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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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but it is more frightening not to know one's status , to give the disease, to cause an attack and to infect loved ones, therefore, the test for vil is about love for oneself and for others, about the possibility of saving their lives and one's life, because with modern medicines, vil is not transmitted and is not scary, knowledge of difficult things is important, and knowledge of the ox saves life. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. in response to reports of his potential resignation, valery zaluzhnyi shared his vision of the war. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine wrote an article about the new war strategy, which in his opinion, kyiv should apply to win. over russia zaluzhnyi's thoughts were
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published on the website of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as on the portal of the american television company cnn with the title "the design of war has changed." the article, the article appeared against the background of numerous reports in the ukrainian and western press about the alleged resignation of the head of the committee. well, in fact, you can say that this is the publication of a general who is one step away or on the verge of his release. ukolontsi zaluzhny admits that ukraine is inferior to the enemy in the number of weapons and mobilization. resources and offers to bet on expanding the production and use of drones. between the lines, however, it is not difficult to see criticism of state institutions. in particular , the holovkom emphasizes the partial monopolization of the defense industry and the imperfection of ukrainian legislation, which lead to problems with the production of weapons in ukraine. the main reason for the change in strategy, forms and methods of military use is undoubtedly the development of weapons and military equipment.
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unmanned systems, the use of which has become widespread and allows for a wide range of applications tasks, which is constantly growing, and therefore unmanned systems, along with other modern types of weapons, are almost the only tool for getting out of military actions of a positional form, which are time-unprofitable for ukraine for a number of reasons. at the same time, in the current situation, there are still a number of factors that definitely affect the decision to find new forms of use of defense forces, here are some of them: the unstable political situation in ukraine, which leads to a reduction in military support. the essential advantage in mobilization and human resources the enemy and the inability of state institutions in ukraine to improve the state of the defense forces without resorting to unpopular measures. the imperfection of the regulatory and legal framework governing the defense-industrial complex in our country and the partial monopolization of this industry lead to difficulties in the production of domestic ammunition, as a result of deepening ukraine's dependence on supplies from allies. it is interesting that some ukrainian
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military experts have already noted that zaluzhnyi's article is a fairly clear vision of the strategy war why is this important, because i will remind you that according to ukrainian and western media reports, zelenskyi wants to release zaluzhnyi, because he, they say, has no plans to conduct hostilities . our broadcast is joined by myroslav gai, an officer of the zsu, a volunteer. good evening. good evening. one of the complaints against the commander-in-chief, at least it was voiced publicly and... such statements were heard from people's deputies, was that the general said there were no plans for war. so if we analyze the current column that appeared on the website of the armed forces of ukraine and on the pages of the cnn publication, whether zaluzhny's current column, is it a war plan, is it a strategy, or is it a sign that the general has a clear vision of how and where the war is going? well, look at what the military leadership of the state has. plans for war
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, i tell you this for sure, because such plans are developed in peacetime, they are constantly reviewed from the point of view of possible threats, there are a lot of such plans, and this is one of the tasks, one of the tasks of any military leadership to plan, looking from the situation, to calculate who can be a hypothetical opponent, and which are ours... acts in if, for example, the war happens near our borders, and not on our territories, then these plans, they are constantly revised, take place from year to year, so the fact that you and i have read everything, we have something to do with , can you hear me, or is it just a picture we lost, hello, sorry, yes, i can hear you , i guess what we read an essay on ...
