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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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the american media, the american press , american tv channels, how do they cover this topic, oleksia, but again, most of the reports we are talking about, most of these publications are based on conversations with the sources of these publications in ukraine, on a review of opinions, expressed by observers, and it seems that american journalists oleksiy are also waiting for the publication of the decision, whatever it may be , of the ukrainian political leadership, regarding who will be the commander-in-chief. of the armed forces of ukraine, will valery zaluzhnyi stay them, will the ukrainian leadership still go to personnel changes, to personnel decisions in this direction as well? ostap, thank you very much, the voice of america journalist, ostap yarysh, was in direct contact with us. the baltic countries are one of the leaders in aid to ukraine in relation to their gdp. latvia led the so-called coalition of drones and radios. electronic warfare to
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cover ukraine's needs for unmanned and electronic warfare and technologies that will protect critical infrastructure. latvian delegation, together with the delegations of two other baltic countries, arrived in washington to persuade the american congress to approve funding for ukraine. ekomgalnadze spoke with the speaker of the latvian diet during this visit. russia is compared to a cancer patient, but we are sure that russia... the russian federation is spreading all over the world, russian citizens live everywhere and spread chaos, they are trying to attack democracies. if we want to achieve peace, we need to do everything possible, and even more, we need to support ukraine and especially provide military support. we must understand that every day as long as we delay making important decisions, people die on the battlefield. ukraine is fighting for us to have a peaceful life, for our children... to go to
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school and learn there, for us to go to work and do our own business. ukrainians pay a very high price for us to have these opportunities. and that's why i want to emphasize that the war for ukraine is a struggle for peace in the whole world. if we don't stop russia, it will continue to do these things again and again again, and not only in the baltic states, but also elsewhere. if we are attacked, if we have to face aggression, we can count on the help of our people. nato allies, but at the same time we should not just sit, but do our homework. we have created new defense strategies, and we are also doing a lot to improve our own security. we sincerely hope that soon sweden will also join nato, and we hope that ukraine will also be able to become a member of the alliance in the future. the un international court of justice opened the way for further proceedings in a ukrainian lawsuit alleging that russia manipulated fakes. of genocide in donetsk and
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luhansk regions, and that moscow used those claims to justify a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine in february 2022. the court announced the decision on february 2, 2014, in which it rejected the main objections of russia, which called the ukrainian lawsuit groundless and proved that the international court of the un does not have the authority to consider it. us president joe biden pays tribute to three american soldiers, who died as a result of a drone strike at night on the base. states in the northeast of jordan, near the syrian border. together with first lady joe biden, he met with the families of the victims at dover air force base. the day before, the head of the pentagon promised to bring those responsible for the attack on the us base to justice. joe biden also stated that the us would respond to this attack. the united states blames the deaths of three american servicemen this week on iran's support for armed groups. meanwhile, the us imposed sanctions against three companies from... with the help of iran in the
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drone program, including in the production of shaheeds, with which the russian army fires at ukraine. new sanctions announcements by the us treasury department have been made against companies from iran and hong kong for attempting to make purchases for companies already under us sanctions. during the last 10 years of the war, russia could steal up to half from ukraine. mykola koleba is the founder of the charity center let's save ukraine. in an interview with voice of america , coleba told how his organization succeeds to return abducted children from russia, and also shared stories from the children themselves about their deportation. details in the interview of iryna matviychuk. according to official data , there are currently about 20,000 ukrainian children in russia. do you have... any idea how many
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there really are, and are they only in russia? the number of almost 20 thousand deported children is, in my opinion, a very symbolic number. and it is true only in relation to children identified by ukraine, but ukraine does not know today, at least in 10 years, since since 2014 i have been the president's commissioner for children, and i have monitored the situation with children in donbass, crimea, i can tell you, for sure, that there are more than a million ukrainian children. and maybe 1.5 million, this still needs to be clarified, because we do not have reliable information, but the fact that up to 1.5 million ukrainian children in 10 years ended up under the power of the russians and those children who were deported by
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their families holes, without families, this is still deportation, these are all children who are hostages of russia, living in the occupied territories and in russia, who brainwashed every day. many of whom have already received russian citizenship, because you cannot live in russia or in the occupied territories without russian citizenship without russian passports, because the russians have done everything to make it impossible for people to live in these territories without receiving russian passports, in general all children are subjected to indoctrination or russification, and this is all genocide. ukrainian children. your organization has now come to the united states. tell us about this visit, which is the main one purpose, who did you bring, who are you meeting? our message here in america is to prove to americans that they are making these children enemies
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to the whole civilized world. including the americans. it's like in soviet times, when i studied in soviet times, who was the main enemy? america, too. right now is happening in russian schools and in the occupied territories, from them they are forming from america, this is the image of the enemy, and they are preparing children, through various military groups, to prepare for war with america, this is what the americans should realize, together with us there are five children who were deported and returned, we, as we see that ukraine, it is disappearing from the focus of america... americans, we want to renew the understanding of americans, how devastating this war is in relation to ukraine, to ukrainian children, and today our message is that that this war is not a question of territory
