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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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took place by analogy with the previous format of support, the first two tranches, we need a larger amount, 18 billion euros per year, then the stability of the state will be greater, the teams of ukraine and the european union will work out this issue. tatyana, you watched the european union summit and how it all happened, you already mentioned orban, who has enough, well, so ambiguous attitude towards ukraine and comments on what is happening in ukraine, do they understand in europe that this money is for ukraine are absolutely necessary, since there were discussions, and it is clear that hungary also said something there against and slovakia, then actually everything was decided in favor of ukraine and quite quickly, which affected it absolutely.
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it is true that in europe, the leaders of the european states understand that this aid is vital for ukraine, especially given that the united states of america has not yet agreed on allocating any aid to ukraine for 2024, and just yesterday the president of the european commission, charles michel, and the president of the european council, of course charles michel, and the president of the european commission, ursula fondeen, talked about what... what yesterday's decision of the european council is also a signal for the united states of america to finally do something, to finally come to an agreement among themselves and also provide support to ukraine, because the victory of ukraine, the survival of ukraine is a vital issue for the european union as well, because they all perfectly understand, especially the baltic states and poland, that if ukraine, god forbid, does not win, but loses, then they will become the kremlin's next victims. and it
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is not for nothing that nato is currently conducting the largest military exercises since ancient times the end of the cold war. they also want to send a signal to russia that they are ready, they are not afraid, they are preparing for a possible attack, but of course the fact that money was allocated to ukraine yesterday is very important, it is important for ukraine, it is important for europe, it is important for the whole world, and even the fact that orbán agreed... uh, his reasoning is interesting for the domestic consumer, he gave an interview to hungarian radio today and said, as they say: i managed to prevent hungarian money from going to ukraine, and it's a little funny looks because hungary has always been a recipient state from the european budget, that is, it always gives much more to the european budget than it receives, but nevertheless orbán agreed, and that's all very well. the next
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round. these are now negotiations with the european parliament, and at the end of this month there will be a vote by which the european parliament must finally approve the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine. of the european union, that is, we are standing on the threshold of very important decisions by european countries, and it is very important for us to see whether europe actually accepts us into its family or not. oleksiy , these are the internal issues that you and i talked about, and the history of the civil and military leadership of ukraine, and problems with freedom of speech, how much internal politics and the internal situation will affect...
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the attitude towards us from the european union, or all these questions will be re -articulated, or ee these to these questions more they will be treated harshly already after our victory, when ukraine will not be in a state of war, forgive me for the taftology of the state, already in the post-victory period. well, look, if we talk about the beginning of the negotiation. about joining the european union, the question here is not, we are, we are in the european union, ukraine is accepted in the state in which it should be in order to be a member of the european union. and this situation with orban emphasizes once again that the european union's demands on ukraine are not taken from the ceiling. as tusk said, there is no tue in europe now. i am tired of ukraine
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from orban, but the behavior inside the country is stressful precisely because they do not want another orban in their ranks. because while the country is negotiating its accession, it is possible to treat it more meticulously, make demands and so on. when it enters the european union, it is transformed, if it is not reformed and is not brought to the state of a truly democratic country, then a headache begins, as in an organ. therefore , of course, the victory of ukraine is important for the european union, but only if it is in the context of the accession. this process will not be quick either, all the same, the requirement that ukraine be a democratic country in which it observes all the rules of its countries of stable democracy, in particular in the matter of political leadership and in the matter of compliance with the constitution, including
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elections and in the matter of freedom of speech, is very important and, let's say, calculated , that it will be automatically credited to us, it's just... let's put it this way, it's too risky, so, actually, as in the situation from the story with the resignation of the veteran, we take it in quotes for the time being, and in the story with pressure on the press, in both cases the stack is triggered , in the first case, nuland comes to tell, i was reminded of it actually, in a slightly different situation, when you remember , johnson came when he came... when some conversations started there about painful compromises with russia, so now he comes, also a meeting ambassadors with representatives of the media, i guess in principle what they were talking about, and