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the commander-in-chief's view of those challenges that, let's say, those challenges , which appeared during the russian-ukrainian war, well, it's simple. his analysis of the situation and analysis of those threats, those decisions that need to be made, those means that need to be taken into account during either planning, or action, well, or participation in wars of a new, newest type, a new type, and is it a plan, it is not a plan, it is his view, so what shows that the approaches and basic principles of fighting have changed. and miroslava, do you and in general your brothers, colleagues, people who are at war, agree with the view of the commander-in-chief, well, if you ask me personally, i read very carefully this column and the short version, the full version, well this
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realistic enough, a normal view of those approaches, we have something again from the video, or you me? you hear, maybe you hear, you hear, yes , hear, hear, sorry, i'm just on the road, i 'm just on the road and i'm losing connection, oh no, it's clear that this is a completely objective realistic view of that the realities of modern wars have changed, you understand, such challenges that ukraine has experienced in our new, modern russian-ukrainian war, with him. no army in the world faced such challenges, mass application drones, means of electronic warfare , then we see that the weight of artillery on the battlefield has not decreased, although most others, especially western nato countries,
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never thought that artillery would play such a significant role on the battlefield when millions of ammunition are wasted, and when we see now that... myroslav gai is on the way, as he warned us before joining our air, and from time to time with him, the connection disappears, but we hear you again, yes, you can hear me, yes, yes, yes, you are the whole world now is rethinking, on the example of our war, approaches to planning, defense planning, and the development of the military-industrial complex in general. you are disappearing from us, myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer, is on radio liberty, but the connection, yes, continue, excuse me, please, yes, yes, now the whole
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world is rethinking, because such an experience is not no one had, and it is clear that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine definitely has. advantage, he, unfortunately, she is sad, but he is the very first who was able to summarize and rethink the experience of modern war, that is why he does not have the right to write it fully, because now the whole world is trying to study our experience, and believe me, when representatives of the armed forces of ukraine come to study in nato countries, the tactics of nato forces, for example, yes, working with western weapons countries then believe me, not only they learn, in fact they share their experience and train nato officers, because no nato country has such experience as the armed forces of ukraine, so this is a rethinking, it is logical, and this the article is a generalization of the experience that
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emerged during these two years of the war. we see that the general emphasizes that the weight of operational art does not decrease, that... it is important to change tactics accordingly to the means that have begun to appear on the front, such as the use of drones, radio-technical intelligence, means of radio-electronic warfare, etc. but at the same time we need to old approaches, to old methods of planning, we need now ee m, let's say add this experience generalized, that in general new species will appear in us combat operations, due to the fact that... means, tactics and technical capabilities have changed, that is, he describes a number of operations there, which in the future will be included in the normative documents of the armed forces of ukraine and in the statutes. i understand, you are quite, i understand, you
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are quite positive about the commander-in-chief's publication. we recorded an interview with austrian military expert tom cooper, and he, you know, focused on... including the failures that took place on the part of, including the military leadership of ukraine. i suggest you listen to it, it is a very short fragment, and then supplement it and discuss it. i don't know what people were saying around them or between them. maybe we 'll know what happened in a few years when someone publishes a memoir. i can clearly see in this situation that there were probably disagreements from the first day of the war, and maybe even earlier, but we will see the details, and why so and so on, after the war. the point here is the following: while zaluzhny was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, i did not see any really serious investigation of specific failures. i would say, from my personal point of view, i am not satisfied. hereby. someone very powerful broke and prevented serious reforms of the armed forces
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of ukraine. there was also a delay in znato's communication regarding the need to restore gaps in military training. so, for example, 2,000 soldiers were sent to germany and great britain and they were trained only to storm positions, but not to defend these positions. and now it's ukraine's turn to attack and knock out positions, but it doesn't succeed protect because they have not been trained. as for the defense of the position, it means that someone in the armed forces was not competent enough to tell nato, say, send them to storm, and we do not need defense. i mean, that's complete stupidity, and let's not forget that zelenskyi also failed, just like the president before him. they could have reformed the armed forces years ago and prepared for this war much better. so here it is not only one side, but both sides are guilty of many things. or importantly? figure out who is to blame for what now, learn from it, reform accordingly, and thus have positive
