to it, i.e. do they see unity in ukraine, are they ready to support this unity, money they highlighted , it is clear that... they want to see the projected government, they do not want this government to quarrel with each other, civil and military, so that everyone goes to victory together, otherwise, then why should they help ukraine if this government quarrels among ourselves? absolutely, for western partners, these are these political games, false rumors, this is absolutely not at the right time, because if at the time, when somewhere in ukraine, under the influence of the bank... some media leaks and rumors are being prepared, then the european leaders discussed how to actually save ukraine and the ukrainian budget for the next four years, because the ukrainian budget cannot survive without a subsidy from the west, orban called ukraine a bankrupt state yesterday and today
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, this is a bit too much, but there is part of the truth in this, without western money, ukraine will not survive, will not survive, and therefore extremely unpleasant for each of our western partners to see in zmi messages about such and such political conflicts, about zelenskyi's plans, to remove the villain, not to remove the villain, my colleague very correctly said that everything is equal in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of the west, zelensky is responsible for everything, what is happening in ukraine, and if he does not show this kind of integrity, command of the ukrainian authorities, then this affects very badly the general perception of ukraine in the world, on trust. to ukraine on the trust of the ukrainian authorities, and god knows with the ukrainian authorities, but this is trust in us, this is our support, this is our future, the future of our war, our victory, so it is very important that the ukrainian authorities finally understand that right now
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is absolutely the time for political games and manipulations wrong, we must think about unity, we must think about war, we must think about some government of national unity, how can this be done, we must think. about serious things, not about games. do you think it is only about political jealousy and about the future of the same zelenskyi or zelensky, or in principle, without the future of ukraine and without a peaceful future, without a victorious future , there is no point in talking about political ratings and political prospects. absolutely correct, there is no point in talking. about politics , if the future of the state is at stake, we need to talk about where to get more, where to get more ammunition, where to get more weapons, where to get more funds, because these 5-10 billion promised to us for four years are not enough for to maintain the same level of development
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of ukraine as it was two years ago, if, in the west, there is a unanimous opinion that the ukrainian government should have some one. the only thought-out, normal, logical voice, and all these political battles now look completely out of place against the background of the events taking place at the front. well, but all this is happening against the background of the existence of a single telethon, the existence of some telegram of errors on which the authorities are betting, and , let's say, problems that practically all journalists have with freedom of speech, in one way or another and... this week our colleagues met with the ambassadors of the g7 there happened behind closed doors, only those who were there know, and somehow they do not share it very much, maybe bohdan, you know something about what, what, what, what they talked about, because
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if the ambassadors of the big seven pay attention to it and give a public signal to the authorities, well, we see, including our colleague vitaly. portnikov at this meeting, however , what they said remained behind closed doors, that is, even we did not manage to find out what they talked about, what the ambassadors told them, what do you think, the topic of freedom of speech and the topic of , what what is happening with freedoms in ukraine, despite the fact that there is martial law, will this be the main topic in the future. why the communication of the political leadership of ukraine with our western partners? well, i don't know what happened at this meeting, i'll tell you right away, i wasn't invited there, it wasn't me, believe me, i absolutely did not want to be there, although,
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to be honest, considering that i am one of the main characters of constant sketches garbage collectors of the bank, then if it was possible to invite, for example, some people who have orders were present there from zelenskyi, this is our direction... i was a little surprised, but less about that, it is a matter of europeans, who to meet, less about that, it is not the surnames that are important here , the fact itself is important here, i absolutely agree with you, i am sure that - firstly, this was a public story, this photo was clearly taken in order... to show the authorities that they say that we are vigilant, plus let's not forget, there is informal, let's say, communication, i want to draw your attention here, dear colleagues, dear, one very interesting fact: today is friday, and on wednesday evening zelensky dismissed a very interesting character, the head of the so-called department of national statehood protection, security service of ukraine. what kind of structure is this? this is a structure that, even according to its official powers, is responsible for... let's say, content analysis of the media, that is, they monitor the media even officially, well, not officially
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, of course, when necessary, they monitor and even without any hordes. i will remind you that by a very interesting coincidence, three people who were known to be the ones who came to the apartment of our colleague yuriy nikalova, and they were allegedly hired by a person who directly said that he was from the sbu. and as for our colleagues from bigusinfo, i think you remember the story about 30 rils very well, i have a different opinion. you can call these beings, because even from the point of view of the quality of the actions of the special services, this is simply complete incompetence, that is, 30 people who came to the rooms where the journalists came for a corporate party the next day, pointed out the cameras, and a day after the journalists left , they drove all over again and took off these cameras, if you suddenly did not notice, friends, then bigus immediately took pictures of the faces of these people without any problems, he has been searching for the last faces of those who were there all day, that is, exactly who it was, and therefore, let's say this, according to my information... they gave me there , in fact, this entire operation was dirty just handled by this dznd, including there were not only