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actually it is not a big secret, what the ukrainian media always talk about with western diplomats, it says that ukraine... needs to win, but it is important to win as in a democratic country in which freedom of speech is observed, but in fact, this is a gesture, first of all, it is not important, it is not so important what it is about, it was discussed at these hearings, it is important to record that the diplomats of the great sinka are on the side of freedom of speech, on the side of the media, and in fact, even the selection of those of people who were invited to this conversation shows that the media itself is on the side of our allies. if we want to maintain normal allied relations with the countries of the west, the collective west, the russians sometimes say, then we must stop trying to lead them by the nose, we must
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to comply with the obligations that we ourselves , we, i mean ukraine, thank you, thank you oleksiy, tatiana, are these the signals sent by the ambassadors of the big seven... are they being read by the ukrainian authorities, are they understood by zelenskyi and his team , that, in principle , it is necessary to communicate with journalists, that it is not necessary to arrange surveillance, to throw in some dubious information about journalists, is this clear to the current ukrainian authorities? i want to note that the requirement to have s... zmi, this freedom of the media is one of the requirements for provision, and one of the conditions for provision 50 billion euros to ukraine, because 50 billion euros are given to ukraine for a reason, in exchange for reforms, and there is a mention of the freedom of the zmi in the document even adopted yesterday in
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the european council, but i want to add that still now, as of now in this regard, the ukrainian authorities are helped in quotes by the war, because if it were not for the war, they would have talked to the banks in completely different words and with a different rhetoric, but since the war is going on now, many things that the ukrainian authorities are doing in including the repression, unfortunately, of journalists, their eyes are closed, and how yesterday, one of the european officials said that at the beginning of the implementation of the reform plan of ukraine, which will be adopted after that, how to decide to give ukraine 50 billion euros, then at the beginning. the demands will be weaker, but the demands will be stronger and stronger every month, that is, for now we still have such carte blanche, because there is a war, because they turn a blind eye, but the more time goes on, the more claims to power from the west will be , including in the sphere of freedom of speech.
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thank you tatyana, it was tatyana vysutska, ours correspondent in european structures, oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, tv producer and bohdan butkevich were our guests today, i thank everyone for participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you whether there are problems in ukraine with freedom of speech, now let's look at the results of the survey, 78% of those who watched us on tv said that there are problems with freedom of speech. 12% believe that there are no such problems. on youtube, the proportions are about the same, 85% of people believe that there are problems with freedom words in ukraine, no 15%. friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video to help it trend on youtube. we will be grateful to you for this. it was the verdict program , it was hosted by serhii rudenko, i wish you all good health, a good weekend, take care of yourself and
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your loved ones, goodbye, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear viewers , my name is vasyl zama, this is a great atar on the espresso tv channel, i am a colleague with you today for the next hour with... 48 minutes, today will be the military results of the week with serhii zgurets, we will talk in more detail about the situation in avdiivka, about the downing, about the impressions of russian planes and the cruiser and cutter ivanovets, which joined the submarine fleet of the russian federation led by the cruiser moskva. a lot of important information, and of course, with our guests , we will burn the situation in the regions, today the enemy struck a powerful aerial bomb attack on the center of kherson where... later the reports will be included, well, and now yes, well, and today
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was also planned, obviously it was supposed to start the supreme commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, we understand that a number of questions may be considered at it, so we will also wait for the results of the meeting of the stake, whether important, sensitive military-political issues will be raised there, or whether there will be discussions of strategic issues, which then will be reported again either by the head of state or... by his press service, we will wait for this, we will wait for this information, well, let's collect funds for the armed forces of ukraine, we are doing it and we will continue to do it with your huge help the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are calling to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st brigade. they perform tasks in the orihiv direction. this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need equipment for the successful performance of combat missions, we plan to purchase radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars , rangefinders, scopes, detectors,