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or ukrainian nationality, this war is a test for america, whether america is ready to intervene today... for defenseless children who suffer because they are killed, raped, kidnapped, and they are deprived of elementary rights , and this is a test for america, are you ready america is ready to protect these children, and i would like to talk about it on this plane, because do we need guns, yes, do we need help, yes, but ... for what, this help is to protect defenseless children who either they will survive today and become strong and develop democracy in ukraine, or they will be captured by russia, wash the cities and use them as a weapon against america, that is what is weighing on
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the scales today, and what the americans will choose today is a test for the americans, the return of children from russia to ukraine, how is it in general... is happening, they are not subject to exchange, and who is doing this, how can you pressure russia so that it does not return the children. i can only talk about savewain now as the biggest child rescue network, we have created a certain system, returns, and i can't say much about how we manage to return because it is very confidential. well, do you cooperate with volunteers, with the russians themselves, with other countries? let me tell you this, we do not work with... the official authorities of russia, and we are trying to find in russia on the occupied territories of all who can help, the first is to find information about the child, the second is to help in its return. everything else is a matter of technique, how we do it, but
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today, despite those obstacles, we manage to return children to ukraine, and we are already creating opportunities for these children in ukraine, because... there are many children with washed bags, who even tell us that we did not know that ukraine existed, we were told that ukraine no longer exists, many children who were intimidated. by the russians that the nazis will kill them in ukraine. these are all russian narratives, yes, intimidation children, this is violence, nothing more than violence, but there are other cases when for even a small ukrainian flag, or even for yellow and blue socks, a child can be taken somewhere in a detention center for several days, the child can not be fed, especially this was in the camps, and you know, this war will not end. until, until we return all ukrainian children. the full version of this
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interview with koleb, you can watch on youtube of holosameriki in ukrainian or read it on our website mobilize support for ukraine as much as possible the time when the fate of aid to ukraine is decided in the congress. this was the goal set by the organizers of the ukrainian prayer breakfast in washington. dozens of american politicians and religious figures called to pray and act in support of ukraine. representatives of evangelical communities played a key role among them. natalka churikova and vyacheslav filyushkin, who attended this event, found out why they. there is not only a brutal war going on in ukraine. russia persecutes saints for americans, freedom of religion. she destroys ukrainian churches, persecutes believers, priests and especially protestant pastors. such a message to the american audience was prepared by the organizers of the ukrainian
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prayer breakfast and guests from ukraine. representatives of ukraine, ombudsman lubinets, head of the state service for religious affairs yelensky spoke at the global religious forum, which preceded our molotov breakfast, about the atrocities committed by the russians in the occupied territories. it was the most important thing for us. wanted to learn more about it and support more ukraine. shocking figures were heard at the forum. over 630 ukrainian churches were destroyed during the large-scale aggression. dozens of ukrainian clerics of various denominations were arrested, deported, kidnapped, and killed. here i mentioned the names of maksym kozachyna and rostislav dudarenko, who were killed. clothed in priestly garb in march 2022, these persecutions can
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only be stopped by the liberation of ukrainian lands, but messages about the targeted nature of these persecutions are not reaching many americans. many believers in america, and i talk to them every day in my church, when i ask them if you know about the atrocities that are happening to the ukrainian... women, men and children, they really don't know. so we at the freedom of ukraine project have created a website called: russia persecutes christians, where we report on these crimes. i want to tell the ukrainians that we support you, we are praying for you, and we will do everything in our power to convince members of congress and other christians that we have win this war the former pastor and... congressman says that he is close to the values ​​that ukrainians are fighting for. ukraine is
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a christian country that respects traditional family values, so it is not surprising that russia wants to destroy them, and we must not allow that, i am here to show visible support and to hear from ukrainians and help convince my fellow legislators to help to ukraine for its own sake and for the sake of the whole world. the most that americans can do to preserve freedom of religion in ukraine and preserve life of the ukrainian faithful is to help ukraine on the battlefield, say the ukrainian participants of the prayer breakfast, and this is the message they are trying to convey in word, prayer, and song. this love for ukraine is very important now. we will win, but it will be much faster with american help, ask
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the americans to give us help, so that they don't get tired of helping, because ukraine needs this help very much. natalka churyukova, vyacheslav filyushkin, voice of america. during ukrainians this week in washington , a photo exhibition about russian humiliation was presented shelling of the church of ukraine. hanna tverdohlip and vyacheslav filyushkin visited this exhibition. to people who it is still believed that russia seeks to protect traditional values ​​and spirituality, it is worth viewing the photo exhibition of the churches of ukraine targeted by russian shelling. this was discussed at the opening of the exhibition in washington during the ukrainian week. russia destroyed more than 500 churches, monasteries, mosques, synagogues and other sacred buildings in ukraine, and killed dozens of clergymen. almost all
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denominations were affected, but it was the ones that got the most orthodox churches of the moscow patriarchate. most of the churches that have been destroyed are temples. these are uoc churches, so-called friendly churches for them, and they are destroyed, they were not deterred by the fact that people were there, well, they did not want to quarrel with them. why are they at war with the churches? because people in the church very clearly understand where is good and where is evil, that's why all true believers immediately condemned the aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. instead, none of the 300 bishops of the moscow patriarchate of russia. did not speak out against the war, when the churches, including their jurisdiction, are being destroyed, emphasized during the opening of the vladyka exhibition borys gudziak. he also added that russia has encroached on the sacred. the church is a place where families, people, communities experience the most touching, most heartfelt, most intimate moments. baptisms, funerals