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representatives of this department, departments and others, for example, the department of the sbu, as my sources tell me, but less so, what is important here is that this dismissal of the head of the dznd is absolutely not accidental, by the way, it happened literally a day after that photo with journalists of the j7 ambassadors that you just showed was taken, which is what we 're talking about now, which obviously the event showed very clearly, let's say... so the media, how to say it, media to creatures from the bank , with reduced social responsibility, who were engaged in ordering such dirty, stupid, you know, provocations in the style of viktor yanukovych in the 13th year, in principle, this does not surprise me, given that the entire entourage of volodymyr zelenskyi is essentially a service the parties of the regions, that is, all from yermak, tatarov, smirnova, padalyak, these people are from there, so in principle, the same methods apply to them, so i think that this is the dismissal of this head of the dznd. this is the best confession about who was the mastermind and who was absolutely, of course, an imbecile, but
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the perpetrator of these attacks on journalists, so look, i just want to say that you know, the only thing that saves us from total authoritarianism in our country , now it is that fortunately these five or six effective managers, which volodymyr zelenskyi pointed out at his press conference, in fact, they are very unprofessional and, excuse me, talentless people who cannot order even a normal provocation against journalists. and order such performers who do such things. i will remind you that very soon an investigation will be released on bilgosinfo, in which i hope the names of all these fine operatives, most likely those who participated in these provocations, will be named, so now the president's office, in its signature style , is trying to make sure that the cow is not mine, the moped is not mine, and it was not me, and we in general we are dismissing the head of the dznd, because he did not investigate and did not help our journalists, did not save our gold... and the culper from some incomprehensible customers, who could it be, it's scary to imagine, you see, i'm just
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wondering who this one is aimed at, well you understand, this level of telegram sloppiness , this kind of rhetoric, this kind of communication with people, if they think that it will work, well , they are very wrong, but i will say the worst thing last and finish, i am sure that i will repeat the dates of may 20, 2024 , volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi and his entourage will tear the roof down more and more because there will be more and more fear, so i have no doubt. that these provocations will continue, if you ask me if they will cancel the telethon, no, they won't, if you ask me, if the president's office will stop messing around with this garbage on telegram, no, it won't stop, if the president's office will stop holding a meeting with instagram bloggers in order to be fashionable and influence young minds, no, it will not stop, because this is the flesh of these people, they will never be different, so unfortunately, before that at the moment, while they, unfortunately, represent the power in ukraine. and they will continue such actions, that's all. thank you , bohdan, this is bohdan butkevich, it was, we, colleagues,
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will take a short break, we say goodbye to bohdan, to oleksiy and to tatyana, we will continue our conversation after a short pause on the channel. there are discounts on glycyset and glycyset max of 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. why am i here i have sensitive teeth, eat ice cream, pain, cold air - pain, sweet - pain. the dentist recommended lacal sensitive, which effectively reduces tooth sensitivity. if i knew sensitive would not have had to come here before. lacalot sensitive - reliable protection against pain. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recovery to melamah b6, full sleep and
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today, during our broadcast, we ask you about the following: are there problems with freedom in ukraine? if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, either yes or no, write your option in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv 0800 211 381, if you see problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, no 0800 211 38020 calls to these numbers are free, call us, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, we are in touch today... er tetyana vysotska and oleksiy mustafin , bohdan butkevich, unfortunately, left our air, he has his own affairs, and we continue the conversation with our colleagues, well, actually, i already mentioned the aid of 50 billion euros from the european union, volodymyr
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zelenskyi called it financial guarantees for social stability and a clear signal to moscow, what... europe stands firm and is united in the fight against the aggressor. let's listen to what zelensky said. now it is important that the distribution of these funds takes place by analogy with the previous format of support. the first two tranches, we need a larger amount, 18 billion euros per year. and then the stability of the state will be greater. teams of ukraine. and the european union will work out this issue. tatiana, you observed the eu summit and the way it all happened, you already mentioned orban , who is quite ambiguous about ukraine and comments on what is happening in in ukraine or in europe, they understand that this money is absolutely necessary for ukraine,
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because there were discussions, and it is clear that there and... slovakia also said something against it, then, actually, it was decided in favor of ukraine and quite quickly, that affected it? and it is absolutely certain that in europe, the leaders of the european states understand that this aid is vital for ukraine, especially given that the united states of america has not yet agreed on allocating any aid to... ukraine for 2024, and just yesterday and the president of the european commission, charles michel, and the president of the european council, of course, charles michel and the president of the european commission, ursula fonde. talked about the fact that yesterday's decision of the european council is also a signal to the united states of america that they should finally do something, that they should finally come to an agreement among themselves and also provide
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support to ukraine, because the victory of ukraine, the survival of ukraine is a vital issue also for the european union, because they all perfectly understand, especially the baltic states and poland, that if ukraine, god forbid, does not win, but loses, then they will be the next victims... they will become the kremlin and it is not for nothing that nato is currently conducting the largest military exercises since the end of the cold war. they also want to send a signal to russia that they are ready, they are not afraid, they are preparing for a possible attack, but of course the fact that money was allocated to ukraine yesterday is very important, it is important for ukraine, it is important for europe, it is important for the whole world, and even. that orban agreed, his reasoning is interesting for the domestic consumer, he gave an interview to hungarian radio today, and said, as they say: i have achieved