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drone detection and many other equally important things at the front. every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you , we have already closed more than one collection, including this one once again we ask you to support our military. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help. glory to ukraine, glory. well, we include in the conversation oleksandr vilkul, the chairman of the defense council of the city of kryvyi rih. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. yes, good evening. glad to see and hear. i will ask about the security situation as of the evening of this day, how the day generally passed in kryvyi rih. well, then i have a few more questions for you. please. we had quite a powerful one tonight drone attack on cities. three martyrs were shot down, but there were several hits. object of energy infrastructure, somewhere around three o'clock in the morning, more than 100,000 subscribers were cut off
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, i can say that there gradually, but by noon all subscribers were already connected, well, because the destruction is great, there are problems there, five educational institutions, several dozen apartment buildings were also damaged. the headquarters has been closed, people have been given all the necessary help, teams are also working, this is an osb film to close immediately, there are blocks, er, also people are given financial assistance in order to put in windows, well, we have worked out this issue, it is not the first, not the second, not the third time, after all, we have only 55 km to the combat line, there were also large boiler shutdowns, also... pumping stations, like hospitals, switched to generators and boiler houses, well, now we are finishing
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the liquidation of the consequences, i can say that 113 miners from this problem were blocked, in the mines, a powerful rescue operation was carried out, without losses, all miners around 10 in the morning they were taken out of the mines, ugh, that's why we have such a hard day today, i can say for ours. the city, well, i understand that the miners are in good condition, well, in conditionally good condition, or in normal condition, was there a need to go to the doctors, was there hospitalization or emergency care. help, the rescue operation took 5 hours, that's why there was air, and there was food, doctors were not needed, huh, i'm just interested in your opinion on this matter, we understand that the enemy is hitting all populated areas, trying, what are not far from the line front, he has his own goal there, strikes at a crooked corner, your reasoning why the enemy
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continues to attack, well, he is also trying to hit energy facilities somewhere in ukraine. infrastructure, but the enemy quite often tries to strike at a crooked corner, this is due only to the fact that it is close to the front, is there any target, please, well, the last, last week, two powerful strikes on the energy infrastructure, the truth is that they strike constantly, well, the first is definitely the proximity to the lbz, but it’s one thing to fly 55 km with shock missiles, yes, and another thing to fly 100 km in tppo will be more involved and... well, we do not forget that kryvyi rih is the largest industrial city of ukraine, as it was and remains, kryvyi rih is more than 10% of ukraine's gdp, so there are many, i consider the levers of this problems well, yes, kryvyi rih has its own peculiarity, it is quite a sprawling city, the longest city in ukraine, of course, and it has its own nuances, but you are talking about an industrial city,
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how efficiently can the city work now? forming or budget-generating enterprise in the city, because it is important now to have money and generally for the needs recorded in the budget, and for those current problems that you mentioned, such as the repair of buildings, so that i apologize, but i do not hear you, once again i will say how effectively the budget-creators work today in such situations company, because we understand that money in the budget is needed both for the written budget articles and for the current problems that you mentioned, such as repairs and overcoming. consequences of the attack, glass the windows, help people, please, but disappeared, disappeared, mr. oleksandr, well, we’ll see now, if, of course, we understand that maybe the conditions in kryvyi rih are not ideal now in order to get in touch, maybe the internet has disappeared somewhere, but, but the key points, we will certainly not distract oleksandr vilkul then, let me remind you, it was oleksandr vilkul
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, head of the defense council of the city of kryvyi rih, at night the enemy struck drones with mines on... kryvyi rih in the kryvyi rih district, and there were many power outages in settlements, not settlements, but houses in kryvyi rih, educational institutions were also damaged, windows was beating, other problems arose, luckily we managed to get 113 miners who had to stay in the mine due to lack of flow, everything is fine with them, but of course we see that the enemy continues to hit all those cities that are not far from... front line, is he looking for the armed forces of ukraine there, is he looking for some warehouses, is he just causing damage and trying to destabilize situations, cut off electricity in cities, cause other trouble, well , plus there are also problems with water, we perfectly understand that yes or no otherwise associated with kakhovsky telestation, and also today, the enemy struck a powerful attack on the city of kherson, with an aerial bomb, oksana pogumiy, with