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results in the future. myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a volunteer, is in touch with us. myroslav, what do you say about this expert's comment, he says that there were failures on the part of both the political and military leadership, but, for example, he is confused by the fact that no one investigated these failures, and then you also heard a number of comments . what can you answer to this? me, can i speak, comment? yes of course, of course, i question the expertise of this expert, firstly, he does not, well, he does not comment professionally, first of all, he comments on the political component, not the military component, this is one time, secondly, how do you understand that any -what kind of training is planned by the inviting party, and usually, when they study the tactics of actions, they train the tactics of actions in defense, and in an assault, and in various ... technical conditions, such as work in the city, work in the forest, work in fields
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and so on, this is the first thing, and secondly, as we now see, the nato countries themselves are absolutely not ready for a war with the russian federation, literally in the 16th year, they conducted an examination of the readiness of the nato infrastructure for hostilities with the russian federation, they came to the conclusion that the nato infrastructure is not ready, that there are no hub stations, unloading and loading of military equipment. that they have poor road capacity and that in the event of a major war nato will have logistical problems. now we see that the european countries that are trying to renew the conscription, the so-called conscription, such as, for example, germany, have been unable to do so for several years in a row to do because their infrastructure is destroyed. we also saw that the armed forces of some nato countries were unprepared, they began retraining... checking, the so-called revision of their troops, and we found out that some of their equipment is not working,
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that it is all open, in absolutely can be seen in the open publications, so this expert comments somewhat strangely in general terms and primarily the political component, but i will tell you that our military has repeatedly participated in joint exercises with nato countries and often showed high level, to the point that they even won in some elements of the exercises against forces that, for example, well, if they were playing, for example, a hypothetical enemy, we had a case where a whole battalion in such exercises managed to capture an entire army headquarters, so it's very strange comment, he is not very professional, you see, if he could name some specific things, of course gaps, some problems and mistakes, they can happen, because we are... active combat operations with an enemy that is superior in number, that is superior to us and mobilization resource, and
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technical potential, artillery, the number of artillery shells, etc., that is, this is also a problem, but for two years the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces in general, have actually restrained one of the largest armies in the world, which has a gigantic budget, which is ready... for this war, despite the fact that russia is also a nuclear power, and in fact, and in the conditions of limited supplies of weapons, we see that the countries. europe and the us countries, which have now helped us with weapons, we are very grateful to them for this, because even if we receive outdated samples of weapons, we receive them, and without a doubt without this support, we would not be able to sustain such a number, but we see that at this time, at this particular moment, even the united states of america is not able to produce in a year
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as much large-caliber ammunition as ukraine needs on the battlefield, even just for... . two weeks in two, relatively speaking, they produce 155 calibers in a year, as much as ukraine spends them in two or three weeks. you see, this is a gigantic problem. ot. therefore , we see that there are gaps from the point of view of military planning, training, the readiness of the troops and from nato countries, in particular. they just now began to build up the rapid response grouping of the nato countries' troops in europe and transfer them. military units to the borders with the russian federation, i.e. all of this, by and large, now it is thanks to ukraine that the european union and nato countries received precious time to prepare for a possible hypothetical war, generalize experience, change planning, build up the military-industrial complex and somehow to be
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ready for it, but believe me, i am listening to you, if you simply summarize what you... said, ukraine is doing everything it can and restrains russian aggression, including for europe, and uses there the forces and means it has, which are quite limited, and secondly, what did you say that valery zaluzhnyi in his column outlined a rather realistic view of the situation, then allow the last question, i understand that you are a military man, you can comment on political issues to a limited extent, but if a political decision... volodymyr zelenskyi will be made and he will release zaluzhnyi , like the military before that delivered, your brothers, your colleagues, the people with whom you serve, including you, that i, as a serviceman, have no right to comment on the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, this is his constitutional right, he makes the decision, he has the right to appoint officials and to take them off is