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, weddings, some holidays, prayers for... what hurts, what we need, the destruction of those churches shows how cynical, how careless, how diabolical this invasion, this war, this aggression against ukraine is. blessed, unfortunately, by the moscow patriarch, kirill, blessed by the whole the church russian propaganda still actively convinces that the government. russia protects spiritual values, but with its actions it proved the opposite a long time ago, states the representative of the ukrainian government, viktor yelenskyi. in fact, russia does not put human life at risk, russia is the world champion in abortion, russia is the world champion in alcoholism, in drunken suicides,
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in criminal offenses per 100,000 population, in the number of... list of countries world according to the index of charity, that is, people do not donate. viktor yelensky also voiced the reason why, in his opinion, russians destroy churches, kill priests, bomb jewish cemeteries and muslim mosques. they stop at nothing, because freedom in general and religious freedom is their main enemy. in washington to visitors of the exhibition. tell about the impressive realities of the russian war, when rockets flying at churches, including those of the moscow patriarchate, are pre-consecrated by the priests of moscow themselves. russian churchmen consecrate russian weapons that are going to ukraine, missiles, that fly into peaceful ukrainian cities, tanks that drive through our territories,
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there were many examples when russian priests, of the russian church in ukraine... refused to sing the praises of ukrainian heroes who died in the war, defending their homeland, so this exhibition is clearly for us today reminds of the crimes of russian aggression, which has the full support of its russian church, and in fact i want to say that there is nothing holy there... at all. to collect photos of wounded churches for such exhibitions, each of them was visited by a group of museum workers as part of the initiative to preserve ukrainian religious and cultural heritage. diplomats and clerics talk about why it is so important to show this footage to americans and what impact this exhibition can have in the us. for us ukrainian diplomats , such a visualization is extremely important here in the united states, in
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washington, on capital hill, because it is possible to sound. numbers constantly, talk about the number of people killed, but it is enough to see it once to understand what actually brings to the ukrainian land , the russian so-called peace, it is very easy for people outside ukraine who hear about 10 years of war, 2 years about a full-scale invasion, about this destruction, about daily rockets, to put it in the library of abstraction, well there is a big war, it changed the price of our oil, influenced diplomacy, global politics, there is something so big, and when we... see that the house of god, concrete, beautiful, historical, where maybe i got married, or someone was baptized ,
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is so disfigured, we begin to understand the depth of this disaster, this cunning, and now in washington, when the decision to support ukraine is made in this very city. economic, humanitarian support and in terms of defense support, it is very important that this exhibition takes place here. hanna tverdohlip, vyacheslav filyushkin, oleksii osyka, voice of america. download the voice of america mobile application. addition. allows you to automatically bypass blocking thanks to the built-in vpn service, read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as
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listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice service america. this is where we will say goodbye, also watch our daily briefings at 18 on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for staying with us, subscribe to voice of america in ukraine, youtube voice of america in ukraine and read our website voice of good night and good morning, see you soon!
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savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time , we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company beloved presenters, thank you very much elinia chechen. for information about the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on predeshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. an unusual look. on the news good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at
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events. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi. and invited experts soberly assess the events and analyze them them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the week with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. deferred resignation of the employee. the general criticizes the system of weapons production in ukraine, the causes and consequences, and the replacement of the head of the armed forces. demilitarization of russia. while putin dreams of a buffer zone along the border, the armed forces are successfully clearing ukrainian lands and waters of the enemy. unwavering support.
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the us senate will try to unblock military aid to ukraine after the eu allocated 50 billion euros to support the economy. about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with our guests, they are people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalyvaichenko, doctor of political sciences maksym rozumny, and director of the center for military and legal studies oleksandr musienko. in the second part of our program. which will start in an hour, we will have a journalism club, bohdan butkevich, oleksiy mustafin and tetyana vysutska will be in our ether however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how fighters of the 10th separate mechanized brigade dismantled another russian tank for spare parts near avdiivka with the help of a mavic drone. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our youtube page and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about whether
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ukraine has problems with... freedom of speech, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, but what if you have your opinion, in addition to the answer, yes, no, write them under this comment, and those who are currently watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest valentyn nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. mr. valentine, i congratulate you, thank you for being here today with us. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentine, let's start with the delayed resignation of the employee, because this is how cnn presents the situation around the main one.


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