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us is a deputy of the kherson city council, mrs. oksano, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. glad to see and hear, well, i will actually ask about this last attack of the enemy on kherson, what flew there and the consequences of this attack? the official version of the kab, unofficial versions differ, my husband was just working near the shore and said that some rocket flew by, well, i don’t know, they will collect the debris and then we will know exactly what it is, but it was a very powerful disruption, because we have... somewhere our office, where we work, volunteer is located somewhere, well, from half a kilometer, probably not less than the place of the explosion, and we even jumped there, and i can’t even imagine that there were people nearby who worked, they destroyed part of the old city, there is this building that they are showing, it is not ancient,
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but nearby we have buildings that are old, old kherson, and they... unfortunately, too damaged, and the worst thing about it is that you can see for yourself from the photos that people there are unlikely to be able now to live, and god forbid that no one remains under the rubble, two wounded, an elderly woman, 73 years old and a 17-year-old boy, but i don’t know what injuries there, but i just don’t know yet, that is, rescue work, rescue work continues, but how was the night in general? in kherson and in the kherson region, i know that french president emmanuel macron expressed his condolences, well , in general, extremely, to the dead victims of enemy attacks, but also to the two french ones. volunteers who were killed yesterday by the enemy in beryslav oblast, i'm just reminding them yesterday's story, and today's night, well, before this explosion in the day, how did the night pass, well, the night
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is more or less calm, today we pretended with light and it's already pleasing, not like yesterday, but a very strong suburb of kherson, last night was, they say, very scary, they say that for the first time in the entire war we were sitting in basements, so... well, it depends on the regional city, we are shelled every day and very densely, well , please tell me, here are these shellings, besides , that this usually keeps people in tension, it does not make it normal, more or less normal live, how can you live normally in times of war, but somewhere you manage to live better, somewhere the situation is much more difficult, well, let's say, like in kherson , somewhere in avdiivka, conditions are even more difficult, but doesn't this constant shelling of the city prevent the delivery of products there some... pharmaceutical products, well , that is, are the most necessary things accessible to people, are there any possible problems with this, interruptions, somewhere
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someone did not arrive, did not deliver, well, because it is immediately felt, i understand, well, we already understand, that kherson is a small city, and you can immediately feel it, where there is something missing, the only thing we lack is construction materials, but it is not because they cannot be brought to us, it is just that there are very few people left. compared to what was before the invasion, and now they buy few of them, because there is no point in making repairs now , you know, building something, now they only sew windows, osb plates and film, that's it, but there is food, there are medicines, well in principle , we live, despite the fact that we are under fire, i cannot complain that we lack something here, even in silpo there is red caviar. well, yesterday , i will remind you of this information again, french citizens were killed yesterday as a result of an enemy attack in the boryslav district, volunteers are coming, for which we thank them very much, of course,
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it is very bitter that they were killed by the enemy, honor and eternal memory , but it is important that foreign volunteers are coming, maybe you have information with what mission, what kind of help, whether they are volunteers from some international organizations, what they help with, what is their main mission, i understand that they are all different, but that's what in general. .. understand, i can say in general, i do not personally know about those frenchmen who died, unfortunately, but they come to negotiate, i know this first hand, because a mixture of the public fund and the turks also came to us yesterday, they are negotiating to drill wells, i.e. draw conclusions from the flooding of the explosion of the kokhovskaya gs, in our country, why all the villages along the coast, because the water is a little further from the wells. unfortunately, in some villages, drinking water, that is, water from wells, cannot even be drunk, that is, they agree to dig wells, to build sewage treatment plants, they agree
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about trying to rebuild something in the agrarian sector, and people are taken out, persuaded, at least in the berislavsky district, this is one hundred percent, because there are people in beryslav itself in general. they practically do not leave the basements, so they go there in order to persuade people to leave somewhere else, unfortunately, there are still such people who find it difficult, but i know for sure that literally yesterday we have a council of volunteers, you asked, where you could take the family, the son is 60, the mother is 80, but they have a lot of dogs and cats, and they are without they do not want to go anywhere, but such problems are encountered with them, in general, foreign volunteers, bakeries, by the way, also offer, want to make mobile, or some are stationary, some are mobile,