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his competence, in mine, well, while i am in shape, it is not in my competence. such an option as commenting or criticizing the personnel appointments of the supreme commander-in-chief, therefore, with your permission, i will not do it, well, accordingly, if such a decision is adopted, it will be accepted, as i understand it, the army carries out orders to the military, if you understand, we are not civilians at the moment, we carry out the orders given to us by our military command. and currently the armed forces of ukraine, all defense forces, first of all obey the decision of the supreme commander, in accordance with the constitution, therefore we do not have the right to criticize his decision, especially publicly, we have to follow orders. thank you very much, myroslav gai, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and
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volunteer, we discussed valery zaluzhny's column, where he shared his vision of the war, we will discuss... the military component, then we will talk about the political component of this column, volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, is already joining our broadcast, volodymyr, good evening, good evening , i have a short and simple question, and the column is useful from a political point of view, what is it, is it an instruction for his successor, or is it an absolutely obvious and clear signal to the political leadership and, in particular, perhaps to volodymyr zelenskyi, who himself is the head will not go anywhere. that he will not write a statement of his own accord and he demonstrates in this way that he has a clear vision of the war and plans, how do you understand it? well, first of all, i'll just remind everyone, this is not a secret for experts, and as far as i understand, many people have already said this today, the column was written before the event of
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january 29, that is, it has nothing to do with what you said , that this is... an instruction to the successor and the like, yes, yes, he wrote a column, i understand that yes, cnn journalists spoke with him, so he decided to write column, if it's about the political context, then i 'll pay attention to something else, that's what i heard, you all expected from the president not a column on cnn, but a concrete, clear plan of action in the conditions of a shortened military. help from our allies, instead they saw the cnn text, isn't there, aren't there clear actions in this text, no, no, no, here's your previous one. the interlocutor, he clearly said how the military body should work, yes, he should have given the supreme commander, his understanding, i am talking about what i heard, yes,
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that yes, supposedly one of the problems in communication between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, which in particular causes dissatisfaction, sometimes irritation of zelenskyi, is that he does not receive, well , according to sources, clear plans, clear proposals. what to do next, how to improve the situation at the front, instead , the president's office saw a column in the snn, and i assume that this will cause not the best emotions and will not contribute to the improvement of relations between the supreme commander-in-chief and the commander of the armed forces of ukraine. so maybe, maybe, maybe the commander-in-chief before publishing cnn columnist took it to the bank and introduced it? yeah, i, i don't know for sure, but i'm not sure, and that's a problem too. in fact, the story that was with the previous article,
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by the way, what was the event, i will say frankly, my subjective point of view, in terms of content, the column in snn is not an event, there is nothing sensational, nothing groundbreaking about it, here is the article from the economist, it became very popular at that time. a big event, it was, as many wrote at the time, a cold shower from the point of view of assessing the military situation, and there was content, well , let's say this, there was a meaningful view of what how to get out of the trap of positional warfare. now, from the point of view of such a general understanding of the philosophy of the next war, well, yes, an interesting text, although about the fact that drones should be used, that this war is turning into a war of drones. well, for six months , all the military experts have been saying it, and he himself, the self-employed in the previous column for the economist, he seems to have told me about it too, but vladimir
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, what matters is the context, when, when this text appeared, under what circumstances and on what kind of background, that's right, that's what i'm talking about, that i actually attract attention to this column is not its content, in terms of content , i do not see something that will cause a sensation, something that is so breakthrough that will change the course of the war. the main problem now, by the way, in another, it is in washington, it is a lack of resources, again the previous interlocutor said this very well with specific examples, a lack of military resources, this is the main problem now, unfortunately, the answers to this problem in the article of zaluzhnyi , unfortunately, there is no, here is the interest in this article precisely in the context of the events that took place on january 29, and everything that we have been discussing all week, and here... here is the situation, well, let's put it this way, it is not only resonant, it is not defined, and it
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is already and will be a conflict, the article in snn, it is, well, it is difficult to say, well, i do i think that it will not solve this conflict, but maybe add a little to this conflict, we will see what will happen next, but unfortunately the situation is such that the further it goes, the more complicated it is. here we see the relationship between two key figures in the defense system of ukraine. i also want to note here, even if zaluzhnyi wrote this text there to the events of january 29, when, according to a number of media , they had meetings with zelenskyi, so in this column he also addressed, well, he uses such and such theses, he mentions the inability of state institutions to improve the state and the state of the equipment of the defense forces without using unpopular ones. measures, well, it is as if such a stone is being thrown into the garden of either the government, or the office of the president, or the verkhovna rada, what might be the reaction of the bank, and do you think that this is such a stone, well, such