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that hungarian money does not go to ukraine, and it looks a little funny, because hungary has always been a recipient state from the european budget, that is, it always gives to the european budget much more than it receives, but nevertheless, orbán agreed, and this everything is very good. the next round is now negotiations with the european parliament, and at the end of this month there will be a vote by which the european parliament must finally approve the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine. will wait. and with 3 in february, ukraine's negotiations with the european union countries will begin regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, that is, we are standing on the threshold. very important decisions on the part of european countries and it is very important for us to see whether europe actually accepts us into its
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family or not . words, how internal politics and the internal situation... will affect the attitude towards us from the outside of the european union, will all these issues be re-articulated, or will these issues be dealt with more harshly after our victory, when ukraine will not be in a state of war, pardon the taftology of the state, already in the post-victory period. well, look, so to speak. about the beginning of changes about joining the european union, then the question here is not , we are, we are in the european union, ukraine is accepted in the state in which it
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should be in order to be a member of the european union, and this situation with orban just once again emphasizes that the demands of the european union to ukraine are not taken from the ceiling, i told tusk that now... europe is not tired of ukraine, there is tiredness of orban. but the behavior of middle-class countries is stressful precisely because they do not want to get another orban in their ranks, because while the country is negotiating its accession, it can be more carefully treated, make demands and so on. when it enters the european union, it is transformed, if it is not reformed and not brought to the state of a truly democratic country. then a headache begins, as in the organs, therefore certainly for the european union , the victory of ukraine is important, but if in the context
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of accession, it will not be a quick process either, it is still a requirement that ukraine be a democratic country that observes all the rules of stable democratic countries, in particular in the matter of the political leader. the issue of compliance with the constitution, including elections , and the issue of freedom of speech, this is very important, and, let's say, to expect that we will be automatically credited with it, it's just, let's say , too risky, so, in fact, like in the situation with the story with the resignation of the meritorious , we take her while in quotation marks, and in the story with pressure on the press, in... in two cases, the stack is activated, in the first case, nordland comes to tell, i was reminded of this actually in a slightly different situation, when you remember
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johnson. arrived when, arrived, when , er, some conversations started there about painful compromises with russia, so now something new is arriving, er, it’s also the meeting of the ambassadors with media representatives, i basically guess what they were talking about, and actually it’s not a big secret, which the ukrainian media and western diplomats always talk about, it says that... it is important for ukraine to win, but it is important to win as a democratic country in which freedom of speech is respected, but in fact, it is a gesture, first of all, it is not important, it is not so important, what is being said, it was necessary to communicate, what not it is necessary to arrange surveillance, to throw in some information about journalists of a dubious nature, is it clear to the current ukrainian authorities, and i want to note that
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the requirement... to have free media, freedom of the media is one of the requirements for granting ukraine and one of the conditions for granting 50 billion euros to ukraine, because 50 billion euros are given to ukraine for a reason, in exchange for reforms, and there is a mention of freedom of speech in the document even adopted yesterday in the european council, but i want to add that still, as of now , the war is helping the ukrainian authorities in this regard , because... if it weren't for the war, the west would talk to the banks in completely different words and with a different rhetoric, but since the war is going on now, many things that the ukrainian government is doing, including oppression, unfortunately, journalists, their eyes are closed, and as one of the european officials said yesterday, that at the beginning of the implementation of the reform plan of ukraine, which will be adopted after that, as
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a decision was made to provide ukraine with 50 billion. euro , then at the beginning the demands will be weaker, but the demands will be stronger and stronger every month, that is, now we still have such carte blanche, because there is a war, because they turn a blind eye, but the further time goes on, the more there will be claims to the authorities from the west, including in the sphere of freedom of speech. thank you tetyana, it was tetyana vysutska, our correspondent in european structures, oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, tv producer and bohdan butkevich. were our guests today, i thank everyone for participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, now let's look at the results of the survey, 88% of those who watched us on tv , said that there are problems with freedom of speech, 12% believe that there are no such problems, on youtube the proportions are approximately the same, 85% of people
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believe... that there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, 15% do not. friends, for those who are now watch us on youtube, please like this video to promote it in youtube trends, we will be grateful for it. it was the verdict program, it was conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish you all good health, a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are discounts on tantum verde of 10% in psarynky pam and oskad pharmacies. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain and reduces swelling.


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