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that is, they want us to improve the humanitarian situation, because in fact, bread is never baked in our city, well, there are some volunteer bakeries that do it, and yes , they bring bread from mykolaiv from odesa, so they study what is needed and help people . i don't know if you manage to get around the whole of kherson, hardly for work, or well, anyway, to understand approximately how many percent, it is not that kherson is destroyed, destroyed there, so that we understand there, but there is some part of the city that, well, was almost not damaged, and yes, so it is the unaffected areas are shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, so that we can understand approximately in which sector today people can still say that we still have everything intact here, or is there no such thing as such that everything is intact in kherson anymore? well, why are there districts in which let's just not call districts then, because what i say this for myself more so that the enemy does not
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think that yes, that means we will all go there. please no, uh, still, uh, and i really hope that i really hope that it will be, after all, they mostly go to the same place, closer to the shore, there, of course, there is more and more destruction, in other places, eh, if it is destruction, then it is from the blast wave, then there may not be windows somewhere, although even yesterday i was walking in the center and even wondered... that there is a house on that street, too, it often flies by, that there are even houses where the windows are intact and not covered with plates, well, the areas that suffer most of all are those that are very close to the coast, to the coast, but if it were to be destroyed, well, i would - let's put it this way, even i probably can't assess it that way, because i live here, and those who came last week and haven't been to the city of kherson for a long time, the locals
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, told me, oh, i... i thought it was much scarier here, so it's still not so scary actually, i i hope that after all, the most difficult thing to live in is the situation when you understand that until you drive out the enemy, he will to do this again and again, well, you have to be patient , of course, we believe in the armed forces of ukraine, which will have all the necessary means to drive the enemy so far that he does not shoot as far as kherson. oksana pokhomiy , a member of the kherson city council, was in touch with us, we thank her very much, i would like to remind you that today the enemy struck, well, from ms. oksana's words, it is not clear what was written in kherson about a guided aerial bomb, which is often used by the enemy, it is also quite powerful, i think we are talking about semitones, somewhere, if i am not mistaken, again explosives, well at least the explosion of this bomb can be felt at a fairly long distance, this is from the fact that i asked people how they felt this gunshot, then it is quite a serious thing, but the husband of ms. oksana said that i saw
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the rockets fly by and it was enough. also damaged a five-story soviet building and also the historical buildings of kherson, kherson, well , obviously, it is possible there from the 19th, maybe also from the 18th century, unfortunately, it was so huge, the impact and explosion were huge, viktor boberenko, a political scientist with us we are also connected we will discuss such internal political points, mr. victor, i congratulate you, good health to you, but let's start with the security and humanitarian issues. in sumy oblast, and maybe you will tell more about, well, let's go ahead, the humanitarian security situation in sumy oblast, please, and what about sumy oblast, sumy oblast is being shelled, as usual, 18 communities from the 51st are being shelled, these are the ones we have in 20 - the ten-kilometer zone where arta is flying, mines are being fired at, their dergshkis are entering, literally this week, on monday, it seems that they entered and killed. well
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a brother and sister, they were driving in a five-kilometer zone from the villages, from the village, and the drg ran by somewhere and they were simply killed one by one, but before that somehow it happened that the foresters were shot, well, somewhere, somewhere, they are trying to get them out of the of the seven-kilometer zone there , from the five-kilometer zone there are residents from the villages, well, it is different in some communities and... in some they don't want to, international structures are working there, but today they are bringing them in, well, i don't know, maybe it's already too late there, but the international organization of migration brings its firewood, these are again front-line communities, here there are how many cubes, five at a time, seem to be in the yards, where there are no villages , there are not gasified ones, there are few of them, but there are, well, somewhere in
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this... plan they are working, well, we have received a subvention of 2 billion for if it is for restoration, for reconstruction, yes there, well, now we will follow it there, those objects, for which objects, well, they gave 29, it seems of these objects, where did they give for restoration, how were the funds spent, and whether a lot there, let's say ineffectively used? there, well, roughly speaking , there is like a kakoetka somewhere like that, that is, well, we do not consider the authorities to be real gentlemen and that's why we'll check, they show you where the broken windows are, for example, the roof has worn out, well, something like that , well, thank you for the detailed information on sumy oblast
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, of course, these drg, well, as far as i know... at least in the military.


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