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a stone, as i have already said , in the garden of state institutions, you can comment, of course you have to, yes, that's it, well, it will definitely be perceived negatively, in particular, because tsk is the system of equipping the army, it is the competence of the armed forces of ukraine. not the political leadership, not even the ministry of defense, but you understand that without the existence of a specific legislative framework for government resolutions and so on, the armed forces of ukraine probably cannot do everything, everything is the same, everything is, yes, but the point is that that the legal framework is formal, but it does not work, and everyone understood why, and by the way, just two days ago i was at discussions, well, not a day. yesterday, yesterday there was even a discussion about the new law, the bill is still about mobilization, and the supporters of mobilization criticize this bill,
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because in their opinion the first version... was in principle more or less effective, and now it is the efforts of deputies, in particular from various factions , in particular the opposition ones, are emasculating it, everything that, well , let's put it this way, is a punishment for evading mobilization, is actually removed from this law, and therefore the new draft law, if it is adopted, is another big question, whether it will be accepted, yes, it may not work , what is the main problem, and this concerns... not the political leadership separately or the military leadership separately, unfortunately, this is a matter of state institutions as a whole, and of the armed forces of ukraine in particular, because mobilization failed in the system of tsk, which were part of the armed forces of ukraine, it failed back in 2022, and the problem is precisely that it is necessary to take joint responsibility here, and not pass it on to them. from
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one shoulder to another, both shoulders must work and take responsibility, and in this sense, the fact that there are such measures in this article is also for me, unfortunately, a diagnosis that this article will not contribute to the solution of the problem, but will only intensify this problem, and some are already commenting, that and the fact that this article was published in the west, that this is such an appeal to the western audience to... the western audience in a political context, i am sure that some will perceive it, in our country, as almost the beginning of the presidential election campaign of a hard worker, we like to see the presidential election campaign, elections in any events no, everyone sees exactly the election campaign, that's why the political context, unfortunately, plus there are accusations about
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the defense sector. there are problems there, although in my opinion there have been positive trends in recent months since last year, there are problems, although in my opinion the problems are not in monopolization, well, probably ukraboronprom is meant here, and sometimes in dispersion and inefficient organization, when we have for example, these same drones are produced by 200 manufacturers, in russia, by the way, where the situation is much better with the production of drones, there are much fewer, 10 times less manufacturers, and produce. several times more, therefore the question of effective organization is a question of, well, let's say this, strategic planning, money, money must be found, and so on, that's why i would advise everyone not to clarify relations between themselves , to plan together how we now to fight in the current conditions, in conditions of limited resources and
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, let's say, not very... favorable political conditions in the usa for us, we have to endure this year, unfortunately, now it is not about some formula, a fantastic formula for victory, as wouldn't we all like we need to persevere and learn to fight with limited resources, what is the key question, many of you, you said a lot in theory, how it should be ideal, and how it will be, what scenarios exist now, you said that the appearance of this... cation will not contribute very well to the improvement of relations between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, some, by the way, are even joking, i saw on social networks, comparing their relationship there with a marriage that is bursting at the seams, but is it possible, what do you think, is it possible now everything will be unwound and pretend that no one is there i did not plan any resignation, somehow to fix this process, or after all, it will not be possible without resignation, well, from a purely psychological point of view,
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the only thing that... stops the resignation or dismissal is the understanding in the president's office, the understanding that this will cause various negative political consequences and potential risks, potential problems, this stops it, but i have already written about it and many pessimists, yes, i am a great pessimist and skeptic, i do not see ways. trying on experience, historical experience, the same situations were during wars, as as a rule, when there is tension, problems in the relationship between the political leader, the head of the state or government and the military leader, the military leader is changed, and i myself hoped that they would find a common language, somehow get out of this situation, now i have hope for this very much little, and the issue of dismissal or resignation from